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New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS)

New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans (NAFPS) review: libel 111

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6:29 pm EDT
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Slander, Libel, Defamation, Hate Speech, Racism, Lies etc.
12 Libel Suits including from The Fulbright Institute to President Al Carroll

Al Carroll
Barnaby McEwan
Michael Davids

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North of 49th
Toronto, CA
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Mar 27, 2010 12:35 pm EDT

Al is a bigoted phony and to call him a historian is a joke. Al is one of thos pseudo intellectual bigots ho plays the race card on everyone ho disagree with him. That is probably what one should expect from from someone who is claims to be Indian but has never proved it to any Indian anywhere. The Al Carroll Fan Club is full of white people, mostly Europeans, claiming to be Indians. Those Indians who have been victims of Al know what he is and they have no love for this self appointed super Indian, who is really a Mexican phony. Has anyone contacted the college where he claims he teaches and told them they hired a bigot?

Reality Check4u
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Oct 26, 2014 1:28 pm EDT

From the website Exposing Fake Native American Sites:

Witness this baffoons site for yourself and see how quick they are to attack you. Just disagree with anything they say and you will get blogs, posts, and what not done to you.

This site is the most hateful site I have encountered. They claim to want to end the fake New Age Frauds and Plastic Shaman's when in fact they do nothing but target all REAL Native Americans like myself. They claim to work with various AIM's groups when in fact, they do not. They claim to be Native American and again, they are not. The owner of that site is Al Carroll a full blood Mexican claiming to be Mescalero Apache mixed-blood. Now all the others are from Europe or all White or Black American's. Also they support this Sweden Film maker who has done nothing but exploit the Lakota's.

This is what this man and his group really do to people and Native American's. I have seen these people make up these kind of allegations also, and they do because they are such lethal character assassination darts, which is why they use them. And I have seen some of these allegations be proven wrong as blatant lies and still the lies get spread. They have tried it on me even! These people are lying on that web site about some good people. Not every one on that site that is listed as fraudulent is fraudulent and I know this for a fact, my self included. I do not approve of "cult followings".

As for law suits, people have a right to defend themselves from attack, character assassination and blatant lies. These kind of lies that these people are spreading break up families, which makes NAFPS hypocrites and two faced. It is never o.k. to sell ceremony or make a living in this manner.

Now lets talk about what these "fraud hunters" ARE doing. Defamation of character, slander, libel, character assassination, gossip mongering, lying, (by the way didn't these same kind of people do these same kinds of things to Jesus?) hiding behind a web site to afraid to say their true names while trying to destroy true servants of the Great Creator and doing the work of the "dark ones", and taking sadistic pleasure in it in the process.

True spiritual people encourage people to ask questions, not invade their privacy by throwing their home address on the internet. These people are "people" not "human beings" they have a lot of learning to do and growing up to do, they are acting like they are on the elementary school playground.

They take the word of a man they never met in person as truth to their hate. Maybe it is because he feeds them the only thing they want...lies. What is sad is good people are hurt.
Posted by GaliquogiYanssi

From an Insider:


A respected Native American grandmothers experience of being assaulted by New Age Fraud and Plastic

John LeKay: When did you first hear about NAFPS and why did you join this group?Robin: I first heard about the NAFPS through a member of their group. It was my first time that I had ever gone into a forum on the internet. When I first went into the forum, it was very foreign in the sense that there were many names of people in research and frauds, that I had never heard of. I tried to read through as many posts as I could to grasp what the main focus of the group was.

JL: After reading the numerous posts in the so called "research" and in "fraud" columns, what was your initial gut reaction, your intuition telling you about to what you had read?

Robin: As I began to read through the posts on groups or individuals, I saw a pattern within the group which I had discussed
with another member, and that was; for the number of members that were in the group, I saw only a small handful that posted or responded. Those that posted would sometimes cut and paste emails of outside individuals, without any substantial proof the person existed or what they said was truth. Most of the postings were based on mainly links provided, which many times led to more hearsay of others.

Also, I became aware that it was common practice that if a post was made of an individual or group, it was bombarded by several posts of accusations, hearsay, at times much deletion and editing (and in reading what was deleted or such that the person defending themselves did not write things that warranted such editing nor deletion). This reminded me of seeing a child in a school yard being ganged up by several children. These were usually posted as "childish behavior, insults, racial remarks" to give a few examples that were and still are used; giving the impression to many reading the post that the person defending themselves are viewed as a guilty person through unfounded remarks.

When nothing more could be said, then another post would be started on a new subject or person. I, myself, saw a small portion of the many posts where someone from the group actually went out and gathered facts that were of credence.

My own personal feelings on the matter was that I was involved within a group that was damaging people that may not have deserved what was printed about them. I knew that the nafps was not what it appeared and I had already made the decision to leave the group

JL: What conclusion did you draw as to what this group was about?

Robin: My conclusion of the group as a whole is based on not my opinion but facts. The whole system of the nafps is based on emotions of dysfunction, there are contradictions; much are based on "do as I say, not as I do". The group as a whole consists of white people that have little to no knowledge of native people and customs, except through books, cyberspace, and limited contact with native people. When there has been in the group - actual tribal members - when expressing their view on something, in most cases have been brushed aside or attacked. What is held sacred in the group is not that of native culture, but moreso of themselves and their beliefs on how native people should act or behave according to their standards.

This is not a group that base their foundation on native culture, but that of personal beliefs of what they have either read, or picked up small bits of information from actual native people. The saying that some people know enough to make them dangerous, in this case it would rightly apply.

JL: Would you say that this group is doing more harm than good or vice versa?
Robin: I myself have seen very little positive come from the group. As a whole they may think they had done much good, however that is a state of denial that many of them are in. The tribes themselves are the ones that should and are handling frauds. To have people that are not enrolled in the tribes, having stepped out of their boundaries and have imposed themselves in matters that do not concern them is disrespecting the elders and traditions.

JL: Have you ever known this NAFPS group to retract their comments or humbly apologize to anyone?

Robin: I myself have never seen anyone apologize in a sincere or humbling manner. Nor have I seen anyone retract any comments made toward a person they were attacking.

John O'BrienAugust 5, 2012 at 9:35 AM
These people either have hardcore personal issues or some kind of an agenda. They’re not only at NAFPS but operate and infiltrate other internet sites as well. I’ve encountered some on internet forums who although have either a minuet bit of Indian blood, or none at all, but feel they can speak for all tribes and their people. Call them on their BS and they go into the ‘poor little me’ victim mode and report you to the moderators, or call in their goon squads and sock puppet accounts to troll and harass real Indians. I’ve encountered this ‘Dr. Carroll, ’ ‘Sky’ and‘Kathryn’/Kathrine/Kathy/Kate on a good several other forums under just as many names besides what are used at NAFPS. They use proxy servers and have multiple accounts on these forums. Some have even schmoozed up to administrators and received moderator positions at these sites so as to swiftly dispatch any Indians who dare to speak out against their agenda. Could it be they are getting paid by some agency, corporation, religious group or maybe by the real new age fraudsters themselves. Before I even knew of NAFPS they were trolling me on other forums. On NAFPS these non-Indians claim to be ‘allies’ of the American Indians, but it takes more than a sock puppet fake Lakota or Cherokee affirming friendship with these devils to prove alliance.

Alex BruceJuly 11, 2013 at 8:32 AM
Attention: Alton Carroll or Al Carroll aka "educatedindian" and the website (NAFPS) is a fraudulent website of self appointed fraud hunters in reality they are the frauds. He is not an Apache Indian like he claimed in the past. He now states he is not an enrolled Apache because he got caught in his lies but still claim he is an Apache. In reality, his background is Spanish and Irish. He is a clever person to fool people with his lies claiming to expose frauds. After a lot of research, he is a jihadist that was radicalized in Indonesia back in the 90's. The Islamic nation is very afraid of the Native American spirituality because it is so strong. He was sent back to America to cause harm to the Native people. He and his group are trying to disrupt the balance of the Native spirituality. Most of his group is unaware of his ties to Islam. Somehow he fooled the IRS in giving him that status of non profit. ONLY A MEDICINE PERSON APPOINTED BY THE TRIBAL PRESIDENT CAN SAY WHO IS A FRAUD. If you read through his website, you will discover that he does not know anything about native spirituality. He keeps changing the post as he learns more. He deletes any topic that is not to his way of thinking. All of his knowledge comes from books. He even fooled the Northern Virginia Community College where he currently works. His applications to the major universities were denied. He has written a book from other's people work. Native People magazine found out about his fraud activities and banned him. Even Amazon has refused to list it. If a person wanted to find a fraud all you would have to do is search for ceremony and donation. This will give you a list of frauds. A medicine person does not charge for ceremony. When someone sends NAFPS a letter about a person being a fraud, he posts it without researching it. A lot of the people listed there are poor Indians living without the funds to take him to court. We are asking people with the funds to shut down his fraudulent website and to contact the IRS about his fraudulent activities. He receives a lot of money from his website and his lectures. Help is needed to stop this Jihadist activity against the Native American spirituality.

Bill ArmstrongFebruary 2, 2014 at 1:32 AM
His fraudulent website has been shutdown a few times already. The site was moved to an anonymous offshore hosting provider, Cyber Cast International in Panama after the last time. The site has been kicked off Yahoo as well.

You can get an easy A in his History 101 class at NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College) as long as you take his opinions as fact. Disagree with his opinions and watch how fast it turns ugly :)

nafpswatchF ebruary 12, 2014 at 8:00 AM

Watchers of the Faux Indian site New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans
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Kathryn on NAFPS is Kathryn Price AKA Kathryn NicDhàna AKA Kathryn Theatana. She has attempted to infiltrate the Celtic community and in particular to appropriate Irish Gaelic culture. She is not of Celtic descent herself and in this sense is very similar to the faux Indian Al Carroll.

and Counting Crow writes:
You should wear it like a badge of honour if you are banned from NAFPS

Ted Thomas
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Mar 04, 2017 5:56 am EST

don't apologize to a bunch of wannabes. For the few legit American Indians on the board the rest are not or are sockpuppets. Al and Kathryn are notorious liars. You did nothing wrong

Cate C
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Mar 13, 2017 11:27 am EDT
Replying to comment of Ted Thomas

I don't know anything about the people in there (just as they don't know anything about me) but I did something wrong. I made the mistake of going on the site in the first place. If I had taken the time to check this group out, I would not have bothered. The lies that were written about me and others are unreal and they do not keep their word. I ended up writing a blog on the internet that would come up after their post with my name in it as a response. I checked with an Ojibwe herbalist who reassured me I did not do anything wrong by writing about essiac and chaga tea for the local newspaper or writing on the net or e-mailing friends about these teas. I went on their board originally to tell them that Nora was an Algonquin native from the Golden Lake reserve and to say who her family was as her mother and family still live on the reserve and to dare suggest that they should be contacted first. When I disagreed with something they said, I became their latest victim. When I realized everything I did say was getting purposely twisted and then I was blocked from replying, I deleted everything. It is one thing to educate and another thing to malign. I am not employed by Cherry Valley Farm. I gave free talks on the historical and spiritual use of the labyrinth (with no mention of "druid labyrinths") in the past there but that is all. I am not responsible for anything Nancy writes on her own website especially when it is done without my knowledge. I have never given a workshop on essiac or chaga nor was I ever scheduled too. I do not sell herbs or teas or "fake cancer cures". I do not plagiarize my written published work. I am a retired teacher, mom, writer, historical researcher, writer for the local newspaper and volunteer at an animal shelter and that is all. Thanks. I know I did not do anything wrong. I know they were looking for someone to crucify when I walked in. I do know that this group, no matter who they are, do not use ethical (or in some cases legal) methods and should not be on the internet.

Reality Check4u
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Oct 27, 2014 10:32 am EDT

Thank you! That explains a lot! I went in to defend a native friend they had listed as a fraud without ever speaking to her or anyone in her actual community and then I was listed as a fraud along with another friend. They wrote things that are not true and then they blocked me before I could reply, so I deleted a thread in my name which I didn't start (they did) and then they banned me. I found the block rather cowardly as I had many things to say in my reply and in my defense and since it was a thread with my name on it, they should have given me the opportunity to reply. Because I didn't agree with them on certain issues, they started to look me up on the web and posted information on me without my consent. It felt like a form of rape. I was feeling bullied in there at a certain point and the judge, jury and executioner mentality really disturbed me. I have no problem with any group trying to educate others about native traditions and beliefs or what is offensive to the NDN community (my guess is most people do not realize they are doing something offensive, so by all means educate). I spent my entire teaching career teaching native history to middle school children and I have always deplored the injustices done to the First Nations in the past and today. I have Cree relatives and native friends of varying backgrounds. I love them all but I just don't understand the group ethics on this site. It feels like they want to destroy people without giving them a fair hearing. I don't understand that. And for the record, I have never plagarized. I include my sources in all my publications...this was not a publication, it was a chat room. Nor have I ever taught an Essiac workshop and I never wrote so what? I wrote what? and I never stated that the Essiac formula was told directly to me. I said it came "straight from the lips of an Ontario Ojibwa elder"...and it did...word for word...unless they are calling Cynthia Olsen with 20 years of research a liar...I don't believe Rene Caisse, who is a heroine in Canada, lied about the origin of the Essiac formula either. Turkey Rhubarb later replaced Wild rhubarb (native to Ontario) in the formula because it was less bitter. Slippery elm was native to Ontario. Burdock and Sheep Sorrell were introduced by early settlers in the 1700's and started to grow in the wilds of Ontario before the natives were introduced to it and started to use it in the 1800's. Considering the help the natives freely gave the early pioneer settlers in Ontario...everything from medicine to maple is not surprising they would help in this regard. It has a long history in this country and the original Essiac formula is only sold in Canada. Old Lady Johnson in Thornton, Ontario was treating and curing people with this formula which she received from the Ojibwa who overwintered on her land in the 1870's...(that was before Rene learned of it from the woman who was cured of breast cancer in 1890.). Even Canadian doctor Frederick Banting who discovered insulin found the formula very helpful for those suffering with diabetes and there are enough success stories from those who were treated by Rene Caisse in her Bracebridge clinic, that I believe in it and I believe in the origin of it. I never said I taught "druid labyrinths"..I taught the history of the labyrinth and I disagree with the moderator...she has her opinion and I have mine. I am guilty of being very tired that night, feeling suddenly jumped on and my panic/anxiety kicked in (I have GAD) and I screwed up what I was trying to say...I did try to apologize for it but I was blocked and then I was banned. I welcome open discussion with anyone. I would embrace that. I have no problem apologizing when I am wrong but I wasn't given a chance to do that or to respond. Thank you for providing a forum where I could do that.

Nancy Huber
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Mar 04, 2018 4:51 pm EST

To whom it may concern;

I can not and will never offer any health products at Cherry Valley farm.
It took me eight months to find an insurance company who would provide
insurance. They have unequivocally stated I am never to sell products and I do not.

I have never asked Cate Crow to do a workshop on Essiac. She
has never done this. In fact we have never even discussed this.

Nancy Huber

Reality Check4u
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Oct 27, 2014 11:39 am EDT

I will not speak on behalf of Nora, Nancy or Pete. I will just add that I know Pete performed a traditional native ceremony. He did not charge for it. I know Nora. I wrote her biography in the newspaper. I completely believe her. Nancy does not have a racist bone in her body. She believes the Munay Ki come from shamans in Peru. She was taught them from a woman, Julia, who was gifted the rites in Peru by a Q'ero shaman and she believes they are loving rites meant to share with others. They are good people despite the way they are being portrayed on that board.

Doug A.
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Oct 27, 2014 2:03 pm EDT

glad I could help you find that info

Doug A.
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Oct 27, 2014 4:50 pm EDT

I wouldn't worry about it. They've got you listed as a fraud for writing out a tea recipe? LOL I copied a cancer health shake from a magazine and sent it to J without the source. Who gives a flying f...

Doug A.
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Oct 27, 2014 8:32 pm EDT

you experienced their strategies

* Administrators:

Sky Davis:
This woman’s job is to deal with all incoming personal messages. Any contact with this woman by email is then posted immediately on the website as evidence against the accused under their ‘research’. If the candidate has lots of followers or travels around the world, that person is upgraded. If the suspect doesn’t, they fall to the way side for they bring no attention.

Ms. Davis then uses and misuses all communications between her and those who ask why, what, when and then posts the emails and uses it against them by manipulation. Example: Dear Ms. Sky Davis, I am angry that you have listed me on your website without ever contacting me. Her response: She posts the communication and then responds under it with, Mr. or Mrs So and So has violent anger issues.

Her behaviors are first to get as much information on her victims as possible, then with holding any real information, then like a 1960’s Nun at an orthodox religion, reprimands them, then asks her victims to apologize to her, for their behaviors.

Kathryn Price Nicdhàna

Miss Price who has several different names of her own name on the web as well. She is a young woman who runs her own websites and takes the anarchy work flushing out darkness as a dark heroine in the Sheila Nagig tradition seriously.

Reality Check4u
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Oct 27, 2014 8:56 pm EDT

well, I have no intention of trashing anyone I don't know very well, even if it was done to me...but yes, it felt like I was scolded by a couple of school marms and I was told to apologize if I wanted to come back. I will say that Kathryn was very knowledgable on Irish/Celtic matters and Sky raised some valid points but I didn't appreciate the sneaking around the net and checking me out and jumping to false conclusions like I said I owned the book when it was obvious I wrote a review on the book or that I plagarized anything. I sent Nancy a private email with the formula and I had no idea she was going to put that up on her website...but I did give her the source as evident in her 2012 book publication and I gave the source in my news article. This wasn't a publication, it was just a chatroom. When I first got that info, it was back in 2002 in an e-mail when a cousin was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer, the source was not included. I didn't know the source at that time. When another family member was diagnosed with cancer in 2007, I got the name of the book then and ordered it. There is nothing fake about that comes from the Ojibwa. It is well known up here to be an Ojibwa formula...and Mary McPherson, Rene's best friend, the only person she confided in gave the exact same formula in 1994 under an affadavit...Mary McPherson Affidavit. Made Rene Caisse's Essiac formula public. .it is the same formula the Ojibwa elder gave to Cynthia Olsen years prior to the affadavit...and the Ojibwa overwintered on Old Lady Johnston's land in the 19th century and gave her the formula too. I completely stand by that tea recipe and the origin of it regardless of what others think. I have no followers or travel anywhere...I am an old retired teacher with no I think I will take your advice and let it go. Thanks again for your help.

Doug A.
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Nov 08, 2014 10:43 am EST

From A First Nation's Perspective On Cyber Bullying

"When I expessed an opinion online in a NAFPS forum, I became the target of one of the foremost cyber bullies online. Even though I have been extremely careful about giving out personal information, someone was able to find out where I lived through voter registration information. They contacted all my neighbors and told me that a relative had died. I googled the phone number and found out that it was a person pretending to be a private investigator who wanted to threaten me with bogus lawsutis to keep my mouth shut. Despite the fact that I contacted my elected officials and documented the stalking, the woman behind the irrational campaign to shut me up was given a lucrative position. Even today, she travels all over the country spreading half-truths and blatant falsehoods."

Not the first time I have heard this

I'm shaking my head at half the crap they are stating as fact.

Doug A.
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Nov 08, 2014 1:14 pm EST

"I will say my experience with the New Age Fraud/Plastic Shaman group was really saddening. I joined that group because we (myself, members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee) were talking about putting on a Forum on Appropriation down here in NC. I thought they (NAFPS) would be allies. How wrong I was.

I offered to speak with anyone on the message boards with concerns about what I do by phone - and all I received was insults and piling on. It was clear the 'truth' wasn't a goal of this group - scorched earth policy was.

I even told a good story - a powerful story to people who know about traditional things - and all I got was flamed. I'd be pissed if I didn't feel so much sadness. It's hard to believe there are people like that saying they are working for Indigenous people and issues.

It was clear there was no understanding of traditional things. And everyone hiding behind screennames? This is activism? Who is this group accountable to? What Nation? What traditional council or government? These things trouble me.

You can't know a person, who they are, what they do by the goddamn internet. These people are indigenous?

I work in a traditional way, with other Indigenous people who fight for sovereignty and strength of Native people during this great time of change. I'll continue to do this in the best way I can with the spiritual guidance of my people and our Spirits."

Doug A.
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Nov 10, 2014 10:01 am EST

from another brother

"Some of the herb information I get from Usdi Alitima, Little Wren, a Tsalagi elder living in Oregon. Other wisdom are writings and repostings from Bear Warrior, a Tslagi/Puerto Rican brother in California. I had to stand for him against the NAFPS group. They attacked him and said he was a Puerto Rican playing Indian. They would not recognize his Tsalagi blood and just kept on about him being a Puerto Rican. They showed their true colors as a racist, purist group. They attacked the UPCN, United People of the Cherokee Nation. They are a group that has come together to bring disenfranchised Tsalagi people together to learn and grow. They made fun of the leader of the group ignoring her Native name and just attacking her. Whether you agree with the way the UPCN set themselves up, they are about teaching and bringing people together. As I suggested to NAFPS that maybe they should contact her and express their concerns with her. They refused to do that."

They won't do that with anyone they falsely label as fraud because they don't want to admit they are wrong. They are not interested in the truth, only the truth as they see it

Doug A.
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Nov 10, 2014 12:37 pm EST

According to Dr. L. Simpson who is of Anishinabe/Scottish heritage writing from the University of Manitoba, and others, the formula does originally come from an Anishinabe (Ojibwe) Medicine Man so it looks like you were right.

Doug A.
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Nov 10, 2014 1:27 pm EST

story you might find interesting

Doug A.
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Nov 11, 2014 12:35 pm EST

found this

Essiac Therapy
Note to researchers: Now, after more than 50 years of mystery, the Essiac formula is known. Research work on this formula should be carried out, so official approval can be obtained. Working Summary: Essiac consisted of a carefully worked out formulation of several herbs, which both attacked the cancer and helped expel it from the body. Fortunately, we have both the formula and how to prepare and take it.
There are people who have made it possible for Essiac to be available today. Here is this incredible story.
The first was Rene Caisse. She is one of the few people in this brief history of cancer remedies who was not a medical doctor. She was a Canadian registered nurse who was born in Bracebridge, Ontario, in 1888. Briefly married (her husband died shortly after their marriage), she retained her maiden name for the rest of her life. A kindly lady, she could be quite stubborn when necessary and had a strong distrust of medical and government intrusion.
In 1922, Caisse was 33 years old and head nurse at the Sisters of Providence Hospital in Haileybury, Ontario, Canada. One evening she noticed an elderly woman patient who had a strangely scarred breast. When she inquired as to the cause, the lady told her that, more than 20 years earlier, she had come from England to join her husband who was working as a prospector in northern Ontario. Shortly after arriving, a hardened mass appeared on her breast. [ Rene’s friend Sheila Snow identified this woman as Mrs. Johnson or Johnston].
The area where they were camping was inhabited by Ojibwa Indians (also known as Chippewa). Learning of her problem, an old Indian native medicine man said it was really no problem, for their tribe regularly healed these tumors with an herbal mixture. He offered to help her, but she and her husband said they would obtain help in Toronto.
Journeying down there with her husband, she was told that she had advanced cancer and would be dead in a short time unless she was operated on. But the woman recalled a friend who had recently had a radical mastectomy and died soon after. Besides, they did not have the money for expensive operations.
Returning to the Ojibwa tribe, she sought out the old Indian. He gave her an herbal tea, along with instructions to drink it twice a day. She was also given the complete formula for gathering the herbs and making the tea. The herb tea totally eliminated the malignancy. Caisse was astounded, and asked if there was any way she could obtain the formula. The woman said she had it written down at home.
The formula listed only a few herbs, and nothing more. Rene kept it, thinking that some day she might have cancer and would then use it on herself. Yet, two years later when her aunt, Mireza, was medically diagnosed as dying of inoperable stomach cancer with liver involvement, Caisse wellknew that the latest medical advances included burning the patients horribly with radium.
Wishing to spare her favorite aunt such torture, she gave her the herbal tea. Both Caisse and the attending physician, Dr. R.O. Fisher, were amazed when, after two months of treatment, the relative rallied and recovered. (She lived 20 more years after that.)
Deciding to give the formula a name, Caisse called it Essiac, which is her name spelled backwards. With the help of Dr. Fisher, she now began treating dozens of patients suffering from cancer. The results were documented, frequently with remarkably success.
One was an old man, J. Smith, who had a hideous, hemorrhaging malignant growth on his face.
Within 24 hours the bleeding had stopped; and, after several treatments, the growth began reducing in size and the large holes in his chin began to heal.
Based on what was happening to these cancer patients, many of whom were terminal, eight physicians and medical professionals signed a petition in 1926 and sent it to the Department of National Health and Welfare in Ottawa, requesting that Caisse be given facilities to do research work on her herbal formula.
In response, they sent two investigating doctors with papers empowering them to have her arrested. But, when they arrived, they found she was working with nine of the most eminent physicians in Toronto, who told them of her work. Stunned, one investigator gave her cancerous mice (inoculated with deadly Rous Sarcoma) to experiment on—and she kept them alive longer than any other method known to medical science.
Caisse kept helping people who came to her. Most of the time, they had been diagnosed as having advanced, inoperable cancers.
A battle began which lasted 50 years until her death at the age of 90 in the fall of 1978, after falling and breaking her hip. She had outlived most of her opponents.
Rene was threatened with arrest a dozen times; yet doctors, who had been referring patients to her, always came to her rescue. She never took any money for administering the treatment, only donations; and she lived very modestly. Many gave her only a dollar or two for the help they received. News of what she was doing gradually spread. As you might expect, the public was very favorable to her work.
In 1932, the first major newspaper article appeared in the Toronto Star. Entitled, “Bracebridge Girl Makes Notable Discovery Against Cancer.” This brought her work to the attention of many more people.
That same year, Dr. A.F. Bastedo, of Bracebridge (her hometown, located 170 kilometers north of Toronto, with a population of only about 9, 000), let Caisse treat one of his patients who had terminal bowel cancer. When the patient recovered, Bastedo was so impressed he convinced the town council to make the British Lion Hotel, which had been repossessed for back taxes, available to Rene for a clinic.
Rene Caisse now had an entire hotel to use, free of charge. Soon patients were arriving from around the world. The King of England wrote her a letter of encouragement.
Then a personal tragedy confronted her: Rene’s own mother was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. But the tea brought a full recovery, and she lived another 18 years till the age of 90. Thousands of signatures were gathered by friends and sent to Dr. J.A. Faulkner, provincial Minister of Health, imploring the government to support her work. The petition was ignored. Then nine medical doctors submitted another one. Upon receiving it, Faulkner conferred with Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin. Banting was interested. He had first heard about Essiac ten years earlier in 1925, when a woman treated with it no longer needed insulin. Her diabetic condition had disappeared! Checking into it, Banting had concluded that Essiac had somehow “stimulated the pancreas to function normally, thereby healing the diabetes.”
But when the matter was again brought to his attention by Faulkner in 1935, she was invited to the Banting Institute in Toronto, to work under his supervision.
Caisse’s supporters urged her to accept this outstanding offer; but, because it included stopping her care of cancer patients and working on mice, she said she turned down the offer. She would have to leave Bracebridge for a time, and this she refused to do. Her patients needed her help, and would die if she left.
In 1936, a large number of physicians again put their signatures on a petition for the Ottawa Department of Health and Welfare to give her an opportunity to demonstrate her method, so it could be officially approved. Once again, it was turned down.
At this juncture, let us cite two examples of what Rene Caisse was doing at Bracebridge, which she considered too important to abandon for mouse studies:
Tony Baziuk was a CNR engine watchman with lip cancer. It was so swollen after radium treatments in London, Ontario, that he could see it over the end of his nose. The pain was excruciating. Fellow workers collected enough to pay Tony’s way to Bracebridge. One injection of Essiac and Tony felt immediate relief. In six months he was back on the job, and lived 40 more years.
May Henderson went to Bracebridge, in 1937, with tumors in both breasts. Doctors told her she must have a double mastectomy immediately. Then they found a tumor the size of a grapefruit in her uterus.
Too weak to move, she had a horror of surgery; so her physician, Dr. J.A. McInnis, told her she was hopeless and sent her to Caisse. Describing the experience later in 1977, May said: “My color was a muddy yellow, my hair thin, my eyes, ordinarily blue, were gray and stony. I hemorrhaged so badly I thought I would die, and couldn’t stand up for any length of time.”—quoted in Richard Thomas, The Essiac Report, 19. Within three months after beginning Essiac injections, May was back at work.
“At first, the lumps seemed to grow harder, but then the turning point came and I discharged great masses of fleshy material." Still healthy 40 years later when she recounted the experience, she never had another recurrence of cancer.
In late 1937, a petition with 17, 000 signatures were sent to the Canadian government. By this time, Rene was repeatedly offered millions of dollars if she would give her still-secret formula to some firm, so they could exclusively sell it to the public. All such offers were rejected. Caisse wanted the people helped, and feared letting either private firms or the government gain control of the formula.
A leading physician in Chicago heard about Essiac, and offered to let Caisse come there to do research work. Since she would be gone from Bracebridge only every other week, and the Essiac would be given to people, not just mice, she agreed to do so.
She commuted to Northwestern University Hospital in Chicago, assisting five physicians in treating 30 volunteer terminal cancer patients. After 18 months, they concluded that Essiac prolonged life, broke down nodular masses to a more normal tissue, and relieved pain. They as much as said that it eliminated cancer, but dared not openly admit it—lest they get in trouble.
Passavant Hospital in Chicago offered her a home and the use of their laboratories, if she would move to the United States. A group of American businessmen in Buffalo, New York, offered to put up a million dollars in cash, if she would turn over the formula to them so they could control it for world marketing.
But Caisse turned them all down. She said she wanted Essiac used immediately on suffering cancer patients. Authorities wanted her to stop using it while they spent years testing it on animals! Yet, by that time, it had successful healed thousands of human beings of the dreaded disease. And they wanted to go back to animals!
She wanted Essiac to be recognized as a cure for cancer. Others wanted the formula and marketing control of the product. She was thinking of people; they had money in mind.
Somehow, in a world gone mad with greed, Rene Caisse was a different kind of person. Not only patients came from distant places, so did highly trained physicians. Emma Carson, M.D., came from California. Originally planning to remain one day, amazed at what she found, she stayed at the Bracebridge Clinic nearly a month. “I firmly resolved that my investigation be based on unprejudiced judgment. The vast majority of Miss Caisse’s patients were brought to her after surgery; radium, emplastrums, etc. had failed to be helpful, and the patients were pronounced incurable or hopeless cases.
“The progress obtained, the actual results from Essiac treatments, and the rapidity of repair were absolutely marvelous and must be seen to be believed. My skepticism neither yielded nor became subdued by the hopes and faith so definitely expressed by the patients and their friends.
“As I reviewed, compared and summarized my data, records, case histories, etc., I realized that skepticism had deserted me. When I arrived I contemplated remaining 12 hours; I remained 24 days. I examined results obtained on 400 patients.”— Emma Carson, M.D., op. cit., 23.
Then, in 1938, the central government became involved when a bill was presented to Parliament, which would officially allow Rene Caisse to treat cancer patients with Essiac. It was introduced in March by Frank Kelly, and proposed that Rene Caisse be officially authorized to “practice medicine in Ontario in the treatment of cancer in all its forms and of human ailments and conditions resulting therefrom.” Caisse wanted to be able to treat cancer patients before they had entered the advanced, terminal stage. The patients were half dead before she had an opportunity to work on them.
The bill was supported by a petition with 55, 000 names of patients, their families, and friends, and many physicians. But, in a close decision, the bill was defeated by just three votes. At this juncture, it is a wonder the voting public of Canada did not throw the bunch out of office. Faulkner, who had favored Caisse somewhat, had been replaced as Minister of Health by Harold Kirby, who declared, “I will not see the honor of modern medical science tainted!” He introduced a bill into Parliament three days after defeat of the Kelly bill. It passed, and called for fines and jailing of anyone giving Essiac. Caisse was warned that she would be arrested if she continued to give her Essiac treatments.
Rene immediately announced she was closing her clinic and moving to the United States. Her patients were heartbroken, and protests from all across Canada deluged the desks of the Premier and the Minister of Health. Under incredible public pressure, Premier Hepburn and Health Minister Kirby publicly announced that Caisse could continue her work, and would not be charged under the new Kirby law. She consented.
The war continued. On one side were the protests of the public; on the other side, a driving concern to shut down Caisse’s clinic. The next year (August 1938) the government set up a commission of six physicians, with “expertise” in the treatment of cancer, to investigate her claimed cancer cures.
All this was somewhat ironic, since the formula had been curing cancer in Canada longer than there had been a Canada. Drs. W.C. Wallace and T.H. Callahan were sent to Bracebridge to interview her patients, and received glowing reports.
Three members of Parliament (Duckworth, Armstrong, and Summerville) strongly urged enactment of a bill to permit Caisse to treat cancer. Caisse brought not 10, 20, or even 30 Essiac treated patients—but 380 of them! They all claimed to have been cured, and there was medical documentation to support it. The commission heard 49 of them
Here are just two of those 49 testimonies: “After treatment by Nurse Caisse, I’m working everyday. I milk five cows, night and morning. I’m right off the farm and have boarders and all in the house, and I have to do it all myself. I owe my life to Miss Caisse and I hope you will do something for her.”—Elizabeth Stewart, op. cit., 28.
“My cancer had spread after radium treatments until my arm had swelled to double its size, and turned black. I went down from 150 pounds to 90 pounds, and then entered St. Michael’s to have my arm amputated, but changed my mind on the eve of the operation and went to Bracebridge instead. After four months on the Essiac treatment my arm has returned to normal, and I have gained 60 pounds.”—Annie Bonar, ibid.
After hearing the 49 testimonies, the committee admitted that Essiac may have helped some of them. But most of the time, the commission concluded her patients either did not know what they were talking about, never had cancer (had earlier been misdiagnosed), or that some standard method had really remitted the cancer.
In spite of all this evidence, the commission rejected the request for permission to give Essiac to cancer patients.
“It is my opinion that the hearing of my case before the Cancer Commission was one of the greatest farces ever perpetrated in the history of man. Over 380 patients came to be heard and the Commission limited the hearing to 49 patients. Then in their report they stated that I had only taken 49 patients to be heard, that X-ray or biopsy reports were not acceptable as a diagnosis, and that the 49 doctors had made wrong or mistaken diagnoses. It is a sad state of affairs if doctors can diagnose an affliction as ‘cancer’ and send patients home with a few months at most to live, if they are not sure.”—Rene Caisse, op. cit., 31.
For several years she continued giving the treatments, always without charge, and never knowing when she would be arrested. In 1942, close to a nervous breakdown, she closed down the clinic. In 1948, when her husband died, she returned to Bracebridge, but little is known of her activities until 1959. It was widely believed that she was still treating patients, and the government dared not arrest her.
Throughout the years when she was treating people, when asked about her income she would laugh, “I never had $100 I could call my own!” She would accept fruits, vegetables, eggs, or whatever the people would bring her in payment for her help. She never turned away anyone who had no money.
When asked why she kept the formula secret, she replied that as long as the government and the medical groups did not have it, they could not forbid others to use it. She refused to reveal the formula to the Canadian Government, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, or the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland— just to name a few.
She said she would not tell them the formula until they publicly admitted that it could cure cancer. This they refused to do. So the stalemate continued on down to the time of her death.
“I want to know that suffering humanity will benefit by it. When I can be given that assurance, I am willing to disclose my [herbal] formula, but I have got to know that it is going to get to suffering humanity.”— Rene Caisse, op. cit., 30.
There are three individuals who made it possible for people today to have Essiac. The first was Rene Caisse; the second was Charles A. Brusch, M.D.
In February 1959, Roland Davidson (a Canadian healed of a severe case of ulcerated hemorrhoids by Essiac) journeyed to New York City to convince Ralph Daigh, editorial director of Fawcett Publications, to print a story on Caisse and Essiac in True, at that time the largest men’s magazine in North America. He had with him copies of 10 pounds of documents, testimonials, physicians’ statements, and newspaper articles.
Daigh was skeptical at first; but, after examining the material for several hours, he became very interested. Daigh decided to check further into the matter. With a friend (Paul Murphy of the Science Research Institute of New York), he went to Bracebridge to interview Caisse and several physicians who had worked with her.
Daigh then made arrangements for Caisse to be invited to go to Cambridge, Massachusetts and work with Dr. Charles Brusch, one of the most prestigious physicians in America. Expenses would be paid and she would retain the right to her formula. By this time, Rene was 70.
From 1959 to 1962, Dr. Brusch worked with Essiac at his Brusch Clinic in Massachusetts. He was a personal physician to John F. Kennedy; and, using Essiac, he healed Ted Kennedy’s son who had a sarcoma on his leg.
It was quickly obvious to Brusch that Essiac was a winner, and he wanted to try to improve on the formula. Brusch knew a skilled herbalist, in Kansas, who suggested several other herbs.
The new formula had the four basic herbs, plus four others.
Eventually, Brusch was told that mice would no longer be available to him “for obvious reasons” and “technical difficulties.” Pressure became so great that he was much more cautious about treating patients with cancer, lest he be arrested. But Brusch remained solidly with Rene Caisse as her friend. “The results we obtained with thousands of patients of various races, sexes, and ages, with all types of cancer, definitely prove Essiac to be a cure for cancer. All studies done in four laboratories in the United States and one or more in Canada fortify this claim.”—Charles A. Brusch, M.D.
Rene found that Essiac tended to normalize the thyroid gland. She noted that it would heal stomach ulcers within 3-4 weeks. Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin, said the tea seemed to regenerate the pancreas so it would again produce insulin. It is also good for the common cold. Essiac elevates the immune system.
Gary Glum, author of a book on Caisse, says he has taken one ounce of Essiac, each day for a decade, and he has not had a cold, flu, or a virus.
By the 1970s, no one knew what the formula was. Midway through that decade, Caisse finally admitted to the general public that the core formula contained only four herbs.
From 1962 to 1978, Rene continued quietly treating cancer sufferers at the Bracebridge Clinic. Official papers have come to light, that the government knew about this, but looked the other way. They feared the people, who considered this lady, who without charge healed cancer, to be an angel from heaven.
For his part, Brusch continued experimentation with the herbs, giving them to some patients, and continually refining the proportions to be given for optimum results. As he progressed, he shared his discoveries with Caisse. He also told her of other conditions which he found to be helped by Essiac. The formula was a phenomenal detoxifier, cleaning the body so a variety of advanced degeneracies and debilities could be alleviated.
In the summer of 1978, Homemakers, one of Canada’s largest magazines, published a story on Rene Caisse and her work. Rene was swamped with requests for help. Newspapers across Canada picked up the story. Letters poured in.
One of those who read the Homemakers’ story was David Fingard, the vice-president of Resperin, a Canadian corporation said to have pharmaceutical interests. Fingard determined that he would do the impossible: convince Caisse to turn over the formula to him. Repeatedly, he made offers, which she turned down. But he kept offering new, revised offers. Finally, he offered to treat poor cancer patients free, if she would turn over the formula.
On the morning of October 26, 1977, Caisse signed a contract giving his firm the formula. Although Brusch was somewhat doubtful, yet Caisse, knowing she was nearing the end of her life decided to go ahead with it. She had signed over the rights to her secret formula, for the sum of one dollar, to a Canadian manufacturing firm. Resperin was organized by a physician, Matthew Dymond, who wanted to save Essiac from extinction. He told her that he would use it to help humanity, and she trusted him. With the passing of time, Brusch’s fears were found to be true.
Resperin kept the secret formula in Toronto; but, in order to carry on their work, they said it was necessary to share the formula with the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare. This angered Caisse, who felt that the men had betrayed her.
But Brusch began checking into the matter and learned still more. On one hand, the medical establishment was up to its old tricks. Only two hospitals were permitted to dispense Essiac. Physicians at those hospitals refused to give Essiac in the larger amounts needed to accomplish anything worthwhile. The clinical testing was limited to private physicians, and they were required to fill out extremely lengthy forms for each person they wanted to give Essiac to. So few physicians would bother to use it very much. The physicians said they must give it in combination with various drugs. On and on went the merry-go-round.
Rene Caisse was heartbroken. She blamed Resperin for the problems. Bitterly disappointed, she died on December 26, 1978, a week after being operated on for a broken hip.
But Charles Brusch continued investigating, and he learned still more. In early 1980, he learned why he had been kept totally in the dark about Resperin’s work with Essiac, even though the contract called for him to be regularly consulted. Since Brusch was in New York State, not Canada, he hired a private investigator to check things out. This is what was discovered: Resperin was not even a viable corporation at the time of the Homemakers’ article. It had sold some respiratory products, but little was known about them. The impressive board of consultants were merely friends of David Fingard.
Fingard was a trained chemist, but his specialty was unknown. Essiac was being formulated in the kitchen of Dr. Matthew Dymond, the only other Resperin employee. Both men were now in their 70s, and too frail to accomplish much.
The general inaction of Resperin and in the hospitals provided the Department of Health and Welfare with the excuse it was looking for. On April 9, 1981, the Health Protection Branch (an interesting name) issued an official statement condemning Essiac as essentially worthless. The hospital testing, it declared, had not helped anyone.
On August 30, 1982, Resperin’s permit for testing of Essiac was rescinded. Knowing the public was to be outraged, the government was ready. They issued a statement that, under the Emergency Drug Release Act, any physician could obtain Essiac for his cancer patients.
But such extensive paperwork was required for each case, that the local physicians could not use it. Among other things, the complete past medical history of the patient must be written out and submitted, with copies of all tests, X-rays, etc. Essiac could not be gotten to the people.
Before her death, Caisse, brokenhearted over the state of affairs, shared the four-herb basic formula with some friends [Sheila Snow, Mary McPherson]. Dr. Brusch did not know what to do, and could only wait. Then, in the late summer of 1984, a woman in Vancouver phoned him.
Elaine Alexander was a woman with a remarkable amount of energy. She was a radio talk show host and producer in Vancouver, British Columbia; and she had heard about Essiac.
Intrigued at first, she investigated, read everything she could on the subject, and become convinced that Essiac really could heal cancer!
Alexander asked Brusch if he would be willing to appear on her Vancover radio talk show. It was obvious that she already knew a vast amount about Essiac, and regularly discussed controversial health issues over the air. In 1984, she had been one of the first to reveal the AIDS crisis to Canadians, and she spent six weeks of broadcasts doing it.
Brusch found that Elaine had already meticulously gone through court records, privately interviewed people healed by Essiac, and spoken with physicians. Now she wanted to take the whole matter to the public in a radio series.
For the first two-hour interview, the phone lines were jammed as she spoke with Brusch.
“A: Dr. Brusch, let’s get right to the point. Are you saying Essiac can help people with cancer, or are you saying that Essiac is a cure for cancer?
“B: I’m saying it’s a cure!
“A: Would you repeat that once more, Dr. Brusch?
“B: Yes, I would be glad to. Essiac is a cure for cancer. I’ve seen it reverse and eliminate cancers at such a progressed state that nothing medical science currently has could have accomplished similar results. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not seen it with my own eyes. I feel very strongly that Essiac is the single most beneficial treatment for cancer today.”—First E. Alexander radio interview with C.A. Brusch, M.D., November 1984.
In Dr. Brusch, Rene Caisse had at last found a friend who would not betray her. In Elaine Alexander, Brusch had at last found the friend he needed to bring Essiac to the people.
Intense pressure was immediately applied to Alexander, from both medical interests and the general public. Learning where she lived, people would mob her home. She became an expert at sorting out the legal red tape, so patients could obtain Essiac from their physicians via the Emergency Drug Release Act. But there were so many complications.
The pressure continued from 1984 onward. Then, in early 1988, Elaine got an idea. Simple enough, it would cut through all the red tape and bring Essiac to the people at last!
The answer was to be found, for example, in a letter from Dr. A. Klein, at the Health Protection Branch of the federal government. “Relevant Factors: “Essiac has always been classified as a drug because the Resperin Corporation has made drug claims for this infusion.
“According to the Food and Drug Act, a substance is a drug when it is a substance or a mixture of substances sold or represented for use in the diagnosis, treatment, investigation or prevention of a disease, disorder, abnormal physical state, or the symptoms thereof, etc.
“Essiac has always been represented to be a ‘cure’ for cancer; therefore, it is a drug due to the claim.
“Suggested Response: “Essiac appears to be entirely nontoxic.
“From the evidence to date Essiac has only a placebo or a phychological effect on cancer patients.
“If Essiac were to be sold in health food stores, the implied claims for this substance as a cancer cure could be considered fraudulent”—“Briefing Information on Essiac, ” A. Klein, M.D., Health Protection Branch, Department of Health and Welfare, Ontario, March 17, 1988.
The solution was simple: Sell Essiac at low cost through the health-food stores, making no claims of any kind for it!
Why fight a war that cannot be won? Instead, just give it to the people as an herbal formula— which is what the Ojibwa Indians said it was. Charles Brusch was astounded and knew that Elaine Alexander was a true friend of Essiac. He pled with her to take charge of getting the herbal formula to the people.
On November 10, 1988, legal documents were drawn up and signed (and an additional confirmatory contract was drawn up between them on April 23, 1993).
Elaine had to make a major decision. In order to bring Essiac to the people, she would have to give up her radio broadcasting.
At last, common people could obtain Essiac.
Here are the four primary herbs in the Essiac herbal formula:
Burdock root (Arctium lappa) is slightly bitter. You can add an additional 2-6 oz. to the 24 oz., if you do not mind the added bitterness. This would be beneficial, but not necessary. Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is a wild perennial miniature of garden sorrel. It must be green in color and have an aroma of sweet grass. “Sorrel” comes from a French word for “sour.” Sorrel tastes a little Rhubarb root is yellowish-brown in color. Slippery elm inner bark (Ulmus fulva) is best purchased. If you strip it from a tree, you will likely kill it if you do not know the proper way to do it.
We have learned that sheep sorrel is a crucial ingredient, but that many herb companies substitute yellow dock and curly dock for the sheep sorrel. Yet it is the sheep sorrel that is said to be responsible for the destruction of cancer cells, in the body, or their amalgamation where metastasized cancer cells actually return to the original cancer site. It is very important that the sheep sorrel be included in the mixture, not dock!
We have also learned that Rene would harvest the sheep sorrel (a common weed which grows over much of Canada and the United States) when it was 4-6 inches high. She cut it back and it would grow again, and she would cut it back again. After doing this about three times, she would let it go to seed. While seeding the ground, it would grow to 14-18 inches.
Caisse would then take the herb cuttings home and lay them out at room temperature to dry. After 3-4 days, she would begin turning the herbs. Thereafter, she would turn them every two days until they were properly dry, which took about 10- 14 days. About a bushel of harvested sheep sorrel is required to produce one pound of the dried powdered herb, as used in the formula.
Rene had said that, when she originally obtained the formula in the early 1920s, she altered the formula somewhat. It is now known that the modification was Turkish rhubarb root (Rheum palmatum). This herb is not native to North America. It does not grow in the fields, therefore could not be part of the original Ojibwa Indian formula But it has been used for thousands of years, and originally came from India into China, where the British acquired it and took it to Britain and Canada. Some prefer to use a native variant. Ordinary rhubarb root can be used as a substitute.
The burdock root (Arctium lappa) and the inner (not outer) bark of the slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) are easy to obtain. It is the sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) that is said to especially destroy the cancer cells. The burdock and rhubarb are said to be blood cleansers. (However, from other sources, we learn that Hungarian research, in 1966, and Japanese research, at Nagoya University in 1984, disclosed that burdock has antitumor activity; and studies done, in the 1980s showed antibiotic and anti-tumor properties in rhubarb.) As for slippery elm, its primary function is to catch toxic substances, brought to the colon by the bloodstream, and carry them on out of the body.
Here is additional information about Essiac: This information comes from several sources, and all of it agrees. (One of the sources is a book by Gary L. Glum, a Los Angeles chiropractor, entitled Calling of an Angel, about Caisse and Essiac.)
It can be safely taken, up to 6 oz. a day (2 in the morning, 2 around noon, and 2 in the evening). Here is the recipe Mary McPherson, Rene’s best friend, gave in an affidavit in 1994.
Dry ingredients:
(1) 24 oz. of burdock root. This is equivalent to 6½ (six and a half) kitchen measuring cups, full of the cut root piece or 24 oz. of the dry powdered herb.
(2) 16 oz. of powdered sheep sorrel.
(3) 1 oz. of powdered rhubarb root.
(4) 4 oz. of powdered slippery elm bark.
Supplies needed:
• Two 3-gallon (or larger) pots with lids. They should either be stainless steel or enameled blued canner pots. Never use aluminum as a container for anything you may later put into your body!
• Fine-mesh strainer (stainless steel).
• Funnel (stainless steel or plastic).
• Spatula (stainless steel).
• Twelve or more 16-oz. sterilized amber glass bottles with airtight caps (not the childproof type; these are not airtight). Clear-glass mason jars can be used, if they are stored on a dark shelf.
• Measuring cup (pyrex).
• Kitchen scale (it must have ounce measurements).
Advance preparation:
(1) Sterilize the bottles and caps, which the herbal liquid will later be stored in. Bottle caps must be washed and rinsed thoroughly, and may be cleaned with a 3% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide in water.
(2) To make the 3% solution: Mix 1 oz. of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with 11 oz. of distilled water. Place in a pot and let the jars and lids soak in it for 5 minutes; then rinse and dry. If the food grade hydrogen perioxide is not available, use ½ teaspoon of Chlorox to 1 gallon of distilled water.
Preparing the herbs:
(1) Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. You can best do this by placing the herbs in a plastic bag and vigorously shaking it. Any clean household bag will suffice.
(2) Put the 2 gallons of distilled water into the large pot, cover it with the lid, and bring it to a rolling boil. Continue the boil for a couple minutes.
(3) Stir in 1 cup of the dry ingredients. Replace the lid and continue boiling for 10 minutes.
(4) During the waiting period, store the remainder of the herbs in a cool, dark place. The herbs are light sensitive.
(5) Turn off the fire, but do not remove the herbs. The steeping process has begun (during which the herbs remain in the hot water). Scrape down the sides of the pot with a spatula, stir the mixture thoroughly, replace the lid.
(6) The pot should remain closed for 12 hours. Then turn the stove to the highest setting and heat almost to a boil—but do not let it begin boiling! This will take about 20 minutes. The steeping out of the active ingredients (from the herb into the water) is now completed.
(7) Turn off the stove. Strain the liquid into the second 3-gallon (or larger) pot. Clean the first pot and strainer.
(8) Do the second straining: Strain the filtered liquid back into the first pot, using the strainer and a clean cotten cloth across the mouth of the strainer.
(9) Use the funnel to immediately pour the hot liquid into sterilized bottles, being careful to tighten the caps securely. Allow the bottles to cool. Then tighten the caps again.
(10) If possible, store in a cool place until opened. Upon opening a jar, keep refrigerated, but not frozen.
(11) Essiac contains no preservatives so, if mold forms in a bottle, immediately discard the contents.
(12) Sediment on the bottom of the jars is from the herbs and is normal.
Directions for use:
Essiac is easy to take and does not taste bad. Brew the tea and store it in bottles in the refrigerator. Drink it at least one hour before mealtime.
(1) If you have cancer, drink two fluid ounces three times a day. Do this for at least 12 consecutive weeks, without interruption.
(2) If you have diabetes, drink two ounces twice a day.
(3) For general health maintenance, drink two two-ounce cups twice a day for two weeks, then one a day thereafter.
Directions for normal use:
(1) Shake the bottle of Essiac.
(2) Take 4 tablespoons (2 oz.) twice a day. It can be taken cold or heated slightly (do not microwave).
(3) Take it in the morning upon arising. One hour before eating is best.
(4) Take it again at bedtime on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating.
(5) In severe cases, also take 2 oz. before the noon meal.
If you have severe stomach problems, dilute Essiac with an equal amount of distilled water.
Directions for use as a preventive:
(1) Shake the bottle of Essiac.
(2) Take 4 tablespoons (2 oz.). It can be taken cold or heated slightly (do not microwave).
(3) Take it at bedtime on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating.
The original four herbs—The original four herbs, as given by the Ojibwa Indian medicine man, have been listed above. They are sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark, rhubarb root (often called Turkey Rhubarb today).
The following statement by this dedicated nurse summarizes her observations after giving Essiac to cancer sufferers for many years. We especially include it because it describes the manner in which spreading cancer will frequently return to the original tumor, which will then harden and grow smaller.
“My treatment is nontoxic herbs. It goes to the seat of the trouble no matter where it is whether internal or on the surface, and gives healthy cells the strength to resist the demands of the malignant cells for the substance upon which the malignancy thrives, thus causing a recession of the malignant cells from the healthy cells, which have become stronger.
“I can truthfully say that I have in many cases been able to stay the disease (cancer) and in some really bad cases prolong life. In practically all cases, pain and suffering were alleviated so that the patient was not compelled to resort to opiates or narcotics in increasing doses, as usually is the case.
The decoction is increasing doses, as usually is the case. The decoction is a nontoxic drink made from herbs which are of definite benefit for cancer. “I have felt that once the cancer becomes active, traveling as it does along the line of least resistance, insidiously, on its relentless course, any destructive agency applied to the human body can only do more harm (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery).
“I have found that no matter where the malignancy may be in the human body, surgery would be much more successful after the treatment of my herbal remedy, followed by continued treatment over a period of time; then there would be no recurrence of the tumor. In the case of breast cancer, the primary growth will usually invade the mammary gland of the opposite breast or the axilla (armpit), or both. The treatment, I found, reduces the secondary growth into the primary mass, enlarging it for a time. When it became localized, it was encapsulated and could then be removed without danger of recurrence. In one instance, a patient with breast cancer was instructed by her doctor to take my treatment before undergoing surgery; however after a brief treatment the cancer had completely disappeared, with no recurrence.
“Most importantly, and this was verified in animal tests conducted at the Brusch Medical Center and other laboratories, it was discovered that one of the most dramatic effects of taking this remedy was its affinity for drawing all the cancer cells, which had spread, back to the original sight, at which point the tumor would first harden, then later it would soften until it vanished altogether or, more realistically, the tumor would decrease in size to where it could then be surgically removed with minimum complications.
“In certain cases and at certain stages of the disease, the cancer would act as if it were ‘coming to a head, ’ similar to an abscess. It would then break down and slough away. These people all reported that when the mass breaks, it isn’t like puss but like a cottage cheese substance that comes away. Still other types will enlarge until the mass is localized, then loosen and reduce in size until there is nothing left, having been absorbed into and carried off by the blood stream and body waste.
“Other observations I’ve made over my years of practice: The treatment allowed patients to sleep in greater comfort than they had in the past, and the increased appetite and weight, diminished pain, decreased tumor size, and longer life span were all attested to by doctors in attendance. Dr. Banting, who examined case after case, was especially impressed with the effect of the treatment on the pancreas and possibly other sluggish glands which it seemed to restore to activity. Other doctors who examined my patients discovered the treatment had a special effect on the liver. After taking blood counts they found hemoglobin and white cell platelets had returned to normal.
“The treatment, given to people in health, is helpful in that it is a blood purifier and will do its work before there is any chance of the malignant cells invading the body.”—Undated statement by Rene Caisse.
BURDOCK ROOT—Arctium lappa. Burdock is excellent. It cleans the blood of impurities and help flush the kidneys. “Root: alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, demulcent. Body parts affected: blood, kidneys, and liver.
“Burdock root is one of the best blood purifiers for chronic infection, arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases . It provides an abundance of iron and insulin which makes it of special value to the blood. It has volatile oils which makes it a good diaphretic [induce sweating], and clears the kidneys of excess wastes and uric acid by increasing the flow of urine.”—Humbart Santillo, Natural Healing with Herbs, 96.
“Root: diuretic, depilatory, alterative. Leaves: maturating. Seed: alternative, diuretic. “The root is one of the best blood purifiers for syphilitic and other diseases of the blood. It cleanses and eliminates impurities from the blood very rapidly. Burdock tea taken freely will clear all kinds of skin diseases, boils, and carbuncles. Increases flow of urine. Excellent for gout, rheumatism, scrofula, canker sores, syphilis, sciatica, gonorrhea, leprosy.”—Jethro Kloss, Back to Eden, 211.
“The decoction or infusion of burdock root is aperient, but not for all individuals; for some it may even be constipative . . Burdock is also said to neutralize and eliminate poisons in the system. The leaves are not generally used but do contain a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile. If they are to be used for liver problems, use fresh leaves only . . The seeds contain an oil that is used medicinally, but only with medical supervision.”—John Lust, The Herb Book, 140. [Therefore avoid use of leaves, unless fresh, and seeds.]
“Root tea (2 ounces died root in 1 quart water) used as a ‘blood purifier’; diuretic, stimulates bile secretion, sweating . . Also used for gonorrhea.”—Steven Foster and J.A. Duke, Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants, 166.
SORREL—Rumex acetosella L. Same as sheep sorrel, sourgrass. Sorrel helps flush out toxins through the bowels and kidneys. But it also has anti-tumor properties.
“Astringent, diuretic, laxative. Sorrel root has astringent properties, and a decoction made from it has been used for hemorrhage . . A tea made from the leaves and stem is diuretic and may be helpful for gravel and stones. For mouth and throat ulcers, a tea made from leaves and flowers and taken with honey has been recommended. Sorrel leaves are sometimes used like spinach, particularly for ‘spring cure.’ Externally, a tea made from the herb can be used as a wash or fomentation to treat skin diseases and problems. Caution: Consuming large quantities of sorrel can irritate the kidneys and produce mild to severe poisoning.”—Lust, 359-360.
“Diuretic, antiscorbutic, refrigerant, vermifuge . . It kills putrefaction in the blood, expels worms, and is warming to the heart . . A tea from the flowers is good in internal ulcers and black jaundice; also scurvy, scrofula, and all skin diseases. A poultice is excellent for cancer, boils, and tumors.”—Kloss, 315.
“Leaf tea of this common European alien traditionally used for fevers, inflammation, scurvy. Fresh leaves considered cooling, diuretic; leaves poulticed (after roasting) for tumors, wens (sebaceous cysts); folk cancer remedy . . Warning: May cause poisoning in large doses, due to high oxalic acid and tannin content.”—Foster, 214.
RHUBARB—Rhubarb stimulates the bile ducts, so the liver can flush. It is excellent as a mild laxative for children or very sick people. It also relieves stomach troubles, and cleans the bowels. Also a good blood cleanser.
“Medicinal properties: Vulnerary, tonic, stomachic, purgative, was atringent, aperient. “Rhubarb is an old-time remedy, very useful for diarrhea and dysentery in adults and children. An excellent laxative for infants, as it is very mild and tonic. Excellent to increase the muscular action of the bowels. Excellent for use in stomach troubles. Will relieve headache. It stimulates the gall-ducts, thereby causing the ejection of bilious materials. Excellent for scrofulous children with distended abdomens. Good for the liver. Cleans and tones the bowels.”— Kloss, 304. “Astringent, laxative, stomachic; alterative, silagogue. Body parts affected: stomach and intestines . . “Rhubarb is both a laxative and astringent. Its dual properties make it a good herb for both diarrhea and constipation. It stimulates the walls of the colon and the secretory glands of the stomach and intestines. In small amounts, rhubarb is an excellent digestive tonic. Judge the amount on your own. 30 grains given every 2 or 3 hours has stopped diarrhea and hemorrhages in adults. Larger amounts will produce a laxative effect. If you do not desire a laxative effect, cut back on the dosage and it will act as a good tonic and blood cleanser.
“Finley Ellingwood, M.D., states in the American Materia Medica, ‘It is the laxative for debilitated patients, or for patients recovering from prostrating disease. Given to a nursing mother, like aloe, it relaxes the infant’s bowels, and in some cases it is desirable to administer it to the mother for this purpose.’
“Rhubarb is used to treat chronic blood diseases. The dosage for a general digestive tonic and blood cleanser is one teaspoon of the tincture three times daily or one to three capsules three times daily. Note: Do not use over prolonged periods as it tends to aggravate any tendency toward chronic constipation. Do not use during pregnancy.”—Santillo, 167-168.
—Special note: In the thinking of the present writer, there are three oddities about rhubarb: (1) It is remarkably high in oxalic acid, which is not good for a person. It may be that this acid is the factor which helps medicinally. The Gerson Institute permits small leaves of beet greens to be used in cooking, but not the larger ones, because of their oxalic acid content. (2) The herb books indicate that “rhubarb” and “Turkey rhubarb” are essentially the same; (3) One would think that the small amount of rhubarb in Essiac would be constipative rather than laxative.
SLIPPERY ELM BARK—Ulmus fulva Slippery elm is an extremely gentle soother of the gastro-intestinal system as it grabs toxins and pushes them out of the bowels. “Demulcent, emollient, nutritive; astringent. Body parts affected: general effects on the whole body.
“Slippery elm used as a gruel is nourishing for children and the elderly with weak stomach, ulcers and those recovering from diseases. It will relieve constipation and diarrhea . . “Slippery elm is also used to bind the materials of suppositories, boluses, lozenges and unleavened breads together.
“Externally, use it as a poultice applied to sores, wounds, burns, open sores and infected skin problem areas. It is a good addition to [censored]s and enemas when there is inflammation and burning. If used as a [censored] or enema, it will need to be diluted with water so it will not plug the apparatus as it is a mucilaginous herb.”—Santillo, 177-178.
“Slippery elm, American elm [different than Ulmus campestris, which is the English elm, common elm, European elm] . . Medicinal part: the inner bark.
“Demulcent, diuretic, emollient. The inner bark of slippery elm is noted primarily for its soothing properties. Internally, it is helpful where inflammatory irritation exists, as in sore throat, diarrhea, dysentery, and many urinary problems. Externally it is applied as a poultice to irritated and inflamed skin and to wounds. Due to its depletion from Dutch Elm Disease, the American elm should be protected against widespread use of its bark. The bark cannot be used without disfiguring or killing a noble tree.”—Lust, 182-183.
“Three tablespoons of inner bark in a cup of hot water makes a thick mucilaginous tea, traditionally used for sore throats, upset stomach, indigestion, digestive irritation, stomach ulcers, choughs, pleurisy; said to help in diarrhea and dysentery. Inner bark considered edible. Once used as a nutritive broth for children, the elderly, and convalescing patients who had difficulty consuming or digesting food. Externally, the thick tea, made from powdered inner bark, was applied to fresh wounds, ulcers, burns, scalds. Science confirms tea is soothing to mucous membranes and softens hardened tissue. Bark once used as an anti-oxidant to prevent rancidity of fat.”—Foster, 294.
Even though it is a powerful anti-tumor agent, the Essiac herbal formula, just as it is, keeps a nice balance between some cancer fighting and much cleansing of the toxins from its breakdown. That is extremely important, since it is generally the toxic overload which kills the cancer patient, not the tumor.
Notice the balance that Essiac already has:
Burdock root - cleans the blood and helps flush the kidneys.
Sorrel - helps fight the tumor, but especially flushes the bowels and the kidneys.
Rhubarb - is a blood cleanser, and also relieves the stomach, cleans the bowels, and is a mild laxative.
Slippery elm bark - soothes the entire gastrointestinal tract in the process of absorbing toxins and taking them out."
The same formula you posted from the Ojibwe elder looked a little easier to make.
I also checked out "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures" documentary on youtube.

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 16, 2014 12:07 pm EST

got this e-mail

Essiac is not a fraud, other formulas are but Essiac is not. Flor Essence is not the original formula and has herbs in it that are not in the original tribal formula. There is a reason that there is a warning to "Beware Counterfeits" on Essiac. The original Native American Essiac formula, "Black Root Medicine" is even on archive at the Sheila Snow Fraser Essiac Archive. The Four Directions Medicine is the 4 herb formula...burdock, sheep sorrel, slippery elm and rhubarb...they were all found in the wilds of Ontario in the 19th century. There were 4 other herbs that could be used in certain circumstances listed with the original tribal formula: goldthread root, watercress root, periwinkle root and red clover root. Rene Caisse stuck with the four directions medicine as it was more potent and there was less sediment and it kept longer. She always gave credit to "the Indians" for the formula and never made money on it. She just wanted to help people with cancer.

"Cate Crow's fake plagiarized cancer cure" is not mine, it is not fake and it has a long history of success in treating the disease. It is called "The Ojibwa cancer cure" up here but that is just a well known term used. I wrote an article called native cancer teas, not native cancer cures and I included the source. I also passed the tea recipe quoting an Ontario Ojibwa elder on to friends who were suffering from cancer or knew someone who was and it helped them and I will continue to share the original native/essiac tea recipe with friends.

There is one person on the nafps board with a Swedish or German sounding name calling it a fraud. This is the same person who said there was no cancer industry. When cancer drugs make $170 billion in profit, the CEO of the American Cancer Society makes over $1, 000, 000 in salary and benefits and their collective employees makes over $345, 000, 000 (and those are 2006 published stats...they make more now) is not exactly non-profit charity work. Cancer is the #1 most profitable disease, period. Any potential cures over the years get buried...or this farce happens... Rene Caisse went through the same nonsense. The FDA, the pharmaceutical companies, the government are all in bed with one another...the bottomline is always patents and profit. Good for little Makalay Sault. I would do the same thing if I were in her shoes.

I did find out that "Old lady Johnson" who was treating and curing people of cancer in the 1870's in Thornton, Ontario with the formula the Ojibwa gave her who overwintered on her land was not the same Mrs. Johnson/Johnston that Sheila Snow identified as giving the formula from the Indian medicine man to Rene Caisse in 1922. Mrs. Johnson from Thornton died in 1906.

"The Ojibwa who were nomadic, over-wintered in a valley just at the South edge of the Johnson farm which was just south of Cherry Valley Farm. This whole area was known as a traveling area to the natives long before the settlers arrived. After that time, the natives would negotiate with the farmers for camping grounds for the winter in exchange for basswood trees to make baskets. My sister-in-law still has one that her Grandmother bought.

The Ojibwa had a cancer cure which they freely gave to the white man. "Old lady Johnson" had people coming from all over the States and Canada for this cure, which the Ojibwa had generously given to her.
My Grandfather told me his mother Orpha brought her mother Charity Ann Barber from Norfolk County for this cure. During the course of the treatments, his mother met and fell in love with the farm boy next door at Cherry Valley. They corresponded for a year and the next time they met was on their wedding floor. Dr. Frederick Banting who discovered insulin in the early 1920's, knew Rene Caisse and found the Essiac formula equally helpful for those with diabetes. Dr. Banting even offered Rene Caisse his research facilities to test the formula and he stated, "Essiac actuates the pancreatic gland into normal functioning". Oddly enough, John H. Banting who married my Great Aunt, Francis. E. Davis and their children, were related to Dr. Frederick Banting who resided in Alliston just to the southwest of Cherry Valley Farm." Nancy Huber.

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 16, 2014 2:57 pm EST

recommended, "Black Root Medicine - The Original Native American Essiac Formula" Mali Klein.

In the news

Ontario girl can rely on traditional medicine to treat cancer, court rules
In a precedent-setting case, Ontario Court Justice Gethin Edward has ruled that a Brantford girl and aboriginal children like her now have the right to refuse medical treatment in favour of traditional healing.

Surrounded by family, including her mother Sonya, Makayla Sault, 11, spoke at an event in Ohsweken Sunday. Makayla and her family have rejected chemotherapy for her cancer, choosing instead traditional native healing. Another aboriginal girl with the same cancer has won a precedent-setting case in Ontario court to allow her to continue traditional treatment.

By: Joanna Frketich Hamilton Spectator, Published on Fri Nov 14 2014
Aboriginal children now have the right to refuse medical treatment in favour of traditional healing.
The Friday ruling is about Canada’s Constitution protecting aboriginal rights.
Ontario Court Justice Gethin Edward has now expanded those rights to include traditional healing, saying “there is no question it forms an integral part.”
“This is monumental for our people all across the country, ” said Six Nations Chief Ava Hill. “This is precedent-setting for us.”
First Nations spectators in the standing-room-only Brantford courtroom burst into applause and tears as Edward dismissed an application by McMaster Children’s Hospital to have the girl apprehended by Brant Family and Children’s Services and forced into treatment. That agency had refused to intervene.
“I feel I’ve transcended something bigger than all of us, ” said the girl’s aunt when she phoned the mother to deliver the news. It came down to Edward’s conclusion that the mother’s choice to pursue traditional medicine “is her aboriginal right.”
“This is not an eleventh hour epiphany employed to take her daughter out of the rigours of chemotherapy, ” the judge wrote in his decision. “Rather it is a decision made by a mother, on behalf of a daughter she truly loves, steeped in a practice that has been rooted in their culture from its beginnings.”
“It is this Court’s conclusion therefore, that (the mother’s) decision to pursue traditional medicine for her daughter is her aboriginal right. Further, such a right cannot be qualified as a right only if it is proven to work by employing the western medical paradigm. To do so would be to leave open the opportunity to perpetually erode aboriginal rights.”
“It was the right decision, ” said New Credit Chief Bryan LaForme. “He could not rule any other way. It’s upholding our traditional rights.”
He raised the prospect along with Hill of First Nations creating its own child welfare agency.
“We have a right to look after our own kids, ” said Hill. “We’re not going to let anyone take our kids. This is a big boost for this.”
The chiefs say the girl in this case as well as another aboriginal girl, who refused chemotherapy, are both healthy.
Both girls sought treatment at an alternative health centre that is run by a nutrition counsellor. It promotes a positive attitude, eating a raw-plant-based organic diet and ridding your life of contaminants to heal cancer.
“Eat a raw plant-based organic diet is how we’ve seen thousands and thousands of people reverse stage-four ‘catastrophic’ cancer.”
The girls are getting aboriginal medicine as well. In fact, Koster said that when he visited, the mother “was preparing medicine on the stove.”
“My heart goes out to them” said Koster who was “so proud” to be part of a decision that furthered aboriginal rights.
“I’m glad out of a tragic situation we have certain rights confirmed.”

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 16, 2014 4:38 pm EST


Re: nature's retreat outside of Toronto, Ontario
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 01:06:23 AM

I know more canadian aborigonals than not who combine tradition with christianity.


Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 01:41:26 PM »
If she wants to be or is called to participate in christian teachings, I don't know that combining the two is appropriate.

so it is okay for the canadian aboriginals she knows but not for Nora?

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 16, 2014 5:37 pm EST

Re: Cherry Valley Farm

Posted by: Kathryn

Your friend may have Irish blood, but I see nothing culturally Irish on the site.

Why does she have to have anything culturally Irish on her farm because she is Irish? If she wants to dress in a kilt and eat haggis or picks up an accordian and sings German Oktoberfest songs or creates a shrine to Buddha and meditates under a tree, that is her own business. What is with the keeping the race pure nazi belief?

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 20, 2014 7:16 pm EST

Don Cardinal, a Cree medicine man in Canada, believes the herbal blend of sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark, and rhubarb root are keys to the treatment of cancer. Don Cardinal's Cree name is Kiweeten, or Healer of the North. Of the original Ojibwa brew, Cardinal said, “It is important that the herbs are mixed in the correct proportions. When I pick the herbs myself, I always say a prayer and make my offering of tobacco to say thank you to the Creator for giving us these herbs. Even when I do not gather the herbs myself, when I buy them, in case those who gathered them did not offer thanks, I always say a prayer and make an offering before I use them.”

Doug A.
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Nov 20, 2014 7:26 pm EST

Don passed away a few years ago but he endorsed the four herb Essiac formula

Doug A.
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Nov 20, 2014 9:03 pm EST

LMFAO they are getting their info off of Wikipedia and the info provided is by the FDA or the American Cancer Institute/Society and a lot of it is wrong! Not one credible Native American source listed, nothing from Canada WTF

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 22, 2014 10:03 pm EST

Nurse Caisse and Dr Brusch were able to produce scores of letters and hundreds of patients whose lives were saved by the Native American remedy. A Maryland woman, Suzanne Bower, then 41, developed breast cancer in January 1992. She learned about Essiac through her work with Native American crafts and consulted the Cree healer Don Cardinal. “I had a full mastectomy. One and-a-half years later, I found a nodule on the same side. I was told again I had the same form of breast cancer, ” Bower said. “I had the nodule removed and was given seven weeks of radiation
therapy and four treatments of chemotherapy.” “I felt very sick. I could hardly exist for a whole week. I was bedridden. I had mouth sores, vomiting, loss of hair. I had to take needles in the stomach to regulate my blood cells. I was dehydrated, had constipation, and had a hard time eating. I could only take liquids.” Bower said. “I spoke to Don Cardinal before I went on chemo. He said I did not have to go on chemo, just take Essiac tea in large doses. He told me he helped a woman with ovarian cancer where the tumour could be seen pushing through the skin. He saw the tumour reduced with the herbal tea. I decided to do conventional and traditional at the same time, ” Bower said. “I sensed Essiac tea strengthened me. I could feel my blood had more power, more oxygen. I wasn’t weak. My digestion was
better. I felt strong. I felt positive, it helped with my constipation. During this time, I had a car accident and suffered broken ribs. Essiac shortened the healing time, ” Bower said. “I had no side-effects from the herbal tea at all, and I’m very sensitive to medicine. It was very inexpensive for what it can dofor you. Everybody should take it; everybody needs to protect their immune system because of what we’re exposed to, ” she explained. The Essiac formulation has
actually been found to be helpful for arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, hypoglycaemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, prostate and urinary problems, and ulcers, as well as malignancies, various forms of cancer, and other health problems. Dr. John Christopher Fine

part of an interview with Dr. Gary Glum

Elisabeth Robinson: To begin with, Dr Glum, can you tell us a little about how you became interested in the story you tell in Calling of an Angel, and how you learned about Rene Caisse and her work?
Dr Gary Glum: A personal friend of mine knew this woman, whose name I have promised not to reveal, who was living in Detroit, Michigan. Twenty years ago she had been diagnosed with cervical cancer in a Detroit hospital; where she was eventually given up as incurable and terminal. She was given about ten days to live.
She convinced her husband to make a trip to Bracebridge, Canada where she went to see Rene Caisse. She was treated with the Native herbal remedy — Essiac — and in a short time she didn’t have a cancer cell in her body. So after that time this woman began dedicating her life to disseminating information about Essiac in the United States. When I met her, she was the only person in possession of the original herbal formula who would relinquish it. I got the formula for Essiac from her.
That’s how it began. When I started, all I had was a piece of paper. I thought, what am I going to do with this? I decided, the best way to go would be to find the information behind Essiac and put it in book form and bring it to the world.
I learned about Rene Caisse from Mary McPherson who was a very close personal friend of Rene’s, not only a friend but also a patient. Mary’s mother and her husband were also patients. They were all treated for cancer and cured by Rene.
Mary worked with Rene beginning in the 1930’s and she had in her possession all the documents that had to do with Essiac over the 40 years Rene administered it. All the documents Rene had were destroyed by the Canadian Ministry of Health & Welfare at the time of her death in 1978. They burned all that information in fifty five gallon drums behind her home.
ER: Why?
GG: Because they don’t want this information in the hands of the public or the press or anybody else. They indeed found out what Essiac was in 1937. The Royal Cancer Commission hearings had then come to the same conclusions that Rene had – that Essiac was a cure for cancer.
ER: What is Essiac exactly?
GG: Essiac is a non-toxic Native herbal cure for cancer. It’s a formula made from four very common herbs.
ER: I would guess that virtually every person in the U.S. today has been touched by cancer, either personally or through a loved one. If this information is true, and the effectiveness of this remedy is actually medically documented, many lives could be saved. Why do you think the information on Essiac is not more widely known?
GG: The information is withheld because cancer is the second largest revenue producing business in the world, next to the petrochemical business. Money and power suppress this truth.
No-one has ever sought to cure cancer – only control it. I mean, the research institutes, federal governments, pharmaceutical companies, anybody that has a vested interest in the health care of cancer, including the American Cancer Society, any of these stalled benefactors to those who have contracted the disease – all of these institutes are involved in the money and power around cancer.
These institutions have influence over government and regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration.. The FDA recommends only allopathic treatments for cancer and other life threatening diseases. It does not approve nor make legal alternative treatments of any kind.
ER: In your book you mention that the Brusch Clinic in Massachusetts worked with Rene Caisse and with Essiac, during the 1960s. Is this clinic still doing research with Essiac?
GG: Dr Charles A Brusch is not practicing at this time. He was a personal physician to the late President John F Kennedy. Dr. Brusch worked with Rene Caisse from 1959 to 1962. He worked with thousands of cancer patients. He also worked with the Presidential Cancer Commission, with others like Dr Armand Hammer, the American Cancer Society, and the National Cancer Institute.
Dr Brusch presented his findings after ten years of research. He had come to the conclusion that “Essiac is a cure for cancer, period.” All studies done at laboratories in the United States and Canada support this conclusion.
Brusch’s Essiac patients included Ted Kennedy’s son who had a sarcoma in his leg, and who had his leg amputated. He was being treated at the time by the Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Farber didn’t know how to save him, because no-one had ever lived with this type of sarcoma. So what he did was go to Dr. Brusch and say, how are we going to save Ted Kennedy’s son? And Dr. Brusch made the suggestion to put him on Essiac, and after they did, he didn’t have a cancer cell in his body. But all this information has been hidden from the public.
ER: Why?
GG: As I said, money and power.
ER: Sun Bear told me you had problems getting the book published and distributed. What kind of problems?
GG: There wasn’t a publishing company that would publish it. No one wanted to run the risk of a wrongful death suit. So I published the book myself. And as soon as I did, the IRS came in and slapped about a half a million dollars in tax liens against me and said, “You know this has got nothing to do with taxes. It’s all about cancer.” They actually started hauling the pallets of books out of my medical practice offices and confiscating them. I also had thousands of books that were confiscated by the Canadian government at customs. I have never received any of those books back. The only ones I have now are hidden in storage facilities.
ER: That’s incredible – why do you think they are so interested in keeping this book out of circulation?
GG: Money and power, as I’ve said. Cancer is the largest revenue producing business in the world next to the petrochemical business.
When Rene Caisse set up her clinical trials in Canada to test Essiac, she was given government permission to treat terminally ill cancer patients who had been given up for hopeless by the medical profession. That was one criteria. Secondly, this was all to be certified by a pathology report. And third, she could not charge anything for her services. She agreed to all these criteria and proceeded to treat people with Essiac. Many she treated were still here 35 years later to bury her when she died at age 90.
The best that anyone can do is try to disseminate this information to the public and let people make their own choices. That’s all you can do. And just say, look, if you feel that Essiac has value in your life and the lives of your loved ones, you have the right to use it in the privacy of your own home and without anyone’s approval.
Following the Royal Cancer Commission hearings Rene was allowed to continue her practice but only within the criteria I mentioned before, which allowed the Ministry of Health & Welfare to restrict peoples access to Essiac treatments.
I know this because I have a copy of the hearing transcripts which I got from Mary McPherson, which is some of the information that didn’t get burned when Rene died.
ER: You mentioned earlier. What exactly was burned?
GG: All her research for that 40 year period of time. All the names, all her clinical data that she had collected. All her files.
ER: What about the records of the Brusch Clinic? It seems these would be convincing evidence.
GG: As far as I know all that material has been destroyed also.
ER: Have you had any personal experiences with Essiac?
GG: Yes, I can give you an example. He was a twelve year old boy named Toby Wood. He had acute lymphoblastic, which is one of the most virulent of all leukemias.
He had been on chemotherapy for four years and radiation for three. His mother’s only hope in life was to find a cure for him. She went everywhere. She tried every alternative treatment.
Her last stop was Dr Alvados in Athens, Greece where her son’s white blood cell count was 186, 000. He had no red blood cells or platelets. He was hemorrhaging to death. So they transfused Toby in Greece, and put him on a plane to Alaska where he was given five days to live.
I met his mother’s sister in Los Angeles while I was putting the book together and she asked if there was any credibility here. We sat down and talked. She then borrowed the money for a flight to Anchorage, and delivered a bottle of Essiac. By the time she got there Toby had three days to live. He was in a state of complete deterioration. He was given the Essiac and all the hemorrhaging stopped within 24 hours. Within three months all his blood tests were normal. I arrived in Alaska later that year and met him.
This was the first report anywhere in medical history of anyone surviving lymphoblastic leukemia. That information was taken to AP and UPI but they said it was not newsworthy.
No one wants this information disseminated. And it’s not just the media, either. It includes the herbal companies who are now substituting curly dock for sheep’s sorrel. So people are getting the wrong ingredients for Essiac, not to mention the five or six other formulas that are circulating which are different from the one I send out. These false formulas are being disseminated. There is a disinformation campaign going on here, somehow.
ER: It’s beginning to seem amazing to me that any information at all about this remedy has survived the “conspiracy of silence” or outright destruction of records and so on.
GG: The only reason Essiac is known to the public is by word of mouth and because Essiac is what it is. What will keep Essiac known is it’s effectiveness. Rene said it years ago. She said, look, if Essiac doesn’t have any merit let me put it out there. If it doesn’t have any merit it will kill itself. Of course she knew full well if people had the correct herbs, the remedy would stand on its own.. And that is exactly what Essiac has done over this period of time that we’ve been disseminating the information.
Rene also found that Essiac would normalise the thyroid gland. My wife was on two grains of thyroid since the sixth grade. After I met her, she started taking Essiac, and she hasn’t taken a grain of thyroid since.
Rene also found that Essiac would heal stomach ulcers within three to four weeks. She felt that ulcers were a precursor to cancer.
Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin, wanted to work with Rene. She had clinical cases where a person on insulin discontinued it with the Essiac, since no one knew how Essiac interacted with the insulin. Apparently Essiac regulated the pancreas in cases of diabetes mellitus. So these people then came insulin free.
Another thing I’ve found with Essiac is that I’ve experienced almost perfect health. As you get older you think, well, I’m forty now, these things happen. Well, these things don’t have to happen. Since I’ve taken Essiac, I’ve experienced almost perfect health. It’s amazing. I sleep like a baby, have all kinds of energy, and no sickness, not even a cold or the flu.
I also worked with the AIDS Project Los Angeles through their Long Beach and San Pedro districts. They had sent 179 patients home to die. They all had pneumocystis carinii and histoplasmosis. Their weight was down to about 100 pounds. Their T-4 cell counts were less that ten. The Project gave me five of these patients. I took them off the AZT and the DDI and put them on Essiac three times a day. Those are the only ones alive today. The other 174 are dead.
ER: That is incredible – but what kind of lives are they leading today?
GG: They’re exercising three times a day, eating three meals a day. Their weight is back to normal. For all intents and purposes you wouldn’t know they had a sick day in their lives. But this information is not being disseminated either, because AIDS is on the horizon as another big moneymaker. The chairman of the AIDS Project in Los Angeles makes over $100, 000 a year.
Really once you think about it, the only reason we don’t have solar power is that no one’s figured out a way to sell Exxon the sun. It’s true. If they could, you’d have solar power. You know you’d have it.
ER: So, in your own personal experience, this Native herbal remedy works to “cure” cancer, thyroid conditions, diabetes, AIDS, ulcers…
GG: It also cures the common cold. Essiac elevates the immune system. I’ve been taking one ounce a day for seven years, and in seven years I haven’t had a cold, flu or virus.
ER: And all of this from a simple Native herbal remedy?
GG: Yes. The ingredients are burdock root -arctium lappa – and the inner bark of the slippery elm -ulmus fulva, ordinary rhubarb root and Sheep’s sorrel -rumex acetosella is what destroys the cancer cells.
Essiac elevates the enzyme system and gives all cancer patients and all AIDS patients the enzymes that have been destroyed. Essiac elevates the enzyme system; it elevates the hormone system, which elevates the immune system, so the body can cure it’s own disease.
ER: What about quantities?
GG: Even its worst enemy could never lay claim that Essiac had any deleterious side effects whatever. You can take Essiac safely, through all the clinical trials that have been done, up to six ounces a day. That’s two ounces in the evening, two at midday and two in the morning. That’s a high dosage. Rene had the correct herbs and she used as little as one ounce a week.
But look at the difference between then and now. The food didn’t have carcinogens in it, and neither did the water, nor the air. So what have we done? We’ve killed the air, killed the water, killed the food. So what’s left?
Nationwide, in the water we drink, over 2, 100 organic and inorganic chemicals have been identified, and 156 of them are pure carcinogens. Of those, if you have a tumor, 26 are tumor promoting, so they make the tumor larger. But of course this information is not available to the public either. Those figures are from tests conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency which have never been distributed to the public.
ER: How did you get the information?
GG: From a Ralph Nader organization out of Washington DC. The media has not disseminated this information.
ER: Anything you’d like to add before we close this interview?
GG: I was the first person to release this information to the public and say, here it is, here’s the formula, here’s the story. So now the story is out there and look what is happening – its getting killed through a disinformation campaign. I mean Harvard, Temple, Tufts, Northwestern University, Chicago – all these institutions have tested Essiac with the right stuff, and they all came to the same conclusions as Rene Caisse. But all that information has been buried.
ER: Gary, it’s been very interesting to speak with you.
GG: It’s been a pleasure. You’re opening a Pandora’s Box, you know, publishing this interview.

Subject: Essiac Ingredients

MESSAGE: The Essiac ingredients are available in proper quantities.
1 lb 5oz – Burdock Root c/s (6 1/2 cups)
1 lb – Sheep Sorrel Lvs., Pwd
4 oz – Slippery Elm Bark, Pwd
1 oz – Rhubarb Root, Pwd
Also available – 12 x 16 Amber Glass bottles with caps
makes 10 -two gallon batches;They hold first 2 gall batch
Directions to Prepare Essiac

First Read Directions Thoroughly
Supplies Needed
2-3 gallon stainless steel pots with lids
1 – strainer
1 – stainless or wooden spatula
1 – funnel
1 – timer (optional) New amber glass bottles with caps.
You will need:
8 oz Measuring cup of Essiac from mixed materials
2 gallons distilled water
Bring to a hard boil (Takes about 30 minutes) The lid is on all the time (Except while stirring). Put in Essiac Herbs – Stir – Boil. Boil hard for 10 mins (Adjust flame as needed). Turn off stove – let sit for 6 hours. After 6 hours stir thoroughly, let sit for 6 more hours. After the last 6 hours, turn heat on and bring to boil. At boiling point turn off the heat, strain into pot #2 – Clean pot #1 – strain back into pot #1. Immediately pour into bottles and put the caps on (12 x 16 oz bottles). Must be bottled hot. Store in a dark cabinet.
Directions For Use OF Essiac

Take Four Tablespoons of distilled water. Heat the water. To the heated water add Four Tablespoons (2 oz) ESSIAC. Mix and drink. To be taken at bedtime on an empty stomach. At least 2 hours after eating. Can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. If taken in the morning do not eat for at least 2 hours after taking.
Once Opened Keep Refrigerated

In a letter written to the Canadian minister of Health, Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick, M.D., chief of the Division of Neurosurgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, stated: “There are some 10 patients with surgically treated tumors of the central nervous system who have escaped from conventional methods of therapy including both radiation and chemotherapy.
The patients who were started on Essiac, in 8 out of the 10 patients, there has been a significant improvement in their neurological state.
I am impressed with the effectiveness of the treatment and the lack of side effects.

In july 1991, the Canadian Journal of Herbalism published
an article, "Old Ontario Remedies, "
about Essiac. The article gives specific information on the ingredients
of Essiac and includes descriptions of the herbs; Sheep's sorrel, burdock, slippery elm and rhubarb.
The article also warns of high oxalic acid content in two of the herbs making the remedy unsafe for persons with kidney ailments or arthritic conditions.
This article concludes: "Essiac is not a hoax or fraud.
To hear experiences described by the patients themselves cannot help
but convince observers that dramatic and beneficial changes definitely
took place in many who received the remedy.
Although the focus on Essiac has been as a cancer treatment,
it alleviated and sometimes cured many chronic and degenerative
conditions because it cleanses the blood as well as the liver and
strengthens the immune system."
Ontario Herbalists Association: July 1991 issue, Vol xii, No iii of the
Canadian Journal of Herbalism.

But saving the best until last...even AIM (American Indian Movement..which NAFPS claims to work with) endorses Essiac, states it is an Ojibwa cancer cure and praises Rene Caisse:

From AIM "For those who are seeking truth of the First American Culture"

from their Blog on Sunday May, 2, 2010

SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
Essiac: Nature's Cure for Cancer
Note: While this article states that Essiac has been in use since 1922 - in actuality it has been in use for many hundreds of years by the Native community of this country. - Two Feathers

sounds like nafps owes you and Essiac an apology...but don't hold your breath

Send a message
Nov 26, 2014 7:14 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

But who is this Don? I have heard about him and this complaint also here in France!
Anyway the princeps of this formula are funny, I don't understand how people can believe in such things..

Doug A.
Send a message
Nov 26, 2014 12:26 pm EST

Don Cardinal, one of the great Cree healers of the 20th century. Black Root Medicine/Four Directions Medicine. What don't you understand? That Native Americans were curing people of disease before the white man came and turned it in to big business?

Cate Crow
Send a message
Nov 26, 2014 3:34 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am writing this on behalf of Doug because he said his posts are not getting through.

Pierre, Essiac is really Native American Black Root Medicine or Four Directions Medicine. The natives were curing people of cancer long before there was a cancer industry. The four herbs purify the blood, cleanse the liver and strengthen the immune system. It has a long history of success in treating the disease in this country. Beware of counterfeits on the market. Rene Caisse from Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada had the original formula. Old Lady Johnson in Thornton, Ontario also had the original formula given to her by the Ojibwa..both of these ladies cured many people of cancer with the native formula in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Summer Rain
Send a message
Dec 13, 2014 2:21 pm EST

Frauds don't like being busted on their lies, so they come here and lie about the dedicated people at NAFPS. NAFPS has never been shut down for libel, and the core members are known to one another offline as well as in their Indigenous communities. It's common for those whose ability to make money selling ceremony, or peddling fake cancer cures, to get upset when their source of revenue is disrupted. NAFPS does an excellent job of exposing whackjobs like the liars posting their angry screeds here.

Some of the screeds they are posting here are from criminals who've made death threats to NAFPS staff after NAFPS exposed them as frauds, exploiters, and in some cases, violent abusers. The two people posting all these claims were kicked off the forum for making threats and lying about themselves. No one complaining here is Indian; they are white pretendians that NAFPS exposed. NAFPS has excellent standing among Native communities, and has Native Elders, of a handful of Nations, as participating members in the forum and network. If there's a Nation not represented, the elder members of the forum know who to call and ask.

Anyone can say anything on the Internet, hence these lies about NAFPS. Visit the site yourself; all investigations are documented. Research is posted, and people who actually belong to the Nations the frauds falsely claim membership in speak out; real members and Elders of the communities the frauds misrepresent denounce these exploiters who are harming culture with their pay-to-pray and misrepresentation. So of course the frauds are hostile. NAFPS is an excellent site and team of dedicated truthtellers.

Cate C
Send a message
Dec 14, 2016 8:32 am EST


1) when people go outside the community and sell questionable cures to vulnerable people, that is a cause for concern, to everyone it touches.

Since when is writing an article on Essiac and Chaga tea (both widely known and legal in Canada) selling questionable cures? So by your logic, anyone who has ever written an article, a book, or a testimonial on these teas over the last century is selling questionable cures? Well, you have a lot of people to go after then.

2) The formula given is not Ojibwe.

yes it is...that quote comes from an elderly Ojibwe doctor originally from Ontario, whose grandfathers and great grandfathers were all members of the Midewiwin, who told it to Cynthia Olsen...a direct quote...

3) It is my understanding that Ms. Caisse falsely claimed to have learned the remedy from Natives because she felt it would have more credibility this way. So it's sad to see Natives believing something a white person made up.

Ms. Caisse was a conventional nurse who knew little about herbs in 1922. So sad to see someone making up garbage about someone who passed in 1978, trying to pass it off as truth. Here is an article in Rene's own words:

The following, written by Rene Caisse, was published posthumously by the Bracebridge Examiner, January, 1979.
In the mid-twenties [1920's] I was head nurse at the Sisters of Providence Hospital in a northern Ontario town. One day one of my nurses was bathing an elderly lady patient. I noticed that one breast was a mass of scar tissue, and asked about it.
"I came out from England nearly 30 years ago." she told me. "I joined my husband who was prospecting in the wilds of Northern Ontario. My right breast became sore and swollen, and very painful. My husband brought me to Toronto, and the doctors told me I had advanced cancer and my breast must be removed at once. Before we left camp a very old Indian medicine man had told me I had cancer, but he could cure it. I decided I'd just as soon try his remedy as to have my breast removed. One of my friends had died from breast surgery. Besides, we had no money."
She and her husband returned to the mining camp, and the old Indian showed her certain herbs growing in the area, told her to make a tea from these herbs and to drink it every day. She was nearly 80 years old when I saw her and there had been no recurrence of cancer. I was much interested and wrote down the names of the herbs she had used. I knew that doctors threw up their hands when cancer was discovered in a patient; it was the same as a death sentence, just about. I decided that if I should ever develop cancer, I would use this herb tea.
About a year later I was visiting an aged retired doctor whom I knew well. We were walking slowly about his garden when he took his cane and lifted a weed. "Nurse Caisse, " he told me, "if people would use this weed there would be very little cancer in the world." He told me the name of the plant. It was one of the herbs my patient named as an ingredient of the Indian medicine man's tea!
A few months later I received word that my mother's only sister had been operated on in Brockville, Ontario. The doctors had found she had cancer of the stomach with a liver involvement, and gave her at the most six months to live. I hastened to her and talked to her doctor. He was Dr. R.O. Fisher of Toronto, whom I knew well because I had nursed patients for him many times. I told him about the herb tea and asked his permission to try it under his observation, since there was apparently nothing more medical science could do for my aunt. He consented quickly. I obtained the necessary herbs, with some difficulty, and made the tea.
My aunt lived for 21 years after being given up by the medical profession. There was no recurrence of cancer. Dr. Fisher was so impressed he asked me to use the treatment on some of his other hopeless cancer cases. Other doctors heard about me from Dr. Fisher and asked me to treat patients for them after everything medical science had to offer had failed. They too were impressed with the results."

Rene’s friend Sheila Snow identified this woman as a Mrs. Johnston. The area where they were camping was inhabited by Ojibway Indians

4) I know a number of people, some of them Native, who have used this formula. It didn't cure any of them.

Now you are telling me a number of people you know used the exact formula from the Ojibwa doctor that was posted?
Just because you think something is a "quack" cure, does not mean everyone who has used it successfully feels the same way.

5) Laboratory tests show the herb formula you're promoting can increase the growth of breast cancer cells.

Wrong...half baked lab report from Sloan-Kettering...the increase occurs in the tumour area when the cancer cells are drawn back into the site of the original tumour...proper lab tests show that the tumour then breaks down.

6) ETA: Cate has deleted her post where she said she taught about "druid labyrinths" at Cherry Valley.

I never said that at all. I said I taught the history of the labyrinth. I said "google Druid Labyrinth" meaning put the two words together in your search engine and see what comes up.

7) ETA: Cate Crow has deleted her post where she claimed that Rene Caisse's "essiac" formula came to Cate "direct from the lips of an Ojibwe Elder."

I never said that either. I said the quote that was posted came straight from the lips of an Ojibwa elder meaning a direct quote. I never said it "came to me". More twisting...and you purposely added the word "So" to my "what?" which changed the whole meaning.

8) Point being, it's (Essiac) dangerous.

"the amount of oxalic acid is far below what is already considered safe" Dr. Eva Urbaniak ND on essiac. Of course you should consult with a MD, ND or credible healer when you have cancer. I never stated otherwise. Essiac is not dangerous to take under their supervision if you have other health concerns and if you have no other health concerns, it is not dangerous to take in the recommended amounts.[removed]. Feeling the need to protect readers from information on herbal medicine is fearmongering. People can do their own research, talk to their own doctors or healers and come to their own conclusions.

9) The other thing is that the claims of Caisse having "fought the cancer industry who wanted to shut her down because she was actually curing people with herbs" are not based on facts. There is no proof of her having cured any person.

There is documented and archived evidence of the fact that she did plus the written and oral testimonies from her patients
“A: Dr. Brusch, let’s get right to the point. Are you saying Essiac can help people with cancer, or are you saying that Essiac is a cure for cancer?
“B: I’m saying it’s a cure
“A: Would you repeat that once more, Dr. Brusch?
“B: Yes, I would be glad to. Essiac is a cure for cancer. I’ve seen it reverse and eliminate cancers at such a progressed state that nothing medical science currently has could have accomplished similar results. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not seen it with my own eyes. I feel very strongly that Essiac is the single most beneficial treatment for cancer today.”—Elaine Alexander's Vancouver radio interview with Dr. Charles Brusch, M.D., personal physician to JFK who worked with Rene Caisse, tested the formula on his own cancer patients and cured his own colon cancer with the formula, November 1984.

10) And last not least: chemotherapy does not kill people..and there is no cancer industry

Chemo can kill the patient before the cancer can. Dr. Hardin Jones, a former Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley in California concluded after 25 years of research that in many cases patients die much sooner with chemo. It can damage the organs and the immune system. It is a toxic poison. The dangers of chemo and radiation are well documented.

"Chemotherapy is just medieval. It's such a blunt instrument. We're going to look back on it like we do the dark primitive and barbaric".
Dr. Eric Topol MD

“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.” Dr. Adam Levin MD

"As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good." - Dr. Alan C Nixon, PhD, former president of the American Chemical Society

Chemotherapy drugs are of benefit to at most 5% of cancer patients they are given to (Hodgkin's disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), childhood leukemia, Testicular cancer) Dr. John Cairns of Harvard in Scientific American...For many cancers (colorectal, gastric, pancreatic, bladder, breast, ovarian, cervical and uterine) chemotherapy just does not improve your survival rate. Grouped together, the average cancer patient has a 50/50 chance of living another 5 years.

"I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body's immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn't have chemotherapy and radiation because I'm not interested in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients."---Dr Julian Whitaker, M.D.

"Patients who underwent chemo were 14 times more likely to develop leukemia and 6 times more likely to develop cancers of the bones, joints, and soft tissues than those patients who did not undergo chemotherapy. Finding a cure for cancer is absolutely contraindicated by the profits of the cancer industry’s chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery cash trough." —Dr. John Diamond

"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Dr. Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist.

11) Well, after saying she wouldn't, Cate not only deleted her posts, she found a way to delete the entire thread. She is now banned.

I said I was not going to delete a heartfelt apology and I did not. I left it standing and yes I deleted your thread after you blocked me from replying to your false accusations and after you put me up as a fraud and blocked me from replying. You left a delete button there. I used it and I would use it again if I could.

12) You are misrepresenting his work. In his own words, "Weathering, trampling, and shiftings of soil and strata have made parts of this hypothetical scheme a matter of conjecture." The "hypothetical scheme" being whether or not the paths up the hill could have ever connected in anything resembling a labyrinth."

No, you misrepresented his work and I'm glad you were called on it. Ashe did conclude the Tor was a labyrinth so did other scholars and there are no dangers in walking one. If you are going to quote from his book, do it properly, "The theory requires that there should once have been seven paths going completely round the Tor, all running along continuous terraces, with vertical connections between them. Weathering, trampling, and shiftings of soil and strata have made parts of this hypothetical scheme a matter of conjecture. Yet, terraces can indeed be distinguished at seven different levels, and while they are not now continuous, they are more nearly so than a glance might suggest...Scrutiny in a combination of ways shows how much of the system is, arguably, there."

13) You're a plagiarist.

I was not going to write any names on your chatroom board for a valid reason and I gave the reason. The source is in my article and I sent it to Nancy when she was writing her book in 2012. The original private email I sent her did not include the source. I am not responsible for anything that Nancy writes on her own website especially when it is done without my knowledge. As for Nancy, she is an elderly Irish lady in her 70's who has no clue about any of this. She took down the information because she did not want to offend anyone but I am going to quote from her book:

From Nancy Huber's softcover book published in 2012 where the source is included after the direct quote pgs 15-18:

The Second Generation
The Ojibwa who were nomadic, over-wintered in a valley just at the South edge of the Johnson farm, the next farm to the South of Cherry Valley Farm. This whole area was known as a traveling area to the natives long before the settlers arrived. After that time, the natives would negotiate with the farmers for camping grounds for the winter in exchange for basswood trees to make baskets. My sister-in-law still has one that her Grandmother bought.

The Ojibwa had a cancer cure which they freely gave to the white man. “Old lady Johnson”* had people coming from all over the States and Canada for this cure, which the Ojibwa had generously given to her.
My Grandfather's mother, Orpha Barber, brought her mother Charity Ann Barber all the way from Norfolk County for the cure in 1879. While she was waiting during her mother's treatment, she met and fell in love with the farm boy next door at Cherry Valley, John Thomas Fletcher. After she took her mother back home, she and John Thomas corresponded for a year. The next time they met was on their wedding floor, March 12, 1880.
I had a group camping at the farm in the summer of 2011 to see the Perseids meteor shower. I told this story to Cate Crow, a friend of mine who was at the farm that night, and was lamenting the fact that Old Lady Johnson took her cancer cure with her to the grave. Cate said, “No it’s not lost, and I’ll send it to you".

This is the e-mail that Cate sent:

Here is the herbal formula you were asking me for... straight from the lips of an Ojibwa elder...

"This formula is a gift from the Ojibwa to all mankind, all races, anyone. Just say thank you and accept it".

"I use a big handful of chopped dried Burdock Root (my hands are kind of big, this weighs about 3 ounces). Then I use a big handful of chopped dried Sheep Sorrel herb (this weighs about one ounce) [make sure you use the root]. Then I use big pieces of dried Rhubarb Root amounting to about 1/2 ounce total (I use big pieces so the laxative effect is not boiled away). Then I add a wad of dried Slippery Elm (inner bark) about the size of a golf ball (about 1/18 of an ounce). This makes a one week's supply, so boil it for about 15 minutes in one gallon of water (only use distilled, spring or thoroughly filtered water) then let it soak overnight in the gallon of water, strain it and store it in a one gallon apple juice jug in your fridge. Drink one 8 ounce cup twice a day (or more if you feel like it). Don't dilute it like some kind of wimpy white man health food store thinking. It tastes kind of thick and slippery. If you do heat it, do it on a burner in a small sauce pan. Don't ever heat in a microwave or it will be useless. By the way, when you drink it pray that your body will get back in harmony with the Great Spirit"
All of these dried herbs are very common and are found in any health food store that sells herbs.
"Sometimes when tumors are very stubborn you have to use Blood Root along with the formula. If you are using Blood Root tincture with the tea follow these instructions carefully: On the average 5 - 10 drops (NOT DROPPERS) 2 times a day with your 'tea'. However, your tolerable threshold must be found, To accomplish this, start with 5 drops. Increase dosage by 1 drop per day until nausea occurs. If nausea occurs before you reach 10 drops, then back down 1 drop and hold that dosage. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EXCEED 10 DROPS. If nausea occurs with the initial 5 drops, then start with 1 drop and work your way to your tolerable dosage. If all you can tolerate is 1 - 2 drops try increasing dosage by 1 drop after a week's use. If you still can only handle 1 -2 drops then that is all you need, and it is doing as well as 10 drops for someone else. Blood Root is an extremely powerful substance. There are some, usually those who have a financial interest in chemotherapy, radiation or pharmaceutical companies, that say never take Blood Root internally, its way too dangerous (and chemo and radiation isn't?). However, there have been no negative reactions in 100% of the patients we have treated with Blood Root tincture when taken in these tolerable doses". (Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy by Cynthia Olsen).

Ojibwa Healing Song:
To the Great Spirit
Your spirit,
My spirit,
may they unite in healing.
You have given your beauty,
now we ask that you give
the gift of wellbeing.

What a wonderful gift from the Ojibwa. A watered down version is found as Essiac in health food stores. If it wasn’t for the Ojibwa I wouldn’t be here for it was their cure that brought my great grandfather and great grandmother together.
*Mrs. Johnson died in Thornton in 1906.

14) Not only did you lie about this formula "coming direct from the lips of an Ojibwe Elder, " which we already knew was a lie, you plagiarized someone's work and represented it as your own story.

No lie, that did come "straight from the lips of an Ojibwe elder" ...a direct quote. I never said it was told to me in person, that was your misinterpretation. An explanation post I did write also mysteriously disappeared from your board.

15) At this point I don't see any reason to believe you. Not about Nora, not about anything. You've based your labyrinth talks on shoddy inaccurate googled information (that others now believe is true).

And I see no reason to believe you after all your lies and misrepresentations and lack of credible research. That is Nora's bio. She told it to me while I was sitting down with her doing an article on her. I sent the article to her the night before it went to print and she approved what was written. She is an Algonquin native woman from the Golden Lake reserve. Her family still live on the reserve. Any issue involving Nora or Pete should be dealt with by the reserve and NOT YOU. It's more accurate to say you based your labyrinth (and essiac) information on shoddy inaccurate googled info that you took out of context. You were so busy freaking out and berating me (and blocking me) and jumping to one false conclusion after another, you didn't even bother to get the full story or let me get a word in edgewise.

16) And people think we're mean because we try and warn people about how damaging and dangerous the whole newage movement is?

No, people think you are mean because you are. You had a freak out meltdown while engaging in fearmongering nonsense...and the lies...from the I know and hang out with John O'Brien...seriously? Do I know the Irish Prime Minister and hang out with him too? the I hang out on neo-nazi sites who want natives dead? what? to all the other nonsense you how dangerous the labyrinth and Essiac dangerous that is why you can buy it right off the shelf in Canada and walk a labyrinth in a park. Nothing is as dangerous to the human body as chemo is. And I'm still trying to understand what Essiac and chaga tea has to do with new age anything when they have both been known and written about for over a century and are still used by naturopathic doctors and credible healers.

17) Cate's scheduled "Ojibway Cancer Cures" workshop has been removed from the public Cherry Valley site.
But given the level of deception she's shown, I would not assume this means it's been cancelled. We've often seen with frauds that they just advertise this stuff via their mailing lists.

I was never scheduled to do a workshop on Essiac or Chaga. That was information posted on Nancy's website only. The information was written down on her site along with directions to the farm. Was I scheduled to give a workshop on directions to her farm too? You deleted the link when you realized it was not a workshop. Honest to God, how about the deception you have shown? Carefully twisting words, writing nonsense, taking info out of context, adding things I didn't say or do, jumping to your own wrong conclusions. I find it hard to believe that a website that has been removed from several servers, with litigation, libel, slander, defamation complaints from natives and non-natives alike is deeply respected. What deeply respected site blocks people from responding or doesn't bother to contact people first to find out their knowledge or level of understanding?'s not like you don't know their address and phone number.

18) Cate was banned from the forum for lying to us and about us, for posting plagiarized materials, and for stalking and libeling people. It is clear she was not here to help with the purpose of the forum, but rather to promote frauds and fraud, and to cause harm to our members.

I was blocked from replying and banned because I deleted your thread. I was not banned because of what was written on the complaint board two months after the fact. Should you ban yourself because of your own cyber stalking and libel and the harm you cause others? I came on your board to tell you Nora was an Algonquin native and who her family was...that's it...the rest of the drama was your own making.

19) I think it is criminal that this is being pushed onto desperate people as a cure-all.

Writing informative quotes that people have written about Essiac is not pushing it on anyone nor is it criminal. He was trying to make a point. It's called a debate. Something you can't seem to handle.

20) Her conduct here was less than honorable (and yours was honorable? I felt jumped on from the moment I went on the site.) She has the right to criticize us and to quote unethical individuals (I don't know them at all but somehow I doubt ALL of the people who have laid a criticism at your door are unethical...speaking of unethical...posting pictures of family members, addresses, phone numbers of private individuals, genealogy searches which do not prove if an ancestor was white or native, not contacting an individual first to find out their level of understanding or knowledge, ridicule, smearing, bully tactics..who does that?), in her mind, foster a defense for lack of a better term (it was a defense). We also have the right to offer criticism. Her deletion of posts and threads was juvenile (your gang bang mentality, freak out session and blocking me from replying was juvenile). I understand that she was upset but that's no excuse to retaliate against people who take their time to do a public service (really? you unjustly put me up as a fraud after blocking me from replying and I am not supposed to make a complaint about it? public service or lynch mob?) I'd like to know how I went from being a retired teacher of good standing, mom and writer for a local newspaper to the garbage that was written about me. I would like to know why a good educational discussion is impossible to have on your board when you disagree with an issue. I am not a plagiarizing fraud and I do not sell anything.

I understand the owner of the board is Al Carroll, a professor, and these are his friends. Does Al run his classroom the same way he does his board? If a student disagrees with something he says, does he blow up and block them from replying? Does he look up their student record looking for anything questionable in their past? Does he write FRAUD on the blackboard and post pictures and info on their family? Does he have them banned from the class or school? Do they get an "F" on assignments? or does he smear and ridicule them in front of their peers? How sad coming from an educator, a Phd, who should know better. How sad that NOVA tolerates witch hunts. If your board was educational, that would be one thing, but it often slides off into something disturbing.

I apologized to you for anything I wrote in here about you that was wrong. I know I will never get the same courtesy from you regarding the garbage that was written about me. Yes, there are legitimate frauds out there and then there are people who don't even come close. Report truths only.

Doug A.
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Dec 14, 2014 1:03 am EST

LMFAO! I've never been on your forum and Cate did not lie about herself, make a threat or make money off of Essiac. Total BS. Your head honcho is in court for libel and slander as I type. A lot of white European wannabes on your board.

Cate C
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Dec 16, 2017 9:28 am EST
Replying to comment of Doug A.

The irony here, as it turns out, is that none of the women who wrote in the "Essiac" fraud thread are native. These women, who are native, say differently:

Cancer cure, from an old Ojibwe medicine mans recipe. Sheep sorrel, whole plant main agent. A. L. Ronge

My Mother is opting out of Radiation in Faith of our Old Ways. Essiac Tea IS the Ojibwe Herbal Cure for cancer. Any Stage, Any type. Mother Earth Provides for us All. K. Goodard

No quackery here: please find "Ojibwe Tea". Endorsed by Canadian Med. Assoc. Red Sky Thunder

This winter I was feeling sluggish and weak for months. Turned out I had Thyroid Cancer. I had my Thyroid removed and also started a vast array of inner natural healing. I healed in the spirit world for four days. I drank sweet fern and Ojibwe tea, cleansing my lungs, liver, lymph system and blood. I applied Frankensence, Bergamont tinctures and Coconut oil to my lymphs and thyroid before and after removed. I did Lymph massage and light exercise to help with removal of toxins. I thank my friends for the gifts of Chaga and the earth for the plants. I have included my report from the Dr. I am pleased and so was he. Shontel T. Ojibwe

is it true that the Ojibwe consider chaga a cure for cancer tumours?

Correct I personally know it works. A. Travenard Ojibwa medicine woman

Cate Crow
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Dec 14, 2014 7:54 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Summer Rain (if that is in fact who you are)

I invite you to come and talk openly and honestly with me on this board where I can not be blocked or banned or my words twisted. Where real research about the origin of Essiac can be made known and documented success stories can be shared. I'm a retired teacher and draw a disability pension. I do not make money by sharing the story of Essiac and I have never done a workshop on Essiac or whatever it was you accused me of. I wrote an article for the local newspaper on Essiac and I sent an e-mail to friends. I did not lie about myself and I certainly have never made a threat to anyone in my life nor am I a hostile person.

Doug A.
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Dec 14, 2014 8:30 am EST

Cate don't bother. I've watched how this group operates. It is not worth your time or mine. They won't listen anyway. You would have more luck jumping head first into a viper pit. People will read the truth about Essiac and come to their own conclusions. I've got more native blood in my left nut then half the people on that board.

Doug A.
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Dec 27, 2014 11:19 am EST

Before I go, this from some other brothers

If NAFPS Can't Aplogise When They Are Wrong About The Many They Have Targeted: Then They Should Be Pulled Off Completely. They Were Wrong About Us, And No Sorry Came From Nowhere.

To Have Targeted Kaneekaneet And Not Even Bother To Speak To Any Of Us About Whom He Truly Is Or Even What We Have Been Up Too To Help Our Blood Relations?

I Wonder If They Are Paid To Hate Or See It As Some Twisted Duty? I Look At Their Site And I Learned Nothing: And Yet I Am Sure They Must Have Had Permission From Some To Act And Behave That Way.

I liken the NAFPS to a group of people who are on a modern day witch hunt. Their behavior rivals the inquisitions of old. There is no reasoning with the NAFPS what so ever. It's their way or their way. The NAFPS are killing the heart, mind and character of those who get in their way. There is no Kindness or Justice amongst the NAFPS. It is a cold and dead way. The NAFPS e-lynches, e-drowns or e-burns at the e-stake the accused victims of their choosing. I feel they are dangerous and out of control.

NAFPS his just a hate group that write lies about native americans that they never met in there life.
J Reuben Silverbird is a well repected native american and they lie on him. I give this

If you are thinking of visiting or joining New Age Frauds & Plastic Shamans before doing so, please be prepared that if you do challenge; they will delete anything that you say that exposes their abusive behavior and in its place insert derogatory, infantile, deceitful and inverse racist comments.

They will most likely also blame shift and classically project their own negativity and ignorance onto the person and attempt to make it appear to their audience as if it was the innocent person's fault. When all else fails, they may also attempt to make the person appear racist, condescending, patronizing and worse. Also expect to have your privacy violated by them posting your home address, phone numbers and email address online.

You can also expect that they will flip and twist your words and comments. This is obviously designed to distort and invalidate the individual by creating a false impression to his audience and followers, as well as to attempt to make himself appear more intelligent, wittier, wiser, superior and so on.

NAFPS will use all forms of bullying and intimidation tactics that are often implemented by cultists and street gang members.

Doug A.
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Dec 29, 2014 12:29 pm EST

look at what they did to Ian in the Essiac thread. Old Indian man with more knowledge of native medicine then all of them combined. He posts AIM link on Essiac and they delete it as "spam" when it challenges everything they say. Hiding the truth. Then he posts an article to show they are wrong about Makayla Sault relapsing and a link on traditional medicine vs. western medicine well that brings the harpies flying back out. How dare he post anything contrary to what they say! The all knowing wise ones! So they try to discredit him. Classic. The European FDA/big pharma junkie quotes Wikipedia again lol. Funny how they don't like what the white man promotes but they love the big white establishment of the FDA/big pharma. They still claim a white woman thought up the formula garbage. They try to throw him under the bus by saying he is someone else on the net that he needs to be monitored that he doesn't know what he is talking about that he is wrong. They ridicule him and belittle him and as a class act he quietly lets them know he knows about traditional medicine and addresses the one person who was the least rude to him and gracefully exits. They can't touch him and they know it so they go after the author of the AIM Essiac post Two Feathers. They don't know him either but ridicule him and belittle him and put him up in his own thread. They throw up all his private and personal information. His address even. WTF is up with that? They are brutal to the man. His wife finds all their personal info on the net for the world to see. Yeah damn right she is upset! He responds. He has their number. He calls them perfectly and they call him disrespectful and continue to treat him like dirt. He is wise enough not to fall for the venom of the vipers and their negative ways. They treat people like ### and then expect respect? They repeat the same destructive pattern over and over and over again and are so obvious and transparent in their negative attacks. NAFPS is run by a small clique who do all the posting. I can name them all. They hide behind various handles on different native sites to promote their group and say how "excellent" they are. They are often called on it. This group does not represent anyone but themselves. Heed the Warning above. It speaks the truth but if you do go in be prepared to ### kiss. They love that.

Doug A.
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Jan 09, 2015 1:31 am EST


Cate Crow, she who promotes fake cancer cures that will make people sicker, seems to have teamed up with him (someone named John O'Brien) and both are sockpuppetting in various troll dumps in the dark corners of the intarwebs. Must suck to be them.

So much for truthtellers. Definitely paranoid. Cate doesn't know him and has no clue what they are talking about, got fed up with the drama and stopped posting and moved on. Suggested they do the same. I'm definitely not him and have only written on this site. They might want to check with Moke Eaglefeathers if they are interested in serious research on the "fake cancer cure" however.

Cate C
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Oct 30, 2017 12:01 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Doug A.

I posted this blog from the internet and a John O'Brien wrote on it two years before they ever targeted me so using their logic, this is how I must know John O'Brien because, after all, 2 + 2 = 9. Yet another example of the great research they do. The blog looks like it was written by an old white man who writes about sustainable futures, so this must be the neo-nazi site who wants natives dead? That lying non-native woman who wrote the post above is the last person who should call anyone whackjobs. Crazy.

Doug A.
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Jan 10, 2015 2:23 pm EST

from Cate

Who is John O'Brien? Apart from this board and the AIM board, I made one other comment on a board with an article I agreed with and I did it by myself. Are they trying to say Doug that you are John O'Brien? No, you are not Irish enough to be an O'Brien my friend :-D

I was told that Sky said something about Rene got the formula from a patient of hers and altered it so that me saying that the recipe came straight from the lips of Ojibwa medicine man was not true.

In that case, they are calling Cynthia Olsen, with 20 years of research, a fraud and liar because she directly quoted an Ojibwa medicine man originally from Ontario on page 102 and 103 of her book and that is what I quoted in my article and that is the quote I sent to Nancy... and the patient did not come up with the formula. The patient, Mrs. Johnson, did get it directly from a medicine man in Northern Ontario in the 1890's when she got breast cancer and wrote it down, was cured by it and then gave that formula to Rene in 1922. The original formula is on archive. I do know Rene used Turkey Rhubarb instead of Rhubarb because it was less bitter but they both work the same. If that is the only issue, it doesn't take away from the origin of the formula or the fact that it worked for people and that is also documented on archive.

In my case, I passed that formula on to two friends who were struggling with cancer. It did not make them sicker. In the case of Joan, who made the herbal tea for her mother, it dropped her cancer marker from 54, after they discovered another tumor in her abdomen, down to 2. In the case of Miriam, who is a doctor, it dropped her cancer marker from 487 (and she was heading to stage 4 ovarian cancer) down to 214 and that was before she began conventional treatment and her oncologist approved. It helped these women. It did not make them sicker and there are a lot of people who do take Essiac in Canada when they get cancer. It would not be so popular here if it was making so many people "sicker".

You watched the documentary "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures" which features the story. You know the FDA/cancer industry will never approve of traditional or herbal medicine even if it works. It can't be patented. There is no profit in it for them.

I don't regret helping two friends with that formula that came from an Ojibwa medicine man who told it to Cynthia Olsen. I don't regret writing my article. There are so many people who have written books and articles on Essiac in Canada since the 1920's, they can't all be frauds. I do regret not giving the source in their chatroom but that is all. I hope people really do their own research and come to their own conclusions on the subject. I am done with this and have moved on. Thanks for all your help and support.

Doug A.
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Jan 10, 2015 2:47 pm EST

Here is the formula told to Cynthia Olsen by an Ojibwa Medicine Man in late 80's who was originally from Ontario. His grandfathers on his father's side were all Ojibwa Medicine Men from Ontario belonging to the Midewiwin

"This formula is a gift from the Ojibwa to all mankind, all races, anyone. Why can't everyone just say thank you and accept it? I use a big handful of chopped dried Burdock Root (my hands are kind of big, this weighs about 3 ounces). Then I use a big handful of chopped dried Sheep Sorrel herb (this weighs about one ounce) [make sure you use the root]. Then I use big pieces of dried Rhubarb Root amounting to about 1/2 ounce total (I use big pieces so the laxative effect is not boiled away). Then I add a wad of dried Slippery Elm (inner bark) about the size of a golf ball (about 1/18 of an ounce). This makes a one week’s supply, so boil it for about 15 minutes in one gallon of water (only use distilled, spring or thoroughly filtered water) then let it soak overnight in the gallon of water, strain it and store it in a one gallon apple juice jug in your fridge. Drink one 8 ounce cup twice a day (or more if you feel like it). Don’t dilute it, that's some kind of wimpy white man health food store thinking. It tastes kind of thick and slippery. (If you do heat it, do it on a burner in a small sauce pan. Don’t ever heat in a microwave or it will be useless.) By the way, when you drink it pray that your body will get back in harmony with the Great Spirit”

Doug A.
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Feb 02, 2015 11:05 am EST

More hypocrisy

Sky August 19/2014

I think William must be very displeased to see how his name is being bandied about now that he has crossed.

But it is perfectly okay for them to bandy about the name of Tis Mal Crow and his sister who have passed...who they have decided is a fraud despite the info of a friend who knew the man. They who play Great Spirit and judge all people. I am sick of this site...sick of these hypocrites.

Doug A.
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Feb 03, 2015 5:41 am EST


"Native Plants/ Native Healing" is a GREAT book, written by a wonderful and loving person: Tis Mal Crow. I knew Tis Mal personally since the 1980's. He was very knowledgeable about plants and herbs and their medicinal uses. He was also one of my closest friends, but we were more like brothers. There aren't many "root doctors" around - not like Tis Mal. He was one of the best.

Tis Mal and I danced at many Pow Wow's, and also made native regalia for many years. We used to sit for hours on end for months at a time to create beadwork.

Tis Mal Crow crossed over into the spirit world April, 2006. He had mentioned to me once that he "carried an old soul". To me, he was gentle, gifted, and wise beyond his years. He respected our Mother/Grandmother Earth, deeply loved her wonderful gifts, and respected all living things.

I miss him, and look forward to seeing him again in the spirit world.


Williamsburg, US
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Feb 16, 2015 9:20 am EST

A little research and tracking skills will show that a good several of these nafps characters have their own little new age gigs they attain money from. What better way to knock out the competition by declaring them as frauds? Frauds outing other frauds. That's business as usual with these people. Want to see for youself? Go to any new age spiritual site(blogs, forums, etc.) where there are members claiming to be native and question them or their phoney practices and see how quickly your user name appears on nafps as a fraud or troll. These nafps people do not want anyone compromising their own little snake oil shows that are advertised on sites ranging from those seemingly indigenous to Euro-Pagan to the most fluff bunny of new age nonsense where they offer private readings or are attempting to sell various spiritual trinkets. I find it rather humorous that these fraud hunters are in truth frauds themselves.

Williamsburg, US
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Feb 16, 2015 10:09 am EST

Be on the lookout for nafps members going by the handles of Painted Wolf, White Warrior, Dietmar, Raven Poet, Native Spirit, Thunder Bow, RedRightHand and mac. With a little searching they can be found at various new age, spiritual and native sites. The majority of them have little to no American Indian heritage. Again frauds who are outing the competition, other frauds.

Send a message
Feb 16, 2015 1:52 pm EST

not everyone they target are frauds but yes NAFPS are frauds. The owner of the site is Mexican and another is a Scot from the UK. Two regular posters admit they are white guys. One of the admins admits she is not American Indian but is using an Indian name. One is a white celt. Another is german and another is a swedish white woman. There are very few American Indians who post there. Most American Indians do not even know who NAFPS is

Doug A.
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Feb 19, 2015 9:36 am EST

sadly, Makayla Sault has died of a stroke caused by the chemo. Makayla got leukemia in March. She underwent 11 weeks of chemotherapy.

Her mother, Sonya Sault, said Makayla experienced severe side-effects from the chemo and at one point ended up in intensive care.

Makayla wrote a letter to her doctors asking to stop treatment.

"I am writing this letter to tell you that this chemo is killing my body and I cannot take it anymore."

She left chemotherapy treatment to pursue alternative and traditional indigenous medicine.

"Makayla was on her way to wellness, toward holistic well-being after the harsh side-effects that 12 weeks of chemotherapy inflicted on her body, " the family statement read. "Chemotherapy did irreversible damage to her heart and major organs. This was the cause of the stroke."

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