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CB Car Dealers Maruti Suzuki India / Maruti Udyog forcing to take the damaged alto car instead of brand new car payment
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Maruti Suzuki India / Maruti Udyog review: forcing to take the damaged alto car instead of brand new car payment 33

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12:00 am EDT
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I wish to bring your attention towards the bimal auto agency’s service that maruti in bangalore has authorized to. I write this to you because maruti is known to be extremely customer-friendly and good service providers. however, my experience with bimal auto agency, indiranagar leads me to doubt this. let me narrate the sequence of events:

I have booked a brand new maruti alto lxi car on 24-05-2007, through mr. sunil kumar. m, sales executive of bimal auto agency (authorized maruti dealer), indiranagar, bangalore by paying cash of rs.5,000/-.
Details of payment made to bimal auto agency, indiranagar, bangalore are as below:

Receipt no. receipt date amount (rs.) amount paid towards
Rec07001177 24-05-2007 5,000.00 booking adv.
Rec07001415 [protected],000.00 2nd payment
Rec07001414 [protected],000.00 3rd payment
2,99,000.00 uti bank - car loan
Rec07001624 [protected],000.00 basic & other accessories
Rec07001625 11-06-2007 1,400.00 car cover

Tax/vehicle & charges invoice
Invoice no. vsl07000449
Invoice date: 05-06-2007
Vehicle id: ma3eyd81s00926833
Chassis no. ma3eyd81s00926833
Engine no.3400346
Colour: pearl silver-z6z
Invoice amount: rs.2,82,369.00 (rupees two lakhs eighty two thousand three hundred and sixty nine only)

Mr. sunil kumar promised us that he will deliver new brand maruti alto lxi to our residence (i. e., home delivery) with his driver mr. manjunath on 17-june-2007. we were asked to be present for the pooja of the vehicle at bimal showroom, indiranagar and assured us that the vehicle will be safely delivered to our residence through bimal driver mr. manjunath.

While parking the vehicle for fixing the basic accessories, mr. manjunath, driver of bimal auto agency dashed another vehicle (which was just parked aside bimal showroom) and met with an accident, in which the vehicle which was supposed to be delivered to us got damaged.

We were shocked to see that accident of our new vehicle, which we came to take our home. we were emotionally hurt by this incident. immediately, we rushed to the sales manager of bimal, mr. dhanraj. since, he was not available in the showroom one of his executive connected us over the phone to talk to him. we narrated the whole incident to mr. dhanraj. he started shouting at us and asked to get out of the showroom taking the same vehicle in the same condition. giving the reason that the ownership of the vehicle is being transferred by making registration of the vehicle, mr. dhanraj told that he is no more responsible for anything that happened. when we requested him to come to the spot and rectify the problem, he started abusing us telling that he is having a family and not to disturb him on his holiday. we tried calling him again and again, he did not respond to our call. further, a tedious struggle began to reach some other senior officers of bimal auto agency, but none of the executives gave any information about their seniors.

Mr. sunil kumar. m, sales executive of bimal is now forcing us to take the same vehicle which is under the custody of traffic police station, jeevanbeemanagar. he wants us to go personally and apologize the police for the accident happened for releasing the vehicle from the police station. why should the customer be penalised with their precious time & emotions for the service provider’s negligence?

Since 17-june-2007 to till date we and our family members are facing mental agony & harassments by bimal auto agency. we are emotionally and financially facing the problems by bimal.

Since, this was the first car of our family, we all at home had too many dreams, sentimentally and emotionally bound with the new car. it is impossible to accept the car which has already met with an accident!

Even on 18-06-2007, we met mr. dhanraj for the help. he told that he is no more responsible for anything that happened and no one from neither bimal nor maruti can help us. we got fully shattered by hearing such statement from mr. dhanraj. mr. sunil kumar. m and mr. dhanraj has cheated me in the name of maruti. mr. dhanraj also said that bimal is having hundreds of customers, we are not the only one and bimal or maruti cannot do anything.

On 18-june-2007, we met mr. sunil kumar. m, sales executive, mr. dhanraj and mr. pankaj, senior officers of bimal auto agency. they were just stuck with one slogan i.e., “take the same vehicle which will be tinkered and re-painted”. I have paid for the new brand maruti alto lxi, and not for the vehicle which will be tinkered/repainted.

Since 18-06-2007, mr. sunil kumar. m is frequently calling us and threatening emotionally, by telling that “bimal has already waved off its hands, and even maruti also cannot help you, so go to the traffic police station and get the vehicle released for the repair”. till late night he kept on calling us. we have lost our peace of mind, due to these events since 17-june-2007.

Mr. sunil kumar. m, sales executive had promised us that he will deliver the vehicle to our residence i.e., home delivery with bimal driver. but, the commitment what was made by mr. sunil kumar. m, sales executive was completely denied by mr. dhanraj, sales manager after the accident happened. he changed his words, and put the whole blame on us that it is customer’s risk when accident happens. when the vehicle was not delivered to me, how can I be the sole owner of that vehicle, when it was still under their custody?

Update by Vijaykumar
Jun 29, 2007 4:03 am EDT

June 29, 207
Dear Mr. Naveen Sarawagi,

This is in response to your letter dated 28-June-2007. My heartfelt appreciation to your efforts in solving my problem as well as proving that BIMAL Auto Agency (Authorized Maruti Dealer) is truly customer-friendly and also good service-provider.

Special Thanks for your unstilted help and co-operation. I am deeply indebted to you.

Thanks are also due to the teams at BIMAL Auto Agency and Maruti Udyog for putting all the efforts.

Warm Regards.

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Jun 19, 2007 10:50 pm EDT

I felt Bimal has cheated the complainant.

Maruti has to judge and give justice to the above complainant.

Not only Brand New Car to be given but also compensation for the harassment.

The Executive and manager should be dismissed from their duties immediately for mis-behaving with the customers.

Sales Executive, Sales Manager and the Driver of BIMAL should be penalized and punished for cheating the customer and spoiling the name of MARUTI, which has goodwill in the market.

Krishna Murthy

Ashok Kumar
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Jun 21, 2007 12:30 am EDT

It is company's responsibility to handover the car in a good condition to the Customer. Only then the registered owner will be responsible. Until the car is not handed over to the owner, the vehicle is under the custody of the company. Company cannot wash its hands just like that. It has to bear the losses for its own employee's mistake.

The Sales Executive and Sales Manager are responsible for full satisfaction of the Customer. Since, they cheated the customer in the name of Maruti, they should be punished and penalized.

The customer should be given justice as they requested.

Ashok Kumar.

Suji Prabhath
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Jun 22, 2007 3:20 am EDT

Going by the sequence of events, it is very clear that the customer has been cheated. It is surprising to see the callous attitude of the Sales Manager and Sales Executive - this is anything but customer friendly which Maruthi claims to be.

It is definitely the company's responsibility to hand over the car in good condition to the customer. Customer has to be compensated for with a new car and additionally for the emotional trauma that he has gone through in this process.

Ankush Deshpande
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Jun 22, 2007 3:56 am EDT

It is purely Bimal's responsibility to hand over the car in a safe condition to the customer. They have to pay fine if they fail to do so. They are just taking it for granted that, people will not take pains to followup and get their rights. Such organization should be held accountable for such acts and compensate for the losses.

I would recommend to send this message to as many people as possible and stop any further sales at Bimal.

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Jun 22, 2007 4:56 am EDT

There is no question about it; The customer should get a brand new car. It was the responsibility of the dealer to deliver the car to customer's home. The accident has happened before reaching the home, so this should be considered like the accident has happened during the transport of the car. So the customer should get a new car or full money refunded. The managers of Bimal dealer should apologize for their behavior.

I wonder what they would have done if it had happened to their first car before delivery... sigh...!


Mohan B N
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Jun 22, 2007 5:05 am EDT

When the Vehicle under dispute has not been delivered to the Owner by the Company, all the responsibility of the Car rests only with the Company. It is the responsibility of the Company to hand over the new Car to the Customer in Brand New Condition. Since the damage to the "New Un-delivered Car" is caused by the Company itself (through its own employee) before its delivery, the liability of providing a "Brand New Car" to the customer rests only with the Company. They have to give a Brand New Car and, not the damaged one, since the payment was made for a Brand New Car.

Prabhakar B.S.
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Jun 22, 2007 5:06 am EDT

The complaint on Bimal Auto Agency - Maruti Dealer is genuine. The agency is not responding to the genuine customer's request even though the customer have given 2 options for solving the problem. The responsibility of the dealer to deliver the car to customer's home has not been fulfilled... The accident has happened before reaching the home, and the car was physically owned by the Agency during the accident. Before getting their company's name damaged, they have to react quickly. The managers of Bimal dealer should apologize for their behavior. He may recall Gandhiji's quote on Customer.

Nidhi Pant
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Jun 22, 2007 5:11 am EDT

Maruthi has been known to be one of the best companies and it is shameful to learn of such behaviour from both Maruthi and Bimal showroom. In fact, negative word of mouth will travel faster than positive word of mouth and this can tar their name forever.

Moreover, a customer should be treated with respect. The misbehaviour shown by both Mr.Sunil Kumar & Mr. Dhanaraj should not be tolerated and they should be suspended from their task. If they do not know how to treat customers well, they might as well quit their jobs and do something else. This business is not meant for them as they seem quite incapable of it.

I completely agree that Mr Vijaykumar should be provided with a new car as the fault was entirely the drivers and BIMAL & MARUTHI should take complete ownership of the accident & the driver's mistake. Why should the customer bear with what is someone else's fault? Either he should be provided with a NEW car or the entire amount REFUNDED.

If justice is not given, many probable customers (incl me) will definately back out and go to someplace else which is trustworthy and know how to treat customers well. By granting the customer his due justice, you will restore faith in many customers (like us) that MARUTHI & BIMAL are trustworthy.


Moncy Issac
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Jun 22, 2007 6:36 am EDT

I fully support the customer... What is wrong on the part of the customer. It is the BIMAL and Maruti Udyog Limited who have to sort out the issue and cannot wash off their hands...

The complaint of the customer is fully justified and supported by me.

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Jun 24, 2007 8:34 pm EDT

It is really bad that this thing happened to you.

Going forward, hire a lawyer and chalk out the proceedings. May be it is better that you don't take the car from the traffic police station. Also, it will be a good idea to file a complaint in the police station on the driver itself.

Also talk to a RTO ( not agents or clerks) and get his advise.

Anyway, stay calm and hire a lawyer.

Himanshu Kohli
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Jun 24, 2007 9:43 pm EDT

This compliant is a testimony of the pathetic state of customer service offered by various companies. This is actually a real face of various tall promises made by these so called "customer centric" companies.

I totally agree with the complaint and fully support him in this cause. This issue should be taken in all seriousness and persuaded to the extent of its successfully resolution.

Raghavendra Pai
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Jun 24, 2007 9:53 pm EDT

I fully support the customer. It is dealer's responsibility to hand over a brand new car. The dealer should take complete responsibility of this and replace damaged car with a brand new one.

Karthik T.S
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Jun 24, 2007 9:55 pm EDT

This is certainly a mistake of Bimal Auto. I strongly suggest Mr. Vijaykumar to raise a case in the consumer court or bring this to the notice of Times Of India so that people of Bangalore are saved from hopeless dealers such as Bimal. I personally was planning to buy a Car from Maruti, but after this incident, I have thoroughly made up my mind NOT to buy or support any Maruti products.

Kala M
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Jun 24, 2007 10:27 pm EDT

I support the customer as his complaint against the dealer is correct. Its the responsibility of the dealer to handover the car in good condition to the customer when the handover itself is not done & anything that happens before the handover then, the dealer should take that responsibility not the customer.

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Jun 24, 2007 11:14 pm EDT

I agree with the complaint. One more thing I can suggest is that whenever you get the delivery, at the end, they give you a final delivery pass. Until you have it, car is not delivered you. So you can safely go and registered a police complaint that you are not delivered your car yet. Forget that damaged car, just tell where is your car. It's bimal's premises, accident to their car, not your car until you have got that delivery pass.

Also, you can do the same with UTI bank and ask them to intervene for whole scenario. I feel it won't be much help, still you never know where you can get help. Credit Card companies do intervene and stop the payments but in loan case, i don't know.

Best Luck

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Jun 24, 2007 11:17 pm EDT

I totally agree with the complaint and fully support Mr. Vijayakumarin this cause. It's the dealer's responsibility to deliver a brand new car.

Mr. Vijaykumar, I strongly suggest you to approach maruti directly and see their response on this.

Deepak B S
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Jun 24, 2007 11:25 pm EDT

This is a tragic incident esp during owning of the first car.

I feel the case needs to be evaluated from the other side too, not that its your fault but just to get rid of this horrible situation and the associated trauma. If the agency hands over a new car, what will they do with the the damaged car? Will the manager or the driver buy it for 3+ lakhs? coz maruti will not take it back to the manufacturing unit. The drivers in these showrooms dont get a chance to mint money, their paychecks hardly cross 5k. Hence, I feel instead of dragging the case further and wasting time and money (on lawyers, police), go for a settlement. Since the agency has promised to get the damages repaired free of cost, go for it and ask for any accessories/fitment for free like a music system/speakers, that itself will be a loss for the agency too. I feel the damage too isnt great, just the left part & might be the fender needs to be repainted and the left headlamp/indicator needs a replacement. You can oversee the repair activity closely and get it done neatly. Its not a major accident anyway that has caused damage to the chassis, engine which would have affected the performance of the car. Dragging this case further might result in the driver having to part with his salary or even his job.

If a car is damaged during shipment then irrespective of the company, they too repair the damages and re-ship, which has happened to many new car buyers. Its just the mental block (of owning a damaged new car) that needs to be removed. Use the vehicle for a few years and sell it off. Good luck.

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Jun 25, 2007 10:24 pm EDT

The treatment of Maruti is appalling, they should be ashamed of treating a customer so badly. Mr. Vijaykumar, please take this to the Consumer court and take legal action against such offenders.

Ganapathi N
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Jun 25, 2007 11:56 pm EDT

I agree with the complaint made by Mr.Vijaykumar.

The best approach here is to contact Maruti directly. They have a customer grievance hotline to take care of things when the Dealer washes its hands off any incident. This is known to be very effective.

If Maruti also washes its hands off the incident, you are left with fewer options.

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Jun 26, 2007 9:32 pm EDT

This is the pathetic state of customer service offered. Mr. Vijaykumar, I suggest you to take this to the Consumer court and take legal action against the BIMAL and Maruti Udyog Limited . It's Maruthi responsibility to have a good Agency.

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Jul 19, 2007 1:15 am EDT

If the complaint has mentioned all the details to the truth and clarity, then I think it is the staff of BIMAL along with the person who owns the agency are responsible. I can understand how it feels when a brand new car even gets a scratch. If BIMAL still doesn't do anything, Maruti should cancel their dealership.

Why don't all the people start giving calls to BIMAL guy asking for these people... some kind of Gandhigiri...

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Jul 19, 2007 1:27 am EDT

How pathetic can they get. And to think that the showroom conveniently wants to wash its hands off its responsibility instead of taking ownership of what happened shows how most agencies take customers of granted.

Instances like this should make the customer more aware. I strongly suggest Mr. Vijaykumar to take legal proceedings against BIMAL and involve the press if needed, so customers who plan on buying cars from BIMAL think twice.

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Sep 12, 2007 2:41 am EDT


Kindly provide us the proceedings that u have taken? Have u went to Consumer court? Post ur comment!

Those guys should be punished.. Also i want to know whether this complaint board is useful? whether the concerned person (Maruti) is taking action for the posted complaints against them?
Or it's a waste... Anybody comment...

Siddharth Verma
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Sep 17, 2007 3:32 am EDT

Poor Show on Bimals Part.
Typical loutish behaviour, trust police/Maruti will ensure that erring dealer bought to court.

Sandeep Saini
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Oct 03, 2007 11:41 pm EDT

Just go to consumer court & ### these guys by blaming them
1) Delay in delivery
2) Mental Harassment
3) Financial Harassment

Sourav M
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Nov 06, 2007 6:10 am EST

If the customer complaint is true then this has to be raised to Maruti Udog directly. A strong case need to be lodge against Bimal Auto, thru consumer count . The news need to made public in front page of National Daily. Bimal Auto should be made to pay the compensation for the car as well as mental harassment. The penalty should be at least 3 times the car value so that Bimal Auto learns a lesson.

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Apr 02, 2008 7:15 am EDT

I completely would like to support the complainant. Mr VijayKumar, first of all go to the UTI bank guy and tell him about your sequences and stop all the future EMI payments.
Secondly you should try to publish this articl in all the available Websites and newspapers, Indranagar News, Magazines and bring to notice about Bimals attitude to a Good customer.
The Company cannot simply take money and give a defect vehicle. Its the fault of theirs for not handing the vehicle in good condition. Publicise as much as possible so these guys should be given a beating lesson.

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Jun 11, 2008 4:33 am EDT

I bought an Alto from Bimal.

Not a great experience. They have not delivered the vehical on proposed date not only that I have to pay for the freebies which they have agreed to give it complimentary.

Service is pathetic. They charge bomb compare to others and they hardly have folks available... parking space a big problem.. and the service advisors are totally useless folks.

The CEO might be savvy and brand orientaed guy but unware or just dont bother whtas happening at shop floor and at ground level.

Nandakumar C
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Jun 18, 2010 12:40 pm EDT

I booked a wagonR 2010 on 9-May-2010 based on the assurance given by BIMAL sales executive, Indiranagar that they will deliver the vehicle on 9-Jun-2010. When i called them on 4 - Jun - 2010, they said the color booked by me is not yet despatched and it will take about 45 days. I got amused by this and asked them to cancel my booking. I shouted at the manager and asked him to refund the whole money i paid during booking. When i contacted the finance person of Bimal, he said they already received the amount from axis bank. To close the loan, i need to pay 10% of outstanding principle amount which is around 19.7k. Axis bank is not ready to transfer the loan to other dealer / brand car. My vehicle is also not delivered. Mean time my 1st EMI is going to start from july 1st week. BIMAL guys said, i can take some other color vehicle which will be delivered in 2 days time. I went all they from Vidyaranyapura to BIMAL's stock yard which is located in whitefield to see the available colors and select one (I took one day off and went). But when i went there, i was told that all those vehicle present in stock yard has been alloted to some one. I need to wait for 3 days for new stock to come. Today i received a call from BIMAL saying, the vehicle which was on transit also alloted to others. But these shameless people asked me to pay the remaining amount also. Now i lost my interest in buying car. Now desperately want to close of this by taking any color. Sales executive's name is Sunil kumar. Dear readers, pls don't ever do any transaction with BIMAL auto.

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Apr 28, 2011 11:27 am EDT

Pratham motors on ORR, Bangalore is a cheat.

I bought car stereo system from them .I asked them to install Sony player and Kenwood speakers. He installed some junk Maruti Nippon speakers .The front speakers were fitted inside the dash bord and the back speakers were inside the rear trunk and covered with Maruti logo cover. They were not visible, so I couldn’t realize what he has given to me and charged full amount.

After some time when the speakers stopped working, I got it opened by pratham motor technician for repair. To my surprise, I found that it is not Kenwood but some junk Maruti Nippon speakers. There is no Nippon or Kenwood label on it, only a Maruti label and "NFC" series number indicating it is from Nippon. First he kept saying it is Maruti Genuine accessory, then to fool me, he said, Nippon is same as Kenwood.
I went to Nippon authorized service station in Koramangala . They told me that Nippon and Kenwood are clearly different companies. Both of them have a tie up with Maruti. The NFC series is Nippon and if it were Kenwood, it would have been KFC series.

Nippon Audiotronix Ltd is the distributer of car electronics. It manufactures its own car electronics
accessories. It also distributes Kenwood and other brands. Maruti has tie up with it to supply Nippon
speakers and other car electronics to its cars such as Esteem, swift etc. Nippon is such a low end manufacturer that it doesn’t have its own website. Pratham motors fooled me by saying that Kenwood and Nippon are same.

What the crook Pratham motors gave me were the removed speakers of some such car not the kenwood speakers.

I am left with broken junk Maruti Nippon speakers when I asked him to give Kenwood speakers.

My advice to all the people is that don’t give your cars to pratham motors for service and don’t take any accessories from him at all. If he is fitting anything, open it and see what he is giving. He will definitely cheat you where ever he can. He is a cheater.

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Oct 10, 2011 2:14 pm EDT

log a complaint if every once gets fear and leave this kind of buggers, ultimately it hurts the commonm people, so we should show the power of common man

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Oct 19, 2015 3:30 am EDT

Hey guys, yesterday I booked a Maruti Alto for the minimum booking amount of Rs 5000. When asked for a test drive, the agency sales person promised it either on the same day or the next. Today I asked to talk to the sales person's manager who was Nishant, Bimal Auto Agency, Whitefield. He talked very rudely to me very unprofessional behavior - he was talking to some of his friends casually while keeping my phone on. I felt as if he's playing some sort of prank. I told him this kind of behavior is forcing me to think about cancelling my booking. He said please go ahead casually. I actually find it funny that how can agency staff get away with this behavior? Mr. Naveen if you're reading this, I want you to help me. I just asked for a test drive :) isn't a buyer having right to do at least that much? Now, I'll need to bear the loss of Rs 1500 (cancellation charges) if I cancel my booking - but I'll feel that I got saved from the above kind of harrowing experiences...

Rishik Saikia
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Aug 16, 2016 6:29 am EDT

Respected Sir,
I have purchased a Wagnor VXI from Bimal Automobile Agency Guwahati, Assam .Car no-As-AG-3230 . Since 1 year has passed a complain was given regarding Tepid but the complain is not yet done though they had taken the car to be repair several times.Please kindly take an immediate action regarding the matter.
Yours Faithfully
Abinash Saikia
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