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Bluegreen Vacations

Bluegreen Vacations review: timeshare buy back! 92

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2:57 pm EDT
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For all of you like myself who bought a timeshare from Bluegreen and was told that they would buy it back if you were unhappy and now you find that what they told you was a lie, I have found a lawyer willing to file a class action suite against Bluegreen. You can contact me with your name, email, etc information and a brief history of your experience with Bluegreen and I will forward the information to you on how to get this process going.

It is about time these people are held accountable. I am now retired and have had my membership for six years. I have never been able to use it. I am banned now because I refuse to pay my maintenance fee.

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Feb 02, 2008 12:00 am EST

As to Jan Baucom who posted that she would love to talk to any disgruntled owners she never posted a contact number where she could be reached and if you did get a number you would get transferred about 20 times to someone else who still could not give you any answers!

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 10, 2008 5:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think that every Member of the Bluegreen Vacation Club should sue you for the additional cost you force on them because you can not and will not honor YOUR aggrement and pay your outstanding debt.

Get real and pay what you owe !

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Nov 05, 2018 1:54 pm EST

Sadly, we all made horrible (but barely legal) business decisions in buying timeshares. Timeshares need to be 'cleaned up' or a warning should be placed conspicuously in all caps on very first document- requiring signature! (As on cigarettes which are legal but a VERY bad idea). Class action sounds like a fantastic 1st step!

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Apr 12, 2008 9:21 am EDT

Phillip Smith is a fool, and it's not about paying your debt. Bluegreen is a scam as much as the sales people are. I paid for a lawyer to review the contract and it clearly states that what the sales people tell you doesn't matter. He said they can lie their !@#! off and have no repercussions. The contract is filled with verbage that relieves them of liability. Bluegreen will not hold their sales people responsible for their fraudulent and immoral sales practices. Bluegreen used lies to obtain my account information, and abused the privilege to have it. They hide underneath the technical laws of corporate America. They are not an honest corporation, they do not hold to their word, I will never recommend any person to give them their banking information or purchase products from them, and i will participate in any class action suit pending. I want my money and compensation for the fraudulent and immoral sales practices of the Bluegreen staff. They are licensed real estate agents and they have responsibilities and obligations when they sell property honestly. If they do not, that would make them thieves. Being a thief comes with consequences and prosecution eventually, so all you Bluegreen sales agents be advised a big dark cloud is forming over Bluegreen Corporation and you're involved. Chew on that Phillip Smith!

Best Regards,


Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Apr 20, 2008 6:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

All I can say Spanky is

YOU read all the paperwork
YOU ticked all the Boxes

and it was YOU who signed there name on the contract.

If you had read it properly then you would have no problems
I am sorry to have to tell you its all there in black and white and I didnt need to see a lawyer.

Its you whose the fool and yes I will say it again

Just pay what you owe that is all I ask

Your lawyer must be rubbing his hands in glee bet its one of the easiest bucks in made in years

Thomas Vines
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Oct 13, 2008 8:23 pm EDT

Okay - here's my Bluegreen experience. We signed up for the presentation in Bass Pro Shop (not my favorite stores anymore). We went to Gatlinburg, TN and received two free nights at the Park Tower Inn and two adult tickets to the aquarium. We went to the presentation open minded and were impressed when we arrived at how they assured us that we'd only be there 90-120 minutes - even broke it down as to how long each part would take and then if we decided it wasn't for us, they'd thank us for our time and we could leave. They also assured us they were NOT high pressure and that they wouldn't call other reps over to the table to hit us over the head to try to convince us to buy. I was so relieved after having a bad experience with another company a few years ago. Anyway, we sat at a small table with our sales guy and chatted for a few minutes before we were taken into a small room with about 30 people to watch a movie and listen to another guy talk for over an hour basically trying to convince us what a great company this is and that we would be crazy not to buy into their plan. He didn't give any details or cost of the plan, just that we should do it. We were then taken back to the first room with the small table at which time he told us the cost. We then explained to him that this just wasn't a good time right now for us with the economy the way it is, the fact we are self employed and dependent on the way the economy is as to whether or not we'll have work in the future. We also explained that we were NOT the type of people who would make a snap decision on something about this without first discussing it, researching it and thinking on it a few days. He basically ignored everything we said and took us to his vehicle (which smelled of urine, by the way, and he didn't even turn any air on and it was about 120 degrees in there) and took us on a tour of the chalets and condos. Yes, they were nice and yes, it would be nice to own a vacation timeshare but it just wasn't something we were gonna decide on within a matter of minutes like they wanted us to. We were then taken back to the meeting room at which time we explained AGAIN our reasons why we were NOT going to sign a contract at THAT moment in time and that since we'd been there for three hours and had signed an understanding that we'd be there 90-120 minutes, that it was time for us to go. He ignored us, acting like he didn't realize we'd been there three hours and took us back into the original meeting room. He then proceeded to show us pictures of his kid enjoying a pool at one of the places he's been to - okay- who cares? Our kids were sitting in a motel room probably wondering why we weren't already back. We told him it was time for us to go. He, of course, then called over his manager and was almost belittling us for the reasons we'd given him to not sign on the dotted line. The manager then started his high pressure sales pitch at which time we told him, "Look, you told us we'd be here no longer than 120 minutes and that wasn't true. You told us the presentation wasn't high pressure and that wasn't true. You told us a second person wouldn't be called over to the table to pressure us and that wasn't true. There is no way we'd buy anything from you cause so far everything you've told us has turned out to be a lie." The manager even told my wife "I'm the manager, I'm the one who gave you all these gifts, I'm the one you need to be nice to!" WHAT THE HECK?! He then asked us, "well, do you not like what we have to offer?" We replied, "yes, and we were interested about an hour or so ago but now after what we've went through with you people, we're so mad, we aren't interested anymore." We also told him after this 3rd timeshare sales pitch we have sat through over the last 15 years, we have made the decision to never sit through another one. This company, which boasts of not being high pressure, was the worst we have ever experienced. I believe if their timeshare plan was as great and wonderful as they claim, they wouldn't have to pressure you so hard and they wouldn't mind if you left and thought about and researched it. When I told the sales rep that we would need to research it first, he became very hostile and asked "what do you want to research?" Well, after looking online at all the complaints people have about Bluegreen, I know why he didn't want me researching anything. Although, I had already read some of the complaints before going, I decided to be open minded and give them a chance. Also - they'd told us that if we decided it wasn't for us that they wouldn't get mad and start treating us rudely --- ANOTHER BIG LIE! Stay away from Bluegreen - don't get suckered into listening to one of their sales pitches or your blood pressure will get as high as ours did.

RobinAnn Collins
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Oct 18, 2008 7:52 am EDT

you are absolutely correct. If they had nothing to hide then they wouldn't mind if you took the time to read over it. But they KNOW FOR A FACT that once you "do all of the numbers" THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT YOU WOULD TOUCH THIS THING WITH A TEN-FOOT POLE! And by the way, neither would most. Except for this Smith guy whose only endeavor is to belittle those who were ripped-off and are now being extorted into paying for something that is basically useless. I commend you and your wife for not signing. I didn't either. But, you have to feel bad for the people who got "sucked in" and now feel as if they have nowhere to turn. This company has over 200 complaints on this website alone. Just take a look at /link removed/ also, you've really dodged a bullet, my friend. Ofcourse Smith would try to lead you to believe otherwise. Although, he has never answered our question as far as the "sign it now, the offer is no good tomorrow" crap? Why do they do this? Come on Smith-put it here for all to see. You have so, so many rebuttles on here. Let's us all read your defense for that strategy of theirs. THERE IS NONE. Except what was written above by Thomas and MANY MANY others including myself. We all know that you are connected to Bluegreen somehow so, STOP denying it. OK?

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Nov 15, 2008 5:53 pm EST

My husband & I bought our timeshare 10 or 12 yrs. ago. We were happy with it in the beginning when we "owned" a unit for 1 wk. during Dec. each yr. We wanted to add to it but were told they were now on a point system but, again, if we were unhappy, they would buy back the shares. Stupid us bought into it. We called several months later to ask about buy back and were told they DO NOT BUY BACK SHARES. We pay our dues or get locked out if we use it or not. When we don't use the points within 2 yrs., we forfeit them. We also cannot use "saved" points during certain times of the year. Bluegreen has the attitude that they don't care if you are happy with your timeshare or not. They have you hooked. We have considered just letting the shares go back by not paying our fees. Fees have also went WAY UP! We are not sure what damage will be done to our excellent credit rating if we allow the points to go back to Bluegreen. HELP! Several financial experts on TV advise against timeshare purchases. They are the worst investment you can make and we agree! Stay away from timeshare purchases.

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Apr 22, 2017 2:15 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Sue

Your last name isn't Hammond is it? Of course it isn't. Our last name is Hammond and we've been stuck in this crap for 17 years. Is there anything we can do?

Rebekah Freeman
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Jul 30, 2017 10:48 am EDT
Replying to comment of pjhejh

PLEASE Help trying to get rid of our Blue Green Time Share Maintenance Fees are twice What they said I will not pay someone to sell it for nothing as I'm going broke paying for this worthless investment. We loose points that we paid for it is crazy. we bought our at Tennessee and Virginia when they claimed the problem was we did not own enough points and needed to get more now we are even further in debit. we pay so much that it is impossible to travel they ruined our vacationing .MY email address is chimperymom@Gmail . Com I don't want any more scams so a signed contract of some sort would be a must.

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Aug 23, 2018 10:46 am EDT
Replying to comment of Sue

I may be able to help you can contact me at or [protected]

Rana Chris
Lees Summit, US
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Dec 08, 2008 10:38 pm EST

My husband and I were reading your entry and we were so shocked at how similar your experiences were to us! We also purchased the vacation package from Bass Pro. We also told them the economy was not good for us to get in on this. They also kept up there for 3.5 hours.
EXACT same thing...even the ### sales guy showed us his family picture on vacations!. We kept our foot down, and they got mean. Luckily, my husband was hungry and he gets grumpy when he's hungry. Thank GOD we trusted our instincts!
In addition to your experiences with Blue Green I have also posted some comments on my travel blog .
After reading numerous negative review regarding Blue Green and other similar timeshare scams, I want everyone to know this. Someone should bring their iPhone and do research online DURING the presentation. I wonder how they would react.

Hartsvlle, US
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Apr 15, 2009 5:39 pm EDT

To Phillip Smith -- My husband and I have been paying for Bluegreen hell for 6 years with increase in cost yearly. It states in writing that they are to send in writing and/or call reference referral to a collection agency. They don't do that. In fact they don't do anything. Call for reservations -- none available -- never is. And forbid that you try to use bonus nights for a reduced price. No way is that going to happen. But let yearly maintenance fees and dues be due and payable -- OMG let's see how fast we can ruin your credit. You pay the maintenance fees for people that have the red carpet and have their names posted when in residence. I'm plan and will join a class action suit against the liars and thieves that we were convinced to guy after keeping us there for 5 hours.

Lititz, US
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Jun 09, 2009 9:11 pm EDT

I defer to my previous comments on this subject. It's not rocket science to book with Bluegreen, it just takes a little legwork and planning to get what you want. Granted, I'm less than a year into my purchase, but here's what I've booked already on 5, 000 (10, 000 biennial points): no problem booking 5 nights in June 2009 at Shenandoah, 6 nights in April 2010 at Pono Kai, 2 bonus nights in Hershey April 2009, 2 bonus nights in Atlantic City May 2009, and a RCI hot deal week in the Poconos Feb 2009. And it all cost much less than if we paid for hotel rooms for all that! I bet you spent more time complaining than you did trying to figure out how to make the ownership work to your advantage!

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Oct 25, 2018 10:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's really not about where you can go. I just don't want it anymore and there should be a way to cancel or sell it back to them. My kids don't want it after I die because they don't have time to travel all over the world. And they don't have the money to keep it. I'm just wanting them to honor what they sold me back in 2014.. In 2016 I called to the buyout program and they I couldn't because it was against the law (which it isn't).. I don't like people to take advantage of people and lie to make more money for the company. Oh I should of learned after the first time, because this isn't the first time they have changed their programs in the middle of the stream. Then you hooked and can't get out. Just my thoughts, so please don't take this personal because of your comments and my comments. Thanks for listening.

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Nov 05, 2018 1:58 pm EST

Yeah, like you said you're only a year into it...get back with the rest of us dissatisfied customers in a few years. I loved it at first, too.

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Dec 17, 2018 8:10 am EST
Replying to comment of beegee

It's not only the fact that points are hard to use, they don't explain all the hidden details, etc. but the loan aspect of it I was naive to. After going to our new owner orientation I was told by a Bluegreen employee to refinance, I was paying too much on interest. I went to refinance "my mortgage" and was told I couldn't because it isn't a real mortgage. So now I'm stuck paying their ridiculous interest rate because the bank is telling me it's not technically the type of loan they say it is. I want out and I only bought in September! I can't believe that Bass Pro would endorse a company like such!

Spring Lake Park, US
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Jun 19, 2009 4:02 am EDT

I have owned for six years also and I am using owners advocate to get out of my contract due to lots of misrepresentation and fraudualt activity while the presentation was taking place and within the contract, HappyBGOwner, pull your contract out and look at it. If you sell it you cannot deed your points they are NON TRANSFERABLE. so basically you can never sell it. Also the VIP membership, bounus weeks, hot weeks, bounus nights, travelers plus, ect all of that is non transferable unless aproved by a bluegreen associate and handled by them. Basically they have you eating out of there hand forever until you will it to your heirs that dont get anything but your acuall deeded week. They are so frauduant. Plus for what you pay them in maintance fees yearly you can rent timeshare for the same price if not cheaper. If I get out of this contract i will be back to this site and let you all know how it happend, but im takin this to the atterny general, 20/20, NBC, dateline, the commissions board of fraudualnt activity and many others if they do not comply with my wishes for them to relese me from my contract that was signed under false pretenses.

the masons
Lincoln, US
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Jun 19, 2009 9:29 am EDT

Misrepresentation is an under statement! I don't know how they sleep at night. We like many others have been dooped into thinking that this was a good thing. Lie after lie after lie. We are considering just letting it go back. From the sounds of it, there is not much more we can do. We have not found a single way to step out. Can't sell it, can't use it when you want cause you can't get in. We have had to pay to stay at a resort that we are not members of because we couldn't get into a Bluegreen resort! Maintanace Fees are sky high they say you can use your points to pay maintance fees but they've changed that now there is a limit on how many and what the points are worth to apply towards the fees. They don't listen when you tell them NO at the updates. They just want to Suck you in DEEPPER. Did I mention We Are NOT HAPPY BLUEGREEN MEMBERS!

Jody Lee
Mt Gilead, US
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Jun 23, 2009 5:11 pm EDT

Four days after I signed up with Bluegreen I found out that the company I worked for was closing. I tired to get out of the contract on the 5th day and they said it was 5 days not 5 business days and I missed it by a day.
They were no help at all and didn't care if this would put a hardship on my family.
I have tried to book a stay and have not had any luck. You would think in this wonderfull country of ours that things like this would be regulated and these pushy sales people would get exposed.
They did say I could try to sell my share but after what I have been through I don't believe a word they say! Run as far away as you can from Bluegreen

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Jul 10, 2009 9:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Sorry you can sell your points How do you think people buy resale ?

Buy them on ebay and yes the benefits do not transfer buy them from BG and yes they do

Buy lots of ebay then upgrade with BG and you get the benenfts as if you bought all of them direct from BG

Just another point most of the major players in timeshare do not allow the owner benefits to be transfered when sold on the resale market.

Now if you already have all those benefits why pay for them again

Renting then most people who rent out their timeshares charge what ever the M/Fees are plus a little on top which is their profit ---- no one rents it out to make a loss on it !

Traverse City, US
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Oct 03, 2009 11:00 am EDT

Well let me ask any of you...have you tried to transfer your deed after you sold your timeshare...I have...and it all started in is now October and they still don't have the paperwork done. I have been given every excuse under the sun. I was told it would take 60 working days...then it should be in the mail...then there are steps...huh? what's that...well I am only on number all the other excuses were just lies...yep you are at their mercy.
And of course they said they would buy it was not on paper. Stupid is as stupid does.

CE Floyd
Harlan, US
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Dec 26, 2009 11:57 am EST
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Blue green is a rip off they are very high pressure they would not give me and my wife 10 min to read over what we was signing they said you can read it all when you get home.they even said we could sell it back if we was not happy about it.we tried they lied just tried to sell us more points and more money.we have used it and the vacations are nice but its all the lies they tell you and high pressure and more lies.we are trying to sell ours right now through other companys.they gace us 4000 bonus points to use but we cant even use them till after 2010 and i bought in 2008 and then its white or blue season they never told us that they told us we could use them anytime another lie.but 1 thing is for sure God will hold them accountable for the Lies and deseption they do to people.maybe n o judge on this earth will do nothing but i know a all mighty judge that will. i know this is no place for a sermon but i am a preacher and if they will lie to a preacher to his face they will lie to any one.

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Jan 18, 2010 10:19 am EST

we went to the presentation and stayed at a nice resort. Consider before buying that the maintenance fees could go up and that if you want to get out they have no incentive to sell your share before a new share. It will probably be quite some time before you can exit with credit intact (by selling through Bluegreen).

Hamilton, CA
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Feb 08, 2010 8:48 am EST

I live in Canada and I bought time share that I can only use every two years because of the amount of points I have. I tried to sell but it only cost me more money. I have not paid my fees and they say my timeshare is going to collection and daily rental at my cost. I am retired a widow and my pension is decreasing so I can, t pay the maintenace. I worry what will happen as I can, t afford a lawyer. Does anyone have any suggestions?

St Joseph, US
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Feb 24, 2010 6:17 pm EST

Geezzz, did not think I'd find so many with my same story! Won't even get into ours, cause it's the same as everyone here. Count us in with the Lawyer that wants to do a class action suit. Looks like he/she will have a lot of clients!

Wilmington, US
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Mar 22, 2010 1:54 pm EDT

Have found that there is NO market for Bluegreen points-followed some on e-bay--free to take if the "buyer" would just pay the maintenance fees--they did not have any takers !

Yuba City, US
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May 18, 2010 6:00 pm EDT

Has anyone found ANY help on this? They are straight out THIEVES. We have been through 2 years of HELL. I just want out of the contract so I can have the money each year to actually take a vacation. Now we're paying for something we can never and will never be able to use.

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Jun 21, 2010 10:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Our story is the same as most people on here. I'm sick of them too. I just want out! I kick myself daily for being stupid enough to get sucked into their pack of lies.

Hummelstown, PA, US
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Jul 20, 2010 9:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought Bluegreen a couple years ago; I am unable to use my points when I want at destinations...or anything on the East Coast for that matter...and this is all going to waste. I was told they would buy it back if I was not happy with the product. Now they say there is no such program. Please advise.

S. Pritchard
Mooresville, US
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Aug 13, 2010 8:33 pm EDT

I absolutely despise Bluegreen and their corrupt, lying salespeople. I am another victim of their scam. I just want to get rid of my points. FREE! Any takers? Hey Bluegreen, if your vacation points are so great, why won't you take mine off my hands for FREE! Has anyone ever been successful with such an endeavor? Is there any hope at all?

Timeshare Elimination
guildford, GB
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Nov 20, 2010 9:44 pm EST
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There has been a trend for timeshare owners who have been unable to sell on their properties to simply decide to stop paying the annual maintenance fee and ask the resort to take back the ownership of their property.

Legally, this will put you into a difficult position, because part of your contract is that you should carry on paying the maintenance fees, and you’ll be legally in breach of your timeshare contract if you default on this agreement. You’ll then be at the mercy of the resort. They may decide just to repossess the property – but they could take further action to recover costs if they can’t sell the property on themselves. Resorts are getting stricter because they are having trouble selling their own un-sold weeks, without having to deal with trying to sell on the weeks belonging to existing owners.

For anybody looking to dispose of unwanted timeshare look up No up front fees!

Owning a timeshare can be a huge financial burden. Want out now?

jen and jeff
Princeton, US
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Dec 07, 2010 1:55 am EST

i am sorry for all of us who got scammed into this bluegreen "vacation club". But my heart went out to the woman who lost
her job and couldn't get out 5 business days. Yuh@! My husband and I have been owners 3 years this month. Like so many of you; what are we owners of? We are never able to get in! MAINTENANCE FEES due and for what? Its a total scam. Our story like so many of you. We are potential clients of your lawyer. And to the person taking this all to 20/20, Dateline, go!
I'll be cheering you on.

Fenton, US
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Dec 19, 2010 10:33 pm EST

My husband and I go to Bass Pro all the time in St. Louis. One weekend we finally bought the Bluegreen package for the Big Cedar Lodge (Just outside of Branson, MO). We paid $199 up front and got $100 back in gift cards- So for a two night stay at the lodge it was only $50 a night (the room we stayed in usually cost $250 per night). Big Cedar was beautiful and one of a kind. It's the farthest thing from a hotel; it's truely a unique resort.
When I signed up at Bass Pro I knew there was a catch so read over everything very carefully. As long as I didn't cancel my reservation or miss the "meeting" then everything should be cool. I immediately tried to schedule a trip for Fri-Sun and the only thing available was in December -I called in April! We just got back and overall the resort is highly recommendly but the "meeting" I HAD to go to was stressful. It lasted two hours and at one point I thought I might actually want to buy a timeshare. The sales women we had was very friendly and very persuasive.
Here is a breakdown of the "Meeting"
1. First, you have to go otherwise you're charged full price wherever you're staying. In our case we would have been charged $250 per night.
2. It's one-on-one with a salesperson (for most of the time) & these people are GOOD! You’ll be shown colorful pictures of resorts all over the world and be told great stories about many of them. Don’t get me wrong – I know some of them were nice but …. There’s more to it…
3. Points – the timeshare goes by points and for 12, 000 points it’s $40, 000 (Yes, 40, 000 –like a nice brand new Audi TT). Anyways, we hear about the points and how certain nights and times of the year take more points.. yada yada yada… They also tell you spiel about how much it will cost to travel in the future and with this timeshare you’re locked in (You’re locked in all right). You can grandfather your children into this and pass it along (red flag). Oh, and lets not forget the pitch that you get to write this off on your taxes.. (another red flag)….
4. Meanwhile there are more “sales tactics” taking place… more stories, more pictures. We even got to go over to the 50 plasma tv and see the resorts in HD. I’m telling you these people are good at what they do… At one point they were so good I actually thought about buying whatever it is you get….. They showed us some log cabins that were nice at Big Cedar that usually rent for 700-1, 000 per night and with this timeshare we could go anytime without using our points for only 49, 59 or 69 a night.. Another “perk.”
5. Remember the 40, 000? Well they have another points package that is about $14, 000 for 6, 000 points (which equals about 1 nice week vacation a year). But wait- THERE’S MORE! “Today only, and I mean today only” they will sell the $40, 000 package for $28, 000! They make this sound like the deal of the century. They even go to the extreme of tell you that if you don’t buy today that they can NEVER offer it again and you MUST sign a sheet from the devil himself saying you’re passing this deal up. OK, it wasn’t from the devil but it might as well have been…
7. So here we are sitting there.. all the numbers are in front of our faces and meanwhile there are more “perks” – (I call them red flags) about signing up. I told the saleswomen I needed a moment to talk it over. I then grabbed my iphone and typed in “bluegreen timeshare” into google. I think the 2nd website was about mad consumers.. I started reading it and the women came back.
8. Back to Numbers page – whether you go with the 28k package or the 14k package – there are ANNUAL FEES anywhere from $700 - $1, 000. Yes – you MUST pay them every year otherwise you can’t use your points (in other words- they have you by the balls). So I start talking out loud to this women saying – we have to pay at least $700 a year plus Air fare – which isn’t including or mentioned by the salesperson.. go figure.. so that’s about $1, 000 a year for a nice vacation and that doesn’t include the HUGE down payment! No thanks, there are deals everywhere much cheaper!
9. More sales tactics. I finally said- “I’m so sorry but I have to pass because I can’t commit to this.” We then do the walk of shame out of there but it wasn’t over yet- one more attempt was coming our way…
10. We went into another office and the woman made one last attempt to sell us a $999 package that was good for 9, 000 points (I think.. I heard so many numbers that day my head hurt). With this purchase we wouldn’t be “true owners” but we would get glimpse of how the timeshare worked. At this point- I felt so bad about saying no earlier that I almost bought it until one thought popped in my head- “if I buy this then I’ll have to go through ANOTHER one of these Meetings” – with that thought in mind I simply said, “I’ll have to pass.”
Finally I was done & out of that place – I felt so guilty not buying but at the same time such relief…
My advice is that before you go research the company and get your own opinion. I’m sure there are people that enjoy the vacations and have no complaints. To me, the annual fees and high costs upfront aren’t worth it. Once you’re locked in- you’re in baby! You have to pay the fees and they can go up without your consent. The rooms book up FAST. Look at me - I called in April and couldn’t get into Big Cedar until December.
Good Luck

** If you did purchase and regret the purchase then good luck getting your money back. I believe you only have 2-3 days to cancel – it’s called the “cooling off period” – it’s a law that protects consumers.

the worst thing i ever did
McFarland, US
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Jan 25, 2011 1:08 am EST

everyone of us that have a timeshare with bluegreen should just stop paying them anything and let them go bankrupt, these people are deceiver and liar who like to take advantage of other they are evil-minded and don't care about who they hurt, hell they are going to mess-up our credit ant way

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Jan 26, 2011 1:23 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

NO UP FRONT FEES! Timeshare Elimination Direct transfers
We can get you out of your bluegreen Timeshare!

Free yourself from those ever escalating maintenance fees by transferring ownership out of your bluegreen Timeshare.
Act Now...

You can control the transfer process to make sure it is truly transferred out of your name.

You won't have to deal with companies that may or may not be Legit.

You can transfer it to a private individual who will be happy to have it for their own use.

You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you ended your ownership legally and ethically.

Q. Who is Timeshare Elimination service intended for?
A. Timeshare Elimination service is intended for timeshare owners who are: not using their timeshare as much as they intended to, hit by unexpected special assessments and skyrocketing maintenance fees, financially burdened by their timeshare maintenance fees, special assessments and taxes, frustrated by their failure to sell the timeshare through a resale company, concerned about their children inheriting their timeshare and the increasing fees (yes, your kids can inherit your timeshare when you pass away based on tenancy, (whether they want it or not) People that can’t holiday where they want, when they want, tired of going to the same place every year, aggravated with exchange companies, realising that there are more ways to go on holiday for much less, widowed or divorced, and can no longer travel with their loved ones or inheritors of a timeshare they don’t want or use

Q. Are there any requirements for using Timeshare Elimination Service?
A. Yes, your timeshare must be paid in full and your current maintenance fees are up to date. Also, your Timeshare must be on our list of accepted properties.

Q. Does Timeshare Elimination charge an upfront fee with a promise to sell my timeshare?
A. No. Timeshare Elimination is not a listing or resale company. Timeshare Elimination DOES NOT charge upfront a Listing Fee, Advertising Fee or Appraisal Fee promising to transfer the property once a “phantom” buyer is secured.

Q. Who do you use to transfer the Timeshare out of my name?
A. The transfers are handled by a lawyer/notary, trustees/resort.

Q. Who will be responsible for my future fees?
A. From the day you decide to use Timeshare Elimination, Timeshare Elimination will take immediate responsibility for all future maintenance fees, special assessments and property taxes related to ownership of the timeshare.

Q. Will my name be off the Timeshare deed?
A. Yes. Ownership is legally transferred. Depending on the property of record, title is transferred via Deed, Membership, Lease, Assignment, or as required by resort official governing documents (Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions).

Q. Does your service involve me getting into another holiday package or holiday club?
A. NO. Timeshare Elimination is all about getting you and your family out from under the obligation of your timeshare contract.

Q. If I have a current reservation with my own resort or a week banked with an exchange company, will transfer of my timeshare cause any problems?
A. NO. If you have paid for your week, then you should use your week.

Q. My Children do not want my Timeshare, what do I do?
A. The smartest thing to do is get the timeshare legally transfered out of your name with Timeshare Elimination otherwise, your children will most likely inherit your timeshare.

Q. When are you going to be in my area so I can meet with you in person?
A. Please call +[protected] and we will arrange a time that is convenient for you and your family.

Q. I would like to speak with you over the phone. How can I do that?
A. Please call +[protected] or enquire by email for further information and we would be delighted to speak with you!
Q. Who is Timeshare Elimination?
A. Timeshare Elimination has been set up by timeshare owners to free owners from their timeshare obligations
© Timeshare Elimination 2010
All rights reserved

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Feb 15, 2011 6:42 pm EST

Did the Bluegreen tour, asked for the paperwork to review and the agent took offence. Now I understand. How quickly someone can become aggessive and rude when you don't sign your life away. I feel badly for anyone stuck in a contract with such a horrible company. Best of luck with the class action.

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Mar 18, 2011 4:11 pm EDT

Our story is the same, and we still make payments, so what do we do?
Where is our government on this matter?

Knoxville, US
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May 12, 2011 3:22 am EDT

i have gone thru the same thing i have collitions on my but my bluegreen is paid for and i am not going to give them another penny i've just had my 10' surgey my healh is bad and will never be able to use it again not that i ever got to use it i've tried everything' i have called them and tried to explain tried to give give back to them ha'ha. i told them i was the one loseing the money here we gave 14, 000 for the timeshare and they want us to pay outragous fee, s and for what they did lie and the people that agree with them watch out your luck may change and let, s see how they treat YOU i am not paying them any more money my husband work, s to hard just give it away, so now i get phone call, s every day from collection, s we have always worked hard and our bills but this is not wright

Mechanicsburg, US
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Jun 12, 2011 3:45 pm EDT

I HATE this F*#k!^% company. We fell on some tough times and received the dreaded annual bill for something I have never seen before and I told myself that I will wait to pay this due to our situation. I received letters and phone calls about this and everyone was a jerk about it. My fault for buying this. Mine has been paid off for years now and was told that I can bank up to 24, 000 points and not to exceed that. Then a few years ago I was looking and wondered why we didn't have a lot of points and they said that if we didn't call them to bank them then we would lose the points. I would love to go after these ###s and sue them for malpractice and deception. Just to be able to talk to someone about an issue is a struggle. They are very rude and deceiving. If anyone ask you to eliminate your timeshare thru them I would be very cautiouus. There are scams out there left and right and are just waiting to get their hands on some free realestate. Bluegreen is like a slum lord. IF enough people complain about the conditions their timeshare building, grounds, structure, up-keep, grounds, rooms, air conditioning, bathrooms, facility, staff, dangers of the building or timeshare itself, swimming pools, or anything that pertains to the quality of life that is suppose to be A+ at these places then, we may have something. You see, as property managers, they are suppose to use or mainentance fees for up-keep and improvements. I have been to a couple of their places and I was not happy with the 1980's look in the room. It immediatly reminded me of Miami Vice.

If you are interested in doing something about all of this then hit me up.
I am a dis-satisfied member/owner and would like to make difference for all of us.

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Jul 04, 2011 6:17 pm EDT

For all of the unhappy people who are leaving these comments: READ THE CONTRACT (YES, THE FINE PRINT ALSO) before signing anything. Anyone over the age of 21 should know that sales people are doing only one thing: SALES. They cannot be held accountable for what you sign. Read everything and you will not be griping, moaning and whining online to anyone that comes down the pike.

allan pochop
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May 26, 2012 4:05 am EDT

Well it appears that we have all have been taken advantage of. We started off with the sampler package, nice, got lodging. Then listened to a presentation, and purchased 8K points. Then were made aware that this would not buy a week anywhere and would really have trouble using them. Ok, we now move up to 20K points, bought into Silver, as this is where you "really want to be". No problem getting lodging. Wrong, $30, 000, does not do it, You now need to go to Gold, and now there is Platium?
With all of this shuffling around, and paper being pushed back and forth, in the slight of hand trick, we did not notice that they moved our week out of Big Cedar lodge, in May, to now second week of January in the Fountains in Florida. Shame on me for investing in a Time sharre. Only thing good about it is that it does force me on vacation once a year, and then I use RCI. And may $179 exchange fee.
Doing the math, one finds that the yearly mtc. fees of around $1250 a year, and look at what it cost on the open market for a two bedroom unit in Hawaii. Great Ponzi scheme.

Montgomery, US
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May 26, 2012 6:50 am EDT

We just got home from an annoying bluegreen club 36 time share presentation in las Vegas. First they sent us to listen to a boring old man doing impersonators or dry comedy. Very stupid. He lied and contradicted himself repeatedly. He talked out of his ### to say the least. He says Europeans eat more smoke more than Americans but yet live 10 years longer. I lived in Europe for 6 years. Portions are smaller and Europeans have a better diet than Americans. He tried to say us Americans die young because we don't take "holidays" Like the Europeans. He also said he was incredibly famous. No one had ever heard of thus reject. Why would this grease ball be trying to sell bogus timeshares if he is who he says he is?!? Another lie! Our tour guide was a young clueless ###. She kept calling on some sleaze named Troy to lie and finagle us along. Don't buy into bluegreen. It's a waste of time. And full of complete ###

Plainview, US
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Jun 04, 2012 1:52 pm EDT

My mother who is a senior citizen purchased from bluegreen THE BIGGEST SCAMMING RIP-OFF COMPANY and of course, she trusted what they were saying, She became ill and dumb-a** me purchased the stupid thing and as usual I am stuck like so many other members. Everytime I to book a vacation it is a nightmare. Tried to book
a vaca to myrtle beach and specifically requested a ocean view but when I checked in it was on the backside of the resort, go figure that one. I starting striking up conversations with other people staying at resort and only found actually 1 person that was an actual member everyone else (approx. 5-6) were RENTERS of the property, They had rented their room from bluegreen. So, it is not hard to figure out why there are not any rooms available when you call because they keep blocks of rooms to rent in order to double dip and that is nothing but a rip-off! I called to try to book another vaca only to be told they did not have anything available for OCTOBER and they referred me to RCI. Bluegreen had locked up the reservations so you could only rent a minimum of 1 week but of course, I did not have enough points I was short 1000 they told me I had to be a member of the travelers club (more money as usual) in order to buy more points. Called to find out charge of travelers club and they told me my membership did not qualify to purchase the travelers club...can you believe that! So, I am stuck with 8000 points and unable to get a reservation ANYWHERE that I want to go in Florida what an absolute waste of money.
I too, am tempted to just quit paying I am tired of their scamming rip-off tactics. Has anyone had any luck whatsoever in getting any resolution to this situation? I don't want my kids stuck with this if anything should happen to me I would not want to strap my worst enemy with this RIP OFF COMPANY!

Lord Mankinholes
Rossendale, GB
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Jun 17, 2012 6:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bluegreen rent out their units in the same way as you can, these bluegreen units are unsold inventory and not part of the vacation club so they are not open to owners. Now that you understand that how to you call it a rip off they just doing what any owner can.
Yes you do have to be a TP memeber to buy your 1000 extra points but why do that in the long run it will cost you a lot of $$$ just buy a small package off ebay to make up the number of points you are lacking, but you can get many reservation with just 8000 points and yes they are in Florida check in Monday check out Friday at The Fountains in peak time will cost you 8000 points or check in Friday Check out Monday is also 8000 points

wv mountaineer
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Aug 15, 2012 3:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My story is similar to everyone's, but I managed to get rid of my timeshare last month! I owned 8, 000 points biannually, and have just watched all our fees go up each year. However, is the company I used, and I would recommend them highly. There was no initial fee, and once the paperwork went to Bluegreen, I was sent an invoice. Bluegreen is quick to take your money, but much slower in transferring the deed. It took about 5 months, but we are no longer in the BG database, and I have the deed transfer paperwork to prove we no longer own our timeshare. Steve did a wonderful job for us, and just take time to look at the website. It might be a help to someone!

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Jan 03, 2019 11:29 am EST

i would be interested in knowing how much you paid for this service.

Susan OB
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Sep 01, 2019 9:44 pm EDT

Curious to know after 7 years from getting rid of Bluegreen are you really Free? Did you pay transfer solutions any money and then had to pay an invoice from Bluegreen too? Who actually bought your deed or did Bluegreen take it back?

Karen Cavanagh
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Sep 03, 2019 3:01 pm EDT

I have contacted other companies that stated they would help me get out of our timeshare, we got scammed. They needed to do a title search for $500 and off they went. What was the steps that you took, I would love to be rid of the timeshare. My fees just went up $300 and when I try to book something theres nothing available. Pls advise Thank you

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Oct 30, 2012 7:29 pm EDT

I enjoyed my Bluegreen for the first few years, but now I can never get in on the dates I want to go... Most only have availability midweek and that does not work for my family. I agree that we were mislead into believing we could more or less go whenever we wanted. If this was the case I could just about live with the ridiculous maintenance fees/club dues we have to pay.
I would be interested in hearing if anyone else has used the company mentioned above (

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