TrustPilot is a truly evil company.
I've written few factually correct and articulate reviews for this garbage company and each review was torn down.
TrustPilot, like most manifestations of modern liberalism, solely exists to protect elites and companies they finance, which include child grooming sites such as OMETV.
Don't 'make an account on TrustPilot, don't post a review there and, God forbid, don't verify your identity to these people. That would be the virtual equivalent of trying to film 'The Insurrectionists'.
Here is the most recent banned review I wrote about OMETV.
Read it and you'll clearly see why this Authoritarian Woke company (which encourages males ages 5-85 to 'jack off') is just one of many companies in the pockets of TrustPilot.
Note the use of 'Trust'.
'Liberals' are very good at projection.
This needs to come to an end.
OMETV Rewards Conformity, Only If Sex Is Involved
OMETV should seriously stop bragging about their underdeveloped AI catering to bullies, chronic masturbators and verbal abusers. Maybe some of us don't want anything to do with them...we'd rather let them hurt each other or come to us.
We, very often, succeed, few as we are.
We're pro social, pro ethical and good hearted human beings who refuse to conform.
I thought your site promoted itself as seeking to dissolve boundaries and connect people. If that is the case then why would you justify banning a person because the majority of people on the site, almost entirely composed of males seeking sex, cannot be satiated.
And why does this demographic dominate your site and sites like it, who want to appear Woke as you mass-manufacture miserable minors and condemn joy for profit?
Because you want them there.
You want them there to get banned and pay the $8.00 every time their libido gets the best of them.
You want them there to prime for the sex sites you're affiliated with, advertently or inadvertently.
You want them there so that, till then, they could at least obtain the ego satisfaction of projecting their naive socio-political sentiments onto people whose appearance they despise.
And you have the nerve to justify this current banning of me (which, by the way, I may continue to commit as long as I keep paying you) based on the fact that 'people who don't usually report people have reported you in a short period of time'?
Ever think of examining footage of this horrible thing I was supposedly doing which, to the best of my knowledge, was perfectly acceptable on a site composed of miserable faces, erect phalluses and low ceilings.
You expect me to talk to miserable faces, erect phalluses and low ceilings?
You who made sure they would never be curious, have cultural roots and be taught ethics of any sort are clearly to blame.
Fascism, as we all know, is only good for fascists.
I'll end by saying, 'I'm sorry OMETV for trying to Wake the zombies you mass produce with fine singing and awesome dancing. I know no amount of complaining will warrant a response from you because you find it extremely important to maintain the infallibility of your AI which knows outstanding individuals when it sees it'.
No profit in that.
Claimed loss: The ability to speak the absolute truth.
Desired outcome: To see TrustPilot removed from the Internet for taking money from corrupt companies to destroy any criticism about their corrupt practices.
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