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The Salvation Army USA

The Salvation Army USA review: Discrimination 59

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1:24 pm EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The captains of the Gainesville, Florida mission are discriminatory towards their employees regarding health issues and if you elect not to attend their Church mission they harass you at work and make impossible demands of you. The captain's wife even refers to herself as "Little Hitler". This sounds really Christian right? That has to be the most awful name to call yourself next to satan as a Christian. They use scare tactics as managers and steal items from the donation bins to take home for use themselves instead of selling it through the thrift store as the salvation army code book decrees. These people are giving the local salvation army a bad name :-/


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Quebec, CA
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Feb 16, 2009 4:51 pm EST

Well damned if they aren't the best Christians ever.

SalvationArmy sucks
Tucson, US
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Feb 20, 2009 6:35 am EST

Yes, agreed totally. The Salvation Army puts these half-wit officers/ministers in charge of some pretty big operations with a lot of money and employees under their control. The officers are usually ego-driven totalitarians and so if you work there, you end up losing. You complain to their bosses? Worthless, just some lip service from one of their "brothers in arms". Go to the papers? Nah, nobody will touch it, the good ol' Sally is revered no matter what they do! Check out their expenses: House (look it up under local online public records for assessor/property tax- under the Salvation Army), utilities free, food free, etc. They have a good thing going, but the officers are usually only high school grads and are pretty insecure, if not mentally ill (I've seen some that had behavior problems, or their wives were well out in left field). They get security from control, by changing everything when they come in new-that includes getting rid of you or anyone that questions them, or doesn't attend their little church parties.
What to do?
Spread the word, write on the net like I do. www.[redacted].com, blogs, etc. Might as well hurt them the most-their pocketbooks!

Miss Elizabeth
Rome, US
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Nov 05, 2009 10:11 am EST

They're one of the worst...supposed helping companies of the southern region. Discrimenation towards old and new employees. Break the rules every chance they get. Take items from there own store. Hire in family members at every turn. I know of atleast 5 family members working in the East Rome Ga. store, and office. They use money for themselves to go to Red Lobster dinners. Capt. Tim and wife Ferrel are half-way crooks, and should be fired from their position. Id not they will unfortunatly run the East Rome Ga. Salvation Army into the ground. More than already. Inever in my life seen people supposed to be doing good for others, do know more than help themselves. Telling family members of workers they can't be hired on when they've Grandmother/granddaughters, Aunts/nieces, Moms/daughters working together in the same organization. Hypocrites is the word I use. Telling us as family members of employees, that we're not allowed to walk in the store, or in the back, its a "liabilty" to them. Yet they're allowed to bring babies, and small chirldren that I've personally seen almost get hit by cars giving donations. Almost every worker can have there family come up there and sit with them. As for me, the wife of one of the truck drivers, Im not allowed nor are my kids, which are well behaved kids and listen, to even step foot in the donation section of the store. They say my husbands license aren't any good and that he can't drive/ ride in the truck anymore. Well I called the DMV and theres nothing wrong with his license. Capt. Tim Ferrel is telling my husband that hes going to be downgraded to store worker, because the DMV is saying his license are know good. Well all I see is Mr. and Mrs Capt. Ferrels are lying through there teeth. Salvation Army can kiss my butt!

andreson, US
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Dec 08, 2009 7:03 pm EST

somebody needs to straight out the anderson s. c thrift store. i have been there to shop and one of their cashier named ann is always stealing all the good merchantdise she just walk out of the store without paying for it. then she has yard sales with it.i dont think that is right at all. she is so hatefull to the customer. idont understand why they dont get rid of her.she brings her daughter up there and she is laying around on the furniture.customers have call to complaim on her but the major never do anything about it. somebody please check the store out before it go down the hill. the supervisor seen to dont care what she do. she haves got three good workers fired from there and she brags about what she has done. i think this is wrong to have a person like that to represent this place. so someone plesae help so we can have a good place to shop.

Orlando, US
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Dec 20, 2009 1:04 pm EST

this i know and complained about for years? i worked in the SA for years and see this for myself. i have written news program and other with no answer. Again i worked for SA. Good item is just tossed out. i have see people asked for chairs and other house hold item saying they had no money but were in need of be ding or kids clothing and the major says we do not donate and just throw it out. NOW i see it with my own eyes.i have seen up er brass re tier with 6 figures $ .this organization get govement handouts of millions and want the guys who drive truck to be on food stamps. you give the stamps to the kitchen for your food at the center. if that's no wrong. they told me they are a business and not a handout.? they will take you donation and toss it. if another organization like breast cancer has a store they will not call and ask if they want there overstock for them...again they say it business. they want donation but won't donate. I ask that you look into the store closely. Al

Salix, US
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Jun 07, 2010 4:57 pm EDT

I worked in the Johnstown, PA location for 1 month and ended up being fired because "it just wasn't working". Apparently the other key holder before me had been fired for another reason but was also discriminated against as well. The store manager and assistant do the same things mentioned above. They put items back for themselves/family members. I can't believe that the organization would allow this to happen. I will not shop there anymore. As for being a "christian" organization, it certainly wasn't. The language and attitude of the store manager herself, Peg Artice was OUTRAGEOUS. She made sexual innuedos towards the male truck drivers and in general. She should be FIRED...but it has yet to happen. I even wrote the local chapter and never heard anything at all from them. I should go to the media and see if that gets them off their [censor].

Salvationarmy arkansassucks
Rogers, US
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Jul 08, 2010 8:48 pm EDT

I currently work for the Salvation Army and have for 8 years years. I currently work for the Northwest Arkansas Area Command which is located in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Majors Tim and Denise Wiliford are the area commanders and in my opinion are some of the most godless people I have ever met. Well over half of our 50 plus staff have quit or been fired the first year they were here. We have lost some very very good people and even lost some people who have been volunteers for years. I have never served under a good Salvation Army officer as I have seen large amounts of cash and donated items stolen by the officers themselves. One officer (Major Wesley Short) spent over $40, 000 just to renovate his back yard. This is just a small amount of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that officers here have taken. What they don't realize is it is God's money and when they take it they are stealing from God and he will see that they answer for it. I see The Salvation Army turning more and more toward a very greedy corporation run by very insecure ego-maniacs. I have been cussed out by officers and called names (Major Richard Watts). Let me just say for the record I would trade the notorious Richard Watts for the Wilifords any day. Major Tim and Denise Wiliford are evil at best. Our entire staff is stressed and the morale has collapsed. I have complained to DHQ through letter and phone call as has other employees and former employees but nobody will listen to the employee. All these officers are usually a part of the Salvation Army or are recipients of its services when they are (called of God) to go to the Salvation Army officers school in Atlanta. So you have folks with nothing who go to this school and in less than 2 years graduate and become and instant officer in charge of a corp. All these officers protect one another and to complain is a moot point it will get you nowhere except fired. Best way to affect and facilitate change is to hit the salvation army with its image and pocket book. Unfortunately the image of the salvation army in Northwest Arkansas is not good. I pray for my officers that first they get saved because I feel like if you are born again then you will have the love of Christ in your heart and that love is patient and is kind and will not do what the Williford are doing here. I share my opinion on TSA every chance I get and I know others do as well. I feel sorry for anyone working under a officer who is hard to get a long with and is not loving. It makes the ministry we try to do very hard...

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Aug 11, 2010 7:26 pm EDT

Watts is at it again see the video on this web page

Major Watts has always been arrogant and self serving since training college. He was mean spirited to the officers and staff in his command in Arkansas and they dumped him in Florida. He barely made it a year in Florida and they dumped him on North Carolina. The SA is starting to act like the Catholic Church with wayward priests. They keep passing Major Watts around the country instead of making him face the music. Watts talks about rules...Jesus's rule was love your neighbor as yourself. Granted the shelter has to try to support itself but if a client is trying there should and normally is consideration and compassion. Major Watts if you are burnt out and have no compassion for the flock GD gave you, it is time to retire and give the staff and clients a break. Maybe someone should write a letter to Maj. Dalton Cunningham at Carolinas Divisional Headquarters, P.O. Box 241808
Charlotte, NC [protected] or call [protected]. Major Cunningham might be able to Do t

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Oct 15, 2010 6:00 am EDT

I have found in the uk that the salvation army are being used as an organized stalking group anyone who upsets anybody that has links with with the major or local authority, doctors, churches, Or people that can and do bully people for there own pleasure, If you upset one they use these organizations to bully you and will keep it up as long as you are around sometimes even if you move they will follow or spread there crap easily done for small groups, And don, t forget the drug dealers if these orgs where there to help you they would do something about the dealers they know who they are afterall they help people who have been at the hands of these [censor] . The way i see it without the [censor] dealers you wouldn, t get people going for help, And joining what they think is a truly charatble org . It is the same anywhere in the world where these orgs are around they help themselves and familys freinds at the top first you come last they only do good things for publicity this gets them more money, I am not saying that all members are bad or all the people at the top are but there are a lot of bad people there so watch your back .

Gainesville, US
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Dec 11, 2010 10:27 pm EST
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"I Feel That The Gainesville Florida (Alachua County) Salvation Army has much illegal activity in it's control by several employees, Naming C.G. & C.J.G. & C. R., Maj. D. W. & Maj. H. W. (11-2009 thru 12-2010) / (Current administration). I have observed, racial conspiracy to discriminate, ie, employees . As well as becoming a victim of Disability discrimination by Majors in 2009, that were outright & flamboyant. " "Everyone is afraid to tarnish the good name & great works of the Salvation Army over a few idiots that are in their employ." "Someone should pursue prosecuting those that violate these laws continually and get away with it." S. R.

ridley park pa, US
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Mar 23, 2011 10:19 am EDT

i have recently found out that the salvation has a dention center which they get men who have minor offences n get them to voluntarily to give up 60 days of thier lives instead of jail. this place is in west palm beach. the men are treated like trash n the officers especially the black obease woman whice has verbally abused friend and he is a sweetheart follows the rules is very respectful. he had an drinkin problem became homeless n had attempted suicide several times . he is human n already feel like a piece of trach because his own lack of worthyness he was severly abesed as a child n had a dad who beat him on a daily basis. he is human n has feelings too and the piece of [censor] woman n sever others a white woman that works in the kitchen are really creul n pervoke the inmates.. the salvation army claims they provide theese men with mental health help, help with education, , hhelp finding housing and being compassionate and they have done nothing for my friend who suffers from bipolar depression. they dont allow them to make phone calls to thier loved on even people in prision are allowed the right to call loved ones, this is thier god given right ! this is sad many people think salvation army helps people but they just want the money n hire idiots. i will find a way to have them investigated theese poor men are minor offenders who want to make thier lives right n the salvation army only lowers thier self worth. if only the employees could walk in thier shoes they woul understand. my friend only stole food because he was homeless n didnt know what to doand got into a fight defending himself..what a bunch of mean peolpe, well my friend said some of theese ppl are compassionate. and i want to say thank you to them..THANK YOU!

Goodwater, US
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Jun 14, 2011 3:27 pm EDT
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My complaint is that the SA in Alexander City got in tons of food for the Tornado victims, put it all in storage, have not given it out, cans have brusted from the heat. Those people out there need that food, I don't know who to complain to this about, I thought about the Red Cross, all this info is from an insider, but will not say anything for fear of losing their job. This is a sin, to harbor that food, when the people of Alabama need it so much and are still asking for donation due to the Tornado's that did so much distruction. The newspaper was contacted and they said they did not know what they could do about it.

Berea, US
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Dec 08, 2011 4:13 am EST

When you buy CD's (as well as DVD's, record albums, etc.) from the Salvation Army (or Goodwill or other thrift/secondhand stores), you should check inside the case for the right CD before you buy. Often times, CD's are either missing, badly scratched, or the wrong CD. Same with record albums...the wrong record could be inside, or the record could be missing, scratched, or broken. Unless the CD/DVD/LP is still shrinkwrapped/sealed, you must check it before you buy. Same with buying ANYTHING must inspect it before you buy.

Hialeah, US
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Feb 29, 2012 12:40 pm EST
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I'll be more alert in the future.

Mike P M
Wilmington, US
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Jun 14, 2012 7:25 pm EDT

I worked for the Salvation Army in Wilmington' NC for the last year and a half and finally had to quit my postion as shelter Aide due to the fact that major Richard watts was the most arrogant and rude man i have ever met. he belittled all of his employees and walked around the shelter with a hateful shadow over him every day. I loved my job there, but he made it impossible to even show up for work. Besides the fact that he only paid 8 dollars a hour and only gave you 29 hours a week so that you would not qualify for company benifits.Something needs to be done about this man now. During hurricane irene I was sent to the outer banks on north carolina to help with relief work. While there Watts called me to ask what i was doing. Upon telling him of the situation of the area i was in. he said and i qoute " They are idiots and should of not lived there in the first place". With in 3 weeks 5 employees have left 3 after me. The salvation army is a wonderful org. but thay have some real problems with thier officers. Its time for Richard Watts to go.

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Dec 07, 2012 12:03 am EST


Ripped off in Roanoke
Roanoke, US
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Feb 04, 2013 4:13 pm EST
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The same problem happens in Roanoke, VA. The officers also steal toys from Toys for Tots.

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Aug 05, 2013 10:39 am EDT

Unfortunately the Salvation Army and it's Captains are far from perfect. The new Captain(Earnhardt) of the Salvation Army in Minneapolis is abusing his powers to the point that the great and caring people who have worked there for years helping people are quitting. Counselors are no longer recommending the Salvation Army rehabilitation program because they don't have the heart to subject people to this cruel man. The Minneapolis Rehab facility can house up to 120 men at one time. In less than a month almost 70 men have left leaving only around 40(they weren't at full capacity when he and his wife took over) He has been described as one of the meanest pastors I have ever met but the men and employees at Rehab center. These men are being treated inhumanely by this man and his wife and no one has stepped into deal with the situation even though many of the families and attendees have called the Major to complain. It is a great program until someone like this man and his family step in and crush peoples spirits, not living and representing themselves in a Christian way but by being cruel and setting the example of double standards.

Bloomington, US
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Sep 14, 2013 1:25 pm EDT

Sargent refuses to allow a homeless man to enter, then entices him into the office for arrest. Plenty more in parking lot including dames.

Kodiak, US
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Nov 28, 2013 2:30 am EST

Kodiak Alaska. ..Please pray for this core it has run aground an is awash in idiocy . impossible to point out any short comings in leadership .

Asel Wood
Chester, US
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Apr 07, 2014 1:24 pm EDT
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I has asked the Salvation Army at the Richmond, Virginia office for help since I will soon be evicted from my home and don't have enough money to pay to get into another apartment. I am a disabled veteran and have desperately tried numerous resources to get some help. I had explained that I will start getting Social in August that will be a big help, but the very unfriendly black dude said they don't have any funds. I know he lied. This organization is now dominated by blacks and you can be certain that most folks who donate to the Salvation are white.

Chilliwack, CA
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Apr 11, 2014 6:18 am EDT
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Chilliwack BC / Canada

Mental, Physical and Sexual Abuse

I am a person with disabilities, no criminal record, and 100% bondable. In January 2013 I went into a homeless shelter for the first time in my life and was sexually harassed by an older male worker there within the first three nights after being released from the hospital for running from a man who had tried to harm me. Nothing was done to my knowledge.Within a month following this, a female counselor there released medical information about me that was personally damaging to my reputation and hugely incorrect to a landlord without my knowledge or consent. This resulted in me being stalked and harassed by a manager at the new building who was in possession of a handgun and on 10 different medications. When I filed my complaint, she stated that she and the landlord did this to "help each other out because they were friends", Nothing was done to my knowledge.

In September 2014 I returned to the Salvation Army Shelter after facing harassment at the residence that the Salvation Army suggested I move into - it was another drug ridden building like the previous one. I was sexually harassed by another worker but did not disclose evidence of the incident until March 2014 due to how I was treated the year before when I told on their workers for misconduct. I had to beg to be allowed into the shelter, being told by the director that I was a liability. The worker had requested me to send him pictures of my breasts via text.

I began volunteering when I moved into my new place, a place I chose this time. I cleaned the soup kitchen floors and kitchen floors/garbages 5 days a week for 5 months. During this time I was sexually coerced by a worker into having unprotected sex and possibly exposed to MRSA by him, and in that same time period was groped by his co worker. I filed an RCMP complaint against the outreach worker who groped me, and am currently trying to find out if the other employee has MRSA but am not sure that the Salvation Army is going to provide me with that informed consent to information without a legal battle and court order. He either has it or he doesn't, but it seems they would rather have me find out the hard way than confirm whether or not he has exposed me to an infectious disease. I have seen my doctor and am having blood tests run for EVERYTHING to be certain I am safe physically. The mental harm is another story, but I am getting through it.
The man who sexually coerced me seemed so kind and said absolutely everything he had to so as to get what he wanted. I should have known that meeting someone genuine and loving was never going to be that easy. 4 years of waiting for a relationship...this was not a good experience whatsoever. I think it will be a very very long time before I try to find someone again, and I pray to God that he did not do irreparable harm to me physically. I eagerly await my next doctors appointment in the hopes that my tests will be as good as my 2 physicals received 2 months prior - perfect.

Damn that deplorable place to Hell. The poor are better off without them. I truly mean every word of this. I would have been safer staying on the street than getting anywhere near that place - I thought the street people were my biggest danger...I was so truly wrong on that one. There are too many workers there who are true predators.

Makawao, US
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Jun 17, 2014 4:28 pm EDT

I'm pretty sure the woman who runs the salvation army in Greenpoint decommissions things that are brand name or in good shape so she can either keep them or sell them online. If you try to buy any of these items or confront her about it she get verbally abusive. I used to donate hundreds of dollars worth of clothes to that salvation army but now I refuse to do so.

imari calhoun
Detroit, US
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Nov 10, 2014 9:27 pm EST
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I went to visit my brother at the Salvation Army at the Detroit location on Fort street on Sunday November 9, 2014. When I entered the building I was told by staff to remove my hat and so I did. While sitting down with my brother I observed a white guy who was a visitor also who was wearing a hat and was never told to remove his hat. I then put my hat on and purposely walked in the lobby and as soon as I stepped in the lobby I was again ask to remove my hat. So I explained to the staff that they were discriminating against me and pointed out that this white man (who was still in the lobby) was allowed to continue to wear his hat and afterwards the staff still did not tell this man to remove his hat. I really feel I was discriminated against.

Regina, CA
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Nov 27, 2014 10:22 am EST
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their Google [protected] is registered under private people in Winnipeg Canada, please can anyone knows if any number for their main office in Northern America complain. thanks

Regina, CA
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Dec 08, 2014 3:36 pm EST
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can you please help me about where should I send or call the complaint that I have with them, if anyone knows how to talk to these people if they exist

Glendora, US
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Dec 23, 2014 5:09 pm EST

Seeking information regarding discrimination with respect to an on going litigation regarding the Salvation Army. Please email with your story at

97045, US
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Feb 05, 2015 11:44 am EST

Capt Earnhard and his ego need to go. Looks like he was a transfer already from another SA because of his cruel attitude. The solepurpose of this company is to assistant the ones who need it. If this man does not like you, he has been known to make up ### and accused the person of doing drugs. AND what happens when those UA's come back clean, Earnhart (with the Portland office) tells the person he does not like them and never has. This is the type of ego ###s that are working for Salvation Army and not one thing has ever been done about this. Who is CEO or President of this company?. ANY ONE KNOW. Post the phone number so we can all call and complain. Not only does Earnhart treat the men like this at the Portland Office, he brings his wife him and makes horrible comments about her and she like the fool she is, takes it. I reserve to give anymore of my money or property to the organization until is overall. AND YOU SEES THE COMMENTS, HOPE ITS THE HIRE UP. START CLEANING HOUSE.

Casey Frederick
Doraville, US
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Feb 25, 2015 7:13 am EST

I agree I worked for the Salvation Army for a year. The officers in Murfreesboro misused Kroger cards( something like $25, 000 worth) for personal use. They used them for gas, paint, grocery shopping for themselves. Buying furniture for their house. They would cash them into visa cards so they could use them at Lowe's, local restaurants, and vacation. They even bought a $700 drum kit for church services. They abuse employees.

Samatha Wilieey
Los Angeles, US
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Mar 27, 2015 5:58 pm EDT

This facility is notorious for horrible customer service, ripping off clients and employees mistreating members!

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Nov 17, 2015 2:48 pm EST

I live at the shelter on 1907 northwest 38th st. the va is paying for me to stay their till i get a job. the monitor's here have been telling the ladies that reside here that i have been arrested for domestic violence and other accusations as well. I have not been arrested for domestic violence. This is harrassment and i have reported them to the va social worker.

Jada Lee
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Feb 12, 2016 10:41 am EST

A worker in the salvation army forced himself on me after our first date. He manipulated me into thinking that he didn't know or wasn't aware that he did this and I forgave him thinking that someone who does so much good couldn't do something like that and maybe I was over reacting. I am a single mother and become very lonely so I kept seeing him, he initially told me he wanted to marry me and introduced me as his girlfriend. He did not receive good reactions to us because I am a black single mom who is 6 years older then him. He then begin to emotionally abuse me because he wanted to be with me but couldn't because he was afraid of being judged. This eventually turned into him only using me for sex until he confessed that he seen no future with me he would marry me but was afraid of what everyone else would say. I was tired of the emotional rollercoaster and being treated like a secret because I'm black single mom and he is younger white male. I just don't know what to think.

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May 10, 2016 8:40 pm EDT

On May 9, 2016. W went to the Soup Kitchen in Escanaba, Michigan 49829. I asked about some boxes and Carla the main cook snapped at me THAT THEY HAD NO BOXES and THE ONES THEY HAD THEY USED WHEN PEOPLE CAME IN FOR FOOD BOXES! There was no reason for her to be RUDE! She is rude all the time to everyone! Something needs to be done about her!

Jason Abernathy
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Jun 09, 2016 6:57 pm EDT

Major Richard Watts and his wife Virginia are certifiably insane. In the years I've known the family, I've become aware of some serious issues. First, Major Watts has what I would consider to be a personality disorder. He is narcissistic, moody, demanding, mysogynistic, perverse, and had repeatedly used Salvation Army goods and donated money for his or his family's personal gain. He has some sexual issues as well from what I understand. When they lived in Columbia, SC, one of their sons wrecked a S. A. Vehicle driving drunk. Not only did they cover for him legally, but they also used S.A. Donations to repair the vehicle with their son never having to take any responsibility for his actions. Another son, who is now an officer, was repeatedly caught using S.A. Computers to access pornography. Both sons were given their own private rooms at the S.A. for free and were paid employees, as was their daughter and son-in-law (before he divorced their daughter. He has been moved around a lot over the years due to his inability to get along with his superiors, his mistreatment of employees, and misappropriation of funds and materials. He is rude, demanding, and has no respect for other people. His wife fits the term "dingbat" perfectly. While she's a little more friendly than her husband, she's equally guilty of mistreating employees and misappropriating S.A. Goods and money. I can't imagine either of these people being successful running or even being employed by any other company. The S.A. Seems to be an ideal place of employment for problematic people who desire power and enjoy treating desperate people with cruelty. If the S. A. ever conducted surveillance or audited this couple and the places they were in charge of, they would find far more than what anyone could imagine.

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Jun 11, 2016 10:18 pm EDT

Salvation Army - have worked for them for over 5 years and cannot wait to get out -- cannot wait. They hire uneducated "officers" who usually bully the paid staff (paid staff are 2nd rate citizens if you are not part of the church) into submission. These guys cannot have anyone more educated or smarter than them so they just bully to get what they want until you end up depressed and an empty shell of what you started off as. The place has a sick, twisted mentality and if you make a complaint -- the upper management all stick together to protect all the Salvation Army officers. The Salvation Army is a LUCIFERIAN organization -- disguised at being "Christian" -- they bully and demean...they pay their employees jack[censored] and try to get blood out of them. THe place is horrible - horrible. I have never seen anything like it and the entire organization is completely corrupt

Fairmont, US
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Jul 27, 2016 4:21 am EDT
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Rude cashier, didn't have a sign on the door stating that they didn't take credit cards. When we got to the cashier to pay she was rude and unhelpful. After we left the cashier started making unappropriated comments about us to the next person in line, how do I know this? The next customer was my mother. Never going to that store again :(

Fairmont, US
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Jul 27, 2016 4:21 am EDT
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She was rude to me, I actually left the store and went across to an ATM to grab some cash to pay for it. I went back and paid with cash she rolled her eyes at me and grabbed the cash out of my hand and when I left the store my mom told me that she was complaining that I didn't have cash on me. The no credit card sign was posted at the check out counter, not visible till you were checking out. And how is paying with a credit/ debit card not being raised right? I had no problem paying with cash I just need to go get some. Next time you go to pay for something with a card and they don't take them, let me know so I can question your upbringing.

Fairmont, US
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Jul 27, 2016 4:21 am EDT
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For someone that wasn't there you sure know what happened. Please tell me the winning lottery numbers since you know everything... people read this persons comments on other post... Looks like someone needs to get a life...

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Aug 01, 2016 5:13 am EDT

im here to complain about napier salvation army im not to sure if im on the right site oa not but we went upb for food accecdents and we got treated really badly the boss chris tryed to call police i think thy have a very bad welcoming to the familys that need help they have refuced us atleast 3 times in the last 2years they are meant to help people in need but thy dont i think some one needs to go sort the place out ... SALVATION ARMY IN NAPIER DO NOT HELP WHEN IN NEED

thanks ...

Laredo, US
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Aug 08, 2016 7:50 am EDT

this is not a complain but a praise on the well manners and kindness the shelter in laredo texas has shown women run by major ortiz he has done an excellent job in doing the best he can with what has been provided plus the two williams running kicthen and board and room were very calm and efficent id also like to thank ms. kimberly pierce roomate and firm believer in christ.

  1. The Salvation Army USA Contacts

  2. The Salvation Army USA phone numbers
    +1 (800) 725-2769
    +1 (800) 725-2769
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  3. The Salvation Army USA emails
  4. The Salvation Army USA address
    15 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, Virginia, 22313, United States
  5. The Salvation Army USA social media
  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Feb 25, 2025
  7. View all The Salvation Army USA contacts