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Cenlar review: bad business practice 54

Author of the review
2:27 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My loan was taken over by Cenlar from Taylor, Bean, and Whittaker. They sent me a letter telling me that and said they had included a temporary coupon to make my payment. No coupon was in the envelope. I made a payment to the payment address with the new account number on it and after two weeks it has not been cashed. I have tried to reach them by phone for over a week and all I get is a busy signal. This is a very frustrating situation! I fear they will soon say I did not make a payement and injur my credit rating! What a lousy way of doing business!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Richmond , US
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Sep 16, 2009 11:20 pm EDT

CENLAR is horrible! What legitmate company removes all contact informationf from their website? Not only has their contact information been removed from their website, they send a letter intoducing themselves as your new lender with a contact number that rings busy! The government needs to investigate this sorry excuse for a business!

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Nov 22, 2018 7:15 pm EST
Replying to comment of JessicaC.

U r screwed if your loan is thru Cenlar!
My loan sold to them from Fairway Mortgage as soon as we closed!
Not any correspondence from them in 18 months!
No response to all my letters!
Call and on hold for 2 hours and no one answers!
They will report negative to credit bureaus!
Nothing u can do !
Thank God my loan sold to new company 3 months ago but just found out this week!
New company so nice and explained everything and what to do to be caught up!
Hope your loan is sold!

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Jul 31, 2019 12:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of JessicaC.

I totally agree. I had CitiMortgage and they gave it to Cenlar. Nothing but problems.

Deer Park, US
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Sep 22, 2009 3:41 pm EDT

copy and paste this into your browser...
It has all the contact info for Cenlar you will ever need! I am pasting this contact info on every discussion board that I can for people just like you. If nothing else it makes me feel better because I am in the same boat as you. We are being held hostage and everyone needs to e-mail these jokers and let them know how we feel. Good Luck.

Mary Roth
Orlando, US
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Oct 06, 2009 6:29 pm EDT

I called the number in my welcome letter and got through within 5 minutes. They told me there are 3 numbers to reach them.

[protected], [protected], [protected]

They told me there were problems with getting enough phone lines into their building to take the influx of calls at first but has been much better within the past week or two. Anyone who needs to contact them THESE ARE GOOD NUMBERS!

Hope this helps.

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Oct 16, 2009 4:52 am EDT

Here is where I see a scam from Cenlar. I am one of the TB&W transfers.

So I get a letter saying my check for August was never used and they are cashing the check for my August payment in 3 days and sorry for the inconvienience. 3 days is a little more than an inconvienience to tell me im making two mortgage payments within a month.

I called the bank and the payment was made in August. I called Cenlar and the assclowns tell me "sorry sir we will take care of it." What scares me is how many people have fallen for this screwup/scam, will they get their money back, and was my credit hit for a 3 month late payment?

They sucker enough people and even if they give the money back at the end of the year they made a nice chunk of interest.

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Oct 24, 2009 5:28 am EDT

I am as your guys, one of the TB&W transfers, I found out another lender and paid off my loan last month, however Cenlar hold my Escrow around $4000 and didn't refund back, Per their website, they refund the check to me 10/15, unfortunately I didn't receive anything so far, no way can call them to find out what's going on for my Escrow money.

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Nov 17, 2009 1:01 pm EST

Cenlar took over my mortgage from TB&W also. This happened in September. As of NOVEMBER 17, 2009, I have not received a payment book and I have not seen one detailed statement concerning my account from Cenlar! No payment book and NO STATEMENTS!


All of my calls go unanswered as do my emails.

Cenlar is the most disgraceful business I have ever encountered! They are incompetent on all levels.

We need to start a class action lawsuit NOW!

Hatton, US
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Dec 01, 2009 3:31 am EST

I am in the same predicament as all of you - a TBW transfer (I never had a problem with TBW) and multiple screw ups with Cenlar-unable to reach them, not cashinig checks when sent (I made a stop payment after they had not cashed the check after 15 days - I could go on forever.
The latest screw up is the escrow account. All of my taxes, insurance, etc is due between October and December. NOTHING requires payment until October of 2010. However, Cenlar is now RAISING my mortgage payment $86 PER MONTH because, in their words, "your escrow balance is low" - Ok, but nothing will need to come out of it until Oct and my taxes in the city only increase by $34 per year. Frankly, I see them hogging the escrow money to gain interest and try to make more money on their part at my expense. I have already contacted my mortgage broker to find me another loan with a different company.
Frankly, I think Cenlar is the most unprofessional, unethical and likely illegal mortgage company out there and we were thrown to them by the SEC (who shut down TBW). I enourage every one of you to contact your attorney general in your state and file a formal complaint - until the masses are heard, this company will continue its illegal and immoral business practices

Rose Simpson
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Aug 23, 2020 9:52 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Paperc

We have to come together to fight this and file a class action lawsuit against them

Fort Worth, US
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Dec 03, 2009 1:06 pm EST

I just saw my auto withdrawl from the bank and was charged 300 more than my normal payment. On the phone now to see what is going on. My insurance was cancelled and had to be re-instated. Can something be done about about this company?

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Dec 08, 2009 2:30 pm EST

It took them a month to answer my emails.

I called [protected] today and got a CSR in INDIA! After receiving a notification by mail that my ACH automatic payment was set up, I waited to see when it would withdraw from my bank account, but it never did and now it's 6 days past the due date. So I called them today only to find out that that confirmation letter I got last month doesn't mean a thing! It just means they received your paperwork. Even if it states the auto-payment will begin on so-and-so date...DON'T BELIEVE THEM! They now tell me I have to fill out another form and send in another canceled check! Are you kidding me?! I had to make yet another payment by phone. I hope this isn't having an affect on my account. What a joke!

R Pogue
Salem, US
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Apr 19, 2010 3:04 pm EDT

I refinanced two (2) loans with TB&W just before they went BK. Then my paid off account loans including escrows was sent to Cenlar. They first tried to collect from me and when I sent them paper work after paper work to show it was a bad loan they had received, they don't try to collect anymore but won't release my escrows and I have had to pay my own insurance and taxes at the end of 2009. I have two (2) Deeds of Trust on each property recorded at the country recorders office. The first ones have not be released. Isn't this unlawful? I couldn't sell my home if I wanted to because the liens against my homes are twice the value of them. I have called and called and they do answer at [protected] but can't help me stating they can't get anything from TB&W that is now controlled by some govenment agency and TB&W doesn't have any way of contacting them. How long do we have to wait for this kind of thing to get fixed? Can anyone tell me how to complain higher up to get something done?

Perth, US
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May 23, 2010 3:50 pm EDT

Once again CENLAR has failed to pay our property taxes resulting in yet another threatening notification from our City Tax Office that they intend to sell our brand new home for an outstanding tax obligation due to CENLAR having failed in their fiduciary responsibility to pay our taxes in a timely manner.

Our attorney will be contacting CENLAR to release us from escrow and afford us the opportunity to pay our taxes on our own, and no longer suffer from CENLAR's malicious negligence that has caused undue stress by having failed to comply with their obligations to pay the taxes on time, and without the need for faxes to be sent by the homeowner reminding them of their duty.

I have contacted the Better Business Bureau, as well as NY city media to look into CENLAR's failures to properly manage the accounts of their clients.

Michael Merritt

Everett, US
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Jun 01, 2010 3:09 am EDT

Hey everybody!...i figured out what is going on with CENLAR. I don't know all of it, but i do know a few things which i will tell you here. First of all, when TBW(TAYLOR BEAN & WHITTAKER) was forced by the courts to cease and desist, they were taken over by CENLAR(central loan administration). CENLAR is a company of rich goones from India, that also has part to do with their government over there. What happened here is, all the loans from Taylor Bean & Whittaker were federally insured loans here in America, that our government gave to India secretivley because we owe India a butt load of money. We are talking in the BILLIONS! I had a loan with TBW, and it went to CENLAR too when TBW went belly up. After 3 months, i applied for a loan modification and i didn't hear nothing back from CENLAR so i called them. A week went by and i got a letter in the mail that said they were transferring the servicing of my loan to OCWEN...a fricken debt collection agency! I never missed a payment or was late, but immediately OCWEN started adding on ficticious charges on my account, and tried to say they had not received my mortgage payments, they said i didn't have enough money in escrow, my insurance wasn't good enough, and all kind of other crap too! There is a class action law suit going on against them, OH!, and by the way CENLAR, OCWEN, and i forget the other's names right now, are all related to each other!... So on with my point, our new landlords don't give a donkey's aarse about us, and they in fact are trying to make us fail because that will weaken a whole bunch of land owning Americans one by one so they can take control of our country. That is why they are screwing with our mortgages in every way possible, because they know that if you falter on your loan then they can sell the property, get their money's back twice from our goverment, and take all your equity away with it! There is a whole bunch of company's out there right now that are owned now by the rich goones from India that loaned our government all that money from back when Bush was president. He borrowed Billions from them to help pay for his dam wars.

New Port Richey, US
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Jun 20, 2010 9:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I too am a victim of Cenlar. Mine is my home owner's insurance. I switched companies because of it being $800 a year less with a different company. I faxed Cenlar the information as they requested but they never responded. I called them several times & they asked for the same information repeatedly & still they are not switching me to my new insurance company. Two days ago I received a cancellation letter from the new insurance company because Cenlar is too incompetent to switch my insurance companies that I spent hours trying to find with a lower rate. They lied & said everything would be taken care of. Something needs to be done with them. Maybe they are the ones that should have gone under.

Manhattan, US
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Sep 04, 2010 12:02 am EDT

Well a few thing most of the comments on here are not true and the accusations are unfounded. Firstoff, the government seized and shut down Taylor Bean & Whitaker for illegal practices and much much more. The investor (owner of these loans) is Freddie Mac. Theya placed TBW Customers with Cenlar, Bank of America, and Saxon Mortgage companies. Cenlar is based out of Trenton, NJ. They also have an offshore site located in India.

If you get a representataive in Idia, you may request to be transferred to a US representative and they will gladly transfer your call.

In addition. Cenlar HAS not increased anyones mortgage payment just for the sake of it. If your mortgage payment increased it's becasue TB& was not collecting enough from you to begin with. Cenlar is a legitimate company that is trying to clean up the mess that TB&W created.

If your interest in a loan modification just know it takes between 6-9 months. If foreclosure is imminent, then contact the Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program in your state.
When you feel you've hit a brick wall with a company and they are NOT resolving your issues, then follow the folling steps:
File a complaint with YOUR STATES Attorney General Office, Banking Commissioner, Better Business Bureaum and the OTS Office of Thriift Supervision. THIS WILL GET ACTION & RESULTS GUARANTEEED. File your complain with all four at the same time and retain a copy for your self and include a copy of the complaint to your mortgage company

Mobile, US
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Sep 27, 2010 9:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

mortgageknowdlegde made some great point! Let me also add for those who are not familar with RESAP:

It will be best for everyone who has had issues to really look at RESPA (Real Estate Protection Act). It will take time to resolve disputes with a stubborn company. But if the persistence is there and your facts are correct. Getting that big check from cenlar will be well worth it.

please do not take this as if I am telling everyone they don't know how to manage escrow. However it is important to realize that one should never depend on the bank to manage Escrow accounts. I am sure most would agree that proper handling of a checking account requires to reconcile and put items in your register that have been paid or quickens or whatever one uses.

The same is true with escrow. Estimate what your YEARLY expenditures will be (Hazard Insurance (Flood if required) Home Insurance, taxes, etc) Take the total divide by 12. It is important to understand a few things with escrows: As per the RESPA section 10 the servicer (Cenlar, or other institution) is prohibited from charging excessive amount for the escrow account. The lender CAN NOT charge any more then 1/12 of the total of ALL disbursements per month payable during the year..They CAN add any amount that was short from the year before. They CAN at their desecration add a cushion NOT to EXCEED 1/6 of the total disbursements for the year. Knowing this and knowing that as part of the RESPA the lender must perfom an escrow account analysis once during the year and notify borrowers of any shortage.. any EXCESS of $50 of more MUST be RETURNED to the borrower. (They can not hold it) Picture it like a BIG savings account----At the end of the year you will get BIG check from them if they are indeed charging outrageous amounts...

If they do not do this, then you will need to write a complaint letter to them FIRST, (Certify mailing) and they must ack the letter withing 20 business days. After which another 60 days from them to resolve or provide a valid reason for their position. If still they are violating any laws of the act then you may file a complaint with HUD (Housing and Urban Development. After which HUD, a state Attorney General or State Insurance commissioner may bring an injunctive action to enforce violations of Sections 6, 8 or 9 ( I have provided short info on section 6 which is relevant to most all complaints on this board)...

Keep in mind that Under section 10 which is Limits on Escrow accounts (1/6 and 1/12 talk)HUD as the authority to impose a civil penalty on loan servicers who do not submit inial or annual escrow account statements to borrowers.

Read up on RESPA and know where to file complaints... They will get addressed much faster then if you just phone or write a general office such as State Attorney General office. Go smaller before bigger.

Also, keep track ALWAYS (even if company is good) of what you are putting into escrow... Get copies of checks, and file them for your records. Checks are proof of payments...

This will get action trust, no company (That has been around since 1984) will take to well of a possible Lawsuit from Both HUD and Yourself.. EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS KNOW HOW TO ACT ON THEM FIRST!

Mobile, US
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Sep 27, 2010 9:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

For those who say the cenlar forgot to pay City Taxes and then the city is giving you threatening letters. What kind?

the foreclosure process on delinquent taxes take a few years. They will not just send you a letter that threatens any action on your or your home. Thats the last thing that happens and is usually from a district court. Not City.. In fact in most cases the city will send its taxes (Delinquent) to the county Treasures office.

I have been delinquent for a year now on my City taxes which I will be paying off this year. Not once have a received any letter from the city or county. Just statements that say I owe this much in this month and next month, etc.

Sounds like a lot of people here are just complaining and not understanding what actions need to be done.

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Oct 04, 2010 5:31 pm EDT

I filed a complaint with the BBB today regarding CENLAR. We refinanced our home and paid them off last August 2009. They are still showing that our mortgage is open and past due. We have faxed them and mailed them about 20 copies of the wire transfer showing that they were paid off. In March of this year they finally acknowledged that they received our payment but we are stilling getting the run around as far as them providing us and the credit reporting agencies that our loan is paid off. We are still waiting for confirmation in writing.

Although Cenlar is not listed with the BBB, the BBB has been taking complaints regarding them and trying to get them resolved. I filed mine today to the following:

The complaint is being handled by the BBB listed below. Please contact them with any questions.

BBB of New Jersey (Trenton, NJ)
1700 Whitehorse Hamilton Sq. Rd St D-5
Trenton, NJ [protected]
Phone: [protected]
Fax: [protected]

Monticello, US
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Oct 15, 2010 11:26 am EDT

I feel the same pain many ex TB&W customers have. I am just recently having problems with Cenlar but they are making up for missed time. I have been dealing with them since Aug. 2010 and I still have not resolved anything. They claim they have not recieved multiple payments since Aug. 2009. Ayear ago! I have sent proof of payments for every month over the last year and I am still recieving the phone calls. I am being called nightly at 9 pm! Horrible customer service only adds to the frustration. This has to be the worst company ever.

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Oct 29, 2010 12:31 am EDT

Cenlar just received my loan. The city tax information is incorrect and probably won't be paid on time. The homeowners insurance information is incorrect and probably won't be paid on time. They lost my first payment, but have since found it. And, on top of that, they have lost $1200 in escrow payments that were paid at the time of closing. Not an impressive first start, I will say that much.

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Jan 05, 2011 7:44 pm EST

Previous TB&W customer here. Now with Cenlar as of spring 2009. Looking to further investigate the issue of Cenlar not reporting account information to the credit bureaus, I found on their website that it is simply a matter of making the request to them by phone, which I did today. Requesting by phone, they only offered to begin reporting from the 12th of this month forward. I was told that a request to report prior account activity has to be submitted in writing which I plan to do now. And with no offense to the Indian CSR's employed by Cenlar, it is possible to request an American CSR. Worked for me. Gonna try the same thing next time I call Dell customer support!

Jennifer Swift
Harlem, US
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Jan 05, 2011 7:53 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

was recently contacted by a cenlar customer service person that said I didn't make my September 2009 Payment. Gee how long ago was this? It was when my mortgage was sold to them when my old one went under. I only found out they went under when my payment wasn't drafted and tried to call to find out why. That's when I found out Cenlar had my loan. after 2 weeks of trying to contact them...yeah a payment had been missed because i did'nt know who or where to send it to. Now they want me to come up with it or they will start reporting it to the credit bureau. Where the heck am I supposed to come up with the money after loosing my job in February? I had to move out and let someone else take over the payments months ago. Can't sell it. Can't do anything. They might as well just shoot me a get it over with.

Southbury, US
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Jan 11, 2011 10:07 pm EST

CENLAR took over my mortgage from TBW. I just switched home owner's insurance and what an experience this has been.
I have been working in the dark for the past two days trying to get answers as to whether CENLAR knows to bill my new carrier (my insurance agent, thankfully, advised me to make this inquiry).
Nobody at CENLAR knew that I had changed insurance companies even though my agent had faxed the new policy to the Florence SC number (CENLAR's insurance department) twice.
I believe that things are straightened out now, thanks to my own persistence and because I just spoke to a competent CENLAR rep in New Jersey. Oh... I forgot to mention that my two previous attempts to straighten my escrow situation involved conversations with two different representatives in India, bad connection and all, and I just did not feel confident with them. The poor telephone connection lead to me having to shout my concerns over the line and wait during the pauses between my statements and theirs. Bad, bad, bad.
After searching the web for an alternate telephone number for CENLAR, I called the number listed on their web site and my call was, thankfully, routed to New Jersey.
Since my confidence is now lost on CENLAR with regard to my homeowner's insurance, I will call my carrier tomorrow to make sure that they know to contact me directly if they do not receive payment from CENLAR. The earlier poster was correct- do not blindly count on your mortgage company to handle escrows properly.

Mr tk
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Jan 28, 2011 4:14 pm EST

cenlar is the worst loan company out there i am still waiting for a coupon book and the old was cheaper than what there trying to charge me 300.00 more than the old morgage thank

luigi sciortino
Chicago, US
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Nov 08, 2011 8:29 am EST

want to know if cenlar has the legal rights to collect the loans from some legal documents of the takeover...if not can we start a class action suet?

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Feb 03, 2012 12:03 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

1) When our loan was taken over by Cenlar, they increased our escrow amount by $1000 per month to cover the short fall. We tried in vain for months to remove tax escrow.

2) For the last several months Cenlar has charged us a $30.00 per month admin fee. We still have no idea what it's for and none of the CS reps in India can expalin to us why we keep getting charged. My wife calls every month and spends hours on the phone trying to get it reversed and then every month they charge it again. Isn't this akin to wire or mail fraud? They send us a bill that is bogus every month?

I would LOVE to see these ### penalized. They have hurt so many people it's unreal. We can't refinance because they don't refinance even though we probably qualify for HAMP or some other program meant to "help" people who's home values are lower than their mortgage. ... We are paying 5.65% and even though we qualify for a refi, can't because of CENLAR.

Khach Do
Chicago, US
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Feb 10, 2012 8:28 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been tortured by this scamming company Cenlar enough. God help me please they owe me $761.51 escrow refund of tax year 2010 and as of today 02/10/2012 they have not paid me back. I have talked with them on the phone, via fax, and email [protected]... times and still not gotten my money back yet.

southfield, US
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Feb 22, 2012 2:11 am EST

is anyone else having any issues with Cenlar supposedly not receiving your payments

i had my mortgage with a different company for about 17 years. never missed a payment. i pay all my bills on time. cenlar bought my mortgage and in 2 of the last 8 months cenlar has not received my payment. This month i paid 14 bills mailed them in the same week and only cenlar did not receive theirs. i make about 30 payments/month and coincidentally in the last 8 months, 2 checks mailed to them did not arrive there. what are the odds of that happening? all else arrived as they should

for employees over there: have others had the same complaints; what controls do you have to ensure nothing is lost or caught up in something else?

So i'm wondering is anyone else having any issues with Cenlar supposedly not receiving your payments?

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Mar 22, 2012 9:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have found out another thing Cenlar likes to do when they think that you are behind on your payments. They like to have someone come to your house, and they are sneaky about this, tell you to "call your mortgage company", give you an envelope with a number to call that doesn't work (its a number for a Verizon conference line) and then take a picture of your house. I have contacted the local police about someone taking pictures of my house and they really blow it off stating that taking pictures of someone's house is not illegal. Really? I have teenagers, one of which is a girl. What if by some chance when these ###s took a picture and my daughter was in her room where the window is in the front of the house, was getting dressed or undressed? But this is ok? If this were to happen, do they have any idea what kind of ### storm there would be coming from myself and her father? They just did this the other day and we called Cenlar to ask what this was all about and they stated that we are 60 days past due, really? We first talked to a "Jessics" who was from Bangladesh or something...Jessica? yeah sure, but then got her supervisor and he called us a liar stating that for all he knows we could have mailed the payment yesterday and said we sent it last month. I overnighted my last two and have confirmations, DUH! I have got the whole "we didn't receive your payment" thing before where they said it got lost in the mail. More than once. I'm tired of putting stops on these checks just to have to mail them again. And if you overnight them it costs almost $40.00. I have read about people making online payments, where? I do not have that option. I really miss TB&W. Never had one single problem with them...EVER! Nothing but problems with Cenlar ever since every month. I have reported these idiots to soooo many organizations with no avail. If you are on Facebook, they have a group "Homeowners Against Cenlar" to join. Someone has contacted the Chicago News Investigative Team (Pam Zekman) about this. However, I did the same thing over a year ago with no response I hope she has better luck. I have put complaints on another complaint board about Cenlar and have saved all of the comments I have received. I am thinking about printing up every single complaint I can find to submit to someone...anyone who will listen. This Has To Stop. I have seen a few good comments about Cenlar and they are all by Cenlar employees. Ha! Alot of people, including myself has stated that someone needs to do something...well we all need to get together and do it.

Linden, US
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Dec 17, 2013 4:50 pm EST

We have submitted loam modification in June 2013...ever since then every month they have us submitting and resubmitting with no solution. Call every day and the reps all say something different meanwhile our home is going for foreclosure. No answers or solution.

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Jan 24, 2014 2:06 pm EST

Sent certified letter to Cenlar at 7 Graphics Drive, Ewing, NJ, which is listed as their corporate address. The post office says this address is invalid and they cannot delivery my certified letter. So what address is really valid for Cenlar? In addition, they require my SS in order to quote me a payoff on my own loan. They have all that info and I'm not transmitting my SS to anybody for any reason given the ID theft etc that is going on these days. So I'm now having to find a valid street address for this corporation in order to get my payoff. I'm not sending it to their generic P.O. Box because I already know what they will do with my request. I have also filed a complaint with DC about this requirement.

Attleboro, US
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Mar 26, 2014 3:15 am EDT

I AM VERY SERIUOUS! I HAVE THE EVIDENCE THAT CENLAR IS BREAKING THE LAW BUT WE NEED TO GO CLASS ACTION TO SHUT THEM DOWN! Will someone please contact me at with this specific information: 1. Law Firm with resources to bring a class action law suit against Cenlar, 2.Send contact information if you have been trying to pay off your loan by paying more than the amount due and having them assign your overpayment to 'prepaid interest', 3. Send contact information if you have been or are being harassed by Cenlar. I am serious. I have enough evidence to sue them myself, but their policies and customer service folks tell me that their policies are common and 'a lot of people' are making payments and getting scammed! I caught them trying to fraud me three months in a row, let's put an end to these thieves!

Charlotte, US
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Mar 28, 2014 6:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same problem here. Transferred from TB&W. I have sent payment every month. Sent proof every month and still am told I am delinquent every month. I guess I will just keep giving them money so they can lose it. Then I have to call my bank and get a remittance form, even though my bank statement withdraw says Cenlar. Really my banks fault? They make every other payment for me with no issue. I even have auto payment set up for an automatic withdraw, they take the money, but then I have to jump through hoops to prove that they took the money. Eventually I guess they will take my house too? Too bad there is nothing we can do about it. I never had a problem with TB&W, but they got shut down. Now I am forced to deal with this? This is wonderful.

Trixie's fav
Wilmington, US
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Apr 03, 2014 2:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CENLAR has mismanaged our mortgage loan since July 2013 and nothing they have done has been standard procedure. They failed to make electronic payment requests, and then sent a default notice. Each month I have to re-register to make an online payment - I can set up regular electronic payments (ACH) but don't trust them to make the requests to my bank or to charge the correct amount (they have added vaguely described "fees" to the payments each month and only remove them when caught). They don't respond to messages sent to "customer service", which should be customer "dis-service", so each month my payment is a few days later than it needs to be. I happen to believe that they are making attempts to put homeowners into default to foreclose and then sell houses. This company should be shut down and its administrators sent to prison before too many (more?) people unfairly lose their houses. As if bankers or Wall St. types (except for minorities and naturalized citizens - as guilty but easier targets) ever pay for their crimes.

cenlar bad business
Roanoke, US
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Apr 04, 2014 5:25 pm EDT

Cenlar placed a forced insurance policy on my
mortgage after my insurance company had sent them 3 request for payment. After they forced the policy and depleted my escrow account, they paid the insurance, but wouldn't refund the forced policy amount of 3500.00. After a few months, I tried to change insurance companies and they again didn't pay that one. I was told that after my current insurance received notice of new insurance, that it would take affect. They failed to pay that insurance and it went into another forced insurance policy. They depleted my escrow again. I fought with them numerous times on the phone. They did not refund the cost of the forced policy. Today, I received notice that my escrow was short funds, and they are going to raise my house payment. Really... that is a no brainer. Cenlar are such crooks... They are as bad as the IRS.

Asking for Review to Resolve
Long Beach, US
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Jan 10, 2015 12:02 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's amazing that there is so many complaints all in the same areas with the SAME COMPANY! We would not have known what our credit report stated, till we try to refinance our current mortgage to better ourselves, due to my wife's permanent disability and loss of full wages! We too were in the bunch of using Cenlar's referral mortgage compnay, Bayview. That too was a joke as we tried working with Bayview, but they kept faulting with time sensitive documents. They asked to resubmit the same or updated documents nearly 3-times or more! Then, Bayview neglects to contact back, and then we get letters in the mail that staff at Bayview have been unsuccessful in contacting us! WHAT A JOKE and they are "allowed" to play with good paying US Citizens! Then, we even had contact with Freddie Mac, whom we were in contact with Jennifer. She too stated that she would assist on behalf of Freddie Mac, where they have no direct number, will take messages and do not call back within the 48-hrs their recording states! Freddie Mac also stated they wanted to help and even had me send documents to them to be the middle man to getting the documents to the right party at Bayview! AGAIN, A JOKE as they failed to communicate! We also used NACA, a non-profit that helps homeowners to lower interest and loan amounts. The have an online program that you can upload douments and they willf forward to the right parties. Cenlar is not a participating company, so NACA said they can only assist with getting the doucments to the right parties. Again, Cenlar/Bayview failed to comply but I was told by Mr. Orsuto of Bayview Mortgage that they did receive all the documents forwarded by NACA! We used a 3rd party, because of all the run arounds to get the job done, and to verify that we truly were sending these vital documents, as these were tiime sensitive. US Federal Comptroller has been notified and yet we still have issues! We need to get on a social media so that we can all get together to inforce a class action suit! We all pay faithfully, encounter financial set back and you would think that a mortgage company would be there to see unforseen life events or that a federal agency would even see that there are too, too, many of the same issues with the company! I have even contacted the President/CEO, Gregory S. Torquist's office, where he forward to what they call Service Excellence Administrators (SEA)! Really?! I spoke wth Robert who is definitely out to SEA... and we had him explain three (3) times as to what he had planned to take off our 20-late marks to our credit report. We then asked for a copy of what they will be sending to the credit report as he sent a faxed letter stating that they have sent a document to the credit bureaus. What we get in that faxed letter is a rundown of our conversation on Thurs., Jan 8. Again, really?! We made it very clear that we wanted a copy of what was sent to the credit bureaus as Cenlar's correction, as what they have reported, we have their own Account Activity report which each account holder should pull at least once a year for your records, as well as keep a copy of canceled checks to verify! Anyway, we have a great mortgage broker that has even called on our behalf to let the President/CEO, Mr. Gregory S. Tornquist (you can find him in the google search!) know that this is wrong! Cenlar keeps stipulating July 2009 when Talylor Bean & Whitler (TBW) took over and somehow didn't record the payment, nor did Cenlar record the payment on their records. If looking at our records from TBW and now Cenlar, it was a discrepency for that one-month that TBW's bankruptcy to the take over by Cenlar! Then, although we have made "on-time" payments from Aug 2009, according to Cenlar's very own Account Activity Report, there has been "NO LATE CHARGE" assessed! So, as Cenlar stipulates July 2009 as late, we phoned and faxed documents to Mr. Tornquist to feel free to mark July 2009 late, and remove all the payments on the credit report for 20-months straight!

Also, we were not notified but two (2) - years later that we were in the rear for the July 2009 payment, that was not record. When Service Excellence Administrator was asked on Wed., Jan 7, 2015 in a phone coversation about contacting TBW, he said that they were closed and that "no" they are not able to do that! Well, if that is the fact, you sent us a letter two-years from the date of the original payment in question, then how do you comprehend and justify that we as YOUR customer was allowed to question with TBW or bring it before their bankruptcy court! This is WRONG... to who we are now your GOOD CUSTOMERS!

At this time, as of Saturday, January 10, 2015, we had phoned yesterday to leave Mr. Tonquist, President/CEO of Cenlar, of my disappointment with his Service Excellence Administrator, as well as I have sent another fax to his attention. It is just unbelieveable that so many of us are having ongoing issues on a daily, monthly and yearly track! Let's not give up and stay on track or on the floating boat, as our congressman needs to hear us, all the credit bureaus of the eroneous marks, Fair Credit Reporting Act administrators, Comptroller's office, Better Business Bureau, and especially the US President! Let's share information if it is allowed! Our email: We all need to get on board to getting a break for all of us who are being put on the wrong side of a long overdue issue. Lets all bring this to a head to be reviewed and for all US CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! God Bless America, as we know it!

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Aug 01, 2015 9:05 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My account was taken over by Cenlar in 2013. We signed up for the bi-weekly saver program. In July 2015, Cenlar stopped drafting my checking account biweekly. I had to call them to ask why they had not drafted two payments. (Who has to call their mortgage company to tell them they need to draft the payments they agreed to draft every two weeks? Seems as if it is their job to adhere to this schedule...) Spoke to someone last night and another person this morning who said there was computer "glitch" that kept my two payments from being drafted. Now by bi-weekly payment plan is busted as I missed a payment in July because CENLAR did not do its job and draft the payment. I have been making extra payments and somehow my extra payments threw off the biweekly payments. Really? A company is not set up at accept extra payments? So much for trying to get ahead and pay my mortgage off early. Not at all happy with this company. I do not believe they care one bit about their customers, even those that have never made a late payment and indeed are paying ahead of schedule. Beware of this company and their sloppy business practices.

Michael Talamantes
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Dec 23, 2015 6:51 pm EST

4 reviews

1.0 star rating


I am a 100% disabled vet. I have been since 2001 I have had many mortgages over that time and never had a problem. I am tax exempt in the state of Pa and have been refunded for the year of 2014. Cmg will not honor the VA letter the Tax exemption from the state and from my local York county courthouse. They hold our money and raise our payments month after month saying we owe more for taxes yet we don't pay taxes. Debra in the tax dept would not even talk to us. It is such a shame a law suit to help all vets so companies like this do not continue to take and hold and not return what is not theres. It is totally lie after lie and the only people at this company you can trust and believe in our Curtis P. and Stacy. That's it. No body else. They have even went so fare as to break federal speaking of Debra now breaking federal law by saying I am not a 100% tax exempt. When you are a 100% disabled vet you either are our not. They is no other. Every attorney from the DAV to The VA now going to office of Inspector General to protect other Vets from this company manily Debra. This will be a fight but we will be doing a class action law suit. Please look into this before you sign on the dotted line.
Cpl. Michael G. Talamantes

pissed old man
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Mar 23, 2016 3:08 pm EDT

I too am disabled, my mortgage was sold to cenlar. Original lender accepted disabled status. Cenlar accepted status until march 2016. Now I am told they will not accept disabled status. They will not accept letter from my doctor or proof from social security, told me the county tax bureau will have to make that call. I was disabled in 2005, nothing has changed and never will. Cenlar ask whats the problem? I wowld get it back at the end of the year. I am disabled, on a fixed budget, that is why I concsider this a problem. Someone please, help an old man out.

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Apr 24, 2016 6:23 pm EDT

My mortgage went up 92.00 a month after I was switched to Cenlar. My taxes are 1500 and my insurance is about 1000, that's 2500, yet they r taking 4800 out a year for both. I am looking for people to file a lawsuit against this company. I can't afford a lawyer on my own, but if we combine sources we can take action against them!

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Jun 01, 2016 9:16 am EDT

I'm sure that I'm not the only vet. With this complaint on tax escrows in Texas or country for that matter.
For 5 mos. I have been fighting over real estate taxes that I don't owe, (Texas tax code 11.131 )since I am a 100% disabled vet. That Cenlar claims I still owe. I have provided documentation from the county appraisal district stating 0 taxes owed for 2016. No less less than...4 TIMES fax and email! Now they are threatening me with foreclosure.

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