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CitiMortgage review: home modification loan 43

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2:32 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I applied for a loan modification with Citimortgage in July 2009 after my husband was laid off for almost two years. Today is now March 15th, 2010 and we still have no resolution for our modification. We entered into forberance for a short time where we made partial payments and were told that the modification would be processed within 30 days and we could call and check the status weekly. I am now on my third loan modification application because we were told the first two applications were closed but no one at citimortgage could tell us why and on one occasion we were told that it should not have been closed. I still call to check the status of the third application but starting two weeks ago all five numbers that I have called has you enter your account information, tells you to hold for a representative then hangs up on you. When they call our house we answer and they hang up. Now I can't even talk to anyone. What kind of company is this? I do keep excellent records of people I speak with including names and employee ID numbers but now I can't even get though to anyone. Oh, just for giggles I pressed the option for a NEW LOAN and got a person right away to help me with a new loan but nothing for exsisting customers, imagine that!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Paramus, US
Mar 15, 2010 3:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

there was a case just recently its a landmark case too. where a lady applied met the requirements and was denied a modification the courts intervened and told the bank to go blow maybe you can do the same thing get a court to tell the bank go blow and the house was free and clear hers cause the bank wanted to strong arm here!

Frustrated and Overit!
Wesley Chapel, US
Apr 02, 2010 10:38 am EDT

I am going through the same thing and going to file a formal complaint with the state banking and financing commissioner. Also I would advise you to contact your state senator and complain to them as well. I have been encountering the same exact issues you have since August and yet I am still getting the run around. I am even having trouble getting through to make my payment because when I enter my social or account number it automatically throws me in my Loss Mit reps voice mail which is ALWAYS FULL and I am not even able to leave a message.

POd in Chicago
Wheeling, US
Apr 05, 2010 9:50 am EDT

They are horrible- you do what they suggest and still get nowhere- except out on the street. We applied for a modification in September of 2009- was told to make partial payments and then after 3 months of the 'trial payments', the "official" modify would take effect ( this is for a second mortgage) no paperwork would be sent, of course. Long story short- I was then told, after the trial period, we needed to come current in order to do an "extension" - once that was done, guess what? Our modification was DENIED, we were kicked out of the "system" and labeld as "TERMS NOT MET" ?!and of course we cannot qualify now for a modification with them ever again ( as I was politely told) - we are only able to do one request PERIOD- But they were REALLY sorry for all of this misinformation that was given out- yeah, that's real comforting, I will use that when I'm living in the street somewhere. It's a good thing we bailed them out and they were given $$$ incentives to "help" stuggling Americans. Thanks for all of your "HELP" CITIBANK. Get bent.
P.O. and soon to be homeless in Chicago.

Paramus, US
Apr 05, 2010 1:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

would it not be too cool if the world would camp outside the CEO's home all you have to do is look up his name in a background services site.. the cops can not arrest 1000 people... hint hint..start a crime wave in his neighbor hood and drop the property values..guns drugs and sexual violence.. a few sex offenders move in close by..

K in Kansas
Apr 07, 2010 3:14 pm EDT

I'm sorry to say my husband and I are now dealing with the exact same issue with Citi. We applied and were approved for a loan mod last Sept. We met all of the terms and were told that once we completed our probationary period in Jan. 2010 (which we did) our new loan payment would be finalized. After 3 months of getting NO answers from them as to WHEN things would be finalized we have now been told we have to reapply for a loan modification. All the customer svc rep could tell us was "sorry...I don't know why your account was never finalized". NICE Two days later we received a letter from Citi's attorney stating that foreclosure proceedings have begun and we have 100 days to get something worked out with Citi or pay our complete past due balance or we'll lose our house.

I'm incredibly frustrated as we did everything they told us to do and now we're being punished.

mommy of 2
Altoona, US
Apr 09, 2010 5:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We are going through the same thing exactly. We applied in July of 2009, have been making the "trial" payments since then. I call them all the time and get the run around. I always get somebody different and I spend at least an hour on the phone each time without ever getting an answer. I was told they were trying to get us on the "obama plan" in the beginning, they said it was approved in November, but then when it went to the very last underwriter it was denied. But nobody knows the person that denied it. I was told that she probably doesn't even work for them anymore and since they can't find her they can't figure out why it was denied. If I go into my account online it still says that my loan modification has been approved and that I should expect my packet within 5-7 days. It is dated November 30. So now they said that it is going to traditional modification and it will be another 90 days. So I should have had an answer on March 1st. Of course, I didn't hear anything, so I started calling again. No answers. Finally I get a supervisor to call me back yesterday 4-8-2010, and she tells me that there is nothing that they can do to help me now because I am too overextended on my bills, so I need to catch up on my mortgage to avoid for-closure. They tell me I owe over 6, 000. I asked her for something in writing and she told me NO. That is all she said, just plain NO. I am so frustrated right now and I don't know where to turn. I figured the difference of the payments that I made only amounts to about $2500.
I did everything they told us to do as well, and they have not once sent me any correspondence to let me know what is going on. I think they have a big scam going on.
Frustrated in Altoona, IA

Jennifer Pritchard
Wichita, US
Apr 20, 2010 3:21 pm EDT

I am in the same situation as everyone else. We applied in Aug 2009, and the trial was to be completed in Jan 2010. After completion no contact except people at the door taking pictures and leaving notes, phone calls, and dirty letter’s from the loss mitigation dept. of Citi. We sent in everything needed but was then told in Feb that we needed a letter for unemployment and another 4506T tax document signed and sent in. Now, We were told the tax document we signed in Aug 2009 was out of date as of today, and we were denied for our modification this Month, April 2010. We are now advised we are being considered for a traditional modification and that were denied our loan modification because they did not receive the 4506T tax document on time. Apparently this decision should not take as long as the making home affordable program. I requested for a dispute from being denied because I had sent in this specific document a total of 3 times, and each time was in a UPS overnight envelope provided by Citi Mortgage. They initially received all the paperwork they needed from us in Aug 2009. I had called and confirmed that with representatives prior to our 3 month trial payments. Now they say they haven’t received anything since which another rep confirmed they had last month. I asked “What if your company lost the documents, or never got them out in the system?” I was told if they don’t find the tax document in their system the my dispute would be closed because it would the not be their fault.

On another note, they are also no longer taking automatic payments, which my account was set up on in the beginning to insure that the payment would be taken on time. After Jan 2010 they stopped, and refused to set the up. They also refused to take a payment over the phone without an additional 20.00 fee charged. I refuse to pay them money to take my payment over the phone. For March I mailed my payment in using an overnight UPS envelope provided by Citi, and they still did not post the payment until April 15th. They say they received it on April 6th. Being overnight mail, it was their on March 31st according to UPS. I believe this entire system is a way for the to give the consumer’s a run-around so they could receive their bailout money and make it appear that they are helping people when they are not. This company is still pulling the same scandalous behaviors as before. I am at the point of contacting the better business bureau, the state commissioners, the financial commissioners, the white house, and whoever else I need to make this public. I am a hardworking consumer whose husband lost their job, and I myself became ill from my MS, hence now on social security. I refuse to be taken advantage of any longer. I am going to stand up and fight till my last breath before this company screws me out of my home. I plan on contacting the media at this point as well.

mommy of 2
Altoona, US
Apr 20, 2010 5:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I contacted the Consumer Protection Agency in my city and they sent me a complaint form to fill out. They seemed very helpful and willing to work with me. I was told to fill out the form and that they would work directly with Citi Mortgage. Hopefully this helps me get some answers!

Romulus, US
Apr 26, 2010 1:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm amazed... I'm going thru the same exact thing with Citi... I've been sending them new forms every month for the last six months trying to qualify for this program... This month they finally told me that I was kicked out of the program because the last 4506t form was signed and dated for 2009 (well, that was my mistake when I signed it in January 2010 - I noticed I put the wrong year, crossed it out and initialed the correct date) so, they're saying that this is the reason why I won't qualify... Now, they want 5000+ from me or they will foreclose.. I'm a single parent, out of work, and am looking for a job... There is mo feasible way for me to come up with 5000. I'm trying my best to keep up with the modification amount... I think CitiMortgage has been stringing all of us along thru this mess to say F/U and take your home.

Plymouth, US
Apr 27, 2010 11:05 am EDT

Same story as all of you. I went to and looked up my local office in my state. I got a lot of information from them that helped. They work for the government, not the bank.

The lady at the hud office told me that those letters that say your house is being foreclosed on, are standard letters that they send out to everybody. Unless the letter has specific details about the date of foreclosure and official information about filings at Land Court, she said its nothing to worry about.

So I'm crossing my fingers and waiting to hear about a traditional loan modification.

If you can, apply for a mortgage with a local bank and stay way from Citimortgage.

Apr 27, 2010 4:06 pm EDT

I'm also in the same boat as others have mentioned . I applied for loan modification in November of 2009. I was on a trial plan with a lower monthly payment. Last week, I couldn't excess my account online and so I called them. I was told "My request was denied". I was making my trial payments on time, so no issue there. My wife and I both are collecting unemployment at present as we lost our jobs last year. Now they tell me that we may not be able to make our payments in future. While I was on trial payment, I asked them to modify my second mortgage (unfortunately it is also with Citibank). I was told different stories from different people at Citibank. One person told me "It should have been done when they did your first". Another person ( Ms. Janice) told me "It cannot be done until you first is approved". This lady should not be even working at Citibank as she does not know her job. She promises to call and never calls back. When ever I try to contact her, I get her voice mail. The worst thing is, every time I call I get a different person and they all are not on the same page. I cannot even find a EMAIL address of anybody at Citibank. I wish I caould contact amanager or someone higher up; a CFO, COO or CEO.


Jacksonville, US
Apr 30, 2010 9:47 am EDT

Ahh, I completely agree with all the postings. I started this process back in Sept. 2009. After sending in numerous documents two, three times and being very deligent about calls and keeping good records, I was told I was denied in March 2009 only after I called to check on things. Now they told me I won't get a decline letter until I'm officially not eligible for a traditional home mortgage. I've waited over a month for an underwriter to call me while getting collection calls daily and nasty notes from Citi. Everyone there has a different answer and I'm completely over it. I plan on contacting whomever I can to get my point across that Citi needs to revamp this program and get their act together!

Frustrated in Florida

Marysville, US
May 04, 2010 1:38 pm EDT

Been trying since February 2010 to get a loan mod on our 2nd. Faxed and mailed via UPS the overnight envelope provided by Citimortgage our mod paperwork and have yet to hear a reply and it is now May 2010. Customer service says our loan shows a zero balance so I am waiting for the collection companies to start hounding me now. I would really like to work something out as our only other option is to file a chapter 13 which will strip our 2nd ( we owe more than the home is worth on the 1st) leaving Citimortgage with nothing. It seems none of their customer service people know what is going on and I am accumulating a long list of contact numbers that get me nothing. Good luck every one we will need it!

mommy of 2
Altoona, US
May 04, 2010 2:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

please e-mail She is getting together people to file a class action lawsuit against Citi mortgage. We need 12 more people.

Elizabeth City, US
May 07, 2010 8:08 pm EDT

My wife and I can relate to the majority of these posts. We are SO frustrated with the treatment we have received over the past months from CitiMortgage... the nasty attitudes, the total incompetence, the run-around, the misinformation, the inconsistency. We are beginning to think we are being scammed!

We began the process this past winter and followed the terms to the letter. It took forever for us to get our package from the 2nd party company handling our account. When we finally did, we got the tons of paperwork filled out, gathered all our financial information and returned it all by the due date of March 18th. March 29th, someone called from the 2nd party company and informed us that we had omitted my SSN on one of the documents. We stopped what we were doing, filled it in on the copy we had and faxed it to the number they had given us over the phone. All along we have made our payments and thoughts things were getting somewhere. Until last week!

We received a piece of mail from CitiMortgage EVERY SINGLE DAY last week informing us that we were in default of our loan. One letter said we owed almost 4, 000.00 to bring our account current... another said we owed around 3, 000.00. Every letter said something different! So, as usual, I jumped on the phone... ended up talking to three different people. The first two were foreign and had heavy accents that I couldn't understand. Finally, I talked to a real nice guy named Jay, who was very empathetic. He informed us that we had been denied on April 14th and our file had been closed! WHY? According to the "notes" in the computer, it was because we had not completely filled out that form! I use an online fax service and so had documentation that I had sent that fax the same day they asked for it... March 29th. But they had never received it. I gave him the fax number I had sent it to and he said it was no wonder! They had given us the fax number to a completely unrelated department! I also told him that we had NEVER been informed by phone or mail that we had been denied for the modification. Based on that alone, he said we had every reason to dispute it and said he was going to start the process to have the account re-reviewed and we would be contacted within a couple of days. Since it was near the end of the month, I naturally wanted to know what to do about our next payment. Should we go ahead and pay it? How much should we pay? (BTW, ALL the money we had paid in under the terms of the modification was put in "unapplied funds" and had NOT gone toward our loan at that point!) He told us that the review would only take a couple of days and to wait until we heard back to make our payment.

Of course, we heard nothing! So, Monday (this week) I called once again and got a girl named "LeKrita" that did nothing but talk OVER me... she would NOT let me talk! I had a lot of questions and she just steamrolled me. Finally I shouted over HER, "STOP! Let me speak... let me finish... I have legitimate concerns here." She proceeded to tell me that the conversation was over, there was no reason to continue it because she had already explained what i needed to do. So I calmed myself down and asked to speak to someone who would respect me. She went in search of a supervisor.

The supervisor gets on the phone and is nice at first until I started asking the questions I was trying to ask the other girl. Then SHE got irate and explained that there was no information in the system as to the status of our review and if we were denied, we would then go through the review process for their traditional "in-house" modification. If we were denied for that then they would set up payments for us to repay back the difference between our original payment and the modified payment we had been making. According to her, technically, we still owed for March-May even though we had made our payments each month! I asked her, "so, we came to you for help because we didn't want to get to the point where we could possibly lose our house... that's supposedly the reason for this program! We have followed it to the letter, but CitiMortgage has dropped the ball and NOW want US to pay for it! If we were having a hard time paying our original payment, what makes you think we can pay it with an additional repayment amount added to it?"

You know what she said? "Well, then I guess you have no choice but to look into a short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure."

At some point I also asked why it was that everybody you talk to tells you something different. Her reply was that she can't explain why others had given me false information but what she and the girl before her had said was exactly the same. NOT!

These people have lost their minds! They do not care at all! I agree with the person that said that it seems they are just going through the motions, pretending they are helping, just to get the government assistance.

Where can my wife and I go for help because we are FED UP and are going to fight this tooth and nail!

mommy of 2
Altoona, US
May 07, 2010 9:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If you are interested in filing a class action lawsuit against Citi Mortgage please e-mail me at or They should not be able to get away with treating us this way. It seems like they are doing the exact same thing to everybody. Let's band together and get them!

Cincinnati, US
May 08, 2010 12:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The class action lawsuit has officially begun. If you want to join us in the fight against citimortgage please contact Jessica Sleater:

One Pennsylvania Plaza
48th fl
New York NY, [protected]
Direct line [protected]
Fax [protected]
email -
Jessica Sleater
Take a look at them on the internet, I am very hopeful. Thanks Please contact them asap.

Zeeland, US
May 25, 2010 9:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If you are tired of waiting for Citi Mortgage to make their modification decision call this number to have your case "escalated": [protected] EXT 52968

Join us on Facebook -!/pages/Mortgage-Modification-Messes/124737600889335?ref=ts - there is power in numbers!

Zeeland, US
May 25, 2010 9:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more!/pages/Mortgage-Modification-Messes/124737600889335?ref=

Join us on Facebook - Mortgage Modification Messes

People fail for lack of knowledge
Perry, US
May 27, 2010 2:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well hallefriekinlulljah...I can't believe that my horrendous, never-ending quest to get a loan modification with the infamous CitiMortgage has now been validated! I've just now, this very second, today, May 26, 2010, Wednesday, 10:24 p.m. had an all out Oprah type of "Aha" moment. I feel so good! The kind of good that you'd get if you won the lottery and then did something only Donald Trump would do- like pay off my mortgage in full, throw in a few extra grand for the heck of it, and then donate the place to the most broke-[censor] employee that works the phones up there at CitiMortgage!(Probably some teenager with a script) I'd take a few days to marinate in the new found tranquility. I'd spend some extra time alone with my savior and thank him for giving me the patience of Job! I'd thank him for keeping all of my remaining treasures out of the antique mall down in Byron. I sold my kid's dirt-bikes, golf-cart, my jewelry, my deceased father's gun collection, my childhood stamp collection, a coin collection from my youth and other junk that doesn't come to mind. I'd always planned on leaving some of those spoils to the grand kids but they belong to someone else now...maybe some of that stuff ended up in Donald Trump's closet. I'd thank my heavenly father for not allowing that newspaper that is owned by my FORMER friends who could have with-held the information about my upcoming foreclosure from all the "persnickety" in town and the parents of my children's friends who now treat me as an outcast. My, my, my, how good it is to know who are my true friends. I still hold my head high when I'm out but I don't do it to be "snooty". I do it to show God I'm not giving up and that I love every day I have left to gain one and only one thing-more wisdom. I'd send a nice letter to GMAC and apologize for having to voluntarily turn my Cadillac back in due to my inability to make the once easy payments. I felt so bad that I had backed the damn thing into a tree at a corporate party and I simply wanted to return it in good condition. Since I had been paying my car insurance for so long without having to make use of it, I decided to file a claim for repairs and then return it in best possible condition...kinda-sorta a nice gesture that GMAC never knew or even cared about. Now that I have two teenage sons my rates are higher than ever and the quote I was given took into account all claims filed by me and any members living in my household. The whole reason we get insurance is to insure we can fix our cars if needed ( just remember that if you use it, it will only cost more to have it) ! Knowing I wasn't going to have a car for a while, the decision was to fix the one I was responsible for, right? Returning now to my fantasy of winning the lottery, ...I would run to and dig out of the bowels of my closet ...those sweet blueprints of mine for this palace that I love and live in and REBUILD the whole mutha over again with cash! Just the thought of it, the peace I now have, knowing that I've been a victim of a company that once had my respect. My own mother retired 2 years ago from working with a branch of this organization. She was the first female employee, and the first employee with her company 35 years ago. I'm proud of her. I wish I was as smart as she and that she in turn would be proud of my accomplishments. It was not my intention to ever have to be part of a bailout plan. Yes, I was one of those who didn't believe in getting help for being overextended with my creditors. I didn't believe it could happen to me! Hey, wait a minute...didn't Donald Trump file chapter 13 once or was it something else like that?...Oh well, not sure, but none the less it makes me feel somewhat as though He (Donald Trump) is somehow, in a respectful way, somewhat like me! Sometimes bad things happen to good people. What we start out with good intentions can sometimes get out of hand due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control and ultimately, NOT NECESSARILY OUR FAULT. I've tried valiantly for many moons now to get some thing done about my mortgage. I can actually pick out several things from each comment above that represents some action already taken by me and similar responses from my lender that are nothing more than UNFAIR and too partial toward the party with greater bargaining power-CitiMortgage! I too have to date made 10 timely "trial-period" payments! I've been told time and again that I am approved for loan modification. This has been going on since my home first went into foreclosure and I moved out and into a rental house temporarily while I waited. A good parent has a responsibility to secure a home for his/her family. CitiMortgage was aware that I moved because I TOLD THEM MYSELF. I also told them it was a shame that I was still having to take care of the property and now making high rental payments that I would much rather be making to them (my mortgage company). After many conversations and many requests to work something out, I asked for the opportunity to try and sell the property to repay the debt and perhaps get back some of my equity and pay off other debts I incurred because I so desperately wanted to keep my home. CitiMortgage agreed to let me try to sell my house and based on what I know now, I never had to ask for permission. It was my house to do with as I pleased. I wasn't aware of my rights at the time and the amount for which I was in default continued to rise. CitiMortgage failed me as an honest lender, created in me a false sense of powerlessness then when I was confused and without knowledge of alternative options that could get me back on track, they inform me that my home is now going back into foreclosure. I guess this now means that for a second time that they are going to add all new attorney fees and numerous other charges to my loan that I refuse to pay. (Shouldn't this fall into the category of some type of double jeopardy?) Let me make myself clear when I say that I never WANTED to sell my home but it was my only option to be able to stop the foreclosure. I never received any serious offers. Time passed, I couldn't sell my home, and suddenly was notified that I was indeed approved for a loan modification with the then "Loss Mitigation" department. I asked the lady on the phone if this meant I could safely move back into the home without threat of foreclosure. "Yes", was my answer.It was common knowledge between me and each Citi rep I spoke with that I was not physically living in my home because of the then impending foreclosure. I was told that my regular monthly payments were going to be put on hold and that all my past due payments would be applied to my existing loan and I would now only be making a new more affordable payment until I actually repaid the entire amount for which I was in arrears. This was all before the current president came into office. Now...a year later, I'm still waiting on my paperwork that was only originally suppose to take 30 days.(from time to time when I called in to check status I was told 30 days over and over) Somewhere along the line my negotiations with the "Loss Mitigation" department turned into the "CitiMortgage HAM Program" and I was never clearly made aware of the distinct differences in the two nor when the transformation of one to the other actually took place. My promise of a workable solution which was previously agreed upon and to be given as a new revised payment was in fact something totally new and came with what they now say I do not qualify. I have just now been notified that I was declined because " I misled them into believing that my home was my primary residence".The rep named Eli said I had answered falsely back when I was asked questions about eligibility for HOPE. I swear I have never been so pissed off in my entire life! The audasity of this situation is going to drive me insane! How dare this impostor from CitiMortgage suggest that I was trying to keep "secret " that I had once tried to sell my home and actually moved out. How bout Duh!That is a fact that CitiMortgage new about from day one. They knew this happened and that is why it was removed from Foreclosure status.The idea suggests that I undermine my own personal nothing but honest attempt to get help to keep my home. They said that they found out through outside sources that I had tried to sell my home and that I was living somewhere else". The "HAM" rep said they had "concrete evidence " that I purger ed myself and disqualified myself for being eligible for a Home Affordable Modification and that I misled them. My income was drastically reduced when I divorced and moved out on my own with 3 children. It has been a major undertaking trying to help mend the hearts of little boys that miss their father. It takes up all the space in my brain. I haven't thought of much else. There are days when I would give anything if someone from CitiMortgage would call with good news! It would help to restore my hope. Alas, I too have been given the run around and they kept requesting the same info over and over...wasting precious time and every time I talk to yet a new rep from Citi it simply turns out to be a wonderful conversation that never amounts to anything! Remember the Wizard of Oz? I did what they wanted after they promised the impossible. I'm left without enthusiasm. I just want to go to sleep. I keep mumbling to myself..."There's No Place Like Home!"-------I pray that all of this comes to an end soon. I am out of money. I can't afford to move again and I'm not. I will not let this unfortunate situation get any worse. The arm of the law has got to enforce the new policies set forth in our new administration and I'm too small to do it alone. Please Help! CitiMortgage is OUT OF CONTROL and stealing money from our government and from the people that my lender once served!

Jun 10, 2010 9:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also was in the trial modification program and after 5 mos was DENIED. They then called to demand $4, 900 which isn't even what we owed and threatened foreclosure. I tried to work it out with all the various dept, then found the CEO's email and wrote to him. He had someone from the executive response team call me the next day.
My story is a bit different though because we are in a chapter 13 bankruptcy so they sent our loan to their lawyers so fast it would make your head spin and now my lawyer is dealing with it. I'm kinda relieved...

Anyways, he's sending them an offer today on what we owe back for the trial mod period to be paid by us next month. I have all our cancelled checks so I don't see how they can say we owe any more then that. This company is horrible. I never thought I'd be happy that I'm in bankruptcy, but now I am because my attorney will handle it from here on out. For thoughs of you w/ out an attorney-

Here is the email for Citimortgage's CEO Vikram Pandit:

Also, the phone # for the executive response team:


Good Luck!

DW Thomas
Central Islip, US
Jul 03, 2010 2:07 pm EDT

This is D from New York.
After 8 months of a 2% trial modification, which enabled me to pay a fairly reasonable mortgage payment and pay my other bills-- gas, electricity, phone, eat, take care of my home and car, etc, I was pulled from the trial program and asked to reapply. This I don't mind, but the phone calls and threating letters that come to me are really stressing me out. I'm in school doing a PhD and I don't need the stress. I lost my husband in January to a stroke of 2010. Prior to that, my school closed and i can't find a job. Why should we be taken advantage of like that?

Central Point, US
Jul 22, 2010 2:33 am EDT


S Braa
Vacaville, US
Jul 25, 2010 8:46 pm EDT

We have gone through the exact same thing. I have written our Senator and Representative, but now I think we will go forward with a formal complaint as was suggested in one of the posts. These people are scamming us hard-working citizens. We've already lost jobs and income, and now they are slowly moving us toward foreclosure. We've lived in our house for 30 years and were forced into retirement and early SSI because of our age. What do they want? To see all us senior citizens on the street? I'm calling Banking and Finance tomorrow.

Deering, US
Jul 26, 2010 10:09 am EDT
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My boyfriend was laid off and his divorce finalized in December 2008. He missed four payments with Citi on both his first and second mortgages.

In March, when he returned to work, he went through the initial consult with Citi, and was "approved for modification" and the paperwork sent to him in late April 2009.

In May 2009, we completed the paperwork and sent the first trial payment in June 2009. Also in June 2009, Citi foreclosed on the house, regardless of their statement that they would not during the modification process. We are still (July 2010) in the house.

In May 2010, they completed the modification on the 2nd mortgage - the mortgage that I brought up to date in June 2009 and kept current since.

For 13 months, I had twice weekly conversations with Citi, produced financial documentation for them six times, and was given the run-around repeatedly until they closed the modification request for the first mortgage on June 10, 2010. They said it was closed because they didn't know there was a first and a second mortgage.

Because of this, they said, he is not eligible for the HAMP program and has to go through a traditional modification. The new modification request ws completed on June 16, 2010. The only communications we have had with them have been my continued phone calls and a demand letter for close to $30, 000.

His security clearance was issued in May 2009 based on the resolution of this. After 14 months, the modification is not resolved and his employment is now being threatened. We have made every attempt to resolve this with Citi and they have not responded to any requests we've made to complete the process. As of today, it has been assigned to the third reviewer since 6/16/10 but nobody has touched the file. Loss mitigation has confirmed that they have all of the paperwork that they need.

I keep exceptionally good records of everything they have told us, misled us on, and the like, and I have names and ID numbers of everyone I've talked to. If he loses his job, and we lose the house, we go to the media.

We just want this resolved. We aren't even looking for a hand-out. Just a reorganization of the existing debt!

I have a 3" stack of conversations with Citi regarding a loan modification that was initiated in May 2009. IN June 2009, Citi foreclosed on the house, regardless of

Carol J. Wright
Aug 06, 2010 12:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Bank is taking people for a ride, I have jumped through hoops for a year. Paid my CPA, every 4 month for a profit and loss statement. Sent them paperwork that was lost numerous times. They would have half the package, and lost bits and pieces of information. I was in a modified rate and payed 15 payments and was turned down, because they said I did not make enough money to afford the home. So my home of 20 years is going to be repoed by a bunch of crooks. I make the same money that I made when they gave me the mod, and now its not enough. So I can make a 1600, dollar payment instead of 830, plus the back payments of the last year. My mod was for 2% and is a hardship case. I support my mother, son, and pregnant wife because they can't get jobs here. My hub, died and took 2/3rds of my income. I am self employed, and business is slow. I am a Hairdresser. So in 3 years time after my hub dies I will loose everything I have worked for my whole life. I did my part, The mod was to be complete in 9 months. They strung me out 15 and said the computer program was down . Every time I called I get a different person. know one knows anything, I was not allowed to talk to the underwriter. So Now what?

deanna Santopadre
Mandeville, US
Sep 06, 2010 2:46 pm EDT
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I just started the modification process. Filled out application with Phillip on the 24the of Aug, 2010, he said someone would contact me with in 72hrs. Its Sept. 6 2010 still had not heard a word. Called many times talked to many people, some foreign some Americans, still no one know whats going on. That why today I got on the website to see if anyone else is going through the same thing. Boy Ive been reading foe awhile now. Its scary how this program that was made to help people is so wrong. I really thought this would be the answer to my problem. Apparently its not. Its sound like a nightmare. I think a class action suite is totally necessary or we'll all be on the streets. Than who's going to pay the notes or buy the foreclosures?

deanna Santopadre
Mandeville, US
Sep 06, 2010 4:29 pm EDT
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I think it's pathetic that citi just can't follow the guidelines and help the people who helped them (the taxpayers).

Riverton, US
Sep 22, 2010 12:09 pm EDT

Good luck to everyone, I have been trying to work with Citi since Dec 2008. My husband was laid off and I called them to ask what could be done as soon as we heard that he was losing his job. Well here it is Septemeber 2010 and we are still not sure what they are going to do with our home. I have recently contacted a lawyer and they are trying to get this thing completed. I have had the same issues as far as calling and never being able to speak to the same person and NO-ONE in that company can see the same stuff on the computer. I hope that the government will soon wake up and hold them accountable for all the TARP money they received. We were in the same boat as far as paying everything comfortably until the big layoff, we never wanted to need government help, I sold off everything that I could to cover the payments, including life insurance policies, until we just couldn't handle it any more and contacted an attorney. We were also told that we were qualified for the mod then after all the payments were made we were kicked off the program. I wish everyone that is dealing with this crooked company the best of luck.

Frustrated in Kodak, Tn
Kodak, US
Dec 10, 2010 11:51 am EST

I, like thousands of other tax payers have had the same dismal interaction with CitiMortgage regarding a hardship loan modification. 95% of the aforementioned comments apply to me also. I will not reiterate.

In retrospect, I realize, they had no intention of approving a modification for culminated with a denial (form) letter, stating "your income before taxes and deductions which you told us $8396. Your housing expense must be greater than 31% of your gross monthly income" . They completely pulled that figure out of thin air without verifying. I had submitted proof of my income as requested and it totals #3874 monthly! My current mortgage payment DOES exceed 31% of my income!

After reviewing the hundreds of internet complaints and BBB posts, I decided to contact President Obama as there does not seem to be a focal point to promote a inquiry into the practices of CitiMortgage. I suggest you do the same as we need a voice!

chesterland, US
Dec 31, 2010 3:53 pm EST
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so I call them this morning and they tell me that they can't take my mortgage payment because my mortgage has been referred to foreclosure for payments dec 09-dec 10. I've been making the payments. they told me that the program was terminated in august and they shouldn't have been taking the modification amount. I'm going to have to get a lawyer now. this originally started may of 2009 when my overtime and everything got cut and my monthly income was approximately $2400 and my house payment was $1300. they told me I qualified but every time I got someone, they told me that nobody was assigned to the case and through the course of the next year and half plus, i get everything from the paperwork wasn't submitted to it's in account review, to we found your paperwork, we'll reopen it, to the paperwork has expired, resend, to now, foreclosure.

LaPlace, US
Feb 10, 2011 5:34 pm EST

I too am a victim of lies, lies and more lies. I was told to sent in paper work which I did, they I was given a modified amount to pay I kept paying it until one day I decided to call to see what would be my new payment amount. Low and behold they said to wait 30 day because they are backed up, 30 day pass by no answer, then finally I spoke to some one who had no clue of what was going on with my account. I had to explain my situation all over again I was told something new again. To make a long story short I received a call on Jan 17, 2011 from a rep. telling me she could help me get another modification, and she will work with me through his process. She said to call back in two weeks because she was going to resend my information to the underwriter. I called back in two weeks and was told to call back in 5 days because she didn't received and respond for the underwriters department. I again called back in five days low and behold I was told my account will be sold to Vericrest financial on February the 25th, so their is nothing I can do until my loan is sold. In the mean time I looked up information about Vericrest, they are one of the worst companys in the world. Help!

Y Engering
Marble, US
Feb 11, 2011 1:25 am EST
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I had the same experience as all these people in these letters. I applied over and over for a loan modification. Last week I found out that they fore closed me without notifying me and now they want me and my family out of the house within a week. Citi Mortgage should be held accountable for their actions.
Y. Engering

chesterland, US
Feb 11, 2011 2:00 am EST
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update: I've had to get a lawyer to help me answer the foreclosure complaint. the executive Response unit and I have been talking trying to come up with a solution. they just told me today that I was denied the hamp and a traditional because of my modified income and expenses and that unless I come up with the 24000 areers that I have no options. I asked them about all the money that I paid for the past almost 2 years and he said that he'd have to check into it. they have over 21000 of my money sitting somewhere, and they lost it? Tell me again how the government bailing out freddy mac is helping us keep our houses? that's what citimortgage is falling back on also, they tell me that since my loan is through freddy mac and that citimortgage is just "servicing" it, that they can't do anything else. this is [censor]!

Mar 10, 2011 8:21 am EST
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citi mortgage has been setting up the American people for the ultimate scam. i am emotional and physically exhausted from the part time job it has become in just dealing with them. if all these calls are recorded and monitored who is listening... i am to the point where i am financially in the dumpster so with nothing to lose and no one to help me, i am officially riding it out to see how long i can stay in my home (of 11 years) . i was told it takes 7 months for forclosure to in the state of KS. citi will not receive another dime from me. they already ruined my credit. i have contacted the state attorney and filed a million complaints. this is the new normal for the US i guess.

chesterland, US
Mar 10, 2011 12:44 pm EST
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I was just told that there is nothing more they can do that they cannot get me below 40% and that I have to go back to my normal payments for the entire time that it took them to not do anything for me. with the payments I've made totalling 20k and the difference between my normal mortgage amount being around 7k over a period of 19 months, they say that I am 26k behind in payments. where do they do they're math? since when does 27k-20k = 26k? and now I'm trying to get my loan reinstated and I can't get an answer from their lawyers.

chesterland, US
Mar 10, 2011 12:45 pm EST
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and also, I went to the citi-mortgage blog and posted a message and they won't release it to be seen on the blog. go figure.

California Frustration
Anaheim, US
Mar 11, 2011 11:33 pm EST

Well I am just another in a very long line of unhappy unsatisfied CitiMortgage customers. My story is exactly like that of every other person on this website. Fourteen months into our loan modification started becasue my husband was laid off and my daughter contracted Leukemia, and my house burnt down, all within a few months of each other; we are given the same run around each time we call. I am going to send a copy of all the comments listed here as well as my own story to every consumer advocacy group I can locate, and all the board members at CitiMortgage. I honestly do not think this will result in anything except giving me some satisfaction.

Myrtle Beach, US
May 18, 2011 12:49 am EDT
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I am all for a class action lawsuit against Citi. Our story is similar to everyone else's. I am convinced there are no programs to help families that care. We have tried to follow "their rules' and have gotten no where. We tried to do the modification, we put our home on the market and they told us we would never sell it for what we owed, so they advised us to do a short sale. We have had perfect credit our entire lives...until now. My husband had to take a job across the country just so we could pay the bills. After trying to make it work for months we agreed to do the short sale. We were told by Citi that we could not do a short sale if we were current on our mortgage. We stopped paying so we could move and get our family back together. We have only had our house on the market a short time, our realtor has been trying to deal with a Citi representative with no luck. Now, after only four months, we have a processor chasing us down to serve us with foreclosure papers. When we called Citimortgage they advised us to do the Deed in Lieu to stop the foreclosure. We were told they needed our authorization in writing to proceed. Within an hour of being advised of this, our realtor called with 2 prospective buyers. The Citi rep told our realtor that a short sale was no longer an option becuase we agreed to the Deed in Lieu, which we didn't. We NEVER sent anything authorizing this and she sent our file to the attorney the same day. Then she said that we couldn't even continue to try to sell the house even though this process could take until October. I am so sick over this, it really makes you feel like it doesn't pay to play by the rules. Please let me know if there is lawsuit going on. I am ALL in.

chesterland, US
May 18, 2011 1:05 am EDT
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the result of citi-mortgage and their so called home affordable mortgage program, is that I had to file chapter 13 bankruptcy which after they're arrears and everything else that comes out of my check, leaves me $400/mo to live on. that doesn't include electric, gas, tv, phone, food, car insurance, etc. now I have to try and find another job to make it so that I can live in this house.

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