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CB Travel and Vacations Shell Vacations Club We feel we were lied to and sucked!
Shell Vacations Club

Shell Vacations Club review: We feel we were lied to and sucked! 90

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My wife and I have experienced problems with Shell. We feel we were lied to and sucked into buying a timeshare. We purchased 4500 at the Legacy in AZ. First they sit you down and tell you how the cost of hotels will go up each year. Then they tell you how your timeshare is a "great investment." The cost will save you thousands over the years. They tell you the maintenance fees will never go up. The brochure we have even says the cost of your timeshare will never go up. The sell you on good investment. We are paying $340 for the loan and $76 for the fees each month. We are paying $8.60 a day in interest alone. In the next 10 years we will be paying $50,000 to go on vacation 10 times, and that only covers the condo, not airfare etc. How is that a great investment? Then we were told that a condo is x amount of points based on the season (red, white, blue). When we booked out trip to Hawaii it was somehow "platinum season."

Another issue we have is that we were bribed into buying. "You buy now and we'll give you this, that, and another thing. One thing was a weekend in San Diego in their resort which is supposed to be on Yachts in the harbor. It ended up being a Non weekend stay at the Radisson in a poor neighborhood. The we were supposed to get 4 tickets in the suite for the AZ Diamondbacks. We got to will call to pick up the tickets and they weren't suite tickets. I called and they said that they overbooked the suite and would not compensate me.

I was told that their website would be updated were I could view points online and book things. They have not updated their website since we bought almost 2 years ago.

One last thing. They never return phone calls. I have mad 4 to them this past month and have not gotten a call back.

My wife and I are in a financial bind because of this. As you know you cannot resell these, especially owing what we owe. What can we do about this problem? I know we signed a contract, but no attorney was present. Nobody brings a lawyer to a presentation. We feel we were scammed. Thanks!

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Jeffrey Wolverski
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Sep 23, 2007 5:22 pm EDT

Unbelievable, we got hit by a "tourist trap" and promised a "bill of goods" and gifts just to spend 90 minutes, which included discounts on adventures, a free breakfast, and a "diamond card" whatever that is.
My wife and I got there early and went on a "one on one" interigation with an inviewer and when we mentioned our income, they renegotiated the gift package. They then brought in the "Big Guns" and we called their bluff. Leaving hungry we had a hard time even getting our $20 deposit back!
Rip off...stay away

mike blumenthal
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Dec 11, 2007 5:30 pm EST

Thanks for the info---my wife and I got suckered into getting a free Xmas tree and $25 to go to a 90 minute 'stress-free-presentation by Shell Vacation Club this next Saturday. Since Time-Share Salesperople hagte me anyway---I call their bluff and walk away--I will show them these complaints. Shell Vacation Club points are available on Ebay between $500 and $2900---and no 17.5% interest charges. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Mike B.

Kathy and Dennis Sayre
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Jan 22, 2008 8:52 am EST

Does anyone out there know what to do to get of of this mess? We are paying over $300 a montha nd $900 a year along with the down payment on a Hawaiian card of $60 a month. When we have tried to book on several occassions the places we want to go are full. This should be illegal. It has caused my fibromyalgia to go off the charts. If anyone know who to go to for California to try and get our money back we would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you

yolanda cordova
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Jan 28, 2008 3:59 am EST

I got suckered into the same thing. I got offered a FREE 7 day trip to Mexico trip for 2 that I tried to book to later find out in fine print that it couldn't be used until after 6 months of payments had been made and all my maintenance fees for the year. After that my free trip cost me $400 plus for port fees and other unexplainable fees, what a bargain. After I told them what date I wanted I asked how to get this confirmation they told me that I could go on the Royal Carribean website and get it, well you guessed it I wasn't there and Royal had never heard of me. I called numerous times and was given a bogus reservation number that Royal didn't recognize. When I contact Shell they tell me that it is valid and that my date to sail is March 20th which is not what I had booked and they say it is. I'm sure that I don't know what date I asked for at work and that my 3 other family members have booked for on March 30 (dud)! I give them my cell number to call and they call my home number when I'm at work!What great customer service. Call again and it will take 48 hours for another agent to call you back and now it's only been 72 hours and I still haven't heard back.


Christopher Gonzales
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Feb 11, 2008 10:22 pm EST

If you're in the state of Arizona, read the document that was provided to you as required by state law. On the 2nd page it describes that you have 7 days to cancel the contract if you send a cancellation letter. I bought 1750 points yesterday, but am still unsure wether I want to cancel... only thing that makes me think about it is that I may be able to cancel and then buy for cheaper from ebay or craigslist... but I'm afraid to lose many of the lifetime benefits I recieved in this specific offer such as renting points for only $0.15. I know some of you have bad experiences as I'm reading above (much of which seems to me as a result of not understanding what was said &/or not drilling the manager's on site with every question that you SHOULD have asked until all was understood clearly + reading the contract) I spent 4 hours drilling the managers (NOT SALES PERSON WHO KNOWS LITTLE) to make sure it made sense... which if you use the process correctly and primarily use Shell's Resorts does make financial sense over a long period of time... not by as much as they claim. My only fear at this point is to not be able to get the times and destinations I really want, but I did read in the legal documentation that they are forced to regulate the balance between supply and demand and are audited. I even interviewed people that were lounging out around the place, and they were happy with their time shares. I'm pretty positive about it now, but only time will tell, I guess.

Anon Y. Mous
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Feb 12, 2008 3:54 pm EST

If you're going to go timeshare, pick someone with a long-standing reputation like Marriott. When I think of Shell, I think of sleazy car salesmen. A few of them actually follow that look. Be sure you contact the Better Business Bureau of Illinois.

Anon Y. Mous
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Feb 12, 2008 3:59 pm EST

Think of the the guy making eight figures who points at a car in a dealership and writes out a check for the whole amount on the spot without hesitation. If you don't care about the fine print, trap doors, and dog-and-pony show that hides all of the fees, etc., then by all means sign up with Shell Vacations Club. You'll be sure to get lots of great adventures in heartache. There's a reason 'timeshares' have a poor reputation--it's called Shell Vacations Club.

Christopher Gonzales
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Feb 12, 2008 8:14 pm EST

I ended up cancelling. Thank God for the laws in Arizona. IF YOU LIVE IN AZ, YOU CAN CANCEL WITHIN 7 DAYS! After I started finding twice as many points for less than half the price on ebay and craiglist consistently and reading forums where people are stating that the typical resale price is only $1/ point, I cancelled. Read the last page of the contract!.. you can get out as long as you're quick! I'm relieved cause I paid the RIDICULOUS price of $5.53 per point.. I also didn't realize that you need to book 7 nights minimum if you want to book over 120 days in advance! You'll hardly get availability for 2 or 1 night stays with that rule! Too many freakin rules! If you're going to buy, do it by RESALE! I'm going to be watching ebay... cause the resort was really nice.. cannot deny that.

Marilyn Heil
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Feb 25, 2008 10:18 am EST

I too have been suckered by Shell vacations. The hotel is basically an upscale room similar to Motel 8. Breakfast is the same tho, free cereal and toast. I have tried to do a time share resale and was told no need to pay maintanance fees till it sells. Now they want four times the maintanance fees and has gone to collection. 2 months ago $250 now they want a thousand. I just want out. Can you give it back? I have paid $1500 in points already this year would loose that but I cant afford to just keep paying more and more for a shoddy at best place.

I just want out. Are there lawyers who handle time shares? Or represent the suckered people?

Mehdi hassanzadeh
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Mar 21, 2008 5:06 pm EDT

I and my wife also got sucked into this couple years ago when we were in Hawaii. I had never heard of timeshres and the scams. We were very naive. They had assigned us a very young salesman who could not fully address my questions and finally the manager herself got into this and threw lots of incentives including 4500 free points and free stay at the resort in Hawaii and air fare bringing the total value of this whole package to almost 5000 dollars so we signed and paid 1200 dollars downpayment. We also got free tickets to the Circus and the favorite show outside town that I don't remember what it was called. We stayed another 4-5 days and got back to Canada. After few days when I had time, I looked at the packages they had given us and realized that they all had fine prints and would not worth anything unless you pay your dues for six months. I also realized that they had different type of members that they failed to disclose in their presentation. In the document I read that the premium mebers had the first say for booking and regular members came after them. Most of the members are regular members and they never talked about elite members at the presentation. I looked up in internet and the compliants and talked to friends and everybody said timeshares are mostly scam and the least is that you can never book where and when you want to get away.

When I read the contrcat, it was few days more than the seven days allowed for cancellation. I contacted them and said I wanted out and wanted my money back but no they are more stubburn than what you think. I didn't get my money back. I had paid with visa and even visa couldn't help me because there was a contract in place. Shell people kept calling me and mailing me to get me pay my monthly fees. they thretened to ruin my credit but I ignored them. Thank god I don't live in States becuse they could have ruined my credit in States which they did but it doesn't affect my credit in Canada. They tried reaching me for almost 8 months and finally gave up. It was a bitter experience but I learnt one thing-STAY AWAY FROM TIMESHARES.

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Mar 26, 2008 7:53 pm EDT

I went to San Fran a few days ago aggreed to go to a 90 minute presentation with Shell so that they can pay my 75 dollar valet bill at my hotel. My wife and I knew in advance that we were not going to sign up that day because we always like to research the company, complaints and other deals. We agreed to go and sure enough, everybody was really nice (remember this part) and the salesman seemed very friendly. We started out a 1 on 1 with how much we travel a year and an average on how much we spend. Like the other comment, he made an astimation on how much we would spend in 30 years or so, came out to about $90, 000 a crazy amount. That part made sense.

After asking us where we want to travel to she showed us the many hotels they have around the world. I was thinking if the hotels were nice and if we would be able to go when ever we wanted to. Also, I was thinking to myself how many POINTS were needed to go to these locations. Ofcourse the price comes at the end, something we kept on asking him which he would not tell us.

After a 15 minute movie with stale free popcorn, we went back to the sales man who was originally from Russia, very energetic and attentive on what we had on to see how much money we probably had. I felt like I was at a car dealership, having the other salesmen looking at us wondering if our guy was going to convince us or not. He left us along with the prices and I started calculating the amount calculating it at 10 years and spending more than 2 grand each year for the lowest 2500 point plan. I was thinking back to the trip our salesman said he took with 13, 000 points he saved up for two years, having 7000 points per year. I was thinking that for our measly 2500 to go up to 7000 we would have to pay close to three times that amount and I was like what the heck!

After that, the finance guy comes over and tries to work somehting out with free gifts, saying out sales guy was going to take a pay cut out of his commission to give us a disney cruise. One last guy tried to give us a two year plan of 99 bucks a month and still no go. After we got our $20 deposit back and our parking voucher, I tried to say goodbye to our guy, right in front of him two times and he never turned back, busy with other prospects. Remembering how they were real nice at the beginning. A lady at the front counter was really nice, taking care of our daughter after all the children left.

Do your homework, don't ruin your credit and look into buying a resale timeshare, a lot of people cant afford them and are selling cheap. Anther thing that got me about Shell that our guy tried to spin as a good thing was that you can't buy Shell at a resale, I though of it as a bad thing because you can't resell if you can't pay.

Helene Burgos
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Mar 30, 2008 9:30 am EDT

You should never purchase these programs unless you can afford to throw money away and tolerate the inconvenience of the program. All of these sales people are taught the same tricks to assuage you into their grips. They try to find something that you have in common and pander to it. "Oh, you're a nurse! My sister is going into nursing school. Where did you go to school. Fresno State? Wow, my cousin goes to Fresno State." Bull ###! Let these former used car sales people attempt to sell you a Yugo, but please do not buy it!

My best advice to you before considering these programs is to acquire a credit card with a rewards system, charge your monthly recurring bills to the card, payoff the card like clock work, and use the points to book your vacation. If you have to stayy in a Hampton Inn because you could not get the Hilton with your points, then consider how much money you did not waste by paying for the Hampton through the vacation club idea. $50, 000 for a week in a Radisson because they couldn't get you the yacht in San Diego harbor!

Remember, you got it free through your credit card and did not pay a dime! Heck, you may even rack up enough points to acquire the airfare too! So, why by a timeshare? Do you fell lucky?

If you feel the need for one of these goons to bamboozle you into buying their product, then go to the presentation, get drunk first, and slobber all over them while they are talking with you. Take their free nights at the hotel and their gift too.

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Apr 01, 2008 12:17 am EDT

When my boyfriend and I first bought with Shell we felt like we were getting a good deal, and the ORIGINAL sales person set us up with something comfortable. It was all going fine till we went to our owners update meeting a year later. We were just fine with the amount of points we had (1, 500 not much but enough for us), but the sales person told us if we bought NOW we would be locked in forever to buy more points at $5.48. The way he explained it was in 20 years when NEW members are paying $15 a point, we would still only have to pay $5.48. So to get in on this great deal we bought the lowest amount of points (that we didn't even want/need) 1, 200 points. So later we go to another "wonderful" update meeting (can you feel the sarcasm) to find out that we were lied to, and in fact were not locked in at all. But they reassured us the associate would be fired, but there was nothing they could do about our situation except offer us an upgrade THAT DAY only for the same price. None of this made us feel any better about the situation, so after 2 hours of back and forth non sense we left very ticked off. As of right now I'm writing a letter of complaint to the customer service department requesting a full refund (which I doubt I will receive). I am determined to be pain in their back side until I get my money back or they honor the deal we sold. So my advice, don't buy from Shell, or if you really feel the need to READ your paperwork carefully!

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Apr 08, 2008 4:08 pm EDT

I was at their presentation last night and got the free (Oh I paid with my hide) two nights hotel stay in Palm Springs and air and lodging in Hawaii. I told the original rep that I would not and do not ever buy something same day, not a car, not a house, not a dress, not shoes nothing. He said no problem. When I was at the presentation the offer did seem reasonable and all the reps there said they owned property in Shell Vacations (I highly doubt it, shame on them for lying), anyway I was pretty much sold thinking I could come back in a week but they said it was a one day sale which equals "NO SALE" to me. I told them I had heard bad experiences with other timesshares and I needed to research and that I couldn't trust them just as they couldn't trust me if I said I would bring them the money later instead of writing them a check or charging. They got nasty. One of the reps said "I'm not even going to offer you this package becuase I can tell that you're not serious about this". I didn't argue, what's the point.
I'm sorry for your losses and I wish you much luck and peace in trying to resolve this situation but I'm relieved that I made the right decision in not buying the Shell Vacations. Please have some comfort in knowing that you brough me some comfort and tell everyone you know to save them your grief.


Christina Berryman
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Apr 13, 2008 7:03 am EDT

I too had the same thing happen to me that happened to Christina. To know that this is a COMPANY wide scam should be illegal! The first 1250 points were our fault. We were in Hawaii and wanted it basically for the RCI access (which hasn't proved to been much help or done much good). I truly believe that we should be given the opportunity to return and get out of the last transaction knowing that it was a SCAM! Truly truly straight out lied to us. LIED! That is the only reason we purchased...and it was supposed to be written into the contract. UGH!

Well...atleast we are not alone. Such a waste of 20K!

Stuart E Hartigan
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May 04, 2008 1:25 pm EDT

We have been members since since 2007, Oct. So far are esperiences with shell have been postive.all calls have been returned in a timely manner. They have been very helpful with any assistance needed.

It appears that many of the people didn't read what they had signed because most of the complaints I have read are addressed in the paperwork.

Regarding the contract I refused to pau the High interest and found the money to pay it off.

I am An Elite owner .

dindia zitek
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May 23, 2008 2:47 pm EDT

their paperwork is VERY misleading, and after you ahve been screwed, they are "very sorry but there is nothing they can do about it

Stan Riley
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May 25, 2008 1:12 am EDT

I Have owned with Shell Vacation CLub for 12 years and have purchase a total of three times. I have had nothing but excellent service, I have used my points to have awesome vacations with my family. It's alarming to see these comments because they are so contrary to my experiences with Shell. I am happy with SHell and my timeshare.

Tim D
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May 29, 2008 12:17 pm EDT

I have also been an owner for 5 year with Shell vacations. I love the program I have stay in places like Florida and NYC abroad I had a villa in Italy and a cottage in France. I love opportunity it provides for my family and I to get out and see the world. I think most people are unhappy because no matter what they do they would be. Do pass up this opportunity when u get it and if u can be flexible and understanding that it may not be a perfect system it better then staying at some of the horrible place I stay without

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Jul 03, 2008 1:09 pm EDT

They never return my calls, and when they do I have to re-explain my situation because its never the same person. I thought it was a good investment for myself and my children.
We do travel alot and have yet to experience the damn thing because we have not received our "deed".

I'm regreting my purchase.

Pat & Mike
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Jul 05, 2008 1:13 pm EDT

We have owned with Shell for over 6 years. We have purchased in both the Hawaii and California clubs and are not Elite members, but own quite a few points. We have traveled to Hawaii, Arizona, California and used our points to pay for our stays, airfare, meals, credit cards for Christmas gifts to family members, golf and spa treatments. We are very pleased with the resorts and Shell. We own at another timeshare and it is nowhere near as flexible as Shell Vacations.

We have had excellent customer service on numerous calls, and only once had a bad experience with one particular customer service rep. We complained to Shell and it never happened again.

I think you really have to spend time to get to know the ins and outs of timeshares to learn what to do get the most out of your purchase.

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Jul 06, 2008 12:43 am EDT

Just got nailed by SVC in San Francisco.
Everything sounds too good at their retails corner which looks like a city run Tourist Information Center.
They started with giving me some local information about the trolley schedules and some places to go, but then started in with I'll give your whole family a day pass for the trolley, if your willing to sit through a sales presentation, They then added on a Day of parking validation, then a boat tour under the bay bridge for the family, and a full day on the local bus system. "Man this is the most I've ever offered a family before" just to sit through a 90 minute sales presentation and answer a few questions afterwards. Just leave a 20 dollar deposit to reserve your food which will also be included.
Lucky for me I took my laptop on vacation and found this page.
Too bad I lost $20 bucks.

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Jul 08, 2008 1:49 pm EDT

I have had the worst possible experience with Shell Vacations. We bought 2, 500 points a year for #230/ month and a $700 yearly monthly maintenance fee. My thought now is "what the hell were we thinking?" My problem lies in the maintenance fees. They supposedly sent me a bill for the fee in January, never got it, so now i am stuck paying a $1200 collection charge. This place just sucks period. Whatever you do, DO NOT BUY INTO THIS GARBAGE! Let me do the math for you. I used points 1 time this year in Phoenix about 2000 points which pretty much uses all my points for 2 nights at a hotel i paid $3, 876.00 for 2 nights at a hotel that i can book online with out a vacation club for $210. What a waste. Don't get suckered people...

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Jul 20, 2008 4:24 am EDT

I wrote a complaint on here almost 3 months ago about getting suckered into a 5.48 life time deal. It still hasn't been resolved. I've sent 3 certified letters, but the people I talk to say the letters haven't been received. (even though I have the receipts with signatures to prove they have). I've probably spoken with 10 different managers, who keep forwarding my situation to someone else. I'm still waiting on a return phone call, but nothing yet. I plan on calling back next week. I think the only honest answer I got was from an associate who basically flat out told me there was nothing they would be able to do but give us another "free" vacation for the inconvenience...but she "wasn't sure". If they prove to be a honest company and fix there mistake I'll update again on here. But so far I'm not seeing any effort on their half.

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Jul 30, 2008 4:38 pm EDT

My husband and I just bought from Shell a couple of months ago and are already regreting our purchase. It's just been one upleasant surprise after another, one unpleasant experience after another. Many lies and conveniently concealed information. Definitely not what was so enthusiastically sold to us.

After doing a little research and realizing how many people are having the same experience, I wonder if something can be done... Is there an attorney out there that can help? Anyone with information? Does a large (and growing) group of people having that same experience have any power? Can anything be done to stop this company?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Aug 01, 2008 1:32 pm EDT

I AGREE with all the Negative comments about Shell Vacations! Why someone would such an ignorant and stupid to purchase a time share when you can just walk in and pay $200 a night for the same room that you are paying with your stupid points $500! No counting the anual fees and all the crap that you have to deal with it.
These people are making a lot of money in fact, i read on the Internet that they are paying over $25, 000 a month just for their Chicago office in downtown! Do we really need to pay for their $300k Salaries and an office that cost $25, 000 a month?

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Aug 06, 2008 9:14 am EDT

This has become one big nightmare! We haven't even taken walked out the door for our trip and have already had issue after issue with this company. Besides being constantly hounded by telephone calls to attend membership meetings, we were severely mislead by this company. Don't pay attention to the points listed on the website, they are off by about 3 times the amount for cruises! Once we called to book our wonderful trip we were advised that it would cost us another $1100 to book a room in one of the bottom decks! That would be close to $2500 for a room without a view? Every time we call they want more money! $5.00 charged every month for what? You can't use your vacation package until it is compelely paid off, but have to use it within the 2 years, yet its set up to be a 2 year payment plan? Finally we pay it off and then - they want $25.00 to book the vacation! And don't ask customer service, I've heard I'm sorry more then from my kids! Complaint department - they don't know who that is - and a return phone call from a superisor, well thats never happened yet. SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR A VACATION WITHOUT THE HASSLE!

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Aug 18, 2008 8:06 pm EDT

I just found this interesting article. I'm already having problems with this company...but it looks like even the news is getting a hold of it.

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Aug 19, 2008 3:55 pm EDT

I posted 140 days ago...We finally got a response. And that response was "sorry theres nothing we can do unless its written in your contract"... They offered us a 2 night stay in a hotel for the inconvenience though, like that is going to make up for this whole mess. We still haven't decided what to do, but if your wanting to dispute...better check your contract!

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Aug 29, 2008 12:02 pm EDT

Hi everybody,

I bought shell vacations club membership on 09-03-2006. But it is complete swindle. The total price for the membership is $30239.00 and $1150.10 annual maintenance fee (they call it assessment). What I got is 7000 points/year which equal 4 weeks vacation time including everything (airfare, food, car rental…) that’s the sales told me.

I tried to book my first vacation on 09/15/2006. Their customer service told me the points can be only used for club properties, but it can be converted to purchase airfare something and the 7 points equal 1 dollar. That totally different than the sales representative told me. It’s a absolutely a trick. I pay $30239.00 plus $1015.10 every year and then I got $1000(7000points) back per year.

After figure out the whole store, I contacted shell vacation club to cancel this purchase at the same day (09/15/2006). But they don’t allow me to cancel it.

I wanna hire an attorney to fight with this company. If you have any information please share with us.

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Sep 01, 2008 3:34 am EDT

Well, this is just a side note to anyone who finds this site. If you want to go with timeshares buy RESALE.

And if you have a Shell Timeshare that you wish you didn't...I'm sorry. We have 2750 points that we want to sell, and looking at the market will get maybe $500 for them. When we still OWE $12, 000.

Overall, the dispute with Shell, and now the depressing realization about resale has got me down. I'm guessing by next year we will be practically giving away our timeshare just to avoid paying membership fees.

If anyone has successfully sold there timeshare, will you let me know how you did it?

Oh...and to the person above me. Good luck! I hope you get your money back, and Shell gets what they deserve!

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Sep 16, 2008 10:23 pm EDT

I have been a Shell Vacations owner for several years. I have purchased three times and am at the Elite Level(15, 000 points) . I have not had any problems with Shell. My last trip for a week at Tucson AZ Starr Pass resort was great. Everything was included the car rnetal, airline ticket, $300.00 in a golf card, and a $300.00 dinner card. I still have over 4, 000 points left. Everything that Shell has told me has panned out and I have enjoyed two trips to Hawaii and a trip to Rome Italy for 10 days. all of the accomadations have been excellent and the people great even when I was not an Elite member. Elite membership is is a step above you get more perks but everything that has been promised by Shell from the beginning has been fulfilled.

Do not Buy Shell Vacations
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Sep 20, 2008 3:00 pm EDT

Hello guys Please JOIN my Facebook Group called. ..I bet i find 10, 000 People that hate Shell Vacations Time Share! It is time that People out there find out what a rip off and scam Shell Vacations is! Lets find all the people and join the board so the Internet itself will spread the word across the U.S and let the truth SHINE!

Here is the link to my group.

The Group is called
I BET I FIND 10, 000 People that HATE Shell Vacations Club Time Share!

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Oct 21, 2008 8:39 am EDT

My friend and I saw a Shell Vacation presentation in San Francisco on Oct 17, 2008. During the presentation I pointed out to the salesman that one of the drawbacks of purchasing was that there was risk involved. Rami (the salesrep) said, " I guarantee that you will not loose and that if you buy your will gain." Guess what folks... they legally (and ethically) CAN'T say those things. When I pointed it out to the Finance Rep at the end of the presentation, he didn't seem too concerned even though I made it clear that the context of his comments were in direct response to my comments on the risk related to purchasing real estate, and that those comments are illegal. These guys are slimy!

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Oct 25, 2008 11:09 pm EDT

I have been employed at Shell now for about 3 months. The salary is great! It is one of the best I have ever been paid. All I see around the resort is happy people with money and giving lots of great tips! I think the people that are complaining here are just people that don't have money and therefore no class either. I only like to see people of a certain financial level at the resort because they know how to act and treat employees. I am a manager and the perks I get are unbeliveable. I can stay at any Shell property for free anytime! You people signed the contracts, so stop whining and get a second job if you need more money!

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Nov 10, 2008 9:02 am EST

OMG me and my huband went on a presentation and i was lied to for about 2 hrs i am interested in time share but when the representive lies about small things such as marriage status and peronal i knew it was a scm and when the become violent when you decline due to the fact that there vacatin club is garbge the you know to hit the door ! thank god we didt become a OWNERS !

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Nov 10, 2008 9:03 am EST

OMG me and my huband went on a presentation and i was lied to for about 2 hrs i am interested in time share but when the representive lies about small things such as marriage status and peronal i knew it was a scm and when the become violent when you decline due to the fact that there vacatin club is garbge the you know to hit the door ! thank god we didt become a OWNERS !

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Nov 20, 2008 4:53 pm EST

I just sat through a presentation this weekend and cannot beleive that anyone would find this a great deal. I left as soon as i could get my free gifts. You will notice the only happy people are those at the elite level, well here is why. My elite membership would have cost $72, 000 for 15000 points per year at 17.5% interest and $2500 per year for HOA maintenance plus if I wanted to go somewhere that the club did not own it would cost 300 per week booking fee. How do some people not see this as a rip off. As I walked out i heard our sales person tell another couple that we could not afford it. She didn't think I could hear her so I turned around and told her I make 350 grand a year because I don't fall for ripoffs. As for the employee who talks about all the perks above? Maybe you shouldn't tell people that the company is making so much off people that they can give you thousands in free stuff! People Join a free travel club and enjoy yourself.

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Nov 30, 2008 10:05 pm EST

Hi everyone. Well we just got talked into setting a dinner date for the information meeting. When I got home I felt really uneasy about it and started doing some research. I'm glad I found this website because I really hate this kind of stuff, where they bully you into buying something. After reading all these comments we have decided not to go but I want to know what I should do. Should I just not show up or should I call and cancel. I'm afraid if I call to cancel they will try and convince me to go on another day. I'm not really good with pressure. Can someone help? Thanks!

Phoenix, US
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Dec 06, 2008 9:15 pm EST

We filed a complaint with the IL BBB, we also sent a lengthy letter through email to shell about our complaint. Of course we haven't heard back from them, it's been over a week. Here's a list of email addresses I found on-line, maybe if we bombard them with emails we can get our money back. These are employees from the CEO to Human Resources. Good Luck!

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    +1 (707) 251-1900
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    Foxhunt at Sapphire Valley
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    +1 (920) 868-9950
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    Carriage Hills Resort, Canada
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    +1 (705) 835-5919
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    Carriage Ridge Resort, Canada
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    +1 (604) 932-4511
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    Mountainside Lodge, Canada
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    +52 322 226 2700
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    Plaza Pelicanos Grand Beach Resort, Mexico
    +52 322 226 2757
    +52 322 226 2757
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