Sylvan Homes has been the most difficult company I have had to deal with since I have been renting. I moved in the home in August 2022 and was told to inform them within 3 days of any repairs that need to be made. The made issues is the structure of the home. The floor is caving in due to the moisture coming from underneath the home. Therefore, the floor is caving in and the planks are coming up due to the moisture and it is getting worse by day. My daughter has fallen twice and bumped her head. They have sent 6 different contractors out to look at the they are hunting for the lost bid not caring about the safety issue my family deals with every day. It is like they will not be satisfied until I take them to court. I had a building inspector come this past weekend because I am preparing for my case. I can't enjoy the house because of this and the dents in the flooring are getting worse and spreading. I don't even like to stay in the house because of the smell from the moisture and the wood. They refuse to fix but want my rent money on time daily. By the way, it is not the only problem we have asked them to fix. The pictures don't even compare to what is visible daily.
Desired outcome: I would not have agreed to rent this home if this issue was visible when I agreed to rent this home. All of the contractors state this issue is due to the moisture and will continue to grow.
Chronic basement flooding everytime it rains, Sylvan send contractors to the home unaanounced while teens are by themselves, they take months to make small repairs, and Senior Property Manager Kim Leroux just told me this morning to treat the black mold issue myself. Outrageous customer service.
Also will not provide any management information. Supposedly no one has contact information and can only email within the company
I have had plumbing issues in my upstairs bathroom and downstairs bathroom since may which has led to increased water bill.
Sylvan homes has given me the run around and 12 maintenance men which none have fixed. Sylvan homes also cannot provide a date of when it should be fixed nor compensated my family during this time.
Sent 1700.00 Please Don't, Scam all the way. They will have you wire money and then push for the rest with multiple texts. Listen to me it's a scam. They don't have the right to rent the property.