My mother in law bought a $1, 000 prada Handbag at the Prada Store on 5th avenue, New York City. After a few days of regular use, the strap simply ripped, rendering the handbag unusable. The handbag itself is fine, but the strap is of such poor quality that it makes me wonder how can anyone charge $1, 000 for this kind of product. I've tried to contact Prada via email, but simply got ignored. I live in Brazil and contacting the store directly will be difficult, for a variety of reasons, can anyone tell me how to contact Prada customer service online and actually get a response?
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I've had a very disappointing issue with my Prada eyewear (blistering lenses) and a friend had the same experience. I get absolutely NO reply from any Prada email contact, retail store contact, or phone message.
VERY DISAPPOINTING! Will never purchase Prada again.
Here, I have the same problem with a pair of shoes
Low quality design.
When you walk on them the sole is too small!
You walk on the leather siding
No way to find a PRADA service center here or in Italy and the shop just doesn"t care
If anyone knows an adres, please let me know
I bought a Prada purse(handbag), and within 7 months i have had it at a repair shop to get the pipeing sown up, then the other side did it.
This purse was purchased just under $2, ooo, 00... and it is fallimg apart worse than a 50 dollar purse.
where in BC Canada can i get my purse fixed, so its like new again... if not... word of mouth is a bad way to get sales
Dee Townsend
I bought a prada wallet for my friend for her birthday November 2009. The gold lettering is wearing off. Makes it look like fake. For the amount of money they charge, they should at least answer their emails. Also had horrible experience with manager at 5th ave store after buying a handbag for over $2000, and went next day to exchange. Was not told of their exchange policy. Went back after to exchange and bought two with more than $500 for a total of 2500. My friend and I were treated like dogs. The manager was rude and abusive. They have lost my business forever.
I bought an $1800 Prada handbag, only use it a couple times a week while the rest of the time it sits in it's dust bag in my closet, had it for about 9 months and the leather on the handles started splitting apart. I took it back to the store for repairs, they had to send it to Hong Kong where it took 10 weeks to get back to me in Australia. When I went to pick it up, there was a new flaw in the leather buckle that wasn't there when I dropped it off. They said the only thing they could do was to send it back to HK again to have it repaired a second time.
I also have the matching $800 Prada wallet to the bag, have had it for about 6months and the leather is already starting to scuff and wear down. NOT happy with Prada! Have bought $20-$50 handbags and wallets which have lasted for over 5 years without any problems.
Just went to prada store in Bangkok. Just posted recent comment about how badly I was treated at the fifth avenue store. In Bangkok it was different, the salesperson was extremely nice when we question him about the lettering that was wearing off. He said it could be fixed but would have to be sent to hong kong to get repaired. Would take like two months. No way. Just gonna take to local jeweler here and get fixed. Maybe prada should send it's new York staff to bkk for customer service training.
omg! corporate office # is [protected]. client service is [protected].