Upon looking at my current apartment I was told the internet was strong, 2 packages to choose from.
I choose the high speed package which is supposed to be 100mbps at 75/month. Most days I’m lucky to stream on 1 tv, computer and tv at the same time, forget about it. Non stop buffering, takes up to 3 minutes to connect to a website, it is absolutely ridiculous with today’s technology. We ran a speed test multiple times, and the highest test was 7mbps, lowest 1.5mbps, I’m paying for 100mbps?
When I went to the rental office they had the nerve to tell me to cut out the gaming and I will be good. First I don’t game, and if I did, the internet should work at 100mbps and it’s not there Dan business how I use the internet.
The bigger problem is Edward Rose forces you to use their subpar internet when you live on their property, no other options.
I have been paying 75/month for below subpar internet and sick of nothing working.
It is 4:30am and once again, no internet service. Have a job due in 3 hours and can’t even work on it since internet is down.
My next step is my attorney.
Desired outcome: Refund for 7 months of subpar internet and permission from ER to get my own internet,