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Nike Complaints 1027

8:01 pm EDT
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Nike kaepernick ad

I have been cycling and running for over 40 years. Whenever I have purchased new cycling or running clothing Nike has always been my first pick because I like the quality, look and fit. In fact I was about to purchase a new pair of Zoom Pegasus 35 running shoes but I will look elsewhere(Asics and Brooks makes excellent gear also)
I cannot and will not support a company who lauds and celebrates an individual who dishonors our flag and the brave men who defend our country. You should be ashamed of yourselves( somehow I doubt that)


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7:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nike kaepernick : what a loser

Is that who Nike is? a Looser? All I can say is BOYCOTT NIKE! Since I need to make this 350 words goes ...Boycott Nike, Boycott Nike...Boycott Nike...Boycott Nike Boycott nike...Boycott Nike...Boycott Nike...Boycott Nike...Boycott nike ...Boycott nike...Boycott Nike...Boycott Nikme Boycott Nike Boycott Nike Boycott Nike Boycott Nike Boycott Nike Boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nikce boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike
boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott nike boycott boycott nike boycott boycot boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott boycott

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Update by Debra and Richard Buehrer
Sep 04, 2018 7:46 pm EDT

We can't stand Kapernick...Get it...guess you don't care much about your company as the buying public pays your bills through the purchase of your shoes...Not anymore ! No More Nike for us!
D Buehrer

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7:31 pm EDT

Nike the kaepernick ad

I want to add my voice to those disappointed about the Kaeperkick add ! WOW, I did not know that disrespecting others and ones country was a virtue that NIKE wanted to promote?! WHO KNEW...? ALL he did was call the nation RACIST, but did nothing to solve any issues. He has no solutions and more of a self promoter, than anything. Bad decision to associate NIKE with the likes of him.

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Debra and Richard Buehrer
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Sep 04, 2018 7:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Kapernick is such a looser...No More Nike's for us!

6:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nike ad with kaepernick

By intentionally choosing to promote your name & products with a controversial and unpatriotic individual that has done nothing but cause division and shame our nation and the game of football, you have lost our patronage! We have 2 teens that play multiple sports and we have a HUGE NIKE BURN PILE ready for Friday night after our varsity football game! Can't wait to roast marshmallows and encourage our neighbors to join us as we make Nike a memory!

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6:28 pm EDT

Nike colin kaepernick

Are you kidding me long time Nike buyer but NO MORE!

Colin Kaepernick Adopted by white parents, made millions in the good old USA did not vote or help black people at all until he lost his quarterback job then makes a stink against the Falg! Really? and you support him?

I am a Vet and deeply applaud by your company, Never will buy Nike again NEVER and will spread the word!

Rosa Parks was not the first person to refuse to go to the back of the bus but she was above reproach, a woman of Honor! Colin Kaepernick IS NOT!

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5:58 pm EDT

Nike national anthem - new nike campaign

This support of this football player is ridiculous. I don't even want to mention his name he is such a disgrace to NFL and our USA country. This must stop. There are army, marines, airman, navy, coastal guard, national guard and ROTC from colleges and high school. Do you consider him an example of our patriotism ? A true American who can represent us? What were you thinking?

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Update by Stephanie C
Sep 04, 2018 6:09 pm EDT

This is ridiculous having this former football player as a spokesman. What a shame to our country. Disgrace to our country and military in uniform, What were you thinking? See my post on bad business... I thought Tiger Woods was a bad choice to continue with, but now we have a person who should be deported if he doesn't want to live by the patriotism of our fellow military personnel. I personally don't have anyone in the military but this is unjustified. Such a disgrace to our country of USA
and children growing up under the influence of athletes. What was your board thinking?

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4:56 pm EDT

Nike nike colin k ad

Believe in Something even if it means dishonoring your country, your flag and the people who have died giving you the right protest. Your brand will NEVER enter our home . . . not because you ran ad supporting Colin K, you have a right to do that, but because by doing so you honor an individual who has sought to diminish the values of this country for personal attention. And it is clear that is your objective. If you want to do something meaningful share with us in an ad all the money and active programs you support that actually attempt to do something of significance to make a change in the purported injustices. Headline grabs for publicity are empty wisps of smoke and show your lack of sincerity on the subject of social injustice.

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4:48 pm EDT

Nike colin kaepernick endorsement

I will never buy Nike products again! I will tell my children, friends, family, and anyone else willing to listen how outrageous Nike is to endorse such a rogue like Colin Kappernick and to be sure to boycott all and any Nike products!
I am ashamed at Nike and the NFL on the poor choices that have been made about athletes who takes a knee during our national anthem.

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Daldar Dev
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Sep 04, 2018 5:01 pm EDT

Please post to the Nike chat system.

4:37 pm EDT

Nike colin kaepernick endorsement

MY wife and I have used Nike products for over 30 years. Your choice of Colin Kaepernick to endorse your products has to be the worse choice anyone could make. You are rewarding a poor athlete who could not make it in the NFL and who could not even stand for our national anthem. Shame on your Company. What are you marketing people thinking? We will not purchase another Nike product to help pay for his compensation. Let us know when you decide to drop him as a spokesperson for Nike - we may start purchasing again.

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Daldar Dev
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Sep 04, 2018 5:02 pm EDT

Please post to the Nike chat system.

4:35 pm EDT

Nike nike just lost my family as customers!

NIke just lost my family as customers! Kapernick was rich spoiled third string quarter back on his way out. He tries to make himself relevant by creating controversy. The way he choice was to dishonor our country. By choosing to make Kapernick a company representative you've aligned yourself with a loser. I will do my best to make sure that my family (2 daughters, 2 sons and my wife) never purchase or wear any Nike clothing/shoes. I hope Nike suffers greatly for their stupidity! Under Armour has better products anyway!

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Daldar Dev
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Sep 04, 2018 5:02 pm EDT

Please post to the Nike chat system.

4:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nike colin kaepernick - bad choice!

Please understand that I will not buy another Nike product as a result of your VERY POOR CHOICE of Colin Kaepernick as the new face of your "Just Do It" campaign. Mr. Kaepernick chose a DUMB way to protest, and should NOT be praised by Nike for disrespecting the brave Soldiers who gave Mr. Kaepernick his right to protest. I am VERY DISAPPOINTED in Nike for making such a poor marketing decision and hope you will reconsider and drop him like the LOSER he is.

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3:49 pm EDT

Nike choice of colin kaepernick as your representative.

No more Nike products for me.
Yes, Kaepernick believes in his cause, but so did
Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.
Kaepernick's refusal to stand before our flag and instead
kneel down is the epitome of disrespect for the greatest
flag in the world and the National Anthem for our country.
It saddens me deeply to see him do it because he is a millionaire
individual who has reaped the many gains from this country and
now displays his refusal to honor it, and the many veterans who lost
their lives fighting for her. As a war veteran myself, you can count
me out from any future purchases. And in the meantime, go to hell.

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America First
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Sep 04, 2018 6:51 pm EDT

Add another to the never purchase Nike products again...
signed 1ea MSgt, USAF

Henry Jaycox
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Sep 04, 2018 5:38 pm EDT

I agree with all these statements it is so obvious that this company is run by someone who is very left and not really into the respect for the symbols that american stands for . there is a time and place and this was not the time and place, he has other forums he could have used, he like his fellow players choose to disrespect what great americans have died for your products are a dead isssue here and I will inform retailers I and so many of my friends will not buy if they sell nike.

3:22 pm EDT

Nike kaepernick-a poor choice

I have been a long time user of your products from "Head to toe" but was so upset by your choice of Colin Kaeperneck that I felt insulted personally. As a result, I have gone through my closet and dresser drawers and collected all of my NIke items, including footwear, and will donate them to the homeless shelter. Furthermore, I will not be buying any more of your products until such time as this reckless decision is reversed. Those that made this decision are surely out of touch with main-street America.

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3:20 pm EDT

Nike your new face for "just do it"

What were you thinking when you selected your new face for your "Just Do It" ads/campaign? This decision is a slap in the face to the men & women in both the Armed Forces AND those who serve and protect in our police forces.

Shame on you for this decision. Go ahead and make your political statement by doing this and I for one will not purchase any more of your products and I will encourage my friends, family and co-workers to do the same.

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2:51 pm EDT

Nike colin kaepernick

I will no longer purchase Nike merchandise. I will not allow anyone in my household to purchase Nike merchandise. You have alienated at least half your customer base, and if you want to try & be stupid with your social activism, then I hope half the customer base joins me in not purchasing any of your items, then maybe you will think about the customers out there who are not interested in someone you want to push your agenda with.

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a roth
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Sep 04, 2018 3:05 pm EDT

Nike approves of Colin Kapernick point of view.
That is fine.
Colin Kapernick does not belong in my closet nor my sons.
Your product has nothing to do with kneeling or the American Flag.
Go back to the drawing board and think harder next time who you choose to represent your company.
Parents are bringing up children in the world, show some respect.

2:43 pm EDT

Nike colin kaepernick

My family have been lifelong Nike supporters and have been proud to wear Nike products. Michael Jordan was an exceptionally good representative for Nike.

Unfortunately, we do not have the same feelings for your new spokesperson, Colin Kapernick.

We believe in progress with respect, and do not feel that using any forum to make your point is in the public interest. We do not feel that failing to respect those who sacrificed their lives for this country are worthy of our patronage.

We will not be purchasing any Nike products until Nike publicly removes him from his endorsement and does so without paying for such a poor role model. The money we pay for your products makes its way into the pockets of your role models.

I hope sales fall, and shareholder value diminishes with your choice. Furthermore,
I hope Nike market capitalization falls precipitously so loudly, I can hear Michael Jordan scream from here.

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2:34 pm EDT

Nike advertising campaign

Dear Nike Mamagement, I have been a long time customer for both my family & myself. I wanted to let you know that due to your advertising campaign with Colin Kapernick we will be boycotting Nike Products and services. My friends, fellow little league coaches and like minded citizens of the USA will NOT purchase anymore of your products. We plan to burn all our Nike gear in a ceremony. We plan to take our boycott national & hope your company either changes its advertising strategy or file Chapter 7 bankruptcy! We will use social media and all forms of advertising to promote the boycott of your products. No patriot of the USA will buy products promoted by someone that disrespects our flag, Country, law enforcement, military, etc. Mr. kapernick is entitled to his opinion but it is not held my a majority of our citizens. Look at the ratings of the NFL & your corporate executives should be smart enough to know that using such a controversial figure WILL be bad for business!

Former Customer

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2:34 pm EDT

Nike ad campaign, kaepernick, contract renewal

As a Vietnam War veteran and patriot, I am totally appalled at Nike's latest move to use Kaapernick as part of new ad campaign. This coward doesn't have the guts to fight for his country which gave him so much Nike exec's should be fired for their decision.
For my part I shall another Nike product and discourage everyone I know from supporting that company

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2:31 pm EDT

Nike advertisement

I have been a NIKE customer for over 35 years purchasing items from Running shoes to work out clothes also all my children's sports apparel have always been NIKE I have always thought NIKE was superior in quality but your recent decision to Have Colin Kaprinik as your spokes person has prompted me to no longer ware or alow any of your products in my home .. How can a company like NIKE support such an anti American as Colin Kaprinik . He continues to discrace those who have served this country for his freedom . I am extremely dissatisfied with your companies decision ! You will no longer have me as loyal customer and I will do everything in my power to have others boycott your products .. Sorry to end a long relationship this way .. Extremely dissatisfied loyal Customer

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2:24 pm EDT

Nike ad featuring colin kaepernick

Nike, I am a personal trainer and have been wearing your clothing for quite some time. I am also a US Air Force Veteran. I am deeply offended that you have chosen to go with a person who snubs our flag and all it represents for his own egotistical reasons. I will no longer purchase your clothing and will no longer give your company free advertisement with your products.

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About Nike

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Nike is a global sportswear brand offering athletic footwear, apparel, and accessories. Their product line caters to a wide range of sports including running, basketball, and soccer. Nike also provides services like personalized shoe customization and fitness apps.
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1. Log in or create an account:
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2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Nike in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Nike. Include key areas of concern, relevant transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the nature of the problem.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Remember to attach any additional supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Submit your complaint by clicking the 'Submit' button.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
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Ensure you follow these steps to effectively file a complaint with Nike on

Overview of Nike complaint handling

Nike reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 30, 2006. The latest review Shocking Incompetence by Nike Thailand's customer service was posted on Jul 7, 2024. The latest complaint Nike Apple Watch purchased in Nike website never delivered. UPS Box was violated and watch/accessories were missing. was resolved on Dec 13, 2021. Nike has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 1039 reviews. Nike has resolved 96 complaints.
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    +55 113 004 5566
    +55 113 004 5566
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    +1 (800) 806-6453
    +1 (800) 806-6453
    Click up if you have successfully reached Nike by calling +1 (800) 806-6453 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Nike by calling +1 (800) 806-6453 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +1 (800) 806-6453 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +1 (800) 806-6453 phone number
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    1 SW Bowerman Dr, Beaverton, Oregon, 97005, United States
  5. Nike social media
  6. Nick
    Checked and verified by Nick This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Sep 15, 2024
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