When I first hired Summit Research to complete my taxes, they guaranteed me in writing that their tax preparation practices of using Blackbriar investments, LLC, Tahoe North Investments, LLC, and Sierra Pacific, LLC are completely permitted by the tax laws. In this guarantee, the CEO of the company Ron V Strawn, assured me that he would assist me for free if I happen to get audited for any reason.
Since many of their clients are likely being audited, the company is attempting to release itself of any liabilities and has changed its name, now called Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc. and South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc. Also many employees have been replaced, But Ron Strawn still remains. Now that I am being audited, the new company does not want to honor its obligations, instead wants to offer their services for $1, 500- $4, 000 for audit assistance. It seems like they caused a problem, and are now wanting to benefit from it. They are now even claiming they never offered any such guarantee in writing.
I know there are many past Summit Research clients (I know of two others myself) in the same current situation. If you are experiencing this, please post any relevant information on this complaint form so others can view; or directly send me a private message: [protected]@hotmail.com
Together we need to find a company that can assist us. A tax attorney or advisor that you were able to find, that could help the rest of us. Or the methods of going after this company for damages. Please feel free to share your thoughts here.
Company information:
Summit Tax Research Inc
5940 South Rainbow Blvd, Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV
151 KALMUS DR # 250
[protected] (disconnected)
Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc.
South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc.
9901 NE 7th Ave, Suite C120
Vancouver, WA 98685
4500 Campus Drive, Suite 608
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Since posting my original complaint 5 days ago, i have received 4 emails from other Summit Research Tax clients. I am now aware of a total of 11 people that have used this company, that are now being audited. They all have the same exact story.
Lets not be silent. Share your story, findings, and progress here or send me a direct message shouldbetold@hotmail.com
seekingjustice- I can easily believe your story. Feel free to send me a message and let me know what your current plans are with this audit.
Additional company phone numbers:
I started this discussion on complaintsboard.com because I new there were others out there in the same situation as myself, and unfortunately I was right. On a positive note, this allows all of us to work together in finding solutions and updates to our current FTB/IRS issues and additional information on the scams orchestrated by Ron Strawn.
After meeting with a handful of reputable tax attorneys and CPAs, and communicating with now a dozen Ron Strawn victims; everyone is in agreement that the best course of action for now is to choose option 1 and amend the affected tax years.
I agree with "ActionvsRonVStrawn", and it would be best to use either a tax attorney or CPA that has other Ron Strawn victims cases that they are working on. This allows additional leverage for the group, and if the CPA is successful with one client, that same case can be made for the rest of the group.
I have decided to work with a CPA who is fully experienced when it comes to FTB and IRS audits. He is also prepared to negotiate with the FTB/IRS for the penalty fees. Currently he has a handful of Ron's clients he is working with, which could again help our case.
He has agreed to offer a reduces price for his services, for clients that are in this situation. His rate is $350-400, for each tax year amended. This cost will be discounted further depending on the number of years needing to be amended. He will not only amend, but look for missed deductions, to minimize the taxes owed. Price also includes both FTB & IRS amendments together. He recommends only sending the amendment to the agency that is currently contacting you; however keeping the paperwork ready if the other agency comes knocking later.
Contact info:
(mention you were referred by Paul, for the pricing above)
I would still recommend you do your research if you have not done so. I just wanted to provide an option to the people that are looking for guidance.
After we resolve our tax issues and get the FTB and IRS off of our backs, then we should all discuss strategies on how we can recover our damages from Ron and his bogus companies. As of right now, i think this is very premature to do, since we technically do not know how much damage he has caused each of us. I would recommend that we keep all documents, emails, etc that Ron, Summit, Columbia, So Coast have provided us, as this could be valuable later in the civil or possibly criminal case against them. Another recommendation, lets not threaten Ron and his new employees too much, as this may backfire and cause them to flee and open up shop somewhere else. We already know that they are professional scammers and are not willing to help any of us, instead are still trying to continue defrauding with the same technique from the past. Lets let them think that no one is on to them. Lets be smart with our posts and the specific actions we take, as Ron has proven to all of us how he can take advantage of anyones weakness.
For now, lets focus our attention and minimize our losses with the FTB/IRS. I hope we will all soon put this behind us.
Anyone can feel free to send me a private message: shouldbetold@hotmail.com; or post additional information on this forum for all to see.
I am shocked on how the government will allow for this to continue. As of today Columbia/So Coast is performing the same "blackbriar" hocus pocus scams to their new and existing 2009 & 2010 clients. I can only imagine on how long the tax agencies have known about this scam and have let it continue, especially since people started receiving letters in 2008. By not shutting Ron down, and only going after the victimized clients (usually waiting till the last minute, after 3 years from the tax date) with the 20-40% penalties, interest and fees, it seems that the agencies are attempting to allow the victims list to grow while bringing in additional funds for the state and fed.
Its almost to the point of empowering Ron and his employees to keep thinking they are protected since they are generating additional income for the state/fed. This does not seem right at all. With all of the evidence they are using against all of us, they can easily shut down Ron at the very least. We should not be required to pay a penalty if the scam could have easily been stopped by the same agency that is now coming after us. How can the government demand us to pay penalties for a scam that they are allowing to continue?
Has anyone brought this point up with their negotiating CPA or Lawyer? I feel this should help our case in negotiating with the state and irs.
as always, you can send me private messages at: shouldbetold@hotmail.com
I have a great CPA I can refer, if you need help
Another helpful tip :
If you haven't done your 2009 returns, you can always file for an extension. This way you can have more time to sort through this mess.
Hope this helps some of you out there.
Two major developments:
-This thread has skyrocketed to the top 5 complaints for this site. This only helps get the message out further, great work in sharing thoughts and suggestions.
-Received a tip that Ron is currently planning to travel to Mexico.
If this is true, he is in violation of his probation. We have very little time before he leaves the jurisdiction of the US. Any chance of us receiving retribution, vanishes when he leaves the country. We need to stop him asap. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, now is the time to take action.
Its funny how Columbia financial is adamant that Ron has never been a part of their company and he is simply hired on as an advisor. How can anyone believe this garbage when he is the only person listed in the WA Corporation information:
This guy didn't even try to hide his identity or lies. He most have known these things would eventually catchup to him. Seems as if he doesn't care if he gets caught.
With all of the pending legal actions against Ron for "financial fraud", how can this man openly create and operate multiple financial business in 3 different states? He is repeatedly doing this in the face of everyone, even after he gets caught. And what does the government do? Tracks down his victims for their 20% cut (in penalty fees). I feel like i'm in the twilight zone.
If you have had Ron or his company complete your taxes for you in the past, and have not yet received a letter from the FTB or IRS (which you will more than likely receive, since Ron has been red flagged), I have discovered some information that can help you. Contact me at shouldbetold@hotmail.com
People continue to ask on this forum and private emails to me, if a class action has any potential? if we should pursue one?
Here is an example of an OC tax fraud that occurred earlier this year: http://ocbiz.freedomblogging.com/tag/western-tax-services/
The victims were awarded 500K in damages in a class action and the owners went to federal prison. Funny coincidence, Ron used "Western Tax Services" as one of his companies name: http://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/search_results.aspx?search_type=simple&criteria=all&name_type=starts_with&name=Western+Tax+Services&ubi=
My answer, i think a class action can diffidently serve its purpose.
We need to find out if Ron has any large assets (other than his new car and tailor). Does anyone have any insight on this? Real estate would be key. Can anyone do a search on this? Let me know asap..
I agree with both lane1981 & dreadanddoom, Cyrus is diffidently taking care of the situation. He was able to get an extension for me until June 30th. I'm no longer feeling rushed or stressed about my FTB audit. I already have enough things on my mind.
If you have not yet found a CPA to help, give him a call and see if he is a good fit for you.
well said dreadanddoom. I hate paying taxes too, as much as most people. I dont thing anyone enjoys paying taxes. However you cant simply stop paying them, otherwise everyone would do this. Brok, are you saying that you are not paying taxes and no one is coming after you? Show me a case where the IRS will allow this theory to work.
One note to keep in mind, Cyrus is doing both my FTB and IRS audit for the flat fee of $350 total. Although i have not yet received anything from the IRS, i and many others agree it is inevitable. Rather than going through the process a second time, i will have the documents ready when the IRS makes contact. I am even considering submitting my IRS amendments before they make contact, to possibly have a better case in avoiding the penalties, due to my voluntary revisions.
Quoting from a famous Spanish proverb, "Cheap things turn out to be expensive". I have learned this turns out to be the truth in many aspects of life.
The people that are just doing their FTB filings may want to consider getting all of it out of the way. You may want to ask the CPA that is doing your FTB amendments how much they charge for IRS amendments. Because keep in mind, that the IRS is the bigger ticket item, not the FTB.
I dont think $350 is too much for both FTB and IRS.
One last note to consider is that the statute of limitation will not really protect us. On the cases of when the IRS considers something as tax evasion, they are permitted to go back 10 years. In which the FTB already considers this case with us. And if they consider it as tax fraud, there is absolutely no statute of limitations. My point is that if the IRS/FTB want to come after us at anytime, they always can, based on what they consider the case. Of course you always have the option of fighting them, but we all know that is an uphill battle within itself.
Has anyone gotten out of paying the penalties or interest charges after amending for either FTB or TTB? Lets not let this forum die, lets continue to share our stories... Knowledge is power for the entire group.
@troymoto25, yes i know the feeling. No one has even started to go after Ron. Ron can do this again and again, why wouldnt he? He's already not supposed to, but its like a slap on the wrist each time. In a way, he would be stupid to stop.
In the meanwhile he's making himself and FTB/IRS a lot of money.
On another note, does anyone know of a good bk attorney that can discharge tax liabilities? After everything is said and done, i am going to be under a lot of water and have no way of getting out.
Ive contacted the IRS, and they simply don't care. They told me since Ron is not certified with them (a CPA), they do not police this. They told me that I can only file a complaint with someone that is fully licensed. They didnt even care to find out who it was, or anything about the situation. Give me a break! Does that even make sense?
What if Ron was doing cosmetic surgeries without a license? Would the medical board or agency in charge simply turn the victims away, and tell them to contact someone who cares? IRS really cares about one thing right now, collecting as much money as possible, and from their viewpoint, Ron is doing a great job in helping them.
There is got to be something that can be done. We need to take this to a bigger forum, or possibly the news. How the IRS is handling this case is a complete joke.
I created this thread in this forum so that the information about our situation would spread, which it has. I pray it doesnt end here. I will try to do more since this is a big amount of money to me. WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF YOU? Are you simply going to pay for Ron's scam and let him get away with what he did? And worst off, let the government penalize the crap out of you? Im not going to quite, and i hope you dont either. From what i know, there is hundreds of us. We need to all make a strong effort on getting the message out and letting the world know whats going on. We need to make a stand!
or the alternative is to sit back and give the government your hard earned money that you no longer have, for someone else's gain (Ron).
@Ifitstoogoodtobetrue - You mentioned you have someone that would be interested in this case, any luck with that?
Also what are the rest of you doing? Have you guys all just given up? Lets not let this story die. What is happening to us is wrong. Lets make things happen instead of keeping silent.
@Troymoto25, becareful what you wish for. Ron has been in Washington prison for the past couple of months, however i have recently learned that he is scheduled to be released on December 24th. Now you'll get your chance of running into him.
In my opinion, this was not justice. The guy is a convicted repeat offender of financial/forgery/tax crimes. He has been in and out of court and jail, and still goes back to his old ways. Each time, slightly improving his scam craft so that he can last longer and scam more people out of more money. I wouldn't be surprised if he did this again next year, would you? But the good news (sarcasm), the TTB and IRS get a piece of their share by charging us (the victims) penalties and interest, each round. Its as if they've hired the guy to keep scamming the public.
All of us on this forum that have been scammed out of thousands, need to come up with a solution to go after Ron for compensation (class action lawsuit) and work out a deal with the government so that the penalties and interest are waived (or greatly reduced). There are so many of us, but we all need to be motivated again and start thinking and being active on this forum. The forum has greatly dried up over the last couple of months, which is not good. We need to catapult this thread to the top again, and maybe get attention from other mediums.
A few months back there was talk on the forum about a class action lawsuit. Whats the status on this? Can someone look into this? If the original firm wont do it, then lets get another law firm, but we need to act quickly, as I would imagine Ron is hiding and spending money like crazy right now.
Good news, i have recently learned that we may qualify for the newly passed Voluntary Compliance Initiative SB86. This was signed in March and will take effect on August 1, 2011. The initiative is designed for tax payers that have participated in tax shelters schemes and would like to voluntarily come forward and benefit by removing all penalties. Taxpayers will have between August 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011 to make elections to participate in the new program using forms and under procedures to be adopted by the Franchise Tax Board. The FTB can place your account on hold until August if you ask them, so that you can take advantage of this program.
I hope this helps some of you.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I talked to Cyrus and he is a wonderful person to talk with about this issuse. I feel alot betterr talking with him and about my friends and family that have been done over by Ron and his associates. he will be taking on my case and wife's plus all of my family members. I'm current getting all of my work employees info first last name contact numbers and so on. The plan is to have everyone on this board call Cyrus K. Mostofi at address 468 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, Ph:[protected] Fax:[protected] Cell:[protected] Email:Mostofi@Mostofi.com or have there current Lawyer or CPA to talk with him and get the FTB & IRS investigator name and number so WE ALL can report to the same person. This is the only way we can stop Ron V. Strawn from ever doing this to anyone again. He said (Cyrus) that we NEED everyone to contact the same investigator to pull a case together in order to stop Ron in his tracks. He also said that Ron is still doing advisory work now to this date. I have email him my list this morning of everyone i know. My email is lane906@yahoo.com if anyone has some question on this matter. Please if you work perviously with Ron or other associates your help would be greatly appreciated in this fight for justice. This is a hard time for many who are out of work or working part time to be able to pay this money back.
Hello eveyone has there been other new events with this tax matter? Cyrus will be doing my tax tax amendments for [protected] and my wifes [protected]. We have not done our current tax for 2009 yet because of this damn tax audit's from Ron V. Strawn. So far Cyrus has cut my penalties and interest on the amount owed down to from 80% to 20% hopefully it will be 0% with everyone's help on the complaint board and family and friends. I will be working alot of over time to pay all this money back to FTB & IRS. I hopefully they will take what me and my wife would get back for 2009 tax year and apply to what we owe. I will be happy when all this is over.
"There is no constitutional basis for a tax on the wages of Americans..": Period, end of argument."(Peter Gibbons Tax Attorney).
"Show me the law"[ that says IRS is proved to be constitutional]. (Sherry Jackson -ex IRS agent.)
If your tax laws are unconstitutional, why are you worrying?
"Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws. (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothchild dynasty).
The tragedy seems to be that everyone has been ripped off by someone taking advantage of a situation created by an illegal organisation.
As Sherry Jackson said:" Show me the law that says the IRS is legal and I will pay my taxes".
Thats funny but i will continue to pay my taxes like so
Brok, as much as I like what you have posted and agree, it is really irrelevant. The IRS has been granted the power by our government to garnish our wages, put liens on our property, imprison us, etc to collect unpaid taxes or to punish tax evaders.
I cannot afford to take on that battle, and as far as I know it hasn't been a very effective argument against an IRS audit for most individuals...
Has anyone received feedback from any law firm regarding a class action lawsuit against Ron? I had read previously that 'lane1981' was contacting lawfirms but did not see any results/feedback on it.
I agree with dreadanddoom & shouldbetold we dont have that time table to battle the FTB & IRS on paying taxes period. The point of the board is to network with other that have or are in the same situation as you are not talk add foolishness. This is a very serious situation for me family and friends. I have no real way of paying back all the money i owe to FTB & IRS me and my wife have to come up with a game plan to pay $12, 000 + back. We have a very tight budget and we all know someone here out of work, working part time, on unemployment living in California right, So with this said i have family members that used Ron & Summit for tax work and some of them are in worst shape than me and my wife are. I'm try to work with Cyrus K. Mostofi on a paymet plan for him and the FTB & IRS for repayments. He said he is will to charge around $300-$400 per tax amendments. Now i have from [protected] and my wife [protected] so if we pay the max its $2, 000 to have him amend them and then still pay the FTB & IRS what ever we owe. I have talked with Lanza & Goolsby about a class action suite and they are will to help us all but we have to help with any info for Ron V. Strawn locations of business, property, living addresses, phone numbers personal and private. This is the only way we can stop someone from doing this to anyone now and future tax works as well.
Please feel to email me lane906@yahoo.com for any questions
'Lane' are you the one coordinating the effort w/ Lanza & Goolsby? If everyone is off doing their own thing we won't have a coordinated effort to stop this man from doing what he's doing. I've seen several members posting potential properties and other personnal/business information for Ron, but I don't see anything moving on this. The forum activity appears to be slowing down. I have quite a bit of documentation from Ron that may help in a case, but I need to know that someone is doing something with it.
If an agency has determined that what Ron is doing with the K1's is illegal, which is an item I have not seen proof of yet, I have his signature, as preparer, for a year or two including the K1 deductions. Additionally, I have plenty of e-mails from him that tie him to the investments. I don't see any indication that Ron is 'fleeing' to Mexico as some have stated. He is still active in the 2010 investments. The IRS does not appear to "moving in" on him as others have stated. What is the game plan if there is one?
I agree with Irs sucks I also have some taxs with ron's name on it.
I contacted Cyrus and he explained the situation as he is going after Ron and helping the FTB get him arrested and into court. The problem is, is that they let him out after a few days. cyrus thinks that we could get a lawyer to file a civil suit against Ron, but we absolutly have to have proof that Ron has something to go after (ie property, real estate, investments, etc). The civil suit also has to come after Ron has been arrested b/c he has all of his assets under someone else's name to protect himself. So if someone can get any information on Ron regarding real estate that he is connected to or any assets he might own that would be a start. Cyrus said the more people are on board to make a case that he can take to the Tax board the better off we have of getting this guy in jail and getting maybe some type of retribution (sp?).
I also have a feeling that for some reason that the IRS and FTB are not taking this too seriously b/c if they know that Ron is still out there and they keep arresting him and then just let him go! I feel like they are letting him go b/c they are maiking money off of this situation at our expense. Such as being able to charge us with high penalties and interest, so why would they arrest him? Sounds really fishy! Ron is not even to be allowed to do tax returns, but the IRS is just passing it off and giving our bogus return money, maybe knowing that they can audit us and make money from penalties and interest. But, I heard that once they got him in court and we have numerous people with all of the same story, they won't be able to ignore this situation and we have a rel strong chance of getting him.
I will be in contact with Cyrus, he seems like he knows the best way to handle this. The more people contact him and get on board the better, or you can just keep complaining on this blog and see Ron walk free and screw people again and again!
I second what 'ifitstoogoodtobetrue' has to say. I had posted in the past comments that i hoped this would not turn into a chat room.
I looks like from the beginning to mid April there were numerous people and posts as well as ex-employees..even a blogspot formed by an ex emp. It seems like most people found a CPA or to handle the issue and now they can go back to leading their lives again (that is until they get the final bill etc etc months from now - out of sight out of mind).
The ex-employee seems to have abandoned the blogspot with any additional info since 4/8
If there is any ex/current employee that wants to help or has more current info please let us know !
For the IRS/FTB we are the target. Why go after Ron when we are standing right in front of their faces.
It seems like there was alot of letters sent out by the FTB between the end of Feb to the first week of April, nad now it seems to have slowed down over the last few weeks ?
Im working w/ Cyrus as well
Looks like Strawn had a probation violation hearing in Phoenix on 4/12
US attorney Laramore, Stephen W
I agree with you ''Ifitstoogoodtobetrue'' these ex or current employee have stopped helping with this board. We need some serious action against him once and for all, as i said before i'm also working with Cyrus and so are my family members and all of my work employee.
once again my email is lane906@yahoo.com if anyone has info on RON that can be useful
Daniel Greene
27720 Jefferson Ave, Ste 310
Temecula, CA 92590
Cyrus K. Mostofi
468 North Camden Dr
Beverly Hill, CA 90210
So I spoke with Mr. Greene and he has about 30 people on his team so far. I have also talked with Mr. Mostofi about his 25 people, they are both very knowledgeable in the tax work, After I have spoke with Mr. Greene he is charging $1000.00 per amendment year. I have talked to Mr. Mostofi and he is charging $350.00 - $450.00 per amendment year, Basically I don’t think anyone on the site has an extra $1000.00 in the pocket, Mr. Greene said he use to work for FTB and that he has friends that are auditors and they have complied a list of 1000 people that have done taxes with Ron from 2002 - current. I think that he Mr. Greene has some very valid points, he said that when it comes to tax negotiations they will are being very by the book and they are looking at each person case by case. Once they review everyone case by case thats were the lawyer is need to go over your financial budget and negotiate with FTB & IRS on what you can afford to pay back over montly or onetime payment in full. MR. Greene said that in order for us to go after Ron on a class actions we could only ask for what we paid him for the work he did for us and interest & penalties and thing more. I also call Lanza & Goolsby and they said the samething as well.
So after talking with several Lawyers and CPA firms I have decide to deal with
R M D Financial Services
Jose Estrata
358 East Bonita Unit - C
San Dimas, ca [protected]
Phone: [protected]
my cousin and his wife and a few others in my family after talking this afternoon have all decide to have of our taxes amended by this firm . They have already done 4 people in my family tax amendments with very good success rate on the what they owe back. They are very helpful and very cost effective in the work they do from what i seem on there tax amendments so far. I have let them read and review my taxes and my wifes taxes and they are very confident they will be able to help us like the rest of my family and friends. One of my family memebers will only owe back $5, 600 and the other $6, 000 which is not to bad in my opinion due to the fact some of these firms want $350 - $1000 per tax amendment. They will be doing my [protected] tax amendments and cuurent 2009 and my wifes [protected] and her 2009. Everyone case is different so the price will be differnt as well per case load, I encourage anyone to make a call and see for yourself if he fits you. They do quotes for free to review your history and see what they can do. If you do call ask for (Jose Estrata) since he is the one we are all dealing with and he knows what is going on with these taxes.
Anything new yet from anyone?
Just another victim checking in on the situation I am now in. I don't presently have $40 in the bank, let alone the amount FTB is looking for from me [protected]). It sounds like I should be contact Cyril, as it seems he is working with clients regarding payment.
If anyone (that is communicating outside of this website) could include me on any correspondence, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, anyone reading this that recognizes my name or email, I can't even begin to tell you how much I regret turning you on to this fraud, I hope you accept my sincere apology.
and yes, I meant Cyrus (not Cyril)...oops
The best thing for everyone to do it just choose Option 1 from the state and go and amend your taxes for the IRS. They will work on a payment plan with you. No matter what you do you will have to amend them regardless if you want to or not. Trust me I have already gone to the tears, anger and why me stage and now just ready to put this past me. I have had to amend both 07 and 08 for the state and just went ahead and amended the federal before they came back to me. I only paid $125 for each year to amend it with my CPA. I did call Cyril and he was going to do the same thing that may CPA did but just charge me $300 more. I dont know about you all but it is best just to get it over with and fight it after with Ron via Civil Suit it we have an option.
I have to say Seth from the State is extremely understanding and will extend the deadline for you if you just ask instead of paying a CPA to supposedly negoitate that for you. He extended it for me, my brother and a coupld of other co-workers and friends by us just calling him.
Just thought I could possibly save some of you some extra money.
I agree as well - The first stages of this mess is to ammend your returns
Be careful of how much money you spend..some of these CPA's are charging twice as much as others, and they all seem to be following the same path and doing the same amount of work
So it goes like this so far (it appears to be at least)
Asking for extension, Ammend the returns, Appeal the penalties and you are stuck with the interest
I do not believe anyone is at the negotiating stage yet ?
If someone has past these steps please post any info . It would be very helpful
I am not even sure if any of these CPA's know any method of negotiating or they just fill out appeal paperwork ?
This stage of the process seems to be the mystery right now because no one has reached it and or completed it
Hello cgon25 can you give me the number for seth please I would like to call him myself too. My email is lane906@yahoo.com ASAP
I agree with you CGON25 i had R M D Financial Services Jose Estrata 358 East Bonita Unit - C San Dimas, ca [protected] Phone: [protected]. Do mine and my wifes for like $175.00 for each [protected] mine, then her [protected], Then he filed my current 2009's and did them electronically e-file for those and i will get it in 2 weeks. Were Cryus wanted $350 per amendment and Daniel wanted $1000. I called FTB myself and got my own extention til July 31 and for my wife as well.
These CPA's all suck and just want more money than what i can afford from me and my family. We just have that kind of money sitting in the house in a jar or bank account. The FTB investigator told me to have everyone report this man on this link:http://www.ftb.ca.gov/online/Fraud_Referral/index.shtml or
PO BOX 1565
Fax: 916.843.2060
Call: 800.540.3453, M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. (PST)
It appears this board has kind of slowed down which is ironic because the my process has basically gone in auto mode with my CPA. I know there's been a little frustration with CPA's on this board lately but I like my guy so far. Since I started the amendment process back in late February I haven not had ONE letter, phone call or any type of threatening correspondence from either entity, FTB or IRS. He's been handling everything. Granted I've been to his office at least 2 dozen times to sign, resign, re resign, re-re-resign documents, but it's still worth the piece of mind.
But I truly implore you guys to do your research & don't try to get away on the cheap with this. I know it's difficult & I know most of us are living paycheck to paycheck & all cases are different but when I hear $100 per amendment or $250 an adendment I just cringe because I know that just the filing fee's alone for 4+ years of returns can get into the low thousand to 2 thousand dollar range. I have a cousin who is a true CPA & works for a Fortune 100 company in LA & I had her take a look on on what my CPA was planning to do & the fee's & she said, "For doing 6 years of amended returns, @ $10K total, you're getting away pretty cheap, because he's doing it the right way".
Hello oceans11 but I would have to disagree with you on that fact. Why would you pay another CPA firm to do your taxes if you claim your cousin works at a fortune 100 CPA firm period? I also have family that work in real estate, law enforcement, attorney’s office and etc… If I had an issues believe me they would be the person to call and get it fixed not a third party CPA firm and then mention that that only charged me $10k to redo 6 + years of taxes, in my opinion paying $10k for taxes is overly ridiculous. That means you are getting hustle on taxes. This is what they do they go back and amend your tax work without the k1 forms and that’s how they determined what you would be getting back on your tax work, then they look at what you got back with the k1 forms and just subtract that to see what you will owe back to the FTB & IRS. Then they add a small fee which is interest and penalties. What you are pay for is for that CPA firm to negotiate with the FTB & IRS on your be half to settle for a lower amount to pay back based on your income needs. That’s all they are doing after talking with over CPA’s and Tax Lawyers.
I call the FTB myself and talk to an investigator and got an extention and guess what? He said the same thing to me that numerous CPA’s and Tax Lawyer’s spoke about. They said if enough of us come forward there would be no interest and penalties against us if we can provide all documents of Ron V. Strawn and associates. We would just owe back what extra we received from the K1 forms being used. I could buy a Kia or Hyundai for $9, 995 loaded. So why would I get worked over again for taxes a second time. Let everyone know what it turns out for you and what you owe after you pay your $10k for an amendment that takes a computer program 25 or 30 minutes to spit out the numbers for you.
My family are on a very tight budget do to the economy and I know I’m not the only one here in the same place, So no one has $10k in the back yard under the dog house for times like this. We all have things going on in life and cant afford to pay that kind of money to FTB or IRS and especially these high priced CPA firms just wanting extra money in the pocket to do a small amount of work for tax preparation and tax amendments. I promise this will be the last time I let anyone hustle me like this on tax or anything ever, this was a learning lesson I will never forget.
Regarding Western Tax, they got nailed, but their case was much more simple. They elevated deductions outrageously claiming IRS won't chase them and they should know because they were all Ex-IRS agents! Things like donations to church, 'home office', etc. This was much easier to bust than Ron.
Sorry...I'm new to the site, but been reading. I too got me FTB letter. Prior to receiving though, I had gone back to Summit, now Columbia, and had mine done. Luckily, they F'd up my state taxed and was actually going to have to pay! (I hadn't paid state taxes in a decade since I had actual write offs). I reviewed them with some past returns and discoverd they had no clue how to fill out my state taxes. Had them reviewed and come to find out after having a real CPA do them, I would have only gotten $600 extra back from Ron's 'team'! That's how bad they F'd up both State and Fed.
Regarding ownership, here's the Nevada sites with Ron's name on them. Juelyie, you are still listed as Pres, Tres., and director for Summit. (she was on this site last month)
Summit Tax Service
He also owns dozens of other companies in Nevada (very lax corporate laws, so great state to open company)
Anyway, heading to my CPA Monday to get past years amended and resent. Eager to jump on the class action suit if we get this going.
Just to clear some things up though...Although many on this site are recommending CPA's they are just that, CPA's and not attorneys. Although it may be simpler for the attorney (Hopefully we all get represented by the same team as Western Tax case) to gather the info from just one CPA, it's not required. Sorry if I seem doubtful, but some of the 'push' on this website for certain CPAs almost appears as if one or two of them are hiding behind screen names to advertise. Hopefully that's not happening...this would be a poor place for more immoral behavior.
hello sportclips909 may i ask you do you use for CPA on your taxes? My email is lane906@yahoo.com
Hello everyone just to keep you all posted I received my letter from FTB & IRS for the fake tax deductions on Blackbriar investments, LLC, Tahoe North Investments, LLC, and Sierra Pacific, LLC. So the name of my investigator is Ulises Pizano his # [protected] fax:[protected]. I advised him of what had happed with Summit Tax Research Inc, Columbia Financial and Tax Services Inc, South Coast Financial and Tax Services Inc. He advised me to do amendments on [protected] state & federal. Also advised me that I need to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and at
http://www.ftb.ca.gov/online/Fraud_Referral/index.shtml or by mail at FRANCHISE TAX BOARD PO BOX 1565 RANCHO CORDOVA CA 9574,
IRS fraud
If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with the tax laws, you may report this activity by completing Form 3949-A. You may fill out Form 3949-A online, print it and mail it to:
Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA 93888
If you do not wish to use Form 3949-A, you may send a letter to the address above. Please include the following information, if available:
Name and address of the person you are reporting
The taxpayer identification number (social security number for an individual or employer identification number for a business)
A brief description of the alleged violation, including how you became aware of or obtained the information
The years involved
The estimated dollar amount of any unreported income
Your name, address and daytime telephone number
Although you are not required to identify yourself, it is helpful to do so. Your identity can be kept confidential.
Frequently Asked Questions - 1.13 IRS Procedures: Reporting Fraud
How to Report Abusive Tax Promotions and/or Promoters:
Complete the referral form which documents the information necessary to report an abusive tax avoidance scheme. The form can be mailed or faxed to the IRS address and fax number on the form.
How to Report Abusive CPAs, Attorneys or Enrolled Agents:
Report suspicious actions by tax professionals to the email address of the IRS Office of Professional Responsibility.
He also gave me my extension till July 31 to have all paper work in to him directly to his mail stop box. He said that we all need a lawyer and to go after Ron V. Strawn and Associates that he has a few case already on his table with the same issues.
We all need to come together and use a very good lawyer like Lanza & Goolsby that did that 'Western Tax Services' case.
Everyone will have to pay a small amount to get a lawyer to go after him for use
I am a former employee as well. I got as far away from this place as I could as soon as I found out what was going on. He has a Federal Case against him (Docket No. 14028-08) and he is in violation of it. He is not allowed to be in Orange County, work on/prepare taxes, or even be in contact with clients. Yes, he has an office in the Washington location and he will stand over the employees while they are on the phone to ensure they say exactly what he wants them to say. He is most definitely involved in the day-to-day operations of the business.
His doctor is writing letters to the court to "cut him some slack". He doesn't seem to really have any assets to go after. He funnels money out of the business bank accounts to his Bank of Canada account.
Here are some addresses that he is associated with:
13023 NE Hwy 99, Ste 7-257 Vancouver, WA 98686
151 Kalmus Drive, Ste C-250 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
1250 Adams #X-103 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
605 NE 6th Ave Camas, WA 98607
18008 Skypark Circle #240 Irvine, CA 92614
3100 Mill Apt 23 Reno NV 89509
4600 S Mill Ave Suite 290 Tempe AZ 85282
3003 3rd Ave NE #203 Camas, WA 98607
5940 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89118
And here are some business' that he is associated with:
High Peak Technology Ltd
Summit Research of California, LLC EIN [protected] EDD [protected]
151 Kalmus Drive Suite C250 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
South Coast Financial & Tax Services, Inc [protected]
4500 Campus Drive Ste 608 Newport Beach, CA [protected]/[protected]/F([protected]
QuickTek, Inc. EIN [protected]
3100 Mills St Ste 213E Reno NV 89502
Tahoe North Investments LLC EIN: [protected]
1100 Dexter Ave Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98109
Western Tax Exchange (AKA Western Tax Services) EIN [protected]
13023 NE Hwy 99 Ste 7-257 Vancouver, WA 98686
Blackbriar Investments EIN [protected]
13023 NE Hwy 99 Ste 71-257 Vancouver, WA 98686
Columbia Financial & Tax Services, Inc EIN [protected] UBI [protected]
9901 NE 7th Ave C120, Vancouver, WA [protected]/[protected]/F([protected]
North Star Publishing and Research, LLC EIN [protected]
151 Kalmus Drive Ste C250 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Trinero Distributing
18008 Skypark Cr #240A Irvine, CA 92614
Feather Bay Ventures
Hope everyone finds peace in moving forward on this case
Thank you (ihateronvstrawn) for the info i think everyone will appreciate it alot.
I'm also a former employee of Ron Strawn and can agree with the rest of former employees that he only hired young women. When I "managed" his office, he instructed me to only hire attractive young women with "white-sounding" last names. College students were preferable.
When clients called to complain, he instructed any employee who answered the phone to say he was busy and if they wanted to talk to him, they'd be charged a fee for his time. If we didn't do what Ron said, he'd fire us and told us we would not receive our last paycheck.
He paid his employees by personal check, and oftentimes they'd bounce. Many of us would scramble to cash the check during our lunch break just in case the check would bounce. Ron would often pin the young female employees in his office with the door closed and tell them inappropriate sob stories about his wife, health and clients who have screwed him over.
Working for this man for a few months was truly a nightmare, and I'm glad he left. I've contacted all of the appropriate authorities to assist in what I've learned about this man over those few months. Everyone who worked for him knew he was a fraud. He'd constantly fire girls and hire newer, younger, prettier ones. He keeps employees in rotation because he thinks if you work there too long, you'll find out he's a crazed lunatic.
Don't get me started on his wife when she visited the office. She's steal employee laptops and search them to make sure employees weren't doing research on Ron.
In defense to Cyrus and his firm: When I talked to him he made it clear that he had no intentions on blogging on this site and didn't want to be connected to it as advertisment. He just wanted to help.
I went went with a CPA and he did all three of my amendments for $250. Anyone charging over $1000 is crazy and not worth it unless you have a difficult return. Each case is different, but for a normal return it shouldn't cost a lot.
I agree wit hyou (Ifitstoogoodtobetrue ) I talked with Cryrus myslef and wanted $2000 to redo my tax yrs [protected] state & federal returns plus my wifes [protected] state & federal. Now in my case i dont own a house, rental property or etc... I have a few job writes for gas, mileage and cell phone. So i asked why would you charge me so much to just redo my tax work without the K1 form that Ron used to get us that big discount. He really coundn't answer but said i'm paying for the work meaning ( NEGOTIATIONS ). I like many others here dont have $2000 extra in my bank account plus the fact that i have to still pay back the FTB & IRS there money. So with that said i think Cyrus means well and wants to help, but also wants to ( CAPITALIZE ) off of Ron Strawn's bad tax work. Just think if we all paid $2000 x 40 people thats $40, 000 in his pocket plus we all have to still pay back $x.xxxxxx amount to the State & Federal Tax Departments in one large payments or over monthly installments.
I have spoken directly with my auditor and he politely, but convincingly, informed me that the state is doing us all a favor by reducing the penalty from 40% + interest, to 20% + interest. He pretty much told me that's the best any of us are going to get.
Kind of have to wonder if Ron Strawn & the state have some sort of an agreement, because I'm sure they are not going to spend many resources going after him, but they sure as heck are going to make a lot of money off of all of us...That's just my frustration talking, but yeah
I feel like everyone is mad as hell but we feel like there is nothing we can do b/c 1) its the IRS, they hold the power 2) we don't have the funds to go after this guy and 3) does anyone feel like the IRS and FTB are in on this scam as well? I mean, geez, they are making money off our penalties and interest. And in this economy, they probably aren't doing everything in they're power to stop it. Does anyone feel the same?
IT makes me sick! Meanwhile we are all paying for being scammed, feeling hopeless, and the complaints on this blogg are dying off. I understand CPA's answer in having us pay off the taxes that were never owed to us. But, There's got to be someone out there that can least get this guy out of a building and stop him from doing taxes! We can't lose hope that Ron will be arrested! HAs anyone tried to contact the IRS directly instead of going through a attorney or CPA? If we all sent in a complaint, and just swarmed them with complaints could they ignore it? Anyone have an answer?
I totally agree! Taking it to a bigger forum, such as radio or tv would be a great idea. I think I know someone that might be interested in this case. I'm going to call and do some research. I really don't care about the money that I owe the IRS that I got back from Ron. That was never my money to begin eith. But to be penalized and added interest to it, that is not right. The comparrison that you said about a cosmetic surgeon practicing without a license is right on! The IRS doesn't care b/c they get a kick back plan and simple. And FYI they will be running our new healthcare system, whether you agree with healthcare reform or not.
We also were scammed by the Strawns. So far $200, 000 in tax liens paid when we sold a home. A current lien of $53, 000 and over $50, 000 trying to get fees and incorrect tax returns redone with reputable tax attornies. Still no resolve. No way out, no money, horribl credit and out of work. Since we have spent so much time and money trying to get our own money back we now have additional tax problems because we didn't file on time and couldn't afford to have done. What a mess. We were also threatend and extored to get our own records back from them. We need help! Isn't there anything we can do