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Outrigger Enterprises

Outrigger Enterprises review: deceitful practices 56

Author of the review
4:58 pm EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Promises the world delivers nothing of value as was promised. Useless 25.00 rebates a month for groceries instead of 300.00 coupon expected. Can save more with coupons. Read the fine print for redeeming travel vouchers. Must book 90 days in advance leave mon or tues at 3:00 or 6:00 pm and arrive back at 6:00 am. I don't think so. What a scam. Why spend almost $9000.00 to join unless your retired.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Disgruntled Vacationer
Mesa, US
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May 09, 2009 2:07 am EDT

Appears this scam has headed westbound. today my wife and I made the biggest mistake of our life, hsving been lured into buying an outriggers vacation package. this was marketed by good times travel club in phoenix, a company you'll find nothing about. there were a lot of red flags that went up before we signed on the dotted line, like offices without signs for the agency, no business cards, and associates without name tags. we even paid $20 when we were first solicited at a home and garden show that supposedly would be returned when we arrived for the presentation. we never even got this back, but were instead offered gas and grocery coupons. notes i've seen on other internet posts indicate that these have little value and are difficult to cash in.

Unfortunately I could not adequately research this vacation club beforehand. everything we had received prior to the presentation said good time travel club, not outrigger vacation club. outrigger is actually in tulsa, ok and is not even a member of the bbb. very little actually on the web about them. have to admit there were some posts that were positive, but quite a few complaints. biggest neon sign though was the apparent use of many different names for what appears to be the same scam. check for posts on the phoenix vacation club and star vacation club. both have operated in the phoenix area and sales pitches, benefits, even the initial cost of the program $10, 000 and the eventual reduced price $3995 all are the same. I even found newspaper releases on the clubs (anyone with money can post an ad) that contained the exact wording. only the name of the vacation club was changed.

Our contract had a 72-hour cancellation clause. I have initiated a cancellation. time will tell whether we are able to get a credit back to our credit card.

North Attleboro, US
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May 27, 2009 10:13 pm EDT

I know exactly what you mean! I had a feeling this was all going to be complete bull anyway but I went because of the "special birthday offer". on the phone I was told I get a $300 grocery card and a $150 gas card on top of two round trip airfare tickets and a 3day 2night stay anywhere in the continental u. s. all I had to do was attend a 90 min presentation and I was all set no obligation to sign up. I knew deep down it was to good to be true but decided to go anyway, my thought was what if I really am missing out on all this free stuff. well while reading the fine print, the 3day 2nightstay is only available at certain locations in the continental u. s. not anywhere and the $300 grocery card can only be used in $25 increments and thats per month by the way and the $150 gas card is also used in $25 increments and thats only while you are on vacation.

They also gave me the same offer of the $3995 from the $8995 and then I knew for sure it was definite complete bull, why would you drop the dollar amount that much in a matter of 2mins. you can't even get a car salesman to drop a price on a car that much in 2 weeks of trying nevermind 2mins! they kept pushing and my boyfriend and I kept saying no no no and then he started getting a little aggitated with us especially when I said i'm not signing up for anything until I do research considering I have never heard of your company before and you have been around for 28 years. his response was well we didn't do research on you before we got you here and I said well you are not throwing down almost $10, 000 on something you don't even know is legit! things just weren't adding up to me, when everything seems way to good to be true, it usually is! I have alot more to say about this bogus offer but I won't bore you with all the details, I think I have made it very clear that this is no good!

Ed in Scottsdale
Scottsdale, US
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Jun 19, 2009 2:27 pm EDT

Attended last night in phoenix...24th and camelback... trouble finding good time travel as there was no signage on the outside of this huge glass office tower (although all other tenants were prominentaly listed)... no signs on the 5th floor anywhere either... cheesy power point presentation... speaker was obviously bored, went through the motions due to the small size of the crowd-4 couples. became obvious they were buying unused time share weeks. gave several examples of rack rates at luxury locations and then their weekly rates. stated "no black out dates ever"! later stated they had an 86% success rate... just one of numerous contradictions throughout the presentation.

$10k price for membership revealed about 15 minutes in... this gave you one week per year... seriously... one "resort week" (as they called it) per year... helluva deal, huh!? then at the end, the big moment arrived "but for all of you tonight, our"vip's"... we've dropped it to... wait for it!... $9k (they did sweeten the pot increasing it to 4 resort weeks and access to"hot weeks"which are last minute specials).

One final incentive: speaker also had a"$1k travel voucher... only one, for the first person/couple to enroll". he very slowly pulled it out of an envelope for effect... apparently it was very fragile as he was very careful with it...

Before as well as following the presentation, I advised"wade"(our personal representative) that we would not be buying anything here tonight so if he wanted to move on to the next couple I could save him a lot of time. (he looked around the room and we were one of only 4 couples for the big 6pm show so my offer was declined...). after the presentation, wade returned to answer q's... I had four pages... which apparently caught him off guard... I again advised we would not be buying anything without doing reserach on his company. told him if after our research we felt this was something we would be interested in would call him back, ask for him personally to ensure he got got the commission. as expected, he didn't have a number to contact him at, and wade advised this was a one time offer only... had to invest $9k tonight or our only choice later would be the full $10k. said these prices were registered with the state of arizona"for our protection"and couldn't be modified. when we got up indicating we were in fact leaving w/o buying, he then advised there were"lower"package prices" that he could "tailor" to fit our needs. so much for registering their prices with the state for "our protection". we passed.

We have the free incentive package and have been advised to follow all directions on the back to get the free trip, air, hotel, (anywhere in the cont. us and at a marriott) as well as dinner coupons for olive garden and red lobster and $300 grocery voucher.

We'll see.

Based on what we've read here and on other postings, not holding my breath.


Unhappy Couple in Plymouth, MA
Plymouth, US
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Jun 27, 2009 6:30 pm EDT

We too did not have a sincere experience with this group. what a sales pitch! they came down from $10k to $1, 895. for a two year deal with no obligation after two years, however, if we liked it, we could apply our $1, 895. to their life time package. quite a bit of pressure and so happy my husband and I passed.

We did get out "scratch ticket" at the end and ended up with a "free vacation" but with limited details. not sure if I want to waste the postage to mail it in! my husband says we'll never hear back.

People, don't waste your time!

Unhappy couple in plymouth, ma.

Mifflinburg, US
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Jul 09, 2009 7:20 am EDT

We just got suckered to waste a morning at myrtle beach listening to this crap, to top it off the guy at the official myrtle beach tourist center on rt 501 was pushing this great deal. we put 20.00 dollars up to go listen to their sales pitch. they were going to drop the price from 9, 000. to 5, 000 and needed our money in minutes, when we told them we do not spend that kind of money without researching what we are getting they got pissed because we were not buying into it. but, we got our 20.00 and 75.00 that we were promised for listening.

Back in pa.

Bellingham, US
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Jul 11, 2009 8:59 pm EDT

I was called and told I had won a price package if I would not mind sitting through a 90 minute presentation. I was led to believe this was a new travel agency and they where trying to build a clientel.
We got there only to find this was a vacation club. we stayed for the presentation, when we where asked to purchase we declined. they sent another sales rep. over for the guilt factor. this person, madraid,
Made us feel so awful that I left angry and humiliated. sitting through this mans abuse was not worth the junk prizes we got at the end.

i hate liars and thieves
Harwich, US
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Jul 23, 2009 10:56 am EDT

These people lied and said we'd get free vacation... well... we're still waiting! after wasting 90 mins of our time listening to this crap and opting not to give the $5-10k of our hard earned $.. we filled out for the nh trip plus the $1, 000 shopping spree.. and... nothing! sad thing is this company is not part of the bbb. so who do u complain to... this is far from over!

Tulsa, US
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Jul 28, 2009 2:05 am EDT


I am so sorry to hear about your experience with outrigger vacation club. all of these outfits are distributors of outrigger's club. outrigger does no marketing or selling directly to the public and these issues are being investigated by outrigger, who will terminate any distributor it finds selling or marketing their product unethically.

Jim sanderson
Outrigger vacation club

c magee2
Needham, US
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Aug 02, 2009 12:29 pm EDT

I attended a plymouth presentation in april 09. after the highpressuring was completed, I did ask for financial credentials of company's assets including a certified copy of annual report. was told they are not a publically traded organization and do not have to disclose any thing. why would I buy into anything without knowing of its stability particularly in these tough economic times?

8/2/09 the $300 grocery bonus is bogus. turns outone must send in one - month's $100 selected grocery store receipts to earn $25. have turned in month of may and do date have not received anything.

The dining experience that I planned for the plymouth visit, turns out one must go online and select and print out coupon for desired restaurant. nothing in plymouth; restaurants listed are miles away and of a fast-food, one step above mcdonalds level.

Glad I didn't buy into an organization with experiences as listed above.

C magee

j tate
Tampa, US
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Sep 03, 2009 4:24 pm EDT

I went to the presentation and joined in may of 2008 so far they have done everything the rep
Promised us but when we joined they made it clear the gifts where not from
Outrigger they where from a the marketing company that set are
Apointment lets go to gifts I did find them to be a hassle but I was bound and determined
To get them they did not comply with my first date and I called them and did raise a little
Stink and finally did get my date of travel and the grocery certificate was easy I picked
Walmart and with $100 of grocery reciepts they send me a $25 visa from walmart I just
Wanted to share my experience

Alex tate

Watertown, US
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Sep 23, 2009 10:10 am EDT

To jim sanderson from an earlier message. if your company does not support these companies then I suggest your company create a customer service line to help people who are getting hosed by them instead of having every outrigger employee tell you that they can not help. these companies are ruining your reputation and honestly I dont think you really care.

San Diego, US
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Oct 21, 2009 7:15 am EDT

Honestly, my husband and I had a great time at the presentation, but did not have the money to join at that time, so we are waiting for the marketing company to call us back in about a year. our salesman did a great job and I didn't feel hassled at all. I think maybe you guys didn't really understand the presentation or that like every promotional gift it's not a handout for freeloaders. they won't pay your taxes for you. I can tell you that my years working in the travel industry were not without skeptics and I know what buying power means and that there are a lot of companies out there who do this very same thing and that yes it is legitimate way to book travel you just have to find a company you feel comfortable with.

Plymouth, US
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Oct 23, 2009 1:55 pm EDT

I went to the presentation in plymouth and the gifts are the same gifts the timeshare presentation gives
I've been to two, and they do make you request a date 90 days out and must use them in a year
I'm smart enough to know that you must make an effort to recieve the gift and for ninty miniutes of
My time. i'm smart enough to know there just not going to hand me the cash and I still go I have not
Bought a timeshare or travel club membership yet but I still take the time out of my day to get the gift
And take the time to fill it out and get the tickets the visa card gift has so far sent me two $25.00 cards
So far so good but for those that read this if you think you are going to get the tickets that same day your
Foolish it takes a little more effort and if ever in your life you made 4 or $500 for a couple of hours of
Your time you don't need to by a timeshare or vacation club membership just go by the condo and have a
Second home and if you make that kind of money you dont need a discount on your vacation

So for those of you that don't want to make an effort don"t waste your time and dont
Be stupid its marketing you get that in the mail every day yours truly smart

Quincy, US
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Jan 02, 2010 2:43 pm EST

Well, two months later and I am still waiting and calling for my certificate from the
So called ad agency out of ca.
I went back to the phoenix location and good times is gone... just gone
Just wrong

Methuen, US
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Jan 24, 2010 1:49 pm EST

I agree with every complaint! this company is a total scam. what a waist of a sunday afternoon. and our "free mini vacation" is a rebate. $9k membership fee, $400 "activation" fee, and $250 annual "due's... and then I have to pay for any vacation on top of that! are you kidding me? outrigger, you are a joke and scam! and btw, my boyfriend and have traveled to many great places for great deals and guess what... we didn't have to spend $10k on a membership. imagine that! losers!

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Jan 27, 2010 8:34 pm EST

I am hearing about fantasia group in methuen ma offering the outrigger vacation club. I am hearing about the high pressure sales pitch and price tags from $9000 dropping to $4000 then if you really try to walk away they will drop it to $399! such a scam. stay away. don't take the bait.

West Roxbury, US
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Feb 15, 2010 6:28 pm EST

My husband and I went to a presentation on valentines day - the staff who interviewed you were poorly dressed and wouldnt answer any questions until the "presentation" happened and then the "presenter" would answer. so the presentation began - he mis spoke many times, mispronounced many locations (really? from a travel person?) - then gave three different versions of their website and wouldnt commit to the correct one. we were offered to join this bogus club for $8995 - then when we said we were renovating our home and couldnt justify spending that - they offered it at 2900 and then a 2 year deal at 995. we said "no" since it was so shady.. then we've come to look at the "free trip" info on the web - a complete joke! they want money orders mailed to them in the amount of $50 for the low end stuff - why would you want a money order? is it harder to track?
The whole thing stunk from the second we walked in - we were in methuen that opened in december - employees with torn shirts - presenter wasnt fully informed - and clearly makes his living off of scamming people - not traveling.

Saugus, US
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Feb 21, 2010 7:43 am EST

I also attended the methuen meeting on saturday. I was interested in the program, but was struck that every thing offered was word of mouth. I am not convinced that this is a scam, but maybe poorly run independent sales offices. I have not heard from any one who actually has joined, and if there truly are great travel savings. if they had some hard copy of real prices and actual vacation packages that were tangible, this may be a great investment. but we decided that there wasn't enough tangible product, just the allure of the supposed american dream, that makes it easy to take peoples money who feel like they are missing it.

Andover, US
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Feb 27, 2010 3:59 pm EST

My wife and I attended the "presentation" on thursday evening. I am so glad I went - what a great evening of comedy. same information as all the other posts on here. the scam was so obvious right from the start that I couldn't resist having some fun with the "sales manager"- you know, "the closer" that comes over and only talks to you when they think you are going to buy. we went up and down negotiating. we did this on purpose so we would keep him distracted and busy while some of the extremely niave couples had a chance to escape. we ended up telling the sales professional that we were going to buy from him, but we couldn't do it on the spot - we had to come back in a few hours. he asked "why?" I explained that we were going to be late for a birthday party. he said "who's birthday?" I said "ours" he looked confused at my answer so I figured I had better explain. I told him that since we were both just born yesterday we were planning on celebrating our 1st day on earth birthday, but we would be right back with $9k after the party. he gave us the dirtiest look. I tried to make things better by saying we would probably buy 2 memberships to have an extra as a gift for another couple that may have a birthady coming up. come on people - would you really throw down $9k to a company who talks to you for 90 minutes from an office that doesn't even have their name on the door? oh, but there is an fbi office right down the hall (go figure). when the room started clapping for the first lucky couple to take advantage of the offer we laughed and thought we should offer to sell them our bridge as well... it is in really good shape. let us know if anyone is interested - the bridge leads right to the magical land of oz ;+)

Waltham, US
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Mar 13, 2010 2:23 pm EST

3/13/10 - beware of filling our forms for drawings at trade shows!

I filled one in at the new england home show and my name was drawn. I drove 45 minutes to the methuen, ma presentation at fantasia travel. when I booked the appointment with their marketing agency, bgi, I told them my husband couldn't attend with me. they said no problem. when I got to fantasia travel, they said they were not doing presentations to singles that day! I saw the list with my name on it, which said (single). well, i'm sure they had that list couple of days ago and could have had the decency to call me or have their marketing agency call me to reschedule. I told them the marketing agency said it was fine, but they wouldn't take me. thank god! cj

sd, US
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Mar 24, 2010 11:46 pm EDT

Who actually owns the product? doesn't sound like any of you are even members... people are so funny its their fault that you went and wasted your own time for something you couldn't afford to purchase. maybe trying actually using their services before you start bad mouthing the membership?

sd, US
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Mar 25, 2010 12:00 am EDT

Only reason I say comment is because I am a member and just booked our first cruise to the caribbean leaving from ft lauderdale in a balcony cabin for a full week and its only costing us $436 per person... a much better deal than if I was just trying to book this trip using a travel agent or any online service. I did read all these blogs after my wife and I purchased and at first I wanted to cancel, so I called back to fantasia travel group where I attended and purchased my membership and explained to them the reason for wanting to cancel. the person I spoke with talked with me for over an hour and told me that most of the complaints that the company has are from the gifts. he went into further explanation to tell me that outrigger and fantasia travel group don't even provide the gift that it is provided by the marketing company that they pay that sent me the letter to attend the presentation. I still wanted to cancel after speaking with him, but I came back to all these complaints and realized what he was saying was true. I haven't been able to find one person that actually owns the membership that is unhappy with the services or discounts that the membership provides. so I figured to at least give the membership that I purchased a chance and just on our first trip we have saved over $500.

North Adams, US
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Mar 26, 2010 10:07 pm EDT

I believe that everything has a catch but dont shoot the messenger who doesnt know what they are sending you to! I feel that to get something, you have to give something and that is your time! With the economy the way it is no, their gifts are worth my time!

Karen Cannon Roy
Reading, US
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Mar 28, 2010 10:07 pm EDT

People! a company that says it's been in business for 25 years but there isn't anyone on the web that has a review on them that has actually gone on the trip? this can't be!

I went to their presentation in methuen today. their price when they knew I wasn't interested in paying for a company I hadn't done any research on fell from $9643 to $5999 to $2999 all in a matter of minutes. the whole thing smells very fishy to me. I say beware. research what you are buying when you are about to give away your hard earned cash. there is no rush.

Karen Cannon Roy
Reading, US
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Mar 29, 2010 7:35 am EDT

Fantasia Travel/Outrigger in Methuen, MA use call themselves Vacation Professionals/Travel To Go until people caught onto their scam. Watch out guys. A room full of slimy souls in cheap suits, some of whom I imagine don't even realize yet that they are working for a fraudulent outfit. Really sad.

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Mar 29, 2010 8:12 am EDT

I went to one in Methuen, Ma and I signed up . I love it ! Everything they promised me HAS worked and I DID save alot of money. So clearly some of you people are impatient and don't know how to deal . I do not regret signing up for this club.

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Mar 29, 2010 8:16 am EDT

Did you notice you ALL are mad because of the gifts? Grow up your obviously mad because your broke !

Karen Cannon Roy
Reading, US
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Mar 29, 2010 8:23 am EDT

Be aware that people who are running this scam can post positive comments like the one above to try and keep their scam going. Don't believe them for a second.

Tewksbury, US
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Apr 02, 2010 5:51 pm EDT

Anyone can post anything Karen, but like I posted before my wife and I are members and we are happy! did you purchase the membership ? Have you used the services? How can you post these type comments if you don't know what your talking about Karen?

Skeptical in NH
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Apr 14, 2010 10:25 pm EDT

Skeptical in NH,
Wife & I just got home from the presentation in Mathuen. Sure sounds too good to be true... will let you know. Representing Outrigger Vacation Club with whom we're now members the organization, Fantasia Travel Group (largest Private Travel Service in U.S.), didn't follow through with the $150 of gas, apparently too complicated to qualify for, so they don't offer it anymore. Substituted $300 rebate thing based on what you spend. More to come on this. Got an airfare voucher. Stand-by for more... Keeping my fingers crossed.

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May 14, 2010 1:54 pm EDT

Trust me if we had that day to do over again we would NOT have bought into it. We feel that it was a waste of money, that though they dropped the price down, didn't seem to help us AT ALL when we tried to book a trip to see our son at a US Army base before going over seas for a tour. If we were both retired and could just jet set around the world on a moments notice or short notice then maybe this would be more beneficial. Just got our first rebate check from that trip we took to see our son... hope your ready for this $7.00, it says Alamo rebate...hoping that the hotel & airfare has one too because I am certainly NOT IMPRESSED with things !

Peggy Ford
Westford, US
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May 20, 2010 7:18 pm EDT

If you go to the presentation and expect to receive the gifts that are offered you will be gravely disappointed. The "free" trip costs you 100.00 (money order only) to register for with more black out dates than you can count. The "free" groceries is also a scam. You have to pay money to register your certificate and you can only reedeem 20.00 per month for 12-15 months (if you remember to print out your monthly voucher) and only if you send "qualifing" receipts. They do give you a $50.00 Visa gift card, so if that is worth 90 plus minutes of your time - go for it but buyer beware! Read up on them before you buy! When I called Scott - the Sales Manager - to complain his reply was "did you really think you were going to get $300.00 to attend a 90 sales presentation? If you joined as a member I could help you, but you did not so don't waste my time complaining." My reply to him was that his company is a farce and I was going to make it my business to let as many people know as possible.
If they cannot even deliver on the 1st promise made to get you through the door, then how could anyone ever expect them to honor a life time committment after they already have your money.

Methuen, US
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Jun 03, 2010 10:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I too attended the Travel Presentation In Methuen, I was promised one of 3 gifts, Car (lol) Camcorder, or vacation. The presentation was decent and I love to travel but I just cannot afford it at this time. I was there about an hour and 15 minutes with maybe 6 other couples. Price was rasied lower and Lower an in effort to get me to afford it but I simply cannot although I would like to take more vactions, as my family grows. The staff was actaully pretty decent compared to other presentations for TIMSHARES i have been to in the past. They are a Travel Club so the pressure was NOT like a Timshare pitch would be at all. After the Hour was up I did get a Sony digital handheld camcorder, and its pretty nice. To me it was worth it I learned alot and now have a New Video cam to record my 3 yr old son. Loks as if they change theoir gifts frequntly, I asked the lady on the phone what gift I would get to see was it worth my time and she told me it was more than likely to be the camcorder so I said "what the hell, I ll do it" Id advise the same, cus they have to by law tell u what the odds are on each gift, and make sure u ask for any details on receiving the gift as well (taxes and etc) I personally didnt have to pay a red cent for my Camcorder, but ASK ASK ASK ! Over all on a scale of 1-10 I give them a 8.

Manchester Couple
Manchester, US
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Jun 18, 2010 2:28 pm EDT

My Wife got the "Birthday Gift" offer.
Free flights and Hotel with marriott, $300 dollar gift card and something else.
I am a skeptic so I told her its a SCAM but who knows.

So we go to this empty office park and finally find the place which was called Fantasia Travel where the info she got before listed another company. I guess the "gift" comes from one company, you talk to this Fantasia company, who sells for outrigger (sounds like they each can blame the other for anything going wrong")

Anyways first thing I noticed was how the women were all dressed in either tight clothing or low cut. I thought this was funny because their were mostly couples.

So we sit down for 15 minutes with a girl that basically seem to care less but have to talk to you for 15 minutes?

Then one of the guys comes in, correction 2 guys one talks the other sits in the back. The guy talked fast but was up front about the deal.
9000 to join like 400 for processing and 250 a year.
Told us a bunch of great "deals" but who knows where youll actually be staying, i mean prime locations for 250 a week REALLY?

So he talks for about 45 minutes then the girl comes back ask how it goes then they pitch ya.

I think they have some ringers in the group as one couple signed up and they annoucned it and clapped. A bunch of people got right out of there but my wife and I were having fun at this point so told them too expensive and doubt wed use.
So another guy comes over and cuts the price to like 6000 with less condo stays.
Then the next drops it to 3000 with 1 condo stay.
And finally we got offered a 2 yr trial for 1000 dollars.

Anyways we got the bogus gifts and left. There was another guy from one of the couples in the waiting area so maybe another ringer hired to ask questions.

So I would say to stay away and do the work yourself on the Internet. I was amazed people make there living doing scams like this, I know times are hard but wow. And asked myself where does the 9000 bucks go.

Catheral City, US
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Jul 05, 2010 1:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Everyone that attends any kind of vacation presentation, wheather it's timeshare at a beautiful resort or a presentation in an office building should all expect the same. The marketing gift is a way of paying for your time to listen to something that may or may not be for you. The MARKETING COMPANY is the one responsible for your gift, not the company giving the presentation. Yes you should read the fine print, they don't make it easy to redeem your vacation but those that have are very happy with what they get.

DON'T WASTE THE SALESPEOPLES TIME if you have no interest in traveling. DON'T BE STUPID to think that they won't ask you to buy that night. The company does have expenses to promote the product.
The Travel Club is the way of the future and does work!

Letty and Paul
San Antonio, US
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Aug 18, 2010 2:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Beware Paradise Destinations International is doing the same scam. DO NOT Sign up. State Law is a joke because they don't have to follow it and provide the 3 day cancellation clause even though they represent themselves as Outrigger Travel Club which turns out to be a joke as well. The mail card came from Travelocity on top of it all.

Pelham, US
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Aug 23, 2010 12:23 pm EDT

Hey golf and gamble I'm an owner to the tune of $6996.00 and I gave them the benifit. You can't be a real member. I tried calling them, and got no where. The agents that book are actually travel agents that anyone can book through. I went to norweign cruse lines and got the same deal to bermuda outta Boston, with an room upgrade for next year. Outtriggers couldn't even get a room for this year after I signed with them one week after. So I ask for next year. they told me at the presentation They block most of the rooms on cruises, so getting a booking is childs play. Norweign told me they don't even have contracts for next year with ANY travel agents. Further, that they book first then give the rest to the travel agents. Next, my niece went on line to book a San Fransico trip and her friends mothers aunt got her a far better deal Oh yeah BTW she's an independent travel agent.
My wife got their number. Some older gentlemen gave her the Connecticut number by accident. She called it to just speak to someone after trying 15 times to connect with just someone to streighten this out. She wound up spesaking to Bob Caliri himself who was yelling at this old guy in the back ground that if he ever gave this phone number out to anyone again, he'd kill him. I'm sure he was speaking metephoriclly. But he sure sounded pissed. How ever he was yelling at my wife and she did nothing to upset him other than ask why they don't answer their phones.
Anyone who paints these losers in a bright light is more than likely one of them.
Don't be fooled. However, I would call Mass AG's office and complain. these guys are in for a major class action suite. They're cute. they use Bank of america charge accounts. We disputed with Bank of america, and surprise! they couldn't help us. I wouldn't be shocked if they are involved as well. My attorney is now looking into this aspect and I will also involve the Mass AG's office. Further, Don't belive anything positive about this. It is truly just that, " A scam".
Why? well, a real legit company would have done the right thing and given back your money, without question instead of trying to keep you in the deal.
These guys make used car salesmen look like Priests. even the bad ones.
I'm just shocked the TV media hasn't gotten a hold of this yet.
However, with my connection to that camp, I'll see personally in changing that.
for those of you who got the mail to attend these presentations, don't throw it out. Wait till you run out of toilet paper cause THAT'S all it's good for. Run away.

Pelham, US
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Aug 23, 2010 12:34 pm EDT

I would imagine Golf and gamble is Mr. Caliri. the owner.
When my wife spoke to him on the phone he was pissed.
It's a scam mr. Caliri plain and simple.
I OWNER a membership to the tune of $6996.00 I would like my money back.
If you were legit (AND YOUR SO NOT)
You would have done the right thing and given these people their money back. If they don't have the money to do it then why pressure them.
If they don't have memberships then you have nothing to worry about.
If all these people are tickled withyour service then your making money. You shouldn't have a problem with giving the money and you wouldn't be in this position. See... You choose NOT to give the money back. This makes you immoral, and a crook. Why would you force these people to stay in a plan either they don't want or figured they can't afford? I'll tell you why... You are a crook.
Prove me wrong give those back the money who don't want to be in the service. Me included. here's your option to make good. You won't. mYou'll file chapter 13 and move on to another state. Because... Or should i say it again... You are a Crook, Scam artist. You make used care sales men look like Priests. Even the bad ones. Here's your challenge prove me wrong.

Pelham, US
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Aug 23, 2010 12:43 pm EDT

Naturally, Your response will be... Why should i give back the money.
Hey Sears gave me back all my money on an Item i bought that cost 550.00 Plus gave me 25% cupons on my next purchase.
That is how a legit business operates. There i said it agin Mr. Caliri... "legit"
You must be swetting at the very thought.
But there all these people who are satisfied with the service. Surely you don't the likes of these individuals trashing your good name. The right and quick thing to do would to (perish the thought I'm sure)
You want it all to go away? You want this all to stop?
When I went to the presentation Your people said you had 2 complaints from the BBB. I just went on the internet and looks like their reading skills are a bit left to be desired. TV NEWS IS COMING Mr. Caliri. you run...

Salisbury, US
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Aug 28, 2010 10:10 pm EDT

I told have been ripped off you can never get them on the phone to book a vacation an when you do, i waited over a month for pricing then to find out they can not get me another price for a couple months, i requested a refund an was denied i said what the man quoted us for where we were planning an they told me that the rate quoted is vey rare an no chance of ever getting it again an they dont like to discount in disney so i would not be getting much. what a waste of money. I would like to file a class action law suit an put these people under once an for all any one in email me known names fantasia travel group, outriggers, voyager vacation club

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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    +1 (808) 922-4646
    +1 (808) 922-4646
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    +1 (808) 836-0661
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    +1 (855) 718-5789
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    +1 (808) 667-9766
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    Guam Beach Resort
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    +66 76 360 600
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    +230 623 5000
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    Mauritius Beach Resort
    +960 684 7770
    +960 684 7770
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Outrigger Enterprises Category
Outrigger Enterprises is ranked 67 among 518 companies in the Travel and Vacations category