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Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret review: poor customer service! 29

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12:00 am EDT
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In mid July 2007, two months before I was to leave for vacation, I ordered close to $1000 worth of bikinis from Victoria's Secret. And when my airplane blasted off, guess how many Victoria's Secret swimsuits were in my bag?


Now back from vacation, many items I ordered over TWO MONTHS ago are slowly trickling in. Some items have also shown up on my credit card multiple times. Some were "lost in the mail" then arrived at my doorstep multiple times. When I originally called to complain, I was told that VS moved into a new distribution center this summer. When I pointed out that such a move is not a valid excuse for horrible customer service, they offered me a $150 gift certificate. Which I guess I'm supposed to use to order more items that will never show up, except on my credit card statement?

I called customer service again today and asked them to go through my account line by line and tell me exactly what items I've been charged for and exactly what items I've been issued a refund for. I had to ask this b/c my last two credit card statements show 9 charges from Victoria’s Secret and 13 different refunds. (I had maybe 4 or 5 total orders?) The company does not charge you by order (i.e. the entire amount of an order, which you would recognize). Instead they charge you as items are sent out. So you get a million unrecognizable charges on your credit card statement. Then even if you put all of your items in one return envelope they refund items to your credit card one at a time or a few at a time if you're lucky. They take their return shipping fee out of one item, then they take any discounts out of another item (they actually penalized me more than once for a single discount on a recent returned order). And in the end, you are left having no idea what you are getting a refund for! It's been very annoying and I'm not at all pleased with the level of customer service I've received when I've called their 1-800 number. I was hung up on the first time I called today and when I called back and voiced my concerns to a second person, he said that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Think twice before you order from their website and if you decide to do it anyway, watch your credit card statement very carefully. After this experience I vow to never buy anything from them again, online or elsewhere.

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Sep 29, 2007 6:43 am EDT

Victoria Secret online shipping has been unacceptable!
Same problem here, was charged twice for items I never recieved. I understand they are moving and expect a delay but this has been ridiculous. It has been over a month. I will never order from again!

Todd Jackson
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Oct 18, 2007 9:49 am EDT

I will NEVER order from VS by mail again!

I ordered one set of pajamas - designated "in stock" and to arrive in 7 to 10 days, even after accounting for delay due to the distribution center move.

It has been six weeks now. Every statement made by the telephone representatives has later proved to be incorrect. "The package was shipped", "The package is in Kentucky", "The package has not been shipped", "There is no tracking number", "Would you like the tracking number?"... Honestly, I think that I am being recorded for "Crank Yankers"!

I think the CEO should simply have the courage to shut down the mail order operation until they get things fixed.

Fellow shoppers - stay away!

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Jun 04, 2008 11:47 am EDT

I've just dealt with a similar situation with Victoria's Secret.

After ordering some items around Christmas I was still waiting on them in March! I was moving at the end of March and did not yet have my forwarding address so I called to cancel the remaining items. They still charged me for them - still charged me for the shipping for them - and because I didn't recieve my bill on time durring the move, I was charged finance charges because the credit I assumed went throught never posted.

After four months of dealing with their poor customer service and several calls to the Angel Card department this is the last time I will deal with this company - they made it quite clear that my satisfaction was their lowest priority!

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Jul 04, 2008 2:17 am EDT

VS has been using that we are moving to a new distribution center excuse since before christmas, time to think of a new one. When I return stuff they have shorted me credits twice in six months. I sent back four items and they only credit me for three of them. Everytime I have placed an order I have had to call into customer service for one thing or another. I am so over them and their overpriced made in china goods.

Menomonee Falls, US
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Apr 12, 2009 8:04 pm EDT

I shop at Vs all the time but in the last year the quality and color have went down a lot. I want to know if others feel the same way. The colors they are starting to make just arent sexy anymore. I know the company is trying to appeal to all woman which is good by why change the quality and colors? They make new things all the time can't they make colors and styles for everyone?

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Apr 05, 2010 1:06 pm EDT

In November I purchased two nightgowns at your store in Eugene, Oregon for $40 with my Victorias Secret credit card. The clerk had to call to get my account number so that I could charge the items because I didnt have my credit card with me.

When I hadnt received the bill the next month, I called customer service to find out why. The customer service representative wasnt much help. She stated that my bill came via email. Since I hadnt received it via email or any other way, I asked her for my account number so that I could pay it on the Victorias Secret website. She stated that she couldnt give me the number over the phone but I could make a payment on the phone for an additional fee of $10. I didnt want to pay the additional fee, especially because the balance of the account was only $40. Unhappy with the outcome of this conversation, I asked her to have her supervisor contact me. All I needed was an account number or a bill with the account number on it so that I could make my payment. The supervisor never called me.

My life is fairly busy. Im a full-time student, I work part-time, and Im a mother of three teens. I forgot about my bill. Last Saturday (January 30), their collections department contacted me by phone to let me know my account was past due. I tried to explain to her what had happened and that I needed my account number to rectify the situation. The only assistance she had to offer me was to charge me additional fees so that I could pay the payment online. I asked to speak with her supervisor in an effort to get this problem resolved but that didnt do me any good. I tried to explain the situation to the supervisor and she told me she wasnt going to debate who I spoke with or anything else with me. I asked to speak with her manager and she told me she could not guarantee he would return my call. My response to that was not good. I was livid at this point. You cant guarantee your manager will return a customers call? Are you kidding? She hung up on me.

Because I never received a bill and my account number wasnt available to me over the phone, I think Victorias Secret could have made some kind of effort to help me with this situation without charging me more money. Instead, I paid your company $82 for a $40 purchase.

My credit history proves that I am a responsible debtor. Before this incident my FICO score was 761. This is because I take my credit score very seriously. Until this, I hadnt had a late payment in over 10 years.

When I asked VS to remove the late notice (in writing)from my credit report, they DECLINED.

I hope the rest of you have better luck than I did.

M Roses
Irvine, US
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Dec 25, 2010 10:48 pm EST

This incident @ VS on 12/21/10 is terribly annoying. I went & bought four VS Pink lotion/spray combo for Christmas gifts. The cashier put them in one large VS bag which was fine. I then asked for four small VS bags so I can put each gift set in a bag & give it to appropriate recipient as it is. My request was denied to my surprise. I then said I for the cashier to put my purchases in 4 small bags each & don't bother with the big bag if their saving bags. I was told NO! I don't think the request was in any way unreasonable. I'm a very nice person & very patient believe me...I'm a critical care nurse! No one has been this rude to me so this incident bothers me terribly.

Dallas, US
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Dec 25, 2010 10:54 pm EST

Wow. I assume every Garden Ridge has different policies. I exchange a set of 5' porch trees because one of them didn't work and got them for the sale price inwhich I purchased them. Sorry to hear of your bad experience with Garden Ridge.

Minneapolis, US
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Dec 25, 2010 11:03 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Those bags do cost money, and they have to use discretion when handing them out. You should have offered to pay a small fee for more bags. Or go to a gift store and purchase bags.

Los ange, US
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May 23, 2011 11:42 pm EDT

I had same experience handling vs' card payment. I never received statement from them either via mail or email. When I figured out this after I gave a birth to my daughter, they charged me 16 dollars later fee. After I called customer service, they required me to pay it the same day with additional 10 dollar, however I only purchased 15 dollar stuff. Sucks!

Eagle Pass, US
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May 31, 2011 5:50 am EDT

I am an associate for VS and I can tell you its very annoying and inconvenient for us to be giving extra bags for your presents. We are not responsible for your wrapping if you want a box we will give it to you but asking for three bags is ridiculous especially around the holidays. I have had customers ask from 1 bag all the way to whole cases of bags! We do run out of bags which forces our customers to walk around with giant bags. Go to the dollar store buy them yourself and the same with tissue paper

Fredonia, US
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Jul 16, 2015 2:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same crap happened to me! Except, I never bought the crap they said I did! Next thing I know, they're hounding me on the phone. I had know idea what in the hell they were even talking about! No bill, no email, nothing! I told them that wasn't my charge and I wasn't going to pay it! They still kept hounding me, and I still told them it's not my charge and I'm not paying it. You guys made the mistake of charging it to my account, you fix it! Now they've reported it to the credit agencies, and have ruined my credit. I even wrote a dispute letter, like they said I had to. Even provided documents from my work to prove where I was that day.They are still hounding me.

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Jan 26, 2016 1:47 am EST

During an interview with one of the three managers at the Victoria's Secret in Bismarck, North Dakota, I was asked what my religion was as an interview question. Needless to say despite my answer to that question and the other questionable questions, I was not hired. Since when is it okay to ask those types of questions based on religious preferences and beliefs. Isnt it discrimination?

Jeffrey Sizemore
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Aug 14, 2018 12:50 am EDT

About 3 weeks ago my wife and I were trying to pay for her purchase and the sales gal at the register let another woman get in front of us. We left everything on a counter and left the store. Last night my wife paid for her purchase and when she got home they had not put everything in her bag. They made it right today but what about my fuel?

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Aug 14, 2018 2:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This store was in total disarray. I have never been in a store that had mass chaos in the panty displays AND drawers. It was difficult to find the proper size due to the lack of organization.

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Aug 14, 2018 2:48 pm EDT

I was in Victoria secret in Middletown NY at the galleria mall and the cashier was so rude, this isn't the first time these girls at Victoria secret have shown how rude they could be. I was saying ty and asking her questions in a polite manner and she was responding with a "nope" or mmm hmmm I said ok ty and she just said nothing.

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Aug 14, 2018 4:17 pm EDT

Very rude cashier 3107625 at Middletown mall ny... no matter how nice I was she was very rude at answering my questions.

Kay McKinna
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Aug 20, 2018 2:27 pm EDT

I sent back a sports bra which was to small with receipt to Ala Moana shopping center I had confirmation number from Australia post to say it was delivered to them on the 24th March and I never received any exchange.

Sherine Elvin
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Aug 20, 2018 2:40 pm EDT

Remove me! Discontinue service. I want to discontinue identity protector and haven't been able to reach anyone. Stop charging me $14.99 every month!

Suzie Mullins
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Aug 26, 2018 4:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was making a purchase at VS, Lakeside Thurrock on Saturday 18 August with my young granddaughter . I was appalled to hear two staff having a conversation and using bad language in front of my young granddaughter ?!

xochitl batiz
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Sep 01, 2018 7:45 am EDT

On Nov 29, 2017 i made a qualifying purchase of 40dollars for body lotions and mists. By doing this I would get a 20 holiday reward card. I got the cards until January 2018 and they were expired. I called customer service, and they said my purchase didn't qualify for the cards. If that is the case why did they sent the cards?

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Sep 05, 2018 8:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


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Oct 03, 2018 8:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I signed up for account assure with my credit card but when I went to make a benefit claim it stated Victoria's secret wasn't included. How? I filled out the paper work and mailed it back. Matter of fact, I never received my $20 gift card for accepting the terms. I've tried contacting customer service, that was an Absolute WASTE of My Time.

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Nov 04, 2018 2:08 pm EST

Good Morning,

My complaints is about advertisement in the malls and TV ads. The stores are using very provocative posterd in the front section of stores. You cannot walk by without seeing overly exposed breast. Also TV ads are now shown during prime time TV. They should not be shown before 9pm. Please help protect innocence by not overexposure.

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Nov 05, 2018 3:01 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm a die hard loyal Victoria's Secret shopper, I have been for years but I am not happy with the PINK boy short panties! I've had two pairs come apart at the seam where the crotch area is sewed. I totally disregarded the first pair, sometimes things happen during manufacturing, but now another pair! At $10.50/pair I am VERY disappointed!

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Nov 11, 2018 6:12 pm EST

i bought expensive bras which k hardly wear because i wear mostly sport bras but the medal is already came out and i just bought them 🤦🏼‍♀️😡smh like 3 months ago ! it's sad begcuase i don't even wear them . it's like they get cheaper material very year not worth the money ! i expect to get what we pay for !

Caitlyn Dean
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Nov 12, 2018 8:25 am EST

I was online last night at 9 pm to shop the sale I had been waiting for. Unfortunately I never got to finish shopping because the site went down. I'm very disappointed with this because I will not be able to purchase the items with the same promos going on last night.

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Nov 12, 2018 3:42 pm EST

So an employee by the name of Amber was helping me at the the Victoria secrets at the galleria mall in Cheektowaga NY the other day and she farted she never even excused herself or warned me that she had to fart anyone else have an experience like this at a victoria secrets before

Denise Sardello
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Nov 13, 2018 11:03 pm EST

I always buy my bras from VS. I hand wash and air dry my bras. One of my bras that I've owned for about a year has the underwire poking out on the side. I always thought cheap Walmart/Kmart or dollar store bras did that not VS bras, especially when you pay $80. for one. I am extremely disappointed.

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