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Chaturbate review: Ehotlovea's bio 40

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11:42 pm EST
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i am submitting complain against Ehotlovea's bio web cam broadcaster she is making fool of the tippers many tippers wasted their money and thousands of token but this girl doesn't full filled her promise when she got enough tokens and money after that she went offline daily i request you to banned this broadcaster from chaturbate i have uploaded her image also banned her as soon as possible.

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Cincinnati, Ohio, US
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Nov 26, 2020 1:31 pm EST

In regards to complaints made towards 'ehotlovea'. She does fulfill her promise of " i will feel better & wet my pantie" which she does. Those complaining are haters. Ehotloveas show is very erotic. She puts on one of the better shows on Chaturbate, makes a good living(i assume) hence any complaints.
I am just a customer of hers & i otherwise have no affiliation with her or her broadcast.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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May 30, 2023 10:10 am EDT

Yes: I do agree that the money is good for this model. Achievements are at an all time high. However the technology that is running the show and keeping her up has devoided the model of any expression of humanity or emotion. There is only the machinery & running the live streams (per se). It has become hypnotic with the routines, mannerisms & the whole pattern behind it ALL! It seems as if 'EHOT' is a brand name & mayhaps owned by a few rather wealthy men with a lot of wealth as their own. Seemingly: whom does go online is secondary as to compared to the 'patterns' being done & show upon show: several new themes are thrown in & from 'time 2 time' as to spice up the live online experience ~ however the BRAND itself remains solidly the same as it is! I'm wishing the best for the model(s) as the technology is so strong; it almost is remote controlling her(s) every motion, action and sounds too. That she'll be able to manifest her innermost desires as an organic vessel of Cosmical light + life! 2O23 is a pivotal year & Astrologically: hence my message herewith. (Nothing can return to 'the former' order in Reality as old chapters are fully closing themselves (de facto) & it's therefore proper to address this topic of a model seated in Россия.)!

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Feb 20, 2021 9:11 pm EST

She will ban anyone for even saying hi in the chat, thats a scam if your going to do that then you should put a disclaimer warning people, her mods make false claims to get people to send tips over 100 tokens saying she will squrt if you send them. Chaturbate needs to better regulate girls on their platform

Al smith2020
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Oct 26, 2021 2:41 am EDT

She is faking her moans because there is no lovense inside her. She should be banned by Chaturbate! Why don't she put lovense inside her so that she is legitamate?

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Dec 14, 2023 12:36 pm EST

De facto: o' she at times uses a certain 'kiiroo esca' & one which has a bipping lamp that is seen at the end of this toy or device. otherwise a rare kindof kegal! she surely has something which is causing her to go into immense shivers & faster motions which are belly motions etc. I am merely guessing when i say some things here: she could have incorporated inside of her 'lower regions' a technology device which is invisible; yet each time 'a signal' is received then this device within of her body reacts with an impulse. As an electrical impulse travelling from the 'bip, bip' transmitter of the PC towards her belly region with that receiver incorporated in her tissue area & corpus! This i mention as i cannot imagine how she by mere & sheer willpower can shiver, shake & move around with such intensity + hour after hour (non-stop). Not to forget to have the ability to pee or squirt on command; which is humanly rather an impossibility! And so she can control her own body, so much, that by simply looking at a screen & hearing the high-bell sound as those tokens keep rolling in, then (at will) she can go into 'a state of being' which is 'delightful' for herself & her own audience (in the virtual chatroom)?! BTW: Her masturbations are without any involvement of something organic or a rubbing of a soft toy towards her skin or private parts of her youthful a corpus (not a day over 3O years). Orgasms without anthing as a stimuli except 'bip' sounds & her hand touching that 'kiiroo esca' object in purple a nuance of a color. Rather odd as stimuli normally creates sensations of a high aka an orgastic state of being, essence & wellness. Always she 'comes' in the same way & manner; as if by will or command. Indeed as this mystery unfolds itself & as her shows go by; then i am surmising that an electrical technology device implanted is causing her such stress and that this stress is to be read from her facial expressions & later relief as a show ends and she swiftly, quickly and with ease logs off (for the night or the day). None really are mentioning that she might be in much painstalking moments or even stressed out by this modelling online: All these thousands of hours & she might not even be a millionaire (depending on her contract or those backing her up as 'Ehotlovea' anno 2O23 Anno Domini)! I might be wishfully thinking by containing wilful a desire for a manifestation of an opening up & for more of a flow in regards to this rather delicate topic of topics! Further more: especially as Chaturbate does have & hold a moral obligation to involve this models audience & longtime followers + fans into 'the world' of whatever is happening for their longterm 'beloved model' + the star of stars on CB's patented platform. She once always said 'thank you' to every tipper and talked too; but nowadays it is just about gaining tokens, tips & viewer numbers (thus earning Ehotlovea a top page on Chaturbate since 2OI8/I9 ish). Alive human beings are partaking in this & not inanimated machines ~ therefore 'my cry out' for humanity to take heartfelt action to make sense, sanity & beauty out of this theme here!

Jim Cifizzari
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Mar 11, 2022 10:16 pm EST

her country is at war and she has the nerve to go online and scam people

that's because she's a loser just like her president

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 03, 2024 2:21 am EST

It might be taken out of a book of 'Fantasia' however nothing about her seems authentic or genuine. From her sounds (loudly made) & to the eyes gazing here, there 'n' everywhere whilst she's online and conducting yet another live stream of a broadcast. I get that she is fascinating many a man - yet unlike the original model (i add a curveball here) then this Cyborg-AI human does not fully possess the qualities of an individual style or personality. More or less 'a scripted program is run' and therefore many viewers are without fun! Like with Putin said to be 'a double' allow my added imagination or grasping a Reality so out of the box and here with. Hereby it is obvious that she'll never dance again, hum to a tune on the stereo (in her live room) or use a finger in the 'rear hole' nor be licking it with delight afterwards. My Soul is always about her as a Soul Ful being & i do not recognize the originalitet or humanity any longer. Hence my very out & on the page of 'Chaturbate Review'! Our Tribe is our Tribe & therefore I have nothing to hide or shun away from; as she's a Golden Sun or brightness with richest of a savvy, a clarity + those shimmering crystal colours of Joy 2 joy. A double in trouble, mayhaps!?

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 03, 2024 2:32 am EST

*cry out

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 04, 2024 4:36 am EST

2O24 is here & therefore the time has come to address the technology which has served 'Ehotlovea' so well. I cannot avoid to notice that a once natural individual suddenly (without any explination added) became a silent, efficent model & only working for the tokens + the money income too! Whatever she has within of her body and however she is able to work as much as she does and not have a social life or a life of her own (for years this is); it is only an Enigma to me! Change came around the year of 2OI7 & clips reveal this de facto: her pee in pants, her screams & cries + her becoming more and more motionless etc. Transformation came over the course of those years 2OI7 - 2O2I. And so technology is advanced and serves those in the knowing of how to apply it to the world wide web: her originality and human side has left the show & now it is merely about going through the motions by getting nude & just showing a body part or two. Every a woman has what Alisa has got + each woman can by choice of a free-will or such: be yelping, screaming and making moaning sounds of semi-pleasure too. Sounds upon sounds (endlessly)! The charm which made her unique and the sensuality; where has this gone and since when was modelling just a one way street & keeping the audience as mere spectators to something that is non-organic. I salute the TECH & this Lady whom is in the chair; yet I am not impressed by the coldness or void. Because a heart needs something for the imagination & not just the same nude skin as always! However the room is run by the technology which does not have this heart ~ so naturally, i get it! The Lady is pleasent and just does her job & reveals her nudity & the best she can (from each 'n' every an angle); yet at the end of each show a mechanic salute is given to her audience of quite a few viewers (all in all): ''need to go, thanks for all, don't forget to follow''... o' there is nothing remaining of her own emotions in this nor any of the models soul-essence. As everything is controlled, monitored by CB & pre-planned 2! Yet before it was such a natural flow, glow and voice too ~ without one being able to predict the next move or sound made (even). Unlike the synthetic nature of todays paradox of 'EHOT' anno 2O24: Blessings to each & everone + ALL here on the World Wide Web!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 04, 2024 8:11 am EST

Don't tip her. Don't visit her room. This is the safety from anything of a semi-shady nature. Those that are into her & view her with delight; they know what to do (keeping her room up & alive). I descern that of all the thousands hours of live stream from her; then she is a form of Hybrid Replica. By going back in the archives then she's done nothing but 'the same' and for years (with variations here and there of nudity + getting undressed & showing private body parts etc): her pee that runs all over the place. Her faces made & sounds made - yet she swiftly redresses & logs off and in less than 2O seconds. Shivers as if she is implanted with a technical device. Does everything + unemotionally & without care for connecting with her audience either! Whatever humanity or originality she once had; it is all sold out & by yards. Does 'cosmic karma' come to those whom decieve others with trickery, technology & a dark, deep desire to cheat their way to success? She used to be such a lovely Lady & so sensually alive 2 with rhythm, faces of pleasure & dripping an Eros to be enjoying (for anyone in the room to be viewing): The Lady I adore is no more; as she left the streams and back in late 2OI7. No pleasure from the model equals no pleasure to those whom organically R viewing her streams & live broadcasts. Natural Lore cannot be put out of place or play! I care; but does she - because 'Fairytale wisdom' never ceases to flow into each and every a corner of this Galaxy or Cosmos!?

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 04, 2024 1:18 pm EST
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Everyone ages. She doesn't! And I could be in error when highlighting ALL this on the world wide web with only a SIXTH SENSE to go with + observations from what is to be observed; O' yet at age 27 then one must appear at least slightly different than at age 18. Not just the face; but the whole body itself as aging is part of the human process of evolution. And with all of her modelling; then anyone can visually detect how much of the youthfulness still is there & without 'a day' of aging added to this 'the top' MODEL on the Chaturbate PLATFORM. A Jinn? A Technology? Or something else unseen or she's otherwordly? Pardon all the words; it is merely a desire of my heart Sphere to be 'in sync' with Reality & not the fiction or illusion around ''the Houdini couples'' replacement (so to speak) or Ehotlovea (Erik & Alisa).

Blobsjapp Smoochypoopoo
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Jun 27, 2022 11:55 pm EDT

Actually I find the main entertainment in her room is in watching the poor saps that tip hundreds or thousands, and within 10 seconds of them complaining "where's the action?" they get banned from the room and their messages removed. Best to give your hard-earned tokens to the honest performers at Chaturbate (there are many)

Aventura, US
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Jun 24, 2023 4:53 am EDT

I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly, blob. There's always going to be bad apples like ehotlovea but the majority of rooms I visit are sweet down to earth men and women working to interact with their rooms, fulfill tip requests honestly, and show their personality off while doing so. These are the rooms that deserve all of our tips. Ehotlovea makes $50k a month and doesn't really need them anyways not to even broach the topic of deserving them over performers who actually put their heart into what they're doing and get to know all of their regulars. This girl is a veritable cold fish in comparison

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 02, 2024 8:01 pm EST

Blobsjapp Smoochypoopoo - O' there is nothing but comedy and her savvy approach to handling her audience & as a veteran model (since early November 2OI4)! She's done being this dancing and innocent 'little woman' whom just was in awe for every a token top given by a fan or any of the men: By the excessive screaming which is rather like an alarm bell and so high-pitched in the decibel + volume; then shows R shocking to everyone listening as the Energy is ever so high & her voice rips up (like a Jack outta a box) ones Inner fibers & sense of man-hood (this modern day false man-hood of degenerate a nature which unfortunately

is found so often in the men of lower vibrating Hearts 'n' Emotions). Control is hers! Of course it is all so 'overly done' that it becomes a pantomime comedy when chairs are kicked around, lamps R falling off the hook and so even the camera itself gets a knock or two etc. etc. None are forced to view Alice or to have anything to do with her room or CB itself. (Each individual having the element of choice and free will to operate from per se). And so maybe some just are INTO the consistency of each broadcasting an hour, the comedy & her Act of being 'turned on' + ready to fully orgasm in squirting sessions of seemingly endless liquid waterey a substance from the vulva she has & all way before the cows do come home from the grassy knolls of old Oberlin, Ohio! (^:

Modesto, US
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Aug 17, 2022 7:27 pm EDT

steevpwrs California, USA

pteradactylestyle your absolutely correct on everything you mentioned. I can't believe some of the accusations that people make. She displays during her shows exactly how things may occur if and when she feels good and ready. And has hints to what can get her good and ready. Examples of some of the hater's comments that you sometimes read during her show are much like what I see posted here. I'm not sure why they lose sense of where they are and make the most ignorant remarks displaying anger as Jim made about her country at war and the comparison to the leader. Jim you are clearly the loser here. Stuffy's embellishing by saying the Mod (moderators) giving direction on how and what tips work for mood altering. And stuffy the banning is done because of harsh and rude language used and is a chaturbate policy. It's the first reading displayed in informing us what isn't tolerated in all model's room. I agree it is sometimes preform at record breaking speed but it always is done because they weren't following policy. But it keeps things from getting ugly. Certainly not done for a greeting as in saying hi. And Al, do you regret at all any of what you say. I'm embarrassed for you. Are you even old enough to be on the chaturbate site. And to Blobsjapp Smoochypoopoo, your banned when you break policy. As would you be banned with your comments if made during any models show. People don't lose perspective to where your at, and quit wasting time trying to control with hurtful and angry remarks. If while watching any model's show your not sporting a smile then go to another model. But please shut the fck up. Your embarrassing. Trust me!

Aventura, US
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Jun 24, 2023 4:47 am EDT
Replying to comment of steevpwrs

Interesting comment Steve, or should I say, Alice! Me thinketh you protest a bit too much. She's clearly got quite the behind the scenes team helping her run this show so the white knights such as yourself who come in with guns blazing to box every commenter's ears for leaving their honest thoughts in this community on Alice's very strange and oftentimes fairly disappointing and lackluster show, is really not necessary. But hey, I suppose you're free to speak your piece just the same as each one of us other nobodies are, so fire away at me too if it will make you feel like you are actually doing something with your life. All my best to you, Steevie

Mike Ste marie
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Sep 25, 2022 10:00 pm EDT

I’m new to chaturbate and this happens!

I was banned on chaturbate with out an explanation for why! I made what i thought was funny comment! next thing I was banned for life! No explanation!

I writing to you so you may consider giving me another chance to sign up for chaturbate tokens!

Thanks for your consideration ,

Mike stemarie

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Nov 07, 2022 12:13 pm EST

I have (recently) made a contact to CB and it is my innate dream that they will (eventually) come clear with what they know about this broadcaster. Yay! Because she was loved and had much fun it seemed as a novice; before the change & enormous riddle behind it all. Today: As a veteran model without any display of having anything left of ''the old spunk'' in her: routines and more of these! The show which she really could put on (potentionally); would not only tease and please so many a viewer - but also earn her much more credit and on every a level: moneywise + humanwise. The show which would call forth many a different comment & in the comment sections as a whole. However not so nor manifested; as the routines & routine behaviour has everything to do with the current shows in the current year of this o' 2022. (She almost fell off the chair and last week, this was and had no emotional reaction to it. Neither a smile, a laugh or a pausing in her motions & routinely so. She was unaffected & on a surface level; as seen on her face and within of her eyes)! However from the Realm she is from then truly she knows what to do next and what all this really is about. A shout? I am on the Internet to sooth and bring her soul: joy, comfort and more joy. Harmonically.

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Jan 03, 2023 4:28 pm EST

I occasionally check her show. She has always had the ohmibod, not lush inside her. She does keep herself covered to some degree or at least attempts to do so. She definitelyhas orgasms. I have seen her squirt several times during a single show. As for the tippers, i have seen people tip amazing numbers of tokens. They obviously have a lot more money than I do, and i am glad that they do. As for banning people, I have seen a few get kicked out but they have always said something that was derogatory either about her or the mod. I guess I don't understand the culture that some people were brought up in. I was taught from and early age that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what is going on, don't tip. If you hate what is going on, find another room. Pretty simple advice.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 17, 2023 1:29 pm EST
Replying to comment of 6strnggod

I agree. To be civil is the least one can do; as she is an amazing model & the Team behind her as really apt and actively at it. Intuitively; i sense that 'a Faustian deal' might have been cut and with an Entity of Ether; hence the powerful stage presence & never is the model fatigued or run down on Energy. There is only professionalism involved: the tips, the tokens, the pee, the screams, the BRB pauses and everything else 2.

Aventura, US
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Jun 24, 2023 4:34 am EDT
Replying to comment of 6strnggod

That was the worst mansplain I've heard in a good minute. "she DEFINITELY has orgasms". Lol at the gullible. If you had an inkling of what it truly takes to make a woman orgasm without direct clit stimulation, or anything to grind against, not even in and out motion happening - you would surely never assume that most of the performers you are watching are having real orgasms without working and putting some elbow greese into their clit. Sorry that sounded disgusting. 90%+ of women CANNOT ORGASM without continual, direct, and on purpose contact with the little man in the boat I'm writing this as a public service announcement to all men or anybody whose job it is to get a woman off proberly. Do your research first for God's sake man, you have the internet now use it to make the next woman turn to jelly and not just very badly fake it like ehotlovea. You probably really believe she's squirting too you poor dear. No, she's actually ppissing everywhere on those one in a million times when some poor man decides to pay $500 for a 10 second look at her pussy without her hand covering it. Much more can be found if this girl on the internet for free so I don't know why these men do it but hey more power to her for getting them to. I'm a cam model too and she out earns me 20 to 1 so obviously she's got the right ideas of what people want to pay big bucks to see. I'm just a little surprised that her weird painful to watch normally non nude and no talking no personality show is the number one best selling show on cb I never would have guessed it in a million years if it were up to me to de ide who the top earner was. Girl is making upwards of $50K PER MONTH with this cam show alone, she is wildly successful by any and every metric and whether I like her or understand people's fascination with her or not.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jun 26, 2023 10:53 am EDT

She does use a breathing technic & does a lot of shallow breathing + even holds her breathe: all to create the impression that she is aroused; even climaxing. It is sheer technic and can be done to create a sensation of being 'in the zone' erotically as a woman. Then she screams as a way to pressure out the liquid inside of her body & to release it all over that lower body area. Then returns back to the breathing: shallow and lumps of air are switfly taken into the lungs and later released in various sounds to create this effect of 'feeling' an orgasm. It works well for Ehotlovea & the show too; as she always is 2 B found on page 1 on Chaturbate Cams. The innocent and girly look is something that also is part of the show; before her transformation into a 'wild cat' & untamed. Hair sticking out all over the place & when not tied up etc. By being enigmatic; then attention is drawn to her room! She has had her downs; low amounts of tokens and a 'silent' room with no activity or chat; as she sits and endless hours waiting for the tippers to show up & to start tipping too. However persistence is a virtue of hers & works in her favor. She puts a lot of effort into her appearence: lipgloss, hair neatly set & in various looks + styles. Cloathingwise 2. No tattoos, no ring in the nose or naval which allows her a unique presentation or look: thus Alice does stand out to be someone of her own! The formula is delicately balanced between luxury and a rather underplayed 'showtime' with a few surprises here and there; otherwise mostly rather predictable. (Because in actuality she does not do much 'erotic' during a show really; other than ACT out & then later log off). Alice is the Fosbury of modelling with this 'Fosbury flop' (used in high jumping + replacing the older technic of 'straddle' before high-jumper Richard Fosbury) approach to web-camming. Not one single butt-blug in use by this model either! The team behind her do know what they are doing - of this i am assured + with confidence 2. 'Enigmatic Ehotlovea'... for sure!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jun 26, 2023 2:25 pm EDT
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Sensual & pleasant. So Cosmical. Alice has qualities both within & without that are glowing, crystal-clear & Eternal!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jul 12, 2023 1:33 pm EDT
Replying to comment of 6strnggod

She is a professional + so are those that have teamed up with her! For her to orgasm would demand something rubbing or touching her or in an organic way allowing her to release herself. However this is 'a show' & therefore the many men willingly are paying for her efforts: showtime & nudity involved. An orgasm is something in and of itself (for a woman) & isn't created by sounds from 'a tipping bell' or the flickering lights of any PC screen. Physical touches are neccesary, the rubbing together of body parts, fingering oneself etc ~ otherwise how is one to get any stimulation or a natural feeling/experience of release? Neither do I sense that it is anything she's hiding de facto; as often she 'breaks out' of that intensity of being in a state of 'a high' or peaking i.e. to reach out to the keyboard & as to ban someone from the chatroom (a misplaced comment) or her adjusting her chair or towel or anything else really. Before resuming or continuing her Время для шоу. Clearly she's fully controlling the process or 'orgasm' & can at any time let go and return to her normal sense of Self! Having a natural charm and essence (in abundance) then Алиса can get away with this and anything to the same degree. CB is running a business & so is the model under this current username (Ehotlovea). Take Care (in 2O23) everyone!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jul 12, 2023 1:36 pm EDT

Sensual, sane & pleasant. So Cosmical. Алиса has qualities both within & without that are glowing, crystal-clear & Eternal! Joy & nothing else than a natural flow + glow: within & without... 2O23 & beyond!

Omak, US
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Jul 19, 2023 10:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of JADE91

I totally agree with you. I keep having ehotlovea suggested to me and showing up at the top of the page, even though I am not attracted to her in the least bit and don't even think she is pretty. Like you, I do not understand why she is so popular. And I really don't understand the huge tips she gets, when, as you say, anyone can just Google her username and get all the explicit stuff of her they could ever want, on demand and for free.

But good for her that she can generate so much income for somebody ... I just wish that the money her room earns would actually go to her instead of the corporation that owns her account.

Galen 1999
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Jan 01, 2024 9:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of JADE91

The fact that so many men have no clue what it takes to give a woman an orgasm and how few women ever squirt is ehotlovea's secret to success. These guys start tipping 500 or 1k tips and now they are invested and will keep tipping as long as she keeps dragging them along. Hey, if some guy goes to bed thinking he made some girl literally scream in orgasms for 20 minutes and then squirt, I guess she made him happy. I sure the hell don't understand how she does it, but I give her credit for making it work.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 02, 2024 6:19 am EST
Replying to comment of Galen 1999

I guess that quite a few men of this modern age are clueless and completely in a state of desillusion when in the process of thinking about a woman or the female bodies ability to orgasm. In regards to Alice then it amazes me (still) how she can pull this off & with such elegance, craftfulness and skill! Do men really believe that she is 'so turned on' and by being before a camera-lens and having the 'bip, bip' sounds go off + her pelvis is then shivering, vibrating and going berserk? Of course she puts alot of effort in maintaining & making 'a plausible orgasm'; however by screaming, making otherwordly expressions + speaking 'jibberish' & other stuff as she climaxes into another squirt or pee; then it is obvious that she commands every motion and moment too. Harry Houdini, Dante & other magicians or mentalists used similar technics to get and keep a grasp over any audience & to wield them into a wished direction by mental faculties or HYPNOSIS. By observing her; one can notice how she at any time can snap out of her arousal and conduct the computer or dash off screen or even take a huge chunk of water to drink etc. etc. She can cough, sneeze and be looking into cupboards in search for an item for the hair or anything really: just RIGHT in the middle of a peaking experience (this is how 'turned on' and 'lost in the moment' of pleasure, she is ~ hmmmmz). For my own Soul then the most perplexing about these various themes are her facial expressions as almost 'this models' mentalist way of keeping an audience viewing; as you never know what is next 2 B: smile... sadness... empty stare... distress... gazing upwards... squinting eyes... turned on look and lips with mouth too... cross-eyed and so much more! The models motions are all over the place & some shows are really like Alice 'on steroids' as she just keeps pushing the boundaries further + further (as the tippers keep on tipping; higher and higher). Woauw! She's graced with an innocent appearence & rather feminine a gaze. All natural is this Model from Moldova (i am assuming her origins are Moldovan: rare, glowing, essential in delicacy)! Yet she can hypnotize anyone when it starts to get serious in that ROOM of hers. Should she not be a millionaire by today & since the Model reinvented herself & style of presention from the Ehotlovea Platform on CB? Symbolically she had a cat & men use a mouse to click 'n' connect with her ROOM: the cats play with the mouse (so to say)! I am an observer of this grand phenomena & therefore I am responsible for my own conclusions, deductions and stuff. None R forced to play the game; yet some men do expect that she'll just give them anything + everything by a token or two. However she'll firmly exaust anyone by yards as so did the classical mentalists of the day: Harry Houdini, Joseph Dunninger, Harry August Jansen (Dante) with others left to mention! In my humble opinion; it is her evasive nature which does the trick & wins her favours. Almost like she does not want to do this or be presently broadcasting; yet does have to do it (once online and found in that chair) + plz do bear in mind she has rather huge an advantage of the June 2OI9 begun story (on the web); about her held as a hostage by Scoundrels or some Mobster Organization. And so her ends are covered & she can keep going on until the FINAL SHOW & closure 2!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 17, 2023 2:24 pm EST

Yes: I agree. To be civil is the least one can do; as she is an amazing model & the Team behind her are really apt and actively at it. Intuitively; i sense that 'a Faustian deal' might have been cut and with an Entity of Ether; hence the powerful stage presence & never is the model fatigued or run down on Energy. There is only professionalism involved from that room/the team 'Ehotlovea' when online: the tips, the tokens, the pee, the screams, the BRB pauses and everything else 2. For Alisa & her soul, mind and body ~ I manifest only the most beautiful and loving life 4 her own Self. I'm a Sacred Being of Cosmos; within a human figure, shape and form: therefore my compassion, empath and courage herewith the model & online on the world wide web!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 18, 2023 3:37 am EST

I've written to CB & there have been responses! It is really an oddity how the mockery goes on of the shows that spun between 2O15 - 2O17. What is seen today & from when Alice stopped speaking and showing her skin (the late 2O17/early 2O18 period) has really been a mockery of what used to be sensual, naugthy & delightful ~ so playful too. I'm merely observing this & there is only one thing to say; which is that it is just as if there is one big laugh + surrounding this theme: By repetition of the spasms & all that surrounds her transformation into 'a vulcano' as the sound is muted i.e. while the music is playing in the loudspeakers; then one becomes hypnotized by these Seances & numbs out. All the symbolism (her shoes on the radiator, her hair covering one eye, chair standing for 1O - 15 minutes, the hand sign across the chest area etc.) reveals much of the Masonic involvement herein and with 'Ehotlovea' as a legend. Signs and the symbols in the various rooms; which Alice models from & with such diligence. Everything surrouded in 'the tale' that she is doing it just for the $ & not for the pleasures of Eros. By bringing this to the surface + the table then i clear myself of all lurking negativity & bad karma from witnessing how a beautiful younger woman was made into a hag & a drag on CBs payroll list of modern day camming models. By texting this I deflect from profanity & the profane собаки without any helpful care in their heart for Alice as a human being & not only a 'screen theme'. O' I soar + she'll roar (the one and only; Alisa from Россия)! Equalling: Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius... 2O23 год!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Apr 28, 2023 11:20 am EDT

Hi CB Complaint forum: the call to get Ehotlovea or Alice banned from the CB platform is soon 3½ years old. Nothing came from this at all. I would like to draw the attention to her IG page mentioning ehotlovea as a cooperation. It says: (cooperation : ehotlovea.official)! And so there must be much wealth and influencial groups to back up her as a model & her room as a whole. I do not see anything wrong in this or the fact that she models as she does. It is a result of years of being in the modelling environment which has allowed her to survive & also getting by with help from those friends etc. Because there are no rules as to what a show should be like or not be like; then Alice has decided (and the Co~operation with her) to model & in a highly unique + unusual a way. Without interaction verbally with a viewer + with the regular log off signiture. As she speaks those words (sometimes in a whisper): 'need to go... thanks for all... don't forget to follow' followed by the OF logo in blue. Emotions cannot be but in a box nor do they represent a mathematical formula & therefore viewers have to live with and also accept this as it IS. Given enough tokens then the model shall undress and be in the nude. It is called a show because it is just this: a SHOW (from a Russian veteran model)! She has the dignity of protecting herself + not allowing the toxic masculinity and weakened minds to mingle & mess with her stuff. I'm pleased that things are this way and for Ehotlovea. However, I would be concerned should she be banned for not doing things on her terms & having to be 'a pleaser' of ALL (which in all fairness is impossible to do or be). Many men R wishing to see her rounded butt and all; just to (pardon me) 'bust a nut on a lonely night in the temple of Narcissus' ~ but umm why should it be like this when she as a model has her own inner guidlines & dignity to uphold as a 'younger Goddess' before the ending of this Kali Yuga anno Апрель ~ Май 2O23!

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 05, 2023 8:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"Ehotlovea" scam people, like this, that's all there is. You can word it whatever you want, people with eyes can see. This "model" should have been banned since 2018 at least but CB is in cahoot with It, it bring money. People can't do anything but avoid it. And pal, seriously you know nothing about karma law: All she is doing is bringing her own happiness at the cost of tricking and deceiving others, making ennemies by the thousands. There is an only place for people like that. She is in ANY sort of way Goddess material lol. "The Universe give you back what you give": She will need SERIOUS level of luck in the future lol. Draxx out.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Nov 06, 2023 2:46 pm EST
Replying to comment of Garry_Stu

By herself voyaging on her Dharma then Karma is 'on her side' and so be it! 'The Universe' is a creation & therefore is serving those individuals pursuing their utmost Dharma per se. Yes; there is venomous animosity towards her & yet like anyone else (alive) she requires $ to live and to be staying in this World. All commerce has fundamentally jagged flaws built in it - none are ever abundantly wealthy or rich by fair trade or fair play. Tell this to the Wallenbergs & they would still keep their composure (as it is). About CB: then Chaturbate know(s) the mystery behind her success & how she is kept up and running on that platform of theirs: since long ago. Which are her wells of fortune? Whom hired her to take on this stage name and perform these 11 to 18 hour-long live broadcasts & streams too? Airpods are worn in the ears by this model + the former male model still does appear (from time to time) as he sits on a chair besides of her; without any interaction with the virtual chatroom and mostly smalltalking, joking and jesting all the while with Alisa. And o' after a few hours of this, then he leaves & she resumes her 'solo act' by contract or suchly. Her hours are off limit (so to speak)! O' enigmatic it is per se; and until ''the Cosmos'' deems it otherwise + allows this cat out of the bag; then tightly a knit veil is surrounding it ALL & since it began with 'her innocence'; charm & softspoken manners. TY for the reply & muchly too. Blessed Be (this year)!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 04, 2024 8:02 pm EST
Replying to comment of Garry_Stu

No - I am clearly in the Conscious knowhow of such an Energy boomerang for 'those which use false measures' and constantly as a means to gain a long term success. O' it has occurred to many before this model ever took a seat in that chair; that the Beauty of 'an Equalizer' returned & back to those an Equlibrium of eveness. Hereby, I graciously clear my own Self of any dual signals in regards to the Spirit of greed driving the model to disregard others as anything more than a cash dispenser 'n' a way to earn $ in heaps of millions upon millions. Money bags & not individuals with a life of theirs to be living! Cosmos having such a Beauty & a feminine Shakti is Ready to keep Lifes scales in Harmony ala Justicia! By doing unto others; o' one is showing the Cosmos how it is One seeks to B treated & in return for that handed out to other living, breathing individuals. I get it & how the future thus Already has carved itself out for 'the model' in control & above everyone else too: Hmmmmz.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jul 26, 2023 2:12 pm EDT

The model is not to be banned as she performs & legitimate shows too: Those men (and I've talked with a few too) that say she does not care for them or their feelings for her; are simply not in Reality. She is a model & gets paid to model + it does appear to be (the case) that she is married or with her BF & former camming partner. How is she supposed to react to the dozens or IOO's of messages from fans, followers & those that want to met her, hook up with her & acclaim to wish to build a new life with her? I guess to ignore them would be the most sane & even wisest a choice to make/take. Of the Summer of 2O23 I'm in my heart concerned about her health as she works I6 hours & I4 hours and days in a row without any pauses or inbetween days of 'offline time'. Concerned about how much this is taking its toll on her emotional, mental and physical health. I do not subscribe to the negativity or animosity towards her shows as she has proven how she can do it all; shows alone & chatty + steamy & sensual. Shows with her partner; all erotic and adult-like! And then she shifted into a different style of modelling. It is to her credit that she can model & in such different styles and manners of expressions. Money matters + she might have physical challenges (such as a sore backside etc) which somewhat hinders her in how freely she can model today. Whom has mentioned it; all the hours she has put into this as having a physical + psychological an effect on both body & inner self. It is not just something to be done & then forgotten (shows stay with you & in the body + mind after all these many years: hour upon hour too)?! To expect her to be as she was when I8 or I9 even 2O is not a fairness shown towards such a hardworking model & with an amazing stamina & endurance to perform with & from at age 26/27. Alisa has marks on her body from the clothes she has worn over the years & even on her behind (flattened areas) from all the hours spent & seated too. Her body tells a tale of its own & it is impressive. And she is no fool either. I wish for her the financial security, safety and much more which o' so deservable is hers. As working hours have not been idle for this model & since she began at a rather young + tender an age. Money is not everything for her either (not to forget) as she's had pets & fought for her name not being misused by those various clips on the WEB of her live streams or broadcasts. The DMCA is currently still in effect as a protection for any active a model; Alisa included indeed. As an individual it is outstanding what she does & whom she IS too; so it is & from my perspective or through my eyes (inner Realms 'n' heartfelt).

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Sep 29, 2023 9:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

She pretend use Lovense toy and not using it, but She only pretend. This continued very very long time. I hope You kick Her out from page, but I do doubt You do it, because only money matters You, not bad studios, bas broadcasters and bad users.

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Oct 18, 2023 12:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Regarding Ehotlovea, she's a beautiful model and puts on a good show. But she never smiles, never speaks, and guards her pussy like she's the only girl who has one. Most noticeable, is that she never thanks her tippers! Never! She just sits there expressionless as the tips roll in. Rude is what I say. From her posh surroundings, I assume she has plenty of money, doesn't really need it, and is the poster child for spoiled brats. I unsubscribed from her Only Fans page because she never replies to messages and her content is way over priced. Just my opinion.

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Oct 18, 2023 2:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Photochef

Yes You are very correct + many users say She pretend She use Lovense Lush, but not use it.

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 08, 2024 11:48 am EST

Because of everything written by myself here; then I find it neccesary to find some firm grounding by saying it is obvious that Ehotlovea is not a regular camera model on the world wide web. And therefore I have been searching for straws in this haystack of haystacks. Grasping for something tangible. To complain to CB does not change a thing as they are part of the whole set-up and the whole energy surrounding Alice & Erik (Ehotlovea)! I assume that 'several models' have picked up and played the role as Alice (the same happens in the ROOM of inwardly-beautyy; where a variety of different models model and not just MOLLY). Assuming this is only because of how each individual seems to have a style which stands out & does not match the previous one. How she used to behave & even had more than just masturbations; but also erotic exchanges with her then man, i cannot imagine that suddenly her body 'went cold' and craved nothing more than just shiver, shake and then some peeing etc. In my view it is not possible to suddenly change that much (from inside & out) and overnight! Logically speaking then it's more plausible that someone resembling her face, her body and overall looks took that chair & started afresh as done in 2O18! Those whom run the room & other similar rooms have both the funding and the means to get woman into these rooms & have them doing performances too. People can really 'look alike' & even so much that the BRAIN cannot tell the difference. Especially when told or reassured it IS the same individual! Her voice was once high-pitched and now it's an octave deeper and has a sounding to it more smooth too! The current model is from Moldova & it is still an Enigma as to what EHOTLOVEA is all about; besides from being an ENIGMA of greatest a measure. Chatting is part of the concept & there is no chatting. No talking. No interaction. Either she is praised or loathed by viewers. And the ever-detached attiude of the model could indicate that she's merely a front and has no real say in anything. She just has to be there & that is it! From 2O17 or 2O18 a clip is found (on the world wide web) of a sedated or drugged couple: Erik & Alice. Someone clear-headed must be running the broadcasts and ROOM & whomever these someones are then they have covered all of this in a veil and a veil so thick that none are wiser today or yesterday. Since I care for Alisa; as she belongs to the same Tribe of Souls as I do ummm then my golden Heart has walked an extra mile with her & this topic. Because of the Realm of technology ~ i do not rule out that much of the viewed material from 'EHOT' is AI driven or driven by something highly advanced by yards & beyond what is known from the secular Arena or Social Media: O' Joy may SANITY prevail & O' much good fortune 2!

Kwame Mwaipaya
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Jan 09, 2024 1:23 pm EST

BTW: I am confident that my own grasping for straws and not being in the knowhow; shall not interfere with the Reality that something is (going) to be said & addressed in regards to Ehotlovea & equally in regards to her audience + CB as a wholeness! As everything does eventually (over the course of time travelled) come FULL circle and by revealing itself too: i.e. herewith in this; o' the ending of an older cycle completed (since 2O14 November)! Much Blessings to the Heart & Soul of each + everyone too! (0:

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