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Service Protection Direct

Service Protection Direct review: Harrassment 3

Author of the review
9:49 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My Father died 18 months ago. He purchased a GM truck in 2005. They have been told multiple times that we have no intent to extend the warranty. I have told these people I am not interested in their extended warranty multiple times. They continue to send materials to my fathers home and bother my mother with phone calls stating this is our "last chance" to renew this extended warranty. I do not want the extended warranty and want the phone calls and mail to STOP!

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Sherri Sommer
Nov 25, 2008 11:08 am EST

These people should be run out of business! I have the same complaint. They call me constantly on my cell phone and home phone with an automated message stating my warranty is running out and I need to renew it immediately. And, they clutter my mailbox with the same notices. I'm tired of their BS and their VERY UNETHICAL business practices! There should be a law barring this kind of solicitation!

Apr 03, 2009 4:50 pm EDT

This company called my cellular phone at least three times a day for weeks on end, finally my husband was sent a letter through the mail detailing the warrenty program. With no knowledge of the infernal calls I recieved he spoke with the an SPD representative who harrassed him for several minutes about buying coverage, at one point my husband asked if he could call back after he spoke with his wife and the rep. insisted that he need not speak with me and told him he must buy the coverage NOW or not buy at all. After being beraded for nearly 15 minutes by several different representatives and "managers", my husband and i both were fed up and asked that the company please not call either of us nor send any mail. However the phone calls have still not stopped. The actions committed by this company are annoying and very suspicious, anyone who may recieving calls and letters from them now should be very wary of this incredulous company.

Protection Direct Rep
St Louis, US
Mar 17, 2011 8:38 pm EDT

We certainly don’t want to keep sending you mail you don’t want to receive – that’s just a waste of your time and ours! To be taken off our list, please email your customer ID (should be on the letter you received) to and you’ll be removed immediately.

Customer Service Team