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The good, the bad, and the ugly - discover what customers are saying about Go Relax Travel

Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Go Relax Travel. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Go Relax Travel.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Go Relax Travel's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Go Relax Travel, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Go Relax Travel. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

5:36 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Go Relax Travel Scam

Go Relax Travel uses Telemundo and other media services to broadcast its scam. Go Relax Travel makes people believe their commercial that they are participating in a contest to win tickets for Disney and hotels stays for free if you call them and answer the question they ask on the commercial. Once you call and asnwer the question (which is ussually a very easy question so you can "win") they tell you won and you only need to pay taxes and fees which looks ok. Right? WRONG! Their "taxes and fees" they ask you to pay is hundreds of dollars (which is illegal under FL state law to charge such high fees for something that is claimed to have been a prize that was won). BEWARE of this company! I find it very surprising the Attorney General Office has not taken any action against Go relax Travel due to the overwhelming amount of complaints both official and unofficial.

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Jul 28, 2011 9:32 pm EDT

pero q estupido por lo menos le dan unas vacaciones a buen precio

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Jul 28, 2011 9:31 pm EDT

pero imbesil te dan las vacaciones q es lo q importa a bajo precio

3:05 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Go Relax Travel Bogus Won Vacation

This company is absolutely the most disgraceful company i have ever encountered. They tricked a 73 year old man in giving them his credit card information to secure what was supposed to be a vacation to Florida he had won by answering a question on the the LATINO RADIO STATION. I need to find out how and who i can contact to bring this company down. Its bad enough our seniors have to pay multiple doctor and excessive co-payments for their medications, now we have scam artist and cons ripping them off too! Where is the justice in this country?

Dont fall for any of these scam people!

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Tallahassee, US
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Feb 22, 2010 1:57 pm EST

How I Got My Money Back - Como Consegui Que Me Regresaran Mi Dinero:
I was able to get my money back... it took about two weeks, but I got it back, because I didn't give up. I don't know if you would have the same results if you wait too long...
I quickly wrote to my credit card company online, within two or three days after having tried to make reservations, to have the charges for the "prize" removed. The Discover card rep told me to allow the company about 15 days to resolve it, and that if they didn't that I should contact my credit card again.
I also wrote to the radio station online, and the sales manager that rsponded said they only represented the travel agency and that the radio announcement says clearly that this is a promotion for a travel agency (perhaps they did say it, but I didn't hear that part, because when they mentioned it (at the end of the ad), I had already turned down the volume to call the radio to win the supposed "prize."
Well, I also wrote to the CEO of the company "Go Relax Travel" online, and this is where I got a worthwhile answer. (Go to and click on the tab that says “CEO Contact” across the second row of tabs near the top of the page.) The manager's assistant from the company called me and told me that the hotels were beautiful, blah blah blah. I had already written out what i planned to say, so that I would not be swayed by her comments... I simply and calmly stated that non one had told me I'd need to attend a timeshare presentation while on the vacation, and that the hotel package I was offered was supposed to be "all inclusive" (Including meals), and that later I had discovered in the information they sent that none of that was included. I told her there were many differences and inconsistencies between what they promised me on the phone and what they sent me in the written information that and that they never answered the phone when I had tried to make a reservation. I repeated that I would rather they refund my money, as what they initially represented was false.
I had to repeat this several times, as they kept trying to convince me they'd resolve everything. I remained firm, calmly repeating to them if they would please reimburse my money and stating nothing more, nothing less… and finally, the lady asked me to send the paperwork I’d just received back to her by mail and told me they would resolve the matter for me.
Sure enough, I sent them the papers, but I also included a new letter asking them to give me back my Money and explaining why I was not satisfied with what they had offered, since it was not what initially what I was offered. I sent it via certified mail, return-receipt and signature requested; so that I could have proof, just in case they came up with another lie… I did not sign any of the papers in the pacakage they had sent me, because had I signed them, that would have prevented me from receiving a reimbursement, as it would have indicated I’d accepted their contract.
About two weeks later, I received notification from my credit card company that the Go Relax Travel agency had credited my card. Victory! I think that my acting quickly allowed me to achieve my objective; by law they can’t charge you money if you cancel within 3 days of having signed a contract… and I had not signed any contract. Besides, I hadn’t even been able to make any reservations, because they never answered the phone. The important thing to do is to document everything in writing, and keep writing and demanding that they give you what they promised or reimburse you your money.
Don’t give up! They try to intimídate you by talking really fast, or they try to wrap you up with promises… remain firm and document everything and keep fighting until you get your refund. I wish you luck!
Here is the snail mail contact info for the company:
Go Relax Travel, LLC
7751 Kingspointe, Parkway Suite 107
Orlando, FL 32819

How I Got My Money Back - Como Consegui Que Me Regresaran Mi Dinero:
Yo consegui que me devolvieran mi dinero... me tomo como dos semanas, pero lo consegui porque no me di por vencida. No se si usted tendria los mismos resultados se espera mucho tiempo...
Yo rapido le escribi a mi tarjeta de credito por el internet a los dos o tres dias de haber tratado de hacer reservaciones, para que me quitaran los cargos del "premio." La representante de la tarjeta (Discover Card) me dijo que le diera a la compania de viajes 15 dias para resolverlo, y si no lo hacian que me volviera a comunicar con la tarjeta de credito.
Tambien le escribi a la estacion de radio por medio del internet, y el gerente de ventas me contesto que ellos solo representaban a la compania de viajes y que en el anuncio en la radio dicen muy claro que esto es una promocion de la agencia de viajes (quizas lo hayan dicho en la radio, pero yo no escuche esa parte, pues cuando ellos lo mencionaron (al final del anuncio), yo ha habia bajado el volumen para llamar a la radio para ganar el supuesto "premio."
Bueno, pues tambien le escribi al "CEO" (jefe) de la compania "Go Relax Travel" por el internet, y aqui fue donde recibi una respuesta que valio la pena. (Ve al and cliquea donde dice “CEO Contact” en la segunda linea en la parte de arriba de esa pagina.) La asistenta al gerente de la compania me llamo y me dijo que los hoteles eran bien bonitos, blah blah blah. Yo ya tenia lo que les hiba a decir escrito, para no dejarme desviar por sus comentarios... Simplemente les dije tranquilamente que nadie me habia dicho nada de tener que asistir a una presentacion de ventas de "timeshare, " y que los hoteles que me dijeron que venian incluidos en el paquete se suponian que fueran "all inclusive" (incluir comidas), y que despues descubri que recibi la informacion lei que no lo eran. Les dije que habian muchas inconsistencias, tantas diferencias, entre lo que me prometieron por telefono y lo que en realidad decia en el la informacion escrita, ademas que no me contestaban cuando llamaba a las reservaciones... Les repeti que yo prefiria que me devolvieran mi dinero, ya que lo que representaron al inicio era falso.
Se lo tuve que repetir varias veces, pues seguian tratando de convencerme que me resolverian todo. Me mantuve firme, tranquilamente repetiendo que por favor me devolvierean mi dinero y no diciendo ni nada menos ni nada mas... al final la senora me pidio que les enviara el papeleo que acababa de recibir por correo, y que ellos me resolverian la cuenta.
Efectivamente les envie el papeleo, pero tambien inclui una nueva carta pidiendo que me devolvieran mi dinero y explicando el porque no estaba satisfecha con lo que me habian ofrecido, pues no fue lo que inicialmente me ofrecieron. Todo se lo mande por correo certificado, requeriendo que ellos firmaran al recibirlo para tener mis pruebas, por si acaso me salian con otra mentira... No firme ninguno de los papeles del paquete que me habian enviado, porque si los hubiera firmado, eso hubiera impedido poder recibir mi reembolso, pues seria como aceptar su contrato.
A las dos semanas recibi notificacion de mi tarjeta de credito que la compania Go Relax Travel me habia regresado el dinero a mi tarjeta. Victoria! Creo que al actuar tan rapidamente, pude lograr mi objetivo; pues por ley no te pueden cobrar si en tres dias cancelas tu contrato firmado... y yo no habia firmado contrato. Ademas, ni siquiera habia podido hacer reservaciones, porque nunca contestaban el telefono. Lo importante es documentar todo por escrito, y seguirles escribiendo y exigiendoles que te den lo prometido o que to reembolsen tu dinero.
No te des por vencida(o). Ellos tratan de intimidarte hablando bien rapido, o tratan de envolverte con promesas... mantente firme y documenta todo y sigue luchando hasta que logres que te reembolsen. Te deseo suerte!
Aqui esta la informacion de correo, etc., para la compania:
Go Relax Travel, LLC
7751 Kingspointe, Parkway Suite 107
Orlando, FL 32819

10:12 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Go Relax Travel ripoff/scam

I'm been ripoff/scam like everybody else..My wife and I been paid more than $450.00...I don't want to go on SICK.I believe that, if the D A office knows about this for so long and nothing it been for the people to take matter into the hands...I believe some or everybody affect it by this, should look for this organization and HURT this people on a personal way...we are human ..we are people..and sometimesyou have to take action on your own...I know I'm thinking about it..and at this point I don't give a F... ..thank you

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Daysi 425
Bethlehem, US
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May 29, 2010 5:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We all need to get a lawyer and make a lawsuit against this company. The CEO does not respond to any of the e-mails or returns calls. We should all get together a do a lawsuit with Go Relax Travel.
We need to close this business down.

1:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Go Relax Travel Trip Vacation all include.

During a radio contest my wife called to answer a simple question, at the end of this phone call, she was the winner of all include vacation to Orlando FL in a Quality Standard hotel room, with all tickets include too.
Also a 3 days and 2 nigths in a Quality hotel at Cancún Mex. all include. But the dream was converted in a nigthmare.
They charged to my credit card an unauthorizyed extra charge for the second trip. And when I deciyed to reclaim, they began to ignor me like nothing. Also they change the destinations without notifyed me.
This is not a travel agency that nobody may trust. They play with the peoples minds and do not have any respect with anyone. I became a victim and I do not want anybody else to be too.
My respects for those who got traped like me, sincerely Gilberto.

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patricia weiner
wilmette, US
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Mar 09, 2010 9:59 am EST

I purchased what as supposed to be a week give away from a radio station (it was portrayed as an award for responding correctly to a question). Once I received the material I learned it is for time share presentations and that the package requires i sit through this presentation. Furthermore, I just learned when trying to book a vacation, that the package will not be honored unless I attend with my spouse even though I qualify financially based on my income alone. Repeated calls to the agency have not been returned.

Tampa, US
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Dec 28, 2009 6:48 pm EST

oh really, so if is not a scam, or such a good company, why is it that I am still waiting for a response directly from the CEO since 12/21?
still waiting for my credit! fyi...I filed a complaint I won the "prize" placed on hold for about 10 mins, explained twice what I got, when I asked so what is my cost? ...there was silence, then he answered, $289.99, hmmm, I should have known better! not one gives nothing for nothing, NEVER give your bank info over the phone to ANYONE, the next day Monday, I went to work, was laid off! so I called cust service or customer no service, at [protected] to request cancellation, by law you have 30 days ( I read it at Florida webpage), the lady will not give me her name, however, told me due to circumstances she will credit $150, to fax her a letter. I did the same day. still waiting for credit! Filed complaint bbb ^ reported to Attorney general. no food for kids, since no more paycheck coming in/

Wynne, US
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Jul 15, 2009 3:29 pm EDT

This company is a rip off. They offer a so called free trip that you win off a radio station. Cost my mother in law 355 dollars. Cost my husband and I 70 dollars. We spent several hours on the phone with this agency trying to work something out. We scheduled leave off at work to go on this vacation/trip. Here it is 2days before our vacation time and still no trip. We have been dealing with them since April 30th and its June 15th. They are very rude and play games because they speak both spanish and english. They only spoke spanish with me and i do not know any spanish and when i finally got to someone that could speak english she hung up on me. My attorney has contacted them and I even wrote a letter to the CEO of the company. Still no reply not even an apology for how customer service has treated us. DO NOT USE GO RELAX TRAVEL. They are a FRAUD and a SCAM.

patrick regan
Bronx, US
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Jan 27, 2009 12:46 pm EST

My wife and I won a so called free vacaction on the radio, to Punta Cana with a bonus trip to 1 of five other destinations after agreeing to pay $315.00 for a fee .They sent us the travel info., informing us that we have to go on promotional timeshare tour.After reading this, I contacted there office to explain that we were not interested in any promotion, and would like a refund.Conviently it was past the seven day refund time.We were told by an employee of go relax that we would not have to take the promotional tour and there would be no additional fees.We waited until after our second child was born, so we could take some time off and maybe go relax.When we called for reservations we were put on hold time after time, finally speaking to someone we were told about addionational cost totaling close to $400.Some free vacation .This company decieves the public through public radio.Them and the radio station should be reprimanded.After totaling the cost of airfare it was to costly .Now were out $315.00 .This is how this company makes its profit, on bait and swich tactics.

Free Loader211
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Aug 04, 2010 2:16 pm EDT

Quit yer Bichin'...Listen I also "won" this contest, paid the $300 and actually USED the trips. I spent 3 days in beautiful Luquillo PR with a gorgeous pool front room and a killer swim up bar (Hi Lina!) plus 3 months later the set me up at the Continental hotel in South Beach...Oceanfront room...and 1 year later m fiance and I got married at the Puerto Plata Sol Melia Resort ALL INLUSIVE and trust me I ate more than $300 worth of food and liquor...yes I had to sit thru a time share offer that I knew I wasnt going to buy but so what! for 3 days I partied my [censor] off and for 2 hours I sat thru a seminar that honestly if I had the money I would buy! QUIT YER [censor]IN you get what you pay for!

Daytona Beach, US
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Jul 26, 2010 6:29 pm EDT

i had the same thing happen to me..they had a booth set up at the flea market and told me that i won a 2 trip vaction..lucky i only handed them 100 dollars cash because from all the other commets ive seen ppl scamed for over 300 dollar, but 100 dollar now a days is alot and it was my hard earned money..all i have to say is that i ever see these ppl at any flea market ever again im going to jail cause ima beat somebodies [censor] and get money money back one way or the other

L. Guijarro
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Feb 20, 2010 3:46 pm EST

The best way to have your money back is to call them and insist and send them a lot of faxes and contact BBB. After doing all these steps they finally returned all money.

Another victim fraud
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Jan 15, 2010 11:09 pm EST

I'm so glad to have not given my credit card to this fraudulent company. I called the number given & answered the question, I have being harrassed by this company for not giving them my credit card. I did file a report, but to anyone who did I suggest they report to the Better Business Bureau. They'll take care of them plus these people's business should be closed down & them sent to jail.

tomas trinidad
Tinton Falls, US
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Oct 26, 2009 1:32 pm EDT

i called [protected] this is a tv station, they will hopefully investigate, they are to call me in reference to what they did to my father.feel free to call and add ur complaint.

Amarillo, US
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Sep 09, 2009 6:04 pm EDT

I am so scared. I just supposedly won a trip today 09/09/09 and now I am terrified reading all these complaints about Go Relax Travel being a company of fraud and scam. THey already charged me money and I called to cancel. They said the manager I had spoke with was no longer there for the day and he would have to contact me. What can I do to cancel the trips and get a refund of my money? Please anyone help me!

11:42 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Go Relax Travel Fraud

Wow...what a rip off...I feel radio stations should also be accountable...I won a so call trip and because of medical issues and a pending law suite, I was not able to travel. I even paid over $500.00 hidden fee. When I called to see if I could book my reservation, I was told it had expired and would not get a refund...SHAME ON YOU...No accomodation or offers were given...If I complain it becomes work, and my time is money...again, SHAME ON YOU GO RELAX TRAVEL.

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Pasadena, US
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Sep 28, 2010 4:44 pm EDT

My mom was listening to a Spanish radio station which advertised FREE vacation package if you answer correctly a trivia question. My mom called into the radio station, answered the question correctly, and was told she won a FREE trip to Cancun or Puerto Vallarta just for answering the question correctly. The radio representative gave her the information regarding the vacation deal but she would have to pay $353.98 one time activation charge. A couple of days later my mom received the welcome package from the CEO of Go Relax travel, with a 1-888 number to call him/her directly with any questions or problems. The 1-888 number is a false number, it does not exist and directs customer to [protected]. When my mom called in to schedule her vacation, the representative she talked with told her the vacation package had expired and she would need to pay an additional fee to extend the vacation plan. In addition to that fee, there is an additional $150 dollar charge per adult since the trip is meant for 2 adults only, with 2 children, not 4 adults. At this point, my mom requested to be connected with the CEO or someone in upper management to discuss the extra fees that were not disclosed to her. The representative stated, she does not know how to get in touch with anyone at Go Relax travel since the representatives do not work directly with this company. The representative said they hired by Go Relax travel to book the vacations only.

For anyone reading this message, Go Relax Travel, is a fraudulent company who takes advantage of people through false advertisement and phony vacation packages with loaded fees.
Please report this company to the Better Business Bureau, Ripe-off Reports, Bureau of Investigation in Florida and any other entity who will assist in pressing charges, prevent further business practices from this company, and bringing justice to the victims who trusted this company.

eduard vandernol
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Feb 20, 2010 11:51 am EST

Two times after we heard about the contest that you could win different trips on the radio, we called in and they said we won. The first time I "won" I did not have the money. The second time, seveal months later, we heard this announcement on the radio and we answered and thought we won those trips. Then we were asked about one trip would only cost $ 84, 00 and we would have to pay taxes of $199.00. My wife and I very excited, we agreed to it.
When the package came in the mail, I realized that their was no air transportation and no transportation of the airport to the vacation destination involved, also you have to pay for meals.
So it turns out, we did not win anything, but were scammed in buying hotel and tickets. I am glad that more people are responding to this scam. My phone number is [protected] or e-mail: .
I am calling to have a full refund and report this to Better Business Bureau.

Ann Walters
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Jan 03, 2010 5:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To me it happened the same as the other people complained; when I responded to an vacation offer they charged me 400.- for a trip supposedly free and they included a second trip. They did never mention that I had to assist a Timeshare meeting. When I complained they simply put me on hold and never answered the phone.

Edmundo Vargas
Tampa, US
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Feb 05, 2010 9:24 pm EST

As conumers we should all get together and obtain an indictment against Go Relax Travel and Gran Sol Melia Resort are partners in this scam as well as all the affiliated Resorts. I am in the process of going to the federal govement and going public with this fraud.

San Diego, US
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Jun 19, 2010 5:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also got rip off by Go Relax Travel. I being trying to cancel the charge but it's impossible. This was supposed to be a free price I won after answering a question on the radio. They said I won a trip to Disneyland for 3 days two nights with 4 tickets to the park. They also said that I won The Grand Price a trip to Mexico (Can-Can) but that I needed to give them my credit card for the activation fee. I disputed the charge thru my credit card but I am having a lot of trouble because they said that I agreed to the charge. I also try to get in touch with them but they never answer the phone. So am out of $258.99. BEWARE OF GO TRAVEL RELAX they are SCAMMERS.

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Feb 01, 2010 12:40 pm EST

Yes, this company is a total fraud. If you fell victim to their fake radio station contest scam, call your credit company immediately and if its not too late you can cancel the transaction (I called within 24 hours of giving them my cc number and was able to cancel the "pending" transaction, witch was almost $100 more than what they claimed they were going to charge on the phone. Also cancel your credit card and get a new number so they can’t try to charge you again. If that fails dispute the charge for being fraudulent. Contact your local district attorney, Federal trade commission, and better business bureau and file a formal complaint. Also the radio stations need to be made aware that they are running "shady" ads and you will spread the word, to NOT to listen to that station since they allow these types of scams to be advertised. These businesses need to be shutdown for “fraudulent business practices” and there owners held accountable. They may think they can scam unknowing immigrants, but this time they tried to scam the wrong guy.

7:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Go Relax Travel Scam/ Fraudulent behavior

On 3/6/09, My mom called and said she and my father were listening to the radio. He called in, answered question and was told he won 2 trips. My mom spoke to the person at the travel agency and was told all she had to pay was the tax and shipping. She called me and it was very hard for me to believe, but she said she was told that this was all inclusive and she would get hotel, air fare, transportation, free meals, etc. I was very surprised but skeptical because it seemed too good to be true- especially since she had to give her credit card info. I asked for the number so I could call and find out more about it. I called and left a message at the number she gave me. She then called me and told me her credit card did not go through and that the agency would be calling me to get my credit card info. I told her that I would have to make sure this was really legitimate before I gave my credit card information to anyone.

I spoke to an Andrea Pachecko who stated she was the manager and she told me more about the package. I then spoke to an Elena Velez -who I spoke to in much more detail. I wrote everything down that she told me. I was told that the trip to Las Vegas included- Air Fare for 4 people, Hotel from a choice of 10 hotels we wanted to stay at for up to 4 people for 4 days and 3 nights. I was told we would also get transportation, breakfast, tickets to the casino, and tickets to a wax museum. I wrote this all down as she was telling it to me. She also told me that we would be getting air fare for 4 people, hotel stay at the Gran Melia resort for 3 days and 2 nights along with transportation and a free meal. She said that these trips were good for 18 months and that any 4 people could go on either trip. I went over every thing she said with her MAKING SURE that airfare was included for 4 people on both trips and she ASSURED me that it was. She told me that she would record our conversation and I said it was fine. I gave her my credit card information after I went over the whole package again and she reassured me that everything that I said was indeed included.

Today on 3/12 my mother received, in the mail, a description of the travel description that she was to sign and return in 48 hours. She signed it, took it to an Amscott and faxed it. She then came over to my house and showed it to me. I was concerned when I looked at the description and saw that transportation nor air fare was listed on the sheet. I immediately called and was placed on the phone with Mayra. She told me that air fare was not a part of the package. I told her that I had spoken to Elena Velez who ASSURED me that air fare was included. Mayra quickly told me that she had my mother on tape that she could replay for me and that she was explained everything. She played the tape for me. Some one named Juan Pablo spoke so super fast and explained the details of the trip to my mother. No, I did not hear him mention air fare, but really, I didn't hear too much of what he said anyway. I then told Mayra- that It didn't matter what Juan Pablo told my mother. Her credit card did not go through. It was my card that they used and I got the clarifications on it before I allowed them to run my card. I said that Elena Velez said she was going to tape our conversation. I told her to please play the tape and that she would hear all that I was promised. After leaving me on hold for 10 minutes, Mayra got back on the line and told me that all they got on tape was my credit card info. She told me that there was no manager in the office and asked if I could please write a letter so upper management could be made aware and do an investigation on this.

How funny that my mothers whole conversation was taped but mine was not. I am extremely angry about this situation. I was Blatantly lied to about what I was receiving for my money. My family was lead to believe that they won these fabulous, all inclusive trips and it was nothing but a scam. Everyone knows that the most expensive part would be air fare, which is why I really made sure about that being included along with the transportation. I can't believe that your company could be so unscrupulous to prey on people that think that they are winning something.

I spoke to a Carmen Velez (GM) who immediately tried to tell me that since my mother agreed to the terms that she didn't have to speak to me and she was doing so as a courtesy. I told her that since they took my money- they made me a customer too. I explained that before I let anyone have my cc# I made sure I was explained the details. She went on to tell me that it was only my side of the story and that she is sure her employee had a different side to tell. I couldn't believe the lack of customer service. Right off the bat she went into defensive mode instead of trying to help the issue. She also said to me, " Lets be real here, You actually think you would get 2 trips with air fare for that kind of money?" I told her, " I am a pretty smart woman, I made sure of what I was getting for my money- I was reassured by Elena that I was indeed getting the tickets included- so yes- i believed her." After much arguing and waiting on hold, I was told to send her an email about my dispute and I would get my money back.

This company makes a business of misleading their customers and blatantly lying to them. If you were to Google them ( which I did too late) you would find countless complaints against them. Not enough people take the action against them that are needed. They prey on the Hispanic Communities, some of which may not know where to turn to complain or how to get their money back. The radio stations also have a hand in this. They know that these ads are misleading, the ads make it seem like it is a radio promotion- Be the next caller that can answer this question correctly and you can get a free trip. Then, when you call- they have the stations music playing very loudly to further trick you into thinking that you are dealing with the station. They record you agreeing to the terms, and they speak super fast so you don't get everything that they are saying. They say that the trip is free- all you have to do is pay the taxes - That is tax fraud! How can you pay taxes on a gift?

I complained to the BBB about them. I did get a refund back eventually- after a few phone calls and emails, but that was not my main issue, my main concern was the blatant lying and rudeness. Then- the manager had the AUDACITY to call me back after hearing from the BBB and argue with me about the fact that I complained to the BBB! She was mad because I made her company look bad and told me that it was just my OPINION that I was lied to. WHATTT? I couldn't believe the nerve of her to call me and harass me! She was arguing and not allowing me to get a word in edgewise and I was so furious that I started to blow my top at her and ask her how dare she call me at my home to wag her finger at me when her company is so fraudulent. I screamed some expletives and hung up on her. People- if you want to actually get somewhere with this company threaten to call the BBB on them! And follow through!

Read full review of Go Relax Travel and 23 comments
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Katherine Cintron de Monge
Chapman , US
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Dec 09, 2009 12:29 pm EST

I entered a 'contest' on a Latino radio station in Puerto Rico. Mr. Jun F. Amaro answered my call and asked me a question claiming that if I answer correctly I will 'win' a vacation for 4 people, Florida, Puerto Rico or other exotic locations FREE. Mr. Amarro said I 'won' the contest but needed to pay $423.98 to 'reserve' the trip. I was hesitant because I currently live in Kansas and my husband is in the Army and we don't have the flexibility to plan a vacation. They said don't worry you will have 48 hours after we send you the package to cancel if you don't like it and 18 months to plan your vacation. When I got the package in July I found out it did not include airfare, taxes and food plus we had to sit through a 90 minute presentation on 'the benefits of vacation ownership'. I really didn't know what I had 'won' since there were so many fees. By then it was too late to cancel.
I try to make reservations in August and after several phone calls waiting for several incompetent customer service representatives trying to explain and assist me I finally make the reservations. In addition I paid 60.00 more dollars because Dec it’s the pick season. They told me that I will have to scan or fax a sign term and conditions paperwork in order for my reservation to be confirm. Every time I called to ensure that the process was completed I got a different answer (i.e., you’ll get a package online, please sign to the website and check for confirmation) However not a single representative were consistent with the answer, so I started to get concern about the truth and legitimate of this offer.
Today on Dec 9th, 09 I called again to express my concerned about the confirmation packet that they told me that I will get it in the mail. This time I called the customer service department hoping that somebody will hear my concerns and the lady who answer the call could not explain whether I will get a packet in the mail or via I mail. So she tries transfer me to the reservation department. By this time I was totally frustrated and asked to speak with the manager. Everything went wrong a lady that picked up the phone literally insult me, she asked me if I understood english and if I was able to read the paper, if I know how to access the web and that if I knew what are headphones. I told I her I didn’t appreciated the way she was talking to me and that she was rude. She went on a rage for over 3 minutes and hang up the phone after I express the inconvenience of continuously call to check after the reservations.
10 minutes later a lady Giselle called and stated she was the manager and apologiezed for the misunderstanding. She told me she was going to guide me to the process and explain more about the package. I told her my reservations were schedule for 25 -29 Dec and after so many inconvenience I was not going to risk my children holidays by attending a presentation or going thru additional inconvenience, because so far this was a whole headache and I have never being treated this way before. In additional I asked her if there additional charges and she told me I will have to pay around$ 10.00 per night for taxes. So I asked her to please cancel the reservations because so far all I was doing was paying additional charges. I found this outrageous. When I made that phone call I never imagine that this was any type of scam, since it was over the radio. BUT when this man Amarro was talking to me just like any sales person didn’t explain the fine print. Of course when you call they don’t even tell about taxes or any additional charges until they record your conversation with your credit card information. AFTER that is when they unveil the truth and that is how these companies make their profits by utilizing baits and dirty tactics to honest consumers. This company is nothing more than a scam and rips off. There are countless complaints against them. Furthermore this people utilized and target the Hispanic population, some of which may not know where to turn to complain or how to get their money back.


Katherine Cintron de Monge

River Ranch, US
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Nov 28, 2010 10:26 pm EST

maybe u can garnish mr brewer's wages to get ur money back. he works for wyndham bonnet creek.

Atlanta, US
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Oct 14, 2010 3:32 pm EDT

On June 4, 2010 the company informed BBB they will not reply to any more BBB complaints. Consumers who wish to file a complaint may do so online with the Florida Attorney General at
or by writing to:
Office of the Attorney General
PL-01 The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida [protected]

Also, if you won this "trip" via a radio station, by law the radio station is also liable. Contact the radio station and let them know of the situation.

Please continue to send me your name and address so that I may include you in our mailing list.

Atlanta, US
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Oct 14, 2010 11:44 am EDT

My Mother fell for the same scam, thankfully I work for a law firm and we are in the middle of investigating Go Relax Travel, LLC and filing a class action law suit. If you have been wronged by this company, Please send me your name and address so that we may send you a notice if and when this occurs. My email is

In the mean time I would recommend you file complaints with the BBB and with the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations.

Here is the information on this "company":

Florida Limited Liability Company
Filing Information
Document Number L05000066405
FEI/EIN Number [protected]
Date Filed 07/06/2005
State FL
Effective Date 07/06/2005
Event Date Filed 10/16/2008
Event Effective Date NONE

Principal Address
Changed 10/16/2008
Mailing Address
Changed 10/16/2008
Registered Agent Name & Address
Address Changed: 10/16/2008
Manager/Member Detail
Name & Address
Title MGRM

Send a message
Jul 29, 2010 5:43 pm EDT

These people are dishonest at best. My wife wrote a letter to their corporate office, a very lenghty one at that to complain about our trip. Today I received a call offering me a full refund. My suspicion is that there will be a class action law suit pending very soon.

Amarillo, TX
Amarillo, US
Send a message
Jul 22, 2010 11:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Listen I ALMOST got scammed by these idiots! I saw right away that they were full know what and as soon as I Google'd them I found that they had FRAUD written all over their name. I immediately called them and canceled, of course they were not happy with the attitude I had and I let them know that they are a bunch of fakes and they were all over the internet as frauds. I told them that if they did not send my money back to me within 5 business days, I would be calling the BBB. I received my money back on my credit card the very next day...oh and I still reported them to the BBB. Im sorry you fell for these jerks, it is a shame that they are out there still doing this and the FBI nor the BBB of Florida has stopped them, ugh this is very frustrating to me and I got my money back! Good Luck to you!

Houston, US
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Jul 22, 2010 10:52 pm EDT

My husband calls very excited to tell me that he won a family vacation to Orlando and that there are two more weekend getaways as well. He said he only paid $350 + to book this vacation and that it was a great packaged deal. Well I call to do the secretarial work...details, details, details. After holding almost 45 minutes, I get an answer from a strong accent woman who explained the package to me. We where to sit and discuss a 90 minute time share sale and that was it, they would give us 2 tickets to any park in Disney whether we bought or not. Well when I called to make the reservations they charged me a fee of $60.00 for their so called convenience fee (It was convenient for them alright!) After I paid and finished my reservation they would not tell me what hotel I would be staying at... I was not HAPPY..she said they would email me the information. Which they did, my receipt, check in-check out and where their timeshare office location is. NO HOTEL INFO! So I called back, another 45 min hold and finally someone answered only to say they could not give me the hotel info, they would let me know once I arrived at their Sales office to pick up my voucher for the hotel. Then they would let me know where it is and that it was only 5 minutes from where they where. Uhhm...NOOOOO! I am not going blind to any hotel...NOT! So I demanded to know, she was not happy but I am very demanding when it comes to things like this so she told me. We have so far paid 350.00 plus $60.00 (hotel convenience fee) We get to Florida and check in. I must say the Hotel people where very nice and friendly. It was a nice stay. But, back to GO RELAX. The next day we had to do our 90 min time share sale. It ended up being a 4 hour experience! Of course once we where their the other people they associate with asked us for our credit report. WHAT? this is the 1st I hear about a credit report no one asked if they could run it! and they best have not. So then 4 hrs later we where finally released with 2 tickets to the park. Our package was for 4 people and another family of 4 joined us. We where 8. They booked their hotel room 2 nights before and it came out to $150.00 for 4 nights! YES $150.00 for their Internet promotion sale. We ended wasting 4 hrs on a company that does not have their things together! Their customer service SUCKS! and they do not have a problem ripping people off! I share my story so that you will NOT BUY from this company. THEY ARE CROOKS and I don't see how they sleep at night! oh and as for the other two vacation weekend getaways left..there are also convenience fee's attached and it's alot more than $60.00... NEVER AGAIN !

Another Defrauded Consumer
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Jun 08, 2010 9:56 am EDT

Make complaints to the Better Business Bureau at and the Florida Attorney General or Office of the Attorney General PL-01 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida [protected] Telephone: [protected] Toll Free within Florida: [protected]. Attorney General have a case on them.

Orlando, US
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Jun 05, 2010 9:10 pm EDT

Did you get the money back?

Amarillo, TX
Amarillo, US
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Mar 09, 2010 1:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Go Relax Travel are scam artists! I consider myself to be a very smart individual and was stooped by these "people".
I supposedly won a trip for 3 days 2 nights each day with passes into Disney World in Orlando FL, Wet n Wild and 3 days 2 nights to Daytona beach with room and board paid at both locations. All for a family of 4 and could bring a 5th person under the age of 10 for free all for just $199.99. I was so excited. I am fluent in Spanish but can get very confused when someone speaking Spanish talks at 100 mile an hour...YUP that's what they did...speak 100 mile an hour to me. I spoke with one lady by the name of Judy Campos and asked her to transfer me to someone that speaks English so that I could better understand the package, she transferred me to Ceasar, who spoke Spanish and he ran the whole pitch again and again I asked him to transfer me to someone who could help me in English. He transferred me to Freddy Espitia who claimed to be the manager, he spoke to me in Spanish first then English and reassured me that I would get a vacation for 3 days and 2 nights into Disney World in FL and Wet n Wild and 3 days 2 nights and Daytona beach for me and 3 other people and a 5th (10 yrs or younger) for free with hotel accommodations and transportation, all I would have to do is get there.
A couple of days later I got online a googled them and lo' and behold there they are... "SCAM/FRAUDULENT" ALL over the net! I was so pissed off at myself because I always google things and this time I didn't. Lucky later that day I receive the "verification certificate" and it said to sign and return it within 48 hours if all the information is correct. Well it wasn't it stated only 2 ONE day passes into Disney World OR 4 ONE day passes into Wet n Wild and 3 days 2 night in Daytona Beach...I was hot and immediately called them and asked to speak with someone who spoke English. I was told that no one that spoke English was available I stated to them in Spanish that I was mislead and wanted a refund and they said that the manager Freddy Espitia would return my call the next day. He did this morning, and I explained to him that I was mislead and wanted a refund. And they pulled out the recorded conversation and you can clearly hear that he was speaking super fast and can't understand all that was said, I asked him to play the English part of the conversation...and he said they don't record English ONLY SPANISH! He also insisted that I did'nt speak to him in English...we argued back and forth about that. Eventually I told him to speak to me in English only and that I wanted a refund and I was in my legal 30 days right to cancel and I want my money back. He was rude and said that I would have to write a letter requesting cancellation and a refund, and within 1-25 days I would receive my money back. I have done so, I mailed them a hand written and typed letter in English AND Spanish requesting a refund and cancellation along with a copy of the UNSIGNED "verification certificate".
They cant use the excuse that I have to cancel within 7's been only 4 the charge to my credit card was done on 3/4/10 or 3/5/10 and I have canceled and requested a refund today 3/8/10 and ALL the paper work including theirs is dated and post marked within the 7 days. Along with their "request cancellation and refund procedure" I have called my credit card company canceled my credit card and filed an UNAUTHORIZED CHARGE and they too will investigate the charge...and it so happens to be the ATTORNEY GENERAL that will do the investigation! So I'm very confident that I will get ALL my money back! They messed with the wrong person! And for all of you that have been scammed, I am truly sorry, don't stop till you get your money back, if it's not too late for you.

2:15 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My wife entered a 'contest' on a Latino radio station. They said if you name the singer you 'win' a vacation for 4 people to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico or other exotic locations. She called, named the singer and the station said she 'won'. Later Go Relax Travel called and said she had 'won' but needed to pay $383.99 to 'reserve' the trip. They said don't...

Read full review of Go Relax Travel and 44 comments
9:05 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Go Relax Travel Buyer beware

Deceptive marketing practices. This Merchant deceives the public through a so-called 'Vacation give-away', You respond to a question posted by the announcer which states that if you are one of the first 10 callers, you win a trip to Gran Melia Resort in Puerto Rico. The 'so called' vacation give away costs me $315.00 dollars and is loaded with fees and reservation fees. total cost would exceed 400.00. for 3 days.

In addition to this I was not made aware that there was a TIMESHARE previewing requirement before you qualify for the the 'so-called' vacation package. When I asked for a refund they refused. It is a sad day in America when a company needs to deceive the public to make a profit.

Buyer Beware!

Read full review of Go Relax Travel and 33 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Atlanta, US
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Oct 14, 2010 3:35 pm EDT

My Mother fell for the same scam, thankfully I work for a law firm and we are in the middle of investigating Go Relax Travel, LLC and filing a class action law suit. If you have been wronged by this company, Please send me your name and address so that we may send you a notice if and when this occurs. My email is

On June 4, 2010 the company informed BBB they will not reply to any more BBB complaints. Consumers who wish to file a complaint may do so online with the Florida Attorney General at
or by writing to:
Office of the Attorney General
PL-01 The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida [protected].

Here is the information on this "company":

Florida Limited Liability Company
Filing Information
Document Number L05000066405
FEI/EIN Number [protected]
Date Filed 07/06/2005
State FL
Effective Date 07/06/2005
Event Date Filed 10/16/2008
Event Effective Date NONE

Principal Address
Changed 10/16/2008
Mailing Address
Changed 10/16/2008
Registered Agent Name & Address
Address Changed: 10/16/2008
Manager/Member Detail
Name & Address
Title MGRM

Jacksonville, US
Send a message
Jun 21, 2010 3:58 pm EDT

Guys if you are interested in setting up a class action against Go Relax travel. Please let it be known. I am about to go find me a lawyer to get a class action against this practice. I will be checking up on here, if anyone interested. I had an arguement with these folks. I received a welcome package kit cert. # 72407 stating that I have 18months to complete my travel. The whole scam was confusing as well, because it was suppose to be a, you are a winner, Instead they rackup the fees. I've called today, 21 Jun 2010, To request for an extention. Their excuse is that it's expired 15th Jun 2010. They are also trying to use the recording as a means to back up their claim. Well, what they fail to see, is that in the recording I stated that it was confusing. They are trying to charge me an extra 99.00 to extend it. They are not getting a penny from me no more. I will find me a lawyer that is willing to get a class action started against Go Relax.

Another Defrauded Consumer
Send a message
Jun 08, 2010 10:05 am EDT

Make complaints to the Better Business Bureau at and the Florida Attorney General or Office of the Attorney General PL-01 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida [protected] Telephone: [protected] Toll Free within Florida: [protected]. Attorney General have a case on them.

Michelle .P
Boston, US
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May 05, 2010 10:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Posted: 2010-05-03 by Michelle Pimentel


Complaint Rating:
Company information:
Boston, Massachusetts
United States

I fell into this so call free vacation... which cost me a total of 399.00! obviously not so free, , When I purchase this package to Punta Cana it was suppose to included meals, beverage and transportation. I was suppose to take this trip the following month for my honeymoon, my wedding date took place in August! To complicate things even more my house burns down and I lost everything! obviously financially I would not be able to take this trip. I called months later to make reservations on for this package. When I called they told me that meals, beverage, transportation is not included, and even said I would need to pay for sales tax on the rm.. OUTRAGED I told the guy I no longer was interested in keeping this package, and wanted my money back! he told me they don't do refunds, after I told him I was'nt gonna spend extra cash on this package! and insisted on getting my money back! he put me on hold for a very long time and said a manager would get back to me! no one got back to me, So fustrated I attempted to call them several times everytime I WAS PUT ON HOLD AND EVEN HUNG UP ON...URGH, , months have went by nothing has been ressolve! I just called them again about my refund and was told my package expired and they need me to give them a extra 210.00 to extend my package! WOW I can't believe these ppls, I feel like they intentionately kept me up in the " air until my package expired" and the nerve of this lady to tell me why let your package expire that's your fault! she says to me you had 18 months u shold have took the trip! LMAO, , I tell her you gonna pay for it my funds weren't available for a trip! I try to reserve when the package was still good! even if it was a couple of months later, but after realizing the real details to your package I try to cancel it and get my refund! but you ppls refuse to give me my refund! and even kept me in the limbo for months with no solution! Now you wanna bring up the expiration date! UNBELIEVABLE, , I finally decided to put a claim with BBB, and attorney general too! I only wish I would have done this sooner! Instead of assuming they are companies who actually care about there consumers! PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS A SIMILIAR CASE & actually got something resolve, , cause of how much time has went by...please do tell me what I can do next! not gonna give up & we should def bring these CROOKS DOWN!

Hartford, US
Send a message
Feb 26, 2010 1:04 am EST

My mother got ripped off by these people as well. She called the radio station and answered a question and was told she had won a trip to P.R., Vegas and the last one was Open. Airfare, Hotel and Meals were included. They told her she had to pay a fee of $389.99 to get the trips. She did. Yesterday she asked me to call and find out about making reservations and I was told that the only thing she had won was a hotel stay and nothing more. I got on google and researched GoRelaxTravel and found this site. After reading all these complaints, I realized my mother had been ripped off. I proceded to email the CEO of GoRelaxTravel and within an hour I received a call from him. He first started by telling me that he would look into it himself but most likely my mom was wrong and they were right. I asked about the recorded conversation and he said he would find it and play it for me. He did about 20 mins later he called and said he had the recorded conversation. The very first thing on the recording was a gentleman asking my mother for her credit card information. After he got it he went on speaking really fast that I was having a problem keeping up. I asked the CEO why were they asking for credit card information first without explaining anything to her and he told me that they had explained that to her before and that the recording was to verify what she had won. I asked why wasn't the whole conversation was recorded and he said he didn't have time to do that with everyone and that by law he didn't have to. He said the recording was about 5 min long but my mother said she was on the phone with them for about 20 minutes. I also asked him how do I know if that recording had not been tampered with and that if I could get a copy to get it analyzed to make sure it wasn't tampered with and he refused. He told me that I had to take his word for it. I told him I did not agree and that his company practices were deceiving and that's when he started to get nasty. He said his people do what he tells them to do and if I was calling them crooks then I was calling him one too. I told him that if the shoe fits, wear it. He starting using the f word and told me quote "Do you think that the $400.00 f*****g dollars we took from your mother is going to make me rich? I'm not going to refund her any money". I answered by saying, you multiply that by a few hundreds or thousands and yes it will make you rich. I told him I would report him to the BBB and contact the Attorney General and he laughed and said go ahead I don't care. All they're gonna do is knock down my ratings and they've done that already. At this time I called him a crook and he hung up on me. Anyways I doubt my mom will get her money. Hopefully she learned from this experience and I hope other people learn as well. By the way he also stated that his company mostly deals with the hispanic population. This is the [censored]'s supposed direct number [protected]. At least that's what he told me on the first conversation and that's the number he called me from.

Springfield, US
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Jan 27, 2010 5:49 pm EST

They did the same thing to my mother took $400.00 right out of her account never told her about the timeshare and charge an additional $60.00 to reserve. they ripped her off and when you call it is so rude they laugh right in your face. what a major scam be very very careful! Especially the elderly!

Vanessa Sanchez
Alh, US
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Jan 16, 2010 12:19 am EST

On Saturday Jan. 9, 2010 I supposably won a trip to "The Bahamas". I was told that everything was included in this vacation package. (Air fare, hotel, transportation, breakfast etc. ) When I received the letter in the mail a contract book was included that was written in English. None of the above was written except for the hotel. What gets to me the most, is that this Latino radio station EXITOS 93.9 allows this company to get away lying to the people. The representatives lied to me. They must of thought I was someone dumb who didn't speak English and didn't know my rights. I tried calling Go Relax Travel and they told me I had to write a written letter stating that I wanted to cancel my trip and get my money back. I even took the time to drive to the radio station in Burbank, CA to try and talk to someone, but they turned me away. EXITOS said they had nothing to do with my win, and that I had to call Go Relax Travel to handle the matter. This company is committing FRAUD and needs to stop robbing people of their money.

Houston, US
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Jan 06, 2010 12:55 am EST

I also have gotten ripped off by this company. I think all the people posting positive reports should get a life. They are just trying to deceive others to accept this scam. Thousands of people are complaining and 10 people are saying that this company is the best company in the world. I have a feeling that this people reporting positive things are the employees from the company in order to help a company that obviously is deceiving people left and right.

First of all, I would like to challenge someone that posted positive ratings to explain how did they get their trip and how long they were put on hold on the phone while trying to make a reservation & how much total money did they spend for their so called "DREAM" Vacation? HaHa! Depending on your answer I will know if you are liar.

luz roman
Bronx, US
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Sep 21, 2019 10:27 am EDT


Miami Beach, US
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Oct 08, 2009 4:14 am EDT

Seriously stop complaining when u are saving more than $800 i travel every year and this company just saved me over $800 on my vacation to punta cana! All this people is complaining when they didnt try their packagr me personally had the experience on the vacation and i will always thanx this company for makin my vacation turned to a dream ppl please dont even talk when u havent even try it thanx GO RELAX

luz roman
Bronx, US
Send a message
Sep 21, 2019 10:25 am EDT
Replying to comment of Jaymieg

Good for you :D Bye!

Miami Beach, US
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Oct 08, 2009 4:08 am EDT

Mi nombre es silvio perez he sido un cliente de esta compania atravez de la radio y no tengo ningun ningun complaint con esta comPania al contrario me ayudaron a salvar mas de mil dolares en mis vacaciones me fui a puerto vallarta y puerto rico pon tan solo $259 un resAort con todas las comidas bebidas alcoholicas y no alcoholicas y atracciones incluidas para mi mi esposa y dos hijos me trAtaron como a uN rey yo estando en el mar metidos y los meseros me llevaban mis margaritas hasta dentro del mar por tan solo $259 porfavor mi gente dejen de quejars si tratar el producto anteriormente pague algo parecedido por mas de $1000 y uds se quejan por este precio sin darle una oportunidad a esta compania de demostrAr su producto estan muy equivocados yo agradezco a mi esposa por haber llamado atravez de la nueva radio y las personas que nos ayudaron a hacer esto posible el senor cristian y a la manager gabriela velez por ayudarnos en todo y hacer esto posible gracias nuevamente y que pena que no pueda contarme con el dueno pero la senora gabriela velez hizo un trabajo de servicio al cliente que lleno mis espectativas

luz roman
Bronx, US
Send a message
Sep 21, 2019 10:24 am EDT
Replying to comment of Jaymieg

Ay q bien me alegro dichoso tu pero no a todos le fue igual

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