Having lived in Creekside Estates for 25 years, it has sadly come to this review. Since Hometown America purchased the park, the park has evolved into a trailer park. The rules and regulations are not enforced. Street parking, clutter piled around homes, homes decaying, overgrown lots with 2 foot tall weeds and overgrown shrubs. The maintenance person never picks up trash or anything in the roadways. Gutters are littered with rocks, bark, dirt, leaves, etc. Common areas look like hell. No regular upkeep, no fertilizer or grass seed, weeds in the rock areas, dog feces in the grass areas, leaves blown against the wall separating the community to the busy roadway and left to compost in the landscape rocks. So sad to see my once beautiful community to become victim to poor business practices. If you don't want to maintain your property, this would be a great community to move into. But if you have pride in your property, the surrounding lots will depress you. So sad!
Recommendation: If you have pride of ownership---PASS!