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CB Banks Citibank Closed my account

Citibank review: Closed my account 94

Author of the review
11:28 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

just received a letter from Citibank closing my account. I have been paying my account diligently - never been late - paid my account off several times - been an excellent customer. I have several of their cards, my mortgage is wittje, and because lately I have paid the minium amount they choose to close my account based on a business decision. What a way to treat a good customer.
When Citi made bad deals - as a taxpayer I was forced to help bail them out with the stimulus package. They made bad business decisions and They get a bail out. They check my credit and close my account and I've never been late or defaulted on any of my accounts. No bankrupticy - no collections - just high debt.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Oct 01, 2009 7:43 pm EDT

Hi Lynne! I just got a letter from them today closing my account! I have never been late once.
Same deal - said the balance was too high! BS - It's more like my interest rate was too low for them and
they weren't making enough money off of me! I say they can screw - there are plenty of other cards
that would love a good paying customer!

Kevin great time
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 20, 2023 11:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Ryderka

I am shocked because if you spend a lot on the card, then they should be making a lot of money off you. I wish I had read about this awhile back before applying for Citi credit cards. It seems like even the most loyal customers get shut down. The interest rate doesn't matter to me since I usually pay it in full, but if they shut me down because they don't make enough money from me even though I spend a good chunk of money on their card, then that means there is something wrong with the bank and not with the consumer.

Palm Desert, US
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Jan 29, 2010 8:11 pm EST

I, too, got THE LETTER from CITIBANK stating that my interest rate would go up to 29.99%. I opted to keep my current rate AND use my card through the date on it, which was 2011. INSTEAD, Citibank CLOSED my account and is now charging me 24.99%. I nearly had a heart attack when I opened my statement! And, yes, I haven't been late and I've been a loyal customer for over 10 years. Now I have a "closed account" on my credit record, no thanks to Citibank! Isn't that bait & switch and isn't that FRAUD? We need to get together and file a class action lawsuit against CITIBANK!

Lawrenceville, US
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Apr 19, 2010 3:03 pm EDT
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I got a letter like this too. In November they jacked my rate up to 30%! I paid it down quite a bit because of the interest rate. I guess they decided they weren't making enough money off of me.

I hate that I had to bail them out and now they are bailing on me. They have effectively made me never want to do business with them again. The balance will be paid in a couple of months and I won't have to deal with them any more.

Tucson, US
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Jul 15, 2010 12:56 am EDT

7/9/2010 Recieved a letter from Citi stating they were going to close my account on 8/31/10 if I did not respond to the letter. The letter states, " Based on your current account activity, we will close your account on 8/31/10. We are taking this action because your account shows one or more late payments or returned payments." I have never been late on this account and have always paid 75% more than the minimum payment. Also, they raised my Interest rate to 29.99%. Oh, but they said I can call to make arrangements to avoid closure. Yeah! Okay! What a pile of [censor]! Also, it will be a cold day in hell that I ever call them again.

How dare they treat me this way; when I have been nothing but a loyal customer. Well no more! I am cutting up the card and sending 1 peice a day to them, at a time. I could give a rats [censor] anymore, and they can Go SCREW! Oh! and so can Juniper Cards. Juniper is another whole rip off story...

NJA Webster
Sacramento, US
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Jan 19, 2011 1:49 am EST

I didn't even receive notification! My Big-O card was discontinued, and I did not find out until the work was done and I tried to pay! Luckily, the woman let me take my car, but only with the agreement that I pay within 5 days or face legal action. I have been paying my bill on-time, and when I called Customer Service, I was given many false reasons as to why my account has been blocked (my address was wrong, though I have not moved; I haven't made 6 consecutive on-time payments, which I have verification that I have; the limit was lowered, but the card has been off for over a year?). Finally, after many customer service agents, I was told that they periodically check your credit and can discontinue your card- and that "It is not [their] policy to notify anyone when [they] put a block on your account." Had I received notification, I would not have gotten the work done or made other arrangements. And if I'm paying you consistently, what does a change in my credit matter, anyway? Now I have 2 days to find the money or risk whatever consequences this independently owned Big-O will pursue against me AND I still have a citi bill to pay this week that I will get a $40.00 late fee for if I do not pay ontime! I have created a Facebook page "Iwas Cheated" to inform as many people as I can of this ridiculous practice! Their lack of notification has caused me more financial strain, could have caused me to lose my car, and could possible cause me to have criminal charges filed against me! I'm not being dramatic- I'm telling everyone because I don't know what to do!

Saumya S Tandon
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Dec 17, 2015 9:51 am EST

My Citibank account was closed without giving appropriate reason. I had been with them since 6 years and without any notification my card blocked and the credit limit removed. Until I called customer care several times, I was not even aware of it! I am left stranded with no means to access my money from my account except transfer to my someone else's account and then ask for cash! what a shame on such a big bank like Citibank!

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Sep 28, 2017 6:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Find an attorney and Take Citibank to the Federal Court in a Class Action,
They should not be allowed to get away with this.
This country is NOT run by corrupted corporations,

Veronique Poupart
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Mar 15, 2018 10:58 am EDT
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I have been, what they called, a loyal customer at Citibank for many years. About in September or October 2017, I got some letter informing that my accounts were going to be closed. Upon receiving the letter, I called the phone number mentioned on the letter. I talked to nice people telling me that I should not worry, there were no notes on my account and that everything was fine. I kept receiving the same kind of letter for 4, 5 months, kept calling the customer service upon reception of every letter, went to the branch at least 2 times and kept being told that everything was fine and that they was no reason to worry...
Until I received in my mail box in March 2018 a letter of accounts closed with a check for the balance of my accounts. No explanation even though I tried to contact them after that. I can't tell how upset and profoundly disappointed I am of how customer service or any other service related to that issue has handled my case. If there was an issue with my accounts, I have never been able to know what it was and not able to provide any explanation. This is a shame and I will never recommend that bank whatsover.

Ed in Arlington Hts
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Sep 04, 2019 5:00 pm EDT
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I had the same experience. They would send overnight fedex letters saying there was a discrepancy on my account and I need to call to clear it up or they would close my account. I would call and they would tell me not to worry, they don't see any reason why the letter was sent. After a three of these letters and subsequent calls, they did close my checking account. I called and they re-opened it. I'm still pissed. I'll probably close the account. They did not even admit any fault, provide any explanation or even a simple apology.

Phoenix, US
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Jun 16, 2018 5:23 am EDT

Citibank American Airlines MC closed for no reason

Approved in early March 2018 with $12, 500 credit limit. Got the extra 40, 000 airline miles (hope they don't take back) but always paid off full balance frequently and never over $2000 since wanted excess credit for the continued good credit score.

Seems if folks are not carrying a balance so they can charge their high-interest rate, they don't want you as a customer. I always pay full balances so never charged any interest. Balance, when shut off, was about $200 after paying off larger amount long before any due date. Their agreement says they can cancel for any reason.

In mid-May 2018 credit denied and find online have no credit limit $0 after charge declined on an Amazon purchase. Spent almost two hours on the phone talking to at least four different departments, none of which could see any problem why the account had $0 credit. Most times had long tme on hold why friendly - but puzzled- rep tried to talk to a supervisor.

Then someone said I didn't respond to a verification letter they sent. But when they look for a copy of it they don't show any. I remember they verified my ID by a phone call. They "said" will send me a new verification letter, but never did.

Late May, I call and they say its odd nothing has been done on the account but see my prior call info. Will do a special request and should be resolved in a few days.

I was in Toronto in early June and had a prepaid Budget rental car at the airport using that card. Since I could not use the no credit card, had to cancel and pay again for a new Budget rental agreement. Budget said they would credit back all except the $150 cancellation fee immediately and try and get the $150 fee waived and credited back in about a week.

Back home in Phoenix June 14th I call and after a long wait with friendly rep talking to a supervisor, they are at a loss and all they can do is have me to go online and apply for a new credit card from scratch.

I can still access my account online and it shows the partial refund from Budget which results in a credit balance. The Citi rep said to call back when fully credited and can issue a check for the credit balance.

I have other automatic payments set up and have to figure out which are on that card. Such a hassle and hours of my time, stuck at an airport with bad prepaid rental and no reasonable explanation from Citi why my credit was canceled after following all the rules and keeping balance paid off long before due dates for about two months.

I can only conclude they don't want customers that pay off their account each month so they don't make their finance charge fees.

Hate on Citi Bank
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Sep 24, 2018 3:13 pm EDT
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I got an email on a Sunday night which stated my Citi MasterCard had been closed. I was sure this was a scam email since I have perfect credit and have had this card for 26 years. I logged on to my account, saw no message so immediately contacted their fraud department for spoof emails. The next morning I learned that they did indeed close my account without ever contacting me! I called and got the Phillipines, which is annoying since they know nothing. After wasting 1/2 an hour I called back and insisted on a USA rep. She was very apologetic and said she didn’t know how this happened but that she would connect me to a supervisor who would reopen the account and make sure there was no effect on my credit score. Well, she connected me to an idiot robot named SALLY. Sally just kept repeating, “ It was a business decision due to inactivity.”
This is what they tell their robots to tell customers. What they are really doing is ridding themselves of customers who have no annual fee credit cards ( my case) or those who have low rate credit cards ( many other who I see posted online). It seems from all the posts that Citi is a major offender in doing this to its customers, no matter how perfect that customer has been or for how long. They could care less about how their actions will affect people’s credit scores.
These banks get away with murder and there is no oversight. Stop giving Citi your business, pull out your savings and retirement accounts and make them pay. Treat them like they treat you.

Kevin great time
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 21, 2023 1:27 am EST
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You are right. I read that back in 2015, Citi wanted to remove its "bad bank" reputation, but it seems like they are still doing it now. I've had three credit cards since 2018, and they've all expired. It seems like many others have this issue, including people who have been loyal customers.

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Oct 20, 2018 10:53 am EDT

OMG OMG OMG after reading these posts, I am honestly shocked. I had the same thing happen to me. I have been with citi card for over 4 years now, paid off every balance no matter how high it was. Spoke to a Keesha KYP7 id number, she was rude, she was mean, screaming at me and would not allow me to speak to a customer rep. I was shocked, I have no idea why they closed it, but it makes total sense now, they just weren't making enough money from me OF COURSE, why am i even surprised.

Kevin great time
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 21, 2023 1:24 am EST
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Replying to comment of Ahana77

Me too. I believe that every transaction should make the bank money even if it is a small amount like 3 dollars. I am sorry to hear this

Mc D
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Nov 13, 2018 3:14 pm EST

Me too! For some unknown reason Citi in July started to send my statement to my email. I would never open an email from Citi assuming that it would be a marketing message. Then I received a letter dated October 20 that my account was past due. I called immediately and gave them my checking account number, but the woman took it down incorrectly and of course it was rejected. I received a letter from Citi telling me that my line of credit was reduced. I called immediately again, and the woman this time took the number correctly and it went through. BUT, my card was cancelled. So I wrote a letter to Citi telling them why I hadn't been paying, no statements, and the error made by the first person. I called today to see if I could straighten this out and found out that my request to reopen the account had been denied by a computer in the Accounts Maintenance Department. Of course, this department has no phone number! I don't want to spend any more time with the Customer Service reps or supervisors, as they can take no action to correct this. So took the advice above and just got an Aadvantage card from Barklay's. Great that there is an alternative to Citi - lousy organization.

Karl Stursberg
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Dec 18, 2018 8:37 am EST

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Mar 18, 2019 5:20 pm EDT

I received a letter in February notifying me that my Citibank account will be closed as of March 4th. When to the bank to find out the reason they said they don't have to give you a reason. I have been a loyal customer for over 30 years. Then come to find out they closed my schools bank account which I am a signer on the account. Today I go to put gas in my car at Cosco and they closed my credit card with cosco which is with Citibank. I Come home and get another letter from macys letting me know that my account is closed. I don't know what the heck is going on. I don't event know who to call about this. When you call nobody knows nothing. They said write a letter using the address on the letter for an explanation.

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Jul 18, 2019 1:49 am EDT
Replying to comment of Ann605

Ann605, same exact thing happened to me. First it was all my bank accounts with them, and now all my citi credit cards, and I just got a letter staying my macys was closed as well. And I too have to write a letter asking why. This is just horse crap. I'm so mad, and feel robbed.

Steve B!
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Oct 15, 2019 6:33 am EDT

I applied for several retail cards through them in attempt to rebuild my credit. Online applications asked me to call for verification. CSR talked to me in a tone like I was doing something fraudulent and concludes with “We’ll keep and eye on it!” Keep an eye on what?

I had the cards for slightly less than a year. I later opened a secured Visa/MasterCard with them.

All cards were always paid on time, and some I carried a balance on.

I suddenly one day started receiving letters saying they were closing my accounts because I had too many inquires on my credit report. Seriously, that’s it. They even closed the secured account I had just opened and took their time refunding my deposit.

A year after that, I attempted to reapply for their Brooks Brothers account. I got declined because “Our records show an account previously closed by Citi”. Yes, that’s it.

Somehow, they never caught the Macy’s account to close.

Jim Ang
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Oct 30, 2019 6:29 pm EDT
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I have similar condition when 2 days ago I was filled up the gas in Costco Fullerton, CA. All of sudden, my account was closed. I can’t fill up in Costco and stuck about 15 minutes lines, and I called customer service and they don’t know about it and want me to wait the letter mail to you. I’ve been in Costco Customer and Citibank since before Amex about 2 years and never pay late. I have several disputes but small amount, total about ~$50 and why suddenly closed without let me know, it’s so weird.

Anita Bisnauth
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Jan 19, 2020 4:38 pm EST

I have been with citi-bank since 1994 and when Costco moved from American Express to Citi-bank, now I have two cards. They closed both cards on 1/18/20 and wouldn't tell me why after several phone calls, I found out that my son made an online payment and enter the wrong account number and next day he paid it and two days later they closed both of my accounts. I paid them any interest, I always pay off my balance each month. What Costco citi cards did was horrible, I am hoping that Costco will do something about this or hopefully someone will start a class action lawsuit against citicards.

Upsetting is an understatement.
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Feb 11, 2021 9:44 pm EST

Hello Anita,

I have pretty similar situation with Citi-Bank. Closed my account after being a loyal customer, always paid on time, never one late payment. Does anyone know if any members of this group have been able to re-open it after a dispute of some sort?

Please advise,

Kevin great time
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 21, 2023 1:30 am EST
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I guess not. It seems like a final decision when Citi closes your account without your knowledge.

Tina Bull
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Mar 27, 2020 1:28 pm EDT

Is there a class action lawsuit against this company? If so please advise.

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Jun 28, 2020 11:32 am EDT
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I got a new 0% interest for 18 months citi card in Jan. 2020. In April 2020, I elected to $6, 000 on it for moving costs and new furniture, as we moved into a new home and I wanted to take advantage of the 16 months left. I made monthly payments of roughly $200-$300 in both May and June 2020. At the end of June 2020, they closed the account and demanded payment in full since the account was closed. When I called and asked why they closed the account, they also claimed it was a business decisions. Saying that I have too much on other revolving accounts. The balances on my three other revolving accounts totals $600, is paid on time monthly in full, and represent roughly 20% of each card's balance or less. I don't quite understand how you can wait until someone puts a large purchase on a card and then just close it and demand payment in full. I will be filing with the BBB and attorney general's office in my state and the state of their incorporation. This is completely unethical; but honestly, if this is how they conduct business after we the taxpayers bailed them out, then I'd rather not be their customer.

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Jun 28, 2020 11:36 am EDT
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Replying to comment of parabol001

Let me clarify, I don't quite understand how you can offer an introductory rate 0% rate for 18 months, then when someone puts a large amount on the card, close it and ask for full payment. They know people are taking advantage of that 0% - 18 months to the full extent. If you don't want to honor it, don't offer it.

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Jul 21, 2020 6:25 pm EDT
Replying to comment of parabol001

I have a similar situation. I had a 2% cash back card and they closed the account and our commercial banker thinks it's because of the excess charges on the account. I pay the account in full every month and have never carried a balance or paid a penny interest in the five years I've had it and he thinks that's why. . I was costing citi too much money even though they made a fortune off the transaction fees.

Bourbon Manor Bed and Breakfastwn
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Aug 04, 2020 2:42 pm EDT
Replying to comment of parabol001

Please let us know an outline you sent to state attorney etc. They just cancel not one but all three of my Citi cards with no advanced warning of an kind. I have a credit score of 840, this will surely inpact my rating that I made sure stayed hi for years, just for them to ding it..I am so pissed.

Kevin great time
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 20, 2023 11:57 pm EST
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I am shocked. I thought 840 means you are overqualified for every loan and credit card. They cancelled all 3 of my cards with just a 780 average and it was instant, so I cannot even get the rewards on my credit cards. No proper explaination.

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Jul 21, 2020 6:23 pm EDT

They did the same thing to me. I've had my citi double cash back card with them since 2015 and received an offer to open a savings account with them last year when I received an offer to get 2.5% back through the end of 2020 for opening it.

Last month they closed my savings account with no explanation and after five calls was told their complance review department closed it and they didn't have to give me an explanation and could close the account anytime.

Today I find out my citi double card was closed. I have NEVER carried a balance on this account and it's paid in full every month and in fact I make a few payments every month on the account to keep the balance at zero.

I had the same response with their credit card team that did with my savings account being closed and went into the branch to talk to the banker that handles our commercial accounts and he couldn't get through to anyone and called me back later this afternoon and said their compliance department also closed this account due to possible fraud. I asked how there could be fraud when I've had the account for five years and pay it in full. He said he thought it was due to excessive activity. I make a lot of large purchases that get reimbursed on my expense account and immediately pay the balance off as soon as I get my expense account reimbursement check each week. I thought that was the purpose of a rewards credit card. I know citi is out the 2 percent (I found out I'm not getting the 2.5 percent since the bank account wasn't opened the required 12 months and how convenient for citi that they closed it just a few days before 12 months after opening it). I charged $12, 000 this month and am pretty steamed that I'm forfeiting the $240 and could have received miles on another card. I'm also furious that they didn't tell me and declined a charge with CVS caremark and now I'm waiting on a script.

The real killer is I warned our commercial banker I'm going to recomend to my boss we closed our citi account and he can't figure out why. We're not in the position to have our commercial account closed with no notice.

All my spending is going to my chase card. Hope they treated their customers better.

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Jul 27, 2020 12:04 pm EDT
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Just got a notice that our account is closed. We got two new cards in the mail and my wife went to activate them, they said the card was activated but the account was closed. We are still waiting on the letter but expect it to say business decision after reading comments here. Let us know if there will be a class action lawsuit, we are in. This is just bad business all the way around. We have the costco card, we hardly ever leave a balance so can't understand this, but this is our primary card we use, so it's not like they aren't raking in the dough from transaction fees. Like others have said, how dare they get bailed out by us to turn around and start short changing us.

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Jul 27, 2020 12:35 pm EDT
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Quick follow up, they just informed us that the rewards not issued in a certificate are forfeit upon closure. Totally down for a class action against them, who's in?

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Jul 27, 2020 6:29 pm EDT

I'm with you. A lot of times I save my rewards on the double cash, fortunately I redeemed my $600 balance right after my last statement closed. I figured I earned a little over $200 this month in cash back when they closed the account and am furious I am giving that up. Seeing my account is ALWAYS paid in full (never paid a penny in interest the entire five years I had the card) they should issue the reward credit since they closed the account with no notice.

Bourbon Manor Bed and Breakfastwn
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Aug 04, 2020 2:43 pm EDT

I am down
Please let us know an outline you sent to state attorney etc. They just cancel not one but all three of my Citi cards with no advanced warning of an kind. I have a credit score of 840, this will surely inpact my rating that I made sure stayed hi for years, just for them to ding it..I am so pissed.

Rialto, US
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Jun 03, 2021 5:45 pm EDT
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I definitely am

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Sep 06, 2020 9:27 pm EDT

August 28th 2020, pretty much immediately after my pua (after waiting 23 weeks to receive), gets deposited, as I was made aware via email by workforce wv that it had been deposited into my citibank acct, they started screwing with my acct, when I straight away logged on citibank app, I noticed my saving acct said closed, hmm, it didn’t a day prior, nor had any communication between them and myself happen... anyway, I checked the balance and proceeded to add my debit card to my apple pay so I could pay bills and whatnot, it returned with an error msg saying no active acct, huh? tried again, same thing, immediately msg citibank through the app on my ipad, they call me, after asking wtf, they exclaim no problem on their end, no they didn’t freeze, no they didn’t close my acct, they’ve no idea what i’m talking about, so I go on checking around my acct in the app, I see an area to wire money to pay “employees “ or what have you, so I proceed to send two, the first a smaller to make sure it works, so $475.. it says successful, and it does actually go into another acct I have and sent to, so I go back in and go for the almost remainder, $12, 000, again, successful the transactions reads, I wait, and to no avail, check citibank, and it doesn’t show it there either, per my acct balance, after a couple hours I check citibank again, boom, it’s back, my 12 grand, so I try once more, $11, 900, charges are ridiculous for the wires so had to do a different amount, so I send, it says successful then reads pending... day after day the same, finally several days later said it was denied, but guess what my acct balance does t yield it,.80 cents was the last I saw, and haven’t been able to get into my acct since... although, i’ve contacted better business bureau, and filed a complaint with them, they in turn have filed with citibank... they are money stealing thieves, all of them, cause ive talked to at least that many overthecourse of five days!

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Sep 08, 2020 6:30 pm EDT

I had no clue about why my bank account being closed until reading this post. Called over phone and got suggestions to talk directly with customer representative at the bank branch. I went to the branch and the staff told me she had no idea, maybe I should call their hotline online. They had me running around like a maniac. Totally disappointed

dissapointed citi card holder
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Oct 13, 2020 9:43 am EDT
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if some one files a class action I'm in same thing happend to me

Neil Mcgrath
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Mar 02, 2021 9:55 pm EST

I'm in!

rowland heights, US
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Aug 03, 2021 8:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

if there’s a class action or you’re planning to sue. please give me information. my account was closed. no explanation. they owe me $100k. citi won’t talk to me. and froze my money

Katy, US
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Oct 07, 2021 4:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same happens to me too!

ty a smith
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Dec 19, 2021 10:06 am EST

Did you get your money back

Deborah Sandblom
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Apr 02, 2022 7:50 pm EDT

Same. Did you get it back?

dissapointed citi card holder
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Oct 13, 2020 10:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They closed 2 of my accounts a total ofalmost 50k worth in credit they took me of a credit card I was an additional on with a credit line of approx $55, 000, I tried to tlk to a super viser but he saaid it was due to hi risk and he can't give more details as he does not know, The irony though is that I had on card 0 balance on the other card I was uosing less the 25% and I have more money in my citi account of the amount of credit they gave me. Finally I received the leter in the mailof the account closure butno explanaition what so ever was given though they told me that I can request a detailed answer by writing to card service support unit
POB 6722 sioux falls
South Dekota
and they will respont within 30 days,
It happened one day after i made a large purchase on the account I was an authorised user, they closed my accounts I had almost 300k thank you points that were stuck there and approximatley 1000k in cashback Luckily i was able to get it out since it takes a few days or so I noticed it a few hours after they closed it because I went online I immidiately transferred out my thank you points to a participating partner airline,
with the cash back though It was harder i tried to redeem it as direct deposit but the representitve told me since the account is closed you can't acces your cashback and it will be forfeited, I put down the phone and I tried through the automated system to send out a check and it worked i'm syill wiating for the check to arrive butit is still in the time frame of 7-10 business days I hope it will s how up,
P.s I also opened a new Citi checking account and savings with the offer of 2.5% cashback as mentioned by one of the other posters but I don't know if has something to do with that, luckily my checking and savings accounts are still active I hope i can get the bonuos on that

Mexico City, Ciudad de Mexico, MX
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Jan 25, 2021 6:26 pm EST
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Exact thing, just received a letter from Citi, saying my checking account and Two credit cards closed .. no explication or warning .. of what ? Never in default, late payments .. nothing .. loyal from 2004

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Oct 15, 2020 5:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Similar here yesterday Oct 15, 2020. Recognized my Citi default card stopped working for my phone bill. Checked Citibank app and learned all 3 cards closed, including one with Costco membership. Been very good customer. Always pay off in advance. All cards with weekly transactions. No big debt.

dissapointed citi card holder
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Oct 16, 2020 8:46 am EDT
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Replying to comment of Liembiof

Hey budy, At least try to redeam your cashback form your Costco cash card throught the automated phone system

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Oct 16, 2020 2:24 pm EDT
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Thanks so much for your advice. I have around $300 cash back in balance but don’t have an option to redeem over phone but switched to the agent who asked me to write them to get it. Reward points are washed up, luckily I don’t leave much left.

Neil Mcgrath
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Mar 02, 2021 9:37 pm EST
Replying to comment of Liembiof

Same here. After 7 years of loyal customer, I missed a payment due to bank screw up. They closed both accounts. Have a credit score of 750! And they took one payment miss to close both accounts, one of which hadb700 dollars if Costco rewards. Last interaction, they refused to reopen and send my rewards, then hung up on me@

Jesse C
Chicago, Illinois, US
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Apr 08, 2021 9:46 am EDT
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I have been calling Citibank to find out why account was locked. Come to find out the account has been closed. I received a number to call which I did. I verified that 2 transaction were good. Still, I could not access my account. I have called 4 days in a row and I have not gotten an explaination. I have money in the account which I can't get. They told me I would receive a check and a letter in 30 to 60 days, this is BS. If my account is closed, I should be able to go in and get it. There has nothing from them, the customer service sucks. I would not recommend this bank to anyone. All I want is my money so that I can move on. The customer service agent had very thick accents and I was barely able to understand. They keep putting you on hold.

Ty B. Pierce
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Apr 22, 2021 12:11 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jesse C

I'm experiencing the exact same thing! Horrible connection and after I made my weekly payroll deposit the account was suddenly closed and I was locked out on their mobile app/online everything. There's thousands of dollars in there and they said they would mail me a check within 30-60 days? I'm like what the hell is going on here? I continue to call them and all I get is ping ponged off different foreigners. What a crock!

Rialto, US
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Jun 03, 2021 5:27 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Jesse C

They did the exact same to me I deposited a money order and two days later it was close did you get you check ?

Jesse Sanchez92
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Jun 22, 2021 10:11 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jesse C

That’s exactly what happened to me and it’s been about a month now! [censored]in BS I had over 5k and I can’t touch nothing. But hey Jesse have you gotten yours by now?

Troy, US
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Jul 27, 2021 1:25 am EDT
Replying to comment of Jesse C

Im going threw it now they locked me all because they say my phone is not verifiable. What do I I do

LaShaun Berry
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Aug 11, 2021 2:13 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jesse C

Same here and I have money in there

Sunny Tekchandani
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Aug 24, 2021 10:07 am EDT
Replying to comment of Jesse C

Have you received your money ? Same happened to me lost thousands of money which I need now for medical emergency. Its been now 45 days 5-6 long hours call with them but no luck.

Iowa City, Iowa, US
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Nov 05, 2021 1:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jesse C

I’m experiencing the same thing ! I kept calling and they put me on hold . Did you get your check in 30 to 60 days . Kindly update me about this thank you

Plano, US
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Nov 17, 2021 10:06 pm EST
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Did you get your money back? Im sailing in the same boat now

Jose Ramirez323
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Dec 06, 2021 12:29 pm EST
Replying to comment of Jesse C

i have the same exact situation right now .What did you end up doing?

"I have been calling Citibank to find out why account was locked. Come to find out the account has been closed. I received a number to call which I did. I verified that 2 transaction were good. Still, I could not access my account. I have called 4 days in a row and I have not gotten an explaination. I have money in the account which I can't get. They told me I would receive a check and a letter in 30 to 60 days"

Jose Ramirez323
Send a message
Dec 06, 2021 12:31 pm EST

same here what you end up doing? they are holding my funds they dont give me a valid reason my account was closed by them i call them but no luck keep being on hold forever to be hanged up on

ty a smith
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Dec 19, 2021 10:03 am EST

Did you ever get your money back

ty a smith
Send a message
Dec 19, 2021 10:04 am EST

Did you ever get your money back . I’m going though this now if I would of know I would of never deposited there

Charles Buzeleski
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Dec 26, 2021 7:40 pm EST
Replying to comment of Jesse C

Yup. Just called because my card stopped working. Told me account was being closed amd would not provide a reason. Asked to speak to a supervisor and they hung up on me. 60 days is a long time to wait when I had all my money in there. Wondering what we can do

San Diego, California, US
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Jan 07, 2022 10:04 am EST

The exact thing is happening to me right now. Soon as my direct deposit was received my account was blocked. I tried to take money out in the bank all they said was sorry it’s blocked due to fraud. Fraud dept doesn’t know anything except you will receive a check in 60 business days and hung up in my face!

Lafayette, US
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Feb 09, 2022 5:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jesse C

The same happened to me. They locked my accounts for trying to deposit a paycheck from my employer! After several phone calls, holds, and talking to multiple people over a period of 9 days, I was told my accounts were closed and I would get a check in 30-60 days. I filed complaints with many agencies, including the OCC.

Tone Howard
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Mar 19, 2022 8:37 pm EDT

did you ever get your money if so how long exactly did it take im in the same bot

Benjamin Wu
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Nov 12, 2022 5:14 pm EST
Replying to comment of Vvane

They told me the same thing , that my phone isnt verified and that now my account is closed... i have to wait 30-60 days?!?!? no i need my FUNDS NOW! what type of banking system is this? TERRIBLE !

Surin Manaktala
Farmingdale, New York, US
Send a message
Apr 21, 2021 3:29 pm EDT
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They closed one account which had a late payment by one week. Now today I saw Three more credit cards closed. What's going on? I called and they have no answer but that I will get the decision by mail. I guess banks are going out of business. So they don't want to take risk. But I have linked some cards to my utililiteis bills. I'm so furious. I don't know whom to complain. My score on their website was showing 800. Now there is no button for credit score. What are they smoking? The calls always have bad connection. Whenever I visited their branch they want me to get home equity loan. But my wife didn't let me. May be it's that or I don't know on what grounds they are doing this. I worked so hard to build my credit. My cards were over 25 years old.

Tulsa, US
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Jun 11, 2021 9:10 am EDT
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They closed all my accounts too. No reason. I cannot get anyone one the phone who knows anything. I keep getting "bank decision" and "you will get a letter". I have low debt to income ratio. 760 credit score.

Carlos Giovani Castro Cuenca
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Jul 11, 2021 7:32 pm EDT
Replying to comment of brinkleyRN

Same problem what can we do ?

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Jul 28, 2021 11:44 pm EDT

I Also Had A Credit Card That Got Closed. For Changing Checking Account Which Changed Account Numbers And Forgot To Change The Numbers So I Could Pay The Bill. Mistake! But Not As Big As The Mistake They Made Recently 5, 500 BBB Complaints And This...

The O.C.C. cited the bank's violations of the Fair Housing Act in 2019 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act earlier this year, and attributed both to Citi's inadequate risk management procedures. The bank has also had trouble keeping track of the flow of illicit funds through its accounts.
And More Trouble

Instead, Citibank accidentally wired a total of $900 million to a group of 10 asset managers (whose clients received more than half of the $900 million payment) and other creditors behind a 2016 syndicated term loan to Revlon. ... Citibank sued to recover the money.

Pay Them Off And Run Away From Them You Also Make Big Mistakes!

Chakat Nightscream
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Sep 19, 2021 3:40 am EDT
Replying to comment of Seanathan

Did any of you get contacted by Card Services Support Unit of Citibank by chance asking you to verify your income source in regards to your credit card? I know I did and after a lot of back and forth told them I'm on disability. They assured me that was all they needed and my account would be fine. That was in 2019 then today I find out they closed my account anyway with no warning nor valid reason and the only thing I was told was "security procedure" being the reason given for them closing an account that was over 14 years old. And this is after giving the account an increase to the credit limit just a couple weeks before.

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Sep 23, 2021 12:36 pm EDT

Does anyone here identify as a Republican? Wondering if a persons political party could be associated with getting your account shut down...

Dark Angelis
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Apr 09, 2022 3:03 pm EDT
Replying to comment of turbo5150

Absolutely not! Of course, it doesn't. That's discriminatory for one. It also makes no sense, business wise, to alienate individuals based on their choice in political party affiliation That alienates half the country. They'd go out of business. Additionally, I am fairly confident that the company has staff, executives, and board members where many are registered with the Republican Party and many who are registered with the Democratic Party. Why would a company with associates who posses politically diverse views single out one political party and ask that same diverse staff to administer something so potentially legally dangerous? Citibank closing accounts has absolutely zero to do with political party affiliation. The idea that a bank would close a bunch of individuals' accounts because they are Republican is nothing more than fear caused by imagining a conspiracy dilemma that doesn't exist. It's a fallacy. I'm not a Republican, but my account was also closed. Citi simply has a business practice that is unbecomingly inconsiderate towards its customers. All of its customers. Politics creates enemies that are not there. Its toxic to us all, in the end.

Shady banks
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Oct 22, 2021 8:41 am EDT

Citibank just closed two Home Depot cards (25k), my simplicity card ($8650) and citi rewards ($3400). I pay off my balances every month and use about $12000 across all cards monthly. I’m in the process of buying a home and just lost 1/4 of my available credit…This bank is shady

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Jan 03, 2022 11:50 am EST

I got my Citibank account closed without any explanation. with "No reason" specifically mentioned to disclose. Republican Party affiliates got shut down again! Where are our elected representatives to defend us?

Dark Angelis
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Apr 09, 2022 3:07 pm EDT
Replying to comment of akSI

What does this have to do with Republicans!? It's not a political issue. Polarizing, Divisive politics are polluting our minds and clouding our vision.

john m freeman
north topsail beach NC, US
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Jan 07, 2022 12:27 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

cancelled mine too after 20 years + .Gave no explanation

john m freeman
north topsail beach NC, US
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Jan 07, 2022 12:28 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

citibank Cancelled my card after 20 years. no explanation.

Kevin great time
Los Angeles, US
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Jan 20, 2023 11:45 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Citi bank canceled my card too but only after 6 years. I am sorry for you since you been a loyal customer for 20 years.

Kevin KC Conley
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Mar 08, 2022 2:03 pm EST

It's been OVER 90 DAYS! Still haven't received my money from my account... $20,000... yes - 2+0+0+0+0

I'm so furious! Indian Customer Service with NO answers, other than keep waiting! It's been OVER 90 DAYS!

Ken Shah
Augustine, US
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Mar 10, 2022 11:43 am EST

did you get your money? I just opened my account and deposited money. And i am in to same boat now

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Jul 21, 2022 3:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Ken Shah

They did the same to me and I am over 90 days. Did anyone figure out how to get their money back.

Stacie Hassert
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Aug 10, 2022 7:03 pm EDT

Did you get your money?

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Sep 06, 2022 7:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Citi bank kept my money also! I have filed a complaint with office of the comptroller of currency Next step is to get an attorney for me. Now it sound like this is happening to other people maybe a class action suit is in order.

Christian Ced
Philadelphia, US
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Mar 30, 2022 2:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This number was listed on a letter I got from Citi regarding an account closure. The first representative was nice, but when she transferred my call the next person immediately picked up, which I thought was odd. Then I thought it was a scam because one of the representatives said I'd have to give him all my information including my SSN to file an appeal, but I mentioned I wasn't comfortable with this so he forwarded me to Technical Support who could file my appeal otherwise without it. I thought this was strange because as soon as the third rep filed my appeal, it was immediately declined and she said that I should just appeal for a new card. Based on the comments it seems that this is Citi, but considering that both of my late payments were due to a miscommunication between Citi and my bank (I have email proof for both and told them that), they did not seem to care.

I went ahead and got a Wells Fargo Active Cash which is literally the same rewards as Citi Double Cash.

Dark Angelis
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Apr 09, 2022 2:17 pm EDT

My Citibank credit card was also closed without notice or reason. Ive had excellent payment history the entire time I have had the card for 2 years. I recently could not make one payment due to COVID-19 related loss of employment, and the next thing I know, they closed the account. I only noticed because I logged into the account. A couple of weeks after they closed the account, I noticed an ACH payment taken out of my checking account from Citibank. Apparently even though they closed the account, they kept the autopay feature running, so their system withdrew the past due payment, current min amount due plus an amount which was the missed payment fee for the prior month, for a closed account. I found that unethical. I will never set up for autopay again. Not only that, but I needed those funds they withdrew for an account they closed after just one month of payment issues.

Jeffrey villena0629
gardena, US
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Aug 10, 2022 12:26 pm EDT
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They closed my account without any notice. I always pay on time. I had over 100k on thank you points. now I called to redeem my points and they saying I cannot redeem it because of the status of the account is closed! This is straight up stealing money from people. I

Angry customer1111
Braintree, US
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Aug 11, 2022 4:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I’m going through the same thing. But I can’t get a reason as to why they did it. Every time I call them to inquire about the closing of my accounts , the day they can only send out the reason through mail. What type of foolishness is this. I had two cards with zero balance and one that I use as a daily. Never been late on a payment and the worst part no notification that they were doing this to me. What if I were abroad and this happened , smh

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Sep 06, 2022 7:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Citi bank has taken my money also it been 65 days for me. I filed a complaint with the Office Of The Comptroller Of Currency.

Send a message
Jan 06, 2023 12:02 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just following up on your status. Was it ever resolved? I am currently in the same situation.

Sharon mey
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Feb 21, 2023 8:36 pm EST
Replying to comment of Lookie3k

My husband is also in this situation .. lost $40k in rewards points .. please help they said in the letter we basically lost all that

Mark Miller2023
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Dec 15, 2022 4:51 am EST

I had a Citibank account was never late no bankruptcy no collections they close my account for absolutely no reason I called them and they couldn't tell me they said I had to wait for a letter the letter I received wanted me to send another letter to get the answer why they closed my account I'm never using Citibank again ever and I recommend nobody else using it either they're not based in the United States they're based out of some other foreign country and they're hard to understand but they close my account for absolutely no reason

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