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CB Nutrition The People's Chemist I was worthless at this place
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist review: I was worthless at this place 33

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1:24 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Being The Peoples Chemist client was the most devastating experience of my life. At a time when I was already fragile and vulnerable, being mislabeled and mistreated only confirmed to me I was worthless at this place. It was clear my thoughts, feelings, and opinions counted for little.

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Apr 09, 2013 12:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought several of his books and after many months of watching his videos and reading his blogs I tried one of his products and it was an expensive herbal treatment that could have been purchased for a few dollars at a good vitamin shop. When I called to complain they told me it was ALL my own fault and that I shouldn't buy anything from them and they would block me from their website. I was glad to just get away from this snake oil salesman for about $100.00. Save your money and buy from quality suppliers. It's obvious they are relying in the placebo effect along with some people who will respond to well known treatments.

Mike Rael
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Oct 01, 2018 9:01 pm EDT

Why didn't you buy the products more cheaply elsewhere?

michele michele
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Dec 17, 2019 12:44 pm EST

they are horrible. go to their site. they are so snotty i have never read anything like this! never! they tell you if you email them with "whine flu" they will block you. omg how do they sell anything telling people if they have an issue they are suffering from whine flu? i should have known, in his youtube video he says [censored]! he is rude. there is a HUGE difference between being strong and confident. he is neither. he is a bully who loves himself. pretty much a god complex! they are not registered with the BBB. why? you guess. they would totally have an F rating because they are abusive bullys!

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Jan 19, 2014 10:42 am EST

Actually, I have used and benefited from some of the products they sell are great. The arrogance and inflammatory behavior of their staff, not so much. I recently sent a note to them about frustrations with their service after receiving an auto-response that felt like a blow off. It was direct and expressed my serious disappointment with my service experience. Rather than concern for my disappointment, much less an apology or reaching out with an olive branch, I received the most defensive and inflammatory customer service response of my lifetime. Here are some actual quotes from their response:

"We get hammered with thousands of emails per day and we do our best to answer all of them, but we can't answer ALL of them at the same EXACT time or immediately. The autoresponse below helps answer some of the more common questions, to save us some time to handle some of the less common questions - Why don't you stop being lazy and try reading it?"

Pay particular attention to this part [the CSR is telling me I should have noted this section of the auto response I was sent]: To all others: If you send spam, hate mail or suffer from "The Whine Flu" and complain too much, you will be deleted from our customer database so that we can save time for our top fans who are actively living young.

At least give us a chance to answer an email - Christ! - you JUST sent your FIRST message 20 mins ago, before you followed up with this whining...

Try this BS with Amazon or EBay or General Motors or Home Depot or your local coffee shop - Do you buy coffee? - Do they provide you with SUPERIOR support on anything, whenever you want it, immediately, for FREE?"

After I replied to that unbelievable email, I received a second letter in which the service rep essentially told me the things I had stated were not true based on his search of their records (apparently not considering that a person might have had a name change, multiple emails and physical addresses, or experiences that happened before he began working for the company). He then ended the email with this: "We are a high-end, natural medicine company, for the select few who are able to make bigger investments into their health. Our customer service is second to none. If it's not good enough for you, then go buy milk thistle from Rite-Aid. Then send them a nasty email demanding they answer questions about their product that you bought and see how far you get. Then try it with Wal-Mart and see if you even get a response. Then try it with Lewis Labs. See how that goes. Try sending the same type of email to Jarrow Formulas - IF you can even find an email address to send a message to. Stop. Now. Last warning."

I don't need to "test drive" the customer service from other providers of high-end supplements... I order regularly from many and receive excellent responsiveness, information, answers and support. The nuance in their service is that you only get it if 1) you are a dedicated "fan", and, 2) you don't dare to challenge or disagree with them. You'll also have to be wiling to accept that you won't be given the recommended period of time to try out a product or risk not getting a refund if you're unhappy, paying high shipping rates unless you purchase $200 in product, or paying a 20% restocking fee, plus return shipping, if you return a product in the required 30 days.

I won't do business with a company that ends its emails with a "warning" for the customer to behave or risk being deleted from their data-base, much less one that calls me lazy, whiners, and tells me the things I say are not true. If you are a "good customer" who is ready to give your supplement supplier free reign to consider themselves perfect and you a disposable commodity, this could be the company for you. But if you wish to be treated with respect, shop someplace else.

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Jan 19, 2014 10:46 am EST

KED2, I am sorry you had that experience with TPC. My experience is that this company is only interested in the "high end of the food chain" customers. This does not make you worthless, it makes you someone who needs something very different than what they want as customers. I am not defending them, simply encouraging you to consider that this is not a place where people who don't behave in ways they agree with will find any respect, compassion or support. It's not about you. its their bizarre arrogance, intolerance and holier-than-thou belief system.

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Jan 19, 2014 4:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

For anyone who is thinking of purchasing anything from this company this is what you will see at some point. Their customer service is great as long as you are spending thousands of dollars of products from them and are calling with high praise. I will boil down all of their products for you. They are all known substances from past studies that are combined in different ways so that they can add thousands of percent of profits into the price. All you need to do is some research on whatever problem you are trying to solve and go to a quality seller (there are many) and buy what you need for pennies. Shane wants you to believe that somehow only he has the secrets to formulas that cure health problems. He only discovered that on the internet you can fool enough people to live a high life by just selling them snake oil.

Chris Web
Brisbane, AU
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Jan 30, 2014 3:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have encountered the same arrogance and non caring attitude from these people and you are right they only want to know about you when they are raking in your cash, any problems and we are classified as whining shrews, they think its their god given right to talk down to you and undermine you whenever you ask a question they don't want to answer.WHYARE THESE SHEISTERS ALLOWED TO OPERATE. THIS GUY THINKS HE IS GOD! IVE GOT NEWS FOR HIM.

Mandeville, US
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Feb 14, 2015 11:47 pm EST

My experience with these people is exactly the same. The "Customer Service" dept personnel have obviously been give carte blanche to answer simple customer inquiries with lazy rudeness instead of actual help. You are continually pointed back to the propaganda pages instead of receiving assistance. No wonder they don't have time to answer customer questions about their products, they waste so much time composing cruel comments. It's neither efficient or effective. Frankly, it would so much easier and they would save so much time if they just helped people when asked instead of the back and forth mean and hateful barbs they provide to answer common questions. I can only surmise that this Shane Ellison person has sanctioned this, hiring angry people to carry out this bizarre mission statement that will one day prove fatal. Good companies have gone under providing so much more.

But you don't have to take my word for it. While it's really sad, it's actually hysterical, just email customer support and when you get the auto responder, write back with a question or two not covered in their email. You will promptly get a nasty reply from a "real" person, who obviously has emotional problems possibly getting stepped on at home, so they feel it necessary to exert whatever power they think they can over you.

To me, such blatant disregard for customers makes all their products suspect. If you have read the book and want to supplement, just do yourself a favor and find the cheaper alternatives out there, sold by nice people who really care. Forget Shane Ellison and his toxic entourage. No one needs that in this day and age where customer service is king.

Penelope Johnstone
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Nov 05, 2017 3:47 pm EST
Replying to comment of Kwylee

i have yet to find quality supplements that work as well as Joint RX, can you direct me to ...the right places to search ? the 3 supplements i have tried since Joint RX are not working very well at all

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Aug 16, 2018 9:06 am EDT

Hyaluronic Acid supplements make it possible for me to walk. My knee joints go bone on bone if I don't take it. You can find it in any pharmacy or Purity Products sells it cheaper (if bought under their plan). I used to take FluidJoint (which was a chewable pill made of milk proteins from immunized cows) but they seem to have gone out of business.

Isara Argent
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Oct 22, 2018 2:45 pm EDT
Replying to comment of PAUL767

You can also purchase hyaluronic acid in liquid form for horses, from horse supply companies... same high quality, much less money.

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Jun 13, 2019 5:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I used to have a lot of joint issues. A functional medicine practitioner suggested it could be food allergies. Bingo. Gluten and yeast. I keep them out of my diet - which entails eating whole foods, no sugar, no processed foods - and I have no issues. And it's cheap! And I've lost weight eating that way.

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Aug 14, 2015 2:32 am EDT

I have had the same horrible experience. I believe that Shane has no employees answering emails. I believe they're all written by him. He's beyond arrogant, beyond a thief and beyond a horrible human being. Sadly, he's got four kids at home who don't get to live the life they could if their father treated his customers with respect. Because if he did, he would be getting repeat orders and customer referrals. Instead, he's robbing his children of having a father that teaches them compassion and kindness and who provides well for them. What an angry human Shane is. Unbelievable.

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Dec 09, 2015 12:06 am EST

Sent my first email. Reply told me to read the book. If I had time to read the damn book between two kids, being a wife, going to school and working, I'd read the damn book. What gets me is I just purchased my first product (sending it back as soon as it's received). I even stated being a mom and everything and still, you expect me to find time to read your book? As if this guy doesn't have enough money in his pockets. I'm a very pissed off woman. I'm now unsubscribing. I love natural products. If you want to sell them, the least you could do is be courteous to your costumers! I'll be trashing the book.

Beverley Valentin
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Dec 15, 2015 11:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Am i so glad i clicked onto customer complaints...if Shane showed that attitude on his interviews he would soon be out of business...but you know what, word spreads very quickly...i live in South Africa and my husband and i wanted to place quite a large order of joint FX. I receive his news letters and have listened to most of his talks he gives on his products, and just could not believe i had at last "found' this miracle cure...that could actually repair cartilage...i have arthiritis in my big toe and have pain every time i walk. My husband arthritis in most of his joints...we don't take any pain meds as we would rather go the 'natural route'. Boy am i disappointed...

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May 10, 2016 9:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Serotonin FX is toxic My brother was on them stop taking his medication for manic depression is now in VA hosptial lose over 70 lbs because of it and almost died ! and here is responds to some taking his poison shame on him and disgusting company selling snake oil!
I recently got an email saying, "My Serotonin FXsmells horrible. It's pungent and makes me fearful of all your products. I've contacted my doctor...Am wondering if I should contact FDA."
I understand the concern. Many people have been shocked by the smell of my all-natural, deep sleep, valerian product...But most aren't so f#$cking stupid that they start reporting me for selling bad pills...
The FDA really needs to check this company out !

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May 14, 2016 10:07 am EDT

My family and I have used the Relief FX and gotten relief from pain like no one's business. When I had surgery leaving me with Sciatica for several weeks, afterward, this was the only thing that relieved the pain. When our family contracted a virus with severe headache, earache, body aches, sore throat, and fever, again Relief FX helped more than Aleve, Tylenol and Advil. I'm completely sold on this product and will try their other products in the future!

Danielle Zuckerman
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May 18, 2016 3:21 pm EDT

Good afternoon. I am an advocate of any company who stands up for the consumer and doesn't take advantage of vulnerable people for personal gain. If this company doesn't fall in this category, please ignore. However, I have a friend who bought 2 of the products and took them for 2 months. Shortly after, her skin turned yellow and she went to the doctor. After lots of tests and confusion, they narrowed her symptoms to the supplements because they were the only difference in what she was consuming. Her liver was shutting down and she is now undergoing a 6 month program to wait for the liver to regrow/heal. So scary. I love supplements when they are used appropriately and for the right durations. I think that functional doctors can help people everywhere to test their levels and find out the ROOT CAUSE of the problem. We have so many people in the world who self-diagnose and take chances with companies who do not have their best interest at heart. I am sure that some people had positive experiences with this product. Others did not. There is no magic bullet. If someone can be allergic to oranges, they can have a bad reaction to herbs and vitamins. Please do your research, consult a qualified functional practitioners, and find a reputable company that respects is customers.

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Jan 25, 2017 8:21 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was stupid enough to buy the weight loss system. It comes with a book and a "quick start guide" -- or so they say. I didn't get the quick start guide - just the products. The book is poorly organized and very confusing. I asked support if they could just steer me in the right direction with a food list of what should be eaten and not be eaten and the answer was a curt "Read the Quick Start Guide". When I said I didn't get one - they said that wasn't possible. I said it indeed WAS possible, and could they just give me the information in a PDF. You'd have thought I asked them to come to my home and personally make my meals for me! Then, the tirade began. They gave the the "links" to different areas of their "blog" - none of which worked. I told them the links weren't working and they berated me further, basically calling me an i###t. Along with "what about "if it's sweet spit it out" did you NOT understand"? I never asked about that. I told them I read the book twice and still didn't know when to use the Whey powder - and here is the response from the email... from "Jack" - as in JACK ### ---- "They work fine. Clear your history and your cache. Or, try a different browser. They work perfectly.

Janet already took the time to WRITE the Quick Start Guide in an email for you. At least read it.

You READ the book TWICE and you still don't know what to do?

That's not possible.

Are you skimming through it or reading it with an intention of applying it to your life? When you read, If it tastes sweet spit it out, what don't you understand about that?

Now, you're just looking for excuses to fail. You don't have a piece of cardboard - so yea - I guess it's time to just throw it the towel and give up, right?


And this was just ONE of the incredibly rude emails he sent me. STEER CLEAR OF THIS COMPANY. What a bunch of ### hats!

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Apr 17, 2017 11:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a pilot on a light bata blocker 5mg and a potasium pill 10 mg. was sold a product stating (ditch your meds with cardio FX) and keep your third class medical.
On the dr's meds BP was 140/80 . took 3 months of fx while weaning off the dr's meds as per instructions. BP gradually increased to 190/100
I have now ditched FX and BP is gradually going down, but have a lot more to go.
Stay away from this co. products at all costs. the only one getting healthy from this is the owner money wise.
please read carefully.
Thanks g kelly.
email given to those who request it.

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May 13, 2017 8:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DON'T BUY THE FAKE ### from The People's Chemist. Shane — and the ### he sells — is a scam, and the proof is the LACK OF "amount per serving."

Look at the label for The People's Chemist crap and compare it side-by-side with any other supplement — such as the superior Eclectic Institute, which Shane will claim is "###" for no other reason than the capsule is comprised of hypromellose. (Shane and his vassals hate hypromellose more than the company's customers). What you DON'T SEE on The People's Chemist is the volume of each ingredient. Shane, et al, will make all sorts of ###TY excuses that stupid people will accept — the primary one being that fast food and soft drink companies don't give out their formulas, and neither does he. That flawed logic and his ###ing puerile attitude is all an attempt to cover up that there is very little active ingredient in the overpriced ### he sells.

Clearly, he's attempting to cover up as well as avoid FDA or some other agency's scrutiny by not divulging the volume of the ingredients in his products. To that, I say "### you, Shane; go fly your plane into the desert floor."

Mike Rael
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Oct 01, 2018 1:12 am EDT
Replying to comment of ShaneShit

Nothing prevents you from googling the max recommended dose for your body weight. Or going to web MD to see possible interactions with your current meds. Or asking a friendly pharmacist. Or your own doctor. Ellison is just protecting his creation. He is not as transparent as Dr Al Sears, but his supplements are HIS property, guys. Not yours. There is nothing about quantities that you can't make an intelligent guess at. Ellison also claims a special care with making his supplements. I can't judge that. Personally I find the knowledge in his book of natural cures invaluable.

Dennis Rubenstein
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Dec 04, 2018 11:14 am EST
Replying to comment of Mike Rael

I agree 1000 per cent. You cry babies need to go and make a better mousetrap. HE DID. Stop your whining.

Penelope Johnstone
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Nov 05, 2017 3:56 pm EST

i re-ordered this wonderful product, Joint FX. it was my 3rd or 4th order. i used 'Pay pal'. on confirmation of my order, i saw that that my order was NOT being delivered to me, in California, but to my billing address in Oregon, [20 hours drive away]. i contacted the company by both phone # and by email before they sent the package, and had special instructions NOT to send to P.O. box. they sent my order to the wrong address/billing address, anyway, telling me to go to local post office to pick up package [in Oregon] not able to make the 20 hour drive to another state, i contacted the people's choice, they basically said it was sent out, 'too bad', so, i contacted Paypal. they stopped payment. i received a nasty rude e- mail from people's choice, reprimanding me for reporting problem to Paypal, threatening to withhold supplement order for even longer... it an absolute shame that a product so wonderful, is owned by a company that is so bad at customer service, and simple shipping instructions.

Mike Rael
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Oct 01, 2018 1:28 am EDT

If it was Ellison's customer service folks who made the mistake, they should eat it. You are right to go to PayPal. If they don't want to deal with you, well, I bought a wonderful joint product from the Healthy Back Institute. It felt like a sheath was placed within my joint. I did not need to buy another bottle. That is the virtue of a free market. If you really love Ellison's joint product, say so to them. Apologize for any hurt you gave them unintentionally. Tell them you wanted that money to buy Norwood their wonderful product:) Mike

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Apr 17, 2019 4:20 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Mike Rael

What joint product to you buy from the back institute? And do you need a prescription for it?

Sandy Donsal
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Aug 09, 2018 3:09 pm EDT

that guy sounds amazing yall the stupid ones who fall for the fake advertising. Thats why he treats u like crap, its an obviously fake product and yall are stupid enough to think its real and want real customer service for it. [censored]s lol

Mike Rael
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Oct 01, 2018 12:30 am EDT

I tried 2 different prescription meds for insomnia. Did not work. Then I tried Serotonin FX and I got some sleep! My only issue was the price. So I bought l-tryptophan and Valerian root from Amazon at about half off I guessed at a dose of 500mg of each for every 50 pounds of weight . Worked perfectly. A doctor at Kaiser Permanente confirmed the ingredients were safer than the meds I was using previously.

Mike Rael
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Oct 01, 2018 12:51 am EDT

I like Ellison's book. He points out inexpensive solutions to a wide variety of problems. You don't have to buy his products. Go to Swanson's vitamins or Amazon for fine products at a lower price. Personally I always check with my own doctor before trying something new. Which is exactly what Ellison recommends. Repeatedly. Give the guy a break. When he talks about radiation or chemo for cancer, he is talking simple truth. After I had my cancer operation, 2 different oncologists gave me opposite opinions. I had to do my own research. I ended up seeing a doctor who had success by boosting the immune system, not tearing it down. I am alive now about 15 years afterwards with no recurrences. You should never use a book to treat yourself without the aid of a professional who understands what should not be done with your body as well as the benefits possible to the book's ideas. Mike

Charles Ragan
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Dec 20, 2018 11:18 am EST

I used a few of Shanes products and found them to be fair to great products. I never had a problem with shipping or billing. Maybe I am not as smart as some people, but why would you have a billing address 20 hours away and different from your mailing address? Sounds suspicious to me. And most of these comments appear to me to be trolls for Big Pharm trying to discredit a reputable natural medicine producer because he is a "cancer" in their sides. He exposes them for what they are, charlatans selling you drugs that keep you on their drugs for profit and not cures or even credible treatment. I researched Shane and found him to be truthful in the fact that he used to work for Big Pharm and left them to form his own company. In his own words, he stated that he was sick of their BS creations that kept people on drugs and not cure or even treat them in order to cure them. If they treated you with the intention of curing or real relief then that would defeat their purpose of making MONEY. Their sole intent is to keep you on their drugs for a lifetime. There are cures and treatments out there and Shane Ellison "The Peoples Chemist", is one of the most trusted and the most refined natural treatment available. He also states where to find the SAME natural medicines cheaper than his. The caveat is that they are not as refined or as pure but he still informs on where to find them. That is honesty and credibility. He curses and hurts my feelings, oh the pain! Really? If you are not interested in getting off addictive drugs and being BigPharma's guinea pigs then by all means continue on your destructive path. TROLLS are everywhere. Research for yourself and don't just rely on google or for Gods sake, Snopes. They are corporate run entities that are bought and influenced by larger and more powerful people like the drug producers that are killing you now.

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Sep 07, 2019 4:59 pm EDT

I see some positive reviews were written by Shane, the guys who calmed that he searched Snahe and found him true, can you provide the link to your finding

Donald The Wiser
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Sep 09, 2019 1:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

they told me to sign with my first name and email and then confirm once I receive the email, once this was done they send me a copy of the 2 worst prostate meds e-book, this never happened, I sent them a reply stating that they were nothing but a scam

Paulson Ge
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Sep 23, 2019 1:35 am EDT

His products are good. He doesn't have paid customer service, so "Jeff" and the like are mostly him. He obviously can't tolerate people complaining, and then has outbursts. That's a character flaw. I think he does that because he feels he's giving the best stuff out there. He should just bite the bullet and hire a good outsourced customer service team with answers to most questions provided and only have the ones that they can't answer or satisfy forwarded to him. Would save him time and the effort of having people upset with him.

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