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CB Appliances American Standard do not buy american standard sinks!
American Standard

American Standard review: do not buy american standard sinks! 75

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12:00 am EDT
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I purchased an American Standard Americast sink 95 days ago and last week the enamel started flaking off near the drain. I called them, sent pictures and receipts and they called back to tell me it was due to "wear". After 3 months? I don't think so. When I refused that, they said it was due to "impact". Nope, try again. You are completely out of luck on this product after warranty offered by the seller, which was 90 days with Home Depot in this case. Do not buy this product, no matter how careful you will be with the sink. The product is cheap and is backed by customer service that's not just poor, it's absolutely infuriating.

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Dale Betts
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Sep 25, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Our American standard Americast sink has been Chipping and rusting. Started about two years after installation. Can not find how to report the defects. Home depot said contact America standard. this is easier said than done.

This product has a "lifetime" guarantee. Two years does not seem like a life time.

dixie smith
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Oct 05, 2007 10:29 am EDT

I noticed a place on my amerdaicast sink about a month ago that I thought was a stain. Now it has started to chip off. What am I to do about this before it gets worse. It has a life time garantiy.

Jim Kercheval
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Dec 15, 2007 12:04 pm EST

I totally agree with the previous post and I'm now spending my precious Saturday morning typing in this comment.

I purchased the 38" Sillouette 5 years ago. I liked that it was the large sink design. I undermounted it under a beautiful Silestone countertop. I immediately bought the web protector and sink rack for the large side. At the time the sink rack for the small side was unavailable. The sink within the first year was chipped when a pan dropped on it from about 5 inches on the small side. I'm incredibly disappointed with this product. 5 years later the finish is dull and scratched. The American Standard sink rack has created rust stains on the bottom of the sink. We use non abrasive cleansers and non scotch pad sponges to clean it trying to get a few more years out of it before we rip it out and ship it to American Standard's R&D.

I have friends with cast iron sinks that are new and 75 years old that look great. I think that the Americast product should be taken off the market. American Standard is taking a huge reputation hit with their Americast products. American Standard - don't you get it? I've called customer service as well and have gotten the same treatment.

I spend my spare time now trying to think how I could get a cast iron Kohler into the same opening without destroying my granite counter. Argh!

Pat Bright
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Dec 30, 2007 4:33 pm EST

I am tried of looking at my rusty American Sink! The insides of the sink is still fairly new looking after five years...there is rust and flaking on the side of the sink. It is falling apart. I thought that it was a quality purchase but it turns out to be a waste of time and money. Maybe it time for me to look into a Kohler! Glad to know others are dissapointed.

Mitch Bernstein
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Jan 08, 2008 3:02 pm EST

Did anyone ever find out how to act on the guarantee?
I can't seem to find anyone at American Standard who can help and the store I originally made the purchase from is out of business. The Americast Sink that I have is totally cracked right across the bottom and I need to have it removed and replaced from a granite countertop. What a drag!

Sterling Ferguson
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Jan 19, 2008 11:04 am EST

I have an Palisade American mfg# [protected] white

What can i used to remove stains & scratches ?

Please Help Me. Thank You Sterling

Rich Coppola
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Feb 22, 2008 7:07 pm EST

Purchased an americast sink at large plumbing supply [RAL] 1999 and besides the discoloring and scratches in the white bowl I discovered we have cracks in at least 3 places in the underside of the sink. The sink is leaking and must be replaced. The other complaints I have been reading are very enlightning as anyone including me would never buy another american standard product after this- RichC.

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Apr 08, 2008 5:24 am EDT

i just called them it is a JOKE to them. she said you have to understand its not porcelain this is americast! i said ...enuf said. she emphasised LTD other words TOUGH ###
the number is [protected] good luck they SUCK

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Apr 29, 2008 9:23 pm EDT

I have a black americast sink for five years all I do with it is what most people do. wash dishes. But there are cracks underneath it and its leaking. I dont know how they got there. And I bought it in home depot. I dont have the reciept. And I dont know what to do. I need a sink and dont have the money right now to replace it. Plus I feel why should I have to spend money on another sink? I cant believe with all these complaints that none of us can get this company to reimburse us . Is there any thing that we can all do together to get results?

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Sep 20, 2008 8:48 pm EDT

I purchased a "bisque" Americast sink barely a year ago from Home Depot. I have used only non-abrasive cleaners, but the finish is rapidly deteriorating. and the drain finish is flaking/peeling off. I plan to contact Home Depot and Visa to file a formal complaint, requesting a refund/replacement

Jason Fox
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Sep 30, 2008 4:22 pm EDT

We purchased an Americast Silhouette in March 2007. We have taken care of it according to the instructions (non-abrasive cleaners, etc.), but -- shockingly enough -- there are a ton of scratches in the side where we wash pans and whatnot. What a joke. We were replacing the sink that had come with the house 14 years ago and it still looked decent (it was just too small). Wish I'd searched online for complaints first. I'll try calling American Standard tomorrow, but it doesn't sound like I'll get very far.

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Nov 02, 2008 10:35 am EST

I totally agree too, my Americast Kitchen sink looks terrible. The finish is gone, it has chips all over, and worst of all, a large crack on the bottom of the sink. I called them and they said that is normal. I had a Kohler sink in my previous home, and believe me, my next sink will be a Kohler. Stay away from this product!

Kathleen M. Richards
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Nov 17, 2008 12:29 pm EST

I'm so glad (in a perverse way) that I'm not alone in telling my family and friends to never buy an American Standard product. Their Americast product is poorly constructed and their customer service was only good at stone-walling. They totally denied any product defect or culpability when my Americast sink chipped after a cup bounced out of a cabinet, hit the sink on 2 edges, chipping the sink, but the cup DID NOT BREAK.
Their total offer of assistance was to send me a bottle of enamel paint.
It is now several years later, and the shiny finish is totally gone so that I can see the striations of the fiberglass on the bottom of the sink -- and I have been diligent about using only the (expensive) cleansers they recommended for this product.

Bob D., Pennsylvania
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Nov 23, 2008 8:23 am EST

Well, all the comments are truly genuine. I purchased my Americast Bisque sink 3 years ago, within 3 months called American Standard about the loss of gloss to bottom of sink. They asked what I cleaned it with, well. Bon Ami as you recommended.
Well, you can use Gel Gloss they said. well Gel Gloss only adds a little bit of waxy protection, will not restore the loss of enamel finish I remarked. Well, they kept putting me off, trying to buck the problem. Now after 2 years plus, I'm still after them to stand behind their LIFE TIME warranty on finish. I called them 2 months ago at the American Standard Phone Number & I get a surprising, very nice response.. Turns out the representative was from CRANE PLUMBING, never did find out where they are located.Crane Plumbing is supposedly in the process of buying out American Standard. Then I followed up again as to why my initial claim was not responded to; got American Standard in Canada . They now say I have to file a new claim because Crane Plumbing had no business getting my phone call in the beginning.. Then the American Standard rep. said, well you can send pictures again to us, but we are so busy, we do not know when we will get to reviewing your complaint, even though they gave me a compliant number. This so called complaint number is about as good as the so called quality enamel finish on their sinks... WORTHLESS ... I think I can picture the rep. at American Standard, she makes 2 points in the waste basket with every phone call complaint...end of story, well, maybe not .. keep up the complaints

Don Frei
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Nov 25, 2008 11:18 am EST

We remodeled our kitchen in 1996 and the contractor installed an American Standard Americast sink. Last week we came home to water all over the kitchen floor. Inspection found the water had come from a big crack in the bottom of the Americast sink. I called American Standard since there is supposed to be a Lifetime Warranty on this product to see how to get it repaired or replaced. The lady on the phone was not at all helpfull and gave me the impression I was wasting her time. I will never again buy American Standard products.

Des Moines, US
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Mar 01, 2009 4:16 pm EST

My sink is less than 90 days old & the finish is trashed.I have two 45 plus year old adults in this house.I am certian there is no abuse.
I guess it would be a waste of time to try for a refund by the looks of letters I have read here.Live & learn.Its just a shame that this country allows companies to produce & sell ----.

Kearny, US
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Mar 02, 2009 10:29 am EST

I had similar problems.
My American standard silouette looks awful. Yellow, scratchs all over and that with a rubber mat and rack. It started almost 2 weeks after I installed it. Now 2 yr later its a mess. the sink it replaced was at least 45 yr old and I reget ever getting rid of it. You could scrub it with cleanser, drop a cast iron pan in it and nothing would happen.
With this one a fork and cup anything leaves a mark.
If this is the "American Standard" we are all in big trouble. I will always check reviews first before I purchase anything in the future.

Rhonda Antee
Calhoun, US
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Mar 23, 2009 2:37 pm EDT

I had a American Standard "Americast Silouette" kitchen sink put in my new house while being built 5 years ago. While moving in I found a chip in the bottom of the large bowl of this sink. I was furious thinking the construction works did it. I let it go. After using the first can of Bon Ami I noticed the shiny finish was gone in the washing side of the sink. It only was at the water level that I run washing water. Everything stains this white sink on that side. The other side (rinsing side) still looks new. Now, after spraying Clorox cleaner on my wash rag and let it sit for a few minutes, I came back and found gold stains all around the bottom of the sinking running upwards (my rag is green and has been washed many times, almost worn out). I can not get them out with anything. This sink is a piece of junk. I have not called the customer service department because I do not have the sales receipt, but was purchased at Lowes.

chris r
Forsyth, US
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Apr 01, 2009 12:49 pm EDT

I also have an Americast sink, it lost it shiny finish in months, now the bottom of the sink has brown spots that won't clean off and turns yellow constantly requiring bleach to clean (their recommended cleaners doesn't cut it). The sink is less than 4 years old.

I've called, they don't care. THEIR "LIFETIME WARRANTY" is useless and a scam.

If you are thinking of getting one, don't.

Little Elm, US
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May 21, 2009 4:53 pm EDT

My wife and I had a black American Standard Americast Silhouette sink installed in our home when it was built in 2002. We thought it was a good buy due to the lifetime warranty, sadly we were mistaken. The sink's finish was dull and scratched after only a few months. I also called American Standard, and got the same run around and the sad offering of touch up paint. I must agree this company needs to be run out of business and a class action law suit filed against them. They need to be made to stand behind the claims and warranty.

Rotonda West, US
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Jun 11, 2009 4:38 pm EDT

Well folks, i'm in the same boat or should i say sink you all are in. My builder put in this piece of crap. My main problem is my granite is cut to the size of this monster. Does anyone know a sink that will fit into the hole a double bowl 33x22 silhouette sink. Customer service and warranty for american standard is a joke. They start off by blaming you for ruining the finish by using the wrong cleaners. They must have a standard "Q" card to read from. A class action suit should be filed against this company, but who has the time to deal with that. In search of a replacement. e-mail possible replacement to

Greg W.
Sparta, US
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Aug 08, 2009 11:38 pm EDT

I installed my new? Americast sink today, guess what it has a chip in it already NO WATER, NO DISHES, NO TOOLS, NO ANYTHING TOUCHING IT WHATSOEVER! I found the chip in the sink, no scratch or scaring at all on the chip. It is now 11:00pm and at least by finding other people with the same thing happening will aid in the refund of this product. I will not buy American Standard products again!

Andy in NJ
Erial, US
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Aug 10, 2009 3:57 pm EDT

I have a bone Silhouette sink by American Standard AND...I have a matching faucet...BOTH have chipped and rust showing about3 years prior Stainless Steel sink was in excellent condition we just thought a change would be nice...Ohhhh if I'd only known. IF this truely reflects the American Standard of craftmenship today no wonder this country is in trouble. If someone was looking out for consumers they should be forced to have a recall of their products

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Sep 08, 2009 3:10 pm EDT

I purchased an Americast Sink a year ago and have the exactly the same problem the above folks have mentioned. I have not yet tried to return the sink but I may see what they can do. I am considering new countertops and I don't want this sink in the way.

I used Bon Ami exclusively and the coating is flaking off (mine is white) and it's dented from normal use...all within a year. Should have looked at online review beforehand. It's a shame.

Davy Jones
Seguin, US
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Sep 19, 2009 3:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Our house was built in 2000, after the first couple of months I noticed a hump in the leading edge of our Americast Sink. Well the contractor was done and gone, and I have been living with it ever since. Now the enamel is flaking off and the rust is bleeding out on the countertop. I was going to look up a number to call but it seems from the complaints that it is useless to bother. Has any of the above people gotten any satisfaction, money back or replaced sink?

B. Eckert
Napoleon, US
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Oct 04, 2009 9:36 am EDT

We remodeled our house in 2000. Nice new island with a nice new Americast white sink. Over the last few months we started finding drops of water in the cabinet under the sink. I tightened all of the plumbing under the sink and would run water down the drain but could never reproduce the leak. Last night again water under the sink when my wife was washing a large kettle in a sink of hot water. I tried again to find the leak by getting under the sink this time with a large trouble light to help me see. It didn't leak, and then I started running hot water instead of cold ... wow! I found a huge crack in the left side of the sink! When the sink was actually full of hot water the heat apparently would open up the crack (which ran right into the drain). The enamel is still perfect on the inside both sides but when I ran hot water into the right side I found that it too was cracked running right into the drain. Today we go to find another sink and I assure you it will not be an Americast!

Waxahachie, US
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Dec 15, 2009 8:56 pm EST

I bought the American Standard cast iron sink with a Lifetime warranty. The sink area adjacent to the drain started rusting within days of installation. On close inspection, the problem was that the porcelain was so thin, it did not protect from oxidation. This is a prime example of outsourcing to Mexico, while capitalizing on Brand name with a BS warranty that is as elusive as the hot air they expound.
I am a builder, and this is my last AS product to replace on my dime.

Union, US
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Jan 01, 2010 10:42 am EST

I agree with all - we bought a Chandler Americast sink and LOVED the style and depth. Immediately it started chipping. No response when called Americast - told we weren't handling it right. You can't even wash a pan on the bottom of the sink without marking it. We have it lined with plastic protectors and have diminished the dings, being careful to only wash a pan when up against the rubbermaid protectors - but the bottom is discoloring. So disappointed. Home Depot said to use porcelein filler - that didn't work either. What a shame

Cleaning Lady
New Bern, US
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Jan 22, 2010 9:41 am EST

I have had the same problem with my sink. American Standard has awful quality sinks. I rarely use the right side of the sink and wash pots and pans on the left side and only use non-abrasive cleaner on both side to clean it. I have used Weimen's stove top cleaner to get the water stains off around the drain area (this is a tip a cleaning lady gave me). But have never used Comet or any other cleaner because I was told they are too abrasive. The right side is just fine. I guess the pots and pans have scratched the left side that I use to clean them in.

I have had other brand kitchen sinks in the past and never had any scratches so that tells me the quality is just not in this brand. Trust me though...when I go to buy anything for my kitchen on bathroom in our new house...the brand American Standard will not be in it anywhere.

Anyway, I take care of my things but obviously I am not the only one that has had this issue with AS sinks. I am not sure it is repairable so if we sell this house it will not get changed out the new owner can deal with it.

Hollister, US
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Jan 26, 2010 1:14 am EST

We purchased a "bisque" Americast sink 10/07 from Home Depot after a lengthy search for a color to match our new appliances. We installed granite in the kitchen; the sink & dishwasher are set in an island with one large, single piece of granite. Undermount was not a good choice in this matter. After a few months we noticed cracks in the bottom of the left side, even after using only the recommended Bon Ami, using a web mat in the bottom, besides having no children in the household to abuse the sink. We should have kept our perfectly good 10 yr. old porcelain sink. I took pictures & E-Mailed them to American Standard. The return E-Mail simply accused us of using improper cleaners. I phoned and explained that the photos obviously couldn't show the depth of the cracks. We were sent a replacement sink, but do we install the same thing or purchase a new product? There will be added expenses to have 4 men lift the granite slab, and a plumber to re-install the sink, disposal and dishwasher in a tight spot. Because we plan to sell the home within 2 years, we are concerned that this be done correctly for the next owner.

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Feb 06, 2010 2:47 pm EST

Yes, its a piece of junk and we do everything the book says to do! Stay away from it! Anybody know if you can buy sink repair paint for the bisque color?

grand Rapids, US
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Apr 03, 2010 11:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

BOY i must be th lucky one.

I bought one 12 years ago, French Blue double sink.

Other than normal scratches and dings from pots and pans it, looks great.

I'm up dating my kitchen for better resale and know blue is not a selling point so replacing with white . To bad as the blue sink is just fine

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Sep 15, 2010 8:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Our 5 year old home has an American Standard, Single Bowl, Lakeland Americast(r) sink. It also has chips around the drainage area and the finish has started to wear down (looks brownish) to the underlying substrate. The finish wear on the bottom bowl surface is mainly on the side towards the drain. This is also wear the spigot water flow impinges. Seems as though the finish layer on the flat bottom surface is applied too thin. Very likely a result of poor manufacturing quality control.

I have read each of the preceding reports of sink finish failures. Seems to me that American Standard should be recalling these sinks from the market.

Some questions needing answers:
How toxic is the underlying substrate below the finish to those folks whom may prepare food or do dishes in the sink?

Why did the company continue to sell these defective sinks and not issue a recall?

Smells of deceptive business practices that need to be reported and investigated.

San Jose, US
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Oct 11, 2010 4:31 pm EDT

After only 6 years my American Standard Silhouette Americast double, under mount sink is TRASH. The chipping in the first year was bad enough, now it is so stained that it is un-cleanable. Of course it is under the granite and I'm told that I can't get it out. What to do? I think that the fiberglass can be cut around the inside of the sink and (after disconnected from the hoses) be lifted out or lowered out. I'm willing to replace with an over mount. Two contractors have turned me down on the job!

Any advice?

Lake Ozark, US
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Feb 03, 2011 12:38 am EST

I have had 2 of these sinks. One purchased in 1997 and sold with the house in 2005. Purchased another in 2005 for the new house and am taking it to my daughter for her kitchen as we are remodelling and wanted a black sink. Neither of these sinks ever cracked but I agree that the finish is not what it should be.

I only use Zud to clean it and we have a lot of coffee stains. Zud takes all the stains out and it looks good as new. I see that they recommend using Zud for their other Americast products but not their sinks. I highly recommend Zud. I don't think you will be disappointed in the result.

Nashville, US
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Mar 06, 2011 7:53 pm EST

I have an americast white kitchen sink and agree with most of the complaints: the white finish on the bottom of the sink is yellow, thankfully not chipped, but scratched as well. I am not happy but seems like my only option, rather than depending on the company to do anything, is clean the sink and find a way to "regloss" it to prevent further yellowing. Does anyone think this would work? Thanks!

Bernd VanderSchuur
Monroe, US
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Jun 07, 2011 4:46 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I completely agree with all of the complaints I've read. The Americast product is totally bogus in its claims. American Standard is the epitome of the American company being run by charlatans. They lie about the quality of Americast and when you try to get customer service to stand by the warranty, you get nothing but bull hockey. Beware all consumers of plumbing products: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING MADE BY AMERICAN STANDARD - NOTHING FOLKS. We may not be able to sue, but we can spread the word and run this liars an cheaters out of business the old fashioned way - DO NOT PATRONIZE AMERICAN STANDARD!

Marydel, US
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Jun 17, 2011 9:31 pm EDT

I purchased our Americast sink at Lowes about 4 years ago as a surprise welcome home gift for my wife. She loved it... for about 4 months. We used approved cleansers and it developed scratches. Those scratches stained terribly. Called the company and they tried to sell me a repair kit. Warranty is less valuable than toilet paper... at least toilet paper fills a service..

It has been 4 years now and then sink is the worst part of our kitchen. It is embarrassing. When we get the needed funds we are going to switch with a kohler or a stainless sink.

Ali S
Arlington, US
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Jun 29, 2011 3:40 pm EDT

Wow! I am so glad I just read all those posts...
I hate my Sink... it got dull and has rust stains inside from putting a rack on the bottom...
I am constantly cleaning that sink... It is the ugliest thing in my kitchen...
Never ever but american standard SINKS! Just horrible!

Nova, US
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Sep 08, 2011 6:31 pm EDT

I also purchased an Americast sink because of the large size and previous reputation! However it is the same as all the other complaints here, poor finish scratched and dull looking although I have been very careful to wash as directed. I never looks clean. I too, email customer service and no help! What really gets me is that I paid almost $700 for this so I would have a sink for life and my son purchased a similar off the wall brand becaused he liked mine and he has put his through H*ll and back and it still looks great! He only paid $150. NEVER NEVER NEVER purchase American Standard Products again. In fact I wish they would Remove "American" from their name!

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