We are operating buisness with myPOS (https://www.mypos.com/bg-bg) since 2021. Suddenly they blocked our account WITH NO WARNING, NO REASON and NOT EXCUSE or EMAIL to us. We noticed that, just from fortune, when we try to make some VAT payments to the Bulgarian government, ang get paid from our clients, that they were canceled. They blocked our business account with 82,000€ (EIGHTY TWO THOUSAND €) for the next 2 months with no reason. We send them any documents they asked for, with no success. Just like we are criminals or drug dealers. BUT WE ARE A VERY RESPECT COMPANY Servicing Greek government and political parties servers since 1997. We explained them, that we are operating Greek government servers, we attached the invoices to the Greek Minister of National Economy and Finance, invoices to the Nea Demokratia Political party, they get paid through myPOS.
Recommendation: Stay Away