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Jewelry Television (JTV)

Jewelry Television (JTV) review: bait and switch 76

Author of the review
10:48 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

In addition to decieving the public by selling fake gems, JTV continues television broadcast, everynight, using Bait and Switch and Theft by Deception techniques. Yes, I fell for the mixed gem stone scam where you get 100 carats or more for around a $100. These are no the gems stone shown or told about. These are the "crappy" stones of about the same color and damage they don't want. They shown an array of everything from "A-Z" you'll recieve in the mail. JTV told me that it wasn't guarented that I would get the better stones. But they continue to show you will recieve them on TV. Good thing the FTC take and investigates consumer complaints.



The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Brookline Village, US
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Oct 12, 2009 6:30 pm EDT

I bought too much from jtv.. But if I had a problem.. They took it back and I was credited almost immediately.. I became one of the highest buyers there.. I had a personal shopper and got friendly with one of the top buyers.. Oh did I spend money.. I paid a lot for some gems.. Always got a free appraisal. Free shipping.. 20% off.. The appraiser is one of the buyer's sister.. I think she appraises as any appraiser would. If the appraisal was not at least double what I paid. Back it went.. Now I no longer shop there. I think they are going down hill or falling off the hill. Scott announced earlier that he was going away for a while. Do not think he said vacation. They have let tons of employees go. Their vault has dwindled to nothing. They had vault shows.. Showing very expensive and unusual gems.. That did not last long. I think they got too big.. Tried to grab the brass ring of the gem world and then the economy began to fall. And they began letting people go.. If you watch now.. They rerun shows constantly.. What was sold out earlier is now back on sale.. How do they do that?. Well, they had more than the few and rerun the show.. So they stamp it sold out again and maybe it is.. I think they should just shut down.. I would never buy anything from them again.. Wish I could get my money back for all the things I bought over the years.. Where is scott going?.. Heard he was in jail for a while.. Doubt he is going back there. But who knows.. I do not know if it is true or not. But did see a picture of someone who looked just like him.. Different name james, I think.. Definite double.. It is in the knoxville paper someplace. My advice would be stay away from jtv and do not send them your gold for cash. Take it to a local jeweler and get the best price.

New Kensington, US
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Nov 09, 2009 10:55 pm EST

Ditto! And the gold exchange is the lowest out of the three places I tried. So avoid jtv, jtv auctions, and the jtv gold exchange... You will be glad you did!

Tucson, US
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Jan 25, 2010 4:04 am EST

Wow - 3 angry people without even ONE legitimate complaint! They are angry that goods were not as expected, but JTV gives customers a no-questions-asked 30 day return policy. Nellenen complains he bought and bought from them, that he received appraisals for at least 2x what he paid or he returned it, but now does not buy from them since they changed with the economy? Can't help but wonder if a relative was laid off ...

JTV is like any other company in this economy, and did lay employees off. Complaints that they are not like they once were, are childish and churlish, and have no place here. No one is like they were 2 years ago! And to "suggest" that one of their employees is or was in jail without any facts is vicious slander, and should be edited out! These complaints sound more like "buyer's remorse"as they do not contain any real issues of fraud or scams.

I have been a JTV customer for over 8 years, and have purchased and returned thousands of dollars of jewelry or gem stones, and they have never refused to accept any returns, even a few that were more than 30 days. Yes, I too, fall subject to the "impulse" buy, and that is what all the shopping channels count on -- but lets make sure the anger is pointed at the right person! JTV is a for-profit corporation, and treats its customers more than fairly in comparison to many other enterprises.

Like everything else, you get what you pay for from JTV. Buy from JTV - they price their items fairly, but please, don't always believe all the hype a sales person says. Have your jewelry or gems appraised by your jeweler for a neutral opinion. And if you are disappointed, send it back. These complainers have not said anything that is verifiable or substantial that JTV did wrong!

JT Robbins, MD, JD
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Mar 27, 2023 6:44 am EDT
Replying to comment of AZSkye

1. Way too long, you're losing your audience after the first paragraph

2. When we shop online, we take our chances. Some people should really try to get outside in the real world and shop, right?

3. Don't try to shame people for their anger, not your place to do so.

Bronx, US
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Mar 22, 2010 10:25 pm EDT

I agree with azskye... I have been a loyal fan and member of jtv for almost 3 years and have never had any complaints about the service or quality of merchandise! Listen... It's like anything else in this world... Sometimes you luck out with your purchase and sometimes you don't and when you are not pleased you can send it back for a refund... I have returned jewelry past 30 days and without a receipt and it was credited back to my card or checking account with no problem! I understand that some of their sales people can be just a little annoying and get "mucho excited" about everything they are selling but that's what sales is all about... Some people are cut out for it and some are not! Everyone has two choices in life and no one is "twisting" your arm to buy anything!

Lily love-815
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May 15, 2019 12:51 pm EDT
Replying to comment of bankerlu

I totally agree I've bout from JTV for almost 5 years and I still go and check reviews and where the gems come from. I go to their web site and do my home work. Granted a lot of the hosts shouldn't be on camera because they don't know how to speak properly and talk over the guest hosts the management needs to correct that. If people are wary of buying bella try a bella by Charles Winston, Vannah K or Michael Oconner. They have very good jewelry for those who can't afford the real deal. They have expert diamond cutters that cut their stones. Moissanite is one of Charles Winston's specialty. I mean really do your homework if you're iffy send it back. I have a problem with the hosts who just ignore the guest host and don't shut the f**k up! No one is forcing people to sit in front of the TV and make them watch JTV. You don't like what you see use your remote and change the channel!

sdsfdsf, US
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Sep 10, 2010 5:38 am EDT

Jtv is horrible... such a scam.

Oklahoma City, US
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Oct 03, 2010 2:17 pm EDT

Like everything else in the world. If you don't like it send it back. I have been buying from JTV on and off for the past 15 years, and have returned many items that didn't meet my standards, and I shop very wisely "a fool and his money are soon parted, " as the saying goes---or buyer beware should be the case in almost everything you buy these days. If you don't like what JTV is selling CHANGE the channel, no one is twisting your arm to watch. I do have to agree that they do seem to be going down hill, witch is to bad, cause at one time they were the best thing since peanut butter. I do admit I only watch them maybe on the adverage of once a month, only for a few hours, and seldom buy anything now. I usually get borded and change the channel. GYPSY@OKC

shelly mb
New York Mills, US
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Dec 16, 2010 6:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been shopping jtv for a few years. I think they have improved over the years.I have bought many beautiful pieces.The only things that I would remind customers is to check on the sizes of the jewelry that they buy because they seem larger when magnified and also I wish that every piece of jewelry be tried on the host so we can see how it looks when worn. Also, we should remember that this is a tv channel jewelry and not 5th ave. in New York City.

no jtv
Lake Worth, US
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Dec 22, 2010 2:00 am EST

I have been one of the largest buyers at Jewelry Television. A few months ago, I purchased a 6mm round chrome diapside for nearly $100.00. Tonight, with all their confirmation that the prices have gone up, the same size and color saturation sold for about $20.00. Just hurry up and be a fool. That's what they want you to do. DON"T BUY FROM THESE SCAMMERS. You will regret it as I have. Oh my. I even called to ask for an explanation to no avail. It really is futile.

Steve Arnold
La Verkin, US
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Aug 24, 2011 9:43 pm EDT

I am sorry to those individuals who have had a bad experience with JTV . I have shopped with them for a couple of years now and have not been disappointed. It just takes a little homework to find out that the quality of gems they sell are fair considering the quantity of gems they sell. If you don't like something send it back, why complain? What more do you want? You can examine your purchase and send it back without question...what is the problem people? Do you whiners just want Diamonds for the price of Quartz?

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:40 pm EST

Most of these nasty posts are from jewelry store owners, who are losing business.

Nashville, US
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Mar 28, 2012 3:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I like JTV and have enjoyed most of my purchases. My biggest complaint is receiving what I ordered I have never had as much trouble with any of the order places. I keep sending email on purchases I have not received and have canceled several of them. There is still a lot of orders I have not received and I am on the verge of canceling them I don't want too but I am tired of waiting, I am trying to figure out if I want to order from them any more! I have never had this much trouble before! It is ashame because I like what they have to offer especially loose gems. I like buying the semimounts and making my own jewlery and none of the other TV sellers offer loose gems. HSN use too along time ago but the person that offered them retired so they haven't brought back anyone else to do it. To respond to "no jtv" I have seen price differences but usually that was a big sale.

sucker 1313
Muncie, US
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Aug 09, 2012 3:59 pm EDT

I recently returned 2 rings to JTV. I was still being billed for them though, they keep telling me "oh its been credited to your account" really both rings are still accumulating interest with no payments till december. Decembers coming up and I guarentee I get billed for them. I just spoke to an operator who says they did me a favor putting the credits towards my interest, without asking me. Isnt a credit card a credit card im paying 29% anyways what is she talking about, Its a scam I will never order from them again, if its to good to be true more than likely its a scam. I asked to receive paperwork on this agreement I will be turning them in to the BBB you cant make up your own rules as you go im furious Im going to pay in full the balance and I better not hear from them ever again.

Annmarie Perkowski
Milwaukee, US
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Dec 22, 2013 5:34 pm EST

Many years ago brought a loose gemstone. A bixbite. Recently brought it in to have it set into jewelry. To my surprise I was told it was not a bixbite..Was miffed!

Jason Cintron
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Apr 17, 2014 3:22 am EDT

They have now run out of gems but with all the stealing and i do mean straight stealing I use to buy alot of gems and get good stuff but since Jerry passed on they are no good. I got the sam square step cut purple Madgascan .70ct Sapphire it was supose to be a ..70ct blue princess cut Madagascan Sapphire and i even was on the list when they got more to get one they never called instead they put them on stretch pay and was not included.This happened 4 times I am the dumb one but even getting money back it still is a month later they even switched a blue Opal with a green and pink they had in stock close to the weight but I know there inventory I had to get the senoir buyer get my gems any way the opal but still never got the Princess cut Sapphire because its worh at least $1000.I even order a .75ct round blue Sapphire in the middle of the auction they changed the entire weight of the .75ct to .60cts know ing the .75cts are over close to .88cts they really took the entire inventory of .75ct srillanka round blue sapphires and turned them in to .60cts stealing a large amount of gems i have all this on record but I refuse to turture my self with these losers I did get alot of good stuff from them htat will or would never get for the price I paid but that was almost three years ago. All the Tanzanite is gone the Eethiopian opals are gone and soon will JTV because they did not lidten to the truth about the bait and switch no just switch also they never made a purple square step up cut sapphire it came from who ever kept stealing thems collection it was not all bad but they made money and so did i but down hill it is off the cliff. JayC

Tommy Thomas
Rancho Cucamonga, US
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Jul 04, 2014 11:18 am EDT

I started buying from Jewelry TV about ten years ago when they sold products in 10 and 14 ct gold. They had some fine jewelry items and jems. Their diamonds were always low grade and I had to return many items for poor quality. Some were literally industrial grade stones. Fine if you wanted to sharpen a saw. In the last couple of years they virtually stopped selling gold items and focused on plated or sterling silver merchandise. They keep saying that gold is at an all time high, but pure bullion is only at 1320. Ten ct gold is only 40 percent pure and 14 ct it just over 58 percent. Do the math, it sin' that high anymore. Their products have have become costume jewelry sold as high quality. Sad. When the quality was higher I could overlook the poor grammar and bumpkin drawls, but I have found other sources for fine jewelry. I wish them the best, but I have dropped them from my favorite channel list.
Tw, California.

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Oct 09, 2014 6:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My warning is, stay far far away from mark brown and his pearls, he is not a designer he buys his crap at shows for those strands by the dozen or grose.. Up to $ 2.00 a strand and charges you hundreds of $, he presents tahitian pearls the are not, the are fake. The put a dark substance in to the oister and when the oister produces the pearls the will come out in different colors some are almost black, the are not the outhentic tahitian pearls. The are colored by man, not nature, the real authentic tahitian pearl is only find in the ocean where divers risk their lifes to dive to find those very very rare black tahitian pearls, maby just maby 1 every 10 years, or so., and this one true black tahitian pearl will cost thausands and thausands of? The are so rare. The pearls mark brown peddles are. The worst you can find in pearls, he looks for people who havent got the faintest idea about prarls, the queen of england always wears a string of pearls, beautiful white, can you imagin her wearing mark browns trash... Some of his pearls do not look real. If you purchased pearls of him get them checked out at once, the could be fake.. Glass or resin covered in pearl dust, once you could check pearls by rubbing them against your teeth, if the feel like sandpaper the are real if the feel smooth the are fake. It is the best way to get his pearls checked by an expert, the may have to cut in to the pearl. But it can save you a lot of money you may wasted on mark browns pearls, the colored pearls are also handled by man. Painted and dyed, horrible colors unreal looking, not what nature has produced, mark brown has the worst rated pearls on the market, stay away from mark brown and his bad pearls, barouqe pearls have no value, he high priced those uneven. Productions, badly rated,. Also the colors on those painted pearls can be scraped of very easy,.. Get your pearls checked at onces if you purchased them from mark brown, a sheister who scams and swindles the unknowingly public,

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Oct 09, 2014 7:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A ongoing complaint about the hosts and hostesses on jtv. Jennifer miller misty mills dawn tesh nicki tom charon... Misrepresenting, lying, swindling and scamming the public, dawn tesh shows a few of some gemstones, telling the costumert these are the last onces there are no more the mines are closed the are rare, you better buy them now, there wont be no more she holds up the case with about 17 clear plastic liottle boxes, this is it, the last. No more, stay on the line.. 2 days layter the sell that stone by the parzels.. Jennifer miller tells the public, there are 40 layers of gold over the sterling items, what a lie, if there be 40 layers of gold why have sterling under that gold, she misrepresents the jewelry. She tells the public how great the diamonds are.. The are as gray as night and have to be returned. Due to missrepresentations, and on top of that jtv keeps an extra $ 10.00 for some idiotic reasons.. The costumer got scammed twice... By jennifer miller and jtv costumer service... Misty mills keeps misreprenting anmd lying about the gemstones and the diamonds, she says, the clarity of the diamonds, is great, the item had to be returned. The porest quallity. Horrible looking stones, nicky tells about her health issues in order to get sympathy, and buy, a hearty bypass.. Also missrepresenting, lying and swindling scamming the the costumer, tom a host on jtv scams and swindles the costumer with a bluestar saphire, a white thin streak rubnning from one end of the stone to the other. A fake stone a manm, ade something with thin long white strips running down and up that fake stone, he presents that fake piece as the real bluestar saphire, this fake contraption in that stone does not move, its stationary.. While in a real outhentic blue star saphire the much smaller star comes frpm insdide out and moves with every turn of the stone, a beautiful nluestar saphire, what tom peddles is fake and man made, looks even worse then the fake lindi start, he is scamming and lying to the costumer, but that is what thall these sheisters are working for jtv for, scamming the public, lying and stiffing the trusying costumer, how many people fell for those scams done by the hosts and hostesses on jtv, stay away from jtv. Do not buy any of tnhosse bluestar saphires, I just talked about, the are fake,

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Oct 31, 2014 9:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My warning is... Stay away from jtv. You will be scammed olready have been scammed and dident even knew it, check your bank statements over and over you may been missing $ 5.00 and overlooked it... But if you deal with jtv. 100% jtv was the one who stole that $ 5.00 or more out of your credit card. Jtv stole out lof my credit 2 days at different times$ 689.47 I dident knew it right away. If my bank would not got in contact with me. Of an over draft. Dhipping nothing. And shipping something that was never ordered 3 of the same thing... 2 of the same thing. Just stole money for the sake of stealing. I went to the bank at once and found out. And the way the stole the money out of my visa very peculia... Diferend prices for the same items.. 2 times the stole the money for the same item... At once I put the heat on jtv and jtv costumer service to return my stolen money or there will be big trouble. The returned $ 594.71 also in a very peculiar way. None of the refunds matched the way the stole the money. Different amounts again in 2 days at different times.. I kept after jtv costumer service. Then the refunded again.. $ 2.98 again $ 2.98 again $ 9.98 again $ 9.98 and again $ 2.98 in 2 days. At different tines of the day. Jtv costumer service still ows to me $ 65.77 but jtv and jtv costumer service have been reported to the bbb ripp agencyy.. And many more places where you can complain about being ripped of at jtv and jtv costumer service... Stop dealing with jtv. You will be ripped of. If not today it will be tomorrow. Dont be a victim to jtv and jtv costumer service. You will be scammed. By jtv costumer service. Anmd jtv. Take this warning very serious. If you dont, jtv costumer service will rob you blind. As soon as the got your credit card number... At times goes by. Like I wrote you be missing $ 5.0 $ q10.00 and leit go. Jtv stole that money out of your credit card. Dont be a victim stay as far away from jtv anmd jtv costumer service as you can. 100% you will be scammed..

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:38 pm EST
Replying to comment of JTV

I took 2 of my tanzanite rings to my local jewelry store. Guess what, the jeweler said they are excellent quality, and he appraised them for much higher than I paid for them from JTV. You are a liar.

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Oct 31, 2014 9:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jtv only hires criminals and idiots... The are easier to train... To swindle. Lei. Missrepresent... And misslead the costumer.. The are trained to do that. The couldent care less about you.. The havent got the brain for that. Jennifer miller... Dawn tesh... Nikki rouleau... Robert thomas sharon scott... Kim prentiss tommy brown scott parker a convict jailed for molesting young girls.. The woman who host the shows. Lei about their back ground. Dont believe a word of it. The are trained to lie to. The costumer.. Swindle the costumer.. Misslead the costumer.. And scamm the costumer.. That is why jtv hires them. The are easy to train. A warning. Do not buy any kind of gems from jtv. Jtv has the worst gems on the planet. Very badly plain english. Trash. If anyone purchased gems from jtv. I hope you learned your lesson. Never never to buy anything from jtv again. Who ever purchased gems from jtv. Was not to bright either. Never never go to the horses rear. To buy anything. You know what you get. What comes out of the horses rear. Stay away from jtv and jtv costumer service...

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Aug 28, 2020 1:18 pm EDT
Replying to comment of JTV

Well Jt, you would certainly know about people as you said, “ don’t have the well as accusing them of being “not TO bright”! You are obviously talking from personal life experiences of your own... you should be careful when “calling a kettle black “, especially considering how ignorant you appear to be. Seriously J, you have quite successfully made an idiot of yourself...way to go dummy! BTW...ever heard of SLANDER? If you’re capable, look it up!

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:36 pm EST
Replying to comment of JTV

Perhaps you should post proof that the host are criminals...otherwise you are slandering them. I would sue your [censored] if I were them.

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Nov 19, 2014 4:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Mark brown a host on jtv, is peddling fake tahitian pearls.. Man made coloring is put in the oyster along with the grain of sand.. When the oyster produces the pearl the pearl shows up black. A fake tahitian pearl but tommy brown peddles this man made man colored pearl for the authentic tahitian pearl... The price should stop the public from buying this fake pearl. While the real authentic tahitian pearl wil and can aad up in price of a million dollars. Divers havre to dive to find those real natural black pearl. And maby. Just may be find one in 10 years. One eyed tommy brown has no idea about gemstones either,. He swindles the public with everything he peddles., the sign. Right there, jtv only hires criminals and idiots, stott parker a convict convited of molesting young girls and kids. And was jailed. Now he calls himsels.. Scott hood.. Tommy brown very possibly has a past and can not find a decent job. So everyone on that jtv. Hosts and hostesses have something to hide. And seak refuge at jtv. And jtv hires criminals and idiots only. The arte easier to train to swindle. Mislead. Misrepresent.. The items and the public. Jtv the lowest rated. Most dishonest. Nost corupt shopping channel with idiotic hosts and hostesses. Having no idea what the are doing, brain washed by jtv. We warn people stay far far away from jtv.

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Dec 14, 2014 9:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That charles winston gets caried away with his man made junk moissanite, he raised the price scy high and put on 4 payments. For people to believe the get a bargain. No way no how. The costumers pays more. Since winston raised the price. I hope every costumer sees that been scammed if the purchaes that lab created junk from winston. He is scammig the public. That trash has no value. But people have to get informed about that.. To many believe that fake talk. Stay away from that man made moissanite it has no value. Stay away from jtv, you will be scammed sooner or later. But you will be scammed.

Bedford, Tx., US
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Feb 28, 2015 5:42 pm EST

Where do people get off believing everything you hear! I have been a customer of jtv for 10 yrs. Never one complaint! Ever! The gems and jewelry have always been great & values wonderful! I have no affil. With jtv, but am a very satisfied customer & would and am telling anyone and everyone not to believe the dissatisfied few! But the satisfied many! I recommend that anyone to try jtv, & draw your own conclusions based on your own experience not someone elses, including mine. God bless all! And scott, you people slandering someone you dont know need to stop go back and read your own bibles on sinand casting the first stone. Stop slandering! You werent there!.

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Mar 01, 2015 12:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Tahitian pearls made in tahiti? Wrong. All that fake pearl trash that mark brown peddles on jtv, is manufactured in china.. India.. Japan and tiwan... Jtv and any other shopping channel on the tube and computer go to those shows in tucsan. To buy that crap and trying to make a killing with those gemstones and jewelry. Jtv, buys the worst those shows have to offer.. Then swindles. Lies. Misleads. Misrepresents those items on their shows. With hosts who are corupted as the owners of jtv, jtv trains those old man and some old woman to sheat and scam the costumer, misrepresenting the items, misleading the costumer. The gemstones jtv carries. Are picked out of trash cans. The are all enhanced, treated. Mistreated.. Painted. Smoke blown in to them. The are 100% worthles. And valueles. As soon as those stones are manhandled besides cutting. The loose their value, the are no more natural. All of the sudden. To many different names for stones show up., with the exact same color. Jtv peddles fake man made plastic resin and glass stones for real authentic stones.. Jtv doesent think that someone may have one of those real authentic stones. And can confront jtv and the hosts that the are swindling. Lying misrepresenting and scamming the trusting costumer.. How many people ever heard or have seen an authentic russian alexandrite. How many.. Very very few., I went to one well known jewelry place. The had not seen one in ten years. This been now about 15 years ago.. I went to another well known all over the world jewelry place. Where I wanted to get the stone set.. She came up to me all exided and ask me if I knew what I had there. I told her. Yes. She told me this was only the second time that she has seen an authentic russian alexandrite. If I wanted to sell the stone. I told her.. No.. I had it set in a to high of a setting, and about 2 weeks later the stone fell out. I lost him. This is not a stone that will sparcle when on the ground,. Noone would even bend down to pick it up. There are no more. The mine is closed for many many years. Only about a handfull of this humble very rare gem stone have been around, I had the priviledge of owning one even just for a little while... So I know exactly what a authentic real russian alexandrite looks like. The way he is carved, the size. And the stone itself. The looks of the stone, and the colors this humble gem can produce.. Jtv peddles lab created trash man made junk. Plastic and glass. And tells the unknowing trusting public what the sell is real... No.. It is not.. What jtv peddles is junk and trash, fake and phony. A real russian alexandrite. Can not can never never be reproduced by man, no lab on this whole planet can recreate an alexandrite, it is impossible. Upsolutely impossible, buyers be warned, do not do not by any of those lab. And man created what the call the russian alexandrite.. The are fake and phony. Stay away from jtv. The same with the blue star saphire, jtv gets them also from those shows and peddles them as real blue star sapphires, stay away from jtv blue star sapphires the are fake and phony. Man made plastic resin ar glass. The real authentic star sapphire. Is a much lighter color. The star in the middle comes from the inside out,. A beautiful gem to behold and costly. A smaller star moves with every move of the stone. It never stays in the middle.. Jtv peddles fake anf phony blue star sapphires, white long streaks crossing from one end of that plastic to the other.. Horrible fake looking right there. And partely faded out white lines, this blue star sapphire also can never never be reproduced by man. Or lab. Upsolutely impossible. There are pink and black, the black was the most comon, the blue star sappire is not around any more,.. Warning. Stay away from jtv and those fake and phony blue star sapphires, the are fake... The are also purchesd by jtv from those shows in tucson.. Manufactured in japan, tiwan, india, and china... That is where the hosts come in. Trained to mislead misrepresent lie and swindle and scam you. With fake russian alexandrites and blue star sapphires. And all the rest jtv peddles. It is best to shop somewhere else and stay away from jtv. The got your credit card number. The can steal money anytime the want to, and you wouldent even know it. The could use another name and steal the money. Out of your credit card. For them having your credit card numbers it is very easy to do... Close your account. Dont give your credit card number just to anyone specily jtv, as I wrote before.. Jtv costumer service stole out of my wells fargo visa $ 689.47 in 2 days time, at different times of the day. And differenmt amounts. On the [protected] and [protected]... I wouldent have known it if my bank dident got in contact with me about an over draft. I went to the bank and found out. The bank wanted to file a clam against jtv. Since the money was stolen... Dont fall victim to # like jtv and those brainwashed hosts. Who will scam you, the trusting costumer. Sitting where you see them. The are not your friends, the are your enemy.. Out to make the owners of jtv happy. By swindling lying, decieving and scamming you. Jtv.. The lowest rated, the most dishonest.. Most corupt shopping channel. With the most dishonest swindling. Lying and out to scam the costumer hosts. Those hosts do not know what the are peddling, the do not know one stone from the other. The are acting like the do.. But the are uneducated in those departments, stupid idiots, who jtv can train in master swindlers liars and cammers. Rob you of your money. By misleading and misrepresenting.

Wendy Faircloth Norwood
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Dec 09, 2018 12:26 am EST
Replying to comment of JTV

You are a blithering idiot! Just stop already with your complete nonsense! It’s quite obvious that you don’t know a flipping thing about gemstones, be they natural mined or lab-grown. If even a tiny bit of your rant about JTV was true, they’d already be out of business. I hope they sue you for slander/libel, even if to just shut your idiot flap trap up, once and for all!

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Feb 19, 2020 11:50 am EST
Replying to comment of JTV

You can't even speak or spell. Your point is lost in your incessant, incoherent ramblings.

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Jan 13, 2021 9:01 pm EST
Replying to comment of Lunargal71

Oh Lord, that one needs to go to the mental ward I'm afraid...The rambling just keep getting worse and worse. I read a few and couldn't stop laughing.

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Aug 08, 2015 2:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can't stand Matt I wish they didn't give him his own segment. He's horrible. He talks to fast and doesn't shut up ever he doesn't take a break in between sentences. It's Iike he's speaking one big run on sentence. Anyways he's made defiantly change the channel various times. I try to listen for a bit bit after 3 mins or so I can't listen to him anymore. Please jtv get him out of here. Or at least just have him be a Co host.

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Aug 08, 2015 6:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That new guy mat is a disgrace. He should be thrown out. As all the rest. On account of those corrupt hosts jtv is going down hill.. Jennifer miller a horrible horrible swindler, liar and ripping the costumer of. With fake claims, like surgery.. 40 layers of gold over sterling, every item that comes in to jtv is checked out. The diamonds are brilliant. Fake claims. The costumer finds out and closes his account. That woman also should be thrown out. Heidi williams, strown out. A liar nd swindler. I will mention more names. That are responcible for jtv. S down fall, sharon scott, mandy bradshaw, that new sheree henry a horrible ugly woman. And swindling on top of it. Nikki rouleau faking bypass liar and swindler ripping of the costumer.. Kristen keech. Lying and swindling.. Kim prentis. Lying swindlin. A ickening side. And that new one who swindles about gemstones with scott parker,.. And adding to the worst swindlers and liars, peddling fake stones for real gemstones, scott parker. Tommy brown, claiming 20 years of experience. Why then is he peddling fake plastic man made concocyions for real gem stones, why, robert thomas, peddling fake stoones, casey taylor peddling fake stones for real gem stones... Fake diamonds being peddled by those hosts. Sponge coral is sold for rubys.. Fake diamonds, metal cut and highly polished to look like diamonds, fake blue star sapphires are being peddled for real blue star sapphires. Why is the blue star called bluestar sapphire., because the small fine star in the middle is a darker blue., and the color of the stone is a very light blue... The peddle that fake russian alexandrite for the real alexandrite what did tommy brown said the other day? The take a little bit of the real alexandrite... This is the biggest fake yet, that real alexandrite is not a transparent stone, it is a rock... And never never can be recreated, impossible. Lab or otherwise.. The colors are dead wrong to begin with, that stone is gone for the past 60 years, tommy brown. Robert thomas scott parker have never never in their lifes seen a real authentic alexandrite,. And here ripping of the costumers with there fake plastic lab created concoctions..., yes, jtv stole money out of an wells fargo account... It was my account the emptied my wholee wells fargo account. $ 689..47 all in 2 days at different times of the day and different amounts,.. Wells fargo wanted to file a claim against jtv if that stolen money was returned at once., I dident even knew it. I got a letter from my bank about an overdraft.. At once I got to the bank and found out. At once I got in contact with jtv.. Emailed to return that stolen money or the bank will step in,.. A new card was issued to me with new numbers, I purchased a ring some time back. Ruby and tansanite.. Right away a tansanite fell out,. I emailed jtv about it. To get a new stonwe to be put in, jtv, emailed back. We dont carry loose stones. That was what I got, I was furious... Very strange, after the stole all that money.. The found the email where I had written about that lost stone., and told me the will replace it for free... But first the told me the dont carry loose stones,. That shows how corrupt jtv is. The pits of hell. The gave that nerw name to jtv. Where many manny people have been burned. What I have to report. Is the trues otherwise I would never never report anything that is not true. I report facts not fictions. I got a a ring that supposed to be a ruby with diamond accent. Diamond accent.. Is.. From 1 to ten diamonds. When I got the ring. It was sponge coral instead of a ruby, the diamond accent was nothing but metal cut and highly polished to look like diamonds. No diamonds where found. The ring went back. When jennifer miller claimed the diamonds are the finest most brilliant. The where as gray as a rainy day... Jtv does not tell the costumer s that those diamonds are nothing but slivers cracked bits of pieces. Chipped, and not even close to 1 point.. Worthless junk. Jtv doesent have 1 carat of a solitair diamont jtv doesent have a 2 carat solitair diamond, jyv hasent got even a 50 t of a solitaire diamond. All jtv peddles are bits and pieces of left over trash, sharges thausands of dollars for that trash, if anyone who wanted to sell that piece. And trying to get the money back the paid for it. The are dreaming.. All the would get is about $ 130 to $ 150. For that gold, the costumer was ripped of.. More and more costumers are leaving jtv, and for good reasons.. Scamming and rip offs, swindling, lying misleading misrepresenting and ripping the trusting costumer of, robbing them blind,., horrible what the public has to see on the tube.. Mat wegzyn he talks and talks and talks. I wonder at times if he has a breathing machine in back.. Sickening. And he doesent know whatt he is talking about. Sits there looking sloppy, dingy white shirt.. That is jtv. S crew.. Looking like hobos and has beens.. Everyone of them should be thrown out. People should be hired. And trained. The costumer comes first. Jtv. Comes second. The costumer is always right. To be treated with honesty. Dignity, and curtecy,.. To tell the trues about the item. Show the item from every angle.. Even where the stamiping is.. And show where the diamonds arte. Accent or other.. Prevent peddling fake stones for real gemstones... But it looks, it is to late.. Jtv., has burned to many trusting costumers. And that is to hard to forget.

Anita Wolfe
Chesterfield, US
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Aug 17, 2021 2:43 am EDT
Replying to comment of JTV

Your spelling is awful. You might be more believable IF YOU COULD SPELL!

Alcoa, Tennessee, US
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Aug 23, 2021 6:21 am EDT
Replying to comment of JTV

Word salad. It's a sign of mental illness.

Matthews, US
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Sep 02, 2021 3:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That rant is scary, I think it must be a vet disgruntled fired employee. No sane person would post that! I have Awesome Jewelry from JTV. sure I have sent things back, but have kept more. I've also had jewelry appraised from JTV, at another jeweler, it always comes back much more than I paid!

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:34 pm EST
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

I think we have a lot of jewelry store owners on here posting nasty rants. They can no longer screw us by marking up gemstones 300 percent. JTV offers the same quality for less, and they are losing business. I have some gorgeous authentic gemstone jewelry from JTV, and I did not have to sell my house for it!

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Nov 13, 2015 12:39 pm EST

OMG ! I was going to purchase a few things and decided to read the comments first. I am glad I did. Charles Winston is on right now (11/13/15 1:24 p.m. central time) and I thought he had some beautiful stuff. Moissanite Fire Really pretty, but have read over 50 complaints on here of jtv
customer service and returns, quality, etc. and being on social security I better pass. Don't have the funds to get ripped off.
Nicky is my favorite hostess, but I guess she has to do the job she gets paid to do. Certainly been at it a long time. VERY DISAPPOINTING.

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Nov 13, 2015 5:53 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Charles winston is a crook and a sheister... His moissanite is nothing but a plastic men made concoction, he charges thausands of dollars for. Trash and cheap junk. Ripping of the unknowing costumer. When his sales went down.. He has to come up with other faske and phony claims, like.. With all the plating he uses over the sterling he use more precious metals. But he can not reveal the names. Its a secret. That fake claim fell on deaf ears. He had to come up with yet another fake claim. This is a doozy.. A palooser... A meteor plunged from the sky on to the earth. Head first.. Noone heard a thing the where all sleeping on the planet... Charles winston was the only one who heard the meteor... May be an alian told him before.. The meteor left a big hole in the ground, only charles winston knows how big of a hole and where the hole is. Its a secret... He went up there with a plastic bag and got himself some of that meteor something... And... You guessed right... He used that to put in with his plastic man made concoction moissanite... But he cant tell where the large hole is. I know where it his head.. Or where that mysterious meteor plunged.. Charles winston is a crook a tramp. A sheister., sitting there an old fat man. Swindling.. Lying.. Misleading. Misrepresentin and ripping of the costumers.. Where he should sit.. Is in a bingo hall.. Hollering bingo. Evern if he hasen. T got it,.. Who does he think is going to believe charles winstons rip of with fake claimes and phony claims like that. He is not all there. If I believe one thing. 100% is.. That a stone hit him on the head. And he claims that was a meteor he heard and felt. Do not fall victim to a crook. Charles winstons. Moissanite is trash and junk. A piece of plastic with no value worthless trash, and dont listen to those corrupt hosts, calling themselfs hosts the are nothing but jtv peddlers. Supporying crooks and swindlers. Who bring their worthless trash to peddle on jtv... By swindling.. Lying.. Misleading. Misrepresenting. And ripping the costumers of... Stay away from jtv. And charles winston.. And his faske plastic moissanite... A crook tramp and sheister. More and more people are finding out.. Very sadly the hard way.. The have been ripped of by #.. Like charles winston and others. With fake merchandise.. Fake stones and fake jewelry..

Wendy Faircloth Norwood
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Dec 09, 2018 12:35 am EST
Replying to comment of JTV

Good Lord, you’re an absolute nutcase! No one heard the meteor strike because it happened eons ago! The site is called the Canyon Diablo and scientists/archeologists found small crystals of what we now know as Silicon Carbide in the remains of the meteor, back in the late 1800’s! Do some damn research before rambling on with your incoherent nonsense!

Anita Wolfe
Chesterfield, US
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Aug 17, 2021 2:39 am EDT

Thank you for your excellent comment, Wendy.

Matthews, US
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Sep 02, 2021 3:25 am EDT
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lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:31 pm EST
Replying to comment of JTV

I just researched moissanite, and yes, it did indeed come from a meteor. So before you go on a psycho rant, educate yourself. I think what we have here, are owners of jewelry stores who can no longer screw us, by marking up gemstones 300 percent. JTV offers the same, for less, and you are losing customers. Just sucks to be you doesn't it?

JT Robbins, MD, JD
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Mar 27, 2023 6:47 am EDT
Replying to comment of JTV

Ever heard of libel? You make some interesting but unfounded claims about the moral and ethical character of persons you do not know. Your rant is painful to read because of grammar and spelling.

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Nov 13, 2015 6:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jtv and jtv. S peddlers.. Peddling chrome diopside, a stone the been hiding the trues about, to many costumers.. The hope will never find out the trues about this stone, and ripping the costumers of, with chrome diopside... Chrome diopside is the cheapest stone around, the most unwanted stone, and undesirable stone.. The most softest stone...5/5. It scratches very easy, brakes and splinters, the warning went out.. Never to set chromre diopside in to rings and bracelets, to soft of a stone. When get hit on anything.. Jtv purchased chrome diopside the cheapest stone hopping to make a killing with diopside, hiding the trues from the costumer, swindling and lying about diopside... Diopside mined in siberia, on the boarder of russis..., belonging at once to russia... At one time only hardcored criminal where deported to siberia. For hard labor, but that has change, people reside in sibera farming and living there. Siberia does not manufacture chrome diopside the export that stone, letting the buyer know the condition and the softness of diopside... China.. Japan. India and tiwan. Purchased so much of that diopside, the got overloaded. And cant get rid of diopside. Purchased that diopside for practically nothing, and took them to those shows I n tucson to peddle to buyers. Like jtv andother shopping channels again.. For practically nothing, jtv overloaded itself with diopsie, very few sales, so jtv has to make up lies, and swindle, diopside is rare. Siberia the only country this chrome diopside is cvoming from only can mine for this stone 3 out of 12 month... Siberia could mine for that stone 12 month. But would heve to give that stone away. The country is overloaded with diopside, jtv is overloaded with diopside. And claiming larger stone sized are very hard to get, swindling again, the larger the size of diopside the darker it gets, in to black. As it shows, how light the small stones are. And how much darker the larger stones are., the costumer will have pay long after the ring or bracelet is paid for., jtv charges $ 20.00 per stone.. To replace. Jtv knew how bad of a stone chrome diopside really is, but relies on people who do not have any knowledhe of chrome diopside.. Buying blind, andf trusting jtv. To tell them the trues about diopside.. Chrome diopside a valueless and worthless stone, to sofr.. Chrome deposits atre found in many countrys... South africa... Australia.. Austra... Canada... Finland... Italy... Madagascar... Chrome diopside also has the bad reputation of being a bad luck stone, that unatural green color, we been warning the public, to stay away from jtv, and chrome diopside, it is a very bad stone, for jewelry, jtv overcharges way overcharges for that valueless and worthless stone diopside.. Making the trusting costumer believe what a treasure and bargain the get when purchasing chrome diopside.. The most undesirable and most unwanted stone on the market, a very bad stone to waste your money on.

Alcoa, Tennessee, US
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Aug 23, 2021 6:17 am EDT
Replying to comment of JTV

You appear very mentally disturbed and educationally challenged. You really need to speak with someone.

Matthews, US
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Sep 02, 2021 3:25 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

Omg, yes, a very disturbing and illiterate rant!

Martha Lee
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Sep 21, 2021 4:08 pm EDT
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

Wow, if that's the way you feel don't buy anything

Bobbi Barnes
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Jan 05, 2022 10:46 pm EST
Replying to comment of JTV

Your comment contains so many misspelling and grammar errors that I don’t understand your complaint or comments. Please learn proper English before making any other comments on JTV or any other site. Good Luck to you. I sincerely hope that you are able to obtain a proper education.

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:26 pm EST
Replying to comment of JTV

Chrome diopside is one of the most popular and desired stones of 2022. Also, it is 3 time the price at my local jewelry store, for less quality than what I have purchased from JTV. You have no idea what you are talking about.

JT Robbins, MD, JD
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Mar 27, 2023 6:37 am EDT
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

You speaking from experience or just being judgmental?

Martha Muse Lee
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Jan 09, 2024 10:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

I absolutely agree

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Feb 26, 2016 1:23 am EST

I am an employee with JTV...I've read Alot of these complaints, I will say some diamonds are a lower quality, but it makes people of low income have some "kind" of diamonds they'd never be able to afford. 2ND all of you saying you took your jewelry to a jeweler and was told your purchases item was fake or crap, let me explain...that jeweler is telling you that because they want your buisness, why would you think JTV is lying but a local jeweler is telling you the truth. 3rd the ones saying they didn't get the exact gem that was shown on TV...OK...a little common since will tell you that no 2 gems are exactly the same. And as for things being one price one day and cheaper a month's called SALES things go on sale all the time, thanks have a great night from your JTV SALES AGENT

Anita Wolfe
Chesterfield, US
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Aug 17, 2021 3:04 am EDT

Thank you for your common sense remark.

Matthews, US
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Sep 02, 2021 3:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree! I love JTV! IF you don't like something, send it back. If you don't like the show, don't watch! Very simple! I have bought rings from JTV for $50 and had them appraised for MUCH MORE!

Martha Lee
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Sep 21, 2021 4:05 pm EDT

Amen, in the last 9 months I've bought alot of jewelry, love jtv

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Mar 19, 2016 1:47 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is directed to the commenter who called themselves "JTV". I thought you ought to know that a 'costumer' is someone who makes, rents or sells costumes (a costume is what you wear on Halloween or in a stage play). A 'customer' is someone who buys goods or services from a business (for example, JTV is a business that sells jewelry). People might take your comments more seriously if you didn't spell every other word incorrectly and your grammar and punctuation were so atrocious. If you are not a native English speaker than I apologize. However, if you were born in this country and raised speaking English then there is no excuse for the way you write. At a minimum I would imagine that the device you used to compose your comments (tablet, laptop etc.) has a spell check function. I suggest that next time you use it and it will save you some embarrassment and from receiving derision from other native English speakers.

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Mar 27, 2016 3:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am totally disgusted with some of the remarks people have made. If you don't like Jewelry Television stay away from them. As for bad mouthing some of the hosts - that's just NASTY. Watch what you say about others and remember the saying "what goes around comes around".

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Mar 27, 2016 3:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Don't like jewelry television? Don't watch it! Keep nasty personal remarks about people to yourself!

ms fldsv
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Aug 05, 2016 9:45 pm EDT

I like JTV jewelry, I have had jewelry I had to send back, and some I really liked, and kept. Now some of the host are very annoying to watch! Wendy and her sister Heidi are too damn country! especially Wendy, she talks too fast and half the time I cant understand a word that comes out her mouth! Heidi she's not very pleasing to the eyes and rambles on too much, I usually turn my TV when these 2 come on. The men on JTV, why are they there?! what makes a man want to sit around and talk about women's jewelry? They can't try on the jewery! We women like to see how the jewelry looks on!..Right?! Robert i really don't care for, it's something about him.. the only thing he's missing is a dress! he's a bit creepy to me! And the guy that sales the pearls is annoying too. I just don't feel like a man (real man) should be on TV trying to sale women's jewelry to women.. When any of the men comes on I turn! Go get a real man job! Nikki and Misty is the best!...I am entitled to say everything I said...Good night!

Alcoa, Tennessee, US
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Aug 23, 2021 6:19 am EDT
Replying to comment of ms fldsv

God bless your little bitter heart.

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:21 pm EST
Replying to comment of ms fldsv

" Too damn country". Sounds to me like you are a just TOO DAMN BIGOT and bitter. And the men are gemologists, that is why they sell jewelry, duh...and guess what, some of the best jewelry designers are men, jeesh.

JT Robbins, MD, JD
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Mar 27, 2023 6:38 am EDT
Replying to comment of ms fldsv

If you like women, just say so (wink, wink)

Doris Summers
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Mar 04, 2017 9:21 pm EST

Little disgusted with Rockafellers. Comedy? What is it, can't find enough women to model jewelry? Haven't bought enough to know whether it's fake or not. If I like it I keep it. I'm sure most of it is made in China, Thailand, India, etc. is not all that good quality as most of the salespeople claim. I can buy it or leave it alone. But there are so many men on that it is turning me off. I, from now on will just go online to see if I can find something I like. I won't even try to spend a lot of money on jewelry on TV. And as for PEARLS, how many pearls would a person want. Another one gets to me Mark Brown with the pearls. Please find some women that want a job or maybe they don't want to do imitation stuff, I don't know.

lisa ham
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Jan 27, 2022 5:18 pm EST

I have a lot of jewelry from JTV. The real gemstones, which I have many, are excellent quality. JTV alway tells you when something is natural, lab grown or simulent, ALWAYS. They sell a vast array of gemstones, from tanzanite, diamonds, rubys, sapphire ect...Also there are many women hosts. So you are wrong, and not informed.

Edna Butler
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Mar 10, 2020 2:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

why does people say that JTV cheats people ? Why does people say that Scott and Tommy are criminals I don't like the way people are talking about JTV and what is wrong with being country? JTV is wonderful.

Martha Lee
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Sep 21, 2021 4:02 pm EDT

I love jtv

Martha Muse Lee
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Nov 29, 2023 9:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I love jtv and all of the hosts

Rebecca Brazell-Woodall
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Apr 11, 2021 2:26 am EDT

I have been a customer of JTV for 25 years when JTV was formally called ACN. I have purchased so much jewelry and gemstones from them over 25 years I could open my own jewelry shop again right now. I have given many pieces away as gifts. I have rarely had to return items but when I did return items for some reason, the customer service always promptly credited the purchase price back to my debit card or credit card without question. On some pieces where I purchased the insurance and if the jewelry needed repair, the repair service was quick. I have been quite satisfied with JTV for 25 years. and continue to purchase from them even though I could shop elsewhere. In response to the people complaining that JTV did not inform them the chain on the Owl pendant was not real gold or they say their jeweler says it is fake gold on the chain, well if you read in the description right there in the title it says the chain is GOLD FILLED. This is not fake gold. It is gold layered on another base metal and is similar to gold plating. It is clearly in the description that it is filled gold and is not fake. Apparently the complainers who think JTV deceived them and cheated them are uninformed and ignorant of what gold filled means. The owl is genuine gold. I love the pendent and am giving it as a birthday present to my granddaughter. I was a jeweler for many years before I married and later retired. Not everything sold in jewelry stores is of the finest quality. Even national jewelry stores sell jewelry I wouldn't buy. JTV do not cheat you. If you are unsatisfied with quality, price, and any other problem you have then you can always return it for a refund without questions. No one is forcing you to keep what you don't want. I have purchased so many single black Tahitian pearls from JTV and I have only had to return one. I wished they would continue to sell single Black Tahitian and South Seas pearls gemstones. I recently purchased another Tahitian pearl strand necklace and I will give it an excellent review. Some of the complaints here are slanderous and lies about the hosts and owners of JTV. Shame on those who lie. Go somewhere else if you don't like JTV. For me, I will continue to purchase from JTV and be happy with my purchases and with JTV customer service. Thank you JTV!

Doris A Summers
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May 31, 2021 1:55 am EDT

I have never heard or seen any of their jewelry being gold filled. It is always plated. Filled is somewhat better. Most of us know we are buying costume jewelry. You only have 2 options. Buy or Don't Buy! Watch what they sell or continue on. I have a friend next door and she buys lots of their jewelry, though she has some very expensive jewels. If she does not like it, she just returns it. EASY!

Alcoa, Tennessee, US
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Aug 23, 2021 6:16 am EDT

I must say I have never seen as much mental illness and bad grammar on a forum.

Matthews, US
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Sep 02, 2021 3:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

Frosty, I agree! JTV posts a banner with each piece of jewelry. Full disclosure. You always know what you are getting. And you can go on the app or website and read even more details about the piece yes they magnify to show details, but read the carat weight posted!

JT Robbins, MD, JD
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Mar 27, 2023 6:39 am EDT
Replying to comment of FrostyTn

IN a forum

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Sep 12, 2022 11:05 pm EDT

I think I could do Sharon Scott's hosting job at JTV. All I have to do is fling my hair off my shoulders, say seriously, say everything is beautiful and say that I'm buying that.

JT Robbins, MD, JD
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Mar 27, 2023 6:49 am EDT
Replying to comment of Nikki911

Survey says..then go do her job.

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Feb 12, 2023 10:19 am EST

Only complaint I have is with their credit card. You would think that by using their credit card for stretch pay items you would just pay equal stretch pay price like shown on TV screen. No, in fine print, if you use credit card you have to pay monthly minimum payment which is something like $25-27. So stretch pay isn't really valid if you use their credit card for purchase. Unless you are buying high price item where stretch pay is above minimum monthly payment of $25-27. Just use your bank card for stretch pay and avoid interest and minimum payment of $25-27 by using their credit card. And because I made big stink about this when I got their credit card and found out minimum payment was more than stretch pay price, they decided to claim they did audit on my account and gave me to much credit on my credit card. So whatever my credit card limit was, they reduced my limit down to just barely over what I owed on my credit card. Not right! I never used my credit card again with them and eventually they closed my account. Wrong and bad way to so business with customer!

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    Click up if you have successfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 581-3002 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 581-3002 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 581-3002 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 581-3002 phone number
    Sales Team
    +1 (800) 550-8393
    +1 (800) 550-8393
    Click up if you have successfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 550-8393 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 550-8393 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 550-8393 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Jewelry Television (JTV) by calling +1 (800) 550-8393 phone number
    Service Team
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  4. Jewelry Television (JTV) address
    9600 Parkside Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37922, United States
  5. Jewelry Television (JTV) social media
  6. Olivia
    Checked and verified by Olivia This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 29, 2025
  7. View all Jewelry Television (JTV) contacts
Jewelry Television (JTV) Category
Jewelry Television (JTV) is ranked 19 among 299 companies in the Jewelry and Watches category