Toronto Public Library Branch Operations & Customer Experience Director Mohammed Hosseini-Ara has been threatening me with the ultimate one year full service excursion if I continued to post my ''personal attack'' complaints about my over 16 years of negative experiences relating to Yorkwoods Library & associated management personnel in social medias using their full names.
Perhaps Mr. Hosseini-Ara has been high up in the fish tank with a strong preference to hear only ''welcoming'' messages/feedbacks & does not realize that full names of top TPL management are public information accessible to the public not only on their own website but the sunshine list, etc. However superficial freedom of expression that this country still has, correct me if I am incorrect, it is ALL LEGITIMATE TO INCLUDE FULL NAMES IN OUR COMMUNICATIONS & COMPLAINTS, ESPECIALLY WITH PUBLIC OFFICIALS/EMPLOYEES.
Having said this, maybe Mr. Hosseini-Ara should consider ORDERING Queen's Park & the city to not disclose their names & other information to taxpayers & provide senior civil servants with powers to hand out stiff penalty to those who do not comply, especially those whose complaints & grievances are so factual & negative with names of arrogant & power abusive city bureaucrats that Mr. Hosseini-Ara termed ''personal attacks''.
Depending on individual interpretation, virtually all complaints could be considered personal attack as they are targeted experience & criticism, using name or not. All my complaints are involving people I have personally been dealing with when they were supposedly performing certain duties/services & NOTHING about them being a father/mother, son/daughter, a person off work.
Mr. Hosseini-Ara, Yorkwoods Services Manager Young Lark Jin, Yorkwoods Area Manager Sarah Bradley,
Yorkwoods Library Senior Branch Head Stephen Arnoz have been the covering for each other four since October 31/23 in forcing, pushing an already socially & financially marginalized member of the public into further isolation & deterrence of using our tax funded public library & resources as he continues to voice out & share his 16 years of absolute disappointments & intimidations with Toronto Public Library