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Lufthansa German Airlines

Lufthansa German Airlines review: delay of checked luggage 9

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12:00 am EDT
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I checked my luggage in austria.vienna.there was a flight of austrian airlines 0s 115. It was a vienna munich flight. The check in luggage for delhi as my final destination. My next flight was lh 762 for munich delhi at 20:25 on 24 th sep 2006. But next morning 0n 25th i found no check in luggage.
It was reported by your stuff that it was unfortunately in munich. Horrible, just horrible.
My appointment was earlier fixed in university of delhi on monday 25th at 1pm.
I missed all the thing.all dresses and documents are kept in this.
Your flight crew reported that it will arrive tomorrow means 26th in kolkata.
I call your delhi office then they reported that it will arive today on 27 th morning in kolkata .
But still i have no information till now at 9.30 am.
I am a university lecturer in west bengal.
It was my first time in your so called 'esteemed' airlines.
I need a equitable compensation for that.

I had a real terrible and dangerous experience.

My baggage no is 0s 342893.
Ref no of pir:dellh 43002.

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Feb 18, 2009 3:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I encourage every one to Boycott the worst world wide airline:

Lufthansa German shoddy predatory greedy Airline !

Let them as they are planning to do ... dream to acquire other airlines and to destroy the competition: Air Austria, Air Italy, LOT, Swiss Air.

Would you fly to be screwed, arrested and even jailed?


Lufthansa apparent Customer Service and Marketing Plan: Screw them!
Hire the cheap incompetent idiots as stewardeses and ###s as captains, for your money they will help you to be arrested jailed and fined, just for supporting and flying on shoddy LUFTHANSA Airlines in old tradition of SS!
On February 10, 2009 the people of Poland were told and had the best proof how well the employees of LUFTHNSA are carring about passengers, when member of Polish parlament, candidate for polish Premier, Jan Maria Rokita on Lufthansa flight LH3336 first was assaulted by Lufthansa stewardess, than late after her racist behavior and fraudulent claim to aircraft captain, he and his wife were denied boarding and due to fraudulently claimed alleged “agressive behavior“ wrongfully arrested by evidently racist German police.

Lufthansa Airlines confirmed that on 10 of February, 2009, the passenger was escorted by the German authorities from the aircraft on flight LH3336 between Munich and Cracow.
Unfortunatelly the idiots from Lufthansa did not know the gentelman whom they assaulted, was11.07.1992 - 26.10.1993 Chief of the Office of the Council of Ministers, the potential Prime Minister of Poland, Member of Parliment, and his wife Nelly Rokita, who is the adviser of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, but the polish citizens know very well his always set back and restrained behavior. In 2003, Jan Maria Rokita was awarded “Man of the Year“ title, which is a very prestigious award.

That is the marketing act of the century!

Lufthansa latest Marketing slogan:
We hope that in spite of the irregularities you had a successful and pleasant trip and you will choose Lufthansa again in the near future.


I hope you will be soon out of business, you damn german crooks!


Canceled flight LH 9052 on trip to Honolulu, Hawaii:


GDN LO 359, Saturday, December 27, 2008

FRA UA 901 / LH9052, Saturday, December 27, 2008

SFO UA 79 / LH9136 Saturday, December 27, 2008

HNL UA1036, Saturday, January 17, 2009

SFO UA 0906, Sunday, January 18, 2009

MUC LO 396 Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lufthansa knowingly abandoned the passengers, failed to inform them of their rights, than refused to pay mandatory cancellation compensation.

The governing laws:

● Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, being valid from February 17, 2005, establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of of cancellation of flights. In case of flight cancellations, the operating air carrier is not obliged to pay compensation in accordance with article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, only if it can prove to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) that the cancellation is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken, and this definitively is not the case.

● European Court of Justice: case Wallentin-Hermann v Alitalia—Linee Aeree Italiane SpA (Case C-549/07), December, 22, 2008. The European Tribunal of Justice (EJC) on December 22, 2008, in Wallentin-Hermann case closed the loophole of always abused frivolous interpretations used by the airlines of “technical or extraordinary circumstances“, when further defined and limited the use of such defense. Finally the definition of “technical and / or extraordinary circumstances“ by the ECJ court now stands firm and solid. Any carrier must prove that the alleged mechanical problem leading to the cancellation was “beyond its actual control, ” the court affirmed in a statement.


In case of any flight cancellation for whatever reasons the airline(s) are required to provide passengers with:

• emergency flight booking, and an alternative transport to final destination, what was not at all done by either of the airlines.

Canceled was the segment (UA 901 / LH 9052) of my multiple segments flight, starting on December 27, 2008. The flight operator is United Airlines (UA 901) while the contractual booking carier is Lufthansa with flight number LH 9052.

My reservation was through Lufthansa airlines on Lufthansa flight LH9052, I am entitled to claim compensation from Lufthansa, the airline with which I have the contract, for breach of that contract.

The governing laws:

● Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, being valid from February 17, 2005, establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of of cancellation of flights. In case of flight cancellations, the operating air carrier is not obliged to pay compensation in accordance with article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, only if it can prove to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) that the cancellation is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken, and this definitively is not the case.

● European Court of Justice: case Wallentin-Hermann v. Alitalia—Linee Aeree Italiane SpA (Case C-549/07), December, 22, 2008. The European Tribunal of Justice (EJC) on December 22, 2008, in Wallentin-Hermann case closed the loophole of always abused frivolous interpretations used by the airlines of “technical or extraordinary circumstances“, when further defined and limited the use of such defense. Finally the definition of “technical and / or extraordinary circumstances“ by the ECJ court now stands firm and solid. Any carrier must prove that the alleged mechanical problem leading to the cancellation was “beyond its actual control, ” the court affirmed in a statement.

Flight Cancellation (Article 5): Cancellation is the non-operation of a scheduled flight on which at least one place was reserved. From this, claims for compensation and assistance under Articles 7, 8 and 9 of the a.m. EC Regulation will arise (see summary in the attached table). Under extraordinary circumstances, the operating air carrier is partially or totally exempt from the obligations under the a.m. EC Regulation. Examples: Political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight, security risks, unexpected flight safety shortcomings, strikes, etc.


The operating air carrier is obliged to comprehensively inform the passengers of this EC

Regulation. For this purpose a notice at check-in is required and in addition a written

description of the rules for compensation and assistance in the case of denied boarding,

cancellation or a delay of more than two hours is to be handed over to each passenger

concerned. At the same time the passengers shall be informed in writing of the responsible

body for complaints.

Derogating or restrictive clauses in the contract of carriage cannot limit or preclude the

contents of the Regulation.

Policy enforcement: The Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) is the competent authority for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 in Germany. Under this task the LBA analyses on the basis of the complaints the individual air carriers’ policies and causes the air carriers to eliminate systematic infringements of the EC Regulation. If necessary, sanctions will be imposed consisting of fines. The aim is to ensure proper implementation of the consumer protection regulation according to EC law in Germany and to reduce the causes for passenger complaints.

Rights to compensation : Under the following conditions, compensation or assistance according to the EC Regulation (Article 3) may be claimed:

1. The passenger is departing from a German airport or the passenger is departing from an airport in a third country, the arrival airport is a German airport and the operating air carrier is an air carrier licensed under the Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92.

2. The passenger has a confirmed reservation and presents himself/herself for check-in at

the time indicated in advance or if no time has been specified, not later than 45 minutes before the published time of departure or the passenger has been transferred by the air carrier or the tour operator from a booked flight to another flight and presents himself/herself for check-in at the time indicated in advance or, if no time has been specified, not later than 45 minutes before the published time of departure.

Determination of compensability: In case of flight cancellations, the operating air carrier is not obliged to pay compensation in accordance with article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, only if it can prove to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) that the cancellation is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.

The reasons leading to the flight cancellation shall be given in the form of the statements as requested in this form and shall be verified by appropriate documentation. LBA will resolve upon the acceptance of the statements on the basis of the information and documentation provided.

Information about the kind of documentation that is to be provided as means of proof is given in the note boxes coloured in grey (see below) in each section. If more than one complaint refers to the same flight, it is sufficient to fill out the just once. In this case, however, the LBA reference No of the complaints concerned shall be stated in section 3.

This form is to be signed in section 8 by the person acc to article 63d lit. 4 of Luftverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung (German Air Navigation Certification Order) being the competent person for clearing and accepting complaints in your company.

Changes concerning this person and/or in the contact addresses are to be declared in writing to LBA without delay. If your company has not yet provided this information, the person and/or the contact address are to be announced in writing to LBA without further delay.

If one is refused entry to flight because of overbooking or find that your flight has been cancelled, the airline must hand you a leaflet explaining your rights and describing how much money one is entitled to. The rates are: ● Flights of 1, 500 km or less: € 250 ● Flights between 1, 500 km and 3, 500 km: € 400 ● Flights of more than 3, 500 km: € 600

It is up to enforcement agency LBA to determine if airline is obliged to pay compensation, not by Lufthansa customer service office clerks (Fabian Herrmann and Janine Seidel) or United customer relationship.

Airlines liability insurance minimum coverage: The law requires mandatory insurance for each airline against liability as follow: In accordance with Article 6 of the Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 and §§ 45-47 Luftverkehrsgesetz (Air Navigation Act) the minimum liability insurance cover in respect of passengers, baggage and cargo shall be as follows:

● 250.000 special drawing rights per passenger for bodily injury

● 4.150 special drawing rights per passenger for delayed carriage of passengers

● 1.000 special drawing rights per passenger for damage to baggage and delayed carriage of baggage ● 17 special drawing rights per kilogram for damage to cargoBoth, Lufthansa Airline or United Airline never handed to any of the passengers as required liflets and / or explaining customers rights.

Passengers rights enforcement:

The competency to deal with passengers complaint is with the national enforcement body where the flight - segment problem had its origin, and / or where the airline is domiciled.

Consequtly I have requested mandatory compensation from Lufthansa airline as the result of canceled one of the segments of my on round trip flight from Gdansk (GDN) Poland, to Honolulu (HNL), Hawaii, USA.

The European Court of Justice assured that the airlines must pay up, unless the technical fault was due to “exceptional circumstances“ exclusively defined by the court, such as an act of terrorism or deliberate sabotage.

Further the compensation may be refused only, if the technical problems stem from events which, by their nature or origin, are not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier, are beyond its actual control.

Both airlines in violation of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, negligently abandoned the passengers. Both United Airlines as well as Lufthansa are jointly in contempt of the European Court of Justice. The final decision in Wallentin-Hermann case final verdict, was delivered in mid December of 2008.

The law requires that in situation like this airlines, not the passengers themselves, arranges reservation service as the replacement for cancelled flights, what was never offered or done. Both United Airlines as well Lufthansa not communicating with each other, are “Star Alliance“ members.

Over public announcement service we were informed to seek the hotel Steigenberger, and no one who is not familiar with the town could not locate them. We were only told where to go to the exit, nobody assisted us to find hotel shutlle bus-stop. We were running to and from seeking that bus stop. There was no any form of help to direct us in the right direction.

All Lufthansa did is to tell all passengers to call toll free number: [protected], to United Airlines located “somewhere“ in all center in the United States.

Consequently as many passengers were calling at the same time it was impossible to get to United Airlines employees, the phone were busy, the waiting time was tremendous, mobile (cellular) telephone bill as the consequence are enormous.

If someone was lucky and get connected after several hours of trying, than United told Lufthansa passengers, that have no records of any passengers booked as Lufthansa passengers, and in my cast I am not listed on United Airlines Flight UA 901 passengers list, only due to incompetence of airline employees causing counterproductive tremendous stress, aggravation and tremendous general confusion.

My flight was more than 3, 500 km and as the boarding was denied, I am entitled to the regulatory damage of not less than € 600, plus any and all the expenses on any consequent flights.

In addition should any airline flying from EU airports responsible for the delay or cancelation of the flight anywhere in the world, passengers are entitled to claim 4, 150 SDR (Special Drawing Right), which at the currency exchange rate was about 4, 897.00 €, equivalent of about 6, 300.00 U$, (the exchange rates needs to be prorated to actual currency exchange rates on the day of occurrence, December 27, 2008).

Both airlines after the incident caused only by airlines negligence, ground support mechanics damaged the winglet of the aircraft, negligently abandoned all passengers.

Incident was clearly preventable, was caused only as the result of not following by airline(s) personel mandatory operating safety procedures on the airport ground, tarmac, by ground support crews. The parties are governed by the binding contract and whenever a passenger purchases a ticket, he does so for a comfortable journey.

Travel time: As the travel took from 05:00 am Friday, December 27, 2008 Polish time, (06:00 pm Friday, December 26, 2008, Honolulu time) with the arrival (landing) at 11:55 am, Sunday, December 29, Polish time (Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:55 pm Honolulu time), with consequently lost luggage which was delivered at the local address, which I have received later at 4:00 am Honolulu Time, all time being sleepless. My entire hardly earned vacation were ruined by flight delay. That is almost 58 sleepless hours in transit or travel.

Compensation entitlement: Regulation 5 (EC) No 261/2004, European Court of Justice in Luxembourg: Case Wallentin-Hermann v Alitalia—Linee Aeree Italiane SpA (Case C-549/07), December, 22, 2008.

Justice agreed that any technical issues during aircraft maintenance don’t constitute “extraordinary circumstances” that would allow airlines to avoid paying passengers compensation for canceled flights.

In its judgment, the Fourth Chamber of the Court of Justice held:

“Extraordinary circumstances” was not defined in the 2004 Regulation, but the phrase was to be interpreted narrowly since article 5(3) constituted a derogation from the principle, indicated in recitals 1 and 2 of the preamble, of protection of consumers, in as much as cancellation of flights caused serious inconvenience to passengers.

In addition to denied boarding on flight of more than 3, 500 km, compensation of not less than € 600, I am entitled also to claim flight cancelation 4, 150.0 SDR (Special Drawing Right), of about 4, 897.00 €. I am also entitled to any and all incurred travel expenses, and any legal fees I should encounter.

Airlines failed to provide mandatory accommodations after flight cancellation. No notifications, no refreshments (until 18:00 - 6:00pm with first and quite late meal), no flight reservation service.

Travel expenses (reconstructed or estimated): Phone calls expenses related to notifying other party (long distance and rooming fees) about flight delay (air time on 2 mobile phones): lump sum of 20, 00 €. Reimbursement for the lunch at Frankurt Airport of 25, 00 € . Air time on my mobile phone for calling for seveal hours from Frankfurt to toll free number in United States lump sum of 25, 00 €. Refreshments at Frankfurt 20, 00 €. Entertainment at Frankfurt, while forced to spend night at hotel 50, 00 €. Meals while waiting at the San Francisco airport (per diem), lump sum of 35, 00 €, refreshments 20, 00 €. Taxi in Honolulu lump sum of 25, 00 € (I missed the free transpportation from Airport to residence). Refreshments and dinner in Honolulu (per diem) 50, 00 €. Recuperation from jet lag after the travel (5 days) at per diem rate of 500, 00 € per day.

Total claimed lump sump casual and ordinary out of pocket travel expenses are: 2, 9035.00 €.

Complaint preparation fees 250.00 €.

What was the air carrier’s reaction?

Lufthansa after classical stunt of denial of the compensability due to as alleged fraudulent claim “ unfortunate event was an unforeseeable, unexpected and exceptional accident“ and is now arogantly ignoring me, is NOT at all responding any more to any correspondance related to claim submitted via e-mail, or their website.

The communication with the airline is extremally difficult. Airline(s) has not informed passengers of their rights, neither has disclosed any proper procedures for submitting complaint, and such despite the demand were never disclosed to me, to properly communicate between the passengers and the carriers. Many passengers as foreign nationals were not proficient in german or english languages.

1. The flight was cancelled. Both United Airlines as well Lufthansa are Star Alliance members. Passengers were abandoned by both airlines.

2. All Lufthansa did was to provide passengers with the Toll Free number: [protected], of course to United Airlines located somewhere in the United States. No efforts were undertaken to accommodate the (non English speaking passengers). Many foreign travelers couldn't also not speak German. Many were Germans, who are not obliged to speaking English in their home country!.

3. Over public announcement service we were informed to seek the hotel Steigenberger. There was no any form of help to direct us in the right direction.

4. Passengers booked on United Flight under Lufthansa were told by United that they are not on passengers list. I learnt about it after my call to United Number [protected]. Only by jogging from Hotel to Airport, and between United and Lufthansa with substantial arguments the passengers were able to fight themselves for the reservations, on connecting flights.

5. The stress was building up as: Lufthansa persistently mislead all passengers claiming that it was United flight and reservations must be made with United Airlines by the passengers. United refused to accommodate Lufthansa passengers.

6. In case of cancelled flight the airline has the obligation to arrange the reservations for the passengers not the passengers themselves.

7. That is what the passengers are paying for to their travel agents. The Star Alliance members are required to settle their professional duties between themselves. Abandoning passengers in case like this raises to criminal negligence.

8. The Airline is responsible to accommodate the passengers in any way passengers may require, with no exception.

10. As it was impossible to connect with United as to many abandoned passengers were calling reservation office in the US.

11. Many people on that flight were even non English speaking people (Polish, German, French, Italians, Russians, etc.)

12. Shockingly passengers booked on this flight through exchange with Lufthansa, apparently according to United Airlines, were not on the list of the United Airlines.

13. No any form of assistance either by either Lufthansa or UNITED AIRLINES were ever offered to any passengers at Frankurt Airport. That is contrary to statments in the email. Passengers were abandoned, were forced to make their own travel arrangements, despite that they were not proficient in foreign to them language(s).

14. Considering that the damaged aircraft was Boeing 747 400 series, accommodating close to at whether they had made adequate arrangements for a substitute plane to be available. Typical seating capacity of Boeing 747- 400 series is 524 passengers. Instead of abandoning passengers after flight cancellation, carrier should immediately arrange for substitute plane through any available airline brokerage. Providing replacement booking for such a huge number of passengers on already booked flights was clearly mission impossible, arogant, unprofessional, ruthless and highly questionable regarding the airlines mission statement, its approach to passengers, and business. It well demonstrates how well the airline is organized and how really cares about its passengers.

Some passengers spent over 3 nervous days without the assistance of Lufthansa or United Airlines awaiting for the booking.

15. Neither of airlines have had a substitude stand by aircraft at any of the nearest European hubs.

Lufthansa deliberately and with malice misleads passengers, denies compensation in violation of the governing law(s) and in contempt of European Court of Justice rulling in Wallentin- Hermann v Alitalia—Linee Aeree Italiane SpA (Case C-549/07), dated December 22, 2008.

Citations from Lufthansa written response to the request for compensation: ( ) *(for full e-mail replies by Lufthansa, please see attachments (3) on the end of this complaint.

“Our partner United has informed us about the details surrounding the cancellation of your flight UA 901 on 27 December from Frankfurt to San Francisco. During the ground operations a towing truck accidentally hit the wing of the airplane thus causing the winglet to break off. As this unfortunate event was an unforeseeable, unexpected and exceptional accident, the airline cannot be held liable in this case.“


“We are sorry that you are not satisfied with our response. However, concerning the opinion of Lufthansa the judgement of the European Court does not mean that airlines are liable for cancellations due to technical reasons which are beyond their control - as in this case. Therefore we kindly ask for your understanding that we cannot offer any additional compensation.“ _________________________________________________________________________________

“Please be advised that this will be our final response to you in regard to this case. If you have any other questions or concerns not related to the current claim, we would be glad to assist you.“

_________________________________________________________________________________ “Regarding the events surrounding the cancellation of flight UA 901 on 27 December we are unable to pay any further compensation. You are of course free to contact any aviation authority or law enforcement institution you wish to involve.“

Fabian Herrmann and Janine Seidel as the employees in charge, should be properly trained by the airline, knowledgeable about all mandatory legal requirements, helpful, and authorized to act in the best interest not only of carrier but first the passengers. Based on objective evidence and an intentional attempt to escape from liability, by any and all means, by writing targeted, predatory, purposly misleading counterproductive emails on behave of Lufthansa customer reations, resulted only in uncalled aggrevation, and substantial waste of time. Considering criminal behavior of those Lufthansa employees, who accepted on themselves to make the determination of compensability, while not authorised and qualified to do so, justify maximum sanctions of 25, 000 € to be imposed by this enforcement agency on Lufthansa.

All travel expanses are reconstructed, as it is impractical and impossible to keep exact accounting of petty cash, in many cases the receipts were lost or not provided.

Cost of living (COLA) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, is higher than in any other states. For tourist daily cost of surviving (hotel, meals, refreshments and entertainment) in Hawaii (per diem) is not less than estimated 500, 00 to 600, 00 U$ per person.

It is up to the carrier (LUFTHANSA) to make me now an offer that I can't refuse.

1 SDR *(Special Drawing Right) is worth about 1.18 €.

€1.00 is equal to about U$1.285.

Law and case references:

Consequences of flight cancellation and delay: Consequently after such extremely long travel (58 hors), I have been devastatingly exhausted and needed full week of time for after travel recovery from time change and jet lag, as due to nervous situation, I was unable to sleep either in the hotel and later on the airplane during the flight. I have been to tired to enjoy the New Year event in Honolulu, which we planned for several months before. Consequently I was than unable to travel as planed to Kuai, Maui, Molokai and Big Island of Hawaii, during my 3 weeks of vacation due to extreme exhaustion after such a long flight.

My vacation plans in Hawaii were substantially affected by the unplanned and uncalled change in flight schedule, as neither of the airlines have not timely provided a substitute plane from the nearest hub, what should be done with a minimum time delay. My vacation Plans as well as my companion arriving separately, were also totally ruined, as we were unable to enjoy either New Year, or other pre-planed trips, activities and / or business meetings.

Settlement: The amount of settlement to be paid is always subject to negotiations. I am requesting settlement as proposed below, saying so, under all special circumstances of this case, as explained above, I am submitting my non negotiable demands for compensation.

I am considering proposed below settlement terms as fair and just under any and all circumstances, in this case.

As my New Year vacation as the result of flight cancellation were totally ruined, in addition to compensation, and all out of pocket expenses as stated above, as a replacement for my totally ruined vacations, I am requesting fully paid round trip (for two) for the „4th of July“ in Hawaii, between June 27, 2009 to to July 19, 2009, with, with return booked for August 27, 2009, (subject to my approval). The trip should include at least 21 pre-paid nights (two bedrooms suite) in Waikoloa Hawaii resort on Big Island of Hawaii.

Hilton Waikoloa village in Hawaii web pages:

The settlement I am seeking is travel for two value about U$ 5, 000 21 days Hilton Waikoloa accommodation for 2 in a 2 bedroom suite, value about 25, 000 U$ and than 5, 000 Euro cancellation compensation in compliance with Infringement of Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004.

Reimbursement for lost income during 25 days of those vacation in the amount of U$ 15, 000 (self employed).

Lufthansa's response:

Regarding the events surrounding the cancellation of flight UA 901 on 27 December we are unable to pay any further compensation. You are of course free to contact any aviation authority or law enforcement institution you wish to involve.

Yours sincerely,


Fabian Herrmann / Janine Seidel

Customer Feedback Europe

Lufthansa German Airlines

Customer Feedback Europe

PO Box 1289

Liverpool L69 3AX



Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with limited liability.

Corporate Headquarters/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln

Registration/Registereintragung: Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board/ Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Juergen Weber

Executive Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Chairman/Vorsitzender), Stephan Gemkow, Stefan Lauer

Thank you for your Email dated 19 January.

We are very sorry to learn about the irregularities and difficulties you experienced as a result of a flight cancellation on 27 December. For your inconvenience and your trouble we would like to apologise most sincerely to you.

As a matter of course we have already contacted our partner United Airlines and are currently researching the reasons for these unfortunate events. We kindly ask you for your patience during our handling process. We will contact you as soon as we have obtained more information.

Yours sincerely,
Fabian Herrmann / Janine Seidel
Customer Feedback Europe

Lufthansa German Airlines
Customer Feedback Europe
PO Box 1289
Liverpool L69 3AX

Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with limited liability.
Corporate Headquarters/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln
Registration/Registereintragung: Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board/ Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Juergen Weber
Executive Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Chairman/Vorsitzender), Stephan Gemkow, Stefan Lauer

Lufthansa's second e-mail (2) response:

Thank you for your patience during our handling process.
We are sorry that you feel you have to write in English. Of course you can also write to us in your native language.

Our partner United has informed us about the details surrounding the cancellation of your flight UA 901 on 27 December from Frankfurt to San Francisco. During the ground operations a towing truck accidentally hit the wing of the airplane thus causing the winglet to break off. As this unfortunate event was an unforeseeable, unexpected and exceptional accident, the airline cannot be held liable in this case.

As a matter of course we and our partner still offer care and assistance to our passengers in such a situation. We very much regret that you felt that the service provided was not up to the standard you have come to expect from us. Due to the large numbers of guests who require assistance it is not always possible to honour personal requests as much as we would like to. We kindly ask for your understanding in this matter.

The ground staff in Frankfurt offered all involved passengers hotel accommodation. All major hotels operate shuttle buses from the airport that are free of charge for hotel guests. Therefore no transportation voucher was issued to you.

Since this unpleasant chain of events was caused by an accident and our partner United has fulfilled the EU regulation by offering accommodation to you, no further compensation can be paid in this instance.

We are glad that you could continue your journey the next day on LH 456 and we hope that in spite of the irregularities you had a successful and pleasant trip and you will choose Lufthansa again in the near future.

Yours sincerely,
Fabian Herrmann / Janine Seidel
Customer Feedback Europe

Lufthansa German Airlines
Customer Feedback Europe
PO Box 1289
Liverpool L69 3AX

Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with limited liability.
Corporate Headquarters/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln
Registration/Registereintragung: Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board/ Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Juergen Weber
Executive Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Chairman/Vorsitzender), Stephan Gemkow, Stefan Lauer

Lufthansa's e-mail response:

Thank you for your Email.

We are sorry that you are not satisfied with our response. However, concerning the opinion of Lufthansa the judgement of the European Court does not mean that airlines are liable for cancellations due to technical reasons which are beyond their control - as in this case. Therefore we kindly ask for your understanding that we cannot offer any additional compensation.

Please be advised that this will be our final response to you in regard to this case. If you have any other questions or concerns not related to the current claim, we would be glad to assist you.

It is our hope that these events will not keep you from choosing Lufthansa again for your journeys.Yours sincerely,
Fabian Herrmann / Janine Seidel
Customer Feedback Europe

Lufthansa German Airlines
Customer Feedback Europe
PO Box 1289
Liverpool L69 3AX

Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with limited liability.
Corporate Headquarters/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln
Registration/Registereintragung: Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board/ Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Juergen Weber
Executive Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Chairman/Vorsitzender), Stephan Gemkow, Stefan Lauer

Lufthansa's e-mail response:

Regarding the events surrounding the cancellation of flight UA 901 on 27 December we are unable to pay any further compensation. You are of course free to contact any aviation authority or law enforcement institution you wish to involve.

Yours sincerely,
Fabian Herrmann / Janine Seidel
Customer Feedback Europe

Lufthansa German Airlines
Customer Feedback Europe
PO Box 1289
Liverpool L69 3AX

Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany with limited liability.
Corporate Headquarters/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln
Registration/Registereintragung: Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board/ Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Juergen Weber
Executive Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Chairman/Vorsitzender), Stephan Gemkow, Stefan Lauer

Lufthansa German Airlines

Customer Feedback Europe

PO Box 1289

Liverpool L69 3AX


Lufthansa Customer Relation:


Deutsche Lufthansa AG



Zip Code33322


Help all to FIGHT BACK those crooks:

E-mail Lufthansa CEO, and other employees, tell them what YOU think of that shoddy airlines:,,,,, holger.hä,,,,,

Gunveer Singh
Monmouth Junction, US
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Jul 06, 2009 6:30 pm EDT


Lufthansa has been so inconsistent with their business practices. They advised me that I could cancel a ticket booked on their website. They have not refunded my money and are sending me in circles.

I did not even fly using their airline.

hayden grace
Tahoe City, US
Send a message
Dec 04, 2009 12:26 pm EST

Lufthansa, this is ridiculous! You are sending me in circles. I want my refund! It has been almost 5 months. I have been faxing you my information, emailing and calling, nothing is happening. I will never fly with you again.

Genoveva Ilie
Lochbuie, US
Send a message
Dec 07, 2009 5:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Lufthansa, a bunch of swindlers, they took from me 2.500.00$ and dont want to refound anything. This a ### airline, nobody should use it.

Iris Dobbs
Johnson City, US
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Sep 06, 2011 4:14 pm EDT

Do not use lufthansa, I just got royally screwed by them. When I originally booked my ticket i was told that for $250 I could rebook my return flight for a later date. I have just tried to rebook my return flight and was told that they be more then happy to do that for $560 on top of the $250, which in essence is almost as much as a roundtrip ticket.

JH Griffin
Cambridge, US
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Dec 12, 2011 12:28 pm EST

My wife and I were promised 600 euro each if we would volunteer to take another flight because our flight was overbooked. The agent in Frankfurt lied to us because we could not redeem the voucher when we arrived in Boston. We sent the vouchers to NY and no response or a number to contact. I'll never use this airline again. What a bunch of liars and crooks- trying to collect on my voucher cost me $200 in wages.

Rafael Godoy
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Aug 22, 2013 3:54 am EDT

I lost my fligth in Dublin cause illness and could¨t cancel the flights due that, when a want to book for another flight the call center informed that ticket no used was no usefull. I dont understand that. I lost my money ? must i buy a new ticket? I do not know..please help me. Ticket No. 220 [protected].

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Apr 21, 2015 10:21 am EDT

I cancelled my ticket on 30 Jan -2015, and today is 21 April 2015, and i have not received my refund ? I am trying to contact Luftansa since last 3 week by nobody is telling the fact. My biggest mistake : that i booked the ticket with luftansa.

Please check: Reservation code: 5ABMYX (last name: Singh), cancelled on 30-Jan-2015

Khaled S
Send a message
Nov 14, 2015 6:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is absolutely the worst ever airline, extremely terrible customer service, I will never fly lufthansa, I lost 2 bags in Sept 3rd and so far no news no compensation, no reply from customer service, soooooo bad

  1. Lufthansa German Airlines Contacts

  2. Lufthansa German Airlines phone numbers
    800 440 7031
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    United States
    +1 (514) 673-7286
    +1 (514) 673-7286
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    +44 151 237 3300
    +44 151 237 3300
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    +43 120 609 2773
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    +32 27 006 452
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    +45 43 314 889
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    +358 972 522 134
    +358 972 522 134
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    +33 387 130 113
    +33 387 130 113
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    +353 18 445 544
    +353 18 445 544
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    +39 299 953 920
    +39 299 953 920
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    +31 707 709 396
    +31 707 709 396
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    +351 707 782 782
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    +34 910 900 700
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    +46 850 252 104
    +46 850 252 104
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    +41 227 614 522
    +41 227 614 522
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    +90 212 354 8888
    +90 212 354 8888
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    +86 400 886 8868
    +86 400 886 8868
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    +852 28 682 313
    +852 28 682 313
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    Hong Kong
    +972 39 272 021
    +972 39 272 021
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    +81 363 628 114
    +81 363 628 114
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    +60 320 531 898
    +60 320 531 898
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    +65 66 228 401
    +65 66 228 401
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    +27 21 415 374
    +27 21 415 374
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    South Africa
    +82 234 831 049
    +82 234 831 049
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    South Korea
    +66 20 566 868
    +66 20 566 868
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    +971 43 898 100
    +971 43 898 100
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    +55 113 878 8151
    +55 113 878 8151
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    +54 115 032 0162
    +54 115 032 0162
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    +52 555 091 3140
    +52 555 091 3140
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  3. Lufthansa German Airlines address
    Lufthansa Aviation Center, Airportring 21, Frankfurt am Main, New York, 60546, Germany
  4. Lufthansa German Airlines social media
  5. Maria
    Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 11, 2025
  6. View all Lufthansa German Airlines contacts
Lufthansa German Airlines Category
Lufthansa German Airlines is ranked 9 among 221 companies in the Airlines and Air Travel category