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CB Dog Breeders Neverest Labs contract.. more than 3 litters per year
Neverest Labs

Neverest Labs review: contract.. more than 3 litters per year 19

Author of the review
5:28 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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In Wisconsin there is a 3 litter per year limit. Desire Pausma is a breeder that is only out for money. Watch out for this breeder,

Nov 29, 2009 6:58 pm EST
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N10994 Buckhorn Rd., Fox Lake, WI, US

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As the breeder being talked about here, I just wanted to comment back. I sold this puppy to this family and it does have OCD issues (not hip and elbow dysplasia) they say it does. However, this puppy buyer did NOT follow the advice I recommended. They didn't change food when I recommended it (I found research to support that OCD can be prevented and helped even after its diagnosed by being fed a different food. Please read for yourself here:
This breeder (great dane lady) whom I don't personally know, is VERY well respected as an expert in issues with dogs and fixing them with food. This family also neutered this puppy at the age of 5 months which is also not recommended. I feel terribly sorry for this puppy and have done all that I could to inform and educate his family on how to deal with it and what things could do to help him. I have also offered a replacement puppy (and they could still keep their puppy if they chose to) to them, they turned that down and said they didn't want anything from me other than to inform me. They emailed me on NUMEROUS occasions saying that they didn't want anything further from me, but felt that a professional would no longer breed Claire and Franklin. I don't own Franklin so couldn't decide that. I emailed them back and explained the food thing and also told them that I would definately note this for both Claire and Franklin. I have no plans to ever breed Claire and Franklin back to each other or someone closely related to them. They have 6 other pups from the exact same litter as this puppy, some that I personally saw in August that have no issues what so ever. I've talked to the other families to see how the dogs are doing and not heard from anyone else that is having any issues at all. I asked for more information at the time of diagnosis so I could be more informed and I wasn't sent anything at all. I'd ask that any of you considering a puppy from Neverest at least call up some of the references on my website and/ or give me a call to talk with me about this pup and all the other pups we've produced. I've been breeding dogs for 8 years and this is the FIRST puppy that has had ANY issue at all that would entitled a refund/replacement.

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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animal lover1
Milwaukee, US
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Nov 12, 2009 12:44 pm EST

I have had dealings with her and she is out for money and money alone! Dogs are stacked in crate waiting to be bred, he house is filty and the stench is so bad. Its a shame she has children that have to grow up like this and she hides behind "christiany" which is a sin in itself

pup owner
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Nov 16, 2009 6:53 pm EST

I recently purchased a lab puppy from the Claire-Franklin litter from Desirae Pausma of Neverest Labs. My puppy has been diagnosed by several veterinarians and orthopedic specialists as having multiple limb lameness, including dysplasia and osteochondrosis. Pausma has not represented herself in response to this issue in such a way that you would expect a professional to.

Oconomowoc, US
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Nov 30, 2009 12:15 pm EST

I totally disagree with the family that made the claim about NeverestLabs . Desirae ONLY runs her breeding program in a professional manner! She is a top breeder in the Midwest and is beyond knowledgeable when it comes to the Labrador Retriever Breed! If you would have listened to her from the start as she tried to educate you----your dog would not be having such difficulties. How can you possibly make the comments that you did when she offered you another puppy! I know several people who have purchased puppies thru Neverest since I did almost 3 years ago, and all the dogs including mine are 100% healthy and beautiful! Her breeding program is extroidinary and I highly recommend you rethink your words before you falsely accuse this Top Notch 5-star Breeder!

Waukesha, US
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Nov 30, 2009 3:30 pm EST

Regarding the complaint against Neverest. I have a 2 yr old lab from Desirae and She is very healthy! She has such a sweet personality! I would HIGHLY recommend a puppy from her! Desirae takes the health of her puppies and dogs VERY seriously! She is very knowledgeable and is always looking at research to improve the breed.
Even with the most careful breeding things can happen. It's clear to me that Desirae has tried to do everything she could for this person!

Winneconne, US
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Nov 30, 2009 7:17 pm EST

I recently bought a kitten from Desirae's cattery and am thrilled to death with him--he's a delight. I am sorry for your experience, but it seems to me that Desirae more than bent over backwards to make things right. Some people are just never happy, I guess.

Winneconne, US
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Nov 30, 2009 7:26 pm EST

I bought a kitten from Desirae recently. The house is CLEAN, the children well-behaved, the animals well cared for! This individual has apparently gotten herself bent out of shape over some issue or another and has chosen to lash out here. The animals are not stacked in crates--you can look in on her webcam and see that they are NOT! They are playful and very obviously healthy! I am sorry about the pup with lameness, but from what I have read here, Desirae bent over backwards to make things right.

Lynn G
Oconomowoc, US
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Nov 30, 2009 8:43 pm EST

In regards to the complaint against Desirae at Neverest Labs, I could NOT disagree more with the accusations of her acting unprofessionally. It is unfortuante that your dog is experiencing lameness, but it seems as though Desirae has tried to offer you information as well as another dog. My experiences have always been positive with Neverest Labs. I first began speaking with Desirae in December of 2007 when I was going through the death of my husky mix. He was dying quickly and I had begun to look at the Neverest Lab site in the hope of being able to have one when I was ready. I sent Desirae a message explaining what was happening and telling her of my interest in one of her pups. She did not try to push a puppy onto me or try to make a sale. Instead she talked to me about my current dogs dying process and the how everyone grieves differently and that I should just take my time. She invited me to come see the dogs anytime I wanted. I took her up on her offer a couple weeks later and found out that the pup I was interested in was still available. I put a deposit down on him but knowing that I was greiving and feeling guilty over even looking at another dog, Desirae made it very clear to me that if I changed my mind we could just wait until the next litter, or even the next one. No hurry she said, whenever you are ready. This sure doesn't sound like a breeder who is only in the business for money. It sounds like someone who loves her animals and someone who cares about the people who are taking her animals as well. In signing my puppy contract with Neverest Labs, I received a bounty of information about the tests Desirae does with her dogs in preparing them for their new homes. She takes this very seriously and wants nothing more than to make perfect matches when possible. She also supplied us with information regarding shots and what her suggestions were regarding a vaccination schedule so that the puppy's system would not be overwhelmed. She made it clear that if our personal vets had any questions they should call her without hesitation. Desireae has always had a very "open door" demeanor. If you ask for help, she will do her best to help you. If she doesn't know the best answer to a problem, she will seek advice and get you the help you need. Although I hope not to need another dog from Desirae for awhile (my boy turns two in a couple of weeks) I can tell you that I will seek Desirae out again someday without hesitation or doubt. I don't know why this other family wants to slander Neverest Labs in such a fashion or try to put a spot on Desirae's reputation, but it is unfortunate and unfounded in my eyes. Anyone interested in getting a lab from Desirae should not hesitate. One look at her website, or a phone call to her will give you the assurance of making the right choice. If that doesn't work, then one hour with her boys as they care for the dogs will show you all they have learned from their mom so far.

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Dec 01, 2009 2:40 pm EST

Neverest Labs (and their feline affiliate, Rouletii ragdolls) have been registering various names on this site for the sole purpose of defending their operation. Note all of these profiles, registered on 11/30, all making only posts defending this specific company:

Of course this doesn't even include the account of Desirae herself, also registered on the same time period (indicating this is when she became aware of the complaint:

This reeks of collusion. Clearly either Desirae herself, or friends she has convinced, all registered names to post these comments. I don't know what the state of the business is, but the effort that they have gone through to dishonestly defend themselves is frightening.

Winneconne, US
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Dec 08, 2009 11:41 pm EST

No one has to convince me to post an honest message. When you use a public forum to make untrue accusations, I am more than happy to give an honest response. You are trying to ruin her reputation and her business unjustly. What is she supposed to do, just let you go on ranting without response? I am one of her customers too--I have as much right to post here as you do, and certainly am more truthful than you are. So stuff it, lady.

pup owner
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Dec 18, 2009 6:05 pm EST

We are glad to see that there is an open discussion about the health of the dog we now care for that was bred by Neverest Labs (

Unfortunately, there is no doubt that this particular dog was bred and born with malformations. After countless time, observations, money, expert opinions, and discussion this much is irrefutable.

Since having had multiple joints repaired he is functioning with greater mobility and energy than he has ever been capable of displaying previously.

We are happy to make available a copy of the unfit for sale document provided by our orthopedic specialists. This document would, if the dog had been purchased in our state, entitle us to seek as much as twice the purchase price of the animal.

Furthermore, as you can glean from the responses here the worst part throughout this entire ordeal was the breeder’s, Neverest Labs, condescending attitude to our dog’s very real and serious problems.

“I asked for more information at the time of diagnosis so I could be more informed and I wasn't sent anything at all.”

- On Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 5:10 PM
We provided details to contact our primary veterinary professional
- On Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
We provided the above mentioned ‘unfit for sale’ document which includes contact information of our specialists

“However, this puppy buyer did NOT follow the advice I recommended. They didn't change food when I recommended it…”

We followed every instruction to the letter. We still have a 30lbs bag of Taste of the Wild, the originally specified food. We can surely contact the distributor and provide receipts/invoices since we had to special order it and pick it up > 30 minutes away from our home. It was only upon OUR inquiry that changing the food was even discussed and then rightfully switched to Blue Buffalo, second recommendation, as advised. Those emails were sent on Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 10:19 AM Subject: Taste of the Wild, Question.

“This family also neutered this puppy at the age of 5 months which is also not recommended.”

In order to determine the extent of his malformation the neutering was done in conjunction with the initial x-rays. This was done more approximately at the 6 month timeframe with complete assurance from our primary veterinary professional.

“I asked for more information at the time of diagnosis so I could be more informed and I wasn't sent anything at all.”

Similarly we were accused of never providing such information in our last direct contact. As you can see above both of our dog care professionals information was provided. Neverest Labs was also provided various methods and contact information for us. We did not once receive a single phone call or inquiry either directly or indirectly through the veterinarians.

We will simply say that the owner and operator of Neverest Labs, Desirae Pausma, is a dishonest and disreputable breeder. I can provide each and every correspondence sent between our parties and can not collaborate any of the accusations that we did not follow their early instructions, advice, and opinions. We were the only party to openly ask for advice providing every detail pertinent hoping for any sort of positive dialogue. Each time we were met with friction and an almost spiteful retort. Neverest Labs would have you believe that they had witnessed us beating our new puppy in the back yard with a 2x4.

We are so very happy and surely believe there are a number of owners from Neverest Labs that have not had to deal with the emotional and financial stress that these problems inflict. Rest assured the dog we have now is for all purposes our first child and is being cared for and loved in every way possible. He is undoubtedly gorgeous and well behaved but unfortunately physically restricted. Any compelling desire we had in approaching Neverest Labs for questions, help, and concerns has long since past it’s expiration.

Caveat emptor – Let the buyer beware

Concerned Dog Owner
Bridgeview, US
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Jan 16, 2010 3:35 pm EST

I have no problem with posting a complaint, but why post it on the internet? File you compaint with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) if it is a valid complaint. I have found so much adverse information on the internet of people trying to slander other people for personal reasons.

In the case with the dog with the lameness. This is ashame. We have had many people who have purchased dogs from breeders and the breeder always will offer a replacement dog. Although this is cruel in the face of the new owner of the dog as they have grown attached to the pet, it is how contracts are written. Think about it, healthy people give birth to babies with defects, so why can't it happen with puppies also?

We bought our pup in March 2008 after putting down our 14 year old dog. We have had him in for seasonal allegies (very common in labs) and for a tick born illness which caused him to be lathargic and lame. I cannot blame this on anyone but myself as due to the rain that season the tick population exploded and I should have used additional tick prevention when taking him to the woods to run.

I think people need to chill out and think whether what they are writing something to actually inform people or to hinder people. I personally do not subscribe to facebook or twitter for the reason of the personal slander that goes on.

slander finder
new york city, US
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Mar 28, 2010 5:05 pm EDT

Stop blaming breeders for everything !

some day there will be no breeders and no puppies because of all you petty ### puppy shoppers.

you are a crappy puppy shopper and shouldnt own a dog. Dont buy another dog. Dont anyone out there breed a puppy for this person.

breed your own puppies in the future !

S Reid
Hazel Green, US
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May 27, 2010 8:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am so glad I got onto this site and looked at more of the comments. I was shocked when I read of this complaint about Desirae. I went to her place in October 2009 because my current lab is againg and I wanted to spend some time choosing my next one for pet therapy. Although Desirae knew I wasn't buying at the time, she spent all morning with me answering questions. I was very impressed with her knowledge of the breed and her quest to always breed a better dog. Her dogs are beautiful. She had two females in the house and they were both very well behaved. One of her children were in the house and he was quite well behaved. I felt Desirae was one of the most prefessional dog breeders I have met. Sue Reid

De Pere, US
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Apr 17, 2011 9:44 pm EDT

I am so happy I found Desirae, I currently have a 3 year old lab who I bought over the internet from a different breeder, although he is a sweet dog, he came with a boat load of health problems though I wouldn't trade him for the world. I found Neverest labs and immediately started emailing Desirae. She offered for me to come and visit her facility knowing my concerns with the last lab I purchased. She gave me tons of information regarding his condition and things I could do to help him. She opened her doors to myself, my 3 children and my mother in law, the house was by no means filthy nor did it smell, I am highly allergic to cats and being in her house didn't even bother me. Each dog was more sweet than the next and it was truly easy to tell how well taken care of and how loved they are. Her children were well behaved and sweet. We have been very indecisive as to which litter we wan to choose from as well as the sex of the puppy, Desirae has been nothing but helpful and patient with me. She has given her opinion but always states she wants us to have the right dog for our family so it is up to us. I am appalled that people would say such mean things about this family. Both Desirae and Mike are very educated and nice people. What you see is what you get and that is hard to find these days. There are obviously many past customers who adore them. They were even so nice to have one of the dogs they co-own brought to the house so I could meet her. The dog didn't even live there and was so sweet and calm with the 2 other females in the house. The puppies are in an extremely comfy play area right in the living room of the house so they can be loved. The males outside were as lovey with my self and my children I would have taken every one of them home with me. I am proud and excited to say we will be getting a puppy in July from this breeder. We drove 2 hours to meet with them and were welcomed (even though it as Desirae's birthday) with a very open and honest visit. All my questions were answered and any hesitations I had over the internet were gone once meeting them! (I am not a friend of the family, just an excited customer!) Kimberly

Dr. Linda Davis
Frostproof, US
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Apr 20, 2015 6:33 pm EDT

I have a lab from Neverest and was very surprised to see this forum about a complaint. Our lab is 6 years old now and has always been the epitome of health and vigor. She is also the smartest dog we have ever had. We live in Florida and she shipped her to us without any issues. I am sure you got a lot of these comments the same day because everyone would be outraged to see such a complaint against Neverest and responded accordingly. Some people get their knickers in a wad and lash out the easiest way they can through social media. I would buy another lab from Neverest Labs without any hesitation.

Done with Desirae
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Jan 29, 2016 3:19 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have just had something VERY similar happen to us. We purchased a puppy from Neverest Labs in April of 2015. Very early on, it became obvious this dog had lameness in both front legs. He had swelling in both elbows and his front legs would shake. I contacted Desirae with these concerns early on. She asked for me to send pictures, which I did, and Desirae responded that the legs looked normal to her. The situation continued to worsen, and at 7 ½ months of age we finally had to take him in for X-rays. Since the vet had to sedate our dog for the x-rays, it was suggested that we take care of neutering him at the same time to avoid having to sedate him again for that procedure. Unfortunately the x-rays weren't sufficient for an accurate diagnosis of his issues, so we ended up scheduling CT scans at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Hospital. The scans showed that our pup has Fragmented Coronoid Process (Elbow Dysplasia) in both front legs, and because it was present from a very early age he also already has significant osteoarthritis present in both legs. The orthopedic specialists at the U recommended arthroscopic surgery on both legs to remove bone fragments that were causing significant pain to our dog. We did this procedure as an interim treatment, but will likely need to do joint replacement surgery at some point in the future. The arthroscopy showed several areas in our dog's elbows where there should be cartilage but there is not. When I contacted Desirae about the issues we are experiencing, she implied that his problems may be a result of neutering our dog at 7 ½ months of age. RIDICULOUS! I have talked with our regular veterinarian and orthopedic surgeons at the university, and all agree that it’s LUDICROUS to imply that our dog’s issues, which were obvious from about 10 weeks of age, could be a result of neutering him when he was 7 ½ months old. It’s clear to me that Desirae just doesn’t want to take responsibility for Neverest Labs taking $1, 500 for a puppy with SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES. We have incurred well over $7, 000 in related medical expenses to this point, and our dog is only 11 months old. The arthroscopic surgery helped some, but ongoing medication, physical therapy and future surgeries will be necessary to manage our dog’s pain. It’s a HORRIBLE situation. I know things happen and there are never any guarantees that every puppy is going to be perfectly healthy. It would just be nice to know that if something happens that is truly unusual and unforeseen, that the breeder would work with you instead of trying to lay the blame back on you. BUYER BEWARE!

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Mar 24, 2016 11:08 am EDT

First, if there are veterinary documentation, letters, etc. POST these. Second, ALL contracts concerning health of a dog should be VOID if de-sexing occurs prior to 30 months of age. Your veterinarian is grossly uneducated to think it LUDICROUS that bones, joints, and overall health is not severely effected by early spay/neuter. They must have graduated from the college of Pharmaceutical/Pet mentality University.

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Dec 31, 2017 10:17 pm EST

Unfortunately we have had nearly the same issues. Approximately 7 years ago we bought a female yellow from the the parents of Clair and Franklin. This is the best lab we ever had except the many health issues. I will not spend hours explaining our travels in dealing with this and the many well know veterinarians in Wisconsin and extensive testing and imaging they have done. I am posting in order to possibly help anyone who may have one of the siblings. Our girl has been diagnos with Addison’s disease and will be on medication for the remainder of her life. Also she has elbow dysphasia in front legs. We are sad to say we cannot afford the remedy at the moment.
For any of you who wants to find some kind of fault with this post ...stop... We enjoyed our experience at Neverrest Labs and found Desirea to be very kind and helpful. But we also understand that a dog or any animal can never come with any guarantee that they will not have a health problem. Unfortunately our best friend did. We will continue to do whatever we can to help her. She is absolutely the best we ever had or can imagine.

Dogs are awesome
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Aug 15, 2018 8:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have 3 points to make and I will make them clear. 1. There is nothing wrong with this business, these complaints are false. 2. There is nothing wrong with the dogs, there is problems with the buyers and the way they view this brewer's help. They try to help and I love all the dogs they have.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Neverest Labs - desirae pausma
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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