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Monsanto Company Complaints 4

10:51 am EDT

Monsanto Company pesticides in the food chain cause cancer

Guess you guys know why you are all getting cancer where as years ago it was less evident ! The Lawsuit that has just been won is causing a panic in the uk and no doubt everywhere else. Shop chains are reviewing their products(yeah in case they get sued too) . We all knew about Monsanto and others like them years ago, but now we are on the verge of a major outbreak of truth and corporate/business lies will be shot to [censored]. You want to know what is making you ill, causing cancer etc etc...its all in and on the food you eat every day...PESTICIDES ! and profit mad companies dont give a monkeys cos they all think the by the time the public find out what we have been doing, they will all be dead anyway. These are the so called customer friendly big food chains who ply you will kindness and concern whilst secretly reaching into your pockets with their mechanical hand for your money whilst killing you will their products !

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9:54 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Monsanto Company why are you selling it?

What is Roundup?
Roundup has been aggressively marketed to homeowners, gardeners, landscapers and farmers since its unfortunate invention in 1976. It is a highly toxic herbicide, detrimental to the environment, plant life, animal life and the human species. Non-Monsanto-conducted studies have shown us that Roundup causes the following serious harms:
Liver damage
50% increase of miscarriage in pregnant women exposed to Roundup
90% decrease in production of the male sexual hormones in men exposed to Roundup
Poisoning of our vital groundwater
70% decrease in amphibian biodiversity and 90% decrease in the numbers of tadpoles
If survival of our species is important to us, we need to take it very seriously that exposure to Roundup drastically destroys male hormone production at the same time as causing miscarriages in women. This assault on the human reproductive system is clearly a deadly combination in terms of our ability to regenerate the human species. The man at the local nursery may eagerly be recommending Roundup to you as the answer to the dandelions in your lawn, but is it worth it if the young couple next door to you discovers they cannot conceive or bare children because of your need for a weed-free yard? Certainly not.
Global warming and fungus are currently decimating our planet’s frog population. By pouring Roundup into the groundwater which then forms the pond and stream environments that are the homes of amphibians, we are literally dooming frogs and toads to extinction. The conclusive studies that have been conducted regarding Roundup’s lethal effect on frogs have been public knowledge for some years now, but the world power of Monsanto and the lack of concern of the American government are keeping it on the shelves. Roundup has been banned by the Danish government because of its documented harms to the environment, animals and humans.
Roundup effects everyone and everything that comes into contact with it, from bugs, to songbirds, to your children. Monsanto’s marketing efforts mean that one of your neighbors, someone next door, down the street, downtown, is likely spraying Roundup while you read this. This year, you and your children and pets will walk through Roundup-infected areas at school, the store, outside the mall, on public trails. New mothers will be pushing baby strollers through the invisible poison. The elderly and auto-immune deficient citizens will walk through Round-up while they are attempting to get exercise and fresh air. Roundup is the #1 cause of annual pesticide/herbicide-induced illnesses and injuries, according to the California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Programme. It needs to be pulled from shelves, out of our homes, out of our environment.
A Roundup-free World
In the 1940’s Monsanto began marketing their infamous product, DDT, to the world. Marketed as a wonder cure for all manners of things, and of course, perfectly safe, it was soon being sprayed on crops and humans all over the globe. It became the world’s most commonly applied chemical, as Roundup is today. Monsanto, typically, attempted to deny all reports of this deadly chemical
causing toxic residue buildup in the fatty tissues and milk of human beings, and damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. They attempted to deny that DDT caused a songbird holocaust from which many bird populations have yet to recover. Public outrage, happily, won the day and DDT was banned in the 1970’s. Every time I see a Western Bluebird in my yard, I thank my stars that some few of them were left alive from the DDT genocide and that populations are only now beginning to become stable again.
DDT was marketed as a blessing to homeowners, gardeners and farmers. Roundup has been marketed to your community in the same way, and the same lies and denials are being used to keep it legal and profitable for the manufacturer. Roundup, ’safe as table salt’, is destroying our health and the vital biodiversity of our planet. Just like DDT, it needs to be banned.
Before DDT, before Roundup, before the onslaught of products created by the makers of chemical warfare were invented, farmers and homeowners maintained their lands and properties with manual labor. Crop rotation, the small farm, and the seasonal growing calendar enabled humans to grow enough food to feed everyone with no lasting damage to humans, genetics or the environment. Agribusiness, solely reliant on chemicals to produce chemical-laden ‘foods’, has changed the world in so many negative ways, has disenfranchised the small farmer, brought us dozens of new illnesses and created trillions of dollars of profits for unethical corporations like Monsanto. The price our planet is paying to keep Monsanto wealthy is simply too high.
Hand labor, the tool of our forefathers, is the answer to growing food or keeping your garden tidy. Keep your neighborhood safe for your neighbors, your planet safe for life - please, don’t use Roundup.
Under Organic Gardening

40 Comments for Roundup is toxic - Stop spraying today!

1. SEO Igloo Blog » Ad&hellip | October 15th, 2007 at 7:52 pm

[…] joined up and promised to post something helpful about protecting the environment on our green blog about the toxicity of the world’s most widely used herbicide, Roundup. Tangergreen is our […]
2. kim bailey | May 24th, 2008 at 7:32 pm

i agree. there is a lot wrong with pesticides used, herbicides used, and other toxins used. it affects everyones health and it is ridiculous to imagine it is even legal. something needs to be done.
but, when you mention the statistics and harmful effects you should cite who did the research so when readers of this site want to go protest the use of it, they can make referrence to the studies done.
3. judy Staab | July 26th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

Our lawn maintenance guy used Roundup for years and we lost three trees on one side (apple and two grapefruit) and wasn’t really aware of this toxic weed killer until a friend told us it was SOY Roundup and to stop.
My question is, now that we have replanted two other trees to replace the others, will they come in contaminated (apple and grapefruit)? How long does the soil need to heal? What do you recommend to kills weeds?
Thanks for your website — I was looking for real organic sweet pickle relish and thought Cascadian was good. I can’t stand what Whole Foods as pulled off (running down Wild Oats and taking them over) and now ripping off the consumer w/extraordinarily high prices and crappy quality! But now that they’re run out the competition, it stinks! Will hunt a few items down at Trader Joes but also must watch what they bring in as well. We definitely support our local farmers for produce. What a “pickle” we’re in throughout the U.S. :( Thanks, Judy
4. admin | July 26th, 2008 at 1:39 pm

Dear Judy,
Your story should help others who employ yard maintenance workers to realize that they need to know what the workers are doing in the yard.
The USDA classifies soil as organic after it has been pesticide free for 3 years. Unfortunately, they are notoriously lax about their definitions and regulations and organic just doesn’t mean what it used to.
I do not have an answer as to how long your ground will be contaminated now that your workers have stopped using Roundup. If it’s been used for years on your land, my guess is that it would be many years before the chemicals and chemicals into which they break down would disappear from the ground. This is the tragedy of herbicide and pesticide use…it poisons soil for future generations.
I wish I had more definite or happier information for you. You are right to be concerned about the toxicity of your land, now that it is has been contaminated with herbicide, and even more importantly, the health of you family, now that you have been exposed to these carcinogenic toxins. I am very, very sorry that this happened to you.
My suggestions for your future safety would be to replace your yard workers with skilled organic maintenance people who understand that poison is not to be used on your land or around your family. Your health and your ability to grow food for your family is much too precious to put at risk for the sake of a dandelion-free lawn.
Good luck, and thank you for taking the time to share your story, Judy.
5. sasha stone | September 10th, 2008 at 2:19 pm

Thank you for the information! My neighbor uses Roundup and it killed my Matilija Poppy but it grew back this year. I am very concerned about the contamination of my orchard from her spraying and will copy this article to give to her and her kids!
6. admin | September 10th, 2008 at 2:31 pm

Dear Sasha,
I’m glad this article was helpful to you. Hopefully your neighbor will take it to heart and stop exposing your family and his/hers to these terrible toxins.
7. Joan Kay | September 17th, 2008 at 9:54 pm

I am anti chemical dont like any of them as I know the danger of them.It makes my blood boil when people say Roundup wont hurt you even to the degree thta you can drink it thats how ignorant they are. But then its only them who suffer in the long term of health problems. I dont use any chemicals in my home good old Vinegar & water & Bicarb Soda.No wonder people are suffering health problems because of their ignorance to all the chemicals available today
8. admin | September 17th, 2008 at 10:10 pm

Hello Joan,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this. Soda and vinegar and good old water are all you need to get things perfectly clean, you’re right!
And I am glad you aren’t using chemicals like Roundup. It is just a terrible danger to all of us, and very hard that we have no way of stopping our neighbors from using it and subjecting us to toxic trespass. At least we can choose not to use it ourselves, and to tell everyone we care about to stop using this bad stuff.
Thanks again for stopping by.
9. Alex | December 12th, 2008 at 9:54 am

Joan Kay & admin. How do you know that vinegar and soda applied to the natural environment isn’t doing more harm than good?
Did you know that the first known use of a “pesticide” took place around 2500 B.C. when ancient peoples used sulfur on crops to combat destructive insects. What I’m getting at is man, since the beginning of time has evolved with and prospered with the help of pesticdes.
Anything in our environment has the potential to be “toxic.” Water is “toxic” when consumed in high enough quantities (hyponatremia). Today, after an average of eight to ten years and $40-$60 million dollars to develop each individual pesticide on the market, all overseen and approved by the Federal EPA, not the mention the other various state agencies that also regulate the pesticide industry, making it one of, if not, the most heavily government regulated industries in the nation: Why after all this, do some of you have so much animosity towards pesticides?
To answer Judy’s question about lasting effects of roundup in the soil. Roundup is rendered inactive almost immediately after it comes in contact with soil. It’s fast adsorption by soil is one of the great things about the product. You can plant almost immediately after application to soil.
Now, I’m sure I’ve angered many of you with this post. I would just like to see rational discussion on this topic.
10. Eve Broadbent | May 9th, 2009 at 7:59 pm

We had our lawn mowed for the first time 2 days ago. That evening out kitten became very sick and passed away last night. The man used roundup to kill some weeds, I told him we had pets but assured me it was safe and all the councils use it. My kitten had a very painful death, she had liver and kidney failure which was brought on so suddenly it didn’t show up on her blood tests. Te vet cannot be sure what killed her but from reading up on roundup its starting to sound like this may have been the cause of her death.
11. admin | May 10th, 2009 at 2:07 pm

Dear Eve,
Thank you for coming here to share your story, and please let me express to you how sad I feel about your poor little kitten. That is truly heartbreaking.
Yes, the liver is one of the key areas damaged by Roundup. Your kitten may have inhaled or ingested the spray playing in or near the spray area, or may have drunk from a water source that was contaminated with Roundup.
One of the worst things about herbicides is that people often don’t learn of their hazards until after illness or death has occurred to a loved one or pet. People like your lawn care guy (and your city council) have had Roundup marketed to them as safe, and they believe the marketing pitch and then they pass that on to customers and citizens, usually oblivious to the fact that they are also passing along the potential for chronic disease and death every time they spray.
Some people and animals fall ill after a single exposure to Roundup, whereas others are slowly poisoned by repeat exposure to it and wind up with wrecked health in the form of diseases like Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Autism or one of the other conditions that some doctors believe are triggered by an overload of toxins in the body.
For you, I believe there are 3 important things for you to do right now.
1) Fire your lawn care person. TELL HIM that you believe his spraying of Roundup may have killed your pet. It can be hard to confront someone with this kind of information, but if you let him know that his actions may have killed a valued family companion animal, it may save the lives of your neighbors and pets if the man actually listens to you. Then, if you need help with caring for your lawn, hire someone who is willing to do manual labor, pulling weeds and mowing your lawn. Toxic chemicals are completely unnecessary so long as we have our own two good hands.
2) Avoid walking in the areas he sprayed. There is nothing I know of you can do to rid your property of the chemicals. Monstanto claims that Roundup magically dissipates, but who knows what actually happens with it. You must now consider the sprayed areas of your yard to be contaminated, and must also take into account the fact that spray drifts on the air and breeze and so is likely all around the area that was sprayed. *DO NOT plant any type of food plants anywhere in or around the spray area. No vegetables or fruits.
3) Keep sharing your experience with others. Roundup use is terribly rampant in the USA. Chances are, many of your neighbors have it in their garages. Tell everyone you can think of about the loss of your kitten following the use of Roundup in your yard. This is vital information, and honors the loss of your poor little friend, potentially protecting countless other pets from disease and death.
I am truly, truly sorry for your loss, Eve. I know that nothing can bring back your companion animal or your happiness in your kitten’s life and friendship. Yet, you can try to make some good come of this tragic loss if you share your very tough lesson with your neighbors and friends in order to protect them from having to know the sorrow you are feeling right now.
Best Wishes.
12. Jean Madden | May 17th, 2009 at 9:23 pm

My brother used Roundup spray on the weeds around our mobilehome two weeks ago. We have been sick since then, fever, aches, no energy, no appetite. We didn’t put it all together until today when he researched Roundup online. This is terrible that such poison is everywhere, easily available at Home Depot, Target, WalMart and the instructions for its use are hidden in tiny print on an attached booklet - which few people look at. The FDA must do their job. I am going to write them, my congresspeople and the president. This is wrong!
13. betty morgan | May 17th, 2009 at 9:31 pm

The area around my apartment was sprayed with Roundup last week and I have been feeling sick ever since. If I use my hose and water over my area, will that dilute or get rid of Roundup?
thanks very much,
14. admin | May 18th, 2009 at 1:26 pm

Dear Jean & Betty,
I awoke to find both of your comments today. As you can see from the fact that both of you are having the same experience at the same time, despite the fact that you probably live at opposite ends of the country, the prevalence of Roundup use and poisoning is really serious.
I urge both of you to call the National Poison Control Center at [protected] and speak to them about your symptoms. You may need to see a doctor.
Betty - I would not recommend that you hose off the Roundup for two reasons:
1) It could reactivate the chemicals in it and make you sicker. I don’t know if this is the case with Roundup, but it is the case with some herbicides and pesticides and I have heard of people becoming sick all over again by spraying water on a sprayed area.
2) Likely you would simply spread the round up into a wider area, and possibly - depending on how your property is situated - into the road where it would go into drainage ditches and end up in your local water supply. This second concern is one that drives me crazy every time I see people spraying roundup on the borders of their property. They are literally pouring roundup into their own drinking water.
Please, call poison control and as them what you should do.
I am so sorry that both of you have been sickened. Betty, you should definitely report this to your apartment manager and ask him/her to find an alternative to using toxins in the complex. Explain to him that you have been researching the health harms of Roundup. You might even send him this article if you have his email address so that he can see the damages for himself.
Please, don’t forget to start telling family and friends about your experience with this herbicide. The more people understand the truth about Roundup, the less people will buy it.
Hang in there!
15. Leia | May 25th, 2009 at 3:16 pm

I have 4 dogs that got really sick after spraying Roundup. They all were vomiting and two have had severe projectile reflux. THIS STUFF IS POISON. We had rain for two days, and the dogs got so much better. I am assuming the rain did wash the chemicals away. Well 2 days ago I sprayed again and they all got sick again, so I know it is the Roundup.
16. admin | June 7th, 2009 at 2:28 pm

Dear Leia,
Please, take any leftover Roundup you have to a toxic waste dump and stop endangering your own health, let alone the health of your dogs. Every time you spray this poison, you are taking a chance that you may become permanently debilitated with an herbicide-induced disease.
I am so sorry you accidentally poisoned your dogs. As you can see from the above comments, countless Americans make this same mistake every year, despite the love they have for their pets. Monstanto has marketed RoundUp as safe. They even once had a commercial showing a dog spraying Roundup…which, of course, neglected to mention that the dog would sicken or die after doing so.
It is very painful to learn a lesson like this at the expense of your beloved pets, but now you know the truth about herbicide. There are no safe herbicides or pesticides and the use of any of them is a threat to your life, the lives of your neighbors and all domestic and wild animals where you live.
Take heart. Take the Roundup to a toxic waste dump and tell everyone you know what you’ve found out.
Thank you for taking the time to comment here.
17. Susan Sopira | June 10th, 2009 at 3:43 pm

My husband sprayed weeds in our back yard with Round up a few weeks ago. Our son came over to visit that evening with his dogs, one of which is small (about 12 lbs.) She rolled in the grass and played outside that evening. By the following evening, she was vomiting repeatedly, shaking uncontrollably and was barely able to walk. It was at night, so we could not take her to the vet. These symptoms lasted about 6-8 hours and then she recovered and has been fine since. Do you think this was due to the RoundUp?
18. admin | June 10th, 2009 at 4:42 pm

Dear Susan,
Although the symptoms your son’s dog displayed are consistent with herbicide poisoning, it’s never possible to say that something definitely caused a pet’s illness without extensive testing that would be able to identify the toxins in the animal’s hair, blood or organs.
I am really glad your son’s dog recovered. You have been lucky this time. Please, sit down with your husband and reach an agreement not to further endanger your family dogs (or yourselves!) by putting poisons into your own environment. Next time, your dog might not recover and I want to spare you from that awful bereavement as well as the potential for you to wind up with a permanent herbicide-induced illness that could cripple what you think of as normal daily life. This has happened to countless Americans and we need to arrive at a zero tolerance for toxins policy if we value our lives.
Tell your husband for me, real men use weedwhackers! My husband loves his and it keeps our yard quite tidy, without any herbicide use at all.
Best of luck, and thank you for coming to share your story.
19. Cindy | July 2nd, 2009 at 11:06 pm

Can you tell me how long the chemicals in Round Up will be toxic if spilled in an enclosed area such as a basement?
Thank You, Cindy
20. admin | July 3rd, 2009 at 12:07 pm

Dear Cindy,
I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to your question, but I would suggest you find a toxic waste cleanup company and tell them what happened and see what they think you should do.
In the meantime, if your furnace is located in your basement, I wouldn’t run it as it could potentially draw the toxic fumes up into your upper house and cause you harm. If your basement has any means of ventilation, I would open it up to the max.
I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m hoping your local phone book or local government or the Internet can help you locate something under the heading of hazardous waste or toxic waste cleanup. Good luck.
21. Marie Schrader | November 17th, 2009 at 5:04 am

Please help me! My son is spraying Roundup on his property and he has 2 little children and 2 dogs. I have tried convincing him of the health dangers to his family and pets and he does not believe me. The children already have health issues, asthma, obesity, ADHD, irritable bowel syndroime, etc. and they are only 5 and seven years old. I am really scared and need a good article or report on the dangers of using Roundup to present to him. Thanks for your help. Marie Schrader, Gardnerville, NV
22. admin | November 17th, 2009 at 1:39 pm

Dear Marie,
I am so sorry about what is happening in your family. Your son is absolutely endangering the health of his family by using this toxic herbicide. In addition to showing your son this article and all of the comments on it from people who have accidentally poisoned their pets, here is a good one:
I would suggest you search Google for further articles on Roundup’s Toxicity. There are many, many articles on this subject.
I hope you can tell your son that this is one time he should rely on his mother’s wisdom.
23. Kim Usher | May 4th, 2010 at 9:16 pm

The effects of roundup if it doesn’t kill you is long lasting. I keep on telling people but it’s very hard when there is so much denial on the part of humans who can’t believe that there are certain factions who simply do not care if our health is affected; it’s more important to make money. As I lay almost dieing in bed for a year I would have given any amount of money to get better, but no amount of money could give me back my health. The only thing that can make me better is time and you can’t buy that either. That’s why patience and eye on the prize– my health and roundup accepted as a deadly product– are very good goals.
24. Gary Achord | August 20th, 2010 at 11:57 am

I was exposed to the chemical round-up some years ago, I was spraying around my garage when the chemical blew back into my face I became very ill with flue like systems and was admitted to the hospital with chemically enduced asthama ( I’ve lived years with so much pulmonary problems it’s harmed my heart I recently had 4 by-pass surgery I’m 57 years old and this chemical has altered my life to where I can’t put into words the amt. of problems I’m now having to take 2 zolair shots a month (3, 748.50 each) to try to keep my asthama under control. I filled a lawsuit but the attorney was local and received no services at all I wish there would be some information out there to help me with my legal problems PLEASE contact me at [protected] Sincerely Thanks Gary
25. Maggie Hincks | April 27th, 2011 at 3:11 pm

I have used roundup for many years. A few days ago I was helping a friend spray her yard. The next day I lost my memory for 24 hours. Am now recovering but will never go near Roundup again. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.
26. Jan | July 2nd, 2011 at 5:36 pm

I am not sure if the herbicide I sprayed to kill weeds in my yard killed a baby deer found dead a couple of days after spraying. But I feel like it was from that and now I am afraid of the other affects of the weed killer. I will never buy that stuff again
27. Devlin McDaniel | July 14th, 2011 at 1:03 am

I was spraying roundup on poison ivy thats up in a tree in my backyard when the wind blew it all back over me and espescially my face, thinking its only weed killer i just kept spraying. I then went inside and washed up to check my dinner, by the time my food was ready my appetite was gone, by lunchtime the next day i felt very weak and shakey and by later that night all my joints were hurting - excruciating pain! I went to the hospital the next day and they performed blood and urine tests to check to see if i had an infection making me sick and inserted a catheter as i was no longer able to pee on my own, i didnt even think to tell them about the roundup. I got home and was still running 102-103 degree fever for 3 more days and still feel bad, but getting better. Is it possible roundup could have done this to me?
28. admin | July 14th, 2011 at 11:18 am

Dear Devlin,
I’m so sorry to hear about how sick you’ve been. It may or may not be pesticide relate. Please, please do go to a doctor and tell them about the Roundup incident. You are not supposed to get it on your skin or inhale it…sounds like both happened. Definitely, get to a doctor asap. Good luck!
29. Davis | July 23rd, 2011 at 8:09 pm

Is it possible that roundup can contribute to human hair loss? I have had significant hair thinning over past 3 months or so. Only thing I can think of is that I used roundup around our house and like a dummy wasn’t wearing gloves. The sprayer was not functioning properly and the product got on my hands. I washed my hands several times shortly after this but would be quite sure some had to be absorbed in skin.
30. admin | July 24th, 2011 at 12:08 pm

Dear Davis,
I’m afraid I don’t know if that’s a side effect of roundup exposure, but if you are experience an unusual amount of hair loss, please go see your doctor. There are ailments that can cause that, and looking for an answer on the web isn’t the best way to go - definitely, talk to your doctor. Good luck, and hope you find an answer soon.
31. Ann | July 25th, 2011 at 7:07 pm

My Westie had to be put to sleep this past April because of a tumor in his prostate. He used to go with me to my riding stable where there’s lots of grass and pastures and he loved eating grass. Last spring was the first time they sprayed with chemicals out there (one ingredient was Roundup). He became extremely ill the next day with constant vomiting and diarrhea which later just became fluid. It was a weekend so I took him to emergency and he stayed overnight with IV’s. Cost was about $1, 300. He got better and I didn’t take him to the stable with me for several months. Finally one day I let him go with me again and didn’t have my eye on him for only about 5 minutes. The next day he was sick again and went downhill from there. I’m not sure if there is some coincidence with him having a prostate tumor or if this is all related in some way. I have beat myself up about this a lot but will never know for sure. He was 13 years old. Also, they spray the chemicals around where the horses graze! After reading this, I will be writing a letter to the owners. Thank you.
32. admin | July 25th, 2011 at 10:29 pm

Dear Ann,
I’m terribly sorry to hear about your poor Westie. You are right that you will never know what the cause was, but the best possible outcome of this incredibly sad loss would be if you can educate the stable owners. Research indicates that they are putting their horses (and themselves) at an unacceptable risk. Weeds can be managed with weedwackers. No chemicals are needed. Good luck and please accept my condolences on the loss of your dear companion.
33. Wonder | July 28th, 2011 at 11:15 am

I have had similar illness in my human family and pet family, they are just one to make clearer whom I am speaking of ….
four months ago early spring y2011 Cali a tortes manx first litter of kittens born early 3 still born one lived a week.
unexplained nausia all three humans in home. no warnings given to anyone that he was spraying, while we all were working, had not a clue untill a few days later seeing all the brown grass
This June y2011 first week, J Tunnell sprayed again … this time I was working in my garden, hadn’t noticed he was even there or no notice given again that he was going to spray herbicide …. sevier nausia I experianced for days, sprayed alone outside boarder of house drawn inside by air units(2) everyone (3) in home was deathly sick for three and four days and all missed work these days except for me I missed two weeks. Went to doctor my complaints were brushed off as overworked back injury, prescribed rest. How do I approach my landlord about this issue, as I have before living here 7 yrs now he has become hostile if discussion of such is raised by me, a mild mannered single mom, he is related also. I am thinking of civil courts but how do I prove it was the chemicals he sprayed all around us. It takes 28 days for roundup to depreciate only 2%. My garden boundary’s were sprayed, yard boundary’s, tree bases (have had three trees die and fall in past four years just missing the house) fence lines around house boarders pasture for horses in the rear and cows to the side (noticed cows absent for two weeks at least I have a wise neighbor)
34. admin | July 28th, 2011 at 11:27 am

Dear Wonder,
First, we want to express our sympathy for your troubles. While we cannot give legal advice, if you cannot get your landlord to understand that he is exposing your family to extremely dangerous poisons, our advice would be to move. Long term exposures to any toxin are very dangerous and rather than seeing if you can get the courts on your side, the smartest thing may be for you to get out of the situation.
Also, wanted to mention that from what I have read, no matter how long of time goes by, tests performed on soil that has been contaminated with RoundUp continue to show the presence of the chemicals. In other words, no test has ever been performed to show that these chemicals ‘go away’. If you use it even once, the soil must be considered permanently contaminated.
This is something we would definitely recommend you research further, and we would strongly consider moving your family away from this exposure, but this is a decision only you can make.
We are so sorry to think of ANY family finding themselves in this horrible and totally unnecessary situation due to a landlord’s total ignorance of what they are actually doing to tenants and the environment. Our country would put someone who poisoned a neighbor in jail, but due to our government’s ugly ties to the chemical industry, those who spray carcinogenic chemicals are typically treated with bizarre immunity.
Best of luck!
35. Joy | October 7th, 2011 at 7:40 pm

Our neighbour has unfortunately decided to kill his entire lawn with round up so that he may start from scratch and grow a more perfect one. Round up was brought in in a huge drum and sprayed all over the grass. Our yards are not large so it was sprayed very close to the area where our children play and actually some of our grass was killed by accident. This treatment was applied twice, the applications were about two weeks apart. Lots and lots of Round up was used. Can you suggest ways to minimize the danger to our kids. They play outside often. Also, do you know how long the round up poses a risk or where I might find out? Thank you.
36. admin | October 8th, 2011 at 11:29 am

Dear Joy,
I am terribly sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, I do not know of any way to protect your children from what this neighbor has done, and from all that I have read, once Round-Up is sprayed, it is always there. I would recommend that you contact poison control as well as getting an appointment with a holistic doctor who takes herbicide and pesticide poisoning seriously. However, I feel it’s important to forewarn you that if you live in the United States, the public (including physicians) have been kept in the dark about the dangers posed by these toxins, so it may be hard to find good advice. I am sincerely grieved to think of the neighbor ruining your environment and endangering your family’s health in this way.
37. Sally M Cutner | October 11th, 2011 at 3:27 pm

If I plant fruit trees in soil that has been “treated” with Roundup will the fruit be polluted with the carcenigenics of Roundup?
Thank you
38. Sally M Cutner | October 11th, 2011 at 3:30 pm

Who do I contact for testing the soil in my yard for Roundup “residue”?
39. George A. Brudnak | February 23rd, 2012 at 5:59 pm

When we were kids there was a ride at Disneyland sponsored by monsanto forget the name of it but there motto was Monsanto, , , better living through chemicals. LOL well so you get on this Disney ride and they pepper you with there corporate propaganda, the creepy thing is when your car went under that big microscope with the scientist big creepy eye looking at you as if you were a bug, I used round up my dad asked me to kill the weeds with it well the wind blew into my eyes and lungs that night I got sick as a dog, I sure hope i dont have any health problems from this after that no more round up for me! This is a cool site I will be back George
40. Keri | March 23rd, 2012 at 5:37 pm

My stepmom sprayed Roundup on some weeds to kill them a couple days ago. That night, my cat seemed to get sick, and through yesterday got sicker and sicker, vomiting profusely… He died last night. After reading this, my heart is burning with anger because of this poison… Because of this poison, I lost my best friend.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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6:47 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Monsanto Company Creating World Hunger

Genetically engineered seeds have the potential for creating a monopoly on food sources. Soybeans are now almost exclusively controlled by Monsanto. The creation of a seed that distructs after one season has the potential to create famine and food shorages or worse the extinction of our seed for future food sources. Many feel that Monsanto has overstepped the limits of ethical behaviour. Sueing farmers for saving their own seed because the pollen from neughboring GE soybeen fileds has blown into fields is a reality. Monsanto is a large corporation and as such has only one mode of opperation - making more money for the shareholders of Monsanto. Food, shelter and water are the fundementals of life. The influence through lawsuits and millions in lobbying may lead to unethical treatment of farmers and individual citizens. There is a big ethical question about creating an GE soybeen that thrives when soaked with round-up. Large corporation are only large because people buy their products. One way to limit the influence that Monsanto has on the food supply is to stop purchasing products such as GE soybeans. Eating food that has been saoked in round-up might not be a good way to stay healthy.


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Monsanto Company earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: Monsanto Company stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights Monsanto Company's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on Monsanto Company's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.
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2:52 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Monsanto Company Almost arrestd

He was on a job serach page. Job opening for Data Entry Clerk with Sec'y Skills. Below will show you our e-mails to each other about the position, then I receive a check in the mail went over my e-mails and notice this is the company whom sent me this check, I go to cash it and they calls the police, they tried to get me on trying to cash fruderent checks if i havent saved the e-mails from this guy i would have been in jail today, below you will also see the check, so be carefull

Dear Applicant,
Your application was received and reviewed by experts regarding the post of a Executive Assistant which you applied for, we are proud to inform you that our company Monsanto Ltd has accepted your application.


Monsanto is an agricultural company. We apply innovation and technology to help farmers around the world produce more while conserving more. We help farmers grow yield sustain ably so they can be successful, produce healthier foods, better animal feeds and more fiber, while also reducing agriculture's impact on our environment.

Monsanto is a relatively new company. While we share the name and the history of a company that was founded in 1901, the Monsanto of today is focused on agriculture and supporting farmers around the world in their mission to feed, clothe and fuel our growing world. We are an agricultural company. You can as well check our web page for more informations.

As it is, we are willing to add effective and efficient Executive Assistants across every region of the country to manage the day to day running of a small accounts team.Your primary task for now, as a representative of the company is to co-ordinate payments from customers and help us with the payment processing.. We are about to open a representative offices or authorized sales centers in some local cities in the States.

Please be advised that we need total dedication for the job. This is your only form of Interview as we advise you endeavour to carry out your task perfectly well as instructed.You will be scored for that and will get commission of $500 on any payment can make $1500 in a week and as well make 72, 000 anually depending on your level of urgency and effectiveness; after which we will send you a letter of resumption to resume with us in one of our new offices here in the US.


1. Receive payment from our Customers or Clients in form of certified Check, Money Order, Bank Draft and co-ordinate payments.
2. Deduct 10%, which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed, forward balance after deduction of 10% out of the money sent to you to any of the offices you will be contacted to send funds to through Western Union Money transfers.
3. You must respond to emails and phone calls when you get the payment for proper instruction
4. You do not pay any form of taxes.

We need you to provide us with more informations by filling the application form below.

Full Names...
Detailed Address... (NOT P.O.BOX)
Home phone...
Cell phone...
Marital Status...
Recent occupation...
Personal Email Address...

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if I am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed above.

Thanks for your vivid co-operation.
Very Respectfully

Buscarino Timothy
The Hiring Manager
Human Resources,
Monsanto Company.

This is to inform you that payment has been made in your name and posted to your address via ups courier service, here is the tracking # of the payment delivered to you 1ZF14T95NT93466128., I will like you to read this carefully so you can get the direction of what you need to do, All you need to do is to deduct your %10 and forward the rest of the money in cash to the information below through westernunion money transfer :

ZIP CODE: 11206

Therefore, i will need some details on the Westernunion reciept after you must have sent the money for confirmation and record keeping for money sent. The details which includes:

Senders Name...
Senders Address...
10 Digit(MTCN)...
Amount sent...

N:B The Westernunion transfer charges should be deducted from the conpany's money, then you send the remaining balance. I will appreciate if you can get this done asap and make the transfer Money In Minute soon as its done, scan and email me the westernunion reciept for record purpose, Thanks for your anticipating understanding and cooperation.

This is your Representative Number, it is for Confidentiality and Security purpose... **DTC100691991**


We are buying raw materials to the person your are sending the remaining money to after deducting %10 just go ahead and send the remaining money to the information given to you and get back to me with the required details on the westernunion.


Now that was he's e-mails to me and now here are mine.

Hi Timothy

I'm responding to your e-mail requesting my personal information for the opening position, you will find this information below

Marquita Brewer

Why do I have to send it back to a different persons name other then you, im just asking, and I wanted to know what am I looking for when the ups comes and when i cash it do i take the cashing part off of my payment or the companies.

Please let me know and is that all the info i need for western union

'they said that the check was counter fit

you havent go back to me what should i do they arrested me yesterday and i have to go to court later this month, now i need ou to come foward and tell them that it is not a bad check and that your a business that helps. you told me to be truthful now you need to be, if i dont here from you in an hour i have all nessesary papers from me to you to prove that im not the one scamming it's you, so please i dont think that this is fake from what i'v seen but i dont have a record but im going to be getting in serious trouble if you dont get back to me with something.
----- Original Message -----
Please be careful everyone


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Sacramento, US
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Nov 14, 2012 9:28 pm EST

if you fell for this scam your an idiot

Oceanside, US
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Sep 12, 2009 1:55 pm EDT

Yeah I had the same thing happen to me from this person but it was from a add on Craigslist where I was selling a turbo. Sent me a check and it looked fake and it was from Citibank. I bank with Citibank. Took it to the teller and bam! Counterfit! Gave all the info as well. People that do this are low lives but yet it gives police a chance to know more about them. At least we know he is using the same name address and zip code.

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Overview of Monsanto Company complaint handling

Monsanto Company reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 19, 2009. The latest review pesticides in the food chain cause cancer was posted on Aug 12, 2018. The latest complaint why are you selling it? was resolved on Mar 21, 2014. Monsanto Company has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 4 reviews. Monsanto Company has resolved 3 complaints.
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