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T-Mobile USA

T-Mobile USA review: customer service 23

Author of the review
2:27 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Below is my complaint/cancellation letter that describes the events:

Dear T-Mobile Customer Care,

I am writing this letter today to tell you goodbye and just how much I won't miss you.

I wasn't sure to whom I should address this letter as you don't actually have a Customer Care department listed anywhere on your website? Quite fitting as the contents of my farewell are to share my story and the lack of customer care that was given to me over the last ten years.

Next Tuesday, December 4th, I am within my six-month contract cancellation period and the termination fee will decrease to $100. As of this date I will no longer be a T-Mobile customer and look forward to selecting a new carrier.

As you read this, I encourage you to please review my account details as they surely will corrobate the details the events described below. If you have access to my recorded calls, you will also find them quite touching as several resulted in tears, raised voices and much to my own shock and embarrasment, I even swore on a few occasions (which I never do over the telephone). I am a really nice person. Really nice, ask anyone. I would like to apologize in advance if I sound impolite or even rude; as I write this I find my frustration and past anger rekindled.

It all started when I upgraded to a Windows 7 phone in order to have USB internet tethering while meeting with clients out in the field. Both in the store and over the telephone I was assured that this phone was capable of providing this feature. Upon arrival of the phone and after several escalations in customer service, I was finally told by a senior technican that this phone did not in fact have USB tethering. They recommended the HTC G2 and that it would be simple enough to return the old one and get a refund. So I was misinformed and slightly irritated, but it happens. I mailed the phone back at a local USPS facility (in person at the counter) and happily went about my way with the new phone anticipating a refund within the next few weeks.

Dozens of phone calls later (these are the fun calls which again I encourage you to listen to), I was told multiple times that the phone was received and we were just waiting for the refund to post to my account, which I do understand takes several days at the discretion of the bank. Oh yay! It finally “posted” (Yes, please interpret those as sarcastic apostrophes) but Bank of America lost it (Does that happen often? Didn't think so). So I called the bank and the refund was never initiated. I called T-Mobile back again and again, forms were filed with vague yet important sounding departments and surprise... nothing ever happened. Exhasperated, I called one final time and was informed that the phone was NEVER RECEIVED BY THE RETURN DEPARTMENT. I asked for permission to please terminate my account with no penalty, however my request was declined.

I have to ask you...can you honestly tell me that this is good customer service and that my situation was handled correctly?

So, the next bit of the story is a little Jerry Springer and I apologize for this, however it is relevant to the story. I would like to think that most of us have a bit of Jerry Springer in our lives, as carefully disguised as it may be. Around this time I was under marital distress and discovered that my now-ex was calling everyone in my phone records, which included friends, colleagues and vendors. It was incredibly embarrassing and I was concerned for my emotional well-being, professional reputation and safety. I called T-Mobile and informed them what was happening. Since I was on a shared account I was unable to leave and go to another carrier without incurring the $250 cancellation fee (which was at its highest since I'd just upgraded to the new phone). My only option was to sign another two-year agreement, which I unhappily agreed to. There were no other options and it needed to be done as quickly as possible. I was also informed that my pending customer care issue on the other account would most likely be closed as I would no longer be on the old account. At this point I had invested so much time and energy that it was no longer worth pursuing.

Some months later, the new phone starts freezing and I used my insurance to replace the phone. I received the new phone, however I was tardy in returning the back piece (I'm sorry, I don't know what the piece is called), so I was charged $400 or $450. I was told that even if I mailed it back, it would be rejected. I assume complete responsibility for sending it back late, however I feel that $450 for a phone part is quite excessive. And why would it be rejected? Yes, it was two weeks late but you REALLY won't take it back? I paid the $450 and again went on my way.

Fast forward to August, perhaps early September and the phone is freezing again and now randomly turning off. I will admit that it has a small crack in the corner (falling from my bed approximately 1 foot onto a Pergo floor). It just hit that sweet spot in the corner which I hear is a common break point for a lot of phones? The battery cover also will not stay on (not as a result of my own mishandling) so it's taped up with scotch tape. This is one classy looking phone. Since the phone freezes and will not turn off or back on at times, I have to take the battery out which is why I have resorted to scotch tape (you know, for easy access and re-taping). I called T-Mobile and unfortunately I no longer have phone insurance and if I would like a new phone I can upgrade and sign a new two year agreement. The crack in the corner excludes me from using any kind of warranty. Of course. Also, I am curious if you've heard of similar issues with this phone?

So here were are, three days until my cancellation fee decreases to $100. I was initially going to try to wait this out until June, but fate sure has a funny (and ironic) way of intervening at times. Completely out of the blue I was given a Visa gift card as a thank you for referring business to someone, which I now fully intend to use to cancel my service with you.

To your credit, you have excellent Customer Service Representatives. Each of them were extremely helpful and courteous, but it seems that no one ever had the power to fix as situation themselves. There was always someone else that needed to “look into it” and call me back. It just never happened. I can't imagine how your staff does this day after day. You must have some serious incentives to keep your CSRs even mildly happy.

I manage a Customer Service Department (I have been with the company 12 years now) and these are the types of situations that I use as “customer service nightmare” training for our staff. How did this happen? Would we EVER be okay with one our customers feeling this way about us? Absolutely not. What's our philosophy? Do the right thing. Always.

T-Mobile resorts to policy, not people. (Again let me reinforce this point with the example that you don't have a Customer Care Department listed on your website).

I felt it only fair to at least offer some solid feedback on why a loyal and long-term customer of yours is leaving. Also, it's lame that I have to mail a complaint. Please make it easier for your customers to communicate with you.

Best of luck,



The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Thomas Cordingly
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Oct 31, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Once again the arrogance of one of America's huge corportations leaves me more than just digusted, I am furious. I have had an account with T-Mobile for payment record with them is flawless. Although the account is still in my name (I am a 56 year old Army Lt. Colonel), my son has used this particular phone for the past few years. My son is now in the US Army and deployed with the 101 AB Div to Iraq early this month. Before he left he called T-Mobile to advise them that he was being deployed. T-Mobile told him there would be no problem putting a military hold on the account for the next 15 months (I understand the maximum hold is 18 months and is available to customers for reasons not nearly as pressing as deployment to war); and for him to simply call in the day he deployed to put the account on hold. I was with my son the day he deployed from Fort Campell. The pace was hectic as the unit held its accountability formation for personnel and equipment. When the formation was finished the unit was immediately moved to a holding point where it would meet its first transportation. My son was unable to make the call to T-Moblie and as he marched off to war handed me the phone and asked me to call T-Mobile for him. No problem, right? After all the account is and always has been in my name. The first customer service representative I spoke to acknowledged that their notes indicated that my son had called to discuss his deployment and the account. However, because I did not know some magical one-word password they refused to help with my request. I asked to speak to a supervisor who more forcefully informed me that despite the fact that I might know the billing address, credit card number used to pay the bill, my social security number and any other information that might be in my file, because I did not know the "password" they would not honor my request. The only option is to visit a T-Mobile store and "prove my identity." When I tried to point how illogical their refusal to put into effect an arrangement already discussed the supervisor moved into the mode that is now all too familiar to anyone who has ever dealt with "customer service supervisors" and that is to talk over anything I tried to say, speak faster and louder than I the customer. I am sure she went home feeling that she had done a hell of a job and that she now has another story to tell about an abusive customer. I will visit a T-Mobile store, but it will be to close this account and I will do everything in my power to direct my acquainances to use any cell phone provider other than T-Mobile.

Your Wrong
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May 14, 2008 9:44 pm EDT

Do you not realize that the password you added to YOUR accoutn was to make sure that no one made any changes to your account with verifying that password? If you couldnt remember it you shouldnt have added it! I respect you service to our country and your sons as well, but you problem shoulndt be with T-Mobile beacause of a request you made for you account.

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Sep 03, 2008 10:21 am EDT

OK, today I have a rant - about T-Mobile. We had switched from AT&T to T-Mobile because everyone said that their customer service was fabulous, and to be quite frank, I have always found AT&T to be lacking in that area. So we switched. But then we discovered that T-Mobile has drop zones less than ten miles from our house, so we were losing calls. After one very important call that my husband was on was dropped we decided to stitch back to AT&T because it was just terrible. According to the contract, if you are dissatisfied with service then you can drop your contract.

We moved our numbers back to AT&T only to get a bill from T-Mobile telling us we owe them $200. We called them and spoke to Steve who basically let us know that because we are showing coverage at our house - which is where our phone is registered that we can't drop without a fee. He just keeps repeating this, even after confirming that where my husband actually works they don't have good service. He keeps trying to end the call saying that we have to pay it and that is that, as my husband keeps asking to speak to a supervisor. He finally gets some woman on the phone who says she is not going to take off the charges. Because we have coverage at our house we can't cancel for not having coverage.

We state that the reason you get a cell phone is so that you can leave your house, otherwise all we would need is a home phone! They could not have cared less. I am so sorry I ever switched to T-Mobile - very disappointing service - terrible customer relations. So, do me a favor and tell all your friends so that they don't get ripped off by them as well.

Good Customer
Winfield, US
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Apr 01, 2009 6:02 pm EDT

I am absolutely disappointed with T-mobile. There is a Shannon (I.D. # 124589) at T-mobile customer service who has been treating customers like DIRT, and accusing customers of being rude and insulting without bases. I heard about her two years ago, and, in fact, a year ago I was there when someone I know had the misfortune of having to speak with her. I had the misfortune of speaking with such a bombastic ### today. Shannon, who is supposedly in customer service, interrogated me on things that she assumed to be the issues of my call, instead of asking for the reason. She also uses nasal tone a lot, and was mean and rude. I remember one argument my friend had with her was about her attitude and professionalism. I now can sympathize with my friend, Shannon does have a rotten attitude and does like to argue with customers. It's a shame that CSR were trained to or allowed to argue with customers, or accuse customers of doing something they did not do.

I had enough of T-mobile customer service people talking to customers in nasal tone. It is rude and unprofessional. And I had enough of T-mobile customer service people's smart alec way of handling and abusing customers. I dreaded ever to have to call T-mobile, but sometimes the need is there. Most of the T-mobile CSR I talked to are in Philippines, and there is generally a communication problem. These people don't listen. You ask them question A, and they answer question %. It seems like they are disseminating standard answers from a handbook. The girl I talked to today made me repeat everything I said several times and still cannot find the correct standard answers from her handbook, but when I asked her to repeat her answer, she would huff & puff about it. So I got really upset and asked to be transferred to someone in the U.S. My call was transferred to Shannon. She was a joke, to be called a CSR.

There was many dead silence from Shannon. Some people mistake rudeness as professionalism, and it is my opinion that I have just talked to someone like that at T-mobile. I don't have the obligation to teach these people how to work properly as a CSR, but T-mobile does. I for one would consider to close my regular wireless service and all my prepaid services with T-mobile when the new guy comes to town (hopefully next year).

arlington, US
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Mar 26, 2010 2:49 am EDT

Man, are you a breath of fresh air! I too have dealt with Shannon (I.D. # 124589) on several occasions, but not as you have described her. I work at a bar not to far from the call center and this little ### would show up two, three times a week with her smarmy boyfriend and her little fat girlfriend. Lousy, horrible tippers. That Nasal WHINE and they wanted two more pitchers of PBR, which is for ###, and a Margarita.
Two months ago I told Carmine, the shift leader and Capo of the area, that I wouldn't serve them again if they came in the joint. Carmine's a good bud. Straight shooter but he looks me dead in the chest, which I know means something.
"Bartoli, " he says, "You serve Shannon whatever the ### she wan'ts and put the tab on me".
So next time Shannon (I.D. # 124589) comes in, I gave them Double Vodka with Drano chasers and they haven't been in since. And Carmine bought me two Listerine cans to make up for it. I'm sure they are all dead but it was ###in' funny! RIP Shannon (I.D. # 124589)

Carlsbad, US
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Apr 21, 2010 2:34 am EDT

I am very upset with my cell phone provider T-Mobile. I am their customer for over 5 years and I have family plan of 5 phones under my name. I have always paid my bills on time, not even once late with payment. I don't know what I did wrong that they would provide me with such a horrible customer service.
Everything began with me deciding to upgrade my plan because I was eligible for a full discount upgrade and because my old phone broke down on me. I came to the T-Mobile store in Oceanside, CA in hopes to find some good phone to replace my old phone. Half of the phones they had on display were not in stock. First of all what a horrible inventory management! Well, I had to have a phone right away, so I just picked aT-Mobile Tap, not because I liked it but because they had nothing to choose from and I needed phone as soon as possible. So, I bought phone for $100 ($50 after rebate) - that's price after full discount. I was told that if I don't like the phone, I can bring it back and return with no problem within 30 days after the purchase but pay $10 restocking fee. Not fair already but ok, $10 is not that big of a deal even though no other store I've been to have ever charged me for returning some purchase.
So, time passed by and I realize that this phone is a crappy phone and I don't like it. I came back to the same T-Mobile store to see if they had any phones I liked in stock. This time it seemed like they had even less phones to choose from and what they had on display was not what they actually had in stock. I went to a different location of T-Mobile store, same story here - half of the phones are out of stock. What's up with that? Is T-Mobile is going out of business altogether? Or they just can't find thinking people to work for them? Anyways, after another unsuccessful search I decided to check out Fry's and Wal-Mart to see if they might have some phones I liked. I was so surprised to find out that Fry's had the phone I liked - Samsung Highlight for only $30 without any rebate, while it is $70 in T-Mobile stores after rebate of $50 with 2-year contract, so you have to pay $120 upfront. And in Wal-Mart this same phone was absolutely free with 2-year contract! So, I decided to return my phone I initially got from T-Mobile store. I returned it several days before the 30th day. I was told that it would take 24 to 48 hours for my return to update in the system. So, I patiently waited for 2 days and then came to Wal-Mart to buy the phone I liked for $120 cheaper than in T-Mobile store. I was very unpleasantly surprised that in the system it showed that I was not eligible for upgrade because I already did my upgrade just recently. Ok, I decided to wait couple more days to make sure that T-Mobile system will upgrade to show that I returned phone and upgrade was reversed. 6 days later I come to Wal-Mart again just to hear the same story! Wal-Mart representative called to T-Mobile customer service, of course had to wait for so long before she could talk to the real person. I was shocked to hear their statement that I never returned the phone I bought and that I am not eligible for an upgrade! After I insisted that I did return it 6 days ago, they called the store I returned phone to and verified that I truly returned phone. That store simply forgot to update it in the system! Well, I thought that I'm done with all these troubles and will be able to buy phone I wanted. NO WAY! They said that even though I returned the phone I was not eligible for the upgrade! I am telling T-Mobile representative that upgrade was reversed! Why can't I buy the phone now? And he replies that they can't go back in time and reverse it. Man! That's exactly what I was told, that if I return the phone the upgrade will be reversed but now I am told that it can't be done, that I am stock for another 2 years of contract even though I don't have any phone at all! Just horrible. I spent so many hours of waiting, going to different stores in attempt to find what I want, so much time and nerves wasted and at the end I don't have a phone, I have a 2 year contract to pay for and if I want to get out of contract I have to pay $200 per line, that's $1, 000 for 5 lines. Insane! Just horrible, I am a very disappointed customer of T-Mobile, Would never suggest anyone to become their customer!

Germantown, US
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Jul 20, 2010 4:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I represent an Attorney in Memphis, TN that handles consumer protection class action civil lawsuits against large companies and we have recently been made aware of situations with T-Mobile and problems consumers are having with billing, account services, and other customer service issues. We are investigating the potential for a consumer protection class action lawsuit to be filed against T-Mobile to have them answer for their poor performance and gross negligence. Please contact me at to discuss your options.

Indianapolis, US
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Aug 13, 2010 8:57 pm EDT
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I've been with t-mobile for 13 years now and never received an upgrade. I bought one new phone from t-mobile only because I wasn't aware that I could get an upgrade (it was convienently not mentioned by the sales rep). Well my razor phone that I have had for 3 years will no longer let me hear phone calls unless it is on speaker phone. The screen is completely blank and it will only charge half the time I plug it in. I made t-mobile aware of my issues and they tried to give me an "upgrade". HA. My monthly bill went from $75 to $120 after the upgrade. When I asked if they had a free phone to upgrade to, the t-mobile employee explained that even the FREE phones have upgrade fees! WHAT! So a FREE phone was going to cost me around $40 (which had to be paid before I left the store, they wouldn't even tack it onto my bill) So you're wondering why I didn't use my insurance to replace my phone? Here's the cell phone insurance didn't cover my cell phone! That's right, the insurance that I have been paying for for the past three years, the insurance that t-mobile set me up, did not cover the phone they sold me. My phone has no water damage, no dents or scratches, it just simply does not work. This is how t-mobile has decided to reward my loyalty of 13 years... No refund of insurance money, No free upgraded phone, No discounted phone. Needless to say I will be switching carriers asap.

Lake Stevens, US
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Aug 13, 2010 11:02 pm EDT
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I too have T-mobile. I don't like it too much, mostly because of the phone service.
Did you hear on the news last night about the guy who had got the new I think slider screen or something from T-mobile & it overheated & burned him...? Makes me want to switch, even though I don't have that phone, lol.

Salt Lake City, US
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Oct 27, 2010 10:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Did you get this resolved? I'm having a similar issue... bought a phone online, but it's on back-order. Want to cancel that, and buy it at a local store. But the local store says the online order is still valid. I called T-Mobile, and they say they cannot cancel orders. They stopped that functionality about a month ago.

So I can't get a back-ordered phone, and who knows when that will come. And I can't cancel the order. And I can't buy a local phone.

UGH. I've written some emails and letters. This is ridiculous.

nuway teccola
London, GB
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Mar 16, 2011 5:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had an account nos.[protected] for closed mobile sim phone number [protected] which was closed in the begnning of February 2011.I did contact Mr.Anthony your Saff from Philippenes to inform that this sim number is no more in use instead I am offered new sim number [protected] which is based talk on pay tarriff.I talk to MR. Anthony your staff based in Phillippenes to send me verified invoice in place of the mistakenly despatched invoice Nos. V00740213040 for the previously closed mobile number-Account [protected]. It is almost one month since I contacted your billing office and I do not understand why it could not respond appropriately on time. Would you please verify this on time

John S S
Orland Park, US
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May 09, 2011 6:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Within hours of having my new phone it was actually shut off all ready. I called the customer service and was promptly transferred to India, a very unpleasant surprise. I tried to explain to them what had happened, communication was rather difficult...even when they could understand they had no idea what to do. They kept telling me that I haven't paid my bill and my phone was shut off for this reason. I explained to them I just received the phone that day and how could it possibly be a late payment when I've never had a bill yet, which to most people is pretty self explanatory. To make a long story short somehow they lost my credit card payment even though when I check my credit card statement it's been paid and I got a confirmation number and received the phone. It obviously was paid... But trying to explain such a simple thing was much harder than I anticipated not only the complete lack of communication but the complete incompetence of the department, no one knew how to do anything I was put on hold numerous times and hung up on. I actually haven't written down all the times they have shut it off, because I keep thinking there sure to see the problem? I call them up and have to explain the same thing again, over and after day. I have been told numerous times that I have to send a copy of the credit card statement to them, which I have. In fact 4 times The third time I faxed it, I even called right back and asked them to go to the fax machine and confirm they got, they said they had received it and they would contact me and 3 to 4 days. Well I never head anything from then again so I called back, and I got the same story “They never received the statement... please fax it to them and they will get back to me in 3 to 4 days?” Now the phone's been off since April 26... I've called and called numerous times with the same results every time... How is it my fault if your company lost my payment, I made it... you received it and lost it.

Phone is still off, has been for the last ten days.

Short Hills, US
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May 11, 2011 2:49 am EDT

Tmobile telephone customer service agent # [protected] Allen has nasty attitude problem. He is also unprofessional and very rude. I wonder why his manager don't monitor his phone calls. Because if the management did, he would be fired within week.

Minneapolis, US
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May 11, 2011 3:05 am EDT
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Could you provide us with more details?

Houston, US
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Jul 14, 2011 5:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am so upset right now! I have the Samsung Vibrant and it keeps malfunctioning on me and I've had to do a factory reset on it twice! I went into the store (number 8103) to get help from a representative and in the process of removing the back of my phone he damaged my case. After resetting my phone (without even inforrming me that he was going to do so--I lost everything on my phone! When we started he told my I was qualified to exchange the phone for refurbished one, but instead he suddenly changed his mind and did a factory reset! He said I was "better off" this way). I asked if T-mobile would reinburse for the damages done and he said no. He told me I should go back to where I bought my case (the mall across the street) and have them refund or exhange it because, "it's not suppose to break off like that". Of course it's not suppose to be like that! He should have handled it with care. I've taken my battery out often and have not damaged it before. So I asked to speak to a manager. She came over to me and said, "I'm sorry, but we can't be responsible for that. We had to take it off to get it fixed". Yes, I understand they had to take it off to fix it, but in the process of doing so you damaged it! So, how can you not be "responsible" for what you have done? I asked to speak to someone above her and smiling she says, "I'm the only manager here". I leave and call 1800-T-mobile to have them help me resolve this issue. Get this! The rep over the phone says that she will reinburse me the money only if I make a committment to be a permanent customer with t-mobile (I'm currently on a month to month base). Seriously? That is ridiculous! With this type of customer service who wants to be committed to such a company! Because I said no she said there was nothing else that she can do for me. I couldn't get any contact information to the district manager, or manager over the phone. She claimed there wasn't anything the manager could do that she couldn't have done. So the only option left is to write a letter! No email, no phone call, but a letter ONLY! How incovenient! I'm very displeased with this company! That was several days ago. Today 7/14/11 I did a chat support online, because I noticed my call history was in my time zone but my texts were not; they were in Pacific Standard time. The rep Darcie rep ID is 13-20338 told me that everything is set to Pacific time and cannot be changed. If "evertyhing" is set that way then why are the call logs set to central? She said, "The calls list as your local time zone since that is how we bill for nights and weekend times. The other usage that is not effected by that is listed as Pacific time." I thought that was ridiculous so I called a rep over the phone who said it may be done and made a note to the engineer to get it changed. They can't be trusted and need better training. Also, I contantly get dropped calls no matter how many times I call them to have them "fix" it. I'm changing my phone company soon!

T-Mobile complaints

Mailing address:
T-Mobile Customer Relations
P.O. Box 37380
Albuquerque, NM [protected]

Phone: Customer Care at [protected]

Los Angeles, US
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Jul 28, 2011 1:07 am EDT

Tmobile screws me once again. This time goes like this. I called them in March. Told them I never requested insurance for my phone and please remove it right away and credit me what ive been charged for the last few months. Well I just looked at my bill and guess what, insurance is STILL on there and im STILL being charged.

I call and the first thing I ask (after arguing with an auotomated voice for 5 minutes) CUSTOMER SERVICE PLEASE! So the first thing I ask is hey when is the last time I called? March ok. And what did I call for? Thats right to remove teh insurance I didnt ask for. And why is it still on my bill? Oh ok you guys made a mistake I see.

Can you remove it and credit me PLEASE? Uh sorry sir we can only credit you partial beacsue its been over 60 days? Since what? Since YOU screwed up? Ok sir so you guys made a mistake and I have to pay for it. Is that about correct? Yes we are very sorry sir but...

Blah blah blah I am so over corporate EVERYTHING. Ive had so many issues with Tmobile I could fill this whole website. WORST COMPANY EVER.

London, GB
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Feb 09, 2012 9:02 pm EST
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London, GB
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Feb 09, 2012 9:17 pm EST
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Littleton, US
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Feb 15, 2012 10:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

WOW - T-MOBILE went from having great customer's services to being TERRIBLE. A few years back I foinf myself writing letters to praise tehir customers representative and today I would like to state that they are a foreigners script reading company that does not listenhelp the customer. Why have customer service if they are really not providing any worth while service. Now if the customer service tehy are trying to provide is frustration, desire to pull yoru hair off - then KUDOS TO YOU T-MOBILE. You have one of the WORST customers service personnel I have ever seen in a company that a few years back was so great at it. I suppose destroying does not take too long, just hiring totally terrible customers service representatives from a different country. - You get what you pay for does not apply to the customer getting to pay more or the same for teh services but it does apply to the brilliant mind making the decision of getting more revenue for the company and the hell with the customers

Grand Junction, US
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Jun 19, 2013 6:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My SIM card was bad according to T-Mobile technician so I was asked to go to one of their stores and they would call and tell the store there will be no charge to the customer, which there is no T-Mobile store in Grand Junction so it was impossible to get a SIM card in my city. After 4 hours being transferred to this and that department speaking to someone that did not speak English that good I finally requested to be transferred to someone in the US, which was no better. They stated they would send me out a new SIM card, after one hour on the phone, two weeks has gone bye still no card. I called again and went through the same questions on the phone for another two hours trying to talk with someone that speaks very little English. So people take my advise don’t do business with T-Mobile. Remember the checks in the mail, just like my Sim card,

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Aug 04, 2015 5:45 pm EDT

My cell (LG G4) stopped working on 7/31/2015 (No cell service). I had just purchased the phone at the end of the prior month. I went to the nearest T-Mobile office. They examined the phone and determined that I needed a new one. When I bought the phone, they gave it me right in the store, but now that I needed a replacement (within a few weeks), they couldn't do that. They put in an order for me to have a new one overnighted to me (so they said). Well, it is now August 4, and I still don't have a replacement phone, despite 2 calls to customer service. The first call, the rep told me that he didn't see an overnight request and there should have been one because it was early enough in the day for me to get it overnight. The second rep when I called again on Monday, told me that because I turned the phone in on a Friday, there was no way I'd get an overnight replacement. It is now 4 days later (at 6:30 pm) and I still have no replacement and no indications that I'll have one soon. Fortunately I can make calls on my desktop, but it's inconvenient because it's in a room that I am not usually in and I can't make or receive calls when I'm not home of course. When I bought the phone, they gave me one at the store but they refuse to do that now when I need a replacement, even though it's only been a few weeks since I bought it. This is lousy customer service.l

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Jan 20, 2016 1:37 pm EST

I do understand the ridiculous reputation that T-Mobile has amongst cell phone users. I dumped them as a provider as quickly as possible. This reputation as being an incompetent, worthless cell phone provider does not give the unfortunate individuals, most of whom would be fired within a week by a reputable company, the right to treat their customers like dirt. Unfortunately, my son is covered under an existing family member's plan. He was having problems with his phone overheating and not providing any service at all. Understand that this was a $900.00 phone. The two losers that were working in the store that day attempted to make him feel like dirt. He was berated by this stupid monkey of a clerk for having a so called "older phone" which in fact was only two years old. He was ignored by these so called customer service agents both of whom simply treated him as if he weren't even there. Instead of offering advice or service of any kind they told him to go down the street to a cell repair store. My son is a college educated individual with a degree in communications. He would fire both of these losers if they exhibited that behavior on the job. I will be following up with their manager and their manager's manager. We cannot afford to continue to accept poor customer service in any industry. We must send a message to these monkeys that we can and will give our hard earned money to those companies that deserve our business.

Deborah Webster
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Jun 09, 2016 8:06 am EDT

We purchased 2 Samsung phones from Tmobile. Virtual reality goggles were offered as a has been four months and they continue to tell us that they are out of stock.

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