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YouTube review: illegal charity 29

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10:32 pm EDT
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Dear Sir/Madam,
May I bring your attention to the You Tube channel "A Foreigner in the Philippines"?
This channel belongs to two people named Terence and Beth Flannery, aka Terence and Beth Martin. The channel is being used to solicit cash funds for an illegal charity in the Philippines. This is against the law and although they were warned by the Philippine Authorities to cease soliciting funds, they carried on until a subpoena was issued by the DSWD and the NBI. Terence and Beth Flannery have an account with every Social Media site on the internet for soliciting funds. The charity is a very clever scam and the largest percentage of the money received is secreted into their personal Bank Accounts, or used to improve their standard of living in the Philippines.
Terence and Beth Flannery's charity is at present under investigation and notice of possible deportation has been served on Terence.
There are also supporters of the channel making disparaging comments to people who oppose this channel. Any negative comments made are always deleted and the person blocked. They use God and Christian morals to try and convince people that what they do is right. This offends some members of the You Tube Community.
Would you please investigate this channel as these people are breaking the law and are under investigation, and maybe breaking You Tube Guidelines?

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Antonia Steging
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Nov 13, 2018 4:42 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes, I agree with what you are saying. This couple is using the poor picture of the Filipinos for them to survive. Who
are the recipients? The big family of Beth. Who is the master carpenter? Adopted children? Etc. etc.
I am getting sick of this You Tube and need to be stopped immediately.

Wayne Faulkenberry
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Nov 03, 2020 6:46 am EST

It does not do any good if the philippine government gives them a right to steal from others everyone knows he is a con man but

All they see is he is buliding houses but in the mean time getting rich off the donations giving coz he is skimming off the top and that is the truth and there is no one doing the books to keep track of the all the money paperwork can say anything they want and who is to question it he will turn out the biggest scammer in the philippines history and they seem to like it and that is the sad part and the other parts of the philippines will suffer

James W. Wilson Esq .
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Nov 28, 2018 8:38 am EST

Terry Martin / Terrence Flannery / Terrence Martin is a conman and scammer . He and Beth are running a charity with no license for over a year . He has tax issues and is operating a business on a tourist Visa . He rec. $ 1000 for a operation for a person named Nesa . She failed to have the operation . He on video stated that he will not return the money. And called the donor a '' bottom feeder '' . He gave the DSWD a fake name . Which is a violation of 7 laws in the Philippines .

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Wayne Faulkenberry
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Nov 03, 2020 6:47 am EST

It does not do any good if the philippine government gives them a right to steal from others everyone knows he is a con man but

All they see is he is buliding houses but in the mean time getting rich off the donations giving coz he is skimming off the top and that is the truth and there is no one doing the books to keep track of the all the money paperwork can say anything they want and who is to question it he will turn out the biggest scammer in the philippines history and they seem to like it and that is the sad part and the other parts of the philippines will suffer

Zu Chen 3
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Dec 04, 2018 8:29 am EST

Terry Martin [protected] of Fort Meyers, Fla . Moved to the Philippines after his 3rd wife was in China with visa issues. www.the shows criminal and civil and legal issues. He made a video showing DSWD official inspecting a house they built. In reality it was the LSWDO at the inspection site. He has a investigation by the DSWD, SEC, and the NBI . He has not been cleared and has no permit. He uses several name to include Terence Flannery, Terence Martin and Terry Martin . / / linked in .

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deportation order
deportation order
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Dec 07, 2018 4:28 pm EST

Terence Flannery aka Terry Martin and his 4 th wife Beth have incurred many self inflected injuries . Operating a business ( Charity ) on a tourist Visa . Operating a charity with out a license. Building homes with no permit . They are under investigation by the DSWD, BIR, SEC, NIB and other govt. He made a video stating the DSWD Bohol office is working with him to select families that need help . This is all false. He has violated laws that could him to land in jail for years . The DSWD not. him in writing to halt all charitable work . And he refused. That is a level 1 crime . There are tax issues . Video showing them rec. p100.000 on several occasions . He blames the trolls and bottom feeders.

Ricky Lopoz
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Dec 09, 2018 9:40 pm EST

Terence Flannery alias Terry Martin ant his current Beth are quite the team. Tricking good but foolish people to fund there good life. They make video showing problem . Then the money / peso s roll in. I need a new road . The vehicle need s work . I need a bridge . Or I cant save the Philippines. And all in violation of the law.

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bohol scammer
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Jul 14, 2019 11:14 am EDT

It looks like the Charity falls apart a little bit at a time. Terence and Beth just gave away the small blue bus. No more birthday parties ? Did they ever get there permit ? Did they show it in a video ? Did they create a board of directors ? Why do they block comments ? Do they still charge to stay in the Nipa hut ? Do they pay tax ? Do they have a yearly audit ? NO .

Daddski 1
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Aug 13, 2019 9:59 am EDT

You whiners are something else. you portray terrance and beth as terrible people when the opposite is the truth. they do not take advantage of anyone period. every penny they receive to help someone us spent exactly on that. you are liars and haters with nothing better to do than harass good people.
Shame on every one of you.
By the way.. the philippine government investigated your ridiculous claims and just posted their findings. would you like to know what they said?
Terrance and beth flannery are hereby cleared of all charges wrongly brought against them.
They now do have the correct permits which was their only mistake. they have always been meticulous in record keeping which proved you [censored] are nothing more than a bunch of babies with nothing better to do but try to ruin good people's lives. shame on you. cleared of any wrongdiong.
For you that said he refused to return money.. another lie. if they have money donated for s specific house or reason then every cent goes to that or it is returned. says who? the philippine government.
You claim they take advantage of the poor? you [censored]s they help them. care for them and no it's not their family that benefits. it's their family that volunteers to do these projects without pay. shame on you

Jan Sanwan
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Aug 21, 2019 2:04 am EDT
Replying to comment of Daddski 1

Take one minute and get the truth from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (D.S.W.D.) Main Office + [protected] in Quezon city . DSWD FO #[protected] to 7 . They will tell you there is no application filed or approved . And they are in violation of Pres. Decree no 1564 . DSWD memo # 17 series2014 .

scammer sux
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Aug 24, 2019 7:05 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Daddski 1

The Philippines Govt said that they are cleared of any wrong doing ? Or the two scammers said the Philippines Govt. said they have been cleared of any wrong doing ? The later right !

beth sux
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Feb 24, 2020 6:24 pm EST
Replying to comment of Daddski 1

You are clueless. His name is Terry Martin not Terence Flannery . You do not even know his name . But defend him.

Jan Sanwan
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Aug 21, 2019 1:41 am EDT

Terence Flannery aka Terry Martin and Beth are skilled liars. They post a 1000 + videos . But never show the permit they fought hard for ! And block all comments. If they had the required permits and govt. approval after a long had fight and lots of money on lawyers. Then why stop helping people that need it ?

Jan Sanwan
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Aug 21, 2019 2:17 am EDT

DSWD +[protected] DSWD FO # 7 .

Wang Hi
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Aug 21, 2019 5:27 pm EDT Jorge Wynne comments on a foreinger in the Philippines . Oct.19, 2019 . People are seeing the truth . Patrons are down 52 % for the month . The 2 scammers will need a real job.

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Sep 22, 2019 10:49 pm EDT

I have been to the phil 10 times, all on my own money, never asked for a peso or dime, but I have helped charities for over 20 years, I dont like to judge without evidence, but the evidence to me is gathering quickly. First, after watching many of their vids, they seem to want people to think they are barely getting by, and he never talks about a pension or what and how they are funding their personal needs. I gave them the benefit of the doubt until they bought a 50kUSD truck for cash down, I am not sure how gullible people are, but the explination in the vid Terry showed was that small "gifts" from doners to him and his wife for diner out, a new dress, etc, his wife saved, which magically added up to 50k usd? are you people that stuped? that money was obviously meant for housing and medical needs for others, this one was it for me, very poor excuse for spending 50k on a new truck, could not believe it, I been in business for 30 years, and never once have had a new vehicle, and they went from a low end lifestyle to a 50k truck? if you are one of the ones who is drinking that coolaide, then you should check yourself into a psyc ward.

Dar Zote
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Oct 03, 2019 3:40 pm EDT

Pph 1, 998, 000 new ford Raptor . On his small pension. Just a good saver ! Don't think so .

Barry A Whitley
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Oct 31, 2019 4:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A post for those people who were scammed into donated to Terence and Beth’s fake charity, and have now realized the money and gifts were not used to help the needy, but to support Terence and Beth’s lifestyle instead.
As a suggestion, you may wish to contact Raffy Tulfo to get your money returned. This would also act as means of again bringing the illegal pair to the attention of the Philippine Authorities.
Sir Raffy’s e-mail below.

scammer $$$
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Nov 11, 2019 2:42 am EST

Terence and Beth enjoyed there free trip to Thailand . Where is a little bit rich these days ? And his money ? Moved on ?

How Loon
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Nov 11, 2019 3:14 am EST

www graphtreon com shows a 17 % decrease in views over a year time span . Video rank 7660 down 80 .

conman 5
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Nov 24, 2019 2:29 am EST

Terence predicted that Peter Smith will be arrested . In a video with Kerry . Oct. 12, 2018 . 13 months no arrest ?

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beth sux
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Feb 24, 2020 6:33 pm EST

So many wives .

stupid people !
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Apr 20, 2020 5:16 pm EDT

Stupid people are still supporting the 2 grifters . Like anyone that pays cash for a Ford Rapter ( 50 K) has money problems !

Geoff Langley
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Dec 13, 2020 9:13 am EST

I have never come across, a more greedy, evil people as theses two scammers . He is now posting a v log on how he couldn't say no to a lady, who needed wood for her father in laws coffin . Despicable, how these two like the finer things in life .

TEXpat Robert Rice
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Oct 05, 2021 9:17 am EDT

All I see here is a bunch of haters... You have no proof of inappropriate behavior ("skimming off the top"). I have talked with the DSWD about it, and they said, "There is nothing to these allegations." For negative people it is easy to look for something negative in what people do. You are biased by your own negativity. These people do more for poor Filipino's than you will ever do. I have had three houses built in the Philippines, and currently am building another. I use the local church where the families live, and deal with the pastor. The workers are from the local church. Terence receives two pensions from the UK, as well as the US. In the beginning their hearts, and intentions were in the right place, but they were ignorant to the laws. In the US you don't need to file as a charity in order to build a house for someone. you just get the permits, and build. I was surprised about that law in the Philippines. That's why I go through the churches. Seeing what they went through I didn't want to go through that also.

So, unless you have empirical evidence of wrong doing then bring it forward. If not, all you have is hearsay, and conjecture, and personal opinion, which is biased by personal unhappiness, and possibly jealousy.

Antz W Jordan
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Feb 21, 2023 7:21 am EST

I have proof he used his Mother in laws account to solicit funds from a over seas individual. His mother in laws account was used because his account,his wife's account had received too much .money in the period of time set out by Philippines law

Chris p Clarke
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Mar 09, 2024 7:51 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Upload your proof here

Chris p Clarke
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Mar 09, 2024 8:19 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You are correct, they have all docs.

However she has destroyed the YT channel, it's worthless now, if they get any money good luck. The show of religious crap is the worst because he said in a very early video he was not interested in religion, now he cannot fart without thanking his god thing. She is as dumb as a box of rocks and speaks worse english now than when they first met.

If they have been together 10 years they have done well to amass all they have, the house for sale at 30 million would mean without their other property they have managed to earn 3 million pesos a year, considerably more than a filipino would get. My company contacted them to help but they never replied on 2 occasions but other channels are the same, the farmer too another fool with lots of faults except being wrong is not one. Youtubers are a special breed of ebeggers to be left alone.

Just wait and see what happens when he pops off and how she will handle what is left but youtube for them is finished and only someone completely dumb would want to be hooked up with her. She is not one to be trusted with your card and PIN...

Akron Ohio, US
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Aug 26, 2023 2:15 pm EDT

This Flannery character is promoting pedophiles to marry as it appears very young girls. Like Alfred from Germany. That girl he intends to "marry" looks to be 13 years old.

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