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Service Protection Direct

Service Protection Direct review: Customer Service - Harassment 53

Author of the review
12:04 am EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I received a letter from this company to contact them to purchase Extended Warranty on my vehicle. I first spoke with a guy named Eric, who provided cost, coverage, and qualified discounts. I said thank you and that I need to discuss this with my husband before purchasing. He then passed me on to another person who claims that I am eligible for even more discounts. She continued her pitch and I also declined immediate purchase. Then Eric passed me to on a guy who tried to close a sale by telling me that he will offer the best deal on coverage that I can afford to pay on monthly basis. I again declined immediate purchase and asked who I should call back for. He then continued to be extremely harassing with me, stating that I should not need to discuss anything with my spouse and buy the warranty since its my car and that I should realize the importance of auto coverage. He raised his tone of voice and made sarcastic and harassing remarks about my relunctance to purchase. He said I will regret not taking the deal and that I will not have a special discount should I change my mind later to purchase. I was scared and shaken up after the call. Please do not let this company continue to do business!

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Oct 23, 2008 2:16 pm EDT

This company was very harassing and high pressure. The salesman also told me I would not need to talk to my husband and that I should make the decisions in my house. I did get suckered and put 200 on my card and am praying that when I called back to cancel that they will hold true to their word. Do NOT do business with this company..

jon charles
Nov 04, 2008 4:59 pm EST

i thought this letter was a spam and now i know it and will not call but terrup the letter!

Nov 17, 2008 4:12 pm EST

The individuals in this company are so persistent and rude. The answers they give are totally out of range from your question. Just trash anything you receive from them!

Nov 17, 2008 4:19 pm EST

I also received a letter from this company to purchase the extended warranty on my vehicle. The salesman advised that the cost would be 1900.00 for 5 years, with a down payment of 500.00 with 0 interest for the remainder of the payments. I told the sales person that I would have to consult with my partner. The salesman was upset and pressured me, stating that the offer would not be there if when I call back. *****I agree, do not do business with this company, it sound like a scam.

Corpus Christi, US
Jan 16, 2009 7:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

WOW, this is the second letter/mailer i've recieved stating "this is my second reminder... act fast" etc and just wanted to check them out.
guess i made my decicion !
thanks for all the great info !
V/r Richard L.

Austin, US
Jan 26, 2009 10:49 am EST

Just wait until they send a letter to your minor child. Quit an interesting conversation when you explain that your minor child has never purchased said vehicle & when you ask for information on who may have sold a vehicle in your minor child's name. Comical. My attorney called this type of company "scams" and advised me to contact the credit bureau on behalf of my children (and myself) to request that we be removed from all un-solicited credit offers, removed from the mailing lists that they sale & to add a fraud block based on the information in this letter.

Of course the credit bureau wants everything in writing but at least it's a step in the right direction.

Good luck.

daniel chang
Chino Hills, US
Feb 01, 2009 8:40 pm EST

My wife had exactly the same experience with Service Protection Direct. When she told the rep she wants to think about the warranty, the rep says our car will be added to a national database and nobody else will give us warranty. He raised his voice and sounded threatening and harrasing with statements like "I don't understand what else do you have to think about". Even when my wife said thank you multiple times, the rep continued with his rude manner and would not disconnect the call. This company has very bad business practice and customer service.

Feb 03, 2009 11:04 pm EST

Service Protection Direct also uses the alias "Dealer Warranty Program SPD". I recently received a letter offer from them stating "Your vehicle factory coverage is expired or about to expire". This gave me a good laugh since my vehicle is now 12 years old. The letter quickly became a meal for my paper shredder. Avoid all 3rd party extended warranty offers, they are virtually worthless. If you think you need an extended warranty, contact your dealer, and purchase an extended warranty carried by your vehicle manufacturer (not the dealer). However, extended warranties are priced with a 70% to 80% profit margin, so most buyers do not benefit.

Charlottesville, US
Feb 05, 2009 4:23 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This company has been harrassing me for more than two years. It's always the same. A warning letter of "2nd Reminder" arrives in the mail. Then within a day or two a telemarketer calls to offer me information on the company's products and services. Recognizing the direct mail letters as a scam I used to shred them. However, with their telemarketers, if you ignore their phone calls they will continue to call you once or twice a day until you finally answer the phone. As a person who works nights this is a tremendous annoyance.

This time when the telemarketer called I told her that I was not interested in the products or services. And, just like the last three times they called I advised her that we are on the FTC's Do Not Call list and she was to remove our number from her company's call list. And, just like the last three times, I was hung up on without a word. Only this time I hadn't yet shredded their letter and still had the information I needed to try to get them off my back.

Attempting to lodge a complaint with the FTC was met with the usual ferderal bureaucratic mess so I gave up. Then I Googled the company name and found this:

It seems that the Missouri Attorney General's office knows all about this company and actually sued them in 2008.

This company is a bunch of sleaze bags! I recommend you file a complaint with the office of the Missouri Attorney General. Even If you haven't been taken for any money, recording your comments may give the attorney general more information in fighting a company that is giving St. Louis a bad name.

Oak Harbor, US
Feb 09, 2009 1:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just called Service Protection Direct after their 2nd Notice. They told me all the same as listed above on the other complaints. The ""manager"" said he would give me one hour to call back, etc. I decided to look them up and walla, I found all this. Guess who is not calling them back? Thank you all for voicing your opinions on this place.

turned off
Columbus, US
Feb 09, 2009 9:05 pm EST

OMG I just got off of the phone with them! I unfortunately called them and you would not believe the number of lies and sleezy sales tactics that they used. I spoke with a person names Charles Moyer x1015. He started off with telling me how my 2004 Dodge Durango was going to have a breakdown soon because it was basically in the stars. After I gave him my mileage he goes on to tell me how I have to speak with underwriting because I am over the mileage. Underwriting tells me sure we'll still take you and let you finance out for 18 mos same as cash with a down payment. I said I wanted to think about it and was immediately hit with "well what's the problem!" you don't want the coverage?! I said sure but I don't like the payments. He goes on well I gave you discounts and blah blah blah. To make a long story short I was told that if I didn't consider it now that it would go in the system as DENIED and I wouldn't be able to accept the offer later so I was told that I had to give him something to hold my offer in the system. I gave him my bank account info to "HOLD" the offer in the system with the understandingthat I was to call back and give my final answer. My final answer was I do not want it-- and when I told him that he said "whats the problem" I said too expensive. He said ok then I can speak with underwriting and see if they have something else but in the meantime this was supposed to be cancelled--He called back with another "offer" and a lower price--$700 lower. I also asked him to email me a copy of the warranty-which he did a couple of hours later--after much scrutiny I still decided that it was too expensive for me right now. I called back this evening and got this character named Shawn --when I told him about my experience with Charles and his high pressure sales pitch--he proceeded to tell me how he had a problem with what I was saying. I asked him to cancel the account because it still showed a hold and not cancelled--and he told me no--to call back and speak with Charles tomorrow!--or to speak with the cancellation department--I said no because I did not activate the account. When I asked to speak with his boss he told me NO and that there was no one on the floor who was higher than him. I hung up on him and called immediately back --asked for a mangager--I got someone named Scott who apologized for Shawns behavior and said that my account showed cancelled. DO NOT CONTACT THIS COMPANY--and I still have to monitor my account to make sure that nothing goes through.

St. Joseph, US
Feb 28, 2009 11:25 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also received a letter from "Dealer Warranty Program SPD" that was designed to look important. That means it is complete trash. I only came here trying to find a way to sent a message to "Thomas Grant, General Manager" that because this was in my mail box I will never for the rest of my life do any business with this company or any one that sounds like it - or anyone who sends me an advertisement I did not ask for regardless of the subject.


Mar 09, 2009 3:24 pm EDT

Despite all of the complaints here, the gentleman I spoke with was very pleasant. His name was Gavin Holohan at ext 1012. I called because I figured it was rubbish and he gave me a lot of information regarding the program. He was very persistent but never abrasive, aggressive, rude or threatening. He gave me the same bit every salesman does about what the cost was and the offers, I declined because I had no money to do it and the car belonged to my brother. He brought the cost down to as low as $150 up front which I had to decline as well. Through and through I was never going to put any money down myself, but I did tell him my brother may be interested if he has the money. It finally came down to me asking if he could call me back or vice versa. He had to get approval from a manager to keep the offer open, as everyone has agreed seems to be their tactic "buy now or never". He was to call me in three hours. I was able to contact my brother who declined for financial reasons, and I had been reading these pages becoming concerned about when I had to decline the offer.

I called back and sat on hold and a woman answered with whom I requested a transfer to Gavin. He answered and I reminded him who I was. He thanked me for calling him back and I informed him my brother declined the offer due to financial reasons and I appreciated talking with him. He was very appreciative of my respectfulness to return the call and inform him of my brothers decision. He thanked me several times for the returned call, being so great, and being so respectful I returned his call. He advised, at a later date, their may still be a program available and more or less to keep them in mind. He wished me well, to be good and drive safe and bid me farewell.

I understand everyone else seemed to have a poor experience with this company, and if I begin to receive harassing phone calls I'll come back to update my post, however I had a wonderful experience with Gavin. As any sales person needs to be, he was very persistent, asking me multiple times if there was any way I could make the payment or anyone else who could make it on my behalf (or my brothers). As I declined he would try to work another angle reminding me of the situation and if he got off the phone it would decline the offer etc etc. As I said before he was never aggressive or harassing, just persistent and he spoke very calmly and collectively.

If you do business with this company, I recommend speaking to Gavin Holohan at ext 1012. You could even tell him I referred you, that would give him a good laugh I'm sure.

Please note, I have no affiliation with this company or Gavin specifically. I just wanted to put my input in as it seems everyone else had a terrible experience with their sales team. If their product is legit and you think it's right for you, Gavin is the one to speak with if you're undecided.


Mike Harris
Glen Carbon, US
Mar 20, 2009 11:26 am EDT

I totally disagree I have been with this company over a year and a half I have had numerous claims ranging over $5000 and more and they paid for every single claim. This company is not a scam, I have told friends about it and they have not had any problems, what so ever. I too spoke with the aggressive salesman, but it was my decision to do so, I don't understand why you people are complaining about those guy doing there jobs. You may have some saleman that are shady, but what salesman isn't? They make things sound better, they paint pictures that is there job. The guys at SPD are just selling themselves, everytime I call I am treated with nothing but respect! When I first called I was very skeptical about giving my information over the phone, but they have made me into a believer and I am very pleased with this company. They are far from a scam, they have help me out on claims that were not covered, worked with me on my monthly pymts and so forth, to you all who are bad talking SPD you must not have received the treatment I have from SPD. I give them two thumbs up!

Mar 24, 2009 9:24 am EDT

I beleieve that the Shane and Shane9000 commenters are just shills for the company. I was able to check out a previous letter sent to me by this fraud of a company. I tossed it a long time back, but I recall it was signed by either Gene Corbett or Bob Bentrup - EXCEPT that neither person exists. The real names behind this are Gene Bentrup and Bob Corbett. A couple of new names came up in my search including Joe DiMartini and Jeff Reauseh. Can't find anything Jeff, but Joe DiMartini has apparently also gone by the name of Joe Wartonick. The latest letter is sgined by one Thomas Grant, but I was unable to find a record of him either. I have probably received 3 or 4 "2nd Reminders" from these clowns. I will be writing to the Missouri AG and the New Jersey Consumer Affairs Dept to report the harassment from SPD. Somehow they also have found my office number and periodically I get a pre-recorded message with the same garbage they put in their letter. I just hang up. They MUST be a scam outfit.

Austin, US
Mar 25, 2009 11:57 am EDT

I totally agree with 99% of all the complaints. These guys (Service Protection Direct) state that these phony auto warranty notices that are mailed out a second time to unsuspecting consumers.
I believe a first letter was never sent and they make it sound like it is such an urgent matter and need to be taken care of ASAP. Which is bogus.
The bottom line is they are condescending, rude and very unprofessional. They also offer the most expensive auto warranties in the business.
Well at least the auto dealers have nothing to fear, Service Protection Direct is priced just as high as the auto dealers. Is this someone you want to do business with? I don't think so!

lori g
Racine, US
Mar 27, 2009 3:24 pm EDT

I received the letter today - addressed to my ex-husband. We have been divorced for eight years. The car they referred to was a leased vehicle that was in MY name only leased four years AFTER my divorce. I have since returned that vehicle to the dealer as the lease was up, and I now own another vehicle. I'm glad to see they are so up on their information. What a crock!

David G
Apr 04, 2009 10:00 am EDT

How did they get my information to begin with? Did the licensing and registration company give it away?

Stafford, US
Apr 07, 2009 11:03 am EDT

i too agree with all the complaints. i hope everyone who is contacted by service protection direct trash their letters or dont take their calls and dont be like me. I unfortunately signed up with them but thank goodness i read the contract in detaIls and realized i could cancel. I called to cancel and like most businesses they try to prevent you from cancelling by suggesting discounts. I told the young man i still wanted to cancel because i found a similar plan with triple A that was cheaper. He started cussing me out and told me how stupid i was and that he is offering me a discount and i dont want to take it and that my car is going to break and i have no coverage. These guys are very rude and unprofessinoal. i hope no one every signs up with them. initially i spoke with justin jan and he was very nice and polite and i did sign up, but after reading the reviews from you guys and because of shopping around, i realized how rude this young man was.

Georgia girl
Warner Robins, US
Apr 09, 2009 7:01 pm EDT

I believe this company to be a total scam! I received a letter stating my 2005 Montana Sv6 factory coverage is expired or about to expire. I never bought or owned a Montana. The last car that was purchased new in the USA was a 2000 Chevy Astro Van. It isn't in my name and neither are any other vechiles we own. The last car that I purchased in my name before I got married was a 1985 Plymouth Turismo. So how or wheere they got this information is beyond me. It was also sent to my mother-in-laws house addressed to me not my own house.

Orange, US
Apr 10, 2009 4:16 pm EDT

I just called these guys up. Very professional the way they handled things. Sure they did everything that you all are saying on here, no doubt about that, but I did the same as some, gave my info, etc. Read a bunch of your comments and decided to back out. Called them back and had no problem. Again, very professional, I already have my "down payment" back in my account.

Maybe some of you need to learn some sort of manners when it comes to dealing with sales people. There's just like you all. They are trying to make ends meet. My god people.

Owensboro, US
Apr 13, 2009 2:08 pm EDT

If someone talks rude to you, "that's doing their job"? These [censored]es don't even have a clue on the info. How did they get your info ? It was sold just like everyone else. I get the high pressure slaes crap DAILY. DOn't stand for it, either don't call in the first place, or give em the old fashioned click. WHat are they gonna argue with themselves? I used to be nice, Just say no people, if thats not good enough, you know what to do.

Nantes Rahym
El Paso, US
Apr 20, 2009 3:36 pm EDT

Hi guys Thanks a lot that you save me. Two days ago I took my second reminder letter and they saying that If I am not call them immediately my car is gonna go down. But I just bought my car for 2 mont ago. I checked mechanic he said my car is great. But the letter saying that if I am not gonna activate my caar will be break. I said how they know my cars status that will be break or engine will burn. I really surprised.

Like five minuts ago I tryed to call them thankyou for god that they did't answer the call. After I start to thing why they dont have web site and I wrote google to SPD and I found this site. I read all the COMMENT and I discussed my self and I am not gonna call them.

Thankyou guy that you shared this information.

Nantes Rahym
El Paso, US
Apr 20, 2009 3:38 pm EDT

I really wondering how they get our information

Jacob Dunham
Apr 24, 2009 12:32 am EDT

The comment from Mike Harris was written by an employee. The blanket is being pulled off of this scam, is only a matter of time.

Chicago, US
Apr 27, 2009 6:26 pm EDT

*******Horrible Horrible horrible horrible horrible Horrible horrible horrible horrible*******

I, of course, was the sucker and bought their stupid extended warrenty. After I had paid into it for almost a year my transmission went out and I needed to get it replaced. Low and behold even though the information I received stated I was covered, they wouldn't cover it. There didn't really give me much of an explaination as to why. I was quite disgusted and decided to cancel the stupid thing and the sales man tried to tell me how great their service was and how I should really keep it, ya right I said. Well, he never actually closed out my account so the next month rolled by and the 200.00 was taken out of my account. I called back and was transfered, no lie, 10 time before I finally got a manager who didn't seem like his head was totally stuck up his ###, boy was I wrong. He said I had to wait 10 business days to receive a check in the mail with the money they took out without authorization form me. So I waited and waited and waited, 10 business days went by. I called on the 14ths business day and spoke to a manager who said it was mailed out that day. Are you F**cking kidding me, I already waited the 10 days I was supposed to for my money and now I have to wait longer because you guys probably screwed up again? I asked to speak to his manager and was told and I quote, " this phone call will not go past me, I am the manager and the check was sent in the mail... excuse me, who the hell are you to tell me who I can and can't talk to? We'll see about that, I said. I called back and received the corporate number and put in a formal complaint in regards to the whole process... Stan, if you're reading this, ' KISS MY ###'

st louis, US
May 05, 2009 8:39 pm EDT

Are you all really ###ed or what? I would say so...The reason why they have to do it on that phone call is that because people dont want the warranty then but want to call back later when they hav something already wrong with the vehicle. If you like paying out of ur pocket for repairs go ahead but I can assure you being covered with a warranty is better than payin a couple grand for a transmission. So if you feel harrassed just grow up and good luck with your repairs. This is 2009... either talk it over with ur spouse before calling and make sure you have some way to pay for it...nothing is free. atleast they provide help

Overland park, US
May 26, 2009 5:09 pm EDT

After receiving a number of these selicitations and answering none, I have to agree this is a scam. I just received the umpteenth offer but this one is under the name of "Dealer Warranty Program" at the same address in St. Louis.


Saint Louis, US
Jun 10, 2009 12:50 pm EDT

i work for the company and its not a scam there is just alot of pressure to sell and a high turnover rate so some cant handle the pressure. we are a valid warranty company and pay all of our claims so i dont know why you all think its a scam. were backed by hanover whos been around for like 80 yrs so put that in your pipe and smoke it

Dolly Lolly
Indianapolis, US
Jul 02, 2009 3:45 pm EDT

I just got the warranty, it will cost me $1698.04 for the 5 years of protect on their POWER TRAIN COVERAGE thing. I took my car to Car-X, to have the A/C checked. It would blow cold then warm then cold, anyway, too much freon, they took out the overage, ( which they did NOT charge me for, I love Car-X) and then drove my car to check it out and they told me I was starting to have Transmittion problems and it would cost over $2400.00 to fix. let's do the math. $2400.00 minus the $1698.04 I am paying for protection, equals $701.96 in savings. and all she has to do is live for 90 days past today. plus they send you something to put into either your oil or gas or transmittion I didnt exactly hear that but before I put it in my car it is going to Car-X to be looked at. If anything else goes wrong with the water pump (which Pontiacs are notorious for) that too isd covered and that is like a $700.00 - $800.00 job because of where they are located. it is saves my hubby from having to change out another water pump LOL (I love my Pontiacs) or if the timing chain jumps off or breaks, thats covered. I will come back in 90 days and let everyone know if it is a scam or not. as I will have only made 3 additional payments costing me a total of $612.01. If they dont fix my car at the dealer like I was told and give me my rental car, will stop all future payments and have my Lawyer get all my money back.

Miramar, US
Jul 06, 2009 9:47 am EDT

So far the only thing I can figure is these guys are under pressure to sell extended warrantees... can anyone reply who purchased the plan and had any repairs not covered when they used the dealership of record when obtaining coverage.

I don't need to know how poor they are at customer service, I just need to know if they deliver on their promise.

thank you

Somewhere, US
Jul 08, 2009 8:54 pm EDT

Everyone need's to Google "Nixon's Operation Taken for a Ride" and read the lawsuit out there. If you have bought the warranty or have called and had a bad experience, you should complain. I was scammed by another "company" about a month ago and am glad I googled this letter when my spouse got it today. Hope this helps!

Jul 14, 2009 11:06 pm EDT

This is probably not even a warranty company. It's probably some sleazy collection agency trying to send fake/illegal mailers in hopes that some will respond. Once you do, they've got info about you ... like the phone number you called them from and any info you confirmed while speaking to them.

Just throw it away! If they call and you answer, hang up.

Jul 20, 2009 7:13 pm EDT

This is a scam folks. The correspondance they send is fundamentally misleading, false and disingenuous. I won three cars. two of which are about a year old and certainly under factory warranty. The third car is three years old, but I originally extended my factory warranty to five years. Yet their letter insists that my (unspecified) vehicle factory coverage has expired. Lies lies lies. Not only do I detest recieving these letters, but the companies (this one maybe?) that constantly call my cell phone with the same bogus offer drive me absolutely crazy. This company preys on naieve people that don't ask questions and believe anything they read.

Jul 23, 2009 8:36 pm EDT

Well, if they send you junk Mailthe quickest way I found for it to stop was stuff every thing back in the postage paid envelope and mail back blank this works with all the junk mailers they pay postage twice and if enough reciepents did it the junk mail would slow down I always get my extended warranty at dealer ship I purchased car from because them selling it means they infact represent the company as their agent and dealers ship can be held responsible to a point

JT in Austin
Oct 14, 2009 6:55 pm EDT

Best way to get rid of them: Call and tell them no one lives at your address by that name. All you have to give them is the customer number for it to be removed.

When they switch to hard-selling you for your own car, tell them that yours is a piece of crap and has been totaled and rebuilt. They completely lost interest in me when I told them that.

St. Louis, US
Oct 21, 2009 4:08 pm EDT

I am a previous upper level employee for United Warranty Solutions, Service Protection Direct, Automotive Protection Direct, TXEN Partners, LLC, Columbus Capitol Partners, ...the list goes on and on, and is essentially the same company changing names over and over. I was an employee there for over three years until I had to leave due to practices that I felt were not legal, such as getting mailing lists from the DMV, and false advertising using the vehicle companies trademarks in the mailers.

So here's the deal. I went into this with the thought that I was providing a great service. And for some, it was. If you truly have a vehicle that has just gone out of factory coverage, and can get past the bullcrap deals the first salesperson throws at you and get coverage through a trusted and rated Warranty Company, then you're good. It does seem a bit sheisty to pay the down payment first before you see any paperwork, but the contracts do get automatically mailed usually within three to five days.

But it's when you take the first offer, or the Powertrain Coverage (DuraLube, a 5yr/100k coverage that activates when you put their "oil" into your vehicle, you receive it before you get the contract stating that once you put it in your car it's non-cancelable and non-refundable since they can't retrieve the "oil" back), or try to cancel your policy that you get taken for a ride, as the recent Attorney Generals lawsuit that was filed on these companies on March 6 states. Go to to read about the lawsuit details.

If you purchase the coverage, make SURE that it's what you want, because you're going to go through hell and back trying to cancel it. You call Customer Service to cancel, who attempts to save the deal. If it's a no go, they transfer you to a "save specialist" who then will lower your contract price, extend the interest free payment plan, add an additional year or so onto the contract length, etc... to try and get you to stay. If you've made it this far and are still adamant about cancelling, the "Save specialist" will then send you to a "Manager", which usually happens to be any random salesperson that is around who isn't on the phone at the time, and sometimes you will get the Sales Manager. They will attempt to scare you into keeping the contract, letting you know the price of repairs and labor in your area, etc. My advice is this; as soon as any of the above mentioned people hear that you will be going to the Attorney General, lawyer, or BBB they will instantly cancel the policy. This applies to ALL extended warranty companies, as they are all mainly run the exact same way.

So, once you've cancelled, good luck getting your refund in a timely manner. Some states stipulate that your refund needs to be sent within a certain time frame, or you will receive interest on it, so make sure to look through that part on the contract (usually in the back) to see what, if anything, applies to your state. Filing a complaint with your states insurance commission will ensure that your refund is received faster.

Another route is if you've paid by credit card; you have the option to dispute the charges...the same can apply if you've used your checking account, however if you've made numerous payments already to the finance company (warranty companies only withdraw the initial down payment, the remainder always goes through finance, usually Mepco or Warranty Finance, LLC.), it can get confusing, as you will be disputing two different companies, and some banks will only allow you to dispute so far back.

Okay, now let's assume that you are keeping the policy and have a claim. The Call Center that you initially purchased the policy at does NOT handle claims. They aren't the actual Warranty Company, merely a broker for them. Your contract and ID card will both have the Claims Center phone number, as well as the Roadside Assistance number. Make sure you read up on what is covered, whether you have towing service, Roadside assistance, Rental Car Coverage, Trip Interruption; some of the policies will even pay for your hotel if you are away from home during the break down.

Once your car is at the dealership, (and NO, you don't have to take it to the dealership you purchased the car through, if it's an extended coverage you can take it to ANY certified mechanic), your Service Writer will call the Warranty Company and start the claim. There is no need for you to call it in. Once it is determined what is wrong with the car, they will again call the Warranty Company and find out if it is a covered component. Here's where a lot of people cancel, because they assume this coverage is the same as their factory warranty without reading the coverages, and their previously covered part is no longer covered. If the part(s) is(are) covered, you will pay your deductible and be on your way. The process truly is simple.

All in all, this type of coverage can be beneficial, as long as you go into it with your eyes open, and ask a lot of questions. Ask who re-insures the company, as all Extended Warranty Companies are required to be re-insured. Check the company out on the BBB site, /link removed/; and don't believe the salesperson when you call and get a quote and are told you have to decide right then or your file will be closed. That's because they have a quota to fill daily, and want the deal for themselves. Your information will be saved in the database, and you can think about it, check it out, and call back. This simple rule applies; if it sounds too good to be true, it always is. Keep that in mind.

Donald L.
Dec 02, 2009 7:12 pm EST

Yeah, I just called in and I too spoke to Gavin Halohand x1021 (I think).

I am not a shill for this company. I don't work for this company. I am currently unemployed, driving a 180, 000 mile Toyota Corolla. Gavin was very respectful. He was trying to quick talk me, but having been in sales, I knew how to respectfully work around his quick talk. I was very nice when speaking to him and he showed me the same quality of conversation. He DID try and pressure me into buying the coverage TODAY, saying that my car was a high-mileage car and that he needed to get special approval to get the car insured for Power Train and the approval was only good for today, if I called back, the warranty coverage would only be good for Engine Coverage. After I declined the numerous times he attempted to collect a down payment from me, he kept on offering me an easier payment program. I told him the payments were not the problem, but that I wanted to consult the paperwork and review the policy before I made a payment. That's the sensible thing to do. Why would you purchase something over the phone that you know absolutely nothing about? If I have nothing in writing, I'm not going to give you my information to my bank account. That's just common sense.

I told him that I would consult the paperwork and give him a call back if it all checked out. My car is ready to take a crap, so I figured an extended Power Train warranty would do me well. I'm going to do some research on the internet and then review the paperwork they're going to send me. If everything checks out and I believe I could benefit from this program, I'll call back and enroll. If not, then I haven't lost anything.

Jan 11, 2010 10:46 am EST

i also just received a very suspicious letter stating this so i googled the address on the letterhead (since there is no company info). I'm glad I came across this site...shredding the letter now.

Jan 22, 2010 12:49 pm EST

I agree with all the complaints. I just got off the phone with Aaron at SPD and what a nasty attitude and very rude. He said he couldn't give me information unless I gave him a down payment on a warranty. I would not recommend them to anyone. Stay away from them.