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CB Diet Products Acai Berry Acai Berry charge SCAM
Acai Berry

Acai Berry review: Acai Berry charge SCAM 37

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3:11 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I ordered Acai Berry and Total Cleanse on Oct. 7, 2008. I received (have the UPS tracking #) where it shows the item was delivered to me on October 17, 2008. I was BILLED for additional amount of $88.and some change just a few days later. I did not even get to try the "15 day trial" which is NOT what is shown on the original web link for the $5.95 trial period sign up link. I am VERY disappointed in the marketing perspective of this product as I see it as a TOTAL scam to all that purchase unknowingly. EVEN the packaging slip I received did not detail the "terms and conditions". I have tried to call the [protected] number for 3 business days now and can not get to ANYONE. I will call just before the 9EST and it says working hours are 9-5 M-F EST time. I call between those times and get either NO dial tone or the "call back between business hours" recording. The product may be effective, but to start off with this experience as a "trial phase" is not GOOD marketing sense. Shame on any public figure who allows this company to use their name to market it...SHAME ON YOU!

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Angry Consumer
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Nov 10, 2008 10:14 am EST

I experienced the same problem as concerned Texan. The ACAI advertisement is false. The advertisement said that I would be given a 30-day trial of the product for $5.95. After just two weeks, my account was charged $88.62. For three days I have been attempting to get through to their [protected], toll-free number. I have not been successful in doing so. I called my credit card company to dispute the charge, and they gave me the phone number that they have on file as, [protected]. I have attempted to call that number to cancel any future orders, and I have not been successful in getting through to that number either. I will now have to go the route of disputing this charge on my account, which will take weeks. I am very angry that a company would dupe it customers in such a way. The other disappointment is that the colon cleanser did not work with me, and I cannot tell if the toxins are being cleared from my body. I have not felt any effects to date.

beyond frustrated
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Nov 10, 2008 3:29 pm EST

I am experiencing the same problem as you as well. They overdrew my account with their tactics. I only keep what is needed in that account and that was not accounted for. I was not impressed with the product.

I have now contacted them and they refuse to refund me the charge. the free trial period is a SCAM! Read the fine print thoroughly before ordering.

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Nov 10, 2008 5:52 pm EST

I have some experiece as other comlaint.I think this is scam and they phone 1866*938-4832 isnot in service.

Send a message
Nov 10, 2008 6:49 pm EST

I have the same problem! What do I do?! Has anyone found out how to cancel?! Please help. I can't afford to have them drawing $88 out of my account! Does anyone know their web site?

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Nov 10, 2008 7:11 pm EST

Just go ahed and cancel your card and get new, thats all you can do to stop payment.

Send a message
Nov 12, 2008 1:21 pm EST


grand ridge, US
Send a message
Nov 12, 2008 1:27 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes it is a scam. Here is an email that I received from an acai website that I've used for almost a year with no problems. They do not offer free trials, but you know up front what you are paying with no unathorized charges. This is the acai that was supplied to the Oprah show. It has the story of how this came to be right on the website. Read it for yourself and learn about their products at . You will need to type or cut and paste this address into your browser. Here's the letter they sent me to warn me of all the scams about acai:

This letter is to inform you of a little scam going online at
the moment. When people type in keywords like "acai" or "acai
berry" or any acai related terms in any of the major search engines,
under the sponsorded listings a site will appear to be offering
free acai as long as you pay shipping and handling and they use
many different domains and when clicked on they all resolve eventually
to either the domain name or What
happens is the person is offered a free garbage bottle of placebo
spray dried acai as long as they pay shipping and handling, this
is made of 75% dried corn starch, they are then shipped the product
with it arriving on about the 13th day with a letter saying if
they want to cancel rebilling or autoship that they have to send
in a letter to stop it within 14 days of ordering, well it is
virtually impossible to do this in time and then they bill the
people $89.00!

This company is called or and many
of the domains they operate they have done a privacy block on
them. They are actually operating out of Romania with call centers
in UTAH and Iowa we found out by further investigation and not
only do they scam with acai products they do it for a whole series
of products as well like colon cleansers etc, simply google them
for information! Some of the scam sites that we know that they
are opertating with right now are as follows:

they appear to have many many many more also but all of the sites
are cookie cut you will know when you see it so you can warn

Pass this word around to your friends and family. Lets all work
together to eliminate these scammers. Tell people to file complaints
with the internet crime center at on
so that the FTC can shut them down. You can also file a complaint
with the FTC at

Send a message
Nov 12, 2008 1:36 pm EST

I Just called my bank and they are disputing the charge and taking it off

Becky Blankenship
Send a message
Nov 13, 2008 12:11 pm EST

I am having the same problem. I am currently working with my bank to get the charges removed. I haven't even had this stuff for a week and there is already an $88 charge.

Jennifer Bickish
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Nov 13, 2008 9:35 pm EST

I am having the same problem and I am so angry. Does anyone have a phone number for the company or an email address?

Send a message
Nov 15, 2008 5:16 pm EST

i am haveing the sam problem to i ordered the sam thing acai berry all natural cleansing and total cleansing . well i sall this girls web s it sid emilys diet and sid to ordere acai and total well i lift a lot of email and no comments bake i am vere mad cuz they toke the mony out and i still havent got them yeat well i do fill like this was a ripoff and i tryd calling them overe and overe now and i cant talk to no one pleas hilp me out and till me wut i chud do so they dont take out no more mony out

Send a message
Nov 15, 2008 5:32 pm EST

how do we stop them wen they have no good number to them or no emil address . and i think total cleansing is a scam to cuz i trid call [protected] AND FOR ACAI BERRY [protected] PLEAS HILP ME SO NO MORE MONY COMS OUT PLEAS HILP

Send a message
Nov 15, 2008 5:49 pm EST

I am having the same problem, when you try to call the customer service number the call will stay for 7 seconds then will automatically disconnect. I called my bank and was advised to cancel my card.

Send a message
Nov 15, 2008 5:53 pm EST

I talked to a friend and was advised they are only open during week days so if you call the customer service number it will disconnect. I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate due to other posts show that they tried to get in touch with this company for 3days. It appears the only way to get your money back is disputing with your bank because apparently they won't be crediting anybody back. They need to be reported to the BBB.

Send a message
Nov 17, 2008 2:02 pm EST

im still calling them and i still cant git a hold of any one . its tilling me to try bake later . well i do every time and its still the sam thing sam with the calin cleansing well if any one can pleas till me wut to do pleas

Send a message
Nov 18, 2008 2:38 pm EST

The number that I called and got through to them on was1- [protected] I called them today around 9am EST and was able to get through to them and get the money credited back to my account. I really hope this works for you

Send a message
Nov 18, 2008 11:17 pm EST

I think you guys should report it to the police department where the company is incorporated.

Issel Masses
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Nov 19, 2008 3:35 pm EST

Hi! I singed up for the free sample and now im being charged and sent the pills everymonth. I dont want it! I want to cancel and if possible get a recheck from the pills I did not order myself. I want to know how to do this. thanks

Send a message
Nov 19, 2008 8:03 pm EST

hi courtney i calld that number and thats for a difrnt acai berry . we are talking about acai berry all natural cleansing formula .

Send a message
Nov 21, 2008 3:34 pm EST

if you are having problems try calling [protected] i called that # today for the same problem and the woman on the phone gave me a cancellation # for my account and also said that once I recieve the package if i return it and call that # with my return tracking # that they will credit my account for the $89.31 charge that should have never been on there in 10-14 business days. not a great deal but its a way to at least get your money back!

minh's gurl
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Nov 22, 2008 11:20 am EST

yah. i was scammed as well. i ordered acaiberry -all natural cleansing formula for $5.95 "trial offer". rec'd in mail and noticed on my banking account that the $5.95 was showing on my account, then disappeared! welll.. today, nov 22nd- i noticed pending withdrawl from my bank account for $88.62.
so.. i went to my bank, cancelled my debit card, only to get a new card- this will prevent acaiberry from taking anymore $ out my account. my bank says they will dispute the charge once it clears in my account, however, if i dispute the charge, it will take less time to clear it up. soooo.. once the $88.62 clears in my account, the bank should have a # (information) from this charge and i will be calling this BOGUS company. i do have a # [protected] -called it but only open M-F. what a freakin' joke this is... i WILL GET MY $ BACK! good luck any1 who has expierenced this.. and shame on any1 who still does this "trial offer" w/out reading the many complaints listed above me!

Send a message
Nov 22, 2008 11:53 am EST

Folks, I had the same problem.Iwas charged the $5.95 S&H for the trial period, and before that was up I tried phoning to cancel and kept getting a busy signal no matter when I called.This branch of the company was
for the Extreme Acai Berry and located in Utah, which is Mountain Standard Time. The phone number on the bottle is [protected].
They had quickly taken the $ 89 plus change from my account.I finally got a
LIVE person on the phone at about 7:45pm Eastern ST.He told me to return it unopened and call them back in 10 days, which I did ( at about the same time of night).The woman acknowledged that I had
already canceled any further delivery when I spoke to the guy, and that
they had received the unopened product back.She told me that I would have the $89 returned to my account within 10 days. I spoke to her yesterday, so I'd best be seeing that return.Try calling the number that I used and keep at it. Good luck and don't get discouraged.

Victoria, CA
Send a message
Nov 22, 2008 12:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To cancel AcaiaSlim-[protected]
To cancel the "track your weight offer" [protected]
To cancel the Bromolite [protected]

After 2 weeks of cancelling the AcaiaSlim, I got an email from saying they'd processed my order. So you're probably going to get an email from them too. Just thought I'd let you all know that.
Go to Google and type in Bromolite & Acai Complaints, and you'll see all the complaints about Bromolite there as well. That's where I got Bromolite's phone #.

Send a message
Nov 24, 2008 4:08 pm EST

The same thing happened to me- free trial, then got hit with $88 charge to my account. I am having my bank dispute the charges, too. My next step is to cancel my card and get a new one. The phone numbers are bogus, it appears.

minh's gurl
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Nov 26, 2008 8:12 am EST

okay... what you need to do is: cancel your bank card and GET A NEW card! this will prevent from any other charges! luckily, i had all my paperwork from my acaiberry order. i took my info to my bank, filled out an affidavit, and my account was credited the very next day of $88.62. i encourage any1 who has had this happen to them to dispute the charge. since the customer service # is are forced to let your bank handle it- go to your bank and make them dispute it- its worth the time/inconvenience... good luck !

Send a message
Nov 29, 2008 2:04 pm EST

I paid the additional money for priority shipping. Never arrived. I emailed them that I knew Dr. Perconne (spelling?) from LEF, a nutrient store. He does do testing for them as well. Well 2 days later I received my free sample as well as the cleanse.

I then wondered how much to re-order if I like it. Telephone # didn't work, nobody answered. Email address for customer service didnt work this time and was returned back to me as "unknown"

I clicked on the links on the bottom of the page and noticed that they would automatically debit my visa account for the acai berry and cleansing formula (which I didn't order) +S&H every month, total approximately$180.00.


Send a message
Dec 01, 2008 4:06 pm EST

if you got the acai berry with white tea then please keep reading!

Your frustrations are finally going to stop, i finally go through with them with this number [protected]
but you will have to stay on the phone for a good 15-20 mins for your call to be answered because they are
having A LOT of refunds to do!

i called, waited, then got an ACTUAL person on the phone gave him my Order number and verified my name
and told him i've been trying to call and cancel for about a month now and they told me, they have been having
trouble with that number and he did apologize, cancel my account, and is giving back a FULL refund of all the product they have send me, Im sure they are now doing this because of all the claims they are getting from credit cards and costumers and they fact that they are to be reported ASAP.

Denise Sanchez
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Dec 01, 2008 7:21 pm EST

I tried to cancel the account of the acai berry all natural cleansing producted tried to call the number and have not been successful at getting anyone.

Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 1:28 pm EST

I too was having problems with the number that came with the billing invoice. I used the number given above by Michelle and I got through in about 5 minutes ([protected]) From there it was all very quick and easy to cancel my order. Hopefully they have gotten it all straightened out and it will be easier for everyone to deal with. Good luck

Candace M. Schwieger
Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 2:10 pm EST

Cancel your credit card right away! I talked to the fraud dept. for my credit card and had a new card issued and stopped any additional transactions on the other card. It is a SCAM- which appears to have recently popped up on the good ol' internet- so be aware! This "company" and the people behind it need to be stopped asap!

West Chester, US
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Dec 30, 2008 9:27 pm EST

I'm in the same boat with all of you. I called Monday and Tuesday during multiple times of the day and again, heard the same reording at night and no dail tone during the day. I just called my bank and have cancelled my debit card and am being re-issued a new one. They are investigating the charges and may or may not be credited the 2 charges for the Acai Berry and the Total Cleanse. This is a lesson learned and hopefully the bank will correct this fraudulent act. PLEASE call your bank and report it, this is the only way we can all make a difference and get some action taken.

Boca Raton, US
Send a message
Jan 23, 2009 7:59 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

forget the better business bureau, call your state attorney and/or attorney generals office and make formal complaints. these scams are not only unethical, they are illegal.

muson, US
Send a message
Feb 03, 2009 2:10 pm EST

You all are a bunch of [censored]es like my fiance. Dont buy this kind of this on the internet. Take your ### to walmart and get the same crap for the same price. Always do your research on the internet to find out whats a scam. And obviously (bad spelling) this is a scam. All you ###ers deserve to get ###ed b/c yall are all to lazy to do you research. Including my fiance

Loves Park, US
Send a message
Feb 23, 2009 5:38 pm EST

I am having the same problem! I spent an hour on the phone going from scripted workers to the only manager/supervisor only to be told repeatedly that the "terms and conditions state..." I want to report them to the better business bureau for false advertisement of a "15-day trial" when I technically only had the product for 5 days before I was charged. Apparently the product trial begins before you even have the product... never heard of that one before. Anyone else interested in intiating a collaborative complaint to get out money back?

Loves Park, US
Send a message
Feb 23, 2009 5:55 pm EST

I would also like to add that I just contacted my credit card company to complain about the charge and they informed me that this is a fraudulent business. I was advised to close my account and they would send me a new card. So for any of you who used banks or credit cards for this manufacturer, you should probably contact your credit card company or bank to ensure no fraudulent activity has taken place.

anna bowell
Runnemede, US
Send a message
Mar 06, 2009 1:06 pm EST

they are horrible people to deal with the charge just appeared and when i tried to get it take off the only response was "read the print" "read the print" i explained that i had the flu and hadnt even tried to use the product yet "read the print" what a scam cant anything be done about these people forget trying to reach them by phone try online newjersey

Kari Fleck
Thorntown, US
Send a message
Apr 22, 2009 12:04 am EDT

I just ordered some Acai Berry premium for 3.95 shipping RISK FREE TRIAL and then I found out that it might be a scam, so I immediately tried to cancel since I supposedly have 14 days! Well, I can't find a phone number, e-mail or anything! When I tried to click on their site for cancellation they had me send them a letter. No response back and I immediately called my credit card and they had charged me 89.00 on top of the 3.95 and I had just ordered it minutes ago! This is a scam and if i can figure out their address and phone number I'm going to the Better Business Bureau, but they have conceiled all of their information!

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  1. Acai Berry Contacts

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    650 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, New York, 11222, United States
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    Feb 25, 2025
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