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Paul Mitchell review: rip off 56

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4:54 am EST
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If you are considering a career in Cosmetology, please do your research! I was taken in by a very convincing speech about why I should go the STL Academy (it has since changed it's name to Paul Mitchell The School-St. Louis, but has all of the same incompetent staff still employed.) I regret it more than anything in the world.

When I was first looking into schools in early 2007, I was immediately drawn into the glitz and glamour of going to a Paul Mitchell School. I love PM products, and thought if the school is half as good as the products, it's gonna be the best experience of my life. I was so wrong.

I was told on my tour that my $15, 000 tuition would cover EVERYTHING I would need for the entire 1 year duration of the program. While it did include a mediocre kit and lackluster training dvds and books, I was still forced to buy additional training supplies on a weekly basis...extra doll heads, scissor sharpening and razors, make-up for required make-up courses that would have to be used on several other students during classtime, combs, clips, papers, pens, dye...and a monster car park fee because there was absolutely NO free on-street parking. I had to pay on average an extra $20-50 a week on extra training materials, transportation, and clothes that would get easily worn working 35 hrs a week being splashed with dye, etc.

My kit was pathetic, cheap, and virtually useless. The scissors are not good enough quality to be used in your career after school. The combs and brushes are flimsy and most are not heat resistant. The clippers' batteries only last for about ten minutes before needing a charge. On time after all of the students left for the day, the kits were raided by administrators to retrieve our capes. We were no allowed to take our kits home with us, yet admin could just raid out kits whenever they wanted? These kits, btw, cost $3, 000! If we were allowed to assemble our own kits, we could have had better materials for half as much. It was just another way to gauge students for every penny they could.

The staff is dreadfully incompetent! I cannot believe how many stories I heard of our teachers being irresponsible! In the 6 short months I went to this school, guess how many staff members had either quit or been fired: 6! Six out of the less than dozen people that are employed by the school at a given time, were fired or quit in six months. Why is turnover so high here, yet some teachers are allowed to stay and continually slack off and get "chummy" with students?

Besides the teachers, be prepared to deal with a TON of student drama! The people that go here are straight up CATTY. Police have been called, fights have been started, numerous things had been stolen. One girl had her camera stolen by a girl in her own class. Even the nicest person is not immune to the name-calling and cliquey-ness. Prepare to enter high school, part 2. This school constantly promotes a book called BE NICE OR ELSE, a book that encourages students to supress negativity in their lives, not watch violent movies, and basically be fake to everybody they meet in order to get what they want, yet it's one of the meanest environments I've ever been in.

Speaking of high school, be prepared to spend a lot of time making posters with magic markers and magazine cut-outs. And they waste a lot of valuable learning time doing things like pancake breakfasts, "free hugs, " and charity. I know a ton of students that can't get jobs because they just aren't taught anything! Favorite students get passed without a second thought, and the others are either forced out or made to work twice as hard for their grades.

I could go on, but if this isn't enough to change your mind, I don't know what will!

P.S. This school IS NOT ACCREDITED! That means no government loans or grants. The only fin. aid available to students is a loan from Sallie Mae at a very high interest rate. This is a $15, 000 program that is not accredited, when you could get thousands of dollars from the US government in grants and low-interest loans if you simply choose an accredited school!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Geez Really?
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Jul 09, 2010 6:44 pm EDT

I can back you up on everything you just stated. I am going through a tuition battle with them, and they are supposedly suing me now. I left because I became pregnant and my work would not allow me to do both. As I needed money fast I decided to quit. EVERYONE there knew that I was leaving, yet nobody had the decency to remind me that I had to give written notice that I would not be attending.

You would think this would be obvious, as it is stated in the contract that you sign when you first start.

However, if one were to quit any other accredited college you can be positive that they would contact you in some kind of way to determine your status and verify the situation.

Cunningly, Paul Mitchell failed to mention this and a year later I get a call stating that I owe $8000! They were so "generous" to take it down to $4000. I settled for this as long as I had their word that I could pay them directly so that it would not be taken to collections. For 9 months I paid $100 to the school directly, seeing as that is all I could afford after having a baby, being on leave, then becoming a single mother.

Around 9 months I received a letter from a collection agency stating my account was delinquent and that I owed $8000!

Funny. I thought I had an agreement.

Apparently, the financial office did not follow through, let the balance go to collections, then never forwarded my payments to the collection agency. I finally got that situation figured out, so that the agency realized that I had been paying. Continuously, of course, afterwards I was bombarded with phone calls. I actually answered them and assured them that I would love to pay that off if I could and as soon as I could I would pay. Keep in mind I am still keeping up on my payments. On one occasion the collector threatened me that if I didn't pay at least $2000 they would have to take it up and consider me for further action. I apologized once again, repeated that I shouldn't be paying this anyways, and assured once again that I would pay.

I have tried contacting the school numerous times. I have made contact to the desk, the message is conveyed, then the dean and I play phone tag repeatedly for a few months. Every other time I call it is a different dean. I even tried calling another school that opened in my region if I could AT LEAST finish my schooling if I had to pay for it. Unfortunately "they are franchises, " and neither of them could do anything about the situation.

This is upsetting as I paid out of pocket for the schooling I received. Then they have the audacity to sit back and let my tuition accrue without contacting me. It is sad that a company which avidly promotes the "BE NICE OR ELSE" book could be so conniving.

It would be different if they had called me to say "hey if you don't sign this you will be charged." Then, yes, I would totally charge me. Yet they remained silent and let it accumulate.

The worse part out of this- no matter how much I pay per month, it will not effect my balance because the interest charges are something like 20%. I mean, something RIDICULOUS. I thought I had misheard the collector and asked her to repeat herself and she did. Unless I pay it off in full, after winning the lottery, I will never be able to get rid of this debt.

About 4 months later after not hearing from any agencies or the school, I get a letter from a law firm claiming if I do not respond within 30 days (which will be the end of this month then I will be sued).

I called the school AND corporate last week. No return from corporate but I did receive a call from financial aid at the school claiming I am to fault. This situation is insane, and I feel helpless against such a large corporation. My options are slim.

I could sue, but it would cost more to do that. I might as well pay.

Lastly, I concur that, especially after this fiasco, this school has some issues. Apparently the case we received along with the DVD's had an estimated value of $1500. The CD's alone were claimed to be worth $500. When I first started, it seemed as though they somewhat had their situation together. I could have been blinded by the glamourous facade. Approximately within the 3 months that I attended Paul Mitchell, they fired/lost about 3-5 instructors, lost the financial aid woman who held them together, several assistants, and even the Dean himself.

Regarding the financial situation outside of tuition... we did have fashion shows and the one I did cost me money. The model or the "Future Professional" was supposed to supply the clothing, shoes, hair accessories, and essentially make-up (considering our kit was a joke.) I ended up having to buy my model clothing because she didn't bring anything, and my clothes and shoes didn't fit her. Luckily we were located within the mall, so we just went out and bought something. The plan was to just take it back, or she was gonna keep it and reimburse me. We decided on the latter. I never received my money from her because she claimed that I owed her that because she could have "worked that day." Even though I asked her if it would put her out of her way. That night I even bought her dinner because she was broke, yet driving a benz.
Yes, this woman was supposed to be a friend... but that is besides the point...

For being such a luxurious company, you would think they would have connections to supply clothing instead of leaving a bunch of struggling college students to supply for such a massive event. It is particularly embarrassing for the school and its image with it being in such a huge city.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get through this or how to handle the situation please let me know as soon as possible. This is such a bad dream, wish I would wake up, knowing that I never took a step in that school.

Barry Yelton
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Aug 06, 2019 5:43 pm EDT

I would try to find a legal aid group that can help you for free. There is also a government program for financial issues. Here is the link -

Fairfield, US
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Jul 16, 2010 5:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I must say reading the original post sounds exactly the same as our Paul Mitchell School in Cincinnati. Today I just about went off! I am sick of the "learning leaders" getting chummy with certain students and the students who don't get chummy with them are treated like garbage. Today a learning leader was trying to get me to get written up for a saturday that I was at school. I physically walked her to the computer where she pulled up my file and saw that I was there that day! And in the same conversation "lost" one of my monthly assignments and said I was going to have to make it up or I couldn't graduate. So I asked another learning leader if I could get into my file folder and see if it was filed away. She opened it up and there was my monthly assignment...score #2! So I brought it back into the learning leader and was screamed at for getting into my file folder and finding it! This is not the first time things like this has happened! I am sick and tired of paying money for this nonsense school! It's a joke! Half the time they don't teach you anything at all, but the teachers want to jump rope or play red rover on days that it's nice. I am 25 and a single mom, I don't have time for games I am here to learn and make a better life for us. And the fact that this crap is going on and I'm paying a ton of money and putting myself in debt for this really angers me.

Another incident happened when the owner was at the school, my Droid phone was stolen out of my purse while I was in the bathroom. When I reported it to the owner and the learning leaders their response was "this is a no phone zone" and didn't help me at all or anything! I had to call the police and write up a report. I don't know what to do and I want something or someone to know about this because the schools are so fake. They tell you at the beginnning that they encourage you to be yourself and they don't discriminate, blah, blah, blah and I think if John Paul or Wynn knew about this stuff...I would hope it would be over.

Does anyone know who above the schools we can complain to? Because this has got to stop!

Fairfield, US
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Jul 16, 2010 5:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh and one more thing, who is sick and tired or wearing a label of whether you are a "visionary, fence sitter, or a resister?" what a non-discriminatory school, right? Loads of crap!

Des Moines, US
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Sep 19, 2010 1:29 am EDT

I agree with this entirely. I also attended a PM school for a short amount of time, attracted to how well-known PM is. It ended up being something I should have further researched. I could not stand the fake culture...having to make cow sounds, being told to dance like a teenage girl listening to Lady Gaga - I just found it all very irrelevant to learning cosmetology, and most of all, plain bizarre. Some really immature girl in my class made up some rumor that I said I "hated everyone in the school" which was completely false. Of course, she was into the culture, so they believed her. I was very nice with everyone, partially because I knew by not fitting into the school's culture I was being judged more strictly by faculty, and as a straight male, I knew I stood out in an environment like this tremendously. The culture does nothing more than make the already annoying, significantly more annoying. What they don't realize, is the average student is going to fit into this by default, those who are not shouldn't be judged unfairly, most people who are serious about this industry don't want to goto school to spent up to 1 hour a day playing games that would be meant for elementary school. If your personality isn't that of a "beauty school brat" or anything like Richard probably won't like it here. They definitely do play favorites, whoever is the most brainwashed by the culture wins.

Tampa, US
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Sep 26, 2010 7:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

...Is it really that bad? I just enrolled on Friday. I was a bit anxious cause I'm a total casual/laid back country girl and not really edgy at all.

Temecula, US
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Oct 15, 2010 4:04 pm EDT

i completely agree with everything stated above. i attended THE COSMETOLOGY INSTITUTE A PAUL MITCHELL PARTNER SCHOOL IN TEMECULA, CA and i was promised everything i needed while attending school there would be provided yet as soon as i entered into the adaptive level i was told i needed to purchase additional doll heads from the school or be sent home. we were also told that i would be provided with a makeup kit that i have yet to recieve and have been sent home for not wanting to use the same cleansing cream out of a jar that every other girl was sticking their dirty hands into...ummm HELLO!? what would state board have to say about this? the night students pay the exact same tuition amount as the day students but get nowhere near the same design phase take home team. and do not even get me started on the staff, the girls get written up for some of the dumbest things i have ever heard of in my life and most of the time due to not calling in sick, yet when a phone call is placed into the school noone answers let alone calls you back, even if you leave a message or 20 the exscuse is that they never got it. teachers quit or are fired every 3 months or so and i could not count on 2 hands how many different teachers i had while i was there. final phase classes were a joke for the most part as the teacher who originally started teaching them could barely speak english. the temecula school will bend over backwards and promise you the world to get you to sign up but as soon as you start its like you are invisble. the owners are just out for money and pull fake tears out as soon as you try to file a complaint. give me a break. i would not refer anyone...even my worst this school and i feel bad for the girls who believe in their lies.

Ana B
Miami, US
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Nov 19, 2010 12:36 am EST

Paul Mitchell School is really bad..They are not organized. I went there for hair color. They messed up my hair and asked me to come the next day for Re-Do and I have to pay for that, even though it was not my fault. I did pay and they messed up again and then they told me to come the next day and unfortunately I had to go out of the town and than they told me to come a week later for the re-do. On the day of my appointment this new lady which calls herself the observer said that they cannot give me service for re-do and I have to pay the whole amount againg..Isn't that suckkkkkssss...I am so disappointed with them. If a customer is respecting tehir view and paying three times for the same service and for their fault..How can they say that since it's the fourth time they cannot fix it and pay again...NO ONE SHOULD GO TO PAUL MITCHELL SCHOOL FOR HAIR COLOR OR CUT AT 1303 SW 107 Ave MIAMI, FLORIDA 33174..NOT THE STUDENTS BUT THE OBSERVER SUCKS...It's not the student fault when they mess up..all student's in all school do but IN NO SCHOOL THE OBSERVER SAYS THEY WILL NOT GET IT FIXED UNTIL PAY THE FULL AMOUNT AGAIN...SO THE ADVICE IS NO NO NO..DON'T GO

HATES pmts fay
fayetteville, US
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Nov 19, 2010 4:28 pm EST

agree paul mitchell in fayetteville nc sucks too, they tell you lie after lie after lie and make up class is a joke we use $.99 cent make up from the clearence rack fron the dollar store and never get to use real color on our doll heads. cutting class haha thats funny, because our cutting teacher is a national educator haha yes ok and shes only a level 2 cutter but she knows it all, yet we never see her cut, NEVER we watch the dvd then told to cut our doll heads. our learning leaders are never in the zone they are suppose to be in and when you need a consultation they just sign it and tell you ohh you know what your doing. my tuition has been paid for a little over a month and i have a balance of 2, 000 and still pulling 6, 000 more in student loans and they will not write me a check for the over amount. WTF IS THAT? a rip off. i really wish i could stand at the front door when we get girls in wanting to tour the school and tell them they dont wanna be here. Our school is full of mold, we dont have enough stations for all of our students, our phase 2 LL is also the LL adv. and she sucks. we got to use real color on our doll heads for the first time yesterday and ive been there 7 months. ohh nad every week when you have cutting class you have to buy a new doll head and they are 20.00 every time or you have to go home. i hell hate this school i really wish i would have went to a community college. i have to have 75 live haircuts for board and i have 7. really? we have no clients and the ones that we do have are all old ladies and they only want a roller set. PAUL MITCHELL THE SCHOOL OF FAYETTEVILLE SUCKS!

HATES pmts fay
fayetteville, US
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Nov 19, 2010 4:29 pm EST

ohh btw does anyone have corp. number?

Altamonte Springs, US
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Dec 02, 2010 5:30 pm EST

I totally agree with everyones post. The Paul Mitchell school is everything and they are all the same cult-like, ridiculous, rude, like high school all over again. I just had an arguement just today with one of the workers there, they are all fake superficial idiotic crazy people/ Its like they brain wash you into their culture. They all gossip, rude, judge you and make you feel awful. No one should go here I REGRET IT ALL! NO ONE go pm the school, if you want to be happy and have a life dont go here! Im so miserable here and they are so rude to me I argued with the girl about how fake everyone is and i told her its a cult, she didnt like that and she got offended. PAUL MITCHELL ORLANDO school sucks. And also you work for free for them its all a vicious cult and they are all hyporcrites and nuts!

Tampa, US
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Dec 03, 2010 10:29 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

PMsucks. you should come to the Tampa Location. I keep to myself and that's proved beneficial in my case.

Aliso Viejo, US
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Dec 26, 2010 1:34 pm EST


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Jan 26, 2011 11:27 pm EST

Full disclosure: I was once a "Learning Leader" at this chain of Mormon Cults. I lasted three months. After 20+ yrs in the business it was painful for me to only teach ONE methodology, as if Paul Mitchell invented hair. I'd be forced to sit through endless meetings where nothing was accomplished other than people patting eachother on the back while applying a smiley face sticker to their Hot Topic blouse. Ridiculous in the highest sense, this is- in my opinion- truly a cult and they are in it for the money and the mind control. The more clones they spit out, the more money for PMTS, Winn Clayhole and all those creepy, greasy "visionaries" they seem to "celebrate" every ten minutes. Ick. You need a license, not a way of looking at the world. This "education" is masked theology, full of acronyms, jargon (fake it till you make it!), and posters full of promotional crap. Crap they want YOU, the student (oops, Future professional) to SELL if you want to graduate in time. All in all, a watered down education given by PMTS graduates and other cult members. Save your $$$. Go to a cheap school and get your license and probably a much more focused education. Unless you require a glitter and glue approach to learning. Then this place is for you.

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Jan 28, 2011 7:07 pm EST

@Really I Don't Think So,

Why are you yelling at US? Jeez. I'm sure you can find the number if you try harder.

Chelsea L
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Mar 01, 2011 3:46 pm EST

If you are considering a career in Cosmetology, please do your research! I was taken in by a very convincing speech about why I should go the STL Academy (it has since changed it's name to Paul Mitchell The School-San Diego, Ca, but has all of the same incompetent staff still employed.) I regret it more than anything in the world.

When I was first looking into schools in early 2007, I was immediately drawn into the glitz and glamor of going to a Paul Mitchell School. I love PM products, and thought if the school is half as good as the products, it's gonna be the best experience of my life. I was so wrong. I never signed up for student loans but i thought only for grants. I was soooo wrong 16, 000 surprise. Law Suits to follow..and Now Department of Education withholding tax returns and government benefits because of these crooks.

I was told on my tour that my $16, 000 tuition would cover EVERYTHING I would need for the entire 1 year duration of the program. While it did include a mediocre kit and lackluster training dvds and books, I was still forced to buy additional training supplies on a weekly basis...extra doll heads, scissor sharpening and razors, make-up for required make-up courses that would have to be used on several other students during classtime, combs, clips, papers, pens, dye...and a monster car park fee was $200 per month because there was absolutely NO free on-street parking. I had to pay on average an extra $20-50 a week on extra training materials, transportation, and clothes that would get easily worn working 35 hrs a week being splashed with dye, etc.

My kit was pathetic, cheap, and virtually useless. The scissors are not good enough quality to be used in your career after school. The combs and brushes are flimsy and most are not heat resistant. The clippers' batteries only last for about ten minutes before needing a charge. On time after all of the students left for the day, the kits were raided by administrators to retrieve our capes. We were no allowed to take our kits home with us, yet admin could just raid out kits whenever they wanted? Three times my kit was rifled and things stolen. These kits, btw, cost $3, 000! If we were allowed to assemble our own kits, we could have had better materials for half as much. It was just another way to gauge students for every penny they could.

The staff is dreadfully incompetent! Solved no issues, and handled no complaints. I cannot believe how many stories I heard of our teachers being irresponsible! In the 6 short weeks I went to this school, guess how many staff members had either quit or been fired: 6! Six out of the less than dozen people that are employed by the school at a given time, were fired or quit in six months. Why is turnover so high here, yet some teachers are allowed to stay and continually slack off and get "chummy" with students? They need to be sued for fraud

1401 Brighton ave, US
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Jun 13, 2011 6:32 pm EDT

Hey Chelsea, For the record STL Academy did not change their name to Paul Mitchell The School San Diego! St Lois is in an entirely different state than San Diego! I attended PMTS San Diego and had the best education EVER! Maybe all of the angry people should have looked further into all of the ghetto and nasty schools before signing up for PMTS... you do not know how lucky you have it! The PM school program is amazing! You get what you put into it!

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Jul 30, 2011 11:04 pm EDT

I completely agree with this article! The Academy Waukesha Partner School was the best I ever went to until new changes began a couple weeks ago- all the staff were being switched out and the new students were given the new dvds, the teachers play favorites, energizers were taken away from classes, and we have to ask to go to the bathroom because one person decided one day to wander around the school instead! All the new staff are rude, and look angry when we ask questions or want to get boxes signed off-they don't even know any paul mitchell material or methods yet! Why are they teaching our classes if they don't know the paul mitchell system after all this time? I love the paul mitchell culture and school before it started disappearing and now the school has turned for the worst. kit checks are never done when things are stolen, unless it was from a teacher! they just tell you you should have watched your stuff

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Sep 08, 2011 7:36 pm EDT

I attend the imagine Paul Mitchell school in Norman Oklahoma and must say that i do not agree with what is being said. while there are some things at the school that i do not agree with it is an excellent program and by the way it is accredited. I am sorry that so many of you seem to have had a bad experience i must say that from my experience there the people who struggle through and slack off are the people who don't get jobs when they graduate. there may be some favoritism there but it is virtually impossible to just be past through you have to work for it. any one who is looking at attending a paul mitchell school should know that it is the best education choice out there but you must be dedicated and be your own person don't listen to these people if your not sure then do some research visit other schools and i guaranty that you will come back to paul mitchell because they are the best. good luck and i hope you find what fits you as a future stylist.

Springboro, US
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Oct 14, 2011 10:43 pm EDT

okay so i am a student at the paul mitchell cincinnati academy. and i have been there for a year and 2 months by now. well where do i begin hahaha. i went to a school previously to coming to this one and i loved it and when i moved to ohio i picked this one out of all the others because of the speech i was dragged into when i went on my tour. well, i started school last august, and ever since i started i have been on the director and learning leaders hit list. i like some of the learning leaders but not all, they are catty and act like children worse then i see in grade school. well i had some bad luck in core when i first started and i went to the director and she said that the cameras werent working when i had my crap stolen and my car messed with. are you kidding me? we have cameras for our safety and they dont even work! i paid 16, 000 dollars to get a education and i can tell you from experience that i feel cheated.

when i went on the floor as adaptive i was fine, but my grandpa died and i asked to take a leave because i had to leave the state for it and they told me they wouldnt approve of me taking a week or two off it had to be the whole 4 weeks, ###, a girl recently went on leave twice for two weeks each and i couldnt do that. anyways, i had to miss school and come back where i left off and thats when i was put on the "back on track" list which is ### too. they give you those worksheets to do as a grade and when they dont give you enough clients that month your being punished for it. i know your have to market your self which i have but i barely have any family here so its kind of hard. anyways the back on track list is like their own professional hit list and i can tell you most of cincinnati academy is on that list on top of no guest list which is even worse. its ###.

well i have been threaten by the staff members here especially the director. i had a learning leader tell me to suck up a reaction i had to their product and then after that i had another one outside and he just slowly drove by when i was in tears and about to be stabbed with my epi-pen. come on... thats is life threatening and your tell me to suck it up i think not.

and over the summer i got clocked out and didnt know it for 3 hours til they told me and i was pissed so i went home and wrote a letter that almost got me kicked out of school by stating true facts and my experience i have had in this school. and it took my parents calling up there threatening to sue if they didnt let me finish but i got my ### in order so i wouldnt get in trouble til i graduated, well recently for a while i got in trouble for two things not just one and she, the director, threaten me again with my graduation date that was two weeks away and i found out yesterday that it was pushed back. i was pissed and i sat down and tried to figure out how they got that date vs mine and guess what they never matched.

well this school is so gay. u have teachers dating students, a student that lived with the director, a cutting specialist hitting up the girls that graduated asking to do three-sums, and just plain out drama with the learning leaders. everybody is a liar in that school and the lairs are the honest ones, i can tell you im one of the true honest people there but since they dont like me im a liar. they have to call my parents and confirm my stories what am i? im not 5 people. they are always going on and on about respect but then they treat the ones that stand up and say something like they are criminals. like come on now, im not in prison. im in a school that i pay for and that i pay your salary for.

the kits are ###ed. they are so small that you cant fit everything in it so you have to use a suitcase or something just to fit it all because in ohio you have to have everything in bags.

i hate this school deeply and when i graduate i got some words for them because you cant ruin someone or somethings rep by speaking the truth. we have graduates from this school failing the written stateboard test because there is no theory education. we have graduates threatening the school that graduated months ago and paid everything off and still waiting for stateboard papers being sent but as the word on the street its not their top priority but the thing is if you dont pass stateboard they dont get their reviews and it makes them look like ###, i will come everyday to annoy them to get mine, the graduates were so mad they were going to sue but used all their money for that stupid school.

if you dont kiss ### everyday dont even bother coming because once you screw up once your known as the problem child, trust me my friend got in trouble with me and she got wrote up for the first time because she was with me and the director said if she told anybody she would deny it, what kind of ### is that, for real... be nice or else is ### because why would you slander or say something about that and then tell the parents of that child that your child annoys them. like i said before, what am i 5?

Springboro, US
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Oct 14, 2011 10:48 pm EDT

oh they say they are professional but one of the admission leaders just got married and the director stated she lost her virginity now come on is that professional and i know that was not meant to be public news reguardless if its true or not...

Ottawa, US
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Jan 27, 2012 3:26 pm EST

I 10000% agree with all of this. I attended Paul Mitchell The School Normal what a joke. Its the most unorganized place I've ever been too. I decided to go there due to the admissions leader and she was amazing and also I went in about to 2 months before I started to sign the financial aid papers with the most awesome financial aid person. I get there two months later and none of them were still employed. I recently dropped it due to all the negativity, sitting around, and having pow wows. Now I'm actually on my way down there to deal with the lovely financial aid office due to the fact they are trying to say I still owe them money. What a joke I took out student loans plus my parents took out parent plus loans and we got extra money. They told me they sent it back to the government?! This makes no sense to me. I wish I would have never took a step into that place. Be Nice Or Else are you kidding me? People got stuff stolen and they said get locks. I had to purchase multiple things out of pocket yet my tuition was supposed to pay for everything! They also lost a girls core folder so they have no proof she actually finished it. Great school right? Get out while you still can do not support these "schools"!

Gundo, US
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Feb 26, 2012 7:56 am EST

I am two years into hairdressing and work with like freshman that came out of PM Schools. All of them are pompous a$$-you-know-whats and can't do hair any better than someone out of an affordable government funded school. Puleeeese take my advice: Don't spend the $$ now. Get your affordable, basic cosmo education JUST to get your license and THEN, after you've had a few haircuts under your belt, if you have the dough, spend money with advanced education at a Vidal Sassoon or Toni & Guy studio. It was advice given to me after almost signing into a PM School and I am eternally grateful! I currently take inexpensive COSMOPROF classes every month and joined PBA in order to attend the big trade shows and many classes for free or at a discount. I am learning and getting better rapidly. Always continue your education and fore-go this nonsense! ;-) Good luck and GREAT hair to whomever reads this!

Stay away from the cult please
Virginia Beach, US
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Mar 07, 2012 5:53 am EST

Omg I completely agree with everyone who says pm schools are a cult I glad to find I'm not the only one who feels this way. And to the people saying that everyone who dislikes theses schools is a slacker is false. I have works two full time jobs and studied part time for a year before and never had a complaint working in my life however I do have a problem with kissing a$$ and being a phony two faced fake that talks in a creepy low calm voice saying crazy things like " I just want to face so and so for doing highlights. I just wanna say I love you and I love all of my learning leaders. You all just inspire me so much and have changed my life." at this piont the phony learning leaders reply with the fakest voice ever in return to what this fake a$$ kissing student has just said and they say something like " Awwww thank you so and so it just such I pleasure teaching all of you you have all changed my life and i love all of you" at this piont both phony learning leader and future professional hug each other. Ohhhh please give me break. To any future professional who says they loveThat's it and now I'm upset more because the car paint got on my sweater :( I'm telling you this weekend has been nothing but spilling paint everywhere lol this school. Your experience being easier has nothing to do with hard work. It had to do with fake I love yous and free hugs. Since when did a hug ever cost money. And since when did people start throwing out the words I love you so freely. The answer is it is all fake. And the people who follow it are fake. Honestly it doesn't even take much of accomplishment to work as a future professional at these schools. As long as you where a phony student while you were there and you work at the 5 dollar haircut place around the corner for 6 months you can come back and teach how unbelievable is that. There is actually a student who was graduating around the time I started and now shes a learning leader That's like the blind leading the blind The saying those that cannot do teach completely rings true at these schools I could go on and on forever but just a few things that has happened to me is girls starting fights multiple times for no good reason my car getting keyed and learning leaders being very smug with you and treating you like your 5 when they are the same age as you. Expecially of you are even remotely attractive you are screwed right away. The first day I walked in with smiles and excitement I got nothing but glares from many of the learning leaders and I was automatically disliked from day one. That's what happens when you key some one with absolutely no real requirements other thatn being fake hold the job as authority. They abuse the power and favorite they friends and hate and make the lives miserable of the people they dislike or feel threatened by. It's basically equivalent to taking the most immature girls in a high school and saying hey now your a teacher and leaving them I charge of the rest of the class. Expect there to be catty ess and never expect for there to ever be an ounce of professionalism at a Paul mitchel school

Silently Watching
Kent, US
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Mar 08, 2012 5:17 am EST

I suppose if you're the favourite of these people, you would say this. If you're not kissing a$$ constantly though, you don't get clients. The majority of the attendees of this school act like they are still in high school. And some are even as bad as middle school. Educators & administrators included. Sure, there might actually be a few good Paul Mitchell Schools out there, but there are pages & pages & pages of complaints from all over the country for a reason. People don't warn others just for fun. I went in with such a positive attitude, excited to go to school for the first time in a few years. I hardly enjoyed my high school or the experience there. I was excited to finally be out & do something I love to do. It started out okay. It then just went downhill. Educators change regularly. They just "wing it" most of the time with class. There is no structure. Plenty of them leave the room & disappear regularly. Might I add, the core teacher was only in the room 15% of the time. The other 85%, who knew. Students get "oopsed" for sitting in the only semi-quiet place there is to try & study. I've done more hair on my own in a month than I did in the 8 months I attended this "school." It's drama-filled. I understand with a school full of mostly girls that can happen. But when the educators & administrators play a huge part in the drama, & cause so much of it, I find that to be unacceptable. I know that the experience is supposed to be "what you make of it, " but I've spent my entire time there trying to make something good out of it, but when there is all the drama, the lack of education, & all the just plain [censored], this is not a good school. In the Be Nice Or Else book, there is a section where it talks about how you should be nice, but don't fake being nice, because it's just as bad if not worse as not being nice at all. This is most of what I see; fake attitudes, false people, hurtful intentions. The theory behind the Paul Mitchell Schools is wonderful, but unfortunately that is far from what goes on.

Rosenberg, US
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Apr 28, 2012 7:25 am EDT

I attend Paul Mitchell the School Houston, and my experience has been amazing so far. I've been going for two months, and Yes the kits are a little cheap (my actual kit broke, so now I have a rolling suitcase to carry my things in) but other than that, its wonderful. I love be nice or else, and I love the culture. They really do want you to be successful, maybe other schools aren't as good as mine, but they are so supportive. We have amazing learning leaders who actually teach us what we need to know. If you're a slacker, you won't enjoy this school. My school is clean and organized, and (almost) everyone is friendly. Of course there's going to be drama, you're going to school with a bunch if girls! And I hope none of you are thinking there won't be issues when you get Into a salon, because you're in for a rude awakening. There is always going to be fights and drama and issues that arise. Just because you're in a professional work place doesn't mean people won't start fights. Get a clue.

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Jun 14, 2012 10:02 am EDT

im going to have to disagee ! The paul mitchell school in connecticut is very professional and we did not have to pay for extra stuff. They went over the tuition and everything on the tour. We recieved every kit we were told we were getting ! and our school has financial aid. sorry but it is probably just the staff and other students there that dont know what they are doing. sorry to hear about all of your problems. but the Paul Mitchell school in connecticut is great !

Baby Talk
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Sep 23, 2012 7:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have 21 years experience of cosmetologist. I would love to open up a school to make it better for the students. Organization is the key. Paul Mitchell send their students right to instructor training to pay them 75% less then what I made as a hairstylist. I went to apply to be an instructor for Paul Mitchell but when they told me how much their instructors get paid without health insurance, I almost threw up. If my experience is not good enough and treated as valuable, it is not worth my time. No one in their right mind with my experience and 1/2 of the stuff that goes on in the salon are not mention in the books. Therefore, I would have been valuable to their school but I guess money dictates the people they hire.

Cincinnati, US
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Nov 19, 2012 7:07 am EST

I tottaly agree! Financial aid ripped me off I am a single mom no job no money. And they tell me that I have to pay 12 grand when I should get way more pelgrants also they would never give me my living expenses and didn't care I was told my director that my son didn't matter also I think its stupid that you have to pay if you miss over 150 hours the learning leaders act like children and you can't learn anything from them.they lie to you on your tour and make everything look so good but it's all a show. Everyone there IA sake and annoying. The front desk people loose your papers and ignore anything you say. And phase 2 is a cult they just want money that's it. And they lie about your missed hours.

Concerned Parent in Norman OK
Midwest City, US
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Nov 26, 2012 3:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My daughter completed her hours early at Imagine Paul Mitchell in Norman OK - the end of July. Her official graduation ceremony was November 15, 2012. I fell for all the glitz & glam myself when first visiting this school with my daughter. She could 've went completely tuition free at the local area vo-tech but instead we figured if you're going to be apart of the Cosmetology industry then having an education backing you with the Paul Mitchell name would make a way for her to stand out from the rest & be the best. What has happened, is almost EVERYONE, of the graduates in my daughter's class have completed this school with no real Cosmetology skills for the real world. She lacks confidence in her skills because she was taught the "PAUL MITCHELL WAY" not the state board way until right before taking her state board exam. She passed the practical but failed the written. She has no real haircutting skills since cutting was not something focused on that much - not to mention the extreme turn around in Instructors & Learning Leaders. It sickens me that we both fell for the whole smoke & mirrors ### - that Imagine Paul Mitchell of Norman OK served to us on a silver platter. The majority of Paul Mitchell's products are good - the hair color is an ABSOLUTE JOKE & the nice expensive kit of hair tools you buy don't even last the entire time of schooling (1 blow dryer completely went out along with 2 flat irons). Really ! A blow dryer & 2 flat irons - never could get them replaced or fixed. We pretty much got a too bad so sad for you attitude. If the tools made in each kit were made properly -(they would last longer than the school year) & this has not been the case. THIS SCHOOL IS NOT TEACHING STUDENTS HOW TO WORK & EVOLVE IN THEIR FIELD IN THE REAL WORLD OF HAIR. CEO John Paul DeJoria and Co-owner Angus should be "ASHAMED"! My Daughter participated in all extra curicular activities that she could through the school - she was on the fundraising team, mentoring team, worked at the Special Olympics games in OKC doing hair, nails, make-up (all happily & voluntarily). The only thing she got out of Imagine Paul Mitchell was "USED". She sold products-enough to go to the Las Vegas Hair Show & helped raise money for various charities while going to school there - in the end Paul Mitchell did nothing for her education. My advise as a parent that comes from a long line of Hair Stylists in my family - don't be fooled like we were - stick with your local vo-tech & get the fundamentals for Cosmetology & then let your creative side speak for itself. The school seems to be more focused on the fundraising they can do for different charities (to make Paul Mitchell look good) than teaching Cosmetology skills. I personally think the fulltime fall class in Norman OK that started in August 2010 should either be refunded their full tuition or be able to go through additional workshop/classes free of charge. I would love any response at all from upper management - even John Paul or Angus themselves. To me it looks like students are suffering and continue to go broke paying for an education they never received. You should be so proud. If it were me ...I'd take a long look at my schools and start cleaning house. Students being treated this way & left with nothing - is not the way descent people do things.

Thoroughly disappointed & discussed,
Brooke Andrews - (concerned parent)

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Dec 07, 2012 2:02 am EST

I attend Paul Mitchell the school Colorado springs and i love every single second of it. I am being taught by the best most motivational people i have ever met. Everyone is different and everyone learns differently so yeah Pm is not for everyone but you shouldn't deem it the worst place ever. I know worst beauty schools that teach you ways to burn hair, improper cutting techniques and slack on teaching proper sanitation.Pm is the best education i have ever invested in!

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Dec 24, 2012 4:21 pm EST

I completely disagree with the above accusations. I realize that every school is different and if your schools were really that bad, I truly feel bad for you. I attend Paul Mitchell the school in Murfreesboro, Tn. It is amazing! I've learned so much. My tuition is $17, 500 and I've received financial aid for ALL of it. (Therefore the school is accredited) My kit was awesome! I received some of the best tools out there. The learning leaders and staff are always very nice and helpful. They are not allowed to "chum" around with the students and they don't. We are allowed to take our kits home and we do not have to purchase anything extra. Our school provides us with EVERYTHING we need. Everyone in the school follows the be nice or else policy. I've never been happier or received more job offers. I wish that each and everyone of you could have experienced the Murfreesboro school. I hate that they are not all as great as this one.

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Jan 08, 2013 11:17 pm EST

I agree with everyone! Paul Mitchell Dallas learning leaders taught me nothing! Very disappointed in them I dropped over a month ago and Aid calls me 2 weeks later asking me why I haven't been attending class! Are you kidding me now I'm getting charged an extra grand because the stupid girl who works in that department has no commonsense whatsoever! I will be calling the agency on them very soon may take this to court and have them bring in a model and show them a mens haircut I never learned out of the 600 hrs I attended.

Cincinnati, US
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Feb 03, 2013 7:58 pm EST

I loved Paul Mitchell Cincinnati. I had great experiences there and got a lot of opportunities to do things while I was there. The kit that I got was fantastic obviously the people that wrote this and are agreeing with the person that wrote this is just a complainer or cosmetology wasn't for them. I loved all my learning leaders, the other staff and the kit that I received was fantastic I graduated and got my license last year and I still use the kit that I got it has all the supplies that I needed to be successful. Honestly I miss school there and I would go back if I could! It was a great experience!

Ohio City, US
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Mar 24, 2013 10:51 am EDT

I just wanna know why are they charging us room and board and transportation?

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May 26, 2013 3:44 pm EDT

I went to Paul Mitchell the School in Las Vegas, NV and it was such a waste of time and money. I only passed my board cause I had my friend teach me the state board haircut. This school is a JOKE. I spent most of my time there making posters and playing games! Who misses Pow Wow! Um why did we have to devote 3 hours to listening to student council give f.a.c.e awards and love notes. 18 thousand plus one thousand in over time (thanks to them for screwing up my hours so bad!) I would have proof I was in school that day and their system would mess up. Then they would not change it cause they would get audited. How is that my problem?!? The director slept with students and was and ###. He was hung over and texted on his phone in the office all day! I did make up on paper, never learned nails, and barely got clients. I don't know how to cut a basic cut and can't do up-dos or waxing. What a major rip-off. I have been out of school a year and can't find a job. The learning leaders played favorites and would be rude and make you feel stupid when you asked questions. Sorry for trying to actually learn. Furthermore, I donated so much money for their charity events. Your stuff gets stolen but they just don't care. Dance party Friday made the clients uncomfortable! Theory is pointless too. I got written up for not calling when I was 5 minutes late. I waited seven years to go to beauty school and I regret going to Paul Mitchell with every fiber of my soul!

Adi Luv 83
Ogden, US
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Sep 05, 2013 12:58 am EDT

I currently attend the Paul Mitchell School in Ogden, UT and I just have to say that in the 8 months I have been in the program I haven't really learned a damn thing! I used to walk by the school on my way to work and was mesmorized by the glitz and glamour. I walked in one day and decided to enroll bc I was assured that they'd provide me with the best education .. I can barely do a square one length. Not being from here I don't know anyone so I don't get services ever so I am behind 7 worksheets at this time. And they want us to work on our mannequins yet we only get 2 and we completely chop all the hair off of one of them within the first 2 months of starting school in our COR training. The make up kit is a joke and to think I paid extra for the "deluxe" kit ### I thought I was gona get everything we have in our makeup station! I had to spend more $ on mannequins, I had to pay for my nail kit, we practice color wih conditioner as if that is gona teach us anything! I have been so upset/depressed since I started school that I would not go to school for weeks at a time. The LL's at our night school are a joke most of them have had no salon experience at all! Everything being said negatively about the school and their programs is absolutely true. My school currently will not allow you to transfer out to a different school the excuse is that even though it's Paul Mitchell to Paul Mitchell school that the owners are different so since I'm moving out of the state I have to drop the program and pay back my loan $20k so I can get my hours transfered and take out another loan making me go into debt $40k! I am soo ready to rip the owner of the school a new one write to John Paul Dejorio Angus Mitchell and the main stream media to tell them how ### and fake the school is and expose how they totally rip off students. I would never recommend this school to anybody!

Stockton, US
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Sep 27, 2013 6:17 am EDT

i attend Paul Mitchell school in Modesto, CA and i absolutely love it. It's such a great school. My kit is far from flimsy nor does it even look cheap lol but sorry you had a bad experience.

Memphis, US
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Feb 28, 2014 10:02 pm EST

Ok... let me start by saying Im sorry to all who have had a bad experience. I on the other hand love this school. Its been a blessing. I attend the pm school of Memphis. Ive learned a lot and we are more focused on hair. If you take care of your kit it will last. I've had no problems. yes you have to purchase stuff but come on any other college you will have to invest in to as well. ive invested in to things but I also know I will be using them in my Career as well. Yes Its hard work but for one who gets anywhere with laziness and two for gosh sakes I have 4 young kids and still manage. We have a great staff great director and a great owner. One of our instructors is actually well known and educates us on everything he knows. I highly recommend this school! Oh and I have never had a problem with financial aid

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Mar 23, 2014 7:04 pm EDT

You all font know how lucky you have it I attended cosmcosmetcosmetology school at ftcc which is a community college and it was super ghetto and strestressful I hated it. We had to wear ugly baggy blacblack scrubs and ugly shoes we constantly ran out of supplies it was very unorganized I quit ggoing there and I'm about to attend paul mitchell. No school is perfect but u get what u pay for. Community CollegeS are c ch chr cheaper because they're not as good.

Angry student 27
Escanaba, US
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Sep 11, 2014 10:30 pm EDT

I agree with everyone who has posted. I attended PMTS Escanaba in michigan. It's funny how all the schools are the same. It took me 13 months to graduate. It was hard to get through that year of torture as I see it! Teachers have there faves and if your not one of them count on your time being there a living hell! I felt like I was not prepared for anything when I graduated I felt like I learned nothing except to dance! They treat you like your a child there it's all about kid stuff. Your not even aloud to get a drink of water unless your on break they hide cups from you even if your dehydrated. Once your done with school also thy could care less about you as a person they got there money that's all they care about! Went back a few times for services and as a guest you aren't even loud water to drink so pathetic! I had to spend so much extra money when I was told everything was included in tuition. They teach so many cuts and don't supply enough heads so u need to buy buy buy it's absolute ### when heads are 50 dollars. I could go on and on forever. I would never recommend this school to anyone.

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