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Hometown America

Hometown America review: harrassment/discrimination 15

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2:32 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Can't have Vegetable gardens to save on money at the produce stores, can't have a certain kind of dog breeds, NOT a friendly community, they don't have laundry facilities although they do advertise it, not equal rent for single and double wide trailers, Community indoor pool has mold in skylights and on the ceiling, sometimes on floors, doesn't leave outside pool open long enough for the summer months, invasion of privacy, the workers don't knock at the door if they want to check your water meter, they write you up for the stupidest things, they make you get a contractor for repairs when you are capable of repairing it yourself, Adam Sells a worker of their's has a pitbull and others have pitbulls but i don't see them people getting rid of their family pet, and employee's should be getting rid of their family pet as well if it's consider a "vicious breed".



people here are lying to the manager about what kind of breed it is so they can have the dog here. you can't have trampolines, no pools in your yard that aren't big, no sandboxes, no swing sets, NO FIRE PITS, A FAMILY CANNOT PAINT THEIR HOME A COLOR THAT THEY WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THAT IS A REASONABLE COLOR. THEY HAVE NOTHING FOR THE TEENAGERS IN THIS PARK TO DO, BUT GET INTO TROUBLE.


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Update by Slick
Jul 20, 2009 1:30 pm EDT

i understand.. but that person chose to move into that lot without researching the other neighbor's, and finding out major infomation.. should've asked around before moving into a trailer home that costs so much.
"Hometown America" should have their own security where they watch what is going on in the community. They have none! Everyone has to watch theirselves and their stuff, i have personally gotten a dog for protection so no neighbors would come and steal my stuff out of my yard and the inside of my home and i had to get rid of my dog because hometown employees would bang on my door and my skirting to tease my dog. we aren't supposed to have "vicious breeds" in hometown, but if the employees are teasing your dog, "THEY ARE THE ONES MAKING IT VICIOUS".
So, NOW i am my own "VICIOUS BREED" and because i have to watch my own home, protect my kids, protect everything that i worked hard for. NOBODY BOTHERS ME ANYMORE!
I always watch and listen, and now i just keep to myself. There used to be a community watch in our park, that was years ago. I don't see our manager coming out to help within the community unless there is upper management, and police around, then the manager plays his role of being a caring community leader.
Caring he is NOT... Last year he came out to measure my home, my lot and being in sales myself, you can't con a con. He was trying to sell me a newer trailer, sorry but the older ones last alot more longer than the newer ones, i have seen the cracks in the walls and things break just as easily if not more in the newer ones. Here where my people live the park manager is really trying hard to kick out us old people that have been living in the park for years, and giving the newer neighbors more respect, like handing them a silver spoon and inserting in their mouths. The management complain about things that are "irrelevant", and they don't want trouble, but they can start the trouble for you, then kick you out.
I always forewarn people when they want to live here, i say don't.. cause don't say that i didn't warn you...
in the last twenty years this park was the cheapiest around, now they have other community parks that are far more cheapier .. carriage way, camelot etc.. The only reason why they make you pay so much is because you have sucker written on your forehead, you have great credit and expensive taste..


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Browns Mills, US
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Jul 08, 2009 10:24 pm EDT

I on the other hand live in a HomeTown America community in NJ...we have neighbors that are the most "unscrupulous" people I have ever met in my life...the neighbor threatens the next door neighbor...they call the police on everyone for no reason...and the people moving in on the street bought a new home worth $100, 00 plus and NO ONE cares to remove this neighbor that is next to them who constantly harrasses them...SO there seems to be no balance in the rules with HomeTown America and their communties...They are strict there...but could care less in NJ...amazing...AND the "mobile home" where the person is that is harrassing people is worth about $ to a $100, 000 home...and the poor people paying that huge mortgage have to put up with this no avail...imagine that?

dying breed
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Dec 21, 2016 3:35 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Was the $1500 home a disabled person who was actually the one being harassed? Maybe burglarized ? While the park built the 100k home next to her? That's actually sabotage. If she was there long enough and rent has skyrocketed so high she can't pay to fix the home go to college and pay rent maybe she is being harasses because the owners want to remove her home without compensation. Plus an eviction on their record. If there is an old home and the person has lived there 15 years or note the park needs to compensate them because the parks property over 40 years old is made of products that will kill anyone

dying breed
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Dec 21, 2016 3:44 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Did you ever stop to think that the one with the older trailor has put a MILlION dollars into the park already and after the rent skyrocketed a person on disability can't afford the upkeep?
If her home is old enough maybe she is just having a physical mental illness from the material in the old home . its a shame such a loyal customer be sentanced to be put to death by their own home
They should compensate her for her million dollars in rent that the park managers suck us dry for
Many if us inherited our home after our parents died.

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Jul 21, 2009 12:06 pm EDT

I hate Hometown America. I have lived there for 7 years. I live in ND and get treated like crap and ran over by the stupid office manager. I know so many people who are breaking the rules by having pitbulls, and crap all over their yard, but no, he doesn't pick on them, he picks on me! I have 2 dogs in a kennel in the back yard (they are approved dogs) but they are outside dogs. I for one have had the kennel up for 5 years and he is just now getting on my case about it... I can't believe it! He wanted me to get rid of my kennel and put my dogs inside... yeah, right! I made my kennel look better after all I did have a surround around it because it does get cold in ND in the winter months so I need to protect my girls like a good dog owner would do... any how after I took the surround off he stoped ###! Now... I have another problem! The big tree in my yard has bugs! It has little tiny white worms that fall on any and everything under it. My dog kennel just happens to be under this tree so I have a huge problem with this. Besides the fact that it is completely gross. Does anyone know what the rules and regulations are for tree care? We rent the lot, mow the grass, but really is it our responsiblility to figure out what to do with the sick tree? It's their's! Isn't it? I am sure they would have a cow if I had it cut down. Well I did talk to the office manager and he was a complete jerk about it and told me to trim the trees myself and get some malathion or whatever to take care of the bug problem. I thought, that was there responsiblity... Or isn't it? Help! Anyone!

Auburn Hills, US
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Sep 22, 2009 7:59 pm EDT

Well, I live in one of their communities in Auburn Hills, MI and I have nothing but good things to say. No home is without issues, thankfully mine are minor but overall the community is a decent one. I am so sorry to hear the stories of others that it shames me to say that I was even thinking of moving my home to another community. I guess the grass does look greener on the other side. I willstay where I am and hope things get better for the rest ofyou. BTW, I am a single mom with 4 daughters (one away in college) and never have I felt unsafe. Good luck on your community managers doing better, C. Rodriguez does a remarkable job and is always available to assist.

dying breed
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Dec 21, 2016 3:40 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I took care of my mom and she made me promise. To earn my bachelors and sell the home after she passed. Well with about 12 units to go I am left with nothing and I failed my last classes because I was harassed so bad I couldn't leave my home. And when their illegal lease agreement skyrocketed my rent I couldn't afford repair after spending about a million dollars at this location not owned by this company in 1999, for 17 years

rosemount Joe
Rosemount, US
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Jan 10, 2011 9:27 pm EST

Well Hometown America in Rosemount, MN. Is also one of the worst place to live the park manager is rude and doesn't care about residents makes up rules as he goes, lies to you, they push 7' high snow banks within 4 feet of your homes some are a lot closer, when you file a complaint they ignore you. Wish I hadn't bought a home here this is the worst place I've lived. Now I know why some Mobile Home Manufactures say don't put your home in a Hometown America Property. Really wish I had done more checking before

Miami, US
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Mar 27, 2011 1:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Moving into this hometown America Community (University Lakes, Miami, Florida) was the worst mistake of our lives, this place is plague with drug dealers and gangs, they drive around like crazy maniacs killing dogs and cats that are crossing the streets all the time, I am scare for my kids living here, we tried to move and they gave us hell to close our contract claiming that the house will be up for sale while we had to vacate and then once the house is sold we are responsible for the difference, we paid $120, 000.00 for the trailer, now it is worth about $50, 000.00, plus the rent is $765.00 per month and mortgage runs about $1, 000.00, for us is a burden, and we will never find anyone to buy it at that price, and cannot leave because they will ruin our credit and chase us to our graves for this debt, I strongly advise anyone thinking of moving in here to stay away as far as possible, and really hope all this lawsuits against hometow america get somewhere, these people are real thieves and they need to be stopped, we are asking to live for free, just to have a fair monthly payment and a safer community. we are NOT asking to live for free, just to have a fair monthly payment and a safer community", On top top of all this, they claim you can pay your lot rent between the 1st and the 10th, but if you have not paid by the 2nd, they throw a late fee of $75.00 that you have to go and fight with claws and theets to get it removed, we have to pay for the light, water, cable and garbaje collection, at least the garbaje pickup should be included in the maintenance, the water price is rated higher, the bill comes with a (trailer) behind the mailing address, and the light rate is also higher, I advise everybody to stay far, far, far, away, and the ones living here to get togheter and stop paying the rent and mortgage, if everybody does this by the 2nd week they have no income, they will be in complete bankrupcy and by the 4th week we will all own our houses and pay no more lot rent...they can not evict everyone at the same time, they will have to go out of business forced by "WE THE PEOPLE"...EVERYBODY! STOP PAYING RENT AND MORTGAGE, LETS GET THIS VULTURES OUT OF BUSINESS, They cannot evict everyone at the same time! Stop giving the money thristy leaches your hard earn money! and claim what is ours!, If everybody does this by the 2nd week they have no income, they will be in complete bankrupcy and by the 4th week we will all own our houses and pay no more lot rent...they can not evict everyone at the same time, they will have to go out of business forced by "WE THE PEOPLE"... stop feeding this fat cats!, they can't evict everybody at the same time because they will have no money to pay their money thirsty lawyers, and they have no use for empty trailer parks, let's bring them down fellow Americans!

orlamdo, US
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Apr 21, 2011 3:53 pm EDT

hometown america in clermont florida orange lake is the worst possible place you could live they get you in and the hell begins the management and the staff lie through there teeth they do repairs and then deny they ever did to cover up the same problems they claim its a safe inviorment and low and behold check your background checks they supposedely do (not)i will not let this go people beware its not what they say it is be careful the pitbulls run wild

Theresa Lopez
Clermont, US
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May 23, 2011 4:37 pm EDT

Orange Lakes in Clermont is the worst place you could live. Management are a bunch of ###s that lie through their teeth cause they are not intelligent enough to run this place. Past employees have been fired for stealing, they allow anyone to live here and the good people have to pay for backround checks when others do not. They have man living here that is and was and always will be a sexual molester and has been charged and convicted but they still allow him to live here near kids which is disgusting. Then the Regional managers are just as stupid, they tell you the managers are doing a wonderful job. The place is disgusting, the pool is soooo gross I would not put my dog in it. The pictures on the web site do not believe them at all they are so fake. The place is filled with drug dealers sexual offenders which can be proven on the website for sexual offenders just put the address in and see for yourself. One of the managers are so over weight he cant even even walk down the street. I am pretty sure he is not walking around checking things . It is the most disgusting place I have ever saw. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE

9402 Hickory Pk Street, US
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May 23, 2011 7:31 pm EDT

Good afternoon,

I have been a resident at your Fernwood property of hometown America since 12/2009. Since this time I have have nothing but unpleasant interaction with one of you Employees Aaron Thompson. Now, I normally deal with Mr. Thompson when I am having any issues and always there is a lack of respect in the manner in which the situation is handled. I have has some financial challenges in the last year and this has caused me to pay late, but I always pay. I finally came to the conclusion that the mobile home is not feasible to my current income and I have decided to sell it. During this process, I know that there is certain issues that need to be executed before I can complete the sell. On Thursday May 19, 2011, I recieved a notice on my door, which prompted my concern. I then called to Speak with the office assistant to make sure that my arrangements for the month were on file, this is when Aaron asked to speak to me and began to chastize me as if I were his child. To elliminate any further disrespect I told Aaron that I had made the arrangements with him the prior month and that maybe I misunderstood that the arrangements had not been made. At this time Aaron says to me that "I am going to take another route on this and ask for an eviction" I exclaimed to him that I thought that his threats were way out of line and unnecessary for him to do, but if he had not other choice, due to the stipulations of his company there was no way I could argue, and that I would not put up with him speaking to me in the manner that he did. My position is not that he told me no, that he could'nt make the arrangement (as he said it was), as I understand that there is an allotted time for rent payments, so I understood that. The issue started when Aaron would not let me talk and began to tell me that he did not want to hear what I had to say, and he was going to proceed with his process. That conversation ended bitterly only because Aaron began to tell me that I wasn't listening to him, and that the conversation was over. On the next day I called Aaron to get the information from him, in which he answered, and we talked about his position and the companies deadline on rental payment. I again let him know that I understood, and that I had went through an agency for the past 2 months and just began working and also my plans to sell my mobile home, again he dealt with me in a unprofessional manner and told me that I will not be able to sell my home as easily as I thought, and he will make it hard for me to do so. I explained to him that he has no control over the sell of my personal property and I demand his help and the rest of the conversation was over. I was then hung up on, I called back and I was hung up on again, then when I called back a 3rd time Mr. Thompson told me that he would not speak with me any longer and hung up again, at that time honestly fed up with the situation and his attitude, I did swear, after I felt that I was being disrespected and handled unproperly. Aaron then called my personal phone, and asked me "If I had something I wanted to say to him. Now I agree on both ends that the situation got out of hand, and I do not expect for Aaron or any of your employees to be subjected to disrepect or profanity towards them, without taking action, as I have worked in customer service for 15 years, I am very comfortable with speaking to people in a respectful manner. I do believe that there is a this line between respect and disrespect and I feel that that line has been greatly crossed with Mr. Aaron Thompson. He also called my place of employment and told them that I was harrasing him from their phone. That was a lie. Now I would want to believe that there are strict stipulations and proper channels that needs to be taken in cicumstances such as this one, I don't think any employee can use thier own disgression, espesially when emotionally high on how a situation should be handled, and I know that he was'nt led through corporate, because at the time that the call was placed I was actually on the phone with Mr. Howison making arrangements. Once he made the call to my job, I then sent a letter at 4:45 to the office, (Mr. thompson) and your main headquaters in Chicago. When Mr. Thomson learned of this letter, he in turn came on to my personal property, and left a letter of all lies trying to cover himself from all of the unprofessionlism that he displayed. Which I have recorded all the calls that were made. (Will provide if needed) Like I said before if he had and issue with me I expect for it to be handled professionally and not emotionally. I have spoke to several different residents and learned that not only is it me, but you have people ready and that have filed personal harrasment lawsuits on this guy. I would like to think that these tactics that Mr. Thompson is using are are not madated through your company guideline, and I am wondering how much more is it going to take. Mr. Thompson is rude and emotionally driven, which is not condusive to a customer service driven environment. I have notified the athorities, and recived the proper correspondence to file and additional reports or charges associated with this issue. It's painfully obvious that Mr. Thompson is allwowed over and over again to display these characteristics in your professional environment. I will not stop until something is done, I am due to sell my property and in doing so it is necessary for me to deal with Mr. Thompson, I demand that he deals with me in a professional matter, and demand a written apology from Mr. Thompson. I would suggest that there is a better screening process, and please don't get me wrong I am not suggesting that our personalities are nothing other than different, but when it comes to me being the customer and him being the manager, sometimes you have to set aside your negative emotional thinking of someone always talking down to you, and deal with the customer accordingly. I am not hard to deal with, and appreciate when I am dealt with accordingly. I expect again to recieve a call back on this matter and expect to be kept abreast of the outcome of this situation.


Lisa Luck
[protected] or [protected]

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Jan 12, 2018 9:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of lluck

Unfortunately Lisa, Thompson actions and behavior is typical of every Hometown America (HA) manager I have had experience with. It appear not only the behavior but the use of threats and legal actions is standard operating procedure across the company. Until we get the laws changed to reflect the fact that we are homeowners leasing land from the company not tenets in a prison. When there is a disagreement between HA managers and home owners there should be something like a separate arbitration board to adjudicate matters. The company should not be allowed to have unilateral authority over something in which you have a larger investment than it does. If we could indeed succeed in getting such legislation HA would not be in business very long.

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Jan 12, 2018 9:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A community requires management and rules however Hometowns model takes advantage of laws that are designed for renters and leasers of home where the home and lot are owner by the landlord. Effectively the laws are applicable to situations where there is no or perhaps a minimum investment in the property as a whole. Hometown's model is that they own the land but the resident owns the home which sit on the property. The home is worth more than the property, yet Hometown assumes regulatory authority over the combination. This effectively makes a person who owns a home in a Hometown facility a prisoner of an entity that has a very small share of the investment. States should have a separate statue that requires the land owner which is effect what Hometown is to have a separate HOA to enforce community rules and a such should be subject to arbitration. Then the corporation could be required to submit land lease increases to the HOA rather than unilaterally raising rates as they do now. Because the Homeowner has a larger investment in the community than does the landowner that larger investment could not be as easily put at risk by arbitrary actions of groups such as Hometown. Every homeowner in each of the Hometown America's facilities should ban together and entreat the state legislature to rewrite the property laws to reflect the difference between renting an apartment or house where the landlord indeed has everything at risk and therefore should have at his disposal the type of remedies now available to Hometown. The new law should reflect that difference. The legal weapons available to landowners who operate a model within a framework similar to Hometown's should be far less drastic and severe than they current are.

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Jan 15, 2018 10:03 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I live in a New Jersey property and the manager and her boss are rude, obnoxious. Our property manager has said on several occasions when residents have had frozen pipes, that she did not want to get involved, yet claims at town meetings she loves her job and helping all her senior residents. She has scammed people into buying house thst she listed inside those listed by a realtor, because she wanted all of the commission. Our association president works for the management company, so imagine being able to get any assistance there. Snow plowi g us a joke. The common sidewalk are not cleaned for days after a snow storm. This is a safety hazard for any emergency equipment to come to homes. As the last person said the manager lies through her teeth, and refuses to believe she makes errors ( I could go on with that for hours). She lies so much she believes her lies as truth. The bottom line with her and Hometown Management is revenue. They do not care about anyone or any thing but lining their own pockets. I have asked for specific information only to be ignored. One bit of information was requested by my doctor and I asked 3 times and still have not receive the information. My advise to anyone.DO NOT MOVE INTO ANY HOMETOWN AMERICA PROPERTY!

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Aug 03, 2018 6:49 am EDT

I live in attleboro ma at honetown america my park manager is Josephine, I OWN my trailer & I've owned it since 1995 since way before hometown america was even a piece of this puzzle over here... Since hometown america has ownrd it ive had 2 maybe 3 park managers... The park manager now is threatening no trespass orders on people that come to my house to see me daily as she wants them on the lease wtf? Why would I do that when they DO NOT live here, they have their own residency & have never received mail here not once we have children together my oldest child is 8 & now all of a sudden I have to deal with this [censored]. She also had the cops kick in my door on false accusations. & they ended up apologizing to be but this lady is something else & is doing nothing but harassing me and making my life harder I'm disabled was in a major car accident almost lost my life have 2 metal rods in my femurs a metal plate in my hip a plate in my foot a screw in my ankle I'm working 2 jobs to support my rent and family and I can barely walk at the end of my work day so i have help with babysitters while working and need help completely my daily Choirs. So yeah i need assistance & she is harrassing me over it now they only help I get she wants to put my help on a no trespass if I don't add them to the lease well that makes no sense as they don't LIVE with me. Everyone stay away from this park it will ruin your life! I promise. what do I do?

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