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Liberty Mutual Insurance

Liberty Mutual Insurance review: Greedy, sneaky, fraudulent giant 30

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12:00 am EDT
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My name is Randy and on August 6,2004, In Kern County I was involved in a car accident My car was a Ford Fiesta, one of the smallest. I was knocked unconscious. The Police cited the other driver for making an illegal turn. The other driver just happened to carry Liberty Mutual Insurance.

I chose to represent myself in court. As a driver or a passenger, I have never sued anyone.

Hospital, ambulance, doctor and physical therapy bills kept piling up, and Liberty Mutual Insurance, never paid a single dollar of my medical bills thattotaled $12,000.00.

For 2 years I answered all their question such as work, finical, bills etc.Liberty kept dragging out my case; finally I took them to court.

On October 2006, Liberty, obtained my medical records by using a subpoena. Doctors I had never seen, hospitals that had I was never treated at for my car accident, or hospital I had not been to in the past 13 years.

On April 9,2007, I sent a certified letter to Liberty's Attorney and told him that if he continued with his nonsense and fishing trip in my life, I would take my case to the people.

My friend I will give you just a few examples of the questions I was expected to answer: They wanted my banking records, my credit history, safety deposit box information, HIV/ AIDS status, past employers or /and employees, my salary among many other personal questions, yet they wouldn't pay me for my pain and suffering and medical bills.

My friends, the best way to fight a greedy, sneaky, fraudulent giant likes Liberty Mutual, is to let people know how they operate. The Liberty Mutual that I was dealing with was the office in Ontario, California.

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Ann ONemis
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Jan 16, 2008 10:19 am EST

Liberty Mutual hopes to gain the reputation of endless mire. I, too, have been dragged through the mud for years by Liberty Mutual. I, too, have been defrauded by them in a work comp case. Liberty Mutual spares no expense when it comes to "saving money." To really put the icing on the cake, their minions threatened to sue ME for telling the truth! Bottom line is, Liberty Mutual is a sick & twisted institution made worse by lack of oversight, and we-the-people must insist on federal action to expose the fraudulent practices of insurance companies. Insurance companies have no business in anything related to health.

rene bedoya
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Jan 22, 2008 1:50 pm EST

I going thru similar scenario, I crash my car 8 weeks ago and I haven't gotten paid yet, they are dragging their feet and then they come out with an offert of $4000 dollars when the car is worth $17000+, but they said I can not get a rental car as well...As soon as the policy is over I wiil switch insurance

Toni Lee
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Jun 04, 2008 12:18 pm EDT

They too have screwed me.. I have been insured with them for almost 20yrs... they closed my case and NEVER notified me. Here I am a year later wondering "where's my money"... I am now seeking a lawyer that has dealt with these bullies before.

Terry L. Maddox
King George, US
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Dec 05, 2008 9:49 pm EST

My experience with Liberty Mutual confirms that they are happy to accept premium payments, but will go to great lengths to avoid payment of any legitimate claim.

Fallbrook, US
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Jan 29, 2009 11:16 am EST

I have had home insurance with Liberty Mutual for about 15 years. I have had no claims whatsoever for this period of time. Now after 15 years of collecting my premiums the company has concluded that my home is no longer insurable because of a perceived higher fire danger risk and has dropped my coverage. It is obvious that their fears are unfounded because I was able to get coverage from another company at a much lower cost. I have had no answers to my questions as to why my home was insured in the first place and why it took the company 15 years to come to the conclusion that my home is uninsurable. Have no dealings with Liberty Mutual. This company is run by a bunch of unethical ###.

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Jun 17, 2009 3:25 pm EDT

All who have problems with Liberty Mutual
Please send me a E-Mail With your contact info i'm going to try and bring a very large class action law suite against them as well as file charges in the supreme court for ins. fraud
The more evidence we have the better. The more we unite we will force the courts do do something about this.
Power by numbers power by unity we are a lot more powerful than they are if we unite and stick together.
contact me at { }

Sacramento, US
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Jun 17, 2009 11:18 pm EDT

My granddaughter has been going through a workers comp nightmare for the last 2 years. It is borderline criminal how they get away with trating people like they are less than human. To put the icing on the cake. We found her an attorney that has done nothing but try to get her to settle. And telling her the courts will back the insurance company. And now we can't even get a new attorney because this loser has been involved too long. So it appears she will end up with a life long back injury and no care. Settling for the small amount they want her to take will not take care of her medical needs for her back for long.
Can ANYONE help with who we can get help from or is everyone out there in the same situation? Is there a state or national insurance oversight agency? Can we sue them? Can we complain to a consumer agency? How aboout the BBB Better Business Bureau. Maybe the national BBB would listen.

How about we all band together and flood all 3 with our complaints at once. Is there an attorney out their willing to give advice to us as to a direction to take?
Please, if there is anyone with constructive advice, please email me at
Thanks for "listening"

Diana Marsh
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Jun 17, 2009 11:31 pm EDT

If you ever have a home owners claim in your house, and there is contents invloved. If a woman named Dana Keilen shows up, stop right away, and hire a public adjuster. This woman came to my home, was down right rude, and tried not to pay me for my damaged property. She wanted to clean everything. I hired a public adjuster how put Liberty Mutual in their place. we settle my claim for 3 x's what this woman was offering me. If Dana ever reads this blog, I hope you get yours you evil witch...

Bluefield, US
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Aug 29, 2009 6:10 pm EDT

Liberty Mutual is EVIL! I had a very bad car accident in May of 2000. Both myself and the other driver were insured by Liberty Mutual. He was driving on the wrong side of the road and hit me head on...he sped up and I slowed down, so there was a lot of damage to my entire right foot, ankle, leg and hip! I walk with a limp to this day...I've had a hip replacement. one leg is shorter than the other, and have a dead talus bone in my foot that can't be treated except by a major surgery which would keep me from walking for 6 weeks, be on a walker for another 6 weeks, and out of work for a whole year and might backfire and lead to an even shorter leg and more mobility problems down the road.
The man who hit me had the minimum amount of insurance and I had the maximum amount. Because he was at fault Liberty refused to pay anything toward my policy except about $6000 towards the cost of replacing my car. I'm not the type to sue and I was concerned about getting nothing but a paper judgement (the man who hit me had very little financially and lived in a small mobile home). Also, the hospitals were needing their money and the bills were piling up so I felt I had to simply take the amount the other driver was insured for. The claims agent for LM was even shocked at the way they treated me and helped me set up a small annuity with 1/2 of the very small payment I received from the other driver's policy. I've been told since then that I should have qualified for additional funds through the underinsured motorists program, but it is too late now since I had to sign an agreement that I would never come back for additional funds if I accepted the annuity.
I HATE this company with a passion and would advise all to stay FAR AWAY! I would love to see them go belly up! As I said before, they are EVIL! There's a special place in hell reserved for LM CEO and top executives---I'm sure of it!

Plano, US
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Nov 06, 2010 3:39 pm EDT

Liberty county mutual (a unit of Liberty mutual insurance) insures a guy who made a left turn when he was required to yield to traffic from other side (he had no left turn arrow signal) and hit my daughter who was making a right turn. Liberty mutual is dragging admitting liability as police did not come as there were no visible injuries.

They took more than a week to get pictures of their insured truck. Looks like we have to get attorney.

Millbury, US
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Feb 05, 2011 1:54 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On 2-11-10 I had a furnace explosion in my home to say the least it has been a long year, my claim is still not settled and I
received a letter last week that my policy's loss of coverage will be terminated on 02-11-11, which leaves me homeless, and
still the claim is not closed. The lawyers who represent Libery Mutual should be brought up on charges for BULLYING they
are no good and take a victim and try to turn them into the criminal which is sad because of all the other issuesyou are
dealing with being displaced. Something has to be done to protect the consumer. It is sad when the people who should be on your side don't care.

Peggy Eileen
Havel, US
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Jul 21, 2011 7:25 pm EDT

I was hit by a UPS vehicle while I was not in motion and the truck was making a right turn. His bumper tore out the side of my brand new minivan. I called liberty mutual to have my vehicle repaired and I was told the accident had not been reported yet. When I called a day later, I was given the run around. I finally got a claims adjuster and their message line says that they will be out of the office until a week later. I called the main number and they told me I would just have to "wait." I am in pain and I have felt bad for the UPS driver, but if I am going to be yanked around, then I'm going to hire an attorney. They are delaying things to a time when I will have family in from out of state and will need my vehicle. Screw these people. I also asked my insurance company for a phone number to the company that regulates insurance companies. I'm too old for this ###!

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Dec 29, 2012 1:38 am EST

Hi I agree I am to old for this ### too, and all I can say is wow ! ! I thought is was only me that had a lack of everything from Liberty Mutual. I was injured in 2004 on the job it was my back and its all documented I have so many letters and forms in triplicate some of them . I didn't want my employer to get hit with the huge lost time injury unless it was the only way to go. So I took some vacation time and I did what I do "work through the pain" I filled out all the Workman's comp forms the day after . long story short . I blow out my shoulder in April 2007 only option surgery, all goes as well as can be until the physical therapy not only was not letting my shoulder heal well and it aggravated my back injury for just under 3 years prior .Now its 2012 I have been off work by doctors orders for 5 full years and Finally after this long and 8 ---2nd opinions Libert Mutual wanted me to get, I have surgery scheduled in January .

Glendale, US
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Mar 10, 2013 5:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Liberty Mutual are Lying ### in my book they have done everything illegal that I am filing complaints with the Attorney General including Staulking it's client, me.
Nothing resolved to paying the claim or fixing the pipes for the Hot Water so everythings back to normal in the household.

I had to call the plumber at 11:15 AM this morning to see if Liberty Mutual Insurance called him back with a conclusion.
he had not heard from them and stated he would call them back in Florida.

This is the worst response to customer service that we have had since October 2010 with the hail storm which was understandable as thousands of homes, cars, boats, RV's etc were damaged and adjusters had to be flown in to cover all the claims.

These people are sitting on there BUTT's about this, remember this is in the tail end of the sixth week. You better bet that if is was the CEO of Liberty Mutual Ins that it would have been repaired that day or someone would be typing their resume.

WARNING! Read your policies Not to get Burnt, Senior citizens or not if you own your home outright then there is no Mortgage Company or Bank to help you out with claims.

Liberty Mutual Insurance has Complaints up the Shoot.

Unamerican Company - Home Owners Insurance

Tree broken from storm no help at all - Home owners insurance

48 Complaints about Liberty Mutual Home Insurance

PLEASE View Blog for Documented Info

Wayne Coons
Sewell, US
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Mar 21, 2013 10:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Liberty Mutual insurance is lying on TV to say they care. I have my case in Camden workers compensation, fighting workers compensation for 6 years Now, and there attorney Sandra Burkhart, committed fraud, malPractices, and perjury, in order to not may me what they owe me, over 250 thousand dollars. Please cancel your Policies, and show your support for equal rights, and equal Justices ! Wayne Coons,, soon I will push for a Federal Investigation, I will never give Up. check my videos out

Glendale, US
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Oct 01, 2014 2:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Liberty Mutual is a Family ### outfit, you need to see the CEO Bonus check from cheating it's paid clients

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Sep 29, 2016 2:36 pm EDT

I had a car accident that made national news as a dozen of youth and adults congregated in the street to fight over an obstructed hill. The four who came out of the car after trespassing into her school and followed her to her bus stop by backed up the hill and blocked off traffic on an obstructed hill. I was not informed of their new location as I came over the hill and was shocked that traffic was completely blocked off. My car slid of the sand in the street, I honked my horn and merged left into the dirt as the group scuffled in front of my vehicle. I was charged with crimes as those who premeditated multiple crimes were not charged. I remained at the scene, passed toxicology as all witnesses stated "It was an ACCIDENT". Police falsified documents and planted evidence as Liberty Mutual hired an attorney for me who entered her appearance and settled the case without me being notified nor served. I found out in the mist of selling my property that I had a judgment on it regarding my car accident. My coverage from L.M. is $100, 000.00 and $50.000.00 each bodily injury. The Criminal case is pending as L.M. paid half in January and had expected to pay the other half after trial. The witnesses who were injured changed their stories from accident to "I hope she goes to prison" as two out of the four are my cousins living in my property at the time. L.M. tried to hire a new law firm as they conspired to inform me that I did not have court the next day...THEY LIED. I have been battling with them filing an injunction to freeze the case until the criminal case is adjudicated. You may text me regarding class action suit at [protected] or for more information. Tamika

Bill Ross
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Nov 07, 2017 3:11 pm EST

racist television commercials

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Aug 20, 2018 10:45 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Refuses to pay a claim.

Will not reissue a check for an approved claim settled in 2011.

The original check was not cashed because of personal reasons.

I keep getting different unjustifiable, unacceptable excuses of why a corrected, updated reissue of the claim payment has not been done.

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Aug 20, 2018 4:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


I was involved in a car accident caused by your policy holder on Dec 15, 2017 on Garden State Parkway, NJ.

Your client falsified the police report which he admitted a month later to state police. Now the insurance is failing to pay for storage and full value of the vehicle. Horrible experience. Noone is doing anything about it.

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Aug 21, 2018 2:28 am EDT

Hey Esther! WHAAAAT?! LIBERTY MUTUAL JUST SAVE ME MONEY! WHUUUD You SAY?! ...this comericail is going to cause an accident when i lose concentration on the road to change the radio station.

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Mar 10, 2020 12:05 am EDT

In 2019, a storm hit my home & yard creating a visible path of destruction. My home,
had three large trees to fall on top of it cracking & destroying a large section of the roof, foundation & detached carport. The large rain soaked trees laid on top of my home & carport while another tree broke the privacy wall in half. Healthy trees in the yard were twisted around one another and others toppled over falling across the state road blocking it. L.M. asked why I didn't call the night of the storm. The entire neighborhood was shut down due to the storms destruction leaving us with no way in or out and without power. It was dark once the state came in with bulldozers & removed the trees from the road, opening it up for entry. There was still no power that night to even see the damages to report. The power co. worked well into the am once they gained access to the poles to repair the lines. I needed to see the damages before I could even file anything. I had no idea if I could just allow the Congregation to assist me with repairing the damages on my own and with removing the downed trees. Until there was light, I had no way to tell if I even actually needed to file a claim. They had adjusters fabricating stories, after giving me the approval to have a tree company to remove the trees, they failed to pay them. They asked if I had a mortgage, I said no. The adjuster asked "Not even a second mortgage" ? I replied no. He questioned the rental properties I own even after he was told they were out of state. They were provided rental agreements, bank records, utility bills etc. yet the facts were not enough. The 2nd adjuster lied & said he was going out of the country to street preach for 7 days or so. He lied & said I refused to allow him to enter the home. They harassed my family, my neighbors & tried to force them into saying my residence was my vacation home although receipts proved otherwise. There is so much more illegal & discriminatory activity the assigned team of adjusters & investigators conducted to prevent paying my legitimate, covered on paper, claim. Since I filed the claim, I have experienced bullying, stalking, targeting etc. We need to stop this type of behavior. Even after supplying them with the requested documents and photos in the dark, the day of using a flashlight, and days after, they denied my claim. My neighbors that sustained damages during this storm, their homes have been repaired. This is wrong! If you have suffered at the hands of this company or any other in ref. to a homeowners Ins. claim, reply to this post leaving your contact info. followed by "God Will Prevail"! 2-T

Richard Efterfield
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Jul 31, 2022 9:04 am EDT

I called them for a quote and they took it into their own hands to charge my bank account since I have renters' insurance called them twice to cancel but they keep the auto insurance. Now I will call them again, July 21 2023

P Myers
hyde park, US
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Oct 02, 2022 7:44 am EDT

Amazing this large "customer centric" company does NOT offer the military discount to surviving spouses of deceased veterans who gave their life for their county. Shame on them.

Caleb Faulkner
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Nov 19, 2022 9:10 pm EST

I Am Really Sick Tired Of The Liberty Mutual Pool Party Commercial I Keep Seeing It Almost Every Day And It Is The Middle Of Fall Not Summer Plz Take It Off Cause It Makes Zero Sense And Is The Worst New Commercial Of 2022

Jarrod Smith
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Jan 22, 2023 2:28 am EST

I am so sick of hearing it and I don't want to ever hear it again please stop

Roy, US
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Mar 11, 2023 6:56 am EST

I used bill pay on 2/8 Wed from US bank they dated the check at 2/16 Thurs you didn't deposit till 2/21 Why? You then send our business three pay or cancel notices with three different payments all dated the same day 2/21. None which makes sense. US mail is slow now; your going to have to take that in consideration before charging late fees.

Willowbrook, US
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Jul 26, 2023 5:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

After a tow truck backed into me, May 9 2023. Liberty paid for repairs but told me the chances for subrogation was "non-existent". I'm trying to get answers but no luck. Claim [protected]. Attached is their letter and the offender's insurance card

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Howard Conner
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Sep 24, 2023 12:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY...they are a bunch of greedy thieves this company should not be in bisness all they do is take your money

King ScourgeTheSexyVampireHog
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Feb 17, 2024 2:29 pm EST

I'm Getting Really Tired Of That Liberty Mutual Where That Baby Keeps Liberty It's So Freaking Annoying Plz Take It Off I'm Tired Of Seeing That Commercial Every Day.

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Most discussed Liberty Mutual Insurance complaints

Bad faith denial of claim
(opinions to this review)