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History Channel / A&E Television Networks
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks Complaints 268

10:59 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks program choice

I take serious issue with the type of programs the History Channel has chosen to broadcast, not only do the shows have little to nothing to do with history, but they are simple minded in nature and offer nothing in the way of enjoyable educational programing. The fact that the people at History Channel have sunk so low as to show such idiotic reality TV shows in place of their former informative and engaging documentaries saddens me, and I have no desire to watch men chop down trees, or splash about in a swamp, or even listen to a narrator find every possible way to convince you that our history was shaped by aliens.
Therefore, if History Channel refuses to show any history, I suggest they change their name to something more appropriate, rather than lead people on in the delusion that there will, in fact, be history on the History Channel.
On a side note I think I ought to mention that I am 21 years old, so anyone who may have thought that only the older generation enjoyed the History Channel, they were quite mistaken.


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Marlene Cookie McIntosh
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Feb 03, 2016 7:03 pm EST

I was so excited when I began to watch these series. Then, I realized that they explore but NEVER FIND ANYTHING! Nothing is even CLOSE to being a "truth" or a "find". Why bother? "We might find..." "It may be..." Never ANYTHING definitive.

Sheesh. Talk about a lunch bag letdown. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.


maximillian D.
New York, US
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Jan 15, 2014 8:29 pm EST

I want to start of by saying that I have always loved the history channel because I have been able to learn many things I didn't learn in school because I hated school, But that's another story.What I don't understand is why has the History Channel like so many other channels become a haven for garbage programing.I know that So-called reality shows are very cheap to produce and make big bucks.Are you people really ready to give up your integrity for the almighty buck? you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you have done to your chanel.Thank god you have left H2 alone.However I wonder how long it will be before you have two chanels that show nothing but CRAP, and that is what so-called reality programing is.I call it so-called because they are not real they set up the situations and many of them do have a very lose form of script.I'm not going to get into how phony they realy are.I just want to know why you decided to insult your viewers by programing that CRAP.All I can say is you need to get rid of the JERK or JERKS who decided to do this awful thing to your station.I know you probably will laugh at me for writing this bacause you have no respect for people who made it past the third grade in school.If any of this sinks into your greedy little minds please knoww that there are still people ho care about you chanel and would love to se it return to the great chanel that is WAS.By the way I will keep checking to see if you have gone back to what you used to be but until then I will watch chanels with programing that does NOT INSUTL MY INTELEGENCE.I will say Thank You for reading this even though I know you don't give a damn.

Ms Milly
North Hollywood, US
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Apr 07, 2013 1:46 am EDT

What happened to history? All I see are grown men and women butchering animals. Hogs, ducks, gators, now deer? It's disgusting. Its bad enough the news is filled with us killing each other but now we have to watch new ways to slaughter innocent animals. Are alligators the new buffalo? Lets desensitize our youth even more! I hate this channel! I'm done, just put my TV on the side walk!

Warren, US
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Feb 21, 2013 2:45 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The only thing "idiotic" is you or your parents, whoever is paying that cable bill. $40 a month for ###ic trash? You people have got to be kidding...or you're simply "writing it off " as "I have no life, and that's what it costs me." Total idiots...anybody who pays for TV these days.

1:29 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks ku klux klan: a secret history

I am disappointed in the History Channel program Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History. It is clearly written in a biased manner. Many facts have been witheld concerning the Klan's original purpose. For example, the program touched on the fact that they originally formed as a type of fraternity, but left out the facts that they went on night rides for entertainment reasons and to lift the spirits of the southerners who lost everything they owned after the northerners burned, destroyed all their possessions and even poured fuel into the ground to prevent them from growing any crops again. The northerners and carpetbaggers also influenced many freed slaves to be on their side, to steal or destroy what was left of the southerners' possessions and rape war widows. While doing night rides the Klan discovered that the slaves feared them, believing they were ghosts of Confederate soldiers. So they used it to their advantage to protect the innocent and keep order in a war torn and lawless land. Something else that was not mentioned in the program is the fact that they didnt go around beating and killing innocent men, they warned people and only used violence as last resort when warnings and threats failed. One more fact that wasnt mentioned in the program is that they didn't only go after people of black race, they also punished their own race who were abusive to women and practiced other violent and morally and criminally wrong acts. Even though the Klan is portrayed as a racist and violent group all facts should be heard, not from a biased perspective that agrees with popular beliefs and opinions.


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Anon Caucasian
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Nov 03, 2014 12:08 am EST

Anything to emasculate the white male in modern America. The same drones who feel negative towards the OP complaint, are the same ignorant sheep that will openly use the N word; and then burn in anger at anyone non-black who uses the same phrase.

The exact truth behind the KKK is exactly as OP stated. After several decades of Jewish Hollywood putting out movies villainizing the Klan, it is no surprise that it is still being done today.

I can easily point a finger at the NAACP for being racist. No matter WHICH way you cut it, they go out of their way to ONLY defend african americans.

I do not see the KKK stirring up nearly as much BS that Rev Al Dullton and Jesse grapeson do. Educate yourself or take a long hard look in the mirror.

Cottage Grove, US
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Feb 04, 2013 3:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My goodness - your version of the KKK is not too slanted, is it?

3:55 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks unprofessional creepy

I used to be an ad exec and I''ve had interactions with companies all over the world and have had clients like the Ford Motor Company, International Business Machines, Hotwire and all companies but 2 have been very nice and respectful.
a&e networks is unprofessional and creepy. I know the internet very well and was able access a hidden page of the a&e network, so I called their office to find out who I could speak to about giving them interesting program buisness proposal and the lady treated me like I was a crack dealer and brushed me off.

Update by Spindoctor1
Oct 18, 2012 4:10 pm EDT

I am a former ad exec with the old Shopdotcom network and have had major clients and have interacted with companies all over the world and all but 2 have been very professional and respectful.
I know the internet very well and was able to sleuth out a hidden page of and on it it had a list some names and numbers of what I thought would interested parties that I could contact to submit an interesting program buisness propposal, so innocently enough I call Amy Baker and she acted like a was some kinda drug dealer or even worse, she is creepy, icky no way legit


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12:37 am EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks programs

Why has the History Channel turned into a Reality TV Channel? Before that it was the American History Channel. Could you please start showing more historical documentaries and shows that represent the history of numerous regions of the world and not just one. Being a history major, I'm appalled by what has been passing for the "History Channel". Please rename your current channel to Reality History Channel and re-launch an new History Channel that deals with history only. Thank you.

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Warren, US
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Dec 28, 2012 1:51 pm EST
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Can you fill us in on those p--nis cones? We were thinking of having a theme party based on that but can find little info. Can you buy those on line? Thanks.

Jati Panantya
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Dec 17, 2012 10:16 am EST

in early season of pawn stars, episode "deals from hell" the armor and weapon expert said that the "Keris" sword (he said kris) is the traditional weapon of filipina, WTF! "keris" is Indonesian heritage, . it's javanese culture, I'm javanese, I'm living among the "pandhe besi" (blacksmith who makes keris). java island is in Indonesia
Pawn Stars and History channel owe Indonesia an apologize
it's not a simple thing

elgin, US
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Oct 28, 2012 9:22 pm EDT

For the love of God please stop with pawn stars! First it was the learning channel Whichita turned into reality TV, then it was the discovery channel... now the HISTORY CHANNEL? WTF? please return the your roots and show history related programs... not crap, I miss my history channel

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Aug 14, 2012 2:43 pm EDT

can you please stop playing pawn stars all day everyday. Just change the channel name to pawn stars t.v.. if i wanted to see that many episodes i would buy a box set. And i do not agree with any of the shows you have playing, nothing is history related. did someone die and thier 5 year old take over ther company. history channel sucks now days.

12:31 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks advertising on screen

I bought a big screen HD TV, and while watching H2 they have 2 blocks of advertising in the upper corners that is VERY ANNOYING, all the time the program is on, but when the real adds come on they disappear. Why do they have to do this?
Some times all 4 corners have adds, not conducive to watching.
I will not be watching H2 in the future.
I have noticed they have more adds per program, this is very annoying, but understand they want to bring in more money.


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Dec 28, 2015 6:36 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Watching ancient aliens. Could handle :45 commercial breaks. Last few breaks over the top. 6 ads and still counting. Inexcusable! If I wanted that many damn commercials I'd watch tv. Good grief is there any intelligent life at History Channel!? The app has been deleted. Try not to be so frickin greedy will ya?!

1:52 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks programming

The history channel should change its name to "crappy reality tv show channel" - they've definitely taken the emphasis away from history. Its primary viewers don't care about ice road truckers, axmen and celebrity biographies. People who do watch zone reality and e! Entertainment for that stuff. This channel is going down the toilet and its very sad because there is so little educational programming on offer these days.


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delta, CA
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Mar 04, 2022 4:37 pm EST

this is an American t,v show ,,, then you are a terrorist group with propaganda in Canada fuk you American scum terrorists in our country ,, you put all black men with white women on most commercials you are terrorists in Canada like the Germans did but this time its the Jews doing it to us //.// your t,v station is discusting we should just charge you with terrorism in our country ,,, terrorism = anything you do that affects groups (( negatively )) in a country ... you are trash channel ...

Manteno, US
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Feb 22, 2022 8:12 pm EST

So you couldn’t Lincoln over pawn star reruns or any of you reoccurring reruns? Oak island on of your best nights I look forward to! Not another rewrite of Lincoln life

Michael Holly
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Apr 13, 2021 10:07 pm EDT

I agree History channel is now Junk Channel. Boring filthy reality shows such as Curse of Oak island and Ax Men. Also, the p.o.s. show called Ancient Aliens which is racist against the accomplishments of ancient people by attributing their monuments and works to aliens. I think Ancient Aliens should be cancelled immediately! I will no longer watch History Channel unless they cancel those filthy shows and go back to the fact-based history shows like they used to do.

Irate Taurus
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Nov 30, 2019 10:26 am EST
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It seems that someone thinks loud background noise (music?) adds something to a documentary. I was just watching a program on the revolutionary war and the background music was so loud and distracting that I missed way too much of the dialog. Please, please, eliminate the noise or at least turn the volume down so that the narration can be heard.

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Jun 07, 2019 11:22 am EDT

You guys cannot be serious about the new "Nariator" who voice makes my skin crawl. We don't need someone reading the screen for us and if we did, seriously could get someone way better...I'm not sure I can watch any longer.

Who is this person? Must be a big wig and wants to be noticed or something because I cannot believe the powers that be there on the History channel could think this was a good move. You had a Nariator who was very good and only nariated when neccesary. I feel like a child being read a book...please send this guy his walking papers. Jim

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May 18, 2019 9:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am guessing that the Alien format of The History Channel is more lucrative than a history format why else would they leave the history buffs in the dust. The channel has really adulterated themselves and went awhoring after other gods instead of the God of the Bible.

Debra Rigby
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Mar 23, 2019 7:37 pm EDT

The medieval warming period is what allowed the VIKINGS to settle in what is "now" the cold, Greenland/Newfoundland area. Back in 1, 000 A.D., the summers were longer and warmer due to LACK OF VOLCANIC activity, which normally blocks the sun's rays. THIS IS WHY THEY SURVIVED and then dispersed, died off, and/or moved back to Scandinavia areas when farming became good again. The Newfoundland/Vinland settlement no longer existed when the LITTLE ICE AGE came. FYI: GLOBAL WARMING is a natural event (and is not always related to human wastes). GOOGLE SCHOLAR: LITTLE ICE AGE and MEDIEVAL WARMING PERIOD. **** The next ice age is on its way - and this is what helps to negate (cancel out) fears of GLOBAL WARMING ... get an education dudes ! Your History Channel explains the VIKING settlement in the DUMBEST and most ignorant fashion... do your homework before airing History specials ! It's all about global warming and intermittent ice-age periods that continue to occur and will always be part of the Earth's nature.

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Dec 28, 2018 11:06 pm EST

I don't care about watching people cut down trees, dig holes in the earth at Oak Island, drive semi-trucks in Alaska, hunt alligators, nor buy stuff whether in a pawn shop or going house to house. Get back to history programs or change the name to "Another Reality TV Network".

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Dec 20, 2018 4:08 pm EST

Please eradicate American Pickers from my TV! I hate this show!

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Nov 20, 2018 3:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Reconsider staying with the Navy Seal show SIX

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7:14 pm EDT
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I switched channels to the history channel so my daughter could get some education value in her TV watching and they had on a show called 'Swamp People', which was a bunch of guys holding up a gun going to shoot an alligator. They were showing the point on the alligator where it was best to shoot them. What on earth does that have to do with History? My...

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4:10 pm EST
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History Channel should immediately cancel the dreaded Sarah Palin Alaska show, as the woman is clearly responsible for the Tucson attacks (her target maps!!). She is a nut case and should be committed, NOT put on the airwaves!! Betty Christensen

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About History Channel / A&E Television Networks

Screenshot History Channel / A&E Television Networks
History Channel, part of A&E Networks, offers a range of programming related to historical events and figures. Its services include cable television broadcasting, online streaming of historical series, documentaries, and specials. The channel also provides educational content and resources through its website.
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Overview of History Channel / A&E Television Networks complaint handling

History Channel / A&E Television Networks reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 10, 2011. The latest review Disappointed with the Shift in Content was posted on May 17, 2024. The latest complaint swamp people was resolved on Mar 16, 2015. History Channel / A&E Television Networks has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 269 reviews. History Channel / A&E Television Networks has resolved 9 complaints.
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