Same as all the users before me, I was asked to verifify my account.
I wanted to move forward with the verification procedure for my couchsurfing account to see what the advantages were of doing so. But I had to quickly enter my bank card number. I then wanted to move forward with the procedure, without ever intending to pay anything (I thought this verification was free) and without ever having any price indicated, I suddenly received a message confirming my payment . I never authorized this payment, I didn't receive any message asking me to verify it (nor on revolut!). This action is fraud. It is illegal not to mention a price, not to ask for confirmation before payment, and not to accept a refund which is mandatory by law: the Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 which stipulates the following:
"If you bought a product or a service online or outside of a shop (by telephone, mail order, from a door-to-door salesperson), you also have the right to cancel and return your order within 14 days, for any reason and without a justification."
Desired outcome: Refund of the fee