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HGTV Complaints 131

9:16 am EST

HGTV Programming on TV

I have been a viewer for many years, however, I am no longer going to watch a channel that doesnt provide family oriented programming. My family should be able to watch programs that do not display same sex couples as normal lifestyles when they are not. AIDS has reinforced its abnormality and many have died from it. IT is unhealthy for children and my family to watch abnormal sexual relationships on tv shows, ads and it is offensive to our traditional families way of life. We have the right not to be exposed to it. Many viewers are upset about it and if we have to stop viewing your channels, so be it. There are other shows to replace it.
It is one thing to be on a show and not mention you are gay, but it is offensive to me to have it thrown in my face by shows or advertisements trying to portray it as normal. As a health professional, this is not a normal lifestyle and never will be no matter what group tries to justify it. Groups such as a Million Moms try to protect the traditional way of life as it was created to be and many viewers feel we should not be subjected to this particular viewings on shows that are suppose to be a positive viewing channel.

Desired outcome: Stop peddling this particular viewing material that is offensive to traditional families

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Helene Greenberg
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Apr 10, 2022 8:07 am EDT


HOMETOWN needs another Hometown SHE IS THE WORST designer ever. The things she comes up with or so ridiculous it’s crazy. Just stupid projects that are immature and cheap and please sappy beyond belief . I can watch it although I do enjoy your other shows

Sue B Hooven
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Feb 06, 2022 9:59 pm EST

abnormal to whom? LOL Close-minded and make your kids ashamed of things because you are uptight

3:38 pm EDT

HGTV Demolition on TV Shows

It really makes my stomach hurt to watch some of the demolition on shows like Outgrown and Good Bones. They DESTROY perfectly good cabinetry, furniture, etc. during their demolition. I am currently watching Good Bones. Tad just threw vintage dressers out a second floor window, totally destroying them! Have you people never heard of Habitat for Humanity? There are less fortunate people in our country that could use the items they are destroying! I may have to stop watching some of the shows on HGTV if the stars can't show respect for useful items!

Desired outcome: STOP destroying useful items from remodeling homes or at least stop showing these disgusting displays of testosterone!!

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4:53 pm EDT

HGTV Call the closer

Just saw a preview for the new show... looks good, but could someone please tell the host that she is a re al tor and not a re la tor. That mispronunciation is very irritating to those of us who still care about spelling, enunciation etc. And for someone who is supposed to be a realtor, to have them mispronounce their profession is a poor reflection on both the host, the show and the network.
Erin Darlow

Desired outcome: perhaps Lauren could pronounce her occupation correctly

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11:11 am EDT

HGTV Schedule

I don't know if you've noticed that your ratings have gone down. I used to love this channel when I first started watching it, however NOW? No way. I've been looking for my favorite show to switch up on its airing. I used to search for one particular show called "Home Town." It's been the same shows being aired over and over for months now. How do I know? I keep seeing them being scheduled and I quit watching this channel about 3 or more months now. I decided to check out of curiosity today... you guessed it... ITS THE SAME SHOWS. How many more times are you guy's going to air them before you change it? Crap. No need to worry because I don't know if I'll be looking anymore. Best of luck to y'all maintaining this station unless y'all switch up something somewhere.

Desired outcome: Change up scheduled shows/ episodes

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3:03 am EST

HGTV My pillow

Mike Lindell is a pariah. When I see his commercials on your networks, I change the channel.! I really watch a lot of HGTV so please don't offer My Pillow ads on that network or I will find something else to watch.
Mark Cousineau

Desired outcome: No more my pillow commercials

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2:28 am EST
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HGTV Show you should have return (Bargain Block)

Bargain Block instead of Martha Stewart show she is so different then her regular shows
Bargain Block bring homes that should be Destroy and furnished homes for people who cannot afford other homes. Please bring them back and get Martha off. I look forward to how they put the houses back. Please bring them back I hope you will.

Desired outcome: Bring Bargain Block back

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1:08 am EDT
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HGTV Advertising for Sway Raspberry Vodka is targeting teens!

The commercial for Sway Raspberry Vodka was shown four time during one episodes of Scotts Vacation House rules. This particular commercial is clearly targeting young women who are barely old enough to drink. Selling hard alcohol in something that feels like a can of soda is irresponsible.
Marketing alcohol to teenagers should not be supported by HGTV.

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7:58 pm EDT
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HGTV Wetumpka

My wife convinced me to watch what ever the HGTV show in Wetumpka. Then the ads started. After the first 6 then SIX more came on. When we finallu got back to the show it was on a new project! HGTV I will NOT be watching you again!


I tried to submit this with HGTV in the subject line. TOO MANY CAPITOL letters. So I tired Hhtv. Still won't go through!

You stink!

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5:42 pm EDT

HGTV All HGTV shows that have featured African Americans

Why is it that all HGTV shows from love it or list it to fixer upper have Black families with little money, small budgets, poor looking homes and property. Why have you not feature prosperous BlCk families who have nice houses with bigger budgets that present well on TV. This all feels racist.

I cam give you several people including myself who are able to participate and represent decent homes owned by African Americans. What is your Black audience?

Desired outcome: To help get more prosperous Black people and families on renovation shows.

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Aug 18, 2021 5:03 pm EDT

I have seen plenty of well to do black families on these shows, and plenty of no so well to do white people too. Maybe you are just looking for what you want to find?

5:00 pm EDT

HGTV Lack of African American chiefs

As much as my family and friends enjoy HGTV, we've noticed that many favorite programs, featuring Afro-Americans are usually canceled, or the time aired is not consistent, making us search for when they will be broadcasted. After turning our friends and families on to Miss Brown which originally aired on Saturday mornings, we noticed that her program was changed to Sunday's. Most African Americans attend church on Sundays because that is our gathering place to meet, worship, and discuss life's situations in our culture. Well, we had no choice because of your scheduling to record "Miss Brown" and watch it when we got a chance. Now we noticed that she is not on anymore for us to record on Sundays. Is there another schedule change? Why don't we see more African Americans on your network, especially as we notice recipes from our culture are often presented by non-colored chefs or cooks? We love to cook, eat, and learn about all cultures in this world, but we feel, there is a noticeable gap lacking which includes the African American chef, and our culture. Please think about improving this, and we truly thank you.
DW Powell

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1:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

HGTV Advertiser that promotes the highway to hell

This is about the Ad Council sinful activity. I also notice you do the same on many of your shows. I do keep a list of who advertises on that show and I do not buy their products.

With queer people making up only about 4% of the US population, you promote what seems to be that group at a rate much higher than 4%. Women with women and men with men is a sin that will send people to hell for eternity. Most "worldly" people do not believe in morality and that is why they will not have an eternity that is pleasant.

Read the Bible and pray.

Desired outcome: Get saved by Jesus and boot the Satanist from your channel

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Montreal, CA
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Apr 30, 2022 12:37 pm EDT

Totally agree! cant stand the commercials anymore!

8:41 am EDT

HGTV Commercial

I was watching LOVE IT OR LIST IT on Saturday morning 3/27/21 with my young granddaughter. I felt we would be "safe" to watch this. However, when the commercial came on talking about pubic hair and shaving pubic hair and displaying the words boldly on the screen, I was appalled! Really, really? This is very inappropriate. Please omit these ads.

Desired outcome: Remove commercial

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8:29 pm EDT

HGTV Commercials

I can watch HGTV with my 11 year old daughter and we very much enjoy all of the shows and we can watch together. However, the commercials for the HIV prevention medication talking about "preventing HIV through sex" and the 90 day fiancé commercials are absolutely inappropriate. The 90 day fiancé commercials also going into details about sex are completely inappropriate. Please remove them.

Desired outcome: Remove all 90 day fiancé sex talk and hiv commercials or change them to G rated

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West Vancouver West, CA
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Jul 12, 2021 12:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Sway Rasberry Vodka Commercial I have seen four times watching Soctts Vacation House Rules. This commercial is targeting young women barely old enough to drink. It's irresponsible. Stop!

2:09 pm EDT

HGTV Design star next gen

I don't have a complaint, perse, but I would like to make a comment. I am a senior citizen on a fixed income. I love and get much joy from HGTV programming. I was excited to see the new Design Star Next Gen show start. I watched the first episode and then was extremely disappointed to find that I could no longer watch it unless I spent even more money than I do now for my very expensive cable programs. I needed to pay even more for Discovery +.
I find this unethical and, of course, in line with making the almighty dollar. It doesn't matter that there are thousands of customers like me who watch your network. What matters is drawing in the viewer and then getting them to spend more money on Discovery +. The viewer doesn't matter; only making millions of dollars matters. I am so disappointed and discouraged. I have changed the station and am now watching PBS programming. Good luck with making that money. Anne Jakowenko, Syracuse, NY

Desired outcome: vocing concerns

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11:53 am EST
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HGTV Home decorating programs

As part of the seniors, we suffer from both hip and knee problems that make under the counter cabinets difficult or impossible to use!These young "modern" kitchen designers (skinny) have no concept of what well seasoned home chefs need, reach for nor use. A few glass shelves with several white plates or artfully arranged glasses is stupid and useless. Another thing- as a long ago graduate in design from Pratt Institute, one of the first things we learned was how color influenced the appearance of food. It seems the current trend for the blues, slates, and grays in the kitchen could not be more unappetizing . Ugh- I wanna BARF😵

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6:21 am EST

HGTV Advertising for a marshall law advocate

I am extremely disturbed to see HGTV advertising for someone who advocates insurrection and Marshall Law to defend lies... please act quickly as most recognizably branded retailers have decided to be cognizant of the divisive nature of the my pillow CEO and pull support for that brand to protect your brand.

Macy's, Kohl's, Wayfair, Bed Bath and Beyond and many more recognize the stain supporting this brand has on their own.

Thank you, a long long time HGTV fan

Desired outcome: Pull ads from divisive company.

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Aug 18, 2021 5:09 pm EDT

Maybe the my pillow guy is not the one lying to you? If you don’t see the corruption in the last election, you are not looking. My pillow guy does not promote insurrection, just truth and honesty, something half the country apparently doesn’t believe in.

Matthew Kilbane
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Aug 04, 2021 11:02 am EDT

Exactly, why are you allowing a insurrection advocate and admitted crackhead buy ad time on your shows . I was astonished to see Trumps goose stepping nazi lapdog advertising on your programs . This guy is to quote the Christian right an abomination to all this country was built on . Please help end his ridiculous influence over [censored]s and stop selling his products.

12:11 am EST

HGTV Quality of programs

It seems every episode of property brothers just quits and misses parts of every episode. THe amount of commercials is maddening!
To know I pay for the channel and then have to suffer through all those horrible commercials! Why don't they get cut out instead of the episodes I want to see.
Not just Property Brothers, but all shows I've tried to watch on HGTV.

Desired outcome: Complete episodes and less commercials.

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7:53 am EST
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HGTV Promoting a coffee spot

Recently Clinton Kelly aired going to Honesdale PA promoting a coffee shop that has completely become a political target of the real Honesdale neighborhood. The area is only maintained by the people who have been raised and continue to have strong values. No one finds political promoting through a business appropriate neither do they make their business income on locals due to their decisions. They target tourists and charge an excessive amount for a cup of coffee. This is not a ‘locals' spot this is a suckers spot visiting for a few hours to a day.

Desired outcome: Promote Inspirational Businesses

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3:46 am EDT

HGTV Service

I always use the Hgtv go to watch many past shows;however, recently most shows were removed. Numerous shows have been completely removed! Other shows hardly have any episodes available. The go app is wasteful if we cannot see the history of shows.
Where are they? Why did you delete so much? I'm very disappointed! Nothing to see!

Desired outcome: Put shows back

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7:14 am EST
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HGTV Gambling companies

Thanks for lots of enjoyable programmes. But please consider the implications of allowing gambling to look attractive, especially to young people under 21, when addiction can be embedded while the brain is still forming.

When I tried to submit the above, a note appeared advising that my feedback would be unlikely to be looked at because it was too short! I thought you'd be glad of a succinct comment, and am very taken aback.

Desired outcome: Please to show gambling advertisements 9pm onwards.

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Overview of HGTV complaint handling

HGTV reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 30, 2006. The latest review Political ads was posted on Oct 23, 2024. The latest complaint hgtv contests rigged was resolved on Apr 20, 2013. HGTV has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 131 reviews. HGTV has resolved 3 complaints.
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