I am so regretful to have joined MAHSA under the mentor ship of Dr Joanne. I'd like to keep myself as anonymous but do note that I'm a self paying student in MAHSA. Dr Joanne is indeed a very talented person in the field of aesthetic dentistry but I myself personally have encountered her being rude to me and my colleagues. She's not at all approachable and demeans all of us in front of undergraduate students. It's very embarrassing for her to ask us to present cases in front
Of undergraduate students and asking questions not even considering that we need to be respected as doctors. We could just voice this out directly to
Her but we're afraid that we would be penalised for doing so and it would reflect in our marks.
I have gone on with this journey as a masters student in MOFSC and continued seeing her as the current coordinator of the MOFSC programme which I feel would be torturous to my juniors and she's the head of IRD. I have lost complete interest for this subject due
To dr Joanne and her arrogance which is as high as her height. Please remove her as the programme coordinator and reinstate the previous programme coordinator as he is more approachable and motivating. MAHSA has to review their lecturers before hiring them and to get a feedback of their staffs from
Students before hiring them for peanuts. Well of course that's what is left with the saying, give peanuts, hire monkeys.
A frustrated Dentist in MAHSA