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Flick Home Run ! Reviews 19

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Flick Home Run ! Fun at first, but boring soon

This game was great fun at first, but quickly becomes boring - the reason, by far, is that it takes MUCH too long to move up to new levels. You wind up hitting thousands of balls just to get minor improvements in power or control.

The game would be greatly improved if the developers got a little more creative in giving you opportunities to level up. For example, in the Major League mode, they could move you up a level for hitting all the balls within one step out of the park, or could bump you up a level for hitting a ball more than certain distance.

They *trydo do something like this by giving you levels for popping certain numbers of balloons, but the scale they use is ridiculous. Perhaps something simple, like giving a level for every 3000 balloons *periodwould help.

The gameplay rocks, don't get me wrong. It just gets boring to play the same levels over and over with so infrequent improvement. Some minor changes in game design would make the game MUCH better.

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Flick Home Run ! ALMOST a 5-star game

I'm not sure what's up with all the 1-star reviews. This game is lots of fun. A few suggestions:
1. Fix bug: sometimes the view does not track with a ball after it is hit.
2. Fix bug: yellow "multiplier balls" seem to always have the same behavior as the preceding ball's type. Not a big deal, but I suspect this wasn't intentional.
3. Some English use is awkward. For example, "Minor" and "Major" instead of "Minor League" and "Major League"
4. The Major league should have a professional stadium, not the same "neighborhood ball field" look as the Minor league
5. Add a an enhanced version of the Eye where instead of just telling you the next ball, automatically warn you when certain user-programmable ball types are next. For example, if I always strike out on Ninja balls, I'd like to know they're coming, but I don't want to waste my limited "ball eyes" on other ball types.
6. Speed up the game when you get an "out". It takes longer to get to the next pitch after an out than it does after a hit.

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Flick Home Run ! Good game, but has issues

The mechanics of the game make it fun, if youre willing to put in the hours needed to get there there is a learning curve but as you play, you get upgrades that make it easier to level up. The gameplay is fun, the sounds are great, and the graphics are nice too. There is quite a bit of lag so don't flick too fast or you will use up your life bar on outs. My biggest problem is that once you level up once, you're no longer eligible for a point bonus for leveling up. This means that in minor mode, I'm no longer able to get high scores because I don't get the huge point bonuses for leveling up that I got on the first couple run throughs. This slows down your ability to upgrade since xp points are based on your overall score. To get a super high score you have to get through as many levels as possible the first time you play which is nearly impossible without spending 20 or 30 dollars on upgrades which is definitely not worth it for a simple game like this. Please fix this! Please Allow level up point bonuses every game so I can give you a better review!

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Flick Home Run ! Original Version Was - Since Update

• This Developer would rather cut off his nose to spite his face than make a reasonable concession.

• He/She has drawn a line in the sand and absolutely refuses to budge on several points.

• Rather than have a fun (and fair) game which is both successful and highly rated, their ego has justified the animosity they feel for users.

•We all went on to find another game to play - but you? You’ve only made several games. Just think, this could’ve been your greatest source of income and changed the lives of your family.


This was a fun, well-made game. But then, the Developers went bananas!

Here’s why a lot of people own, but don’t like or play this game now.

This was a cool game and I played often, often enough to complete all the challenges on most of the different levels. Then the Developers released an “update” which (probably inadvertently) cleared all the levels which users had completed. What’s worse, they then wanted users to pay them even more $$ than before to start over from the beginning. Not inadvertently.

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Flick Home Run ! Lots of fun!

I got this game when it was on sale for Free, but would have paid for it. The gameplay is simple and intuitive. It's fun to play just for a few minutes, or if you want to waste away an entire afternoon.

I read many reviews saying you need to purchase the in-app points to advance at all, but it's simply not true. I'm currently on Major level 5 having spent $0 and have unlocked Moonstar as well, which is another fun mode.

There are a dozen or so different pitches, and of course there is a learning curve to this game. If you waste points on "eye" instead if power or contact to start, that's your own fault.

Minor mode was fun and getting to level 15 seemed appropriately challenging. Major mode is of course even harder, and the only gripe I have is that the experience needed to level up does get a little ridiculous at a certain point.

But the reason I play is because it's FUN! Not to "finish the game". One review said it "could take you months" to level up everything. Could you imagine?!? A $.99 game that actually has months or more of gameplay? How dare they! >_>

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Flick Home Run ! Good concept, poor execution

This game has a great concept and is addicting, but a terrible health system leads to a flawed experience. The fact that a single pitch takes away about one third of the player's health and the dire punishment for a miss make gameplay fun, but extremely frustating.
The game absolutely needs a game mode where you can just hit pitches wuthout a health bar to worry about.
The game crashes sometimes, which should be addressed in next update.

Recommendations for future update:
-Home Run Derby Mode
-Improved Health System
-Full iPad Compatibility
-Crash/Bug Fixes

(by Lazer Beam Reviews)

I have spent some more time with the app and I am only becoming more and more frustrated. The punishment for an out is completely ridiculous and makes me want to throw my phone out the window on a regular basis. The health system absolutely NEEDS to be revised. Also, I realized that an out of the park homerun barely gives you any health recovery. I ran out of health with one last pitch, even though i hit my record for farthest distance (over 700 ft.). Sure enough, game over.

(by Lazer Beam Reviews)

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Flick Home Run ! Game is slower after update

I just updated to 1.5.0 and while I appreciate the iPhone 5 support, it seems that you've slowed down the top animation speed. This may be nice when you don't gave much power, but when you're hitting the ball over 2,000 ft every time, it's nice to not have to watch the ball slowly flying through the air after every hit. Please bump the top speed back up or at least offer a 4th speed (faster) option.

UPDATE: The 1.5.1 update did not address the slowness issue, plus it reintroduced a bug where moon hits are do not register correctly while you're playing. You have to until the game is over to see how many moon you've hit.

UPDATE: This game obviously has some merit as I continue to play it. However, now that I've played for DAY to get my power ups, yet another bug is discovered. In faster mode, if you hit the ball the max distance (2,706 ft), you don't get credited for hitting the ball over 2,000 ft. As if it weren't already hard enough to level, bugs like this make it that much worse.

UPDATE: Are you guys serious? You release an update that wipes out everyone's achievements and then the fix for that issue does the same thing?!?! This is ridiculous!

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Flick Home Run ! You lost me

I used to love this game. Then I got my new phone... I lost all my hard earned levels some of which I purchased and there isn't even an option to restore purchases. And charging 10$ to up grade all three skills five levels? Ridiculous. Gameplay is too slow. Leveling is too slow. The golden bats are nearly impossible to acquire. Ridiculous goals set to unlock events. Maybe if I still could hit the ball at least 1000 ft every time like I used to be able to would make it interesting. Now I'm lucky if I get past stage ten in the ROOKIE league after sinking about 3 or 4 hours into this stupid game. And oh yeah to unlock the next yo need to get to stage 15... I understand making the game a "challenge" but the insane amount of grinding required is just plain bad game design. Multiplayer is one sides half of the time because it never matches you with an evenly matched player. Nope just some random person that ends up making me look like spongebob playing Barry Bonds. And when I tried to get a new match guess what? Matched with Barry again. Try again same thing. Happened at least 8 times in a row. This game is nothing to me now. Quit be greedy sods and think of your audience or I think they will all feel the same way.

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Flick Home Run ! Fun at first, then just boring

...and EXTREMELY repetitive. The latest "update" was simply to slip ads into the game and add a useless feature that, of course, costs money after the initial honeymoon trial.
I used to like this game but it has some serious flaws that make it lose its luster quickly. Leveling up in the game is one of the worst grinds in any game I've ever played since my first iPhone in 2008. You'll spend days hitting pitch after pitch after pitch to accumulate enough XP to add one point to either power or contact. Once you reach level 20 or so in each, the XP accumulates MUCH slower and, when you have enough to upgrade a skill, it makes literally no difference whatsoever in the game. Like none. Does absolutely nothing. So, you spend days flicking homeruns just to upgrade to hit longer homeruns, then you can't even hit longer homeruns. It's just a rinse-repeat game that isn't rewarding at all after about two days of playing it.
Fun at first and worth trying, but you'll plateau after two days. After that you may as well delete the game. Don't waste time trying to level up because the developers have put a pretty steep paywall in place that makes it impossible without either paying at least $10 for upgrades or chipping away at XP for years.

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Flick Home Run ! Huge Ripoff

This game is a lot of fun at first until you realize that beating the first 15 levels is basically impossible. In order to beat these levels you need to raise up your skills pretty high and unless you spend countless hours playing the game you will get more than frustrated. As I kept playing I realized that as I got closer to level 15 that the balls would either go straight up, so it would be an out, or I'd just miss the ball in general when I clearly hit it. This is all a scam so that you get so frustrated that you spend money in order to level up. Is it a good business idea? Yes. But I would like to believe that there are plenty of smart people in this world that could see past this game and do the smart thing and not give the producers any more of their money. I honestly enjoyed the game from the start but got extremely enraged as I continued playing because the producers clearly set this game up in order for the consumer to fail. Much like a casino their goal is to make money any way possible even if it means taking advantage of their customers. I'm not saying this game and a Vegas casino have anything really in common but this game is just in it for the money. I hope this was helpful and people take the time to read this. God Bless.

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Flick Home Run ! Buyer beware

I bought this game a couple of years ago, I completed all the levels and was anxious for the developer to release the next one. I kept waiting until I forgot about it. Two iPhones later there's an update and I found that all my levels and accomplishments were gone. Ok, no big deal I said. Since its been a while I last played it, it will be fun to do it all over again, or so I thought. They must have added new levels in the new version, I thought. Instead what I found is the exact same game with the difference that the developers added a bunch of ads in a paid application and now they sell you all the things you could earn before as in-app purchases. They rigged the game so you can't complete the levels without buying bat power, eye contact and other traits you would earn as you played in the older version. The developers should be ashamed of themselves since it is blatantly obvious they are doing this on purpose to get more money out of paying customers. If you are considering buying this, just know you will never complete all the levels unless you pay 4 or 5 times the listed price. The fun is over at the second level. The game will never let you go pass the next level unless you buy extra add ins. Your bat mysteriously stops working as it should. It will frustrate the heck out of you. You have been warned.

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Flick Home Run ! Decent but HARD

Great game first off. I enjoy the game play. It's fun to blast a ball out of the park. I did figure a little secret out. I used my iPad3 with the iPhone version in 1X mode. It allows my finger to have more room to slide across the screen and really whack the ball. The iPhone just didn't give enough flick speed and I knew I'd never hit the Majors with my phone. After a week of decent playtime I hit the Majors with my iPad. Now the real issue.

People complains it's hard and YES, it is. I barely made it to the Majors before the app didn't register my touch on some fastballs. Now, I feel, in the Majors I'm being punished for winning. The balls come in way way too fast and my iPad can't even register the touch at times. If it does, the screen blips and the ball just spins in place causing an out. Oh ya, and I was hitting the ball to 1000ft often in the Minors, but in the Majors I'm lucky to hit 900, even though my swipes have NOT changed and some pitches are slow enough.

These frustrations made this game less fun now because I feel I'll never pass Step 4 in the Majors. Not because I'm not good, but because the app can't handle wicked fast speeds of the ball and the swiping to match it.

My only request is to make this game a little easier. I will never spend any money in-app because of this, so making it that hard will only make people pass on this game if they keep reading advancement is almost impossible.

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Flick Home Run ! Fun but takes too long

Decent game but the games take way too long. You can spend 10-15 minutes for one game, which involves just swiping at a pitch every 15 seconds. If they just added a skip button so u dont have to watch every hit or pop up, the game would be so much more enjoyable. Pop ups are just 15 seconds of sitting there frustrated until the ball lands. This isnt one of those games where u wait to play. All u do is swipe at a baseball the whole time so it needs to be sped up. Every time im starting a new game, i weigh whether hitting homeruns is worth the long game time of monotonous and frustrating play. Also really annoying how it doesnt show the pitch type til it crosses the plate. The pitches move fast and erratically, and some of them have the same movement until it crosses the plate which is honestly dumb as hell. Like the blue pitch and the pink one look exactly the same until u have to swing. The blue pitch moves upward and the pink one dips at the last possible moment. Finally the inconsistent hitbox needs to be addressed. Randomly ill hit an easy pitch straight backwards or into the dirt at angles that make no sense. Unfortunately none of these problems will be addressed as the developers havent changed the game in years and seem to not care about improving their one hit wonder of a game. Easy things like the skip button could have been added years ago but seems like theyre okay with unnecessarily wasting time

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Flick Home Run ! Designed to get money from in-app purchases

This is a fun and addictive .99¢ game, but it doesn't take long to realize it's designed to make you buy the in-app upgrades. When you reach a new level you gain 1 experience point. The experience point can be used to increase either your "contact", "power" or "eye". There are 20 levels for contact, 50 for power and 99 for eye. It doesn't take long before you get to a point where it requires 6000 or more points to gain 1 experience point. An out of the park home run can get you anywhere from 5 to 12 points for each one on the "majors" level. That means that even if you hit an out of the park home run with each pitch it will take over 600 pitches (which can take hours) to earn one new point. If you wanted to max out the 50 for power (which of course everyone does), it would take weeks or months of constant gameplay, and forget about maxing out the 99 levels of "eye". They offer the in-app purchases to "level_up", but each single point costs .99¢ or 5 for $3.99. I reached level 15 on my own and unlocked the majors but soon realized that in order to get anywhere on that level I needed to increase my "power" and "contact" but in order to do so would take months of game play or 10 to 20 dollars worth of in-app upgrade purchases. I swore I wouldn't buy them, but I broke down and bought 2 upgrades, but even after doing that the game is too difficult at the higher levels. I'm done giving anymore money to this game and I would urge others not to buy it until the developers stop trying to rip people off

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Flick Home Run ! Kinda fun but super glitchy

So the game is really fun but there’s some problems they need to fix. For example, sometimes the bat messes up and cuts off mid-swing. Also, when I restart a level the pitch button doesn’t work and I have to close the app. Another thing, it takes waaaaaaaayyyyy too long to level up. It can take you a week to level up and you only get 1 stupid stat upgrade. I think it does this because it wants you to spend a lot of money. And the achievements take too long and the rewards are too little. Like, 2000 cars and they only give you 1 stat upgrade.In bunt master, the ball always overshoots the platform. It never used to do that before. It’s not me, you can just hold your finger on the screen and the ball will go past it. And if you try to pop it up, IT’LL STILL GO PAST IT! Another thing, after your turn ends it says “NEW HIGH SCORE!” But its not. The called shot thing is broke too. When I try to call my shot and I hit it 900 feet and the multiplier kept going. So I thought it glitched and I was going to get 5 times the points at the end of the game. But it turned out, I had the same amount of points it said without the multiplier. This made giant mode 10 times longer. Why is it called giant mode if the ball isn’t bigger. Also the multiplayer mode doesn’t work either. First of all, it takes like 5 minutes to find a match. And second of all, when you press the pitch button it spits out like 10 balls. But overall, the game is still sort of fun. I think the moonstar modes are the best. If the developers fixed these issues then the game would be a lot better.

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Flick Home Run ! Many big issues

The game is good for the first 15 mins after that you start to see how badly this game was made. First of all the "physics engine" it claims to have is very inconsistent, it seems to recognize basic swipes but what happens to the ball after you hit it is pretty much a generally random result. Sometimes you'll get homers, and other times the ball will crash immediately to the ground and you lose half your life bar. Second is the fact that to even unlock further levels you must go a minimum of 15 steps, which will mostly likely take most people hours if not more, the main reason for that is because the scoring system they've designed for the game and the way it interacts with the so called "life bar" is utterly horrible, sometimes it works and other times it simply doesn't which is sad since you have to start back at step 1 every single game and going 1-15 steps all in one go is no easy task believe me, so overall I feel like that makes the game experience extremely unbalanced. Next is the lack of instructions, they are very basic, basically just wait for the ball to cross a line and flick, they don't describe the different kinds of pitches there might be, any other flick gestures that are recognized, any explaination for the two additonal yellow icons on the screen next to the pitch button right before the pitch is thrown. All in all, the graphics for the game are fine thats about it nothing special, I'm not gonna say the game is addicting because its not its more frustrating than anything. Oh and don't even get me started on the leveling system...its just garbage, obviously put in place to cash in on in-app purchases because it would take an eternity to level up in game. 2 stars... 1 because of the game quality and 1 because they did trick me into shelling out .99 cents for this worthless game so kudos to them.

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Flick Home Run ! Good game, unreasonable level ups

Overall, this app is very solid. Only major thing is the unreasonable amount of experience needed to "level up" after about 15-20 "level ups". For that reason, 3/5

So I've read most of the reviews here, and most of them are pretty accurate. The game is fun and if your just passing time id even say addicting after a while. There is only one thing I'd change, the experience required to level up. I got to 21 power and 10 contact, leaving batting eye at the default level 3. Now, after 31 upgrades (have not purchased a single upgrade) it takes about 10k experience to level up. That is, CRAZY!

Here's what 10k experience actually means.

100 points = 1 experience point. That means I will need about 1 million (yes, 1MILLION!) points just to get my next ONE upgrade. I like this game, I've gotten every mode unlocked and even got all 10 gold bats. But I'm not going to play this much longer with the experience ratios, it seriously is unmotivating..

Beyond that, there are only few other minor problems with this game, but problems I don't mind because no app is ever going to be perfect.

Yes sometimes the app wot register my swipe, and I'll get an out even though I'm sure I hit the ball. This happens seldomly, and usually only after an extended period of play and the app becomes laggy. A simple restart of the app reduces this problem to almost non-existent.

Sometimes I hit the ball dead on, and it goes in some unlogical direction (strait up after being hit dead-on or strait down). Again, simple problem and doesn't happen enough to make me get a game over.

Sometimes you hit the ball and it goes way high before going strait, and it seems theirs a wind effect that pushes the ball back behind the batting line causing an out. I've never experienced any other wind effects, so that's kind of weird when the ball goes backwards. Again, happens seldomly an not enough to negatively affect my score or cause a game over..

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Flick Home Run ! Could be 5 stars but

My original review is parenthetically seen below and my complaints still stand. Yes I finally reached level 15 and from there the other levels quickly opened up so I have access to everything now.

I complained about the developers ignoring the reviews and they recently dis an update and now the game is 10 times worse!

They deserve ZERO STARS! The game is almost impossible to play. I can hit the ball perfectly now but it shows as a strike and the ball is missed. Hey developers I have played the game for months I know when I hit the ball and now it is a strike?

Bottom line is the game is now completely flawed. You are supposed to hit the ball with your finger and now when you do the game shows you missed it.

(Ok designers do you care about the players? Will you pay attention to a complaint that is REPEATEDLY complained of? Or just ignore us.

If I rated this game a few weeks after I got it I would have given it five stars. But you need to ignore the reviews of players who haven't reached the true frustration that this Game will ultimately become for everyone. After playing this game for months, I must say I love playing the game because the interface and graphics are great. I almost never play games on my iphone but this one has grabbed my attention, and I play it every day. So why 1 star?

Main reason: because after playing the game for months and probably over 200 hours, i am at level 14 - which means Nothing. I am at exactly the same level in terms of play as someone who bought the game 3 seconds ago. Every single level on the game is still locked other than the first "Minor League" level.

Every single tome you play, you start from the very beginning, and must advance through every single level. At sone point this goes from fun to annoying to frustrating and now it can inky be described as intolerable. Hours and hours of playing the same stupid beginning levels over and over again.

Finally I decided to go to the "store" and buy greater batting power and eye. $20.00 later and there is absolutely no discernible difference in my results.

So now I am frustrated AND THEY RIPPED ME OFF!

I am absolutely certain that the developers have not actually ever played the game to see if they could ever reach the critical level 15 to actually advance and unlock the next stage. It is almost impossible to do and throwing money at it dies nothing.

Oh and every tine you hit a really long home run it penalizes you and you don't get the full distance because you are only in the minor leagues. This happens about 40 Times now every single time I play the game. I hit these Great shots only to watch myself not get full credit. Great design! Yes frustrate me 40 times A game! What genius thought if this?

The makers if this game had (past tense) a great idea, but gave absolutely no pride in the long term quality of their Game and have ignored the constant complaints about this issue)

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Flick Home Run ! Bleh




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Flick Home Run ! Complaints 17

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Flick Home Run ! potentially great. potentially

I thought the latest update said it would be easier to level up, but all I notice is that it's slightly easier to get about 50 more exp. in one round. Considering it starts to take 5000 exp. for ONE powerup ... whe they are now 99. you've got to ficking me. I loved this game for an honest 1.5 weeks before I got sick of the same balls and the same balloons and the same buildings and the same distances and the same glitches and the same etc etc.
Here's the thing, if your going to make something so repetitious and require literally hours and hours of playing in order to notice any different in gameplay... at least have the DECENCY to not cheat and force me to miss 5 balls in a row on level 13 cause I'm doing so well ... and I hit those fickers right in the middle so no lip :|

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Flick Home Run ! Scorn of my existence

To say I hate this game is an understatement. Primary reasons: 1) XP. It takes FOREVER to earn any. It's set up so that you have to purchase additional XP from the in game store. Forget that! If you don't, you'll never make any progress in this game. 2) The physics of the game play. So many times I swipe right through the middle of a ball only to get a strike. Really?!? I made perfect contact and it's a strike?!? Speeding up the game play as to not have to watch the ball hang time should not increase the speed of the pitches. 3) Major Mode. Unless your crushing home runs every pitch, the amount of "life" you earn is less than the amount it takes to serve a pitch. How are you supposed to win?!?

I've just deleted this game from my iPhone after a month of pure hatred and frustration.

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Flick Home Run ! Horrible at best

This game is absolutely ludicrous. To begin, if you get an out, your life meter (something found at every baseball game) drops more than when you get a home run. Every time you miss or foul it counts as an out! No pun intended but that is outrageous. Then, you have to spend literally days to level up high enough to unlock anything but amateur mode. Or you could pay to upgrade your batter, too bad it's $1 per level. Oh! And let's not forget that if you buy the "level up everything by 1", it actually CHARGES YOU MORE than if you just bought them all individually. That is beyond reason. Anyway, other than having nearly nothing to do with the rules of baseball, it is insanely hard, and that it's a scam, I really must say that it is a wonderful game... Minus those minor details of course.

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Flick Home Run ! New upgrade- Game crash

Since this upgrade the fluency of the game lags, and the game keeps crashing. My achievements in "fast and faster" mode and "Giant home run " mode are now showing only one achievement for each even though I've completed all achievements for both. How am I going to be able to get those achievements checked again when for example it says I need 100 to achieve yet my total count for that level is already 304? You need to make a lot of fixes. I've been playing this game for years from an iPhone 4 to a 5, and now a iPhone 6 without a problem. Now the wheels are falling off. Fix fix fix. I'm hoping my achievements get checked off again too. There is no way to achieve the number 100 again when I've already achieved 300, I can't undo it. Definitely a hole in your script. Maybe add a "if" statement?

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Flick Home Run ! Addictive but not a fair game

This game can be a very addictive game but there are so many kinks that need to be fixed. The whole idea that they take life away to pitch the ball is absolutely ridiculous. Also the majors is so hard to make it from step to step. I find it real funny how that from step 1 to step 5 or 6 of the majors I have no problem hitting bombs then once step 7 hits, the same balls I was just hitting bombs with are now going straight up in the air. It's just so frustrating. I've made it to step 11 where you can have a full life bar and miss one ball and you lose so much of the life bar then when you pitch again you hear that wonderful drum roll sound, I'll hit another 1600ft home run and it means nothing because the game is over. That is the worst part. Anyway I think once these kinks are out, the game will be great.

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Flick Home Run ! Got ripped off!

As when you get a new iPhone you have to restore or reinstall your apps, I had to do this with this app. Well the app that got downloaded was the newest version. I've read some reviews that said the game is quite tedious and unreasonable to level up without purchasing leveling up upgrades. Well that is find and dandy, games have a right to be challenging to a point. My main gripe though is that in the previous version I spent money to level up. This new version doesn't allow me to restore those purchases. So you're telling me that I just wasted that money, basically it's gone with the new version with no way to restore. I just got ripped off. Speaking of game play though, it's fun to a point. I agree that it is redunculous and unreasonably difficult to level up without purchase. Basically this game is for suckers.

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Flick Home Run ! Money Pit

Everything about this game is designed to require you to purchase the in app purchases in order to progress. It's a money pit.

As you level becomes harder and harder to level up again. To move forward in the game you have to move up in "steps" which are like innings. Once you get to higher "steps" an out becomes more damaging then previously and in turn missing just one ball can lead to the game being over awfully fast.

ALSO: How come if the pitch bar is depleted, but I hit an out of the park home can you call that game over? If the last pitch is hit successfully then you should fill up my pitch bar in the same way that any other successful hit would do. This lacks consistency and goes against the expectations that have previously been set in the game.

Would be a better game if they actually balanced the gameplay.

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Flick Home Run ! Potential

So this game is a great concept executed poorly. Part of the issue is the difficulty, good luck getting to the major league as 15 brutal minor league levels are virtually impossible. Part of the issue is that a pitch costs health and beyond a certain point a home run in the stands is worth less than a pitch costs. They also need to add more game modes to mix it up a bit. Another issue is the repetitiveness need to be addressed, either add something for me to do while the ball is in the air or give me the option to bypass watch my ball bounce across 20 cars before hitting the ground which brings me to my next point, this game needs forward progress added. It's infuriating to hot a ball into the 900 feet range and lose 200 of that bc the ball bounced backwards. Finally, in your tutorial you need to better explain the game mechanics and various balls.

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Flick Home Run ! Flawed

Ok so I enjoy the game but hafta give it 1 star because this game totally needs to give u a speed up option rather than having to wait for every ball to land. If u double tap on the screen it should take u to the next pitch. Also itd be cool if the ball pitched on its own instead of having to continuously tap for every pitch. Maybe make that an option on a future update. It has such potential but is so flawed in so many ways. How do u end the game on someone who hits a HR, I mean really what the heck. Also it seems as u get deeper into the levels u seem to go on streaks where 4 or 5 balls either go less than 100 feet or foul all in a row. Is this a design on ur part as developers? If so it stinks. Also how bout adding a bit more info to explain what the heck increasing "Contact" will do to enhance my swing. Definetly needs a tutorial and a good one at that.

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Flick Home Run ! Good time waster. Terrible execution

This game is fun if you literally just want to help pass time. That is the positive.


1) I've never been to a ballpark where the ball has to go at least 413 ft to get a homerun.

2) I have played on multiple devices and it seems as though, often times, the game decides it's not going to track your swipe across the screen. This only happens for me in "major-league" mode. I can go all 15 rounds without that happening even once in "minor-league" mode.

3) It is extremely difficult to level up unless you are willing to give them even more money.

4) If you happen to pop the ball up, the ball will reach a point where it begins to defy all laws of physics and assumes negative inertia, causing it to fly backwards, with no wind or outside force causing this.

5) Same pitch. Same swipe. Different result. Almost every single time.

Don't waste your money on this.

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Flick Home Run ! Fun with potential

Review Update
xp gain broken, no longer any point in playing until fixed. Lost all old progress with no way to get it back. Company wants you to invest an unreasonable amount of time to level up or pay but offers no protection to that investment. There are better games to invest your time and money where you don't have to worry about ending up with nothing in the end. This is a rip off.

original thoughts
Game is fun where it is now but a few points I would love to see tweaked...

•Leveling up takes way to long and gets a little monotonous trying to get to 15 power for next game mode.
•paid upgrades way overpriced.

Wish list...
• would love to see some of the harder to reach balloons worth more points for the trouble.
•better use of the achievement system, for example give one for the three stars between the buildings or for hitting three cars with one ball.

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Flick Home Run ! Forget bunt mode

Game was alright. Played it from time to time. Was xcited about the update. Then they came out with bunt mode. Can't get past it cause well there is no way past it. Swing and ball goes to far. Leave finger in one spot ball does not go far enough. Perfect way to ruin a decent game. Remove bunt mode and you'll get your five stats.

Update: after a few hrs of playing finally got past bunt mode. Here is how I did it. To the left of the screen you see the string of light bulbs. Should be four of then. When the ball is pitched once it crosses the line just press on the fourth light bulb from left to right. It will make just enough contact to send the ball where it needs to go. If you get lucky you get 1000 points. If not then only 200. Keep doing this till you reach the mark. Hope it helped. Remember don't swipe just press the fourth bulb and the ball will automatically get hit. Good luck.

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Flick Home Run ! Mini games are hateful

In order to reach accomplishments, you are forced to play the mini games. Bunt Master is as boring as watching paint dry, which makes it the best of a sorry lot. The Moonshot bonus games are frustrating in that they specifically avoid rewarding good hits. The Cutter game is awful. It hides the ball as it is moving through the hitting zone, and often refuses to acknowledge bats that are clearly hit. If forcing prisoners of war to play this game is not specifically outlawed by the Geneva Convention, then it should be. The Giant Unit game is even worse. It is fairly clear that none of the developers have any personal real-world experience with giant units. Playing in the Major League mode can be enjoyable once you have decent stats (see other reviews regarding playability without spending money to power up - can be done, but it was tedious). But overall, the app just isn't worth even a dollar.

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Flick Home Run ! Fun at first but waste of time. Not gratifying

I've been playing this game for about a week and still in the minors. As others have said, it's nearly impossible to level up enough to get out. The scoring system doesn't seem right and isn't explained. There's just a bar at the top. There should be more of a reward if you hit it out of the park but it really doesn't feel like you get much more than when you're just shy of a homer.

The in app purchases are a joke and I wouldn't spend $ on them ever. The game doesn't continue when you end a game, it starts over from the very beginning. So if you somehow make it to step 14 and are out, the next game starts over AT STEP 1. You need to get to step 15 to get out of the minors and the way you level up it is impossible to get there w/o paying for it, which defeats the purpose of a game if you have to pay to get tithe next level.

I'm over this game and going back to Angry birds. At least that game never gets old.

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Flick Home Run ! Good game gone bad and seemingly abandoned

Played this originally awhile ago. Leveling up was consistent & satisfying. Now I'd be shocked if anyone was able to progress in any meaningful way without hours upon hours of obsessive grinding, an absurd notion for what should be a fun, casual game.

And if you do spring for the in-app upgrades, don't piecemeal it—go big or go home. And even when you do drop some coin (say, 10x the original app price...) expect to be quickly disappointed by the seemingly decreasing returns of the power ups. In other words, the first few upgrades seem worthwhile and productive but the curve seems to trend flat by 10/99 (and above.) Power & Contact are better but not THAT much. Compare 5/99 to 20/99 side by side and you'll see for yourself.

On top of that, too bad that development seems abandoned since there's minor, occasional, but no less annoying, glitches (Pitch button stops responding, swings unrecognized, etc.)

And it would be nice if that one pointless ad at launch was killed off...

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Flick Home Run ! Good, but

UPDATE: Definitely some shady business here. Recently I was at level 20 and leveled up two times. Not thinking anything of it, I didn't even bother to look at the actual number of the score. I recently leveled up for the third time, and noticed that my score was still at 20 in power. Absolutely unacceptable. When a company makes you pay him for leveling up and then doesn't give you the levels when you actually do it just shows that something crooked is going on.

Leveling system is completely ludicrous. It would take weeks upon weeks of casual playing to level up one time once you've gotten to higher levels. Like another reviewer mentioned, 5000 points nets you only 50 XP and at my level, it'll take 5448 XP to reach the next level, only to receive 1 lousy point to use. The achievements are also far-fetched. 2000 stars to complete a level 1 achievement, whereas my average stars is between 10-20 per game.

Definitely needs some sort of updating to facilitate the leveling system.

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Flick Home Run ! Fun but quickly too difficult

This game looked pretty sweet from the outside. Upon playing the game in the only available mode at the start, "Minor Challenge," you progress through the levels and rack up experience points rather quickly; this is deceiving though. As you progress and play more often the amount of points to the next experience level, which gains you one stat increase, becomes a very distant goal and takes persistence and dedication to achieve. I am not one to pay for stuff within a game and that seems to be the only method (outside of non-stop play for years) of being able to achieve the game's ridiculously high max stats levels (20, 50 and 99). I put a few hours into playing this game and have only achieved 6 of 20, 9 of 50, 6 of 99 and just barely reached level 15 which unlocks the "Major Challenge." The low star rating is not due to the lack of entertainment provided by this game but based on the fact of hitting a brick wall in game progression unless you are willing to open up the pocket book.

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Overview of Flick Home Run ! complaint handling

Flick Home Run ! reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 9, 2023. The latest review Fun at first, but boring soon was posted on Jun 13, 2023. Flick Home Run ! has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 36 reviews. Flick Home Run ! has resolved 0 complaints.
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