Dear OCBC Compliance officer,
C/c: To whom it may concern.
I happened to randomly checked my bank account through iBanking whether if my hardwork salary had been credited. I suddenly found out that there's a transaction/policy being purchased without my acknowledge/knowledge at all, or what's it all about on this policy.
Name of assured: LIM KIAN TECK
Policy no.: [protected]
Yearly premium: S$50, 000.00
Tenure: Year 2028
I call the customer service hotline 1800-363-3333, however this great gentleman did assisted me quite well, unfortunately he indeed can't give me any assurance at all if my monies in my account will be scammed or gone, he also unable to provide me any information on this policy details/information, I'm very distressed and in dilemma whether what should I do, understand that today is 25 Dec, it's Christmas day all branch not open, but what if my hardship money gone, will the bank make any compensation back to me, NO I SUPPOSE, hence please help me to look into this urgent important issue, should this be a money laundering regulations issue, I will be in trouble for the false accusations, and wrongfully accused.
I'm a single mother, with my 2 kids Mighty Saver account in OCBC under my trustees name. I'm at lost now, wondering if I should go to make a police report in order to safe guard myself.
I also had checked my Great Eastern Life assurance ePortal, the mentioned policy didn't reflect inside my portal.
I looked seriously in this matter as it's against MAS regulations.
I'm expecting someone to revert back to me by Thursday 26 Dec at 1:00pm, to advise me what's happening.
As I emphasize that the money kept were my hardship money and kids fund, if it disappeared I'll be very upset and distressed, we trusted the bank and such unforseen circumstances issue happened to me.
Please contact me ASAP to explain to me what's happening, your staff is also unable to provide me any information, I need the Agent code number & contact details.
Or either due to sales this is a misselling fraud case.