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YouTube review: dave and ava channel, racist? 57

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7:12 am EDT
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Am i reading too much in this video about the brown family been depicted with monkey faces and with no shoes, while the white have shoes and normal human face?

We were watching videos from the Dave and Ava YouTube channel and the finger family song came up, we could not help but watch keenly how the characters have been given a racist profile. The channel has very many views and to think that this has not been brought up is unbelievable. Could it be because it is a children channel and that the audience can't tell what's ok or not, i flung to the comment section to check if anybody else had noticed, but there is nothing to write about from there.

To be honest, i have watched it many times before, only this time i just seemed to notice.

I just want you guys to check it out and let me if it is acceptable to you...


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Nugget McGrab
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Jul 19, 2019 8:13 am EDT

I think it’s perfect

Nugget McGrab
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Jul 19, 2019 8:15 am EDT

Whites > all others. It’s just the natural order of things.

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Oct 21, 2020 12:59 am EDT

What is actually wrong with you? Disgusting.

Ursa Major 1
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Apr 07, 2022 9:23 am EDT

Only in the Yt mind lol. Otherwise, you wouldn't try so hard to convince others.

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Jun 11, 2023 12:42 am EDT
Replying to comment of Sjdiaz29

He's white

Alexa James
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Aug 18, 2019 1:42 pm EDT

I just looked up Dave and Ava racist because of another Dave and Ava video- the Apples and Bananas song. That one is even more blatant I think. I will leave open the possibility that they simply didn't realize with their monkey family what they were implying, but that is a very slight possibility, because one would have to be pretty oblivious not to notice. The Apples and Bananas song... at least 2 of the kids seem to have 'black' hairstyles, (the other two could be as well) and the mom does as well. The reason I say the mom does is when you look at Ava's hair its whispy looking, and moves in a more flowy way, giving more of the impression of individual strands, whereas the mom's hair barely moves, and looks more solid... like it's straightened (in that old fashioned way you don't see a lot anymore, but still). And yes, this is the monkey family, AND they steal the Bananas from the white kids, and high five each other for it. How can that not be intentional?

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Aug 22, 2019 10:02 am EDT

I would be more inclined to agree with this if there weren't other black characters that weren't anthropomorphic monkeys, like Ava's doll and the kids mother. Also remember that this cartoon isn't made in the US or a western European country so the same sensibilities don't factor in the same way.

E! Mac
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Sep 06, 2019 6:48 pm EDT

The cartoon is has strong racial undertones. Hollywood has always tipped toed on the line of racists depictions of black people as coons and bafoons by having them play silly and ignorant roles while over emphasizing facial features like eyes, lips and cheeks. There is no reason why, with all the present sensitivity to racism, diversity and inclusion, that the depiction of monkeys in Dave & Ava is an oversight by the creators. They could have simply made the characters Black people - like Dave, Ava and their father - or made the monkeys animated monkeys without humans features. Yet, the decision to make the monkeys look human, and have motions and facial depiction similar to Hollywood’s coronary and bafoonary, is intentional with racial undertones. I noticed as soon as I saw it. I let it slide the first couple times. Yet, when I noticed my two year daughter cheering the monkeys on, I realize that she was accepting these depictions as enjoyment. Now, of course she doesn’t know any different now. Yet, if I allow her to accept these depictions of her people as normal, then she will never realize what is racist and unacceptable and what is not. This is the root of the problem with today’s culture. This is why I no longer let her watch the song of Dave & Ava with the monkeys. Nor the one with the Black baby doll which is whole other level of racial undertones that I won’t take the time to unpack.

Also, who is it that the Black Woman in Dave & Ava? Is the Dave & Ava’s mother or maid? She has on know wedding ring, and neither does the the White Man. She is also never referred to as their mother. Whatever the case, if proves that the creators can take the time to create a Black character, yet not take to the time to create a Black family. This further proves that their chose to have monkeys with human features, that represent Black people, is intentional!

Sabrina L Garner
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Jul 19, 2020 1:37 pm EDT
Replying to comment of E! Mac

I totally agree with your comment. I was watching cocmelon With my daughter and grandkids but when it went off Dave and Ava came on. First thought we laughed and named each monkey after the kids saying “that one I’d you and you and so on” but immediately after me and my daughter thought wait why are the monkeys depicted as a black family? As we watched more videos from Dave and Ava we noticed the black doll; I became very upset and strongly feel something should be done regarding this but I did not find anywhere to comment or complain other than this page. Looking at some of the comments again show how ignorance is the problem.

Miguel Carneiro
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Oct 28, 2019 3:09 am EDT

There was nothing in the comment s because there is nothing there ..

You guys are pushing your racial views onto a kids channel which is a shame ..

Every animal is animated in the show, monkeys too are allowed to be animated ..

Black people are NOT monkeys ..

Monkeys ARE monkeys ..

the 2 children have a black mother and the girls favorite doll is black

What, is it now sexist that the girl was playing with a doll ?

Stop pushing these evil views onto kids ..
Disgusting ..

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Aug 14, 2020 2:23 pm EDT

I agree with your comment. I think something happened to their mom. So the dad remarried a black lady because I’m more than one video the black lady is referred to as mom and wife. People are just blowing this out of portion to fit their own little agenda.

Shasha Young
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Sep 04, 2020 4:29 pm EDT

I agree! The family can just be multicultural. The Monkeys are just a family of monkeys. Why try to make this more then it is. I personally would like to see Dave and Ava change out of their cat and dog onesies. Other then that leave the racial nonsense to the real world and out of these cartoons.

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Dec 05, 2020 4:22 pm EST

I agree with this 150 percent. People now a days especially in the US are always looking for something to call racist whether they are white or black. It is a shame and it’s crazy people think a kids show is racist. Especially with a black mother. People always gotta complain about something.

JeRon Jackson
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May 02, 2023 5:23 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Huanosh

I'm black and hate even using the word racism. I think too many people use that card way too often. But... I think this one is obvious. You don't have to agree, but I feel the monkeys are clearly representing black people and will not longer let my daughter watch this show.

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Nov 04, 2019 11:37 am EST

I had reservations about the show at first but my husband saw nothing wrong with it so I brushed it off. Watching the videos again, the one with the wheels on the bus song, a monkey mother is shushing the monkey baby who only stops crying once the white little girl with blue eyes hands her a toy. To me that’s racist because the white girl is able to fix the problem but the mother couldn’t? And the Polly had a dolly with a black doll, just seems demeaning to me they could have asked themselves will this come off as racist but I feel like they just wanted to push the boundaries a little bit or add in their agenda of white people being better. My opinion though we won’t be watching it anymore.

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Oct 21, 2020 1:04 am EDT
Replying to comment of Cbrew

Ok the baby dropped the binky and Ava handed it back, that's why he stopped crying, you are the one who is choosing to see the blonde hair blue eye thing. Dave doesnt have blonde hair and blue eyes. About the doll I dont see how that could be racist, would it not also be seen as potentially racist if every character and doll in the show was white? Its a doll and she is taking care of it like my god.

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Nov 18, 2019 8:15 pm EST

One episode comes to mind as far as racism goes. Ba Ba Black sheep. It's origin came from Europe and had no racial ground at the time. It wasn't until that song was brought to the US that it carried a racist meaning given the history of this country and slavery. Now, I thought, given where Dave and Ava originated, this song could not carry the same racial meaning it does in the US. However, when the black sheep displays the bags of wool with photographs on them to show who it's for, their black mother is replaced with a picture of a white woman who is not shown in any other episode. This is the only part of that song that makes me believe that it has any racial undertone. When I first noticed that I had to think it was racist because my question was, "why replace a main character, the mom, with a random white woman who doesn't appear in anything else solely for this episode?" If there is a true reason for it that anyone can explain then it would change my mind about it. But if there is no other reason then I'd have to believe that this show does have a racist intent.

Innocence Matters
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Sep 02, 2021 10:20 am EDT
Replying to comment of lennytron

Yes! the "one for my dane" is suppose to be the masters wife, who is black on the show, but suddenly white for this video! it's disgusting and we all notice it right away because that white woman in the picture is literally not even a character on the show! why couldn't the masters wife be the original wife of the entire show?! especially when it's already a song with racist origin to begin with! the fact that they couldn't be drawn as mixed children, but instead, white children covered in animal skin is repulsive because it seems very racist! back to coco melon we go! this is why dave and ava will never be as successful as the children's shows that are healthy and intentionally inclusive.

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Jul 21, 2023 1:37 pm EDT
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I think Dave and Avas mom died, and the black woman is their step mom, they even have a mixed little brother.

kimberly sanatan
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Mar 06, 2020 7:44 pm EST

It's amazing how people can take nothing and turn it into racism. When you look for something that isn't there anything can turn into something. Jesus people stop the none sense.

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May 01, 2021 10:23 am EDT

You’re the apath that supports this kind of bigotry and racism. Congratulations, you’re an [censored].

Katy, Texas, US
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Jul 18, 2021 12:23 pm EDT
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As an African American, YOU need to learn and open your mind. We ONLY debate with our equals, all others, we teach!

Chiedza Manuel
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Mar 11, 2020 4:15 am EDT

The creators at Dave and Ava need to understand that a large population of their viewers are children of colour and their doing a poor job of representing other people of different races and nationalities. Those monkeys could have simply been monkeys if they weren't given such human like features and mannerisms unlike the other animals. Its problematic and sends subliminal messages to the new generation we are raising.

Audrey Grrrr
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Sep 02, 2020 8:06 pm EDT
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I agree with those that feel this is a white-centric show! I noticed right away, as a white person, that the characters are mostly white. Get a little diversity in there! And then, to have monkeys, DRESSED as humans, is beyond reproach. If the creators of this program don't have "their own little agenda, " prove it to us. Show children of all ethnicities interacting as children, and animals as animals.

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Oct 02, 2020 2:17 pm EDT

I reported them on a few videos but I don't think youtube cares. YouTube are ran by racists.

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Oct 02, 2020 2:21 pm EDT

No one of any race should be watching this Dave and Anna crap. It displays black children as monkeys. And the monkeys are not just monkeys. They are wearing clothing and have humanized features. Especially the piccany hair stlye which is given to the female monkey. Dave and Anna is nothing short if a minstrel show. If you watch Dave and Anna you are watching a animated minstrel show. Dave and Anna might as well put on black face. I am boycotting this channel all over youtube, because the owners of youtube obviously do not care about how black children perceive themselves. BLACK LIVES MATTER!

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Jul 31, 2023 10:32 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Jammal

The main characters are literally a mixed family. You’re a victim in your own mind. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, Only ourselves can free our own mind.

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Oct 28, 2020 6:57 am EDT

I had not seen any comments regarding this issue but when I googled this, I noticed I was not alone and others can see plainly what I can. The media is steeped in racism which is nothing new but in this day and age how could you be so obvious. All you people saying we are looking too deeply into this needs to go and sit down. Why not give the pigs blonde hair and a ponytail! would that be racist! the monkeys jumping on the bed look like black children and the hairstyles too. The monkey mother looks like a black woman from the clothes she's wearing to the and the body shape, some people are stupid but many of us know exactly who's going on here. Not supporting these nasty people anymore!

Jimi Lawrence
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Jan 07, 2021 1:14 pm EST

utterly racist, the makers of this cartoons should be beheaded or impaled.

Vail, US
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May 30, 2021 11:56 am EDT

I agree the black characters could have just been people as well, but instead the creator of Dave&Ava have made them monkeys. It's a disgrace, it needs to be taking down from YouTube.

Katy, Texas, US
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Jul 18, 2021 12:20 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of ACPhifer

ACPhilfer, I 100% AGREE! I have seen, on some other sites, that some non-whites have accused African Americans of being racist if we see the monkeys as being racist portrayals of black people. They used the word "anthropomorphic" so many times I started to believe they were on the "A"s in the dictionary! They have said "those of US that see Black people as monkey's are racist." they need to be quiet, learn and NOT try to teach us about OUR portrayal in history. Simply look back a FEW YEARS to see how PRESIDENT, Barak Obama and FIRST LADY, Michelle Obama were portrayed by some folks. So, I AGREE, if you see and portray black people as monkeys, YOU ARE RACIST! If WE see those portrayals and call it out, we are NOT being racist, just VERY AWARE of what our children are STILL being exposed to. We will not tolerate it!

San diego, US
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Aug 04, 2021 1:02 pm EDT

I thought I was the only one, I was disgusted when I saw my kids watching. WHY? It's like sending a hidden message to kids that "Black people look like monkeys". I feel like there should be a group of people organizing to bring awareness to this. If you're down for it, reply and we can try to do something about it.

Tehran, IR
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Feb 27, 2022 2:40 am EST
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I am an Iranian dad, and I saw the racist idea behind the design of the characters at the very first time I watched it with my child. So I stopped it and I will not let my child to see it ever again!

Bluffton, US
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Aug 26, 2021 12:47 pm EDT

Dave and Ava are not racist get off this racist crap already you sound pathetic

Cindy Sammy
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Sep 18, 2021 4:18 pm EDT

She's not the mom. She's the nanny. Let's not kid ourselves

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Nov 11, 2021 2:34 pm EST

lets also forget when in a certain song with the black sheep. it says black sheep black sheep. do you have and wool. yes sir yes sir three bags full. one for my master and one for my dane. now why off all colors does the sheep have to be black when saying that. thats obviously rasict or depicting to something . to add on, of all colors why does the "nanny" have to be black. seems like a house slave to me. it crazy that every time a "black person" is intoduced in the show its always depicts it as a slave or someone dumb like when the monkeys keep falling off the bed. please do not say "its just monkeys". when every other animal in the show from the dog, to horse, to mouse, to the fish look nothing like humans. but when it comes to the "monkeys" they dress them up in clothes and bows and things like that. I MEAN COME ON! its obvious!

Kimmian Simpson
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Mar 19, 2022 6:04 am EDT
Replying to comment of Vpset

The kittens always have clothes on and act like humans...3 little kittens jumping on the bed looks the same as 5 little monkey's jumping on the bed. Plus in ava ava she calls the woman mama and they have mothers day songs with her so why can't they be adopted into a mixed family? Nothing derogatory whatsoever I detect.

Mr. GC
Atlanta, Georgia, US
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Jan 10, 2022 6:29 pm EST

Look at the hair texture and hair styles of the parents and little kids, that alone let you know what time it is. Let us reverse the roles and have dave and eva portrayed as little Caucasian monkeys and have the family look like humans and see if those who think there is currently nothing wrong still have have nothing to say. This is 100% deliberate and straight BS. Black families please find better QUALITY programming for your kids to watch.

Serious Sam
Dublin, IE
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Jan 28, 2022 1:25 pm EST
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Some people here are full of [censored]...
Hitler was racist. This kids show is gold.
There is nothinG racist about it. The only racists are people who think this kids show is racist.

Nora Espino
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Sep 11, 2022 2:28 pm EDT

No, while the show is pretending to be a teaching show for children y noticed right at the beginning when I started to watched, how they portrayed the monkey family, you can see that it is purposely targeting a black family, I went to the comments to see if somebody said something but the comments are off, it is no mistake.

Ursa Major 1
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Apr 07, 2022 9:22 am EDT

The show Dave & Ava is racist. Is it overtly racist? No. It is yet another attempt at being covert but obvious enough that black people will pick up on this psychological attack. The issue is that black children who watch the show will begin to see themselves in this negative manner.

Frankly, the only people who are claiming this depiction is not racist, are racists themselves.

Becca Hall
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Jul 07, 2022 9:08 am EDT

Yes the three nappy pigtails on the brown human monkey children hardens back to incredibly racist jim crow type depictions and I'm trying to have Dave and ava taken down it's not okay. It's deliberate

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Jul 12, 2022 7:00 pm EDT

All the newer comments on here.. I'm on baby 2 (7yo and 1.5yo). Dave and Ava tried to address the concerns back when my daughter was younger. They phased the monkeys out because of the negative responses towards them. Since then the kittens replaced the monkey family, they gained a black mother, and there's another child in the mix occasionally who is mixed?

The other thing is this show is from the UK. I'm pretty sure racism in America and the UK were/are different. We had black slaves in America, this wasn't a deliberate racist motive I don't think they realized their series would take off like it did in the US which is more sensitive to racism against African Americans(it's YouTube anyone in the world can watch it.. all countries are different and have their own offenses)

Mariya J
New York, US
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Aug 08, 2022 5:31 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BeBooToo

This cartoon was actually produced by Ukrainian team, based in Ukraine somewhere around 2014. I can tell you from personal experience that people there don’t have all the racist agendas in mind or any deep knowledge about it as we know in the USA for instance. Initially they have used characters which were popular in Eastern Europe in general. And after some negative reactions have replaced some characters. Another thing - in Eastern Europe there are few popular cartoons about monkeys, for instance, and popular expressions about kids “jumping like little monkeys” or if kids make faces they can say “what a little monkey” - referring to all kids there obviously, where majority is white. And it doesn’t sound racist or even rude there, it’s on a “cute” side. Something which is normal in one culture is obviously not ok for another, but you only figure it out on the go in this case. Maybe initially thought didn’t even expect it to grow so big. I’m writing from a perspective of white mom of mixed kids who understand cartoon creator’s mentality. I don’t know creators in person but I’m pretty sure there was no intention for racist agenda at the first place and they will keep correcting if something is not right

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Aug 25, 2023 3:04 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of BeBooToo

I think he creators are Ukrainian

Samanthi Suraweera
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Dec 08, 2022 3:23 am EST

I'm glad people are noticing the racist overtones in these videos... Even the "People on the Bus Part 1" video. The Monkey family look like stylised Africans of the last century and have tails - and the words actually say "people on the bus" at that point. Since when are monkeys people? Seriously? In this day and age? The Caucasians depicted on the other hand are people. I'm deliberately preventing my children from watching them.

Also if the creators really wanted to be non-racist they they could have used pictures of tan haired or red haired monkeys - they do exist - and depict them as people. Better yet - they could have gotten rid of the tails altogether.

That said, it's nice the Ukrainian company is trying to change their videos, but they could unpost the offensive videos. It's not that hard to do.

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Jun 11, 2023 12:46 am EDT

Ukraine?! I figured Russia is behind this and it is in occupied areas.

. Radiemose
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Feb 04, 2023 5:26 pm EST

I played it for my little one and after couple times I also noticed the same thing. Racist to me and never playing it again.

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Mar 29, 2023 5:27 pm EDT
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Who said that finger family song is about "brown family" and because they have no shoes on, they are represented as monkeys?! It is just a cute song about monkeys family, and has NOTHING to do with brown/black or white people. In this channel there are many cute characters, animals. Why to tie songs with their cute monkeys to brown or black people?! It's a kids' channel for God's sake. Nothing about it is racist.

Our daughter loves ALL their songs! She is mesmerized by this show! I particularly like one of the songs that's called "10 in the bed". It is sooo adorable and cute! And never once did it even cross my mind that songs about monkeys are songs about brown families/kids/people.

This is the cutest channel for babies and I hope it won't be discredited and then canceled as a result by such derogatory baseless comments as the ones I'm reading on here.

JeRon Jackson
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May 02, 2023 5:19 pm EDT
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I'm assuming you're white. But I found this site because I wanted to see if I'm the only one offended by this. I've watched several episodes and it appears the monkeys are the black families. If not, then where are the black families like cocomelon?

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Jun 11, 2023 12:43 am EDT

That's why it's on youtube kids!

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Jun 11, 2023 12:45 am EDT

Yup, youre white.

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Jun 11, 2023 12:42 am EDT

Youtube kids airs this because it's racist! Youtube removes comments.

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Jul 21, 2023 1:33 pm EDT
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Or, maybe it's a song about a monkey family. They have tails and everything. Maybe your racist if you see a monkey and think it's a black person? Plus

Dave and Avas step mom is black, and they have a mixed little brother.

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Jul 31, 2023 10:27 pm EDT
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Exactly! All the people looking at a monkey family saying it’s representing black… uhhh… check yourself cuz YOU are the racist.

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Nov 30, 2023 1:34 pm EST
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It is racist. The monkeys feature hairstyles commonly associated with black children. Adding a black mom does not detract from the racist features of the cartoon. For example an institution can employ black indivuals and have racist policies or diacriminatory practices such as favouring a white person for promotions. Simply employing black people does not mean racism doesn't exist within the institution

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