When I first hired Summit Research to complete my taxes, they guaranteed me in writing that their tax preparation practices of using Blackbriar investments, LLC, Tahoe North Investments, LLC, and Sierra Pacific, LLC are completely permitted by the tax laws. In this guarantee, the CEO of the company Ron V Strawn, assured me that he would assist me for free if I happen to get audited for any reason.
Since many of their clients are likely being audited, the company is attempting to release itself of any liabilities and has changed its name, now called Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc. and South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc. Also many employees have been replaced, But Ron Strawn still remains. Now that I am being audited, the new company does not want to honor its obligations, instead wants to offer their services for $1, 500- $4, 000 for audit assistance. It seems like they caused a problem, and are now wanting to benefit from it. They are now even claiming they never offered any such guarantee in writing.
I know there are many past Summit Research clients (I know of two others myself) in the same current situation. If you are experiencing this, please post any relevant information on this complaint form so others can view; or directly send me a private message: [protected]@hotmail.com
Together we need to find a company that can assist us. A tax attorney or advisor that you were able to find, that could help the rest of us. Or the methods of going after this company for damages. Please feel free to share your thoughts here.
Company information:
Summit Tax Research Inc
5940 South Rainbow Blvd, Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV
151 KALMUS DR # 250
[protected] (disconnected)
Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc.
South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc.
9901 NE 7th Ave, Suite C120
Vancouver, WA 98685
4500 Campus Drive, Suite 608
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Since posting my original complaint 5 days ago, i have received 4 emails from other Summit Research Tax clients. I am now aware of a total of 11 people that have used this company, that are now being audited. They all have the same exact story.
Lets not be silent. Share your story, findings, and progress here or send me a direct message shouldbetold@hotmail.com
seekingjustice- I can easily believe your story. Feel free to send me a message and let me know what your current plans are with this audit.
Additional company phone numbers:
I started this discussion on complaintsboard.com because I new there were others out there in the same situation as myself, and unfortunately I was right. On a positive note, this allows all of us to work together in finding solutions and updates to our current FTB/IRS issues and additional information on the scams orchestrated by Ron Strawn.
After meeting with a handful of reputable tax attorneys and CPAs, and communicating with now a dozen Ron Strawn victims; everyone is in agreement that the best course of action for now is to choose option 1 and amend the affected tax years.
I agree with "ActionvsRonVStrawn", and it would be best to use either a tax attorney or CPA that has other Ron Strawn victims cases that they are working on. This allows additional leverage for the group, and if the CPA is successful with one client, that same case can be made for the rest of the group.
I have decided to work with a CPA who is fully experienced when it comes to FTB and IRS audits. He is also prepared to negotiate with the FTB/IRS for the penalty fees. Currently he has a handful of Ron's clients he is working with, which could again help our case.
He has agreed to offer a reduces price for his services, for clients that are in this situation. His rate is $350-400, for each tax year amended. This cost will be discounted further depending on the number of years needing to be amended. He will not only amend, but look for missed deductions, to minimize the taxes owed. Price also includes both FTB & IRS amendments together. He recommends only sending the amendment to the agency that is currently contacting you; however keeping the paperwork ready if the other agency comes knocking later.
Contact info:
(mention you were referred by Paul, for the pricing above)
I would still recommend you do your research if you have not done so. I just wanted to provide an option to the people that are looking for guidance.
After we resolve our tax issues and get the FTB and IRS off of our backs, then we should all discuss strategies on how we can recover our damages from Ron and his bogus companies. As of right now, i think this is very premature to do, since we technically do not know how much damage he has caused each of us. I would recommend that we keep all documents, emails, etc that Ron, Summit, Columbia, So Coast have provided us, as this could be valuable later in the civil or possibly criminal case against them. Another recommendation, lets not threaten Ron and his new employees too much, as this may backfire and cause them to flee and open up shop somewhere else. We already know that they are professional scammers and are not willing to help any of us, instead are still trying to continue defrauding with the same technique from the past. Lets let them think that no one is on to them. Lets be smart with our posts and the specific actions we take, as Ron has proven to all of us how he can take advantage of anyones weakness.
For now, lets focus our attention and minimize our losses with the FTB/IRS. I hope we will all soon put this behind us.
Anyone can feel free to send me a private message: shouldbetold@hotmail.com; or post additional information on this forum for all to see.
I am shocked on how the government will allow for this to continue. As of today Columbia/So Coast is performing the same "blackbriar" hocus pocus scams to their new and existing 2009 & 2010 clients. I can only imagine on how long the tax agencies have known about this scam and have let it continue, especially since people started receiving letters in 2008. By not shutting Ron down, and only going after the victimized clients (usually waiting till the last minute, after 3 years from the tax date) with the 20-40% penalties, interest and fees, it seems that the agencies are attempting to allow the victims list to grow while bringing in additional funds for the state and fed.
Its almost to the point of empowering Ron and his employees to keep thinking they are protected since they are generating additional income for the state/fed. This does not seem right at all. With all of the evidence they are using against all of us, they can easily shut down Ron at the very least. We should not be required to pay a penalty if the scam could have easily been stopped by the same agency that is now coming after us. How can the government demand us to pay penalties for a scam that they are allowing to continue?
Has anyone brought this point up with their negotiating CPA or Lawyer? I feel this should help our case in negotiating with the state and irs.
as always, you can send me private messages at: shouldbetold@hotmail.com
I have a great CPA I can refer, if you need help
Another helpful tip :
If you haven't done your 2009 returns, you can always file for an extension. This way you can have more time to sort through this mess.
Hope this helps some of you out there.
Two major developments:
-This thread has skyrocketed to the top 5 complaints for this site. This only helps get the message out further, great work in sharing thoughts and suggestions.
-Received a tip that Ron is currently planning to travel to Mexico.
If this is true, he is in violation of his probation. We have very little time before he leaves the jurisdiction of the US. Any chance of us receiving retribution, vanishes when he leaves the country. We need to stop him asap. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, now is the time to take action.
Its funny how Columbia financial is adamant that Ron has never been a part of their company and he is simply hired on as an advisor. How can anyone believe this garbage when he is the only person listed in the WA Corporation information:
This guy didn't even try to hide his identity or lies. He most have known these things would eventually catchup to him. Seems as if he doesn't care if he gets caught.
With all of the pending legal actions against Ron for "financial fraud", how can this man openly create and operate multiple financial business in 3 different states? He is repeatedly doing this in the face of everyone, even after he gets caught. And what does the government do? Tracks down his victims for their 20% cut (in penalty fees). I feel like i'm in the twilight zone.
If you have had Ron or his company complete your taxes for you in the past, and have not yet received a letter from the FTB or IRS (which you will more than likely receive, since Ron has been red flagged), I have discovered some information that can help you. Contact me at shouldbetold@hotmail.com
People continue to ask on this forum and private emails to me, if a class action has any potential? if we should pursue one?
Here is an example of an OC tax fraud that occurred earlier this year: http://ocbiz.freedomblogging.com/tag/western-tax-services/
The victims were awarded 500K in damages in a class action and the owners went to federal prison. Funny coincidence, Ron used "Western Tax Services" as one of his companies name: http://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/search_results.aspx?search_type=simple&criteria=all&name_type=starts_with&name=Western+Tax+Services&ubi=
My answer, i think a class action can diffidently serve its purpose.
We need to find out if Ron has any large assets (other than his new car and tailor). Does anyone have any insight on this? Real estate would be key. Can anyone do a search on this? Let me know asap..
I agree with both lane1981 & dreadanddoom, Cyrus is diffidently taking care of the situation. He was able to get an extension for me until June 30th. I'm no longer feeling rushed or stressed about my FTB audit. I already have enough things on my mind.
If you have not yet found a CPA to help, give him a call and see if he is a good fit for you.
well said dreadanddoom. I hate paying taxes too, as much as most people. I dont thing anyone enjoys paying taxes. However you cant simply stop paying them, otherwise everyone would do this. Brok, are you saying that you are not paying taxes and no one is coming after you? Show me a case where the IRS will allow this theory to work.
One note to keep in mind, Cyrus is doing both my FTB and IRS audit for the flat fee of $350 total. Although i have not yet received anything from the IRS, i and many others agree it is inevitable. Rather than going through the process a second time, i will have the documents ready when the IRS makes contact. I am even considering submitting my IRS amendments before they make contact, to possibly have a better case in avoiding the penalties, due to my voluntary revisions.
Quoting from a famous Spanish proverb, "Cheap things turn out to be expensive". I have learned this turns out to be the truth in many aspects of life.
The people that are just doing their FTB filings may want to consider getting all of it out of the way. You may want to ask the CPA that is doing your FTB amendments how much they charge for IRS amendments. Because keep in mind, that the IRS is the bigger ticket item, not the FTB.
I dont think $350 is too much for both FTB and IRS.
One last note to consider is that the statute of limitation will not really protect us. On the cases of when the IRS considers something as tax evasion, they are permitted to go back 10 years. In which the FTB already considers this case with us. And if they consider it as tax fraud, there is absolutely no statute of limitations. My point is that if the IRS/FTB want to come after us at anytime, they always can, based on what they consider the case. Of course you always have the option of fighting them, but we all know that is an uphill battle within itself.
Has anyone gotten out of paying the penalties or interest charges after amending for either FTB or TTB? Lets not let this forum die, lets continue to share our stories... Knowledge is power for the entire group.
@troymoto25, yes i know the feeling. No one has even started to go after Ron. Ron can do this again and again, why wouldnt he? He's already not supposed to, but its like a slap on the wrist each time. In a way, he would be stupid to stop.
In the meanwhile he's making himself and FTB/IRS a lot of money.
On another note, does anyone know of a good bk attorney that can discharge tax liabilities? After everything is said and done, i am going to be under a lot of water and have no way of getting out.
Ive contacted the IRS, and they simply don't care. They told me since Ron is not certified with them (a CPA), they do not police this. They told me that I can only file a complaint with someone that is fully licensed. They didnt even care to find out who it was, or anything about the situation. Give me a break! Does that even make sense?
What if Ron was doing cosmetic surgeries without a license? Would the medical board or agency in charge simply turn the victims away, and tell them to contact someone who cares? IRS really cares about one thing right now, collecting as much money as possible, and from their viewpoint, Ron is doing a great job in helping them.
There is got to be something that can be done. We need to take this to a bigger forum, or possibly the news. How the IRS is handling this case is a complete joke.
I created this thread in this forum so that the information about our situation would spread, which it has. I pray it doesnt end here. I will try to do more since this is a big amount of money to me. WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF YOU? Are you simply going to pay for Ron's scam and let him get away with what he did? And worst off, let the government penalize the crap out of you? Im not going to quite, and i hope you dont either. From what i know, there is hundreds of us. We need to all make a strong effort on getting the message out and letting the world know whats going on. We need to make a stand!
or the alternative is to sit back and give the government your hard earned money that you no longer have, for someone else's gain (Ron).
@Ifitstoogoodtobetrue - You mentioned you have someone that would be interested in this case, any luck with that?
Also what are the rest of you doing? Have you guys all just given up? Lets not let this story die. What is happening to us is wrong. Lets make things happen instead of keeping silent.
@Troymoto25, becareful what you wish for. Ron has been in Washington prison for the past couple of months, however i have recently learned that he is scheduled to be released on December 24th. Now you'll get your chance of running into him.
In my opinion, this was not justice. The guy is a convicted repeat offender of financial/forgery/tax crimes. He has been in and out of court and jail, and still goes back to his old ways. Each time, slightly improving his scam craft so that he can last longer and scam more people out of more money. I wouldn't be surprised if he did this again next year, would you? But the good news (sarcasm), the TTB and IRS get a piece of their share by charging us (the victims) penalties and interest, each round. Its as if they've hired the guy to keep scamming the public.
All of us on this forum that have been scammed out of thousands, need to come up with a solution to go after Ron for compensation (class action lawsuit) and work out a deal with the government so that the penalties and interest are waived (or greatly reduced). There are so many of us, but we all need to be motivated again and start thinking and being active on this forum. The forum has greatly dried up over the last couple of months, which is not good. We need to catapult this thread to the top again, and maybe get attention from other mediums.
A few months back there was talk on the forum about a class action lawsuit. Whats the status on this? Can someone look into this? If the original firm wont do it, then lets get another law firm, but we need to act quickly, as I would imagine Ron is hiding and spending money like crazy right now.
Good news, i have recently learned that we may qualify for the newly passed Voluntary Compliance Initiative SB86. This was signed in March and will take effect on August 1, 2011. The initiative is designed for tax payers that have participated in tax shelters schemes and would like to voluntarily come forward and benefit by removing all penalties. Taxpayers will have between August 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011 to make elections to participate in the new program using forms and under procedures to be adopted by the Franchise Tax Board. The FTB can place your account on hold until August if you ask them, so that you can take advantage of this program.
I hope this helps some of you.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The "Juelyie" Ron talks about is Juelyie Lee who was the CEO/ President or whatever he probably tried to con her to be. If you workd there a couple years ago, I'm not sur eif its you? He told us that she left in January after they had a falling out where she tried to commit some sort of "coup" and over throw him from the company. He claimed she was selfishly trying to extort him for more money and took money from the company and also computers and printers and destroyed the office.
I'm pretty sure that was all lies as it's clear that Ron is a chronic liar. I would have done the same thing. Going over the audit records she kept, it seemed she was pretty thorough and made many trips back and forth to CA and the WA offices. If what he's saying has any truth, she was too easy on him.
The girl that I talked to at the WA office told me that Todd now owns the company and Ron is "giving advice" to his employees? So he (Todd) is still there but Jill Coleman and Jennifer Lonergan were fired last month. Has anyone contacted either agency to ask questions or get any answers?
WTF?! I don't know what kind of crack they're smoking over there and what kind of crack Ron's on this week, or month, but Todd Mitchell is most definitely NOT the owner of Columbia or Summit or whatever their name is.
I've been in contact with some recent employees and Todd and Danielle bought the company over a year ago when it was Summit Research of CA. They rescinded the sale when they found out what a crook and ### Ron was. He's looking for anyone to pass off the ownership name of the company to so that he can escape the noose waiting for him with the IRS. They are on to him, believe it. That crackhead Ron is gonna get what's coming to him.
He told us to tell angry clients and other officials that Todd, Danielle, Juelyie, etc are the owners...anyone but him. That he's just "advising" that's ###!
I know that everything is BS. The girl was soooo offended by me calling her and her fellow employees out that she got really snotty with me on the phone. She wanted my name and when I wouldn't give it to her she told me I was behaving ridiculously? Whatever!
If you are talking about Danielle Siemien, then actually she did buy the company b/c she did our taxes for 2008 during the 2009 year. They couldn't have done my taxes if they weren't somehow connected to Ron, right? But there is another girl who's name is Danelle Von Visger. Is that who you are talking about?
responding to ' ifitstoogoogtobetrue' here is the contract law/tax attorney i consulted with (any lawyer will consult for a little bit on your case/thoughts). Yes there are alot of people involved in this are just ammending thier taxes and taking a 'shame on me' for being fooled approach. We must push forward and take a 'shame on Ron' for doing this.
Vic Abajian ..he has offices in Irvine & LA
Yes there are alot of people involved in this are just ammending thier taxes and taking a 'shame on me' for being fooled approach. We must push forward and take a 'shame on Ron' for doing this.
If everyone was organized and drafted one complete file for an attorney to work with it would eliminate alot of chaos and 'sorting' through to prepare a case. This task of amassing a case through bits and pieces comes at the price of several billed hours. Sorry to speak so much about $'s ..I am just stepping away from the emotion of the situation a bit, and trying to be grounded and rational about whats ahead.
This is not 2 kids in a playgound and one throws sand in the others face. Prepare for a fight.
It looks like we have ALL the people and information..Just need to get organized
mnopjkl..The blogspot is great !
justicetobeserved.. you seem to know the ropes !
Everyone feels victimzed and rightfully so. Ron Strawn has all the info he needs to HELP HIMSELF. We run around scattered wondering whats next ?. I dont want to take a rollercoaster ride alone.. I want to take Ron Strawn with me and any employee currently working with him that is on his side and helping him.
Do we all even have a case?
We signed on the dotted line! Isn't our responsibility to know what is in our taxes?
Has anyone contacted the tax lawyer Vic Abajian?
Our tax law firm is representing a number of former Ron Strawn clients. The Franchise Tax Board's position is that you must either agree to file amended income tax returns, and pay a 20% penalty, plus interest, or else:
1. The FTB will audit the tax returns;
2. Impose a 40% penalty
3. Impose a penalty equal to 100% of the interest, thus essentially doubling the interest charges.
We are currently negotiating with the FTB on these issues, but it will be several months if not years before all of this is resolved.
Dennis Brager
State Bar Certified Tax Specialist
The information contained in this post is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. No recipients of content from this site, clients or otherwise, should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in the site without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from an attorney licensed in the recipient's state.
I'd have to agree with your assesment as this is the exact information I got from my own CPA. When I hear guys/gals going to people who say, "Yeah we'll get this done for you & amend all 5 or 6 returns for only $300 or $500" it's hard for me not to say, double check that because I was told that just the refiling fee's alone, not the tax preparation but the fee's for the State & IRS would surpass those amounts easily!
So please for anyone trying to get by on the cheap I understand just the tax liability alone would put most of us in BK but please do your homework. Because some of these CPA's who are not familiar with what's going on with Ron Strawn & the fact that a lot of the people getting popped are from the Financial Industries (The State & IRS are definitely keying up on this) will think they can do all your amended's, all your negotiations & all your filings for $100 or whatever but it's not true.
Also, I've said in a previous post, do NOT bet on the fact that only one or the other entity will contact & audit only. If you have the ability, just get all your returns redone, both State & Fed. Because both will "tattle" eventually on you. If you're up front on honest, they'll work with you but if you try the old "shell game" with them as Ron did with us, you will get caught...eventually.
Simply put in this current situation it's either you're going to pay now or pay later.
@ JusticetoBeServed - whoa - I could pretty much ditto your posts seven years ago. I was the oldest and second most "senior" employee (yeah, I worked there a whole five months) when I worked for Ron @ the age of 21. He hired all young females and was a ###. I had to fire young gals all the time for NOTHING - just because he felt like it. I had to fire one girl who was renting a room from Ron & Penny! He is a fat old ###ing piece of ### and I really hoped he was in prison by now. I don't even think he had an actual degree - just a class ring that he wore all the time with "pride" and crust in the corners of his mouth... oh yeah and Playboys under his desk. One girl, April who worked there longer than anyone I knew (a year) was the "director of operations" and he bought her trips, gave her raises, she totally fed into his ###. He manipulated everyone, threatened to withold paychecks... oh and NO, none of us were trained to do taxes - most of the staff were fresh out of college (I had just gotten my BS degree in Business) or still attending college. His ### of a wife, Penny would do the taxes usually. He also had a scam to help businesses become LLC's in another state so they didn't have to pay corporate income tax - but rarely filed their paperwork after they paid him. I always wanted to slip a note in people's paperwork telling them to RUN but he was really intimidating and I had seen him yell, throw things, and threaten employees. His "legal assistant" was a HS drop-out who got her GED, she was poor white trash and he had so much on her (helped her with bills, down payment on her apartment etc.) she did everything he asked her to do. We even got a clothing allowance! I never actually did taxes, just a/r and a/p and HR BS. He is worthless, and has no money! I hope you guys get him!
p.s. he "layed me off" the day I returned from my honeymoon - AFTER he showed up at my freaking wedding! [censored] BAG!
If you want ...a current client list... Ron's cell number... his current address...his personal email... and pretty much the total story dating from phoenix, az 1987 (when he started his first shelter) send me a email.
if your tip is valid, we should find out who he is under probation with, notify them of this blog and the situation, and have them take action..
on another note..if we had a flat tax, this would never have happened..let's look at the bigger picture. we need to get obama out of office and take our country back!
I think we need to stick to the issue(s) at hand and not use this Post for personal political comments.
For 'shouldbetold'
Does anyone know what's listed in the '09 returns with Columbia & So Coast?
Columbia is listed
I also have his current cell phone, address, and the complete client list with everyone's current contact information. I was an employee of Ron's until recently and I can second everything that has been said in this post. EXCEPT: Ron Strawn sold the company to Todd and Danielle Parker for 3 months last year.. that's it. And they sold it back to him because he kept demanding more money from them for 'royalties' and other BS. He is a con man and the only reason I stayed was because all I did was A/P, A/R and HR.
If anyone wants any information on Ron, his brand new Ford truck, or his 2010 Ford Mustang, his two fat nasty dogs, his wife thats in jail right now for trying to kill him, the hundreds of thousands of dollars he owes the FTB for both ###ing them in employment taxes and ###ing them out of all the clients income tax, or the multiple lawsuits that are currently in process from clients, former employees, and the government. I WANT THIS MAN IN JAIL He is a drain on society and he is brainwashing the ###ed inbreeds in WA to do whatever he says without question.
Also, fun fact: I was in charge of hiring a new employee once and he had a whole laundry list of requirements that they had to pass in order to be hired. Young, no tax experience or CPA because he didn't want to 'retrain' them, no names he couldn't pronounce, and 'it would help if they were blond, skinny, and around 5'7" ".
email me at summitfraud@gmail.com for more info.
Has anyone found good tax legal counsel in AZ? I see recommendations for lawyers in CA. I just received my audit notice and would like to work with someone who is already actively working through this Ron mess with AZ clients. Thanks. I'm pretty terrified.
I am in the same boat with everyone of you...I was audited last year and now owe well above $78, 00.00 to the FTB...I hired a great Tax Attorney who was able to make a payment arrangement with the FTB...I have been asked by the IRS to testify in Federal Court against Ron Strawn...I Let him amend my 2004 taxes as well as do my 2005 and 2006 returns..I was audited for 2006...My life has been turned upside down because of Ron Strawn...and I am now dealing with the State asking me to amend my 2004 taxes...
[protected] cell, but i think he got a new number. he has had the current employees locked this week and the people in washington are now coming down to destroy the files in the file room which is room 620 (the name on the door RVS) at 4500 campus drive. suppossedly he is on his way down. ron stays at the La Quinta inn in Santa Ana or it might be fountain valley. It is right off 405 at Harbor street next to the Hooters. His truck is a brand new F150 Black and might have his trailor behind it which it white and has pop outs. His most current address is 605 northeast 6th ave, camas, washington 98607.
Heres the numbers of Michele [protected] and Amanda [protected]. these people are in charge in washington.
A number that he's also using is [protected] which reads Jon Ludwig on caller id.
Someone should tell those employees that if they go down and destroy those files, they will be held as aiding and abetting when Ron get's caught...and he WILL get caught. Not that we need to save them...if they are dumb enough not to question anything like being asked by a shady man to destroy company files, but we should try to preserve the files. Alert the IRS agents to get the leasing office not to let those people in the office. The IRS is looking for him right now.
How do you people know that Ron is having his employees go down to CA.
The IRS agent who is investigating Ron is aware of this complaint board. So the agent should be well aware of what is going on.
I just found this online about Ron.. It looks like Ron violated his probation and was supposed to be in court just a few days ago...
And I read somewhere else online tonight, that 2008 in Arizona he was charged with USC (United States Code) violation 18-1001, which is lying to a federal officer.
Here is the link for when he seemed to have been charged. Actually, it looks like he was charged with this in California. I do not know what the outcome was...but knowing Ron, I am sure it was not pretty!
I was sent there on recommendation of a friend last year. I had Ron V. Strawn myself along with my wife review our tax paper work for our current year taxes and past taxes. My wife was a victim of identity fraud and some had someone file taxes under her name and had received tax refunds for past years. I myself just want to have current year tax work done. Mr. Strawn asked that we return and bring my wife's IRS State and Federal paper work in and last 3 years of tax returns to see what he could do to help stop them from taking her tax refunds and to see if i could recover missing money on previous returns. I had Summit Research of CA, LLC due my 2008 tax work for me and wife, also did amendments on my last 2 years state and federal returns. Now this year being 2010 I received paper work from state and federal stating that the tax work done by Summit Research of CA, LLC was all fraudulently done using a company called Blackbriar investments, LLC, Tahoe North Investments, LLC, and Sierra Pacific, LLC, at one point Mr. Strawn's staff manager ( Danielle Parker ) held my tax documentation and return hostage and wanted me pay exponentially more ($3, 000) more than what we discussed before he would release my tax documentation and file my return. When i asked to speak with Mr. Strawn he was unreachable and I was told by his associates that he was out of town in Seattle, WA or on sick leave. I work at a large company and before all this happen had recommend Summit Research of CA, LLC for tax work so i know for a fact at least 20 + people have had tax work done at my work place. I had received phone calls from these people stating that they are all being audited, the company is attempting to release itself of any liabilities and has changed its name, now called Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc. and South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc. Also many employees have been replaced, But Ron Strawn still remains. Now that I am being audited, the new company does not want to honor its obligations, instead wants to offer their services for $650.00 - $4, 000 for audit assistance on this matter per case after reviewing it. I have decided to fight back in this matter as someone who knows nothing of taxes or tax work nor how to perpar it.
The people that i know are all trying to start a cusumer class action lawsuite against Ron V. Strawn and any affiliates of his. My contact info is lane906@yahoo.com if anyone has any good info that would help our case. Thank everyone for there help and advice on this matter
Ok! So the other day I open my mail and low and behold, an audit from FTC. Although I had realized this guy was a fraud about a year ago, we had our 08 and 07 taxes amended correctly but we couldn't afford to send in our state amended taxes so we have them amended but haven't sent them in yet.
So, we are all being audited and are going to be paying this money back and the only thing we can do is what lane1981 suggests which is what a CPA told me and start a lawsuit against Ron. We don't owe a lot of money, so I'm wondering if someone who has a more serious problem would be better to start this lawsuit. Is there anyone out there who wants to take the initiative or already has a strong lawyer to get a class action against Ron? This is the only thing we can do.
Once we all start going to the same lawyer we have a better chance of getting some action taken.
So...maybe we should contact these same lawyers to help us with our case with Ron. Anyone in the Orange County area who can go meet with these guys?
I just look up Lanza & Goolsby and they seem like the right company to have fight this for us. There address is 3 park plaza Irvine, CA 92614 and number [protected]. I will call today for everyone.
So I called gave him all my info and story also gave him this complaint board location and info, he will look into it for us. I will keep everyone posted if will can file a class action against Ron V. Strawn and affiliates
Exactley i talked to the lawyer today and he said the samething that we need to know of any assets that we can collect on if we file a law suite. So my guess is that he has to have something either in Seattle or California. I wonder if we can check with a real estate title company in these 2 states.
if anyone can provide in background for this it would really help us ASAP. We are all in the same boat in this this matter. Please help !
This lady was recommended by the lawyer as a good CPA Deborah Dickson address is 18100 Von Karman Ave Ste 420, Irvine, CA, 92612. Phone: [protected]
Thank you ( rons###ed ) this address did have a ford truck with a white trailor with it when i google it
Archive for the 'Western Tax Services' Tag
Victims of tax scam to share $500, 000
January 6th, 2009, 11:48 am by Ronald Campbell
Customers of Anaheim-based Western Tax Service — whose owner went to federal prison for tax fraud — can now share in a $596, 000 settlement, announced the attorneys who filed a class action lawsuit in the case.
The settlement is open to all customers who purchased tax preparation services from Western Tax between March 26, 1999, and March 25, 2003.
Western got big refunds for its customers by falsely claiming high deductions for charitable donations and employee business expenses. When the IRS discovered the fraud, many customers said they were unaware of the deductions.
Western’s owner, Samuel J. DeAngelo, pleaded guilty in 2006 to filing false tax returns and to other charges. He was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison.
Federal authorities seized $596, 010 in cash from Western. That money will pay for the settlement.
Lawyers for the Irvine law firm of Lanza & Goolsby, who filed the class action, will get a third of the money. Former Western customers may get as much as $5, 000 for each tax return that Western prepared for them. To review the settlement plan and other legal documents, CLICK HERE. To download a claim form, CLICK HERE.
Claim forms must be received by Feb. 28. Western customers can opt out of the settlement, preserving their right to sue Western separately, by notifying the Lanza law firm no later than Jan. 20.
Read this link (http://www.justice.gov/tax/txdv03148.htm)
I sent an email to Chicoine & Hallett about this matter and i link for the complaintboards.com so maybe they will take an interest in it. I also contacted Lanza & Goolsby at address is 3 park plaza Irvine, CA 92614 and number [protected]. They are will to help with this matter as well with the class action
So after some digging around Ron might have assets in these states MESA, AZ, SCOTTSDALE, AZ, TEMPE, AZ, NEWPORT BEACH, CA, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, RIO RANCHO, NM, RENO, NV. His name comes up in theses states. I know people in real estate so they are looking into if for me.
Thank You Lane1981 for being pro-active
What do you think about pursuing the current employees as well. In prior posts it looks like they were helping him (destroy files?). Wondering is they would be considered associates that are willingly helping him to continue to fraud and evade. Im not sure if its worth it or not ? There might not be anything there at all, but its worth an inquiry.
Let me know if you need any help
Please if you need help with this issuse contact Cyrus K. Mostofi at address 468 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, Ph:[protected] Fax:[protected] Cell:[protected] Email:Mostofi@Mostofi.com. I'm working with him and i have also contacted all 30 people that i work with on this tax audit. He had already 15 people now and with me all others is at 45 people. Please please we need everyone help on this matter ASAP. We are at a timeline or have what ever CPA you are with now contact him to collaborate there info as well. We need this to go foward with case to IRS & FTB and maybe just maybe a class action suite.
lane1981 is there a number I can contact you at? My GF just received audit paperwork from the state of CA. She was made the same promises and assurances by Summit. Would like to discuss with you and if any action is currently being taken.
Cyrus has been great. I contacted him last week and he has already been in touch with our auditor to make arrangements for an extension to amend our returns. He's been very easy to get in touch with and is very available to answer questions. I feel so much relief to have a professional dealing with the IRS on my behalf so that I don't get caught in audit pitfalls. The rates that Cyrus charges are very reasonable and I feel more comfortable knowing that he is so familiar with our predicament.