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CB Banks Wells Fargo 9407 Madison Ave, Orangevale, CA, 95662, US
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Wells Fargo
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Wells Fargo

9407 Madison Ave, Orangevale, CA, 95662, US
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1 complaint
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4:13 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Wells Fargo - fraud charges to a closed account

On 11/2008 i closed my account with a banker Vic Jenkins at the above location, Vic told me "your account is closed". Then cut up my visa debit card there in front of me and my father. Exaclty two weeks later 11/19/2008 wells fargo hits my "closed account" with a "monthy service fee" of eight dollars. On 11/24/2008 my "closed account" was again charged, this time by Blockbuster video for sixtyfour dollars. 11/26/2008 my "closed account" is refunded sixtythree dollars from Blockbuster video. Meanwhile my "closed Account" has accumulated negative fiftyone dollars in charges from Wells Fargo when again on 12/3/2008 my "closed account" recieved a eight dollar charge from Xbox Live. My "closed account" with Wells Fargo is currently - $104.00. When i recieved all this information i told them i would give them ten dollars and that the rest of the nintyfive or so dollars was all charges from them on a an account that they told me was CLOSED. I was told two days in a rowe i need to speak with the manger each time no manager was there that could "reverse my fee's". Im still waiting today...
Daniel Brown
Fair oaks, CA.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Margaret Terry
Palm Springs, US
Apr 07, 2010 4:12 pm EDT

For Wells Fargo Class-Action Lawsuit and as pending criminal indictments are worked up, please contact me at your very earliest convenience, as our legal team has the energy and momentum to stop this fraud NOW! Call [protected].
Ask for Mr. Terry.

Margaret Terry
Palm Springs, US
Apr 07, 2010 4:03 pm EDT

This is multi-million dollar criminal fraud that will with my help have a class-action law suit behind it. And there's no cleaning it up Wells Fargo because I now have irrefutable indisputable proof, beyond all reasonable doubt, that you {Wells Fargo Bank referred to here out as "you"} knowingly and with forethought and malice gave instructions to lower management to do several things. And love this, We now know why you thought you were not going to be caught --sorry!

Goes like this:
Step 1 -- Just like the gentleman that started the complaint a person closes out an account with absolutely nothing pending on it and does so with a printed receipt that he now has a zero balance.

Step 2 -- A period of silence normally goes by, or from what I can tell it may a "varied" waiting period for it to appear legitimate. But soon after the person, here is the fraud, charged a monthly recurring fee, to the zero balance. Now whereas you are going to claim, ah but I am one step ahead of you Wells Fargo, you will attempt to claim that the account was closed "during" the exact time period that the account did not have money in it, yet not fully in a closed status --if that makes sense, which it does not, though they remedied this.

Step 3 -- They in return do not call the unsuspecting consumer as this would render complaints such as this. They instead turn it over to a collections agency, and guys I love this more than ever, a collection agency owned by none other then Wells Fargo.

Step 4 -- This money is or never was meant to be collected by the consumer, as I discovered and taped a phone conversation> here is the jist of it. We, the consumer are not sent out any type of collections letter nor given any of the usual phone calls normal collection firms rely on. So here "DEBT" is created/manufactured and goes largely undetected or rather unchallenged as the monies are not aggressively sought. In fact most consumers will report of not finding this debt out till much later and usually through some kind of fluke, like calling in to complain about some charge and an attendant revealing the debt.

Step 5 -- This debt is conveniently kept to under a hundred dollars though besides the monthly service fee they tacked on out of thin air they now also add another charge, perhaps two extra charges: a late payment fee and a fee for being under the limit. All still less than $100.00 dollars though around the $50.00 dollar mark for each account. I had closed on the same day a personal checking account and a savings account both totaling a hundred dollars of debt. This DEBT is slated for "CHARGE OFF"and the America taxpayers are now responsible. The IRS is never alerted. My under cover bank employee has recently revealed another fact that will demonstrate malice and knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is...

Step 6 -- All debt that is sent to collections comes with an incentive to pay the bill. It is called your credit score. Wells Fargo Bank was given specific instructions that this debt would never affect the consumers credit report and further more never reported to the Credit Bureau's what-so-ever as this event could and would be the one thing to raise the red flag. Eventually the folk seeking credit would discover their credit score had been negatively impacted, though because it is never reported it never sound any bells off. Very clever though a truly air tight case. Oh yes, my confidential informant is an impeccable non-impeachable witness. She was reluctant at first especially when I informed I wanted her to do it for the fact it was the right thing to do not for money. The money could discredit her testimony against key banking officials the day of trial. We are good to go, clean as a whistle.

Closing Comments: We need though at this point more consumers that will come forward with the same scenario. In-house documents have already been recorded and copied therefore if they get the urge to purge they are a little too late! But again we need live bodies before actual Discovery and Grand Jury summons. Wells Fargo will need to absolutely credit me back every fee they ever garnished for my entire life of having banked there for me to go away and not pursue. I find it impossible that this will happen as the powers to be are not the ones reading this and probably think they are smooth sailing. Please contact me or leave contact info. for you in the comments section here. We are talking Class-Action suit with special circumstances which qualifies in anyone's interpretation of the law as punitive damages. This was no over-sight fellows. This was no accident. This required advanced planning and inclusion at the very highest levels of the banking corporation. It has gone on undetected for years and has effected thousands of consumers resulting in the theft of millions of dollars. Partake today in a Class-Action and get the refund you are entitled to. Do it because it is the right thing to do and stop corporate theft in America. We are counting on you to come forward. A public service announcement will be developed and aired on mainstream television so it is only a matter of time.

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