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Maxis Communications Complaints 344

8:09 pm EDT

Maxis Communications very bad customer service given

I've been a 'Loyal Customer' with Maxis for so many years but never encounter with such 'Bad Customer Services' from your agent. I've called up Hotline 123 this morning telling your agent 'Nasyira' bout' my issue that I'm trying to purchase a 'Caller Ringtone' for my sub-line but my request has failed. I've told her that I've bought the 'Caller Ringtone' from '' but failed. From beginning of the conversation I've told her my problems but it seems that she's not listening what I'm complaining and instead asking me to purchase other caller ringtone songs which I don't like. What kind of 'Customer Services' Maxis is giving nowdays? Not only that, last month 4th June, 2019 I've called spoke to the 'Home Fibre Internet Dept' regarding bout' my 'Land Line Issue' and problem haven't solved at all until now. I, as a 'Loyal Customer' to Maxis and I'm the one had to keep on calling Maxis bout' my case instead of your'Maxis Customer Services Staffs' calling the customers. This is the 'WORST & BAD CUSTOMER SERVICES' given to me and I've already send an e-mail to 'Malaysia Communications & Multimedia Commission' for the 'VERY BAD SERVICES GIVEN'.

Best Regards,
Ms. Catherine

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10:51 pm EDT
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Maxis Communications please take action, before that i'am already compalint to mcmc

Saya merujuk kembali pada aduan saya, bertarikh pada 17/16/19 (compalint ID: [protected]-MXS) walau pihak maxis ada berhubung dgn saya owner sendiri pd tarikh 24/6/19. masalah nye skrg beliau mengatakan di pihak saya lambt untuk membalas sehingga tempoh ygh telah ditetapkan. utk mmbuktikan kata-kata pihak maxis sampi skrg kami masih tidak lg mnghantar sms yg mereka nyatakn utk sya membalas 'reply' sehingga ke hari ini masalah sya untuk bertukar ke lain Telco Celcom masih gagal. kenapa dan bagaimana perkara yg sebegini tidak dapt diselesaikan segera, sebelom itu saya sudah menyelesaikan segala bayaran bill dan rasanya tiada ape lg yg jdi masalah utk pihak maxis meluluskn pertukaran line maxis ke line celcom.

Di harap pihak MCMC tolong beri perhatian kpd kami yg jadi mangsa sedemikan, sebelum ini sya bnyak mngetahui maxis mmg banyak masalah bila kita mahu menukar ke line lain, conthmye mereka akan bagi macam2 alasan ataupon promosi yg sya akui dan pernah menerima promosi2 spt itu sblom ini.

Sya berharap jugak pihak berwajib ambil tindakan yg sewajarnye. Saya sudah tidak boleh tunggu lama.Masalah nye masalah sya ini berlarutan seolah2 tiada tindakan yg diambil drp bulan 24/5/19 dan kini penghujung bulan Jun dan bulan julai akn tiba.takkan saya hanya akan mmbayar bill setiap bulan atas alasan yg sama, yg sbenarnya pihak maxis yg sengaja tidak mmbuat tindakan yg selanjutnye.

Sekian . Terima Kasih.

Subject : Mohon Ambil Tindakan Terhadap Telco MAXIS - Pertukaran Line ke Telco Celcom Disekat

Akmal Saadah
Tue, 18 Jun, 17:21 (10 days ago)
to aduan

Merujuk kpd perkara di atas.

Adalah saya owner atas nama Akmal Sa'adah Bt Adam, Nric no. [protected] ingin membuat aduan pada pihak mcmc bahawa pd bulan lps 25hb May 2019 saya ada membuat permohonan utk menukar line telco Maxis ke line baru iaitu CELCOM. Apa yg menjadi masalah nye sekarang adalah pihak Maxis sengaja melengah2 kan process tersebut. Apabila sya sudah mndapat pesanan sms dripada Maxis kami telah reply "YES". Kemudian beberapa hri kemudian dpt panggilan tel drpd pihak Maxis, yg mereka nak buat pengesahan dengan owner sendiri. Ok skrg ni no Maxis [protected]) pendaftaran atas nama sya, tetapi no ini suami sya yg guna. Pada masa pihak Maxis mngubungi suami saya beliau sudah menerangkan kedudukan citer yang sebenar dan telah pon memberi no. contact saya, tetapi masalah sehingga sekarang pihak Maxis xde langsung utk menghubungi saya di no. [protected]). Apabila sya sehingga sekarang terus menunggu langsung tiada feedback.

Dengan ini sys terfikir bulan baru akan mnyusul dan bill baru akan mnyusul, sya rasa stress sgt2 sebab tindakan pihak Maxis sengaja melambat2kan serta melenggah2kan
proses ini. Di harap pihak yang berwajib sila ambil tindakn yang sewajarnye.

Sekian laporan saya.

Nama : Akmal Sa'adah Bt Adam
Hp no: [protected]

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to notify you that Complaint ID: [protected]-MXS has been responded/resolved. Should you wish to pursue this complaint further, kindly inform us within ten (10) days from this notification.

You may follow up the complaint at the MCMC ADUAN portal

Otherwise, MCMC consider that this complaint has been resolved.

Thank you.


Complaint Team

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3:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Maxis Communications need half month for repair

I have complaint my internet service was down on 09.06.2019 (saturday) and get the report number from maxis staff. However, it did not repair my internet line until monday 11.06.2019, therefore, I call again for complain. However, the maxis staff told me that the internet line only can be repaired on 27.06.2019, need to wait for 16 days just can send pepole to repair the internet service. I am really angry and disappointed for the service that provided by maxis. Very very very bad services...

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3:29 am EDT

Maxis Communications bad staff

Dear maxis, there's a way to respond with a customer. Today I went to this branch to enquire about my safe device termination. I explained thoroughly to the guy and that guy seems like a new staff so he request a girl who's senior to him to help me. I was standing right in front of the counter (where she's standing) and she was so rude telling "did she called 123? Then why she came here. Tel her to ask them la". I was like im infront of you and you may tel me directly in such a kind way like how I asked you. Very disappointed.

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12:09 am EDT

Maxis Communications bad experiences with maxis employees/ agents - wangsa walk mall

I have been using Maxis for almost 19 to 20 years. I WAS happy and satisfied until recently when I changed my Maxis plan at Wangsa Walk Mall in Dec 2018 It involved cancellation of 1 sub-line, addition of 1 new principal line, change of principal number from no. A to the new principle line. To enable change of plan, I have paid in full to which I was told that a representative will come to my house to do installation to replace the old one. I was then asked if I want a cordless phone. I remembered under the old plan I did subscribe to home line but found it difficult to find cordless phone. I have a very tight schedule and we ended paying without using it until I decided to change the plan in Dec 2018. SO I agreed to accept Maxis cordless phone and my husband paid RM99. I was told that the installer will bring the cordless phone. We waited and waited but no body came. I called Wangsa Walk somewhere in April 2019. I was told that there was no record that I swap the plan. I was asked to go to Wangsa Walk to discuss. I went. I was told that they have the record that I swap the plan but request was NEVER MADE by Wangsa Walk outlet to Maxis HQ to do installation. And in Maxis record, I have been paying the sub line that I was supposed to have terminated, and TWO PRINCIPAL LINES - i.e the old one and the new principal line. No wonder I have been paying more than RM700 a month for almost 5 months ! My bad that I did not check my bills and blindly paying Maxis. After receiving bad treatments from a staff, a more senior staff came forward and assisted me. She told me installer will come and she made an appointment for the installer to come at 12 noon 10.6.2019. The installer came. I asked him about the cordless phone. He said he did not receive order to bring. I contacted Wangsa Maju. Again, the same bad horrible staff answered my call. Why I said horrible? Because she has been explaining without looking at the record and spoke RUBBISH! she told me RM99 that I paid was for my internet bill. What bill? Then I asked her to check, she said she did not have access to my records. Then she said if paid RM89 is for line and without cordless phone, but if paid RM99 cordless phone will be provided.Hey! did I just said that I paid RM99? Then she said I have to queue. I said I paid since Dec 2018, she said yes there is a long queue and 6 months seems to her normal!Then I grilled her with a question - if you could not access my record, why did you said RM99 that I paid was for internet bill. I have no appetite to liaise with people who talk as if others have no brain! and this is the 2nd time it happened in Wangsa Walk Mall..I asked for the senior staff to call me. the senior staff return my call. I was asked to call 123 and I spoke to Hani. Hani requested for a contact person in Wangsa walk mall and I gave. This morning I was told that there was no record I paid RM99. I was asked to produce receipt - that is fair - but I don't think I could locate it now, after 6 months! It is ok Maxis, I will buy the cordless myself. I can afford to buy - the amount is nothing comparing the amount that I paid you for NOTHING for the past 5 to 6 months! But when my contract ends - ADIOS ! Bye bye to the more than 19 years relationship. I know it will still be a long time as Maxis insisted my contact to start when they updated the record i.e in May 2019 and not Dec 2018 when I applied and started paying them more than I should have paid...I have tolerated enough! I'll be counting the days.. and will keep counting...

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8:29 am EDT

Maxis Communications installer and installation

Hi today, I have installation for maxis fibre and I was totally very upset with the installer which is really dumb and very slow, suppose maxis installer should know multi languages and can speak in international language which is simple English but this installer really have no idea of English speaking.
He was not qualified to become as a installer first of all, Mnc company such as Maxis should keep their standard on employing staff, and either they are fit for the job scope or not, he look like a sick person and even no energy to talk or for work and telling reasons due to fasting month, if they cant work on fasting month then why just resigned the job.
The installer name was mohd asafi Ali
And the installation date was 27 may 2019

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2:41 am EDT

Maxis Communications payment

For the last 3 months or more, I have been having payment stress as I set my Maxis account on auto debit to my credit card and Maxis have been charging my credit card wrongly without any sense of consideration for their client.

I took up a simple RM98 monthly plan and sub one of my other mobile line with the fee of RM48. Since the time I did the sub line arrangement, my bill charges has gone haywire. Called Maxis support line many time with different customer service personnel handling my case but it is still messed up billing the following month despite their assurance they will help me set things right.

Imagine my stress of seeing my credit charges each month. Each time I only need to see RM98+58 only and this is what I get.

I hope that some in the Maxis Management level will help me look into this once and for all

My mobile number is +[protected]

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11:07 am EDT

Maxis Communications line

Hello..maxis can you saw my letter i'm a user of maxis More then 10 years already and i also dun wan complain about the service until now. My internet Slow like a turtle how come you Big company dun know about this problem either is my phone problem
Pls la dun waste my money for every month payment and get this poor internet
Or you will deduct or offer to me

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9:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Maxis Communications hotlink

Hello..i'm a user of maxis for like 5 years already and i've never been dissapointed to use the service until now. My internet service is poor than ever been and i'm don't really mind about it until now. My internet service started slow from couple weeks ago on this early month actually. Only signal H available all day everyday without any sign of 4G. And this week i noticed that signal E showed up too. That's when i start to think i have to take action about it. I did change my access point name from maxis internet from maxis 4G but it seems like no changes at all and began to worsen the situation. Can someone please fix this issue as soon as possible? I would appreciate it.

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3:12 am EDT

Maxis Communications maxis account no [protected] - no connection

Hi, why was my line disconnected?

There is no Network signal at all!

What are u guys trying to do?

Terminate my account? I ve been with this 017 number n being loyal Maxis customer since 1998 n late payment for my monthly bill for less then a Month, line was barred n cut off from Maxis Network? Seriously?

I can't received incoming call n the worse part I couldn't make Online Banking transaction due to my TAC no was registered with my existing 017 number!

This is way too much, without warning or reminder, you cut off my line with no consideration n respect! What if in case of emergency I need to make an emergency call? Do you consider?

Yes, i received ur notifications regards to outstanding monthly bill but it doesn't justified you to cut off my line, no network at all!

It is fair, if I couldn't make out call n Internet service was barred but to receive incoming call n messages especially for my TAC for online banking purposes is way to much n harsh!

Do get back with clear justification on your action


Account No

c.c cfm & cmc

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10:55 pm EDT

Maxis Communications business fibre internet

maxis staff say that my place sure can install and it just take a few days to proceed before i start to apply for maxis internet. But after i hv apply, i hv been waiting for so long time jz for a pre-visit. Then came out with wrong address problem, unable to install. Lastly, say tat pot is full and will automatic cancel my order. i hv been waiting for at least 2month and finally u give me a [censored] conclusion.

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10:20 pm EDT

Maxis Communications misleading information given

Billing Address: 36, Floor, JALAN H 1, TAMAN MELAWATI, KUALA LUMPUR, 53100, Wilayah Persekutuan
Account No: [protected]
Modem ID: 710855
VOIP Directory Number: [protected]
Plan: Home 300Mbps Voice Unlimited (RM149)
Start Date: 30/04/2019

Kindly take note that the promised service made by your sale person (Encik Kalvin) is misleading. According to your technicians at MAXIS Centre the 300Mbps can only be achieving if I used 5G computer OR by installing "individual land line" directly to my "old" computers. Your sales person never mentioned about it. He said everything remains the same; just install the modem my speed will be upgraded instantly. Without the 5G computer or the land line the speed is only at 50 Mbps - worse than UNIFI services. When I bought the land line and connected to the computer the speed now at about 300 Mbps. Since I got four computers in my house I have to purchase four sets of land line (!)

When my son and I call the MAXIS Centre we end up been passed from one person to another and we got to repeat the same line of answers to every new person. We quoted the name of the first officer but they insisted that we must repeat it once again (as if they are reading it from scripted SOP). One of your officer even put blame on your sale person for not telling the real story (!)

What happen to your world class services?

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4:06 am EDT

Maxis Communications unauthorised on behalf myself to sign in to the new postpaid application form

Hi Maxis Team,

I would like to inform that 2 issued.

1st Issued is, yesterday I was made payment for my previously year 2006 outstanding balance amount as RM94.20 with credit card in KSL Mall Outlet . The Chinese Guy wearing Glasses said will send me an email for my copy regarding the official receipt due to they may engage on that time about 4pm plus in shop. But until now I haven't receive yet.

2nd Issued is, the Signature inside the Register Form for new postpaid plan was not my signature. I don't think this is the correct procedure to proceed it as application for consumer right?

Please advise about this 2 issued to me can?


Best Regards,

Tan Chean Ping

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2:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Maxis Communications integration in communication and process or tool

To Maxis management team,

I'm writing to lodge complaint against Maxis Sunway Pyramid about inconsistent info provided within 90mins interval and inconsistent jn Maxis system which wasted much time and money.

The online coverage checker is not reliable, I have input my new residential full address or condo name, it shiwed not within coverage. When I walked in and checked on 8 Apr, about 17:57 in Nu Sentral, Maxis staff said there was coverage in Z residence but with another street name jalan
5/155 which differs from eletricity bill with street name - Jalan Jalil Perwira 2. There was no other extra info provided. Thus I went back and checked in Google to confirm the location if both street is same location.

18 Apr, about 19:00 visited Maxis Nu Sentral to make appointment for Maxis Fiber relocation, the staff then told me: No charge for installation fee but contract will be renewed = another 24 months till contract end.
If terminate now, will need to pay penalty rm 500, regardless when I terminate, as long as terminate within 2 years contract is rm 500 penalty.
If relocate to new house, I will be binded by new contract (another 24 months) with new plan 30 mbps rm 89 (current 30mbps 147rm)
Then I went back and discussed with family. Decision made is to relocate.

27 Apr, visited PJ Paradigm Mall Maxis, staff said they were not Maxis center, they were unable to assist for relocation. I asked the staff on how to differentiate Maxis center. Staff advised need to visit bigger Maxis, for example Sunway Pyramid.

28 Apr, visited at 16:49 Sunway Pyramid Maxis, counter 8, queue number 4134, 1st staff checked coverage, he informed us that new residential address - Z residence confirmed had no coverage. We informed that we already checked in NuSentral before, staff in NuSentral Maxis said Z Residence was covered. Sunway Pyramid Maxis staff insisted there was no coverage, he checked and showed the outcome to us via WhatsApp.

Since there was no coverage, I asked him to proceed for termination. He told me that I need to bring router and tenancy agreement. I rushed back to my current house and brought router and tenancy agreement, then rushed to Sunway Pyramid Maxis again, 18:09, queue number 4172, same counter 8, but another staff, checked coverage before termination but found coverage via iPad...

We complain about inconsistency, the staff apologize and showed how they checked and said most probably that's a newbie. I said: The previous staff showed me via WhatsApp and said no coverage, if he was new then it meant there should be training conducted and teach him how to check in proper manner to provide accurate info. I was provided with 2 different outcome within just 90 minutes. I have no trust against Maxis, and I lost confidence in Maxis but I have no choice but to continue using this service because even the supervisor Sophie explaiend that despite I'm dissatisfied with the experience, I had not lodge a complaint towards Maxis service before thus unable to terminate without penalty.

In conclusion and in other words, I will need to endure with this unreliable service until contract ends. What a sad thing.

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3:53 am EDT

Maxis Communications maxis fiber services

Bad customer services

I call 123, one of your staff pick up phone, than I ask him to check about the maxis fiber. He told me that the technician cant contact me because number [protected], this is my last time sub line number. He said will help me to change to [protected].
I wait for 4 days more, still don't have anyone contact me. I make a call 123 again.

I call 123, this is one agent answer my call, she help me and check let me know the technician can't contact me, the number she give me still the same my old sub line number. She told me my area don't have services for maxis fiber. I ask her to check, she ask me to give her sometimes to check and she will contact me before 5pm. (make 0 promise to customer)

Until 22/4/2019 haven call.

Call 123 again, this agent told me my number is [protected], but this one already cancel it. Than I ask him how? What should I do? He say need to make a report 7 to 14 days to process? (really need to take so long time to process?)

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12:05 pm EDT

Maxis Communications maxis fibre

Nama saya faiz
Ic no [protected]
Report no c22041537

Sabtu 30/3/2019-saya telah call maxis tentang masalah tm router (lampu los blinking dan lampu pon tidak menyala). Operator maxis beritahu akan report pada pihak tm dan pihak tm akan call saya dalam masa 48 jam.

Ahad 31/3/2019-isteri saya call maxis bertanyakan bila pihak tm akan call saya. Operator maxis beritahu staf teknikal tm cuti hari sabtu dan ahad.

Isnin 1/4/2019-saya call maxis. Operator maxis maklumkan pada saya akan followup dengan pihak tm dan say perlu tunggu 48 jam.

Rabu 3/4/2019-saya call maxis berkenaan masalah tm router. Operator maxis memberitahu report saya akan dipercepatkan. Dia memberitahu bahawa pihak tm mengutamakan pelanggan tm/unifi berbanding pelanggan maxis. Dan saya boleh mendapat waive bill maxis kerana masalah yang dihadapi.

Jumaat 5/4/2019-saya call maxis. Operator maxis beritahu akan memberi dongle sementara masalah tm router saya diselesaikan. Dia beritahu akan memberi dongle itu pada hari sabtu 6/4/2019

Sabtu 6/4/2019-saya call maxis beritahu tiada pihak maxis datang memberi dongle seperti yang dijanjikan.

Sila selesaikan masalah saya

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11:54 pm EDT

Maxis Communications shipment send not reach at receiver address

ABX TRACKING NO : [protected]

Please advise on this item send when can be delivered to the receiver address ?

Tracking Result

Shipment Number: [protected]
Shipper Reference:
Current Status: ROUTE SCAN
Description: Batch No:[protected], Truck:No-Data, Route:PKX03VF

Date & time are local to the service area in which the shipment checkpoint is recorded.
Shipment History

Location Scan Date Activity
PKX 13/02/2019 08:08:38 ROUTE SCAN
SUBANG 13/02/2019 02:52:34 LOGSHEET
KOTA KINABALU 11/02/2019 18:16:24 ROUTE SCAN
BKI 11/02/2019 15:19:21 LOGSHEET
BKI 09/02/2019 15:40:32 ROUTE SCAN
BKI 09/02/2019 15:40:32 ROUTE SCAN
BKI 09/02/2019 13:28:56 STICKER - TOTAL PKG# 1
BKI 09/02/2019 13:28:55 SHIPMENT PICKED UP

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8:23 am EST

Maxis Communications customer service

I went to the maxis outlet at 8.40 pm to pay my maxis plan bills. When I pressed the service number, the Chinese lady with long hair seated at the counter didn't even bother asking what I needed assistance with, instead she just told me that it's closed. As far as I am aware, outlets are allowed to close at 9.30 pm to prepare for the closing of the mall. Thus, the workers there were only thinking of closing the outlet for the sake of finishing their job. She was very rude as it is the duty of a customer service person to be friendly towards customers. Such lazy and unfriendly workers should not be hired as they damage the image of your brand.

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7:31 am EST

Maxis Communications maxis home fiber

I write to complain about the bad service of staff in the outlet. So recently I lodged a report my my maxis home fiber having a problem. I called the customer service and they passed my call to the technician department.. The technician told me about something that the problem will be sent within 40hours.. After a day wifi i've called again and told them about the issue... At that time they only say that they're gonna put my problem status urgent... After not long I received a phone call again telling me that the earliest appointment date will be 13/2/2019 (after cny) where I lodged my report 1/2/2019. I asked whether they can send a technician on monday or cny time as my issue is very urgent due to I nid the wifi to get my homework done... And they said that their technician wouldn't be around... My question is dun you guys have any stand by technician to fix this kind of problem during such urgent season? So you are telling me I wouldn't have wifi throughout the whole cny festival (more than a week).. So I say fine I will take the appointment date first as the lady told me that if I dun take the date others will and will postpone my appointment to even further date... I ask whether there's a time slot at 4pm as there wont be anyone at home before 4pm since my family members and I nid to go to school and work. The lady replied me saying no our technicians only work until 2pm... For the first time I heard technicians work until 2pm when my maxis home fiber installation technician came to my house at 6pm that time... Is this a joke? Another day went by, I went to maxis centre at the gardens to ask and report again... My ticket is one number away from the current serving number... But I still waited for almost 30mins or more... Finally it's my turn I sat down and talk to one of the female staff... I asked whether they have a temporary solution for my case and she said she will seek help from her boss or manager... I waited for almost 5 mins another staff came and ask whether I can sit back to the waiting area and wait while he serve another customer... Excuse me so I didnt waited long enough? He told me he will get back to me asap so I went back... After another 5 mins the female staff came back and told me that she have a solution is that she give me a sim card with data and I will have to pay for it when I use... She will also deduct my wifi bill according to how many days I dun have wifi... I asked her... This isnt my problem... It is it company's I pay on time for my wifi every month and now my wifi broke down and u still want me to pay... She answered because u are using our sim card so its buying a service u have to pay extra.. I was like (I didnt say it out to her face) me paying for all the wifi bill am I not buying ur service and u still talk to me like I pay and I have to bare all this trouble? And then she ask whether I m the account holder I say no I m representing my father... But every bill and stuff are sent to me guess what she said... She said I pay the bills for my mother too (in chinese and with a very impatient tune) oh woah is that how u talk to ur customer... She say of you really want the sim card today I can do for you but u have to pay full first and I will return the balance for you when u bring along ur father to return the sim... At that time I was so pissed and I say nvm I will come back tmr with my father and will discuss with him... She then tell me I wont be around tmr... Excuse me?! Are you thinking that ur the only staff in maxis... I was so unhappy and I left... I felt like my consumer rights is exploited... I pay for services that I want and I still get this kind of attitude, service and troubles? This is not even what u call customer service... Totally nonsense... Very disappointed

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6:44 am EST

Maxis Communications service line

My service line keep on getting no service! Like every 5 minutes. What's wrong? All my family who's using maxis also face the same problem. What the use to buy internet passes if your line keep on giving us no service. And don't tell me to restart the phone cause i did it and it's still occurring!

Please help to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Im getting tired of getting ‘no service' at my phone every 2 minutes

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About Maxis Communications

Screenshot Maxis Communications
Maxis Communications is a Malaysian telecom provider offering mobile, fixed-line, internet, and digital services. It caters to individual and business customers with postpaid, prepaid, broadband plans, and various digital solutions to enhance connectivity and business operations.
How to file a complaint about Maxis Communications?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against Maxis Communications on

1. Log in or create an account:
- If you already have an account, log in to your account. If not, create a new account on the website.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue you have with Maxis Communications in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Maxis Communications. Mention key areas of concern, any transactions you had with the company, the nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve it, and the personal impact of the problem.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data in these attachments.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses incurred and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it to ensure all necessary information is included.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint to

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for any responses or updates related to your complaint on to stay informed about the progress.

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Overview of Maxis Communications complaint handling

Maxis Communications reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 28, 2010. The latest review Maxis Home Internet - A Game Changer for Connectivity was posted on May 16, 2024. The latest complaint Complaint regarding maxis communications contract - case cs0902080 was resolved on Sep 14, 2023. Maxis Communications has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 345 reviews. Maxis Communications has resolved 8 complaints.
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  1. Maxis Communications Contacts

  2. Maxis Communications phone numbers
    1800 821 123
    1800 821 123
    Click up if you have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 123 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 123 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 123 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 123 phone number
    1800 821 919
    1800 821 919
    Click up if you have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 919 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 919 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 919 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1800 821 919 phone number
    +60 12-345 1123
    +60 12-345 1123
    Click up if you have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 12-345 1123 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 12-345 1123 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 12-345 1123 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 12-345 1123 phone number
    Maxis WhatsApp Support
    Click up if you have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 123 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 123 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 123 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 123 phone number
    Within Malaysia - Maxis Mobile Line
    1 800 82 1123
    1 800 82 1123
    Click up if you have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1 800 82 1123 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1 800 82 1123 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1 800 82 1123 phone number 7 7 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling 1 800 82 1123 phone number
    Confidence score
    Within Malaysia - Other Lines
    +60 3-7492 2123
    +60 3-7492 2123
    Click up if you have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 3-7492 2123 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 3-7492 2123 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 3-7492 2123 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Maxis Communications by calling +60 3-7492 2123 phone number
    From Abroad - Standard Charges Apply
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  3. Maxis Communications emails
  4. Maxis Communications address
    Menara Maxis KLCC, Off Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 50088, Malaysia
  5. Maxis Communications social media
  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Aug 19, 2024
  7. View all Maxis Communications contacts
Maxis Communications Category
Maxis Communications is ranked 46 among 346 companies in the Telecommunications category

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