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CB Banks Navy Federal Credit Union [NFCU] Account no. [protected]-27 OF Carlton Erwin Sherrod
Navy Federal Credit Union [NFCU]

Navy Federal Credit Union [NFCU] review: Account no. [protected]-27 OF Carlton Erwin Sherrod

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I am Anu-Samawaati Eil®©TM, a White, Indigenous Autochthon with a lineage from the Ani Yun Wiya [Cherokee] tribe & Descendant of the Ancient Egiptian Order. I am the Secured Party of Record under UCC § 9511 & Creditor-In-Fact in Commerce. The UCC 1 Financing Statement Number 15-[protected] filed for the record in THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA reinforced by Commercial Security Agreement #[protected] makes me holder-in-due-course in all matters concerning Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM. Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM has a commercial status of White & American Indian or Alaska Native as the word black has no standing at law in commerce and the phrase african american is a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA corporation registered with the USTPO under the category of meats and processed food. I, Anu-Samawaati Eil®©TM utilize the trade name CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM in commerce based on the law of necessity as the NAME & the SSN vests within me in accord with my Statutory Declaration on file at the STATE CAPITOL, Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, SEE: . On February 13th, 2020 Navy Federal Credit Union received REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US from me requesting the general ledger and bookkeeping entries of NFCU account number [protected]-27 for an alleged auto loan granted to Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM. The purpose of this mailing was for Navy Federal to verify and validate that Navy Federal was the original provider of the capital upon which the alleged loan was granted. Navy Federal refused to provide verification of my request of the general ledger of the account nor the bookkeeping entries.

Because of this, no signature was provided by Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM for the alleged loan to finalize the transaction which would have created an equally binding & equitable contract between the parties. From January 15th 2020, three weeks had gone by after I traveled off the lot of Echo Park Automotive with the automobile under VIN #JTHBA1D26H5039857. Echo Park Automotive did not indorse the check tendered for payment so the transaction had not been completed. The 72 hours to accept or reject a contract in commerce had expired and I put a commercial lien on the automobile under UCC 3 Financing Statement Amendment Number 20-[protected] claiming it as property of the Secured Party on January 28th 2020. Navy Federal was given notice of the commercial lien I placed on the automobile via REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US which Navy Federal received on February 13th 2020. This mailing also included my UCC 1 on Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM as well as my Commercial Security Agreement. Regarding my Perfected Security Interest in Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM it is notated in Commercial Security Agreement #[protected]; “Before any of the above or below following property can be exchanged, sold, tendered or in any manner disposed of, there must be compensation to the Secured Party”. Navy Federal had sent three emails to carlton.[protected] stating that “loan documents were ready” and a signature was needed for the loan that was in dispute. One of the 3 emails was sent on the date of February 4th 2020, which was the same day that Navy Federal reported the disputed loan on FICO that did not have a final signature from Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM.

In accord with UCC § 3-603(b) on March 12th 2020, Navy Federal received from me FedEx® TRK #[protected] whereby, I tendered full payment for their alleged loan & they refused tender. Therefore, the matter was discharged. As stated in the above Uniform Commercial Code; “if tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates.” Yet, Navy Federal still maintained their frivolous reporting of an alleged, disputed loan that never received a final signature to FICO, damaging the credit report of Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Within FedEx® TRK #[protected] received by Navy Federal on March 12th 2020 was a NOTICE OF DEMAND OF RETURN OF PROMISSORY NOTE & COMMERCIAL TRUTH AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS which Navy Federal never answered, thereby, agreeing that everything in the affidavit was true as silence in commerce is tacit consent and agreement.

On February 27th, 2020, Navy Federal, under false pretense & fraudulent misrepresentation, applied to the CA DMV for the title of the automobile under VIN #JTHBA1D26H5039857, even though they had knowledge that the property was owned by me via the commercial lien I had placed on the automobile on January 28th 2020. The CA DMV granted them the title, aiding and abetting Navy Federal in illegally stealing my interest in the automobile. I had sent a correspondence to Navy Federal & they stayed silent, never responding to my demand for them to release their ill-gotten title. These two fraudulent offenses resulted in my placing a commercial lien for damages on Navy Federal Credit Union. In addition to the commercial lien that I placed on the automobile, I performed a federal export declaration on it out of the US Corporation placing it under the jurisdiction of the At-sik-hata Nation of Yamassee Moors®©TM which is an Indigenous Peoples Organization, Civil Society Organization, & Non-Governmental Organization recognized by the United Nations under IPO #2718. Our nation performs Submissions & Universal Periodic Reviews on the United States, Canada, Mexico, & Tobago Trinidad. Our Submissions and UPR’s are published on the United Nations website as well.

On April 24, 2022, my automobile was confiscated in a matter between myself and Orange County Sheriff’s Department and AC TOWING, INC. in San Clemente Ca. Navy Federal committed Tortious Interference in the matter by way of Fraudulent Misrepresentation, contacting the towing company as lienholder, under a false pretense and had illegally sold my automobile for a profit which has resulted in my automobile being sold at least 3 more times. This resulted in a second lien filed against Navy Federal.

A complaint was filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on April 17th, 2023. Navy Federal disingenuously replied to the complaint on June 7th, 2023 stating that they didn’t recognize me on the account when they had prior knowledge back in 2020, 2021, 2022 & the present year that I am the Authorized Representative of Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM. I produced a counter-claim to their response and had it processed served to them on the date of July 14th 2023. To this date, Navy Federal has remained silent and has refused to communicate with me.

The following chronologically produced information verifies and validates the insidious fraud committed against Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM by Navy Federal & the STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES. The links are provided as insurmountable evidence that validates each claim and statement above with dates, proof, and documentation as to what happened.

January 28th 2020, 16:53PM – UCC 3 Amendment Filing Number 20-[protected] to UCC 1 Financing Statement 15-[protected] for Commercial Lien on VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 authorized by Secured Party, Anu-Samawaati Eil®©TM was filed for the record. SEE:

February 4th 2020 – NFCU fraudulently reports a disputed “loan” with no final signature on FICO damaging the credit score of Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM & committing fraudulent misrepresentation as lienholder.

February 4th 2020, 8:09AM – Email from NFCU to carlton.[protected] requesting final signatures for disputed “loan”. SEE:

February 7th 2020, 6:10AM – Email from NFCU to carlton.[protected] requesting final signatures for disputed “loan”. SEE:

February 11th 2020, 6:10AM – Email from NFCU TO carlton.[protected] requesting final signatures for disputed “loan”. SEE:

February 13th 2020 – NOTICE OF ADEQUATE ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE & dispute of debt received by NFCU via REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US from the Secured Party giving knowledge under UCC 1-202 to NFCU of my Commercial Lien on VIN #JTHBA1D26H5039857. SEE:

February 27, 2020 – STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV grants title of VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 to NFCU while it is Property of the Secured Party via UCC 3 Amendment Filing Number 20-[protected] to UCC 1 Financing Statement 15-[protected] for Commercial Lien on VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 authorized by Secured Party, Anu-Samawaati Eil®©TM & filed for the record on January 28th 2020. SEE:

March 5th, 2020, 7:14AM Email from NFCU to carlton.[protected] acknowledging Secured Party as Holder-in-Due-Course of Loan Number [protected]-27 on UCC 3 Amendment Filing Number 20-[protected]. SEE:

April 16th 2020 – NFCU receives NOTICE OF DEFAULT WITH AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS & OPPORTUNITY TO CURE from the Secured Party and never rebuts commercial affidavit making it Truth & Judgement in Commerce. SEE:

On June 2nd 2020 a Certificate of Commercial Dishonor was served on NFCU via REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US. SEE:

June 26th 2020 - A commercial lien was filed against NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION for fraudulently reporting a counterfeit “loan” on the credit reporting bureaus that had no final signature to constitute an equitable, legally binding contract. SEE:

July 26th 2020 – Notarized letter mailed to STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV to correct lienholder status as they granted Title to NFCU under a false pretense, based on a disputed loan with no final signature. SEE:

August 13th 2020 – Notarized LIEN RELEASE DEMAND mailed to NFCU via REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US. SEE:

September 30th 2020 – Disputed Loan removed from FICO by NFCU. SEE:

January 21st 2021 – SHIPPERS EXPORT DECLARATION FORM 7525-v on VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 Acknowledged by United States Postal Service unit on 206 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662. SEE:

March 23rd 2021 – Electronic Export of VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 out of the US CORPORATION under ITN X20210324813274. SEE:

April 19th 2021 - Originals of FORM 7525-v & electronic export of VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 & DUPLICATE of MANUFACTURERS CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN mailed to Secured Party via REGISTERED MAIL #RF [protected] US. SEE:

June 2, 2021 – During an arraignment of court case LGE039851 at Superior Court of California, Commissioner Max De Liema, regarding the registration of my automobiles was informed that my automobiles are exported out of the US Corporation. He replied, “Oh, that’s a problem.”

June 6, 2021 – In a conversation with Mary Nichols the Branch Manager of Costa Mesa DMV, I showed her a copy of the electronic exports of my private automobiles and asked if my automobiles can be registered in THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA while they are exported & under the jurisdiction of an Indigenous Nation; At-sik-hata Nation of Yamassee Moors®©TM. She said no and gave me her business card with her name handwritten on it. I mailed indication of my conversation to Commissioner Max De Liema at the Superior Court of California via REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US. SEE: (see page 26 of 92 on link).

September 11th 2021 – UCC 3 Amendment Filing Number U200018823328 to UCC 1 Financing Statement 15-[protected] for Commercial Lien on DUPLICATE of Manufacturers Certificate of Origin on VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 authorized by the Secured Party. SEE:

November 19th 2021 – STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV was given knowledge under COM § 1202 that VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 was exported & of the dissolving of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LTD on October 12, 2021 via REGISTERED MAIL #RE [protected] US. SEE:

January 24, 2022 – Notice of Implication of DMV & NFCU in Fraud-In-The-Factum via REGISTERED MAIL #RB [protected] US to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV. SEE:

April 24th 2022 - ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT pirated VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 via AC TOWING, INC., dis-regarding my Private Commercial Contract that precedes “Public Policy”. Under the provisions of Section 22852 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC), my right to have a hearing within 10 days allotted to contest the validity of the towing of my Private Property was violated by ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT. AC TOWING, INC. was FAXED & mailed the request for the hearing. SEE: & the Storing Agency (OCSD) was mailed this request for the hearing via FedEx®Courier TRK #[protected]. SEE: each mailing and FAX had a copy of my COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT #[protected] that validates VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 is property of the Secured Party, however, they would not give me the hearing. (On the last page of this link Section 22852 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) is on a form that Deputy Sheriff Erik J. Donohue (Badge #9722) just crumpled up and threw in my back pact while I was handcuffed on the ground.)

In the month of May around the 13th 2022, NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION committed Tortious Interference in this matter by contacting AC TOWING, INC., as “lienholder” on VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 under a false pretense as they were granted title from the DMV on an automobile in which I authenticated a lien on 30 days previous. On June 16th 2022 NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION received a Cease & Desist letter from the Secured Party who is the true lienholder on VIN JTHBA1D26H5039857 via REGISTERED MAIL #RF [protected] US SEE:

August 2nd 2022 - NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION perjured themselves, declaring that they sold my automobile providing the amount sold for and other pertinent information as they were granted title from STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV under false pretense & based on a counterfeit “loan” that never had a final signature. SEE:

August 18th 2022 - I filed a commercial lien for damages on OCSD, AC TOWING, INC., and all DEBTORS including Navy Federal who contracted in joinder in the pirating of my private property & violation of my rights as an Indigenous man on the land & Secured Party in Commerce. SEE: . This commercial lien is also ledger evidenced on the blockchain as an NFT. SEE: .

April 17th 2023 – Complaint filed with CFPB with a reply from Navy Federal on June 10th 2023. Navy Federal perjured themselves stating to CFPB that “This complaint lists someone the company doesn’t recognize as their customer or their customer’s authorized representative”, while I have proof of delivery of numerous documents sent to Navy Federal indicating that I am Authorized Representative and Power of Attorney for Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM. A counter-claim to Navy Federal’s bogus response to CFPB was sent directly to Navy Federal via Process Server and delivered on July 14th 2023. SEE: .

Navy Federal Credit Union violated the Private Commercial Contract they were made aware of between myself & Cestui Que Vie, CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM through rogue banking fraud conducted between themselves & a STATE AGENCY (CA DMV) in 2020 which allowed Navy Federal Credit Union to pirate the automobile valued at more than $25,000 in 2022 which constitutes a felony. Both parties had knowledge under UCC § 1-202(a), (b), (d), (e) & (f) that the automobile is private property of the Secured Party & is federally exported out of the US Corporation. Navy Federal Credit Union which is a member of the Roman Curia is in violation of both the Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development on the “Doctrine of Discovery” published by the HOLY SEE on March 30th 2023 SEE: and the Sublimus Deus Bull of 1537 on the Enslavement and Evangelization of Indians by Pope Paul III which has been notarized by Chief Nanya-Shaabu Eil®©TM of the At-sik-hata Nation of Yamassee Moors®©TM. SEE: .

The remedy sought in this matter is for summary judgement by the court in enforcing payment of .013% of damages owed from Navy Federal Credit Union on UCC 1 Financing Statement(s) [protected].01 FILED and ACTIVE in the Commonwealth of KENTUCKY and UCC 1 Financing Statement 20-[protected] FILED and ACTIVE in the OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA in the amount of $1,456,443,079.40 to the order of CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD©TM initially, then a monthly amount $500,000.00 until the liens are satisfied. Gold, Silver, & digital currencies of XRP, XDC, XLM, WTK, GBEX, QNT, MATIC, EWC, or BTC are other accepted forms of payment.

Claimed loss: My automobile + damages for international bank fraud.

Desired outcome: Payment of damages on UCC 1 #15-[protected] AT STATE OF CA OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE & UCC 1 #[protected].01 AT COMMONWEALTH OF KY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE.

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified Navy Federal Credit Union [NFCU] representatives only. If you are affiliated with Navy Federal Credit Union [NFCU], please claim your business to access these details.

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