I moved into this building in the summer time and out less than 6 months later. The day I was moving in water started leaking through the walls in the kitchen. The landlord never properly addressed the situation stating it was a pipe that burst and that was it. Nothing in the suite was looked at to determine the amount of mold the property contained. The second day in the building I met a young father who was dumping all of his belonging and quite aggrivated at having bed bugs in his new apartment. His wife and young daughter were also at risk. The apartment was not properly cleaned or they would have known this. He had to destroy most belongings. This is not the only reported case of bed bugs in this apartment building. I arrived home on several occasions to find the front door unlocked. It remained in this condition for the entire 6 months I lived there. Meanwhile suites were being broken into and the Landlord, Gina did nothing to address this with the tenants. Needless to say this is not a friendly building to live in. Mail is stolen and urine in the elevators. Drugs are rampant in the building. How these people stay in business accepting tenant such as these I'll never know. I was convinced to go on a Direct Withdrawl system of paying the rent which was fine until the Landlord didn't properly cancel the request at the bank. I wound up paying a months rent there and therefore bouncing my rent check at my currect residence. I took 10 days for them to return my money in the form of a check. I was originally told the funds would just be returned to my account by the Landlord. She gave me the run around for a week and said they would pay none of my incured costs. Save yourself some heart-ache and don't move into this building at 423 East 10th Ave. in Vancouver, B.C. and do not rent in a building without checking the bedbugregistry.com or any building "maintained" by Nacel Properties Ltd.
The Landlord Gina sould be reported to Nacel Management.
Nacel Properties Ltd. 800 - 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3L2 Office: [protected] Fax: [protected]...
please confirm that you have my notice of leaving 401-825 west 8th ave vancouver bc my ex;partner sean griffin will take over the rent as of feb 1,2008 thank you kelly seeley19dfc
Nacel Properties is FU****, bedbugs, cockroaches, negligent managers, not clean upon moving in, not painted, old carpets, way way way to high of rent for these conditions...
The Kensington Apartments just a block away at 425 E.11th is just as bad and has the same manager, Gina. If you think she is bad (which she is, she tries but tows Nacels line just to keep her job) her husband Alex is WORSE. They pull all types of horrible stuff and actually facilitates in Nacel's incompetant practices. Do Not ever rent from Nacel. If you do you will be sorry!
I'll appreciate if you will introduce yourself.
You missinformed the future tenants. There are not bedbags in Nacel buildings, If the new tenants are bringing any bugs in the buildings they are treated right away.
Everything that is discribed by you is not true.
And something for you to remember for all your life... the most stressful job on this planet is building manager...
I lived in another Nacel building at 1635 e 6th ave in Vancouver. Same deal. Mold problems, cockroach infestation, building falling apart and many units leaking and of course, the famous bedbug problem that, if you ask the landlord, every new tennant brought them in with them. Except the begbugs, and cockroaches and everything else are always there.
They don't go away because they are not treated. Our building was, at one point, treated for bedbugs and other insect infestations by an order of the city health department. Took 8 months of me complaining, and probably a lot of other people too. Not sure what finally forced the city to get involved but that's what it took for any action to happen in this place.
You are invited to this address and talk with tenants.
You are a liar
Grow up people any evicted people can wright anything and you believe them.
Shame on you.
Come visit the 423 E 10 and meet the best manager ever Gina
I love living in her building she is caring, friendly and lovely and the tenants are great very carefully chosen
She cleaned the building of all bad tenants, is improving the suites is a pleasure to live at this address.
Recently she installed marble in the lobby and look gorgeous
I am happy to live in her building
I am currently living in one of Nacel's properties and I can confirm all of the above to be true, especially the comments about Gina. She is never in the building unless it is to hand out eviction notices or to come into your apartment to assess your appliances so she can promise you new ones that never show up.
Every month a notice comes under the door informing you that they will be inside your apartment tomorrow and then they never show up.
They fired our old building manager (after she stole from tenants and Nacel!) and have opted not to replace her. We now have a shared building manager who claims to be here once a week but I never see her. I work from home and am always here.
They have served me an eviction notice for missed rent for a month that I actually paid the rent according to their own records. They are completely disorganized and really do not care about their tenants and are in no way loyal. I suspect the eviction notice is a results of our complaints to head office
YES! mingus, you are so right!
never once do they show up when they put the lovely notes under the doors... they are good to do that, but when it comes to contacting you about important stuff you need to talk to them about, they never do.
and they are quick to send eviction notices for rent not paid, funny how we have check and banks statements proving otherwise.
Isabella2008, i dont know where you live but you must be one of those pot smoking neighbors we have.
Years ago we lived in a Nacel managed building here in Surrey. Before we even moved in I asked if there were any mould problems to which the then manager replied: No there is no mould! What a lie! During the five month stay there both my daughter and I were constantly sick with mould related respiratory illnesses which we'd not had previously. I have medical records for proof. The entire time we were there we had twelve, yes, 12 different managers and we were only there for five months! Most of them couldn't speak English properly (this was probably about the time when Settlement Counselors were buying block training for new immigrants to be Property Managers and any company hiring them would be granted a wage subsidy to defray costs of training on the job). With one property manager her English was so weak she had to have a younger associate accompany her to the office and help to deal with the tenant issues because she couldn't understand us and we couldn't understand her. We finally moved out the week when a RAT entered our unit, yes that's right a field rat, huge one, six inches long body with a tail as long. OMG Never again will I rent from Nacel and Cressey has had their butts kicked in arbitrations from the Residential Tenancy Act in BC. Don't just complain, UNITE and make them pay your damage deposits back, spring for a qualified inspector to come and test for mould, any restoration company has people specially trained in mould detection, it may cost you $150 to do, but it is money that can be recouped through the Arbitration process through the RTA in BC.
I currently live in this building. My suite has bedbugs. Gina refuses to pay for it and says I brought them into the building. She says it will be deducted from my damage deposit. It took four months to fix a cupboard door, my fireplace worked for about 3 months but it no longer works and they refuse to repair it. My garburator is broken and they refuse to fix it. The front door does not close properly. She lied to me saying that there has never been bedbugs in the building. I am going to the tenancy board on Monday and I am also contacting city tv and ctv news to see if they would be interested in running a story on what ### Nacel Properties is and the lies Gina tells. Worst landlord in 17 years living in Vancouver by a LONG SHOT.
unclechrizo - you need medical help - knock in each door and ask if any units have bedbugs. I bet you find none. Most of the companies around will charge you for bedbugs treatment. Nacel is not the only one. You guys get a life.
Move out if you are unhappy find the perfect company to reach your standard of leaving.
you are full of ### - go and sue and see how much you get - I already did -the statistics said that 98 percent of us lost with nacel RTB. Inform yourself...smarty pants ...why should I pay 50 bucks to fight Nacel when is better to move out and have pace of mind... they have the money and we are the slaves since when the slaves are winners Grow up LOL
I would be very careful staying in a building managed by Nacel properties. There is little regard to your health and safety, and if you do the right thing (by making complaints & trying to stick it out there), you become a target for harassment. We have lived in a Graveley St building for 6 months and it deteriorated into a slum with bedbugs, unsecured access ways, and fire equipment not serviced for years. Some of this has been fixed due to people taking action the right way, hwoever its probably only a matter of time before it goes backwards again. Feel free to join the facebook group if you need help & support with doing the right & legal thing. The RTB WILL support you, provided you have kept to the tenancy act yourself, have acted professionally, and have evidence in writing.
See facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_5797690764
Here are some updates for you to consider
All the problems in Nacel buildings are created by the managers.Here is an example. In December Nacel hire a manager for Graveley, When she was hired was just 2 unoccupied units in the building. She moved in one of them of course the most expensive one and starting the war against her portion of rent which already been settled with her employment papers. If you are a property manager make yourself a service and don't hire Hali Cormack alias Lynn Nelson. She is the worst manager you can get. She claims to have experience and you end up with unpaid rent and stolen appliances witch her hubby Marcel Hnidy will sell them on craiglist. This manager has given a verbal warning in January and another chance to fix the buildings problems. On April she was fired, since then she is still in the building. According with RTB settelment she should be out on June 30. The management is aware that she is not going out so they will go for a writt in the same day. What she is doing in that building since she was fired. Breaking door to vacant units takes the appliances and sells them, She took all the building tools for gardening, fax every last pen from the office claimed to be her own property, we have an inventory so we know exactly what is missing. Since then her hubby + few tenants witch become their friends starting a big war against new manager. Hali lost in labour relation and also in RTB . Her hubby Marcel is breaking in the units, paint the elevator, take dirt from outside and spread it in the elevator, on June 11 at 2am he started to put the building in fire but putting fire to a couch in the lobby. The new manager changed the locks Marcel drill them over night. We aspect more damage to be done to the building until they will leave. They put a tenant Sarah Leadley which becames their best friend to get in war with us, so she sue Nacel and she lost . Hali rented 4 units during her stay as building manager and when she was fired she has 14 vacancies in 2 buildings. - So my point is Nacel properties is not the one which create the problems the problems are the sloppy manager they get to take care of the buildings. Before Nacel used to hire people without much experience, to give them a chance at very good wage, since 2011 you need to have schools in order to get a job within the company. I hope this will solve many of the problems in all buildings.
If anyone from Graveley read this we appreciate if you help the new manager which is very good, he done in 2 months what hasn't been done there for the past year or more. The fired manager live in suite 402 and if you want to help just call the manager and report to him anything you see around this unit specially Marcel. Some of you buy drugs from him so you will keep side with him. We don't count on you.
Regarding bedbugs problems - you have to understand that RTB told to Sarah Leadley that the bedbugs is tenant responsability exactly the officer said is tenant negligence...Nacel is spraying for the bedbugs all the units infested + adjacent units if they cannot find the real infestation. You have here a case about 423 E 10 bed bugs problem. The tenant is living in the building for over 2 years and claim bed bugs ..all adjacent units doesn't have any bedbugs so Nacel treat the unit but is tenant responsibility to pay back ..why.. he has a kid and there are kids coming there for sleep over so this is tenant negligence and your tenant insurance will pay for your negligence.
Regarding 6th avenue - the buildings are clean of roches and bed bugs, Nacel spent $8000 and treated the all 3 buildings in December.. since then there are no bedbugs in the building and every unit which is vacant and had unclean tenants are treated for bedbugs because the management doesn't take any chances. According with our statistics 6 avenue has been improved since Gina took over as property manger and all her buildings will have the right people to give you maximum of service. The mangers will stay longer to manage the buildings unless you don't put them on stress leave.
Looking over facebook Nacel complaints and here ...some people we know them some used different names but is not hard to identify them - the ones we know are evicted people from non payment of rent and been removed from the buildings. We understand some of you might have money problems and the rent is high why you don't use some decency and move out you pay in New Westminster and Coquitlam a very low rent. Why you stay there and risk collection agency to come after you. It's perfectly legal if any company doesn't get pay to put you in collection agency. Don't pay your hydro and cellphone bill and you will see what happen.
You have to understand if you don't pay the rent there are no money to fix your problems, I know this is not fair for the ones that pay but this create a lot of problems regarding money. They will fix your sink or what ever you have because there is a maintenance guy there to do just that, but there is no money for improvement. Also some of you which are evicted try to vandalized the buildings...as a revenge against Nacel or other company. We will appreciate if you report everything you see in your building to the manager.. Lets work together to get all the unwanted out from the buildings. 99% of you are happy in Nacel buildings.
For the tenants that skip... this is very bad situation and you are held responsible for. When you want to leave just talk to your manager they will help you out. In order to leave the building you have to give 30 days notice, do inspection of the unit (walk through) with your manager and provide forwarding address for returning the deposit. The unit has to be clean and you are responsible for carpet steam clean which is written in your tenancy agreement. If you skip you are responsible for the current month of rent, no deposit back, no keys back which will add to your bill. If you have 10 days eviction notice you have 5 days to pay the rent and another 5 days to move out. This is the best way to move out because your rent will be prorated and you end up even get some money back from the deposit if you leave the building faster than 15 of the month. Make sure if this situation applies to you do walk through to the unit with the manager, if you clean the unit and move out lets say on 8th of the month you still get some money back from your deposit. Here is a calculation you paid 500 deposit and you get 10 days eviction notice and you move out on 8th of the month. your rent for 8 days has to be paid which comes to $267 . If the unit is in good condition and clean you will be charged just for carpet stem clean around $100 according with the size of the unit (this calculation is for 1 bdr unit). You are getting back $133 from your deposit.
Why you don't learn to be smart rather than creating financial problems for yourself.
Leaving on short notice will create financial burden for you.. because you are responsible for next month rent + losing the deposit. Same applies to breaking the lease were you will lose the deposit + responsible for next month rent.
If you have any questions please ask and we explain to you with all the details
Hope this will help all of you to understand what the real situation is with you as a tenant and employee
Monica2010 - Given that this ex-manager causes huge safety risks to other tenants... why is she still in the building? Placing responsibility on this ex-manager for the problems (but not removing them from the building) just shows how negligent this company really is.
The long-winded statement from Graveley 1436 on the 10th of June, 2011 cud of been convincing if it was dictated from someone with an ounce of integrity. But seeing that Gina Albu of Nacel Properties has taken her precious time that probably could of been used on something constructive like " managing" or getting off her lazy good for nothing ### and visiting 1 of the 16 propertie's she is responsible for. Gee a bit of an over load ya think? I'm sure that she uses that as an excuse alot . . . but there is no excuse for you Gina Albu. You and Ellen Martini - Director of Operations at Nacel Propertie's are 2 birds of the same feather. Unfortunately Mr.Norman Cressey is to old, & to tired to realize that you to money hungry ###"s are waiting with baited breath for his other foot to follow suit. Norman stands with 1 foot on the Banana Peel, and the other in the grave. I'm sure either one of you would gladly catch him, now wouldn't you. . .about as much as he would catch you I'm sure.
I could go on & on about what Nacel Propertie's is, and what they stand for, but that would only take 5 minutes of my life to explain. It's not like no body knows anyway. You slander my good name, as well as anyone else that thinks you guys are ###! We do not expect anything else from you believe me. This complaint's board and the ability for the PUBLIC to access it was built on people like you two witches. Nacel Propertie's will soon find out that it is humans like you -
Ellen Martini & You -Gina Albu that have given this company a bad name . All it takes is 1 mis-lead, money hungry, climbing to the top of your misery ladder ### to start a whole company to take the blame. . . And you say I'm a bad manager? HA! How the hell do you know! The time I was there you showed at the 2 different buildings I was responsible for 2 times? You Gina are a scared, timid, aggressive, sad soul that wants it all but is willing to give NONE. Your predecessor, Ellen Martini has taught you well. Bravo! You both deserve a whole world of . . . . . of working for Nacel Propertie's. Yeah, I hope you both keep your pathetic, soul selling, public serving, jobs for eternity, and all the perks that come with it. Thats what hard work and dedication gets you, good on you !
burnedx2, I didn't make a long winded statement on the 10th June, you may want to edit your post.
"She cleaned the building of all bad tenant"
Yeah... I lived in an a Nacel apartment. Saqib was the manager and was awesome but they for some reason replaced him with Gina when he was doing just fine and everybody loved him. Eviction notices were handed out to anyone who seemed to be "bad" (like playing music a bit loud during the DAY when NO ONE complained except Gina; they were basically handed out to anyone she didn't like). I overheard one tenant talking to someone working for Gina (her husband?) saying that he can't be given an eviction notice for no reason. We received an eviction notice (which we had reversed) because our neighbours across the hall apparently complained about us playing loud music. First of all you can't even hear loud music from another suite across the hall when in your own apartment. Second, we talked to them and asked if we had ever been too noisy and if they complained and they said no; they also played music as loud as us as well as our neighbours beside us and above us who we were on good terms with.
Also received another eviction notice for not paying rent on time when in fact I did pay for it on time. The notice was for someone else in an apartment in ANOTHER BUILDING.
"Isabella2008, i dont know where you live but you must be one of those pot smoking neighbors we have."
annoyed1222 I don't think so, it's all the nice pot smoking neighbours she was trying to evict!
Anyways, 2 months after Gina became the building manager we gave notice. A woman who came to check out the suite asked me about the building so I told her the truth: much nicer apartments can be found for the same price if not a bit cheaper plus Gina is not a good building manager. She didn't move in.
We moved out within 3 months of her starting and got just over half of our deposit back. We're in a much more relaxed and cheaper living situation plus I'm able to put over $1000 a month to pay off debt and put into savings.
Alex, the building manager of the coquitlam complex on westview street is the saddest excuse for a building manager i've seen. He started in either the summer or fall of '11, after the couple that used to manage the complex (and were good at it) retired. This Alex doesn't know how to communicate with people at all, and makes me sick of living here. He leaves little notes around the building and expects you to act on them, or consider them a "notice". What a fool
seems like nacel has not changed at all... as for the mention of Ellen Martini above, I'm not surprised she went from resident manager, to property manager and now director of operations. She is a very cold and calculated women who will stop at nothing to get to the top. there have been many notices "delivered" which were never delivered that she used to gain entry to people's suites illegally, there have been many times she has ordered : do whatever you can to keep the security deposit. as for Mr. Cressey being too old to realize...have to disagree with you on that one. Mr. Cressey himself is the mentor for this type of behaviour. do yourself a favour and stay away from Nacel. this coming from someone who worked for them and saw exactly what the operation is all about. i could write a book on it!
I used to work for Cressey/Nacel in the late 80's. They were like this then, sounds like same old same old. I worked at the main office.
here's some info that may be of interest, Nacel does not look after its staff - worksafe BC penalty below
Company: Nacel Properties Ltd., Vancouver
Classification unit: Building management, building rental, or mobile home parks and strata corporations
Amount: $44, 332
Date of penalty: April 27, 2011
This firm's worker was exposed to the risk of falling about 9 m (30 ft.) to a concrete driveway. He was repairing a fourth-floor balcony without using fall protection. The firm failed to ensure that the worker used fall protection as required. This was a repeated violation of the fall protection requirements as well as the requirement to provide workers with the information, instruction, training, and supervision necessary to ensure their safetyst
I live in a Nacel owned property, Victoria Gardens, 8655 Oak Street Vancouver, BC it is being overrun with mice! I know I did not bring them in with me from over 4 years going on 5 years ago. First construction was being down on balconies then I leave my sliding glass balcony door slightly ajar, I then had 2 uninvited rodent guests for 2 weeks! Took them that long to get an exterminator in! Well that was 2012! Then in 2013 5 cars including mines are broken into in a supposedly secure underground parkade! Well the corporate answer was it can happen to anyone! Well not in a gated parking lot. I asked why do we not have cameras to at least partially discourage thieves?!?! Nacel's response: We have other properties with cameras and cars still are broken into! What a crock of feces! I have never lived in a more downtrodden building with such for the most part hardworking people! The building managers Luda and Lydia are terrible! They fire the one maintenance man who at least gave two crap with complaints because someone complained about his eating his lunch in the lobby!?!? WTF Now the mice are back! I heard a squeaking noise in my pantry! A neighbor has said his apartment was re-invaded 2 months ago! Maintenance man stated they are coming in through the heating pipes penetrating the walls! I am getting out as fast as I can! Starting yesterday! This is sad, unhealthy and disgusting! No one, I repeat no one rent from these vile slumlords! The tenants we are hard working, tax paying people and we are treated worst than if we never paid a cent in taxes or rent!
Beware ! Nacel has changed their name to Cascadia
It's depressing how landlord comes in writes repair on a list but no repairs. Cascadia had to change name from Nacel because they have such a bad name of not doing things & doing things wrong.
Always new managers never repair money goes to them but not out to us to repair more profit