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ASC Warranty review: The rip-off company! 22

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12:00 am EST
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My father was transfered to this company after 3 payments when he refinance to prepare home for sale and replace 20yr boilers and 32yr underground tank. Before he knew he would probably get behind, I called and requesting loan modification papers and never received them til 3 months and 6 phone calls later. they could never fax them claiming papers are sent from another department... what BS. Well by the time I got papers my dads house sold 16 days on market... oh and within the time because he was about 2400 + fees total short for the 3 months he received foreclosure papers...

Well I just returned loan modification papers and told them this is what I had and this is all your getting... they wanted $264,000 from foreclosure of which they claim $18500 was mortgage payments,fees,& drastic attorney fees. Well I did not pay ###...

I also think our Realtor was a scam because he did ### to sell house... just want the $14000 in commission in which i can say the buyers agent earn their half... Well he got screwed too... because ASC allowed shoftfall and paid realtor after payments... I told ASC they better take this offer from buyers because if my father died in the next coming months they will never get anything and this is what they get taking advantage of a senior citizen on ssi disability after his stroke. I informed them the jerks they brought the loan from lied to an elderly man telling him his payment would be well below his income of only $2400 a month.

ASC finally approval mortgage shortfall which took over 2 months for an approval and i told them i was not paying anything for the 2 months they waited and Judge agreed. SO the $268,000 they was seeking was cut to about 200K , and I am laughing my ### off... scored 1 for the consumer

PS: to the collection agents for ASC who says these loans are sold because of bad credit... you are dead wrong...

My dad only had 110K left on orig loan & and was living on SSI after my mom died in 2017... Shysters loan originators came i told him he could refinance... creating false house appraisal and get a loan of 150K in which he could not afford because of how originators hide numbers on papers... and his credit score b4 loan was 724 above average.

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Michelle Helou
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Mar 25, 2007 12:00 am EDT

America's Servicing Company (ASC) bought my loan October 2017. Since, in less than six months as of March 23rd, 2017 (the date of last phone call I have received from them) they made three big mistakes! Each time, they clear my monthly mortgage payment, apply it the wrong way, apply the whole amount to the principal, then call me requesting to collect a debt saying my account is delinquent, that I didn't pay my monthly mortgage. They are applying my payments incorrectly and charging me a late fee of $49 each time. (sure I made them remove the charges after I found out how they are making these mistakes but still ever month or so they call and bother me at work and give me hard time.

When ASC notified me that they bought my loan, I signed a document giving them authorization for automatic withdrawal, but I had to withdrew the authorization of automatic withdrawal from them the very next month because they tried to sell me, by force and intimidation, a home insurance even though I told them that my home insurance is covered by the Home Owners Association (HOA), and that none of the previous lenders requested it directly from me, as they get it automatically when they buy the loan!

I felt that they were trying to trick me, intimidate me in case I do not get the documents they requested on time that they would have to withdraw the insurance coverage fee directly from my account. For that reason I had to withdrew my authorization and stopped them at once from touching my bank account.

I am not sure, I cannot prove it but since I withdrew the authorization and gave it to my bank to send them a monthly payment, since that day they keep making mistakes when it comes to my account. I wonder why in less then six months why it happened that they would apply my monthly payment incorrectly?

I tried to find an e-mail address for ASC in order for me to send them an e-mail, for my surprise they do not have one. They have a website where I can only check my account, make a payment but they do not have "Contact us" nor an e-mail address where I can write them directly.

Also when I checked ASC on the Internet this is when I found out that there are too many people complaining about ASC for years now! I am wondering why till nothing was done about them ?

Sara Christopherson
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Jun 26, 2007 2:26 am EDT

ASC I cannot submit my payment via phone or by email. Whats up with this?

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Jul 29, 2007 1:45 pm EDT

My loan was sold two years ago to ASC and I have had zero problems. Pay on time, I always pay my bills with my banks online bill pay service. ASC on their web site does have a contact link. You have to logon though. You might ought to also look at your monthly bill, you know that mailing you get oh about two to three weeks before your bill is due? It has phone numbers, fax numbers and a correspondence address. Your just a little slow eh?

millie plemmons
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Sep 16, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This stupid company paid somebody else's taxes with our escrow acct. It took me 3 months to get it through their dumb heads we didn't own that property.They went up on our payment because of course there wasn't enough money in our escrow acct. to pay both our taxes & Ins. What dummies. It still isn't completely fixed because on our statement it says suspense. They are trying to collect from the other party before they put our money back into our escrow. It was their mistake, but in the meantime we have to pay more monthly. Our payment went up 300.00 extra. The webpage is a joke! I haven't yet been able to view my acct. online.

Susan Gomez
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Sep 21, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I contacted ASC in June 07 to see how to short sale my home, since I had financial difficulties. I did this long before the loan was 60 days overdue. I was attempting to avoid foreclosure, and my real estate agent and I worked hard to get all the documents they wanted for the short sale. The entire package as they requested it was faxed to their loss and litigation department for review on June 29, 2017. They told me that they had 45 to 60 days to review the information and give me an answer. On 7/23, I received two letters from them: one, that I was missing a document and had ten days to provide or they would deny my request, and two, that they denied my request because I didn't provide what they asked for. Both letters were mailed on the same day. I responded immediately and sent them the document they requested. My real estate agent had faxed them the purchase contract and all other necessary documents on 6/29. We have since contacted this company every week, and they give me the run around. I sent a written complaint, and threatened to call the Attorney General, which finally got me through to a supervisor today. (9/20/07) This is the same supervisor who had 5 days to call me back in the middle of August.

The loan went to escrow in July, the purchaser in good faith put their earnest money down, we provided all the documents they asked SEVEN times, and they still keep saying they have 45 to 60 days to process. As far as I can see their time was up on 8/14/07. They have already sent the case to a trustee to sell. Seems they want my house, not my money. Somehow, someway, I hope this company goes the way of 1st Magnus, before they ruin a lot of lives. These are the kind of companies that cause economic recessions and depression.

brian wallace
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Oct 10, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My 3 year ARM was sold to ASC about a year and a half ago, and it just ran out 2 months ago. My interest rate rose from 5.5% to 7.35%, and was told it could increase another 1% next year. When i asked if there was a fee I could pay for an extension on my old loan, I was told NO. Because my rate payment increased by $355, I would send in two separate checks for my new payment because I already had automatic payment going for the old amount. For two months, they applied both separate payments to principle only, and filed late charges against me. It took an hour on the phone to get this corrected. I was told that if they did not receive the full amount in one payment, it's not considered a payment, and it just gets applied against principle. When I came online to look at my report, I found that there were many people with the same exact problems. I guess my biggest question and concern is, with these complaints people are filing, is anyone, or agency taken on the tasking of correcting this company for it's bad practices? Fortunately I will be selling my home in less than a year, so I won't see the high increase in my rate again, nor will I have to deal anymore with this company.

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Oct 14, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have read all the complaint and i have to say that it made me feel better to know that i am not alone. It will do you no good to waste your time trying to find out info on asc. Try wells fargo that may help u better because i keep getting envelopes with wells fargo home mortgage printed on them and i am financed through asc. On my good days i gather my friends over and we get out my paper work from asc (that is all the stuff they have messed up like my escrow account, how much i do or don't owe for that month, my canceled insurance paper for my insurance company because they didn't pay, but i was paying 451.00 to much in escrow a month for over six months) and i call every department just to see how much more stuff they can screw up. They have put my family in such financial hardship that know every payment is late and not only theirs. So life goes on my family is still together we are in ruin but alive. We have know other option but to let the house go and find a rent to own somewhere; so for now i am staying here rent free. So long to asc!

Susan Gomez
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Oct 24, 2007 7:50 pm EDT

Just wanted to add an update. Since we had a pending sale for 3 and a half months, the buyer did not want to wait longer for this company to see if they would sell to her or not on a short sale. (See above complaint "Denies having documents for months"). The buyer backed out on 10/15/07 and I called the company to let them know I wanted to do a deed in leiu of foreclosure. The next day, 10/16/07, the negotiator called for the first time EVER, to let me know how much they would take for the sale. The buyer had been willing to pay up to $95000, for the property, and the negotiator said that the company would accept $88000 net. A day late, they could have had a sale had they just done what they were supposed to do, said they were doing and lied about, or even just called once. At this time, the house will go up for auction on 11/8/07, but the last time there was an auction for a foreclosed property here, no one showed up but the auctioneer.

I hope they enjoy the house! I moved to a rental, and gave up on even getting anything from these people. Since I know know they are Wells Fargo, the company I have banked with for years, As soon as the house is gone, I will be closing my accounts with them. I would advise ANYONE who does business with Wells Fargo to stop immediately and go to a credit union or another bank. Maybe if we do a consumer embargo on them, they will change their ways.

Eric Lopez
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Oct 31, 2007 6:56 pm EDT

Hope you enjoy renting because your going to be doing it for a long time. With that big nice FORCLOSURE on your credit report! Hopefully you can rent because I know they run credit to do that too, Or are you going to get another crappy ARM loan and blame someone else because you got in over your head again! Either way congratulations.

Susan Gomez
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Apr 26, 2008 6:50 am EDT

Another update. After signing over my house to this company 5 months ago, they continue to bill me for payments and now have sent me a demand letter for house insurance. I called them, and had to speak to 3 different people, tell them all the same story, and they just pass me on to someone else. After an hour of talking my head off, telling them, NO YOU OWN THE HOUSE NOW, someone finally got it. Only after I explained that the house had been transferred by the assessors office to their name months ago, did someone finally have a clue.
Now they owe me money, a refund of my principal balance that was paid, but I will never see that.
I hope that if you buy or refinance your house, you take the time to research the company first. Dont let anyone talk you into financing with Wells Fargo!
Oh and by the way, the house is for sale now. The buyer offered them $105, 000. Its now up for sale for $77, 000. Bet they wish they hadnt held off on that sale!

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Apr 29, 2008 4:07 am EDT

I am entering my 5th month in a fixed modification loan with ASC thru Wells Fargo. I have made my first three payments on time and to this day, they still have not applied my payments correctly. They are deducting late charges from my reversed payment sitting in their suspense account, reducing my cash on account which leads them to argue with me that I do not have a full payment that can be applied to the past due payment. They are reporting me LATE when I have been busting my A$$, cutting expenses EVERYWHERE possible to improve my credit after their pathetic excuse for falling one month behind pay back in six months option which digs you into a deep grave each month... Every time I call, I go from Customer Service to Loss Mitigation and then back and forth.. No body sees what the other sees, and no body knows where my money is, why it was reversed and how to get it applied properly. Not only do I have a life and have been hit by this slumping economy with RISING COSTS, I sure don't have hours to waste daily to avoid loosing my home and having my children and I without the home we have called together for 9 years... This was a loan sold to ASC and it scares me that more and more people are going through the same thing I am... I have to search tonight to see if there is a class action law suit. Also, I contacted HOPE and they actually called ASC with me on the phone.. I finally spoke with a supervisor who said he didn't get my two messages in the past week and then sent me to their retention dept/review dept and a woman’s name that is out of the office and two other people to contact... I have left the 800#, area code 515 and I am back at the "tag your it" game. I've documented every date, every name, what they said, every number, every message and I am ready to send a certified letter to the president/ceo/cfo/cfoo, who ever and document what has occurred.. Enough is enough. I’m paying now that I have a fixed amount and had a month or two to catch up after the holidays, so why all this extra drama...

Angela Strickland
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May 17, 2008 11:26 am EDT

I sent my May payment, I did not have a coupon to denote how I wanted the payment applied. I assumed they would apply it all toward the payment since it was the majority of the payment that I sent, that did not happen. The company applied the whole amount toward the escrow leaving me a past due on my payment. The c company has my home and cell number to call me. I did not receive a call. I think that is poor business. If I was late on my payment, I would have received a call. Why did I not receive a call to clarify this matter. I have always paid my account on time.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Angela Strickland.

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Aug 26, 2008 5:06 pm EDT

I had a previous loan company who sold my loan to ASC. They do everything but help the homeowner try to keep their home! I became disabled in Aug, of 2017 I have had it hard with it being only me with a small disablity check coming into my home only once a month and also taking care of 3 children under the age of 18. They dont seem to understand that once a person becomes sick they no longer have the income they once had Lord knows SSI don't pay you what they claim that you are intitled to. They have no business lying to individuals the way they do. They told me that they would keep my interest rate low so that I could afford my payment and they the liars did exactly the opposite of what they said they were going to do to help me.I don't have anything nice to say about them except you are nothing but a bunch of rip off' liars that think of only yourselves to take advantage of a disabled person like they have done me is in my book only forgiveable by GOD! I hope he forgives them cause he knows that I can't!

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Oct 28, 2008 11:24 pm EDT

Client had hail damage to home. Insurance Company sent check for repairs w/ ASC listed on check. Because home in foreclosure ASC refused to endorse check had client endorse check and sent back to ASC and holding funds Contractor told to send in required paperwork signed and notarized by both client and Contractor, ASC required complete paperwork to get funds to do repairs. Contractor and client submitted paperwork. ASC has taken 2 months of deciding what to do w/ funds allocated for repairs. ASC finally Ok'ed the repairs ( What else could they do?) and released 1/3 of funds, sent check to client who has disappeared. The check ASC sent out to client lists contractor and client. Contractor can't get ASC to reissue check w/o client even though all paperwork authorizes this. ASC also wants 50% of roof done (You can't re-roof a home only 1/2 way and wait for an inspection - This is MN.) and then will order an inspection before releasing another 1/3 check (listing client again - whereabouts unknown) to finish all work. Another inspection (taking 2-3 weeks) Next final check w/ client and contractor listed will be sent to client again.
Theses people are nuts, they have no common sense and are very condescending. They have so many insular layers of BS, it is completely insane, not to mention it is insurance fraud for them to cash an insurance company check on a insurance claim and to not pay to have damages to home repaired.
Each call to ASC takes about 1 hour and each time the CSR will apologize for the lies and mistakes of the previous rep. Any request for a return call from a supervisor or a person in a higher position goes unreturned and each request for any type of action is quoted as to take 2-3 days, then 3-5 days then 5-7 days and finally the original request is resubmitted after 2 weeks at which point the process starts over again. No wonder the mortgage industry is in such disarray. I equate this service even lower than HSBC's Customer service that is located in India. ASC's customer service people are Americans and can speak English but they must be required to have a frontal lobotomy. Maybe the United Way can start a foundation to help all these mentally challenged individuals employed at ASC! We should have the CDC check to see if this might be some sort of contagious disease.
I pity these poor fools! Are they just that F'in Stupid?

Cenobia Quintanilla
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Dec 02, 2008 6:26 pm EST

let's do a class action lawsuit - I'll research the attorney.

Call me at [protected].

Sandy, US
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Apr 22, 2009 12:03 pm EDT

asc has screwed with my mortgage payment for almost a year before i got through they said they never received two back to back payments we got a knock on the door in december of 07 it was a lady wanting to help us with getting us out of fourclosure we looked at her and said what are you talking about called them that is when we were toldd we had were 2 payments behind from aug, sept of 07 they said to send them 3384.00 and they would do and loan mod. for us but in the mean time they said not to send in any money it would not going to go against my credit it not only went against my credit they told me 4 month later when i had been calling every month at least 2 or more times they keep telling me nothing had been done yet finally i got a answer in late april I had been denied. I then spent 1300.00 on a loan modifacation company that went to bat for us they got our loan through it went up 500.00 a month because of the month I didnt make those payments for all those months our payments are up to 2500.00 a month we have 7 kids plus another 17 year old we are helping out I am the only one in the house that works now the company is slow and I might get laid off I hope to get refianced before all this happens

Newark, US
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Jul 18, 2009 12:35 pm EDT

ASC - Needs a wake up call. WE SHOULD FILE A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. My parents' loan was sold to them two years ago. They are hard to reach, one department doesnt know what the other is doing. The refuse to send you to a manager to lodge a complaint or say there isnt one available. My parents had great credit and was placed in a high interest rate (because of their age, so the broker told them), during a time when interest rate were between 5 - 6.5%. I have been trying to modify their loan by and/or requesting for a rate reduction refinance over the last year and denied three times!...Now my mother passed away, my father's income alone will not cover the high monthly payments. We placed the house for sale, received 13 offers. I am requesting a short pay on the loan since my parents put $230, 000 down on the home, now with the current home price drops my parents have lost that. So I think ASC taking a 88% as a pay off is a pretty good deal compared to what my parents lost. They have not called back and 4 weeks have gone by, we've had to fax all the paperwork twice. I call them everyday...when I ask to speak to the negotiator they tell me I cant but they can leave him a message to call me, still no call. We are most likely going to use the highest bid on the house which would have made it possible for my father to move to a senior park...

Baton Rouge, US
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Aug 14, 2009 10:32 pm EDT


Pineville, US
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Sep 26, 2009 3:43 pm EDT

For everyone who complains about ASC, think before you make your post. I understand people's frustration with the process of doing loan modifications but you are dealing with money and this process is still a business. Everyone thinks that they are going to qualify for loan mod or the new plan because the economy is bad. However, how are we going to modify loans if there is no income or your debt exceeds your income by over $1, 000? Some people don't want to hear that they spend too much or make enough to keep their homes. I understand the importance of homeownership but the truth is, some people just can't afford to keep their home. If a loan is modified with little or no income, we are doing a disservice to the people who are really having a difficult time because those people will almost certainly call in 6 months to say that they need another loan modification. Also, people seem to think that machines are infallible. If we ask you to resend your info because we didn't get it and you got a confirmation number that your fax went through, why do people assume that reps are lying? People have to remember that ASC services millions, millions! of loans and with the number of modifications being done and paperwork being sent via fax, its quite possible that your info did not come through. if you are really serious about saving your home as you say you are, then how hard is it to fax it again? People, understand that its a business, a process to get loans modified and lastly, we are dealing with money..

Esker Bobo
Navarre, US
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Jun 28, 2010 11:40 am EDT

I called AHS about my home A/C unit. The the came out and checked the system and said "Found inpacted Evap Coil, T-stat set and maintaining 73. System set had 19 degree drop across Evap coil condenser coil is dirty to-pull and clean Evap coil and Chem clean condenser Both Systems $566.03. AHS denied the claimed and some unprofessional person that sounded half asleep phoned me to tello me the claim had been denied. Then he went on the tell be that "MOST" people have a service agreement with a company to maintain their units. That's when I hung up on him! I then phoned AHS and asked to speak to their complaints department.I was told, "We don't have one" and there is nothing I can do about my claim being denied. AHS, YOU SUCK!

E. Bobo

Joshua Tree, US
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Sep 10, 2010 7:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got approved for the home loan modification trial plan in September 2017 and paid my new payment with no problems once the tree month mark came I called Asc to find out when my paperwork would be in the mail and they stated that they are still going over the paper work to see if I qualify and to just keep making the payments until they reach a decision so I did then I got a phone call and a letter stating that I would be getting agreement package in the mail two days later I get another phone call from asc stating they don't have all documents in to resend every thing I set them 3 month before so I did and waited and this proses went on and on saying they didn't have all the paperwork the needed up in till a hole year now I get a letter stated due to not sending all documents in my House is to be sold at action September 21 2017 I currently trying to work with the wells forgo president line to get help this is my first houe I bought 10 years ago when I was 20 years old but I only have about another week before the sell if there is any class action suits I need to get on board pls. I'm currently disabled and now my soon to bee wife is trying to make ends meet with 6 children in the home and my credit score is down in the dirt I cant even get a rental I don't know what to do

Donna H P
St Petersburg, US
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Oct 12, 2011 10:44 pm EDT

I have had very rude customer service people at this company as well. I've asked on a couple of occasions for them to stop sending me monthly mortgage statements since all of this can be viewed on line. One woman rep put me on hold and never came back. The 2nd guy was a smart aleck telling me the company does not have to have a reason for deciding not to go paperless. When I asked where I could call or write, he told me nothing would change so why bother. I guess courtesy is not a part of the traning at ASC.

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