At gate check in in Calgary, the guest service people said that my personal bag is big and does not fit the sizer so I have to check in my carry on bag since I’m only allowed 1 bag in the aircraft. Paid for my carry on bag upon reservation then charged me another $109 to check in same bag. Told them that my bag will fit under the seat but they still insisted that I pay. So no choice! My bag FIT UNDER THE SEAT PERFECTLY UNDER THE SEAT! So I ended paying a total of $140 for my carry on bag which is to begin with isn’t necessary!
There’s another passenger with same dilemma. He’s a young guy who can’t afford to check in his bag. Calgary was his layover from Vancouver and had no problem whatsoever with his previous trip! I offered to pay his check in bag so he doesn’t have to end up stranded in Calgary! Like him, I traveled with same personal bag with other airlines and had NO PROBLEM! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT THIS HAPPENED! I took pictures of both the young guy and my personal bag tucked in nicely under the seat for proof. I would demand refund of what this airline charged me and what I paid for the young guy. The baggage sizer being used at the airport should be the same size as the space under the seat to ensure accuracy’. There were other passengers that ended up with the same problem. Air fare may be cheap but will get you with paying for unnecessary baggage fees. Will definitely put a very poor review after this incident. Will not recommend this airline.
Desired outcome: Refund the unnecessary $$ paid to check in carry on bags for 2 passengers