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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم
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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Reviews 14

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم مرحبا

هذا التطبيق سيئ لو كانت الترجمة مجانية لكان هذا لتطبيق من افضل التطبيقات لكن ما الأسف التطبيق سيئ انه لا يستحق النجمة الواحدة حتى لكني وضعتها حتى اقول رأيي بصراحة

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Great app

I needed an app that can scan Arabic pages and turn them into text. This app did a great job. I tried other apps but sadly none managed to deal with the Arabic language.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم لا أستطيع فتح الملفات المخزنة في البرنامج

عندما أريد فتح المجلد الذي يحتوي على الملفات المخزنة في البرنامج يغلق البرنامج مباشرة.
هل أستطيع حذف البرنامج وإعادة تثبيته دون ان اخسر الفترة المتبقية لي من فترة الشراء ؟

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Good idea but the app couldn’t help me

I like the layout of the app. Unfortunately, the app couldn’t translate my document into English. It gave me some other result. I couldn’t find enough help. I gave 2 star for the design & idea behind the app.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Bug

Every time I open the app you can’t get pass the first page they force you pay don’t don’t even give you a sneak peak or nothing. And when I did pay they still wouldn’t let me past the first page just scandalous!

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Top ranking app

Appreciate the valuable efforts to your team members on developing such an amazing functionality compared with numerous extensive apps who had in mind to realize the similar target.
Regards to you all.

Tooraj Alamouti

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم لا يصلح

تطبيق هدفه جمع المال
التطبيق سيء جداً ويوجد تطبيقات افضل منه وبالمجان ولشركة قووقل
ادفع 20 دولار علي ايشش يعني
اقدر الترجم في الف تطبيق مجاني
وكميرا الايفون اقدر استخدمها كاسكنر بدون برامج
و قدر اطبع من الايفون بدون برامج

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Scanner Translater

Today 12-18-2019 , I paid $3-49 by Discover ending 9022, for my document translation from English to Telugu . Unfortunately there is no Telugu translation in your system. I am very sorry to inform you please refund the money.

Please refund my money at the earliest.
Nanarao Avala

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم مبالغة في السعر لا ينشد معها المطور نشر العلم

كعادة المطورين العرب، هم دائماً يبحثون عن التكسب من وراء نشر العلم والا 35 دولار للإشتراك السنوي!

هناك تطبيقات مجانية تقدم نفس جودة هذازالتطبيق مثل مترجم مايكروسوفت ومترجم جوجل وتطبيق Prizmo Go وكلها مجانية بحته فلماذا تدفع لهذا المطور الجشع النهم 35 دولار كل سنة ولديك بدائل منافسة إن لم تكن أفضل!

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Won’t advance past subscription screen

Some kind of bug in the program won’t allow the app to advance beyond the screen that advertises a free 3-day trial. I’ve paid for a week subscription, then a month subscription to access the app. Turned my phone off and on. ARGHHHHH. So frustrating and annoying. Tried connecting/reconnecting to the internet.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Horrible—free trial isn’t free!

Don’t waste your time or your money. These people rope you in with false promises of a free trial to try but don’t let you unsubscribe! I barely used this app for a minute before I realized I didn’t want it and now I find I can’t go to my subscriptions and unsubscribe. These con artists have me paying for a full year at full price for an app I don’t want and can’t use! This should be taken off the App Store for how amoral this is.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم It’s not letting me use it

Everytime i open the app i can’t get pass the first page. And then i reopen the app to see if that works but a screen pops up with a thank you that you can press. I got pass the first page then but it took me to this page asking me to subscribe. I tried to delete the app and then install it again but it doesn’t work properly. The app might work for some people but it’s bot working for me. This is not to slander but, it is really not letting me use the app.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Scam, Lies, Taking you money

If i could i’d give 0 stars. Can’t do anything without paying weekly. They say 3 days free unsubscribe anytime but that’s honestly ridiculous they just want to make money. They say it’s because they pay for each item to be translated but that’s such a lie it’s just a code that runs the translation word by word like google does WHICH IS FREE. they’re lying and scamming you don’t fall for the 5 star review that they paid for

honestly these people are smart if i knew how to write a code and scam thousands of people for 4$ a week i would (i also have some dignity and wouldn’t be this ridiculous as these people). They’re just trying to make money off you so save ur pockets!

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم المياه التي يتطهر بها الانسان

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
تكلمنا في المحاضرة السابقة عن (احكام الطهارة)...
وموضوعنا لهذا اليوم وهو ((المياه التي يمكن للانسان ان يستعملها سوى للطهارة (لرفع الحدث الاكبر والاصغر)وكذلك الاكل والشرب )).
المياه :جمع ماء ، وهي ماء البحر وماء السماء وماء البئر .تندج هذه المياه جميعها تحت قولنا :مامن السماء ، او نبع من الارض ،لقوله تعالى (وانزلنا من السماء ماء طهورا).

فالمياه تقسم الى اربعة اقسام :
القسم الاول : طاهر مطهر :يقصد بها (الماء المطلق) وهو يشمل انواع المياه سواء ماء البحر والسماء والبئر والعيون وغيرها وهذا طاهر لنفسه مطهر لغيره ،اي يمكن استعمله للطبخ وللشرب وكذلك لرفع الحدث الاكبر والاصغر.

القسم الثاني :طاهر غير مطهر : اي طاهر بنفسه غير مطهر لغيره كالماء المستعمل بالوضوء والذي تغير صنعته مثل ماء الورد وماء العنب وماء الرمان وغيره اي لايحوز الوضوء منه ولا رفع الحدث الاكبر والاصغر ولكن يمكن الشرب منه ونستعمله لغير استعمالات .

القسم الثالث: طاهر مكروه: وهذاالماء طاهر بنفسه ومطهر لغيره ولكنه مكروه كالماء المشمش والماء المشمش ليس مكروه لانه طاهر ولكنه يورث البرص .
يسترط لكراهيته ثلاث شروط :
١-ان يكون ببلاد حارة .
٢-ان يكون موضوعا باواني منطبعة غير الذهبوالفضة .
٣-ان يكون استعماله لادمي في البدن لادمي ولو ميتا .
القسم الرابع : الماء النجس :وينقسم الماء بهذه الحالة الى قسمين:
القسم الاول :الماء الكثير : وهو اكثر من قلتين اي مايقارب ٢٠٠لتر فهذاالماء اذا سقطت فيه نجاسة فغيرت احد اوصافه (اي الون والرائحة)فهو نجس اما اذا لم تغير اوصافه فهو طاهر
القسم الثاني :الماء القليل :وهو ان يكون اقل من قلتين اي اقل من ٢٠٠لتر وهذا الماء اذا وقعت فيه نجاسة فهو نجس بدون ان تغير احداوصافه الثلاث .فلا يجوز رفع الحدث الاكبر والاصغر فيه ولاالطعام اوالشرب.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Complaints 17

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Esta app es una estafa

Esto es una estafa, no intenten usarla

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم It says scan and translate

It says scan and translate. And it doesn’t

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Difícil de usar

Es terrible y confusa no funciona correctamente

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Is Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Legit?

Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم earns a trustworthiness rating of 77%

Reliable, but always remember to protect your data.

Our conclusion: ComplaintsBoard has reviewed Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم and concludes it's largely legitimate. Interactions with Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم's website can generally be safe. You can trust Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم's services, but remain informed and cautious.

By resolving 100% of 17 negative reviews, Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم is demonstrating its dedication to customer satisfaction and effectively addressing customer issues. While there may still be some practical problems that need to be addressed, such as long wait times or unhelpful responses.

Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم has received 4 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

Adult content may be available on It is important to be aware of potential risks and to use caution when accessing or engaging with such content.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • is being iframed, Iframes can be used for legitimate, For example, iframes can be used to embed third-party content such as maps, videos, or advertisements, which can enhance the user experience.
  • Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • The website belonging to Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم has a low number of visitors, which could be a red flag for users. However, it's important to conduct additional research to fully evaluate the website's legitimacy and trustworthiness.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم فاشل

فاشل وما يترجم اذا ما تشتري الترجمه من داخل التطبيق

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم راي شخصي التحديث الاخير زق وزباله

التحديث الاخير لاحدا ينزله اعلانات ولايشتغل يبغو فلوس

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Cannot use it. Thanks again for your invitation

I just bought 12 months for $35.00 but not working. Thanks

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم زبالة

زباااااااااااااااااله بشكل لا يوصف والله لا تتورطون وتحملونه

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم اسلوب سيء

تحميل يوحي بأنه مجاني
وبعد التحميل يطلب منك دفع الرسوم
طريقة سيئة جداً

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Not working properly

Don’t even tryIt is what’s the time and money and it doesn’t have back option Useless app

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Absolutely terrible DO NOT DOWNLOAD

This app has no purpose at all it is completely useless it literally does nothing. DO NOT DOWNLOAD

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Dropped

I downloaded and went to scribe and the app just kept on closing. Can even get into it to scribe...

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Didn’t work as expected

Not worth the time and effort to get it to work correctly. Other apps work better for my translation needs.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم لا انصح به

كذابين ما يترجم الله لا يوفقهم
ويخصمون المبلغ قبل التجربة المجانية لا ويطلبون التقييم وانت ما جربته ، خسارة فيهم حتى النجمة

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Adds all over the place

There are adds all over the place as soon as you open it then it’s a 3day free then 3.99 a week! There are much better apps

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Doesn’t work

There is no instructions on how to use this app.Thanks for the feedback. However cancel my order to this site Thanks for the reply.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم Can not advance past Try 3 Days Now Page

The app will not let me select anything in that page, even the subscriptions or trials. There are no arrows allowing me to get past that page.

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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم معيب

من المعيب طلب التقيم عند فتح التطبيق ل اول مره و عدم تجربته حتى . يدل هذا على عدم الاحترافيه و نوع من الطفوله في التعامل مع عقل مستخدم التطبيق

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About Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم

Screenshot Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم
Scanner Translator is a powerful and user-friendly translation app that allows you to easily translate text from one language to another. With its advanced scanning technology, you can quickly and accurately translate printed text, handwritten notes, and even images.

The app supports over 100 languages, making it an ideal tool for travelers, students, and professionals who need to communicate in different languages. You can easily switch between languages and choose the appropriate dialect to ensure accurate translations.

One of the key features of Scanner Translator is its ability to recognize and translate text from images. This means that you can simply take a photo of a sign, menu, or document, and the app will automatically translate the text for you. This is particularly useful when traveling in foreign countries or when dealing with documents in a language you are not familiar with.

In addition to its scanning capabilities, Scanner Translator also offers a text-to-speech feature that allows you to hear the translated text spoken aloud. This is a great feature for language learners who want to improve their pronunciation and listening skills.

Overall, Scanner Translator is a reliable and efficient translation app that can help you communicate effectively in different languages. Its intuitive interface and advanced features make it a must-have tool for anyone who needs to translate text on the go.

Overview of Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم complaint handling

Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 9, 2023. The latest review مرحبا was posted on Jun 10, 2023. The latest complaint Esta app es una estafa was resolved on Jun 12, 2023. Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم has an average consumer rating of 5 stars from 31 reviews. Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم has resolved 17 complaints.
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    May 13, 2024
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Scanner translator ترجمه مترجم is ranked 199 among 300 companies in the Mobile Apps and Add-Ons category

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